Tag: Irina Georgescu Groza

  • The Bucharest International Literature Festival

    The Bucharest International Literature Festival

    The 9th edition of the Bucharest International Literature Festival was held between December 7 and 9 in Romania’s capital city. It was a roundup edition, according to organizers, that included two public reading and debates sessions, hosted by the Romanian Peasant Museum and an event dedicated to students and staged jointly with the Department of Communication Sciences with the Bucharest’s Faculty of Letters. At the debut evening of public readings and debates at the Peasant Club on December 8th, literature lovers had the chance to meet prose writers Irina Teodorescu, Veronica D. Niculescu, Lavinia Branişte and Irina Georgescu Groza.

    Translator and writer Veronica D. Niculescu tells us how she got round to writing Heading towards valleys of jade and darnel ryegrass, a novel brought out by Polirom Publishes in 2016. This is the second volume that Veronica D. Niculescu published in 2016, after Hybernalia, a sequel of Animal Symphony, with both volumes being published by the Casa de Pariuri Literare.

    With details on all that, here is Veronica D. Niculescu: ”It is a volume I had been working on for about three years and I can say it all started as a game. It is a story of a girl writing a book. And that character writes a book that is different from the kind of book I would write. I chose this strategy as I have always wanted the book that I write to include the book of a character as well. Now, getting back to the topic of our meeting, I do hope the day comes when one of my books includes poems written by a male character, or by an animal character. Getting back to the story written by the girl, it is a rhyming fairy tale, which, when I completed, I didn’t even know it would be embedded in this volume. And it was only after I finished writing this fairy tale that I realized I wanted the volume to be the story of that girl. And that’s exactly how I sketched my character, starting off from the rhyming fairytale.”

    After her poetry debut, she published two short fiction volumes, and a childrens book. Lavinia Braniste, who published Interior Zero for Polirom this year, told us how she came to write fiction: “Ive had a passion for short fiction for a long time now, and I still have it. At first I designed this volume as a short fiction volume as well, but the fragments came to connect to each other more than I imagined in the beginning, and I decided to keep it like that. In short, it is a story that sprang to my mind while I was having an on-line chat with a friend who is a poet, Vasile Leac, who was in Germany, picking leek and pumpkins. I was envious of his exotic experience, and I suspected he would write about it. In fact, the motto of the book comes from this conversation, it relates to a question asked by Vasile Leac: “Arent we supposed to understand life?” The way in which he phrased the question was something I liked, so I decided to write a book about how we dont understand life, because I was myself in a situation where I seemed to be fine, but I was terrified at the idea that that was what fine looks like. And I find it hard to understand if I was supposed to wish for something else or not.”

    The novel The Curse of the Moustachioed Robber by Irina Teodorescu won in France the Andre Dubreuil award for a debut novel. The Romanian language edition was published by Polirom this year, translated by Madalina Vatcu: “In France the novel was received very well by the press and the critics. However, we also had reactions from the French readers, which could get lost in the multitude of Romanian names that the readers are not used to. However, these characters could exist anywhere, because it is about a place in Eastern Europe, it is not specified that the action takes place in Romania; the names of the characters are the only clues towards this.”

    Irina Georgescu Groza, attending the International Literature Festival in Bucharest, gave a lecture on her debut book, published by Casa de Pariuri Literare, a short fiction book entitled Beyond the Windows. Here she is, talking about getting back to writing: “The need to write returned to me when I lived for a time in Belgium with my family. It could also have been because I didnt have friends and had lots of time, and didnt feel attracted by work. Previously I had gotten to the point where I was writing even at work, Romanian language literature, and I think my Flemish boss thought those long e-mails were part of my work for the corporation. At some point, when I got back to Romania, I decided it was time to do what I liked doing, meaning writing. I found a great creative writing course held by the Short Story Magazine, a short fiction course. I started to love fiction, even though I had written two novels, I met writers I knew, I read a lot, and started writing short fiction. I forgot about economic growth, which weighed heavily on my mind when I was working at the corporation in Belgium.”

    The open readings from the books recently published by the above-mentioned writers were followed on the first evening of the International Literature Festival in Bucharest by a debate with the topic “About feminine writing: is there feminine writing or is this just an easy label for literary criticism and literary journalism?”

