• Reacții după suspendarea Simonei Halep

    Reacții după suspendarea Simonei Halep

    Simona Halep a transmis un mesaj după ce ITIA a anunțat că jucătoarea română de tenis a primit o suspendare de patru ani.

    “Azi, un tribunal independent sub Programul Antidoping din Tenis a anunţat o tentativă de decizie în cazul meu. Ultimul an a fost cel mai dificil meci din viaţa mea şi, din nefericire, lupta continuă. Mi-am dedicat viaţa frumosului joc de tenis. Iau foarte în serios regulile care guvernează sportul nostru şi mă mândresc cu faptul că nu am luat niciodată, cu bună ştiinţă sau nu, o substanţă interzisă. Refuz să accept decizia lor de suspendare pe patru ani.

    Cred într-un sport curat. În aproape două decenii de tenis profesionist și sute de turnee de jucate, două titluri de Grand Slam, am oferit 200 de teste de sânge și de urină pentru a depista eventualele substanțe interzise. Toate au fost curate până pe 29 august 2022. Înaintea sezonului pe hard din 2022, la recomandarea echipei mele și a fizioterapeutului, oameni în care am mare încredere, mi-am ajustat suplimentele nutritive.

    Niciunul dintre ingrediente nu a conținut vreo substanță interzisă din ce știm noi – și tribunalul a fost de acord. Unul dintre ele a fost contaminat cu roxadustat. Am fost testată săptămânal pe durata anului 2023 după testul inițial pozitiv și toate celelalte probe au fost negative.

    În ciuda acestei dovezi, ITIA a adus în discuție iregularități din pașaportul meu biologic. Asta doar după ce grupul lor de experți mi-a aflat identitatea, iar doi dintre cei trei și-au schimbat dintr-odată opinia în favoarea acuzațiilor ITIA.

    ITIA s-a bazat doar pe opiniile acestor experți care s-au uitat la parametrii sângelului meu – au fost timp de 10 ani în aceiași termeni. Acest grup a ignorat faptul că nicio substanță interzisă nu a fost vreodată găsită în probele mele de sânge sau de urină, excepție făcând cea din 29 august cu roxadustat, care a fost prezentă într-un nivel extrem de scăzut.

    Luând în considerare faptul că înainte cu trei zile rezultatul fusese negativ, e clar că am fost expusă accidental.”

    Simona Halep a mai anunțat că va contesta perdeapsa pimită la Tribunalul de Arbitraj Sportiv (TAS): “unt foarte recunoscătoare pentru susţinerea pe care am primit-o din partea familiei, a prietenilor, fanilor tenisului din întreaga lume. Continui să mă antrenez şi să fac tot ce stă în puterea mea să îmi exonerez numele de aceste acuzaţii false şi să revin pe teren. Intenţionez să fac apel împotriva acestei decizii la Tribunalul de Arbitraj Sportiv şi să urmez toate căile legale împotriva companiei producătoare a suplimentelor în cauză.

    O reacție a venit și din partea președintei ITIA Karen Moorhouse: “După un proces riguros și complex, salutăm decizia tribunalului independent. Numărul de dovezi trimise tribunalului, legate atât de roxadustat, cât și de pașaportul biologic, au fost substanțiale.

    ITIA a urmat procedura obișnuită, așa cum ar fi făcut cu orice alt sportiv, în concordanță cu Regulamentul Global Anti-Doping, pentru a îndeplini scopul și responsabilitatea noastră, aceea de a menține principiul de competiție corectă.

    În cadrul hotărârii scrise, juriul a admis că s-a urmat procedura corectă. Înțelegem interesul public semnificativ în astfel de cazuri și vrem să rămânem cât mai transparenți posibil, iar decizia completă va fi publicată în timp util.”

    Și WTA a emis un comunicat oficial după anunțarea deciziei: ”Este cel mai important ca jucătorii să cunoască regulile programului anti-doping de tenis și să le respecte. Tribunalul Independent s-a pronunțat cu privire la cazul Simonei și, în temeiul TADP, decizia poate fi atacată la Tribunalul de Arbitraj pentru Sport. WTA va sprijini deciziile luate în acest proces și va continua să urmărească acest lucru îndeaproape.”

  • Simona Halep, suspendată patru ani pentru dopaj

    Simona Halep, suspendată patru ani pentru dopaj

    Jucătoarea română de tenis Simona Halep a fost suspendată pe o perioadă de patru ani pentru dopaj, a anunţat, marţi, Agenţia Internaţională pentru Integritate în Tenis (ITIA).

    Potrivit comunicatului ITIA “dubla campioană de Grand Slam, în vârstă de 31 de ani, a fost găsită vinovată pentru două încălcări separate. Prima, cu substanța interzisă roxadustat, la US Open 2022. A doua este legată de iregularitățile din pașaportul său biologic.”

