Tag: Innsbruck

  • Sport club RRI: Românii la Campionatele Mondiale de alergare montană

    Sport club RRI: Românii la Campionatele Mondiale de alergare montană

    La Innsbruck, în
    Alpii Stubai din Austria, s-a desfășurat săptămâna trecută Campionatul Mondial
    de alergare montană. Echipa feminină a României a ocupat locul 13 în proba de
    vertical uphill pe o distanță de 7,1 kilometri cu 160 metri diferență de nivel.
    Cele trei românce ale echipei, Liliana Dragomir, Magdalena Bosânceanu și
    Adelina Panaet cu cumulat 140 de puncte, față de cele 17 puncte ale echipei
    învingătoare Kenya. La individual, Liliana Dragomir s-a clasat pe locul 41,
    Magdalena Bosânceanu pe 44 și Adelina Panaet pe 55. La masculin, românul Rareș
    Mikloș a ocupat locul 45, iar alți doi români, Peter Herman și Marius Popa, au
    ocupat locurile 69 și 100.

    În proba de short
    trail masculin pe distanța de 45 de kilometri, România a ocupat locul al
    13-lea, victoria revenind Marii Britanii. La individual, cel
    mai bine clasat român a fost Leonard Mitrică, pe locul 18. La feminin, România
    a ocupat locul al 14-lea, Franța obținând victoria. Cea mai bine clasată
    româncă la individual a fost Andreea Pâșcu, locul 51.

    În proba de long
    trail pe o distanță de 85 de kilometri, echipa masculină a României a ocupat
    locul 5, cel mai bun la acestea Mondiale, Franța fiind câștigătoarea. Cel mai bine clasat român la individual a fost Andrei Gabriel Preda,
    locul 12. La feminin, pe echipe, proba a fost câștigată tot de echipa Franței.

    În proba de feminină de mountain
    classic pe distanța de 15,5 kilometri, românca Mădălina Florea s-a clasat pe
    locul 6 cu timpul de 1 oră, 7 minute și 25 secunde, câștigătoare fiind
    americanca Grayson Murphy. Pe echipe, România a ocupat locul 11, victoria
    revenind Kenyei. La masculin s-a impus ugandezul Leonard Chemutai, cel mai bine
    clasat român fiind Rareş Imre Miklos, pe locul 39. Kenya s-a impus și în
    concursul masculin pe echipe, România ocupând poziția 13.

  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    national volleyball squad conceded a 3-2 home defeat to Turkey on Saturday in a
    game counting towards the Golden League Group A.

    week ago, the Romanians won their game against the Turkish side with the same
    scoring. Turkey is a group leader with 8 points followed by Denmark with 6,
    Portugal and Romania, each with four. Romania will next be taking on Denmark at
    home on June 14 and on Portugal four days later. The groups’ winners and the
    organizers will qualify for the Final Four tournament due in Croatia.

    athlete Claudia Mihaela Bobocea came third in the women’s 800 meter race of Folksam
    Grand Prix held in Sweden. Bobocea’s time was two minutes, one second and 63

    athlete Madalina Florea came sixth in the women’s race of mountain classic at
    the World Mountain Running Championship in Innsbruck-Stubai, Austria. Florea
    ended the 15.5 kilometer race in one hour, 7 minutes and 25 seconds. In the
    teams contest Romania ranked 11th. The best Romanian in the men’s
    contest was Rares Imre Miklos who came 39th and the Romanian squad
    ended on the 13th position in the ranking.

    International Football Federation FIFA has published the world ranking for
    women’s football squads. The Romanian side is keeping its 38th
    position, while the first three positions are occupied by the same sides, the
    USA, Germany and Sweden.

    is hosting the matches of the Under 20 World Water Polo Championships. Romania
    has so far secured a 15-6 win against New Zealand and managed to outperform
    Peru 32-5. The elimination game pitching Romania against Australia is due on


  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    national volleyball squad conceded a 3-2 home defeat to Turkey on Saturday in a
    game counting towards the Golden League Group A.

    week ago, the Romanians won their game against the Turkish side with the same
    scoring. Turkey is a group leader with 8 points followed by Denmark with 6,
    Portugal and Romania, each with four. Romania will next be taking on Denmark at
    home on June 14 and on Portugal four days later. The groups’ winners and the
    organizers will qualify for the Final Four tournament due in Croatia.

    athlete Claudia Mihaela Bobocea came third in the women’s 800 meter race of Folksam
    Grand Prix held in Sweden. Bobocea’s time was two minutes, one second and 63

    athlete Madalina Florea came sixth in the women’s race of mountain classic at
    the World Mountain Running Championship in Innsbruck-Stubai, Austria. Florea
    ended the 15.5 kilometer race in one hour, 7 minutes and 25 seconds. In the
    teams contest Romania ranked 11th. The best Romanian in the men’s
    contest was Rares Imre Miklos who came 39th and the Romanian squad
    ended on the 13th position in the ranking.