  • The Bucharest International Literature Festival

    The Bucharest International Literature Festival

    The 9th edition of the Bucharest International Literature Festival was held between December 7 and 9 in Romania’s capital city. It was a roundup edition, according to organizers, that included two public reading and debates sessions, hosted by the Romanian Peasant Museum and an event dedicated to students and staged jointly with the Department of Communication Sciences with the Bucharest’s Faculty of Letters. At the debut evening of public readings and debates at the Peasant Club on December 8th, literature lovers had the chance to meet prose writers Irina Teodorescu, Veronica D. Niculescu, Lavinia Branişte and Irina Georgescu Groza.

    Translator and writer Veronica D. Niculescu tells us how she got round to writing Heading towards valleys of jade and darnel ryegrass, a novel brought out by Polirom Publishes in 2016. This is the second volume that Veronica D. Niculescu published in 2016, after Hybernalia, a sequel of Animal Symphony, with both volumes being published by the Casa de Pariuri Literare.

    With details on all that, here is Veronica D. Niculescu: ”It is a volume I had been working on for about three years and I can say it all started as a game. It is a story of a girl writing a book. And that character writes a book that is different from the kind of book I would write. I chose this strategy as I have always wanted the book that I write to include the book of a character as well. Now, getting back to the topic of our meeting, I do hope the day comes when one of my books includes poems written by a male character, or by an animal character. Getting back to the story written by the girl, it is a rhyming fairy tale, which, when I completed, I didn’t even know it would be embedded in this volume. And it was only after I finished writing this fairy tale that I realized I wanted the volume to be the story of that girl. And that’s exactly how I sketched my character, starting off from the rhyming fairytale.”

    After her poetry debut, she published two short fiction volumes, and a childrens book. Lavinia Braniste, who published Interior Zero for Polirom this year, told us how she came to write fiction: “Ive had a passion for short fiction for a long time now, and I still have it. At first I designed this volume as a short fiction volume as well, but the fragments came to connect to each other more than I imagined in the beginning, and I decided to keep it like that. In short, it is a story that sprang to my mind while I was having an on-line chat with a friend who is a poet, Vasile Leac, who was in Germany, picking leek and pumpkins. I was envious of his exotic experience, and I suspected he would write about it. In fact, the motto of the book comes from this conversation, it relates to a question asked by Vasile Leac: “Arent we supposed to understand life?” The way in which he phrased the question was something I liked, so I decided to write a book about how we dont understand life, because I was myself in a situation where I seemed to be fine, but I was terrified at the idea that that was what fine looks like. And I find it hard to understand if I was supposed to wish for something else or not.”

    The novel The Curse of the Moustachioed Robber by Irina Teodorescu won in France the Andre Dubreuil award for a debut novel. The Romanian language edition was published by Polirom this year, translated by Madalina Vatcu: “In France the novel was received very well by the press and the critics. However, we also had reactions from the French readers, which could get lost in the multitude of Romanian names that the readers are not used to. However, these characters could exist anywhere, because it is about a place in Eastern Europe, it is not specified that the action takes place in Romania; the names of the characters are the only clues towards this.”

    Irina Georgescu Groza, attending the International Literature Festival in Bucharest, gave a lecture on her debut book, published by Casa de Pariuri Literare, a short fiction book entitled Beyond the Windows. Here she is, talking about getting back to writing: “The need to write returned to me when I lived for a time in Belgium with my family. It could also have been because I didnt have friends and had lots of time, and didnt feel attracted by work. Previously I had gotten to the point where I was writing even at work, Romanian language literature, and I think my Flemish boss thought those long e-mails were part of my work for the corporation. At some point, when I got back to Romania, I decided it was time to do what I liked doing, meaning writing. I found a great creative writing course held by the Short Story Magazine, a short fiction course. I started to love fiction, even though I had written two novels, I met writers I knew, I read a lot, and started writing short fiction. I forgot about economic growth, which weighed heavily on my mind when I was working at the corporation in Belgium.”

    The open readings from the books recently published by the above-mentioned writers were followed on the first evening of the International Literature Festival in Bucharest by a debate with the topic “About feminine writing: is there feminine writing or is this just an easy label for literary criticism and literary journalism?”

