Tag: illegal immigrants

  • March 26, 2016

    March 26, 2016

    BRUSSELS ATTACKS – The Romanian Foreign Ministry announced that the security threat level in Belgium, in the wake of Tuesdays attacks in Brussels, was lowered to 3, indicating a “serious threat. The Brussels metro was reopened, but restrictions remain in place on several lines and security forces run random checks. The international airport remains closed at least until Monday. On Friday Belgian police arrested another three individuals suspected of having ties with the terrorist cell that staged Tuesdays attacks, which killed 31 people and wounded another 300. Six other suspects were arrested on Thursday, after French and German police also arrested presumed militants having ties with the perpetrators of the attacks in Brussels and those in Paris last November. In France, president François Hollande said the network responsible for those attacks was about to be annihilated, but that other networks remained a threat.

    ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS – In March, Romanian authorities decided to escort out of the country 23 foreigners who were staying in Romania illegally, the General Immigration Inspectorate announced on Saturday. According to a news release, nation-wide operations led to the identification of 163 illegal foreigners. The police also issued 475 warnings and fines against people who breached the Romanian immigration laws. During the same month, 78 asylum applications were filed in Romania, most of them by citizens of Syria, Yemen and Somalia seeking international protection.

    ROYAL CELEBRATIONS – The Romanian Royal Family celebrates today 135 years since the proclamation of the Kingdom of Romania, as well as the birthday anniversary of Crown Princess Margareta. On behalf of King Mihai I, she will award medals to a number of personalities and institutions in Romania, Germany, France and the UK. An anniversary concert will also be organised. The former sovereign of Romania, aged 94, retired from public life early this month, and appointed Crown Princess Margareta to represent him in all public activities. Diagnosed with two types of cancer, King Mihai has recently undergone surgery at a clinic in Switzerland.

    POLITICS – The National Union for the Progress of Romania (UNPR), a small party in the former ruling coalition, is today electing its president in a special congress. The position has been vacant since the ex-Interior Minister Gabriel Oprea resigned, further to a corruption scandal in which he is accused of abuse of office in two cases. The partys interim president, the mayor of Bucharests District 2, Neculai Onţanu, was also arrested for bribe taking. The participants in the National Extraordinary Conference will also discuss the partys political platform, regulations and preparations for the local and parliamentary elections due this year.

    EASTER – Roman-Catholic and Protestants celebrate Easter this Sunday, five weeks ahead of the Orthodox and Eastern Catholics. Romania has a Catholic and Protestant community of nearly 1.5 million people. At midnight, they will take part in the special mass celebrating the Resurrection of Christ.

    DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME – Clocks change in Romania on Saturday night, when 3 am becomes 4 am. The practice, known as Daylight Saving Time, is meant to use sunlight as much as possible. In summer, clocks are turned forward by one hour. When Romania switches to summer time, there will be a 3-hour difference between Romanias time and UTC. More than 100 different countries worldwide use Daylight Saving Time. In Romania, it has been used since 1932.