    Tribunalul Independent Sports Resolutions spune că nu există niciun motiv să pună sub îndoială concluzia unanimă la care au ajuns cei 3 experți. Concluzia a fost că cel mai probabil dopajul” este explicația pentru iregularitățile găsite în cazul lui Halep, se mai arată în comunicatul ITIA.

    “La 11 septembrie 2023, tribunalul a confirmat că a constatat că jucătoarea a comis încălcări intenționate ale regulilor antidoping în temeiul articolului 2 din TADP: Prezența și utilizarea roxadustatului, așa cum s-a evidențiat în proba de urină a lui Halep recoltată la 29 august 2022 la US Open. Utilizarea unei substanțe sau a unei metode interzise în cursul anului 2022, pe baza recoltării și analizei a 51 de probe de sânge furnizate de jucătoare în cadrul programului ABP.

    Tribunalul a acceptat argumentul lui Halep potrivit căruia ar fi luat un supliment contaminat, dar a stabilit că volumul ingerat de jucătoare nu ar fi putut duce la concentrația de roxadustat găsită în proba pozitivă.”

    Simona Halep și echipa ei au posibilitatea unui recurs Tribunalul de Arbitraj Sportiv de la Lausanne (TAS).

  • May 20, 2023 UPDATE

    May 20, 2023 UPDATE

    SMR. The President of
    Romania, Klaus Iohannis, welcomed the announcement made at the G7 Summit on
    Saturday by the President of the United States, Joe Biden, regarding the
    support of the USA and Japan, of the partners South Korea and the United Arab
    Emirates of up to 275 million dollars for the Small Modular Reactor (SMR)
    project in Romania, as well as letters of interest from US EXIM and US
    International Development Finance Corporation for additional support of up to 4
    billion dollars for project implementation. These initiatives represent an essential
    support for Romania’s goal of standing in the forefront of the development of
    the revolutionary nuclear energy infrastructure, and the implementation of the
    SMR project in partnership with the USA will allow the production of clean
    energy and increase energy security, the Romanian president stressed in a post on social networks. The G7 leaders
    confirmed, in Hiroshima, their commitment to identifying new opportunities to
    expand the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment, an intitiative
    of President Biden and the G7, in the field of infrastructure and which
    provides for the financing of the first small modular reactor plant in Romania

    Education. The Romanian
    Prime Minister, Nicolae Ciucă, has announced that he has convened a meeting
    with the education unions, on Sunday, at the Government headquarters. He has
    stated that the solution for the education employees’ demands lies in the law on unitary wages. The prime
    minister, who is also the leader of the National Liberal Party, a senior
    partner in the ruling coalition, together with the Social Democratic Party, and
    the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians, has also said that the Ministry of Labor has the full support of
    the coalition to implement the unitary wage law and the reform of special pensions,
    in the shortest possible time. The prime minister’s statements come after the
    president of the Social Democratic Party and Speaker of the Chamber of
    Deputies, Marcel Ciolacu, has announced that any negotiations regarding the
    future Cabinet, which he is about to lead, must be suspended until the demands
    of the unions are resolved, as well as the major backlog regarding
    the reform of special pensions. The education unions have announced that they
    will go on an all-out strike on Monday, May 22. Their claims are mainly salary

    Schengen. The President of
    the Court of Justice of the European Union, Koen Lenaerts, believes that the
    file for the annulment of the decision to reject Romania’s accession to the
    Schengen Area must be resolved quickly. I want to emphasize that Romania’s future is in Schengen. So the
    reception of Romania and Bulgaria in the Schengen zone must happen in the very
    near future. Indeed, when you bring a member state like Romania, but this is
    also valid for all other members of the Schengen area, this means that the
    internal borders between the Schengen members are open and that there are no
    more checks when crossing the border. It also means that external borders
    become a matter of common interest for all members of the Schengen area,
    Lenaerts said. Although it had met all the accession
    criteria, Romania was denied entry into Schengen last year, due to Austria’s

    Moldova. On Sunday morning, at the initiative of President Maia
    Sandu, a large demonstration will take place in Chisinau to show the citizens’
    support for the European integration of their country. The event takes place in
    the context in which the Republic of Moldova (ex-Soviet, predominantly
    Romanian-speaking), as a candidate country, would like to start accession
    negotiations by the end of this year. In order to move to this stage, the
    Republic of Moldova has to fulfill nine recommendations, which will be
    evaluated by the fall in a European Commission report. The President of the
    European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, will also participate in the event in

