Tag: Ilan Sor

  • November 2, 2024 UPDATE

    November 2, 2024 UPDATE

    FLOOD According to authorities in Bucharest every Romanian national in the Spanish regions affected by the latest flooding will be able to benefit consular and logistic support by means of Romania’s diplomatic representations. Bucharest is effectively cooperating with the Spanish authorities to set up a rapid and effective mechanism for the repatriation of those willing to return to Romania if need be. Romania’s Prime Minister, Marcel Ciolacu, is expected to meet his Spanish counterpart Pedro Sanchez in a couple of days for talks over the setting up of a logistic centre to help the Romanian nationals affected by flooding in Spain. On Saturday Ciolacu said that a crisis management cell had been created by the Foreign Ministry, but a logistic centre would be also set up jointly with the Spanish authorities. Rescue teams in Spain are making it to the areas blocked by catastrophic flooding where the death toll has reached 211, including four Romanians. One of the victims has been confirmed by the Romanian authorities while a family with a child has been mentioned by the Spanish press. Nine Romanians are reported missing in Spain and the Foreign Ministry in Bucharest is verifying the information about them. The Romanian Embassy in Madrid and the consulate in Castellon de la Plana are in permanent contact with the Spanish authorities. The region of Valencia, in south-eastern Spain, has been affected by devastating floods, experts have deemed as unprecedented. Spain has declared three days of national mourning.


    ELECTION The ex-soviet Romanian-speaking Republic of Moldova will be seeing the second round of its presidential election on Sunday. The incumbent pro-European president, Maia Sandu, will be running against the pro-Russian Alexandr Stoianoglo. The first round on October 20 was held concurrently with a referendum on the country’s EU accession and was marked by attempted frauds sponsored by Russia and the runaway oligarch Ilan Şor, who had fled the country in an attempt to avoid a prison sentence. In the first round of voting Maia Sandu got 42.49% and Alexandr Stoianoglo 25.95%. In another development the Constitutional Court has validated the referendum on the country’s EU accession after 50.38% of the Moldovans voted in favour. The Republic of Moldova submitted its EU accession candidacy in March 2022 and the EU kicked off accession negotiations with the former soviet republic in June this year.


    MOLDOVA In an interview to Radio Romania, the country’s Foreign Minister, Luminita Odobescu, has highlighted the importance of the presidential election in the neighbouring Republic of Moldova, an ex-Soviet, Romanian-speaking country, both from the voters’ point of view and also from Bucharest’s desire to have a trustworthy dialogue partner in Chisinau. The Romanian minister has also said the Moldovans must vote not only with their hearts but also with their minds for a better future and to bring the republic where it belongs, namely in the European Union. Like in the first round of voting, 16 polling stations will be open in Romania; three in Bucharest, two in Cluj, western Romania and Iasi, in eastern Romania. The cities of Brasov, Sibiu, Timisoara, Craiova, Oradea, Suceava, Bacau, Galati and Constanta each will have one polling station. Moldovan citizens can cast their ballots in Romania by producing an ID or passport between the hours of 7 a.m. and 9 p.m.


    AUDITION The European Parliament’s specialized committees on Monday are expected to commence the audition of the designated European Commissioners. On this occasion the MEPs are going to assess the commissioners’ competences, independence and their attachment to European values, essential elements to serve as members of the new European Commission headed by Ursula von der Leyen. According to the schedule announced by the European Parliament, the auditions are to end on 12 November, a day when the six executive vice-presidents of the future Commission, including Romanian Roxana Mînzatu who holds the portfolio, ‘People, competences, training’, will have to answer a series of questions. The entire European Commission will have to get greenlight from the European Parliament, the vote being scheduled for the plenary session of 25-28 November in Strasbourg. After getting Parliament confirmation, the European Commission will have to be officially appointed by the European Council through voting. The commission must have the yes-votes of 55% of the member states.