  • Literaturfestival FILB in Bukarest: Autorinnen im Rampenlicht

    Literaturfestival FILB in Bukarest: Autorinnen im Rampenlicht

    Auf dem Programm der diesjährigen Literaturfestspiele standen zwei Leseabende, Publikumsgespräche und ein den Studenten gewidmetes Sonderevent, das in Zusammenarbeit mit der Fakultät für Kommunikationswissenschaft organisiert wurde. Gastgeber des Festivals war auch dieses Jahr der Club des Bukarester Bauernmuseums. Beim ersten Leseabend und anschlie‎ßenden Publikumsgespräch haben die Organisatoren den Literaturliebhabern in der rumänischen Hauptstadt die Prosaautorinnen Irina Teodorescu, Veronica D. Niculescu, Lavinia Branişte und Irina Georgescu-Groza näher gebracht.

    Die Literaturübersetzerin und Schriftstellerin Veronica D. Niculescu erläutert, wie ihr Roman Spre văi de jad şi sălbăţie“ (Ins Tal des Jade und des Taumel-Lolchs“) entstanden ist. Der Roman erschien dieses Jahr im Verlag Polirom und es handelt sich um den zweiten Band der Prosaautorin, nach Hibernalia“. Dazu Veronica D. Niculescu:

    An diesem Roman habe ich rund drei Jahre gearbeitet und ich kann sagen, dass er als Spiel angefangen hat. Der Roman erzählt die Geschichte einer jungen Frau, die ein Buch schreibt. Meine Hauptfigur schreibt ein Buch, das sich sehr stark von meinem Buch unterscheidet. Ich habe mich für diese Sonderform des Erzählens entschieden, weil ich mir immer gewünscht habe, in einem meiner Bücher, die Geschichte einer Figur sich wie eine Art Rahmenerzählung entfalten zu lassen. Ich hoffe, dass ich in Zukunft die Gelegenheit habe, in einen meiner Romane die Geschichte einer männlichen Figur oder eines Tieres einzugliedern. Zurück zur Geschichte, die die junge Frau schreibt: Es handelt sich um ein Märchen in Versen, von dem ich nicht sicher war, dass ich dafür einen Platz in meinem Buch finden werde. Erst als ich das Märchen fertigschrieb, war es für mich klar, dass ich mir wünschte, dass der ganze Band zu einer Geschichte dieser Frau wird. So habe ich das Porträt meiner Hauptfigur gezeichnet, indem mir das Märchen in Versen als Ausgangspunkt diente.“

    Lavinia Branişte gab ihr Literaturdebüt mit einem Gedichtband, dann hat sie zwei Prosabände und ein Kinderbuch geschrieben. Wie sie dazu gekommen ist, einen Roman zu schreiben, erläutert die Autorin, deren Roman Interior zero“ (Innenraum Null“) dieses Jahr im Verlag Polirom erschien:

    Ich habe immer eine Leidenschaft für Kurzprosa gespürt, diese Leidenschaft habe ich eigentlich noch und so hatte ich mir auch diesen Band vorgestellt: als Kurzgeschichte. Dann habe ich die Inhaltsteile miteinander verknüpft und merkte, wie gut sie zueinanderpassen. Die Geschichte ist mir während eines Chat-Gesprächs mit dem Dichter Vasile Leac, einem Freund von mir, eingefallen. Er befand sich zu jenem Zeitpunkt in Deutschland, um Lauch und Kürbisse zu ernten. Ich habe ihn um seine exotische Erfahrung beneidet und war mir sicher, dass er sie aufs Papier bringen wird. Das Motto meines Romans ist eigentlich ein Teil unseres Gesprächs, genauer gesagt, eine Frage meines Freundes an mich: Kann es sein, dass wir das Leben nicht verstehen? Es hat mir gefallen, wie er die Frage zum Ausdruck brachte, und so ist mir eingefallen, ein Buch darüber zu schreiben, wie wir das Leben nicht verstehen. Damals war ich selber mit der Situation konfrontiert, in der ich mich gut und erfüllt fühlte, aber es erschrak mich, ehrlich gesagt, dass das Sich-Wohlfühlen und das Erfüllt-Sein nur von au‎ßen so aussieht. Es war mir auch nicht klar, ob ich mir etwas anders wünschen sollte oder nicht.“

    Der Roman Blestemul tâlharului mustăcios“ (Der Fluch des schnauzbärtigen Banditen“) von Irina Teodorescu wurde in Frankreich mit dem Literaturpreis für Debütroman André Dubreuil“ geehrt. In rumänischer Sprache erschien der Roman dieses Jahr im Verlag Polirom, in der Übersetzung von Mădălina Vatcu. Dazu die Autorin:

