Tag: invitation

  • Romania’s Tourism Fair

    Romania’s Tourism Fair

    The spring edition of Romania’s Tourism Fair was held
    over February 18 and February 21. It was a special edition, held exclusively
    online, enabling exhibitors to display their holiday offers for the most
    attractive domestic destinations. Also, online visitors of the fair had the
    opportunity to compare accommodation and transport fees straight on the
    platform, which also included gadget offers and holiday accessories.

    Delia Botan is Romexpo marketing manager. She gave
    us details about the success of Romania’s Tourism Fair’s first online edition.

    Delia Botan:

    The Romanians have a tremendous urge to explore the
    world, and that was obvious at the virtual version of Romania’s Tourism Fair.
    Ten thousand people registered for this edition and made roughly 32,000 visits
    on the platform, for the four days of the fair. The exhibitors’ offer was
    extremely generous for the visitors of our platform. All in all, promoted as
    part of this virtual edition were Romania’s most beautiful touristic areas, which
    were represented, as usual, by county councils and municipalities. Practically,
    we could say our visitors had their fair share of the most comprehensive
    digital experience in the field of tourism, being a couple of clicks away from
    purchasing their much-desired holiday, at once enjoying the leisure of their
    own home.

    The Descoperimromania.ro platform was one of the
    exhibitors. The platform presented the most beautiful and the most attractive
    destinations. With details on that, here is project manager Alina Rosoiu who
    also disclosed virtual visitors’ areas of interest.

    Alina Rosoiu:

    Tourists are interested in Romania, in traditions, in
    special accommodation units with a limited number of rooms. This year,
    tourists’ interest in hotel compounds has been on the wane. Extremely sought-after
    are the little guesthouses and agro guesthouses. We have a special interest in the
    Danube Delta, in the Romanian Black Sea coast, in Maramures and, last but not
    the least, in Bukovina. We have very good offers for tourists. For instance,
    Easter Holiday packages start from 200 Euros, for a stay in the Danube Delta, and
    from 150 Euros for a stay in the Danube Gorges. The pandemic, which is still
    ongoing, may scare us, yet we need to know Romania is a safe destination. We do
    our best for our guests’ safety. We’re waiting for you and we comply with all
    the sanitary safety standards in place. We’re in the middle of nature, so there
    is a minimum amount of risk. Accommodation units abide by the sanitary
    protection requirements, so it should be no problem for you to visit Romania.

    One of the most sought-after destinations at the fair
    was Maramures, as expected. Maramures
    County Council’s head of the Public Relations Department, Laura Danci, gave us
    the details on that.

    Laura Danci:

    The stand of Maramures this year was not as lively as
    it was in the previous years, sadly, because of the pandemic. We were present
    only through an online platform, yet we did have a couple of offers and we also
    came up with a new site, Visit Maramures. The offer we have come up with at the
    Tourism Fair was labelled ‘Twelve reasons to visit Maramures’ while on our new
    site, Visit Maramures, we have covered just about everything Maramures had to
    offer to tourists, from gastronomy, traditional craftsmen to cultural tourist
    routes, to landscape. In the previous years we also launched an application for
    mobile devices, Visit Maramures, where we made available all tourism
    information centers, all the guesthouses. Yet we thought that a website will be
    a lot easier to access by everybody. We took part in the fair, and the feedback
    we got was quite good. We had very many visitors, even online. Hundreds of visitors
    asked us what they could visit in Maramures and what a surprise we had, in
    three days alone, the site had 2,047 views.

    Carmen Păun is Head of the Marketing and PR Office
    of Oltenia’s Museum in Craiova, Ms Paun invites us to take a cultural trip to
    southern Romania.

    Carmen Paun:

    It has been a privilege for us, as a cultural
    institution, to receive an invitation from Romania’s Tourism Fair, the virtual
    edition, 2021. Our products have met the demands of our public, whose interest
    in digital consumption is growing: information, education, entertainment. Our
    offer entirely focused on these three components. We started off from the idea
    that the scope of a museum and its cultural products needs to go beyond the
    physical confines. So we created cultural products meant to draw the public
    especially through visual impact and then through the information we offer.

    The Museum of Oltenia is an institution which is more
    than 105 years old, it is a cultural landmark for the area of Oltenia, having a
    regional importance.

    Carmen Paun:

    It manages an impressive heritage, of which 570 items
    have been included in the treasure category. We do our job in four separate
    buildings, right at the heart of Craiova, always awaiting our visitors with our
    12 essential permanent exhibitions of three sections that we have. Also, we
    have three interactive areas and two modern conference rooms. So what we got is
    a huge potential Oltenia’s cultural sector in Craiova offers to the public. As
    of late we have also promoted educational programs. We have digitalized the
    content of our exhibitions extensively.

    Thanks to the local administration, since 2016, Dolj
    County has had a cultural-artistic route, labelled Dolj history and
    traditions, with five major assets: the Bania House, the history and
    archaeology section, and two semi-fortified buildings, cule, in
    Romanian, located in the commune of Brabova. For the refurbishment of the two cule
    alone, more than one million Euros has been invested .

    We have also reached Transylvania and we spoke to
    Sturza Ileana, with the Zlatna Tourism Promotion and Information Center.

