Tag: Inbar Haiman

  • Romanians and the Gaza conflict

    Romanians and the Gaza conflict

    In todays world, there is no local armed conflict without global impact and effects. Romania seems far from the epicenter of the new carnage in the Middle East, the Gaza Strip, but neither the state nor the Romanian citizens are indifferent to the tragic developments there. There are hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens originally from Romania or their descendants, and many of them also hold Romanian citizenship. There have also been for decades, in many countries, from Algeria to Syria, mixed families, generally founded by Romanians who married Arabs who had come to study in Romania.

    The Gaza Strip is no exception, currently the theater of the bloody offensive launched more than two months ago by the Israeli army against the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, after the atrocities committed by the latter in southern Israel, on October 7. A new group of 14 people, Romanian citizens and members of their families, evacuated from the Gaza Strip, arrived in Romania on Monday, the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bucharest has announced. According to the source, these people arrived in Egypt on Saturday, through the Rafah border point, and were later taken over by the representatives of the Romanian embassy in Cairo. They were accompanied to the Egyptian capital, from where they were boarded for Romania.

    So far, 302 people, Romanian citizens and their family members, have been evacuated from the Gaza Strip, says the Romanian MFA, which adds that it stays in contact with the Israeli and Egyptian authorities, in order to facilitate the evacuation of other citizens as well, in case there are requests in this regard, depending on developments on the field and the agreement of the parties involved.

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also announced the death of another hostage with dual citizenship, Israeli and Romanian, in the Gaza Strip, and the Israeli embassy in Bucharest announced her identity: 27-year-old artist, Inbar Haiman, killed, according to the embassy, ​​by Hamas terrorists. She was a student, she made extraordinary works of street art and was known in Israel and the world as Pink, an unmistakable signature – the embassy says on its Facebook account. She had been kidnapped by terrorists on October 7, while she was attending the Nova music festival.

    About a week ago, Israeli and Romanian authorities also confirmed the death of another hostage with dual citizenship, a man kidnapped also on October 7 and who allegedly died in the first days of captivity. According to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, among the people held hostage by terrorists in the Gaza Strip there is currently only one Romanian with dual citizenship. The Embassy of Romania in Tel Aviv maintains contact on this issue with the Israeli authorities, the ministry has also stressed. (MI)

  • Românii şi conflictul din Gaza

    Românii şi conflictul din Gaza

    În lumea de
    azi, nu mai există conflict armat local fără rezonanțe și efecte globale.
    România pare departe de epicentrul noului carnagiu din Orientul Mijlociu, Fâșia
    Gaza, dar nici statul, nici cetățenii români nu sunt indiferenți la evoluțiile
    tragice de acolo.

    Există sute de mii de cetățeni israelieni originari din
    România sau descendenți ai acestora și mulți dintre ei dețin și cetățenia
    română. Există, de asemenea, de decenii, în multe țări, din Algeria și până în
    Siria, familii mixte, în general întemeiate de românce care s-au măritat cu
    arabi veniți la studii în România. Nu face excepție nici Fâșia Gaza, teatrul
    sângeroasei ofensive declanșate acum mai bine de două luni de armata israeliană
    contra mișcării islamiste palestiniene Hamas, după atrocitățile comise de
    aceasta din urmă în sudul Israelului, pe 7 octombrie.

    Un nou grup de 14
    persoane, cetăţeni români şi membri ai familiilor acestora, evacuate din Fâşia
    Gaza, a ajuns, luni, în România – a anunțat ministerul de Externe de la
    București (MAE). Potrivit sursei, aceste persoane au sosit sâmbătă în Egipt,
    prin punctul de frontieră Rafah, fiind preluate ulterior de către reprezentanţii
    ambasadei României la Cairo. Au fost însoţite până în capitala egipteană, de
    unde au fost îmbarcate spre România.

    Până în prezent, 302 persoane, cetăţeni
    români şi membri de familie ai acestora, au fost evacuate din Fâşia Gaza -
    precizează MAE, care adaugă că menţine contactul cu autorităţile israeliene şi
    egiptene, în vederea facilitării evacuării şi a altor cetăţeni, în cazul în
    care vor exista solicitări, în funcţie de evoluţiile din teren şi de acordul
    părţilor implicate.

    Tot Ministerul de Externe a anunţat decesul unui alt
    ostatic cu dublă cetăţenie, israeliană şi română, în Fâşia Gaza, iar ambasada
    Israelului la Bucureşti a făcut cunoscută identitatea sa. Este vorba despre o
    tânără artistă de 27 de ani, Inbar Haiman, ucisă, potrivit ambasadei, de
    teroriştii Hamas. Era studentă, făcea lucrări de artă stradală deosebite şi era
    cunoscută în Israel şi în lume drept Pink, o semnătură inconfundabilă – afirmă
    ambasada pe contul său de pe rețeaua de socializare Facebook. Fata fusese
    răpită de terorişti pe 7 octombrie, în timp ce se afla la festivalul de muzică

    Acum circa o săptămână, autoritățile israeliene și române au confirmat și
    decesul altui ostatic cu cetățenie dublă, un bărbat răpit tot pe 7 octombrie și
    care ar fi murit în primele zile de captivitate. Potrivit Ministerului român de
    Externe, printre persoanele ţinute ostatice de teroriști în Fâşia Gaza se mai
    află un singur român cu dublă cetăţenie. Ambasada României la Tel Aviv menţine
    contactul pe această temă cu autorităţile israeliene – mai precizează
    diplomația de la București.