  • November 2, 2024

    November 2, 2024

    AUDITION The European Parliament’s specialized committees on Monday are expected to commence the audition of the designated European Commissioners. On this occasion the MEPs are going to assess the commissioner’s competences, independence and their attachment to European values, essential elements to serve as members of the new European Commission headed by Ursula von der Leyen. According to the schedule announced by the European Parliament, the auditions are to end on 12 November, a day when the six executive vice-presidents of the future Commission, including Romanian Roxana Mînzatu who holds the portfolio, ‘People, competences, training’, will have to answer a series of questions. The entire European Commission will have to get greenlight from the European Parliament, the vote being scheduled for the plenary session of 25-28 November in Strasbourg. After getting Parliament confirmation, the European Commission will have to be officially appointed by the European Council through voting. The commission must have the yes-votes of 55% of the member states.


    FLOOD Rescue teams in Spain are making it to the areas blocked by catastrophic flooding where the death toll has reached 205, including four Romanians. One of the victims has been confirmed by the Romanian authorities while a family with a child has been mentioned by the Spanish press. 16 Romanians are reported missing in Spain and the Foreign Ministry in Bucharest is verifying the information about them. The Romanian Embassy in Madrid and the consulate in Castellon de la Plana are in permanent contact with the Spanish authorities. The region of Valencia, in south-eastern Spain, has been affected by devastating floods, experts have deemed as unprecedented. Spain has declared three days of national mourning.


    ELECTION The ex-soviet Romanian-speaking Republic of Moldova on Sunday will be seeing the second round of the presidential election. The incumbent pro-European president, Maia Sandu, will be running against the pro-Russian Alexandr Stoianoglo. The first round on October 20 was held concurrently with a referendum on the country’s EU accession and was marked by attempted frauds sponsored by Russia and the runaway oligarch Ilan Şor, who had left the country in an attempt to avoid a prison sentence. The socialist candidate Alexandr Stoianoglo says he wants to put an end to divisions and create an authentic European model, where the state is working for the citizens, and he urged citizens to get united for justice and progress. In another development Maia Sandu accuses Stoianoglo of being Moscow’s puppet and also under the control of oligarch Ilan Şor. The elections in the Republic of Moldova are taking place against the background of a tense election campaign.


    WEATHER And now a couple of things about the weather, which is warm for this time of the year in almost the entire territory with isolated showers reported in some regions. The highs of the day are ranging between 12 and 22 degrees Celsius with a noon reading in Bucharest of 18 degrees.


  • Apofasi sertă tru Ripublica Moldova

    Apofasi sertă tru Ripublica Moldova

    Stipsitu că lucră tru contradicţie cu prinţipiile a statlui di dreptu şi băgă tru piriclliu suveranitatea şi independenţa ali Ripublică Moldova, hiinda finanţat di nafoară şi nrupătu di serviţiile secrete ruseşti, partia ȘOR ditu ñica ripublică viţină ali Românie fu dizolvat pritu ună apofasi a Curtillei Constituționale. Magistraţllii apufusiră aestă turlie tru cazlu a unei sesizări dipusă di guvernul moldovean mutrinda scutearea nafoara a nomlui a formaţiunillei politiţi thimilliusită şi cumăndusită di oligarhul Ilan Şor, stipsitu acuzat di Occidentu şi di Chişinău că mindueaşti s’aspargă arada tru Republica Moldova, kiro tu cari SUA şi Uniunea Europeană băgară sancţiuni contra a lui. Anamisa di argumentili a reprezentanţălor a guvernului ta să scoată aestă partie nafoara a nomlui s’arădăpsescu şi ateali că “membri a Partiaui ŞOR au data păradz la alegători şi protestatari, formaţiunea respectivă ari ligături cu persoane nitiñîsiti di Kremlin și nu tiñisiră multi ori arada legislaţia tru ţi mutreaşti activitatea financiară a partiaui”. Apofasea a instanţei easti difinitivă şi nu poati s’hibă atacată, uidisitu cu apofasea a Curtillei, cari cundilleadză că Ministerlu moldovean ali Justiţie va a’dişcllidă ună comisie di dizolvare. Partia “ŞOR” ari tru aestu kiro ţinţi membri tru Parlamentul di Chişinău, adratu ditu 101 di deputaţ, cari, uidisitu cu instanţa superioară, va s’poată să-şi ducă pănă tru capu mandatele ca membri individuali.