    In Frankreich erhielt mein Roman positive Rezensionen. Einige Leser sagten doch, dass sie wegen der rumänischen, für sie unüblichen Namen, den Faden verloren haben. Hauptsache ist, dass die Figuren, die ich in meinem Roman auftauchen lasse, überall in der Welt leben könnten. Die Handlung spielt irgendwo im Osten Europas, es steht nicht klar, wo genau, auch nicht, dass sie in Rumänien spielt, die Namen spielen jedoch darauf an.“

    Irina Georgescu Groza las ihren Lesern beim Internationalen Literaturfestival in Bukarest aus dem Debütband Dincolo de ferestre“ (Jenseits der Fenster“) vor. Der Erzählband, der im Verlag Casa de Pariuri Literare“ erschien, thematisiert die Rückkehr zur Literatur.

    Ich habe das Bedürfnis, zu schreiben, gespürt, als ich eine Zeit lang in Belgien mit der Familie lebte. Der Grund lag womöglich darin, dass ich meine Freunde vermisste, viel Zeit hatte und mich an meinem Job nichts reizte. Ich fing gleich an, bei der Arbeit Literatur auf Rumänisch zu schreiben, und es kann sein, dass mein flämischer Chef dachte, dass ich die langen E-Mails im Interesse der Firma schrieb. Als ich zurück nach Rumänien kam, habe ich mir gesagt, dass es an der Zeit ist, das zu machen, was ich mag, und ich mag Schreiben. Dann habe ich einen Kurs für kreatives Schreiben besucht und so entstand meine Liebe zur Kurzprosa, selbst wenn ich vorher zwei Romane geschrieben hatte.“

    Im Anschluss an die Lesungen der vier Prosaautorinnen luden die Organisatoren die Besucher der Literaturfestspiele am ersten Leseabend zu einem Gespräch zum Thema Despre «scriitura feminin㻓 (Über das weibliche Schreiben“). Das Gespräch warf die Frage auf, ob es eine eigene Art der Frauen gibt, Literatur zu schreiben, oder werden die Werke der Schriftstellerinnen von Literaturkritikern und Kulturjournalisten als weiblich“ abgestempelt?

  • Festivalul Internaţional de Literatură de la Bucureşti

    Festivalul Internaţional de Literatură de la Bucureşti

    Cea de a IX-a
    ediţie a Festivalului Internaţional de Literatură de la
    Bucureşti (FILB), o ediţie-bilanţ, după cum spun organizatorii, s-a
    desfăşurat în perioada 7-9
    decembrie. Programul ediţiei din acest
    an a inclus două seri de lecturi publice şi dezbateri la Clubul Ţăranului şi un
    eveniment dedicat studenţilor, realizat în colaborare cu Departamentul de
    Ştiinţe ale Comunicării din cadrul Facultăţii de Litere de la Universitatea din
    Bucureşti. În prima seară de lecturi publice şi dezbateri de la Clubul
    Ţăranului, pe 8 decembrie, iubitorii de literatură din capitală au avut şansa
    de a se întîlni cu prozatoarele Irina Teodorescu (Franţa), Veronica D. Niculescu,
    Lavinia Branişte şi Irina Georgescu Groza.

    Traducătoarea şi scriitoarea Veronica D. Niculescu
    ne spune cum a ajuns la povestea romanului Spre văi de jad şi sălbăţie,
    apărut la Editura Polirom în 2016. Este al doilea volum publicat de Veronica D.
    Niculescu anul acesta, după Hibernalia, o continuare a Simfoniei
    animaliere, ambele apărute la Casa de Pariuri Literare. Este
    un volum la care am lucrat cam trei ani şi pot spune că a început printr-o
    joacă. Este povestea unei fete care scrie o carte. Şi personajul acesta scrie o
    carte diferită de genul de carte pe care l-aş scrie eu. Am ales această formulă
    pentru că mi-am dorit mereu ca într-o carte pe care o scriu să existe cartea
    unui personaj. Făcând referire la tema întâlnirii noastre, sper să vină şi ziua
    în care să includ într-o carte de a mea poeziile unui personaj care să fie
    bărbat. Sau ale unui personaj animal. Revenind la povestea scrisă de fată, este
    vorba de un basm în versuri, pe care, atunci când l-am terminat nici nu ştiam
    că va intra în acest volum. Şi abia după ce am terminat de scris acest basm,
    mi-am dat seama că doresc ca volumul să fie o poveste a acestei fete. În felul
    acesta am creionat personajul, pornind de la basmul în versuri.