  • December 17, 2023

    December 17, 2023

    Budget. The 2024 state budget and social insurance bills enter parliament debate in Bucharest on Monday, the two draft laws being analyzed by the specialized committees. On Tuesday, the two Chambers will start the debates in joint session. The final vote is expected on Wednesday. The Romanian government approved, on Thursday evening, the draft laws on the state budget and the state social insurance budget for next year. In 2024, the executive relies on the absorption of European funds and counts on increasing the collection of fees and taxes through a better functioning of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration and of the customs, as well as on reducing tax evasion. Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, the leader of the Social Democratic Party, spoke of an increase in revenues from 27% to 30% of the Gross Domestic Product. He says that in the 2024 budget, the sums allocated for investments, but also for education, are the largest in the history of Romania. The opposition claims, however, that the budget is based on unrealistic figures, and a major problem next year will be the payment of pensions.

    Commemoration. Its a day of mourning today in the western city of Timisoara, in memory of the heroes who lost their lives during the anti-communist Revolution of December 1989. December 17 is the day when dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu ordered the repression forces to open fire on the demonstrators. Today, memorial services are held in churches and at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Timisoara, and wreaths are laid by local authorities and revolutionary associations at the monuments dedicated to those who sacrificed their lives for freedom. Saturday was an open gates day at the Museum of the “Revolution Memorial” Association in Timisoara.. There were also exhibitions, concerts, a festive meeting of the City Council and a march in memory of the martyred heroes. The revolt against the communist regime in Romania broke out in Timişoara on December 16, 1989 and then spread, starting December 21, to Bucharest and other cities across the country. In total, over 1,000 people died and around 3,000 were injured in the fighting that took place in the only country in Eastern Europe where the regime change took place violently.

    Hostage. Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu has stressed that Romania is with the international community in supporting the efforts of the State of Israel to release all the hostages kidnapped by Hamas. “The death of the 27-year-old artist Inbar Haiman, aka Pink, killed by Hamas terrorists, deeply saddened me. My heart goes out to her family and friends “, he wrote on social media today. According to the prime minister, negotiations to resolve conflicts are the viable solution for restoring peace and security in the region. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bucharest had announced, on Saturday, the death of another hostage with dual citizenship, Israeli and Romanian, in the Gaza Strip, and the Embassy of the State of Israel in Bucharest announced her identity. The MFA communique reiterates the need for the release of all hostages in the Gaza Strip and emphasizes that, currently, only one Romanian with dual Israeli and Romanian citizenship is still a hostage there. The Romanian Embassy in Tel Aviv is in permanent contact with the Israeli authorities.

    Schengen. Hungary will veto Bulgarias entry into the Schengen Area if Sofia does not remove the transit tax for Russian gas, the Hungarian Foreign Ministry announced on Saturday in a statement, Reuters reports. While Western European countries have made great efforts to get rid of Russian gas, landlocked Hungary has received 4.5 billion cubic meters of gas a year from Russia under a deal signed in 2021, mainly via Bulgaria and Serbia. We recall that at the European Council on Friday in Brussels, the Netherlands officially announced that it agreed with Bulgarias entry into the European area of ​​free movement. In this context, the only country that should change its position and accept the accession of Romania and Bulgaria – states that technically meet the necessary criteria – to Schengen is Austria. Over the last year, Vienna has spoken out against the enlargement of the free movement area, citing the fact that it is not functional as many unregistered migrants arrive in central and western Europe. Late last year, Austria voted against the accession of either country in the Schengen area, while the Netherlands opposed only Bulgaria.

    Alert. The population of several communes in Tulcea county, in the south-east of Romania, received a new RO-ALERT warning message on the night of Saturday to Sunday about the possibility of objects falling from the airspace, in the context of the war started by Russia against neighboring Ukraine. Citizens were advised to take protection and shelter measures, if the situation required it. According to the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, the structures responsible for the defense of the territory of Romania and NATO have identified possible attacks on some Ukraine targets in the border area with the Romanian state. Following the RO-ALERT message, no call was received to signal the fall of objects on the territory of Romania. We recall that three days ago, a drone used by Russia in the attack on the Ukrainian region of Odesa fell near the border with Romania, in the area of ​​a locality in the same county. The, too, the citizens received a warning message. (MI)