Tag: Henri Rang

  • Romania at the Olympic Games

    Romania at the Olympic Games

    Romania’s first Olympic medal in an individual event was
    won by the jockey Henri Rang in an equestrian contest in 1926, at the Berlin Olympic Games. A cavalry lieutenant, Rang shared the success with his horse Delfis. They came in second in the steeple-chasing event, winning the silver medal.

    Rang and Delfis lost to the German lieutenant Kurt Hasse and his horse, Tora in a tie. It’s now clear what happened, with accounts of the tie diverging depending on the source. In an article carried by the Romanian sports magazine Gazeta Sporturilor at the time, Hasse and Tora were the first to ride into the arena. They miss the last steeple, however, and are penalised. It’s now the turn of the Romanian competitors, Rang and Delfis, who have a great start. Delfis rides the first steeples smoothly, and the German suddenly public go quiet. The gold medal is in sight, but Delfis also misses the last obstacle. The German public are ecstatic, knowing their favourite won, on account of the German jockey and horse having clocked a better time.

    Very little is known today about lieutenant Henri Rang, except that he was born in 1902 and was part of golden generation of Romanian riders, alongside the likes of Felix Topescu. Henri Rang took part in top-level horse-riding competitions,
    taking part in major international tournaments until the outbreak of World
    War Two. He died in 1946, aged only 44.

  • România la Jocurile Olimpice – Călăreţul Henri Rang

    România la Jocurile Olimpice – Călăreţul Henri Rang

    De aceea, printre
    sporturile tradiţionale se află şi alergările cu cai. În satele din România,
    tinerii se întrec şi astăzi fie călări, în galop, fie cu căruţele.

    Poate şi de aceea, nu trebuie să ne
    mire faptul ca prima medalie olimpică românească la o disciplină
    individuală a fost obţinută într-o probă de călărie. Este impropriu spus că
    este vorba de o performanţă individuală. Meritul succesului se reflectă
    întotdeauna atât asupra călăreţului cât şi asupra calului, fiind greu de spus,
    la aceste discipline, cât cântăreşte, în realizarea unei performanţe, talentul
    animalului în raport cu măiestria celui ce-l conduce.

    Cuplul medaliat a fost format din
    locotenentul de cavalerie Henri Rang şi de calul Delfis. La Berlin, în 1936,
    cei doi s-au clasat pe locul 2 în concursul de obstacole.

    Rang şi Delfis făcuseră un concurs
    excelent. Ajunseseră însă la baraj pentru medalia de aur cu locotenentul german
    Kurt Hasse, călare pe Tora. De aici, poveştile diferă în funcţie de sursă. Dacă
    este sa credem Gazeta Sporturilor de la acea vreme, la baraj, prima iese în
    arenă Tora. La ultimul obstacol ratează însă şi încheie parcursul cu o
    penalizare. Vine rândul armăsarului român, care porneşte elegant. Trece întins
    de primele obstacole, iar publicul german amuţeşte. Perspectiva medaliei de aur
    se îndeparta. La obstacolul cel mai greu, ultimul, cel la care ratase şi Tora,
    Delfis atinge însă uşor bara de sus şi ratează şi el. Publicul german
    explodează, iar bucuria gazdelor e totală când crainicul anunţă succesul
    locotentului Hasse pentru timpul mai scurt în care a parcurs traseul.

    Se ştiu puţine lucruri despre
    locotenentul Henri Rang. S-a născut în 1902. A făcut parte dintr-o generaţie de
    aur a echitaţiei române, din care cel mai cunoscut nume a rămas cel al lui
    Felix Ţopescu. S-a ocupat de sportul de performanţă, participând din plin la
    turnee internaţionale de vârf, până la debutul celui de-al doilea război
    mondial. A încetat din viaţă prematur, în 1946, la doar 44 de ani.

  • Olympic profiles

    Olympic profiles

    The horse has always played an important
    part in the rural civilization, in Romania. That is why horse riding contests
    are placed among Romanian traditional sports disciplines. In Romanian villages,
    to this day, youngsters still compete galloping on horseback, or driving a
    wagon. Little wonder then, that the first Olympic medal in an individual sports
    discipline was won in a horse-riding contest. It is not an individual event
    proper, since success equally goes to the jockey and the horse, so we are in a
    bit of a conundrum if, in the case of a notable performance, we may want to
    discriminate between the animal’s talent and the skill of the jockey..

    The medal-winning couple was made of cavalry
    lieutenant Henri Rang and his horse Delfis. In Berlin, in 1936, Rang and Delfis
    came in 2nd in the steeple-chase event.

    Rang and Delfis had an excellent run.
    However, they had to compete in a playoff for the gold medal with German
    lieutenant Kurt Hasse, who was riding Tora. From this point onward, stories
    vary, according to their sources. Were we to believe what was written in the
    Sports Gazzette at that time, Tora was the first to enter the playoff contest.
    In the last obstacle, Tora failed, and her course ended with a penalty. Then it
    was the turn of the Romanian stallion, Delfis, which had an elegant start.
    Delfis had no problem jumping over the first obstacle, bringing the German
    audience to a standstill. The prospects of grabbing the gold medal were
    distant. Right before the last obstacle, the most difficult one, the obstacle where
    Tora made the mistake, Delfis slightly touched the upper bar, failing as well.
    The German public literally exploded, and their joy was complete when the
    speaker announced lieutenant Hasse was the winner because of the shorter timing
    he succeeded during the course.

