Tag: Joseph Borell

  • February 22, 2022 UPDATE

    February 22, 2022 UPDATE

    UKRAINE – Russia’s decision to recognize the two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine erodes efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict and the current crisis has been created by Russia alone, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Tuesday evening. According to Stoltenberg, everything indicates that Russia continues to plan a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Calling this “the most dangerous moment in European security for a generation,” the NATO Secretary General said that Europe and North America continue to stand strong together in NATO, committed to defend and protect each other. Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a news conference that Russia is firmly against Ukraine’s joining NATO and demanded that the country should withdraw its NATO membership application. Previously, Russia’s upper house of parliament voted in favor of giving Putin authority to send troops to support the separatists in Donetsk and Luhansk. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the nation on Tuesday, denouncing the violation Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity after Moscow recognized the independence of the two separatist “republics”, in the east of the country. Zelensky also said he is expecting clear and effective steps to be taken by the Western allies against Russia. At the end of a meeting of the EU foreign ministers, the head of European diplomacy, Joseph Borell said that the risk of conflict is real and announced the adoption of a first set of tough sanctions against Moscow, following Russias recognition of the self-proclaimed peoples republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, in eastern Ukraine. The OSCE has reiterated its support for Kiev at a meeting of its representatives held in Vienna.

    REACTIONS – Romanian President, Klaus Iohannis, has condemned the blatant violation of international law by Russia, which recognized the independence of the separatist republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine, saying this move should receive a very harsh response from the international community. In turn, the Bucharest Government condemns any attempt at undermining the territorial integrity of Ukraine, and emphasizes the fact that undermining the statehood of a UN member state is a revisionist approach, a threat to peace in Europe and the whole world. Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă said Romania can take in a large number of refugees from Ukraine. He also said there are no repatriation requests yet from any of the approximately 400,000 Romanians living in the neighboring Ukraine. Russias move was also criticized by political leaders in Bucharest. In another development, the Romanian Foreign Ministry has raised the alert level to high, urging Romanians in Ukraine to leave the country immediately in the context of a serious deterioration of the security situation in that country and in the Black Sea region and of the recognition, by the Russian President Vladimir Putin, of the independence of the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Luhansk.

    VACCINES – The EU member states agreed on Tuesday to open their borders for travelers from outside the Union who are vaccinated with one of the shots authorized by the World Health Organisation (WHO), Reuters reports. Thus, starting March 1st, travelers immunized with shots produced in India and China can also enter the EU. The EU has so far authorized vaccines produced by Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Novavax. Until now, most EU countries have not admitted people from outside the bloc travelling for non-essential reasons if they have been vaccinated with shots not approved in the EU.

    SRI – Romania’s security situation from the perspective offered by the legal attributions of the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) is stable, said Cristian Chirtes, chairman of the Joint Standing Committee of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate for the exercise of parliamentary control over the activity of the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI). This is the main conclusion of the Committee’s meeting, which was also attended by the head of the Romanian Intelligence Service, Eduard Hellvig. The meeting focused on the presentation of Romania’s security situation from the perspective of the attributions that the SRI has inside the country’s borders and in the context of tensions in the region. (EE)

  • Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    UCRAINA – Apofasea Rusiillei ta s’pricunoască aţeali dauă regiuni separatiste ditu estul Ucrainăllei erodiadză eforturile ta s’află ună cearei iriñeatică a conflictului, iar actuala criză fu adrată maş di Rusia, diclară marță seară secretarul general al NATO, Jens Stoltenberg. Uidisitu cu Stoltenberg, tuti spunu că Rusia continuă s’planifică ună invazie pi scară largă a Ucrainăllei. Număsinda aesta nai ma di piriclliu momentu a securitatillei europene tră un bărnu”, secretarul general al NATO spusi că Europa și America di Nord ma largu va s’hibă vărtoasi diadunu tru NATO, angajate să s’apără și să s’veaglle reciproc. Prezidintulu rus Vladimir Putin diclară tu ună conferință di presă că Rusia easti susto contra adirarillei Ucrainei la NATO și căftă ca țara să-și ritragă căftarea di adiarare la NATO. Anterior, cameara superioară a parlamentului Rusiillei votă tra s’da al Putin autoritatea ta s’pitreacă trupe tră sa-lli ndrupască separatiștii ditu Donețk și Lugansk. Prezidintulu ucrainean Volodimir Zelenski ţănu un zbor tră națiuni marță, dinunțânda călcarea suvearanitatillei și integritatillei teritoriale a Ucrainei după ţi Moscova precunoscu indipendința atilor două republici” separatiste ditu estul a vasiliillei. Zelensky nica spusi că s’așteaptă ca aliațllii occidintali s’llia apofasi limbidz şi hăirlătiţi contra Rusiei. Tu bitisita a unei andamasi a miniștrilor di externe UE, șeful a diplomațiillei europene, Joseph Borell spusi că riscul di conflict easti real și dimăndă adoptarea a unui protu mănuclliu di sancțiuni serti contra Moscovei, dupu pricunuștearea di către Rusia a autoproclamatiloru republiţ populare Donețk și Lugansk, ditu estul Ucrainei. OSCE năpoi și spusi andrupămintul tră Kiev tru cadrul unei reuniuni a reprezentanților a llei disvărtitătă la Viena.

    REACȚII – Prezidintulu a României, Klaus Iohannis, condamnă călcarea flagrantă a ndreptului internațional di cătră Rusia, cari precunoscu indipendința republicilor separatiste Donețk și Lugansk ditu estul Ucrainei, spunânda că aeastă minari lipseaşti să’lli si da ună apandi multu sertă ditu partea comunitatillei internaționale. Tu arada a lui, Guvernul di București condamnă iti tmindueari di subminare a integrității teritoriale a Ucrainei și subliniază că subminarea statalitatillei a unui stat membru ONU easti ună abordare revizionistă, ună fuvirseari contra a irinillei tru Europa și tru ntreaga lume. Premierul Nicolae Ciucă spusi că România poate s’aproaki un număr mare di arifugiaț ditu Ucraina. El nica spusi că nu ari nica căftări di repatriere di la niţiunu ditu aţelli aproximativ 400.000 di români cari băneadză tru Ucraina viţină. Minarea a Rusiillei fu criticată și di lidirllii politiţ di București. Tru ună altă evoluție, Ministerul român di Externe dănăsi nivelul di alertă la mare, căndăsinda românii ditu Ucraina s’fugă ună ş-ună ditu văsilie tru contextul a unei greauă aspărdzeari a situațiillei di securitate ditu aţea văsilie și ditu regiunea ali Amarea Lae și pricunuştearea, di cătră prezidintulu rus Vladimir Putin, a indipendințăllei regiunilor separatiste Donețk și Lugansk.

    VACCINURI – Statele membre UE s’akicăsiră marță să-și dişcllidă sinurli tră călătorllii di nafoara Uniunillei cari suntu vaccinați cu una ditu vaccinurile autorizate di Organizația Mondială a Sănătatillei (OMS), dimăndă Reuters. Ase, ahurhinda cu 1 di marţu, călătorii imunizaț cu vaccinuri produse tru India și China pot s’intra și elli tru UE. Până tora, UE autoriză vaccinuri produse di Pfizer, Modirna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson și Novavax. Până tru aestu kiro, majoritatea statilor UE nu aprukeară persoane ditu afara blocului cari călătorescu ditu furñii neesențiale cara s’fură vaccinate cu vaccinuri niaprobate tru UE.

    SRI – Situația securitatillei României ditu perspectiva oferită di borgili legale ale Serviciului Român di Informații (SRI) easti stabilă, diclară Cristian Chirtes, prezidintulu a Comisiei Permanente Mixte a Camerăllei Diputațlor și Senatului tră exercitarea controlului parlamentar ti activitatea Serviciului Român di Informaţii (SRI). Aesta easti concluzia principală a ședințăllei Comitetlui, la cari lo parti și șeful Serviciului Român di Informații, Eduard Hellvig. Tu andamasi fu părăstisită situația di securitate a României ditu perspectiva borgilor pe cari SRI li ari năuntrulu a sinurloru văsiliillei și tru contextul tensiunilor ditu regiune.