    “Easti ună apofasi aştiptată di societate, tamama tră atea că populu ali Ripublica Moldova tiñiseaşti şi va tra s’băneadză tru un stat democratic şi legal, tru cari organizaţiile criminale suntu nkidicati s’captureadz4 cratlu” – declară prezidenta pro-occidintală di Chișinău. Tru opinia ali Maia Sandu, partia “ŞOR, “thimilliusită ditu aruşfeti şi tră aruşfeti, easti un piriclliu tră sistemul constituţional şi securitatea statului”. Tru ună reacţie publicată pi frăndza a lui di Facebook, mplină di invective la adresa guvernarillei, Ilan Şor declară că apofasea a Curtillei easti una paranomu, cundillinda că va s’caftă ndriptatea la CEDO. Tutunăoară, el cundille că deadunu cu pareia a lui va s’află forme juridiţi ti cum să-şi ducă ma largu proiectele. Nică ditu 2022 partia ȘOR easti dinăpoia a unăllei dalgă di protesti antiguvernamentale şi demonstraţii pro-Rusia tru Ripublica Moldova, finanțânda, uidisitu cu Chișinăulu, alimentarea a cutulburărlor tru un kiro di instabilitate politică. Implicarea tru protestile di pi geadei fu pricunuscută tora ayoñea di Ilan Șor, condamnat la şapte añi di hăpsani nica ditu 2017, tru prima instanță, tră rolu ţi lu avu tru “furlăkea a miliardului” ditu sistemlu bancar ditu Republica Moldova. Sentința fu atacată tru instanța di apel, procesul s’amănă, a deapoa aoa şi doi meşi, Ilan Șor, fugat di ndoi añi ditu văsilie și aflat tru aestu kiro tru Israel, fu condamnat definitiv la 15 di añi di hăpsani și ălli si băgă sechestrulu pi bunuri tru valoari di 5 miliardi di lei moldovenești.

    Autoru: Corina Cristea

    Armânipsearea: Taşcu Lala

  • Decizie drastică în Republica Moldova

    Decizie drastică în Republica Moldova

    Acuzat că a acţionat în contradicţie cu
    principiile statului de drept şi a pus în pericol suveranitatea şi independenţa
    Republicii Moldova, fiind finanţat din exterior şi sprijinit de serviciile
    secrete ruseşti, partidul ȘOR din mica republică vecină României a fost
    dizolvat printr-o decizie a Curții Constituționale. Magistraţii s-au pronunţat
    astfel în cazul unei sesizări depuse de guvernul moldovean privind scoaterea în
    afara legii a formaţiunii politice fondate şi conduse de oligarhul Ilan Şor, acuzat
    de Occident şi de Chişinău că încearcă să destabilizeze Republica Moldova, în
    timp ce SUA şi Uniunea Europeană au impus sancţiuni împotriva sa. Printre
    argumentele reprezentanţilor guvernului de a scoate acest partid în afara legii
    se numără faptul că membri ai Partidului ŞOR ar fi mituit alegători şi
    protestatari, formaţiunea respectivă ar avea legături cu persoane dubioase de
    la Kremlin și ar fi încălcat în mod repetat legislaţia în ceea ce priveşte
    activitatea financiară a partidului. Decizia instanţei este definitivă şi nu
    poate fi atacată, potrivit hotărârii Curții, care precizează că Ministerul
    moldovean al Justiţiei va înfiinţa o comisie de dizolvare. Partidul
    ŞOR are în prezent cinci membri în Parlamentul de la Chişinău,
    format din 101 deputaţi, care, potrivit instanţei superioare, vor putea să-şi
    ducă la capăt mandatele ca membri individuali.