    După ce a debutat cu
    poezie, a publicat două volume de proză scurtă şi o carte pentru copii. Cum a
    ajuns să scrie roman ne spune Lavinia Branişte, care anul acesta a publicat la
    Editura Polirom Interior zero. Am fost pasionată de
    proza scurtă multă vreme şi încă mai sunt şi iniţial am gândit acest volum tot
    ca pe unul de proză scurtă. Dar fragmentele au ajuns să se lege între ele mai
    mult decât mi-aş fi imaginat la început şi până la urmă l-am păstrat aşa. Pe
    scurt, este o poveste care mi-a venit în minte în timp ce conversam pe chat cu
    un prieten poet, Vasile Leac, care se afla în Germania, la cules de praz şi
    dovleci, şi eu îl invidiam pentru experienţa lui exotică şi bănuiam că va scrie
    despre asta. De fapt, motto-ul cărţii provine din această conversaţie, este o
    întrebare a lui Vasile Leac: Oare să nu înţelegem noi viaţa? Felul în care a
    formulat întrebarea mi-a plăcut şi atunci m-am gândit să scriu o carte despre
    cum nu înţelegem noi viaţa, pentru că şi eu eram într-o situaţie în care păream
    bine, realizată, dar mă îngrozea ideea că aşa arată binele. Şi nu înţelegeam
    dacă ar trebui să-mi doresc sau nu altceva

    Romanul Blestemul tâlharului mustăcios de Irina Teodorescu a fost recompensat
    în Franţa cu Premiul Andre Dubreuil pentru roman de debut. Ediţia în limba
    română a fost publicată de Editura Polirom anul acesta, în traducerea Mădălinei
    Vatcu. În Franţa a avut parte de o primire
    foarte bună mai ales din partea presei şi a criticii. Dar am avut reacţii şi de
    la cititorii francezi care câteodată s-au pierdut în mulţimea de nume
    româneşti, multe neobişnuite pentru ei. Dar personajele acestea ar fi putut
    exista oriunde, pentru că este vorba de o aşezare situată undeva în estul
    Europei, nu este precizat că acţiunea se desfăşoară în România, numele personajelor sunt singurele indicii
    referitoare în acest sens.

    Irina Georgescu Groza ne-a
    oferit, în cadrul Festivalului Internaţional de Literatură de la
    Bucureşti, o lectură din volumul ei de debut, publicat de Casa de Pariuri Literare, volum de povestiri intitulat Dincolo
    de ferestre. Irina Georgescu Groza, despre reîntoarcerea la literatură. Nevoia de a scrie a revenit când, pentru o perioadă,am
    locuit o perioadă în Belgia, cu familia. Şi poate din cauza lipsei prietenilor
    sau pentru că aveam destul timp şi de serviciu nu mă mai simţeam atrasă.
    Ajunsesem chiar să scriu literatură când stăteam la serviciu, literatură în limba
    română, iar probabil că şeful meu flamand se gândea că acele e-mailuri lungi
    sunt scrise pentru corporaţie. La un moment dat, când am revenit în România, am
    decis că a venit vremea să fac ce îmi place, adică să scriu. Am ajuns la un
    curs foarte bun de creative writing ţinut de Revista de Povestiri, un curs de
    proză scurtă. Şi am început să îndrăgesc proza, deşi scrisesem două romane, am
    întâlnit autori pe care nu-i ştiam, am citit foarte mult şi am început să scriu
    proză scurtă. Şi am uitat şi de creşterea economică, pe care tot o aveam în
    minte când lucram în corporaţia din Belgia.

    Lecturi publice
    din cele mai recente volume publicate de autoarele invitate la Club Cultura au fost
    urmate, în prima seară a Festivalului Internaţional de Literatură de la
    Bucureşti, de o dezbatere cu tema Despre «scriitura feminină»: există o
    scriitură feminină sau este doar o etichetă comodă pentru critica literară şi
    pentru jurnalismul cultural?