Tag: influenza

  • Atemwegserkrankungen nehmen besorgniserregendes Ausmaß an

    Atemwegserkrankungen nehmen besorgniserregendes Ausmaß an

    Die Fälle von Atemwegsinfektionen nehmen in ganz Rumänien weiterhin exponentiell zu. Das Gesundheitsministerium hat keine Grippeepidemie ausgerufen, da dies neue Einschränkung des öffentlichen Lebens bedeuten würde, wie sie während der Covid-19-Pandemie getroffen wurden. Stattdessen hat das Gesundheitsressort beschlossen, eine Epidemiewarnung“ auszusprechen. Wir können keine Ma‎ßnahmen ergreifen, die die wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Aktivitäten in Rumänien erneut lahmlegen würden“, sagte dazu Gesundheitsminister Alexandru Rafila.

    Laut dem jüngsten Bericht des Nationalen Gesundheitsamtes sind bislang 15 Menschen an der Grippe gestorben. Im Jahr 2023 begann die Saison der viralen Atemwegserkrankungen etwa 3 Wochen früher als in den Jahren 2015–2019, hei‎ßt es weiter im Bericht. In der ersten Woche dieses Jahres gab es bereits mehr als 100 000 Fälle von akuten Atemwegsinfektionen, um fast 40 % mehr als in der letzten Woche des Jahres 2022. Die meisten Todesfälle waren auf eine Infektion mit dem Influenza-A-Virus zurückzuführen, und die am stärksten betroffene Altersgruppe sind die über 65-Jährigen. Bei mehr als 4 600 Fällen handelte es sich um klinisch festgestellte Grippe-Erkrankungen, wobei die meisten Fälle in Bukarest und den Landkreisen Brașov (Kronstadt), Iași (Jassy) und Cluj (Klausenburg) auftraten. Seit Beginn der Saison wurden auch mehrere Fälle von Flurona — einer gleichzeitigen Infektion mit dem Influenzavirus und SARS-CoV-2 — gemeldet.

    Ärzte mahnen zu besonderer Vorsicht bei Erkältungssymptomen, da Atemwegsviren sehr leicht übertragbar sind. Die Zahl der Fälle nimmt deutlich zu deutlich zu, und Experten erwarten den Höhepunkt der aktuellen Grippesaison in der zweiten Hälfte dieses Monats. Es gibt auch Berichte über eine erhebliche Zunahme der Fälle von Kindern, die mit Fieber und anderen Krankheitsanzeichen ins Krankenhaus kommen. Die Inzidenz nimmt jedoch auch bei Erwachsenen zu. Die Hausärztin Iulia Băilă stellte auch fest, dass im Durchschnitt mehr Patienten als in anderen Jahresperioden in die Praxen kommen. Sie warnt auch davor, auf sogenannte volkstümliche“ Heilmethoden zurückzugreifen, die zu Komplikationen der Krankheit führen können:

    Wir haben täglich mehr als 50, bis zu 60 Patienten, einschlie‎ßlich der chronisch Kranken, die in die Arztpraxen kommen, und wir Ärzte sind überfordert. Eine Begrenzung der Zahl der medizinischen Konsultationen ist selbst in einer epidemiologisch ruhigen Situation nicht möglich, geschweige denn in einem epidemiologischen Alarmzustand. Im meiner Praxis hatten wir auch Grippefälle, und eine junge Frau, die keine chronische Krankheit hatte und selber medizinisches Fachpersonal ist, wurde in einem Labortest, der für Covid durchgeführt wurde, positiv auf Influenza A und gleichzeitig Influenza B getestet.“

    Fachleute warnen davor, dass man sich eine Erkältung oder Grippe mehrmals in derselben Saison einfangen kann. Besonders gefährdet sind ungeimpfte Menschen. Obendrein ist die Beschaffung von Medikamenten nach wie vor ein gro‎ßes Problem. Es besteht ein Mangel an Antibiotika, Virostatika und anderen Produkten, die zur Behandlung saisonaler Erkältungen benötigt werden. Apotheker sprechen von der schlimmsten Arzneimittelknappheit seit Jahren.

  • 19 January, 2020

    19 January, 2020

    Holocaust. The Romanian president Klaus Iohannis
    will be travelling to Israel from Tuesday until Thursday, the president’s
    office has announced. He will make this trip in order to attend the 5th
    forum of world leaders dedicated to the remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust
    and the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau
    concentration camp. The forum, entitled Remembering the Holocaust, Fighting
    Anti-Semitism, will take place on the 23rd of January in Jerusalem.
    The participation of the Romanian president in this international forum is part
    of the efforts made by the Romanian state to consolidate education about the
    Holocaust, preserve the memory of the Holocaust, combat anti-Semitism, racism
    and xenophobia and promote European values, tolerance and respect for the
    fundamental rights and liberties. On the sidelines of the forum, president
    Iohannis will also have a meeting with his Israeli counterpart Reuven Rivlin.

    IHRA. On Sunday, the Romanian
    Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu is attending the ministerial meeting of the
    International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) held in Brussels, where he
    is due to give a speech and exchange views with his counterparts on the
    increase in the number of anti-Semitic and discriminatory acts, but also on finding
    concrete ways to fight such trends. The event is organised by Luxembourg, which
    is currently holding the presidency of the International Holocaust Remembrance
    Alliance. Based in Berlin, this organisation has 31 member states, 11
    observatory states and 7 permanent international partners. It was established
    in 1998 and unites governments and experts to strengthen, advance and promote
    Holocaust education, remembrance and research worldwide. Romania held the
    presidency of the Alliance between March 2016 and March 2017.