    Este o decizie aşteptată
    de societate, tocmai pentru că poporul Republicii Moldova preţuieşte şi îşi
    doreşte să trăiască într-un stat democratic şi legal, în care organizaţiile
    criminale sunt împiedicate să captureze statul – a declarat președinta
    pro-occidentală de la Chișinău. În opinia Maiei Sandu, partidul ŞOR,
    creat din corupţie şi pentru corupţie, reprezintă un pericol pentru
    sistemul constituţional şi securitatea statului. Într-o reacţie publicată
    pe pagina sa de Facebook, plină de invective la adresa guvernării, Ilan Şor a
    declarat că decizia Curţii este una ilegală, precizând că vor căuta dreptate la
    CEDO. Totodată, el a subliniat că împreună cu echipa va găsi forme juridice cum
    să-şi continue proiectele. Încă din 2022 partidul ȘOR se află în spatele unui
    val de proteste antiguvernamentale şi demonstraţii pro-Rusia în Republica
    Moldova, finanțând, potrivit Chișinăului, alimentarea tulburărilor într-o
    perioadă de instabilitate politică. Implicarea în protestele de stradă a fost
    recunoscută recent de Ilan Șor, condamnat la şapte ani de închisoare încă în 2017, în prima instanță, pentru
    rolul jucat în furtul miliardului din sistemul bancar din
    Republica Moldova. Sentința
    a fost atacată în instanța de apel, procesul a trenat, iar în urmă cu două luni,
    Ilan Șor, fugit de câțiva ani din țară și aflat în prezent în Israel, a fost
    condamnat definitiv la 15 ani de închisoare și impunerea sechestrului pe bunuri în valoare
    de 5 miliarde de lei moldovenești.

  • The Republic of Moldova after the first round of local elections

    The Republic of Moldova after the first round of local elections

    The Republic of
    Moldova last weekend saw a new round of local elections with political and
    geopolitical stakes. Observers with the Promo Lex Association have reported
    over 300 incidents on election day, such as organized transport of voters to
    polling stations or incentives given to voters such as gifts. The Central
    Election Commission however said these offences will not impact the final
    results. As anticipated by various surveys, Igor Dodon’s Socialist Party
    grabbed the highest number of votes.

    The left-wing pro-Moscow party won the election
    in Balti, the second-largest city and in Orhei, central Moldova. In Balti,
    currently home to a large Russian-speaking population, Renato Usatyi has won a
    second term in office, after fleeing the country to avoid prosecution at the
    end of his first term. Orhei, on the other hand, so far with controversial
    businessman and politician Ilan Sor at its helm, who received a first-instance
    conviction in the bank fraud case of 2014, elected Pavel Verejanu as its mayor
    with over 70% of the vote. In turn, the Democratic Party, controlled by
    controversial oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc
    has won 130 of the total of 898 city halls in the first round, which is
    an unexpectedly good result. In the capital-city Chisinau, housing a third of
    the Republic’s population and accounting for half of the country’s GDP, the
    mayor will be decided after a second ballot, to be held on November 3.

    Socialist Ion Ceban, a close associate of President Dodon, will be facing the
    current Interior Minister Andrei Nastase in the runoff. Ceban grabbed 40% of
    the vote, while Nastase 30%, which is the same score as last year, when Natase
    won the election but the results were invalidated. The former Liberal Mayor of
    Chisinau between 2007-2017, Dorin Chirtoaca, won some 10% of the vote, urging
    his constituents to vote against Ceban in the second round. Pundits believe
    Ceban is unlikely to rally any additional support, considering Chisinau’s overt
    pro-Western affiliation, a city that has never elected pro-Russian mayors and
    half of whose population still argue in favor of a reunification with Romania.
    This is why many expect Andrei Nastase to rely on the support of the entire
    right wing and win the election comfortably.

    (translated by V. Palcu)