    Halep. The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, former
    world number one, faces a new case, related to ‘irregularities’ in the data of
    her biological passport, the tennis anti-doping authority has announced.
    Halep, the 2018 Roland Garros and 2019 Wimbledon champion, has been
    provisionally suspended since last October after testing positive for
    roxadustat during the US Open in August 2022. In an interview with Tennis
    Majors published in late April, the player cited a contamination of one of her
    dietary supplements to explain the positive test. The new case, confirmed on
    Friday by the International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA), is based on an
    assessment of the profile of her biological passport by a group of independent
    experts. The biological passport makes it possible to monitor different blood
    parameters over a long period of time. In a statement broadcast on Friday
    evening, Simona Halep says that she is living the worst nightmare
    of her life since the announcement of the suspension, on October 7, and denounces
    a form of harassment on the part of ITIA, which she accuses of
    trying to prove that she is guilty of something she has never done. (MI)

  • May 20, 2023

    May 20, 2023

    Education. The debates on the education bills continue in the Education Committee of the Romanian Senate, which must adopt the reports that will be sent to the plenary no later than Monday. While the higher education law has already received a favorable report from the committee, the provisions aimed at pre-university education have brought tensions between the government and the opposition. The bone of contention was represented by the oppositions desire, also supported by the student and parents associations, to eliminate a possible additional exam after the National Assessment, for half of the number of places in a high school. The two education bills should receive the decisive vote in the Senate plenary on Monday. In parallel, the countdown for the strike announced for months by the education unions has begun. Theyve said, however, that they will accept possible negotiations over the weekend and proposals from the Government. The claims are mainly salary related.

    G7. The leaders of the G7 countries, gathered in Hiroshima, Japan, have called on China to put pressure on Russia to stop its aggression against Ukraine, stating at the same time that they want constructive and stable relations with Beijing, France Presse reports On Friday, on the first day of talks, the G7 leaders stated that Ukraine had the necessary budgetary support for the current year and the beginning of 2024 and renewed their commitments to provide financial and military support to Kyiv, to help it deal with the Russian aggression. In a statement, they also called for the immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of Russian troops and military equipment from within the internationally recognized borders of Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who arrived in Hiroshima this morning, participated in the summit. In another move, the European allies welcomed the US decision to allow Ukrainian pilots to train on US-made F-16 fighter jets. According to the BBC, US leader Joe Biden was reluctant, fearing that giving Ukraine fighter jets would escalate the conflict, but has now given in to pressure from allies, allowing Ukrainian pilots to train on F-16 models. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced that Britain will work with the US, the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark to provide Ukraine with the air combat capabilities it needs.

    Refugees. More than 4 million refugees have entered Romania since the beginning of the Russian aggression in Ukraine, last February. Most of them only transited the country to reach Western Europe, but, according to data published by the Romanian authorities, 130,000 Ukrainian refugees have benefited from protection in Romania, over 42,000 being registered in Bucharest alone.

    Moldova. On Sunday morning, at the initiative of President Maia Sandu, a large demonstration will take place in Chisinau to show the citizens support for the European integration of their country. The event takes place in the context in which the Republic of Moldova (ex-Soviet, predominantly Romanian-speaking), as a candidate country, would like to start accession negotiations by the end of this year. In order to move to this stage, the Republic of Moldova has to fulfill nine recommendations, which will be evaluated by the fall in a European Commission report. The President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, will also participate in the event in Chisinau.

    Elections. Elections for the unicameral parliament with 300 deputies will be held in Greece on Sunday. For the first time in the last 30 years, the ballot is exclusive, according to proportional representation, with a threshold of 3%, and opinion polls indicate six parties that will make it to parliament. In the lead is Kyriakos Mitsotakiss ruling New Democracy party, followed by Alexis Tsiprass left-wing Syriza party. If a new coalition government cannot be formed, new elections will be called for the month of June, at which, however, the granting of bonus mandates to the first party will be resumed and, in this way, it will be possible to form a new majority government or a coalition government.

    Halep. The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, former world number one, faces a new case, related to irregularities in the data of her biological passport, the tennis anti-doping authority has announced. Halep, the 2018 Roland Garros and 2019 Wimbledon champion, has been provisionally suspended since last October after testing positive for roxadustat during the US Open in August 2022. In an interview with Tennis Majors published in late April, the player cited a contamination of one of her dietary supplements to explain the positive test. The new case, confirmed on Friday by the International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA), is based on an assessment of the profile of her biological passport by a group of independent experts. The biological passport makes it possible to monitor different blood parameters over a long period of time. In a statement broadcast on Friday evening, Simona Halep says that she is “living the worst nightmare” of her life since the announcement of the suspension, on October 7, and denounces a form of “harassment” on the part of ITIA, which she accuses of trying to prove that she is guilty of something she has never done. (MI)