Tag: HMS Echo

  • April 21, 2019 UPDATE

    April 21, 2019 UPDATE

    Palm Sunday – On Sunday Orthodox and Greek-Catholic Christians in Romania celebrated Palm Sunday, commemorating Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem prior to his Crucifixion. Palm Sunday marks the start of the last week of Lent, known as Passion Week, which remembers the most dramatic events in the life of Jesus. On Palm Sunday, as many as 1.4 million Romanians bearing names of flowers celebrated their name day. In another development, Catholic and Protestant Christians celebrated Easter on Sunday, the biggest holiday in the Christian world. Pope Francis held a Mass in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican and read the ‘Urbi et Orbi’ message (To the City and the World). The pontiff spoke about the violence in Libya, the crisis of the Syrian refugees fleeing to Lebanon and Jordan, the children affected by the conflict in Yemen, the sufferance of those in the conflict area in eastern Ukraine and about the crisis in Venezuela.

    Message — The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis addressed Catholic and Protestant Christians the traditional Easter wish “Christ is Risen!” and made wishes to all those who celebrated their name day on Palm Sunday. Also on Sunday, the PM Viorica Dancila conveyed a message to Orthodox Christians, recalling the significance of Palm Sunday and of the Passion Week, when people should show more empathy to each other. The PM also made good wishes to those Christians who celebrated Easter on Sunday.

    Colombo — Heads of state and government from around the world condemned the bomb attacks occurring on Sunday, on Easter Day for Catholics and Protestants, on churches and hotels in Sri Lanka. The explosions killed and wounded hundreds of people, among whom foreign citizens. Pope Francis expressed sadness at the events and prayed for the victims of violence. The Romanian President decried the attacks in Sri Lanka and said that religious freedom and faith needed to be defended. The PM Viorica Dancila firmly condemned the bloody attacks in Sri Lanka as well. The Romanian Foreign Ministry officials announced that the authorities in Colombo had not notified the Romanian Embassy in Sri Lanka in relation to the existence of Romanian citizens among the victims of the blasts. The PM of Sri Lanka Ranil Wickremesinghe also decried the attacks and announced the government would take measures to control the situation. A state of emergency was declared in Sri Lanka, an island country in South Asia, with a majority Buddhist population, where Catholics account for almost 1.2 million of a total population of 21 million.

    HMS Echo – HMS Echo multi-role hydrographic survey ship arrived on Sunday in the port of Constanta (south-eastern Romania) for a 4-day stopover — the Chief of Staff of the Romanian Navy announced. During the stopover, the ship representatives will have working meetings with experts from the Maritime Hydrographic Directorate in Constanta and will have official meetings with public authorities, civilian and military officials. The presence of HMS Echo military ship in the Black Sea is part of the NATO measures meant to provide the security of Allied members on the eastern flank, according to NATO’s commitment to collective defence.

    Customs — The customs authorities from Romania and the Republic of Moldova have agreed on a set of actions aimed at speeding up the crossing of the common border during the Easter holidays. To this end, a higher number of employees will be working in the customs administrations. The Romanian Border Police also called on the Bulgarian and Hungarian authorities to bring additional staff as well, if the case may be, based on the agreements on the joint control of borders. Cross border traffic has been intense these days, as the Romanian citizens who work abroad are coming home for the Easter holidays. (news translated and updated by L. Simion)

  • Nachrichten 21.04.2019

    Nachrichten 21.04.2019

    Orthodoxe und griechisch-katholische Christen in Rumänien feiern den Palmsonntag und gedenken des triumphalen Eintritts Christi in Jerusalem vor seiner Kreuzigung. Am Samstag nahmen viele Gläubige und Priester an Prozessionen in Bukarest und anderen Städten teil. Der Palmsonntag markiert den Beginn der letzten Fastenwoche, bekannt als Passionswoche, die an die dramatischsten Ereignisse im Leben Jesu erinnert. Am Palmsonntag feiern bis zu 1,4 Millionen Rumänen mit Blumennamen ihren Namenstag. In einer weiteren Entwicklung feiern katholische und protestantische Christen Ostern, den grö‎ßten Feiertag der christlichen Welt. Papst Franziskus hielt eine Messe auf dem Petersplatz im Vatikan und las die Botschaft “Urbi et Orbi” (An die Stadt und die Welt).

    Der rumänische Präsident Klaus Iohannis hat an katholische und protestantische Christen den traditionellen Osterwunsch “Christus ist auferstanden” gerichtet und allen, die ihren Namenstag am Palmsonntag feiern, gratuliert. Ebenfalls am Sonntag übermittelte Premierministerin Viorica Dăncila den orthodoxen Christen eine Botschaft und erinnerte an die Bedeutung des Palmsonntags und der Passionswoche, in der die Menschen einander mehr Mitgefühl entgegenbringen sollten. Die Premierminister wünschte auch den Christen, die am Sonntag Ostern feiern, ein frohes Fest.

    Das HMS Echo Mehrzweck-Vermessungsschiff ist am Sonntag im Hafen von Constanta (Südost-Rumänien) zu einem 4-tägigen Zwischenstopp angekommen – kündigte der Stabschef der Rumänischen Marine an. Während des Zwischenstopps werden die Schiffsvertreter Arbeitstreffen mit Experten der Direktion für Seehydrographie in Constanţa sowie offizielle Treffen mit Behörden, zivilen und militärischen Beamten abhalten. Die Anwesenheit des Militärschiffes HMS Echo im Schwarzen Meer ist Teil der NATO-Ma‎ßnahmen, die die Sicherheit der alliierten Mitglieder an der Ostflanke gewährleisten sollen, wie es dem Engagement der NATO für die kollektive Verteidigung entspricht.