    International Football Federation FIFA has published the world ranking for
    women’s football squads. The Romanian side is keeping its 38th
    position, while the first three positions are occupied by the same sides, the
    USA, Germany and Sweden.

    is hosting the matches of the Under 20 World Water Polo Championships. Romania
    has so far secured a 15-6 win against New Zealand and managed to outperform
    Peru 32-5. The elimination game pitching Romania against Australia is due on


  • June 1, 2018

    June 1, 2018

    TARIFFS New tariffs for the US imports
    of steel and aluminum from the EU, Mexico and Canada have come into effect as
    of June 1st, in spite of mounting criticism. The USA has decided to
    no longer extend exemptions for the EU so the tariffs – 25 percent on imported steel and 10 percent on aluminum – would take
    effect as of Friday. The Trump administration’s actions drew a lot of heat from
    Europe, Canada and Mexico who promised to quickly retaliate against the U.S.
    exports. The European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker said the new
    tariffs are unjustified at the same time running counter to WTO rules.
    According to France Press the US decision was meant to protect the US industry,
    which had to produce under capacity against a surplus of steel and aluminum on
    the global market.

    TIFF The Transylvania International Film
    Festival (TIFF), one of Europe’s biggest events of this kind, is underway in
    Cluj-Napoca, northwestern Romania. Fragments from ‘Morometii 2’, the most
    awaited Romanian production this year, are to be screened during the festival
    in the presence of Romanian actor Horatiu Malaele, who after 30 years takes
    over the part of Ilie Moromete – masterfully played by Victor Rebengiuc in the
    first series directed by the same Stere Gulea. The present edition of the
    festival includes 227 productions – 178 feature films and 49 short reels from
    all over the world. The Romanian Film
    Days is a section inside the festival devoted to Romanian productions, which
    includes director Adina Pintilie’s debut film Touch Me Not, the recipient of
    the Golden Bear Award in Berlin this year as well as Andrei Cretulescu’s first
    feature film Charleston. The Transylvania trophy will be awarded by French
    actress Fanny Ardant, while the honorary invitee this year is famous opera
    singer Angela Gheorghiu.

    AWARD Romanian president
    Klaus Iohannis is paying a visit to Munich today and tomorrow in order to
    receive the ‘Franz Josef Strauss 2018’ award from the prestigious foundation
    ‘Hanns Seidel’. The president has been awarded the prize for having promoted in
    a constructive and visionary way along his entire political career the
    democratic values of a united society and trust in the European project. The
    ceremony is to be attended among others by the Bavarian Premier Markus Soder
    and by Barbara Stamm, president of the Landtag of Bavaria. The ‘Franz Josef
    Strauss’ prize has been awarded since 1996 and among its recipients there are
    the former German chancellor Helmut Kohl, the former US president George H. W.
    Bush and the incumbent president of the European Commission Jean-Claude

    HANDBALL The Romanian
    women’s selection has qualified for the European Women’s Handball Championships
    after a 28-25 win against Austria in Innsbruck on Thursday. Our handballers
    managed a win in qualifying group four against an opponent who gave them a good
    run for their money. In another match, Russia clinched a 34-20 win against
    Portugal. Romania ranks first in the standings with 8 points followed by Russia
    with 6, Austria also with 6 and Portugal with no points. Romania has thus
    qualified for the sixth time in a row for the European Championships, which
    this year is to be hosted by France in December. Our handballers are to play
    their last game in the group against Portugal at home on Sunday. The first two
    sides in the group are qualified for the final tournament.

    CHILDREN’S DAY Romania
    and another 50 countries celebrate Children’s Day on June 1st. In
    1954, the UN General Assembly decided that children the world over must have a
    day of their own, and this day is also celebrated by another 100 countries on
    various dates. On this occasion Bucharest and numerous other cities around the
    country are seeing a series of events devoted to the little ones such as
    contests, shows, exhibitions, sporting events and showrooms. Today children are
    admitted free of charge at the National History Museum as well as at the
    Cotroceni Museum in Bucharest, while the Radio Concert Hall will be hosting a
    chamber music concert devoted to them. Children are also to be presented lots
    of toys on their special day.

    (translated by bill)