    Bird flu. A new bird flu hotspot has been confirmed at a
    commercial chicken farm in the same area in northern Romania where the first
    bird flu outbreak was reported on the 14th of January in Romania,
    the authorities have announced. Strict restrictions are in place concerning the
    movement of people, animals and vehicles at all farms, as well as in the
    established protection and surveillance areas. On the 17th of
    January, the European Commission announced that fowl from Hungary infected with
    the H5N8 strain reached a number of EU member
    states, including Romania. Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Northern Ireland have
    also reported cases of bird flu.

    Pets. The international airport in Cluj Napoca,
    north-western Romania, has been authorised for the introduction into Romanian
    territory of pets arriving from third countries for non-commercial purposes,
    beginning in January. This is the first regional airport to provide passengers
    with this facility. So far, pets could only enter Romanian territory by air via
    the Bucharest international airport.

    Tennis. Four Romanian players are on the main
    draw of the Australian Open, the first Grand Slam tennis tournament of the
    year, which gets under way on Monday. They are Simona Halep (no. 4in
    the world), Sorana Cirstea (no. 74), Irina Begu (no. 105) and Monica Niculescu
    (no. 128). Tournament organisers say they have introduced a scaled air quality
    rating to determine when play can be suspended. A number of players withdrew from
    the qualifying matches due to poor air quality amid the bushfires taking place
    recently in Australia.

    Film. The feature film Malmkrog by the Romanian director Cristi
    Puiu, a coproduction from Romania, Serbia, Switzerland,
    Bosnia and North Macedonia, has been selected for the Berlin Film Festival’s competitive section
    Encounters. Now in its 70th year, the festival will take place
    between the 20th of February and the 1st of March. Cristi
    Puiu is the winner of several international awards, including the Un Certain
    Regard award in Cannes for his much celebrated The Death of Mr Lazarescuin 2005 and the Golden Bear for best short film in Berlin for
    A Carton of Kentand a Packet of
    Coffee in 2004.

  • January 13, 2017 UPDATE

    January 13, 2017 UPDATE

    INFLUENZA — The Health Ministry in Bucharest has announced that six people, including a 1-year old, died because of the same influenza virus that made over 50 victims in France. Romanian doctors have confirmed the presence of the A virus subtype H3N2 in over 170 patients, most of them in the capital Bucharest. In the beginning of 2017 a big number of cases of flu, pneumonia and respiratory problems have been reported. There are over 88 thousand such cases reported so far, one third more than at the end of 2016. On the other hand, two patients suffering from measles have died in just one week, which brings the total number of victims to 13 this year alone. The most affected category is children aged 1 to 4.

    FISCAL AUTHORITY– The Romanian Fiscal Authority (ANAF) has a new president as of Friday, in the person of Bogdan Nicolae Stan, who was previously head of the Control and Anti-Fraud Body of the National Health Insurance House. Bogdan Nicolae Stan thus replaces, at PM Sorin Grindeanu’s order, Dragos Doros, who has resigned following the Government’s announced plan to look into the activity of ANAF’s board. ANAF is accused of the poor collection of taxes and duties in 2016.

    ENERGY EXPORTS – The government in Bucharest has approved a decision providing, among others, for the possibility of banning exports of electricity in the event of a crisis between the 16th of January and the 15th of February. The decision was taken after energy minister Toma Petcu presented an analysis of the functioning of the National Energy System after six days of harsh weather, with record high consumptions of natural gas and electricity. The Energy Ministry in Bucharest said it also took into account the weather forecasts and the situation of fuel reserves.

    SUSPENSION – The director of the Romanian Intelligence Service Eduard Hellvig has ordered the creation of a special committee after information appeared in the public realm about his first deputy, general Florian Coldea. Until the information is verified, Coldea is in effect suspended from office, while his responsibilities are taken over by Hellvig himself. The decision comes after the former MP Sebastian Ghita, who is investigated in several corruption cases and who has vanished without a trace, accused Coldea of illegalities. According to the spokeswoman for president Klaus Iohannis, the latter had a discussion with Coldea before Hellvigs decision.

    ROMANIA-NATO – General Michael Flynn, who has been nominated by US president elect Donald Trump for the job of national security adviser, has hailed Romanias commitment to and role within NATO. In a telephone conversation with Romanias ambassador to Washington DC, George Maior, Flynn said NATO remains a fundamental alliance for the US in which all members must contribute to the common good. Ambassador Maior gave assurances that Romania would allocate 2% of its GDP to defence and consolidate the necessary capabilities.

    TENNIS – The Romanian tennis player Monica Niculescu, no. 40 in the WTA ranking, has reached the final of the Hobart tournament in Australia, worth 225,000 dollars in prize money. Niculescu qualified following the withdrawal of Ukraines Lesia Turenko and will face the Belgian player Elise Mertens in the final. In the doubles, the Romanian-Ukrainian pair Raluca Olaru and Olga Savchuk have qualified for the final after defeating the Luxembourg-Latvian pair Mandy Minella and Anastasija Sevastova in straight sets. Olaru and Savchuk will next face the Canadian-Chinese pair Gabriela Dabrowski and Zhaoxuan Yang. Last week, they also played the final in Shenzhen, China, but lost.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)