    Sturza Ileana:

    Our virtual
    tourism information and promotion stand covered the accommodation units in the
    region, natural tourist assets, the anthropic ones, the region’s specific
    traditions and the tourist routes. For lovers of nature, we have two, maybe
    three-hour routes, but also routes lasting 13 to 14 hours or even a couple of
    days. I should also like to mention the natural assets, the limestone blocks in
    Valea Mica, the Fenes Gorges, the Bulbuci Rock. For those who are into climbing
    and sports climbing, the Fenes Gorges and the Bulbuci Rock are the perfect
    destination. We have received collaboration offers from travel agents, from
    other tourism operators and I think we have made ourselves more visible that
    before. I can infer that from the great number of viewers we had.

    Access was free of charge to the virtual edition of
    Romania’s Tourism Fair. The virtual stands could be accessed from anywhere,
    while special offers were found very quickly, thanks to the intelligent
    filtering system.

  • 03.11.2018


    Visite – La première ministre roumaine, Viorica Dăncilă, entame ce samedi une visite au sultanat d’Oman, où elle va participer à l’ouverture de l’ambassade de Roumanie et inaugurer le consulat honoraire. La cheffe de l’Exécutif de Bucarest, qui poursuivra sa tournée dans la région, a précisé que ces visites visent à renforcer les relations bilatérales sur les plans diplomatique et économique. Le mois dernier, Viorica Dăncilă a effectué une tournée au Moyen Orient; qui l’a emmenée en Turquie, aux Emirats arabes unis et au Koweït. Vendredi, elle a rencontré le premier ministre israélien, Benjamin Netanyahu, en marge d’une réunion régionale accueillie par la Bulgarie.

    Santé — La ministre roumaine de la santé, Sorina Pintea, affirme que la ville de Sibiu, au centre du pays, n’est pas préparée, du point de vue des normes en matière de services hospitaliers, pour le sommet européen qu’elle accueillera l’année prochaine. Sorina Pintea a promis d’octroyer des fonds supplémentaires à l’hôpital des urgences de la ville. 400 officiels et plus d’un millier de journalistes participeront à ce sommet, prévu pour le 9 mai 2019, qui se déroulera pendant le mandat de la Roumanie à la tête du Conseil de l’UE. Ce sera aussi le premier sommet organisé après le Brexit.

    Invitation – Le président roumain, Klaus Iohannis, aura une entrevue à Londres, le 14 novembre, avec la première ministre britannique, Theresa May, à l’invitation de cette dernière, ont annoncé des sources officielles, citées par les agences de presse. A cette même occasion, le chef de l‘Etat roumain participera, sur invitation de la reine Elisabeth II, à la réception qui sera organisée au Palais de Buckingham pour le 70e anniversaire du prince Charles de Galles, héritier de la couronne britannique.

    Message – Le président de la Roumanie, Klaus Iohannis, a posté sur Twitter, un message dans lequel il affirme que la liberté d’expression et l’information sont autant de valeurs essentielles de la démocratie. « Nous rendons hommage aujourd’hui aux journalistes qui risquent leur vie au nom de la vérité. La liberté d’expression et l’information représentent des valeurs fondamentales de la démocratie que nous devons protéger. Il est de notre devoir de demander des comptes à ceux qui commettent des crimes contre la presse », écrit le président. L’Assemblée générale de l’ONU a déclaré le 2 novembre Journée internationale de la fin de l’impunité pour les crimes commis contre des journalistes. La date a été choisie en mémoire de lassassinat de deux journalistes français au Mali, le 2 novembre 2013.

    Séisme — Le maire général de Bucarest, Mme Gabriela Firea, a demandé au gouvernement et au Parlement de changer le pus vite possible la législation concernant les immeubles à haut risque sismique, de sorte qu’ils puissent subir des travaux de consolidation même sans l’accord écrit des propriétaires qui s’y opposent. Selon l’édile de la capitale, quelque 350 immeubles, habités par 9000 personnes, sont classés dans la catégorie à grand risque sismique. Les travaux de consolidation ont déjà démarré pour 96 de ces bâtiments, mille personnes ayant été évacuées.

    Indagra – 550 compagnies de 25 pays, dont 380 de Roumanie participent jusqu’au dimanche 4 novembre à l’édition 2018 du Salon international de lagriculture, de lélevage et de lindustrie alimentaire, du jardinage et des produits déquipement, INDAGRA, accueilli par Bucarest. Y sont présentés machines et outillages agricoles, produits alimentaires traditionnels et issus de l’agriculture bio, semences, arbres fruitiers. Des dégustations de denrées alimentaires et de vins sont également prévues. 15 ans après la disparition de la production de tracteurs en Roumanie, le premier tracteur agricole à 100% roumain a été présenté officiellement à Indagra

    Tennis — Le duo formé du Roumain Horia Tecau et du Néerlandais Jean Julier Rojer affronte aujourd’hui les Américains Mike Bryan et Jack Sock, dans un match dont l’enjeu est la qualification pour les finales du tournoi ATP Masters 1000 de Paris. Vendredi, dans les demi-finales, Horia Tecau et Jean Julier Rojer ont vaincu la paire formée par Raven Klaasen (Afrique du Sud) et Michael Venus (Nouvelle Zélande), sur le score de 7-6, 6 -0.

    Météo — Il fait très chaud dans les régions du nord, du nord-ouest et du centre de la Roumanie, ou des nuages apporteront quelques gouttes de pluie. Sur le reste du territoire, les températures dépasseront de peu les moyennes pluriannuelles. Les maximales de la journée se situeront entre 15 et 25°. Il faisait 15° à midi dans la capitale, Bucarest.