    Die Explosionen am Sonntag, am Ostertag für Katholiken und Protestanten, an Kirchen und Hotels in Sri Lanka haben fast 160 Menschen getötet, darunter 35 ausländische Bürger. Über 300 Menschen wurden verletzt. Der Premierminister von Sri Lanka, Ranil Wickremesinghe, hat die Anschläge verurteilt und versichert, dass die Regierung unverzüglich Ma‎ßnahmen zur Kontrolle der Situation ergreift. Der rumänische Präsident verurteilte auch die Angriffe in Sri Lanka und sagte, dass Religionsfreiheit und Glaube verteidigt werden müssen. Sri Lanka, ein Inselstaat in Südasien, hat eine mehrheitlich buddhistische Bevölkerung, Katholiken machen fast 1,2 Millionen von einer Gesamtbevölkerung von 21 Millionen aus.

    Die Teams Rumäniens und Frankreichs haben im Halbfinale des Fed-Cup gleichwertige Ergebnisse, nachdem Simona Halep, die Nummer zwei der Welt, Kristina Mladenovic (66 WTA) besiegt hatte und Mihaela Buzărnescu (30 WTA) in Rouen von Caroline Garcia (21 WTA) besiegt wurde. Am Sonntag werden 3 Spiele ausgetragen: Caroline Garcia – Simona Halep, Kristina Mladenovic – Mihaela Buzărnescu und Caroline Garcia / Kristina Mladenovic – Irina Begu / Monica Niculescu. Zum zweiten Mal in der Geschichte, nach 46 Jahren, geht Rumänien ins Halbfinale des Fed Cup. Die Leistung Frankreichs in diesem Wettbewerb ist bemerkenswert: zweimaliger Meister in den Jahren 1997 und 2003, Finalist in den Jahren 2004, 2005 und 2016, mehrfacher Halbfinalist, zuletzt im letzten Jahr. Wenn Rumänien Frankreich besiegt, wird es im Finale im November gegen Wei‎ßrussland gegen den Sieger des Spiels Australien antreten.

  • April 21, 2019

    April 21, 2019

    Palm Sunday – Orthodox and Greek-Catholic Christians in Romania are today celebrating Palm Sunday, commemorating Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem prior to his Crucifixion. On Saturday, many believers and priests took part in processions in Bucharest and other cities. Palm Sunday marks the start of the last week of Lent, known as Passion Week, which remembers the most dramatic events in the life of Jesus. On Palm Sunday, as many as 1.4 million Romanians bearing names of flowers celebrate their name day. In another development, Catholic and Protestant Christians are celebrating Easter today, the biggest holiday in the Christian world. Today Pope Francis holds a Mass in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican and will read the ‘Urbi et Orbi’ message (To the City and the World).

    Message — The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis addressed Catholic and Protestant Christians the traditional Easter wish “Christ is Risen!” and made wishes to all those who are celebrating their name day on Palm Sunday. Also on Sunday, the PM Viorica Dancila conveyed a message to Orthodox Christians, recalling the significance of Palm Sunday and of the Passion Week, when people should show more empathy to each other. The PM also made good wishes to those Christians who are celebrating Easter on Sunday.

    HMS Echo – HMS Echo multi-role hydrographic survey ship arrives today in the port of Constanta (south-eastern Romania) for a 4-day stopover — the Chief of Staff of the Romanian Navy announced. During the stopover, the ship representatives will have working meetings with experts from the Maritime Hydrographic Directorate in Constanta and will have official meetings with public authorities, civilian and military officials. The presence of HMS Echo military ship in the Black Sea is part of the NATO measures meant to provide the security of Allied members on the eastern flank, according to NATO’s commitment to collective defence.

    Colombo — The explosions occurring on Sunday, on Easter Day for Catholics and Protestants, on churches and hotels in Sri Lanka have killed almost 160 people among whom 35 foreign citizens. Over 300 people have been injured. The PM of Sri Lanka Ranil Wickremesinghe has condemned the attacks and has given assurances that the government is taking immediate action to control the situation. The Romanian President also condemned the attacks in Sri Lanka and said that religious freedom and faith need to be defended. Sri Lanka, an island country in South Asia, has a majority Buddhist population, Catholics accounting for almost 1.2 million of a total population of 21 million.

    Tennis — Romania’s and France’s teams have equal scores, 1-1, in the Fed Cup semi-finals, after Simona Halep, world’s no.2 player, defeated Kristina Mladenovic (66 WTA), and Mihaela Buzărnescu (30 WTA) was defeated by Caroline Garcia (21 WTA) in Rouen. Sunday will see 3 matches: Caroline Garcia – Simona Halep, Kristina Mladenovic – Mihaela Buzărnescu and Caroline Garcia / Kristina Mladenovic – Irina Begu / Monica Niculescu. For the 2nd time in history, after 46 years, Romania goes as far as the Fed Cup semi-finals. France’s performance in this competition is notable: two times champion in 1997 and 2003, finalist in 2004, 2005 and 2016, semi-finalist several times, most recently last year. If Romania defeats France, it will take on the winner of the match pitting Australia against Belarus in the final scheduled for November.

    Elections — As many as 30 million people are today expected to the polls in Ukraine to vote for the president in the final tour pitting the current president Petro Poroshenko against comedian Volodimir Zelenski, who runs as favourite in the surveys and who obtained a landslide victory in the first round. According to France Press new agency the slow pace of the anti-corruption fight and the deadlock in the conflict in eastern Ukraine made the Ukrainians vote for Zelenski. On the other hand, Poroshenko is credited by his supporters with getting the country closer to the West, redressing the army and saving the country from collapse, although no high official was indicted for corruption, France Press also writes. (translation by L. Simion)