    Autoru: Udălu a hăbărlor

    Armânipsearia: Taşcu Lala

  • May 3, 2020

    May 3, 2020

    PRESS FREEDOM – On the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day, celebrated today, the EU High Representative Josep Borrell, made public a message on behalf of the European Union. “The EU strongly reaffirms its continued support for the key role of independent and reliable media all around the world. Press freedom is a right, not just of media professionals, but of each and every one of us,” the message reads. The message also says that “in too many countries journalists have to contend with restrictive legislation, sometimes ascribed to the COVID-19 emergency, that curbs freedom of expression and the freedom of the press. Also, Internet shutdowns and website closures are proliferating.” According to the 2020 World Press Freedom Report, drawn up by Reporters without Borders, respect for press freedom has not improved in Romania. ”The attitude towards journalism and free speech that prevails within the state and the political class continues to encourage censorship and self-censorship. The media’s funding mechanisms are opaque or even corrupt, and editorial policies are subordinated to owner interests. The media have gradually been turned into political propaganda tools (…),” the report reads. Romania thus ranks 48th in the 2020 World Press Freedom Index, one place down as against the previous year. As many as 180 countries are included in this classification, where the first place is taken by Norway and the last place by North Korea. According to the Romanian Foreign Ministry, the freedom of the press is the guarantee of any functional democracy and marking this day is all the more important as the democratic community is put to the test through the exceptional measures taken in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Romanian state officials have conveyed messages on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day.

    CORONAVIRUS ROMANIA – The death toll from the coronavirus is 780 in Romania, authorities have announced today. Over 13,163 confirmed infections, of which 400 in the last 24 hours have been reported, and over 4,900 recoveries. The county of Suceava and the capital Bucharest have reported most cases, followed by Arad and Hunedoara. Authorities say the peak of the epidemic has not been reached yet in the country and talk about the prospective easing of restrictions as of May 15, when the state of emergency is lifted. Over 2,300 Romanian citizens have been infected with the coronavirus abroad, of whom 93 have died.

    PLAN – A Romanian employer’s association representing investors in hospitality industry has proposed Government a 3-stage plan to be implemented after the state of emergency is lifted on May 15. The first stage would last two weeks and would include the reopening of terraces with the observance of a minimum 2-meter safety distance and a maximum number of 200 customers at the same time. The second stage, to start on June 1st, consists in the implementation of the same measures for the indoor facilities – restaurants, bars, coffee shops, etc — without exceeding 50% of their capacity. Finally, in the third stage, to start on June 15, activity in the hospitality industry would be resumed completely, with the observance of the safety distance and of the hygiene measures and only if there is a positive evolution of the COVID-19 indices.

    PANDEMIC – The number of infections with the novel coronavirus has reached 3.5 million worldwide, with one third of the cases in the US. Around 245 thousand people have died to the disease across the globe. According to the BBC, churches in Germany have been opened today for the first time since the lockdown began last month. Mosques in Iran, closed since mid-March are to be opened in some cities as of Monday and the state of emergency is lifted in Portugal as of today and replaced with a less severe state of calamity. Adults in Spain were able to exercise outdoors on Saturday for the first time in seven weeks, as the lockdown was eased for children under 14 a week ago. Lockdowns in other European countries are also being eased, although social distancing remains in force. Some countries require mask-wearing in shops and on public transport. The leaders of France, Italy, Germany and Norway will hold a videoconference on Monday to promise the allocation of billions of dollars for finding a vaccine and treatments against COVID-19.

    REPATRIATION – 140 Romanian citizens in Cyprus were flown to the country with an aircraft operated by a private company, the Romanian Foreign Ministry announced. Also, three Moldovan citizens, three Cypriots and one Greek, all Romanian residents, were brought to the country with the same aircraft. The Foreign Ministry has again signalled the fact that any unessential travels abroad should be avoided, and also the trips to the country by Romanian citizens living abroad, given the coronavirus epidemic. (Translated by Elena Enache)