    Little is known about Lieutenant Henri
    Rang. He was born in 1902. Rang was a member of the golden generation of
    Romanian equitation, whose most popular name was that of Felix Topescu. Henri
    Rang got seriously involved in high-performance competitions, taking part in a
    great number of international top-flight contests, until the outbreak of World
    War Two. Rang died an untimely death in 1946, when he was only 44.

  • Olympic profiles

    Olympic profiles

    The horse has always played an important
    part in the rural civilization, in Romania. That is why horse riding contests
    are placed among Romanian traditional sports disciplines. In Romanian villages,
    to this day, youngsters still compete galloping on horseback, or driving a
    wagon. Little wonder then, that the first Olympic medal in an individual sports
    discipline was won in a horse-riding contest. It is not an individual event
    proper, since success equally goes to the jockey and the horse, so we are in a
    bit of a conundrum if, in the case of a notable performance, we may want to
    discriminate between the animal’s talent and the skill of the jockey..

    The medal-winning couple was made of cavalry
    lieutenant Henri Rang and his horse Delfis. In Berlin, in 1936, Rang and Delfis
    came in 2nd in the steeple-chase event.

    Rang and Delfis had an excellent run.
    However, they had to compete in a playoff for the gold medal with German
    lieutenant Kurt Hasse, who was riding Tora. From this point onward, stories
    vary, according to their sources. Were we to believe what was written in the
    Sports Gazzette at that time, Tora was the first to enter the playoff contest.
    In the last obstacle, Tora failed, and her course ended with a penalty. Then it
    was the turn of the Romanian stallion, Delfis, which had an elegant start.
    Delfis had no problem jumping over the first obstacle, bringing the German
    audience to a standstill. The prospects of grabbing the gold medal were
    distant. Right before the last obstacle, the most difficult one, the obstacle where
    Tora made the mistake, Delfis slightly touched the upper bar, failing as well.
    The German public literally exploded, and their joy was complete when the
    speaker announced lieutenant Hasse was the winner because of the shorter timing
    he succeeded during the course.

    Little is known about Lieutenant Henri
    Rang. He was born in 1902. Rang was a member of the golden generation of
    Romanian equitation, whose most popular name was that of Felix Topescu. Henri
    Rang got seriously involved in high-performance competitions, taking part in a
    great number of international top-flight contests, until the outbreak of World
    War Two. Rang died an untimely death in 1946, when he was only 44.

  • Profiluri olimpice: Călăreţul Henri Rang

    Profiluri olimpice: Călăreţul Henri Rang

    a avut dintotdeauna un rol important în civilizaţia rurală de pe meleagurile
    româneşti. De aceea, printre sporturile tradiţionale româneşti se află şi
    alergările cu cai. In satele româneşti, tinerii se întrec şi astăzi fie
    călări, în galop, fie cu căruţele.

    şi de aceea, nu trebuie să ne mire faptul ca prima medalie olimpică la o
    disciplină individuală a fost obţinută într-o probă de călărie. Este impropriu
    spus că este vorba de o performanţă
    individuală. Meritul succesului se
    reflectă întotdeauna atât asupra călăreţului cât şi asupra calului, fiind greu
    de spus, la aceste discipline, cât
    cântăreşte, în realizarea unei performanţe, talentul animalului în raport cu
    măiestria celui ce-l conduce.

    medaliat a fost format din locotenentul de cavalerie Henri Rang şi de calul
    Delfis. La Berlin, în 1936, cei doi s-au clasat pe locul 2 în concursul de

    şi Delfis făcuseră un concurs excelent.
    Ajunseseră însă la baraj pentru medalia
    de aur cu locotenentul german Kurt Hasse, călare pe Tora. De aici, poveştile
    diferă în funcţie de sursă. Dacă este sa credem Gazeta Sporturilor de la acea
    vreme, la baraj, prima iese în arenă Tora. La ultimul obstacol ratează însă şi
    încheie parcursul cu o penalizare. Vine rândul armasarului român, care porneste
    elegant. Trece întins de primele obstacole, iar publicul german amuţeşte.
    Perspectiva medaliei de aur se îndeparta. La obstacolul cel mai greu, ultimul,
    cel la care ratase şi Tora, Delfis atinge însă uşor bara de sus şi ratează şi
    el. Publicul german explodează, iar bucuria gazdelor e totală când crainicul
    anunţă succesul locotentului Hasse pentru timpul mai scurt în care a parcurs

    ştiu puţine lucruri despre locotenentul Henri Rang. S-a născut în 1902. A făcut
    parte dintr-o generaţie de aur a echitaţiei române, din care cel mai cunoscut
    nume a rămas cel al lui Felix Ţopescu. S-a ocupat de sportul de performanţă,
    participând din plin la turnee internaţionale de vârf, până la debutul celui de-al
    doilea război mondial. A încetat din
    viaţă prematur, în 1946, la doar 44 de ani.