Tag: judoka

  • Athlete of the Week

    Athlete of the Week

    With less than one year before the Olympic Games in Paris, a series of competitions
    is underway enabling all athletes to get plane tickets to the world’s most
    prestigious sporting event. One suchlike competition was the European Judo Cup hosted
    by the city of Malaga in Spain last weekend.

    The event brought together 355 athletes
    of 35 countries, 211 in the men’s competition and 144 in the female’s contest.
    The best Romanian performance was obtained by Alexandru Matei, who became winner
    in his category of 60 kilograms and has also reaped Radio Romania International’s
    title, Athlete of the Week.

    In Malaga, Matei first outperformed Mateo Garcia Vicente of Spain. In
    the round of sixteen he defeated Nordine Adrif of Britain and Jesse Weizenegger
    of Switzerland in the quarters. In the semifinals, the Romanian won against
    Portuguese Emerson Silva, and defeated Bart Weling of the Netherlands in the

    Alexandru Matei was born on October 22, 2002, in Caransebeş, western
    Romania. He obtained his first performance in the cadets section of the World
    Cup in Berlin in 2019. He became bronze medalist in the same cadets section of
    the European championship in Warsaw and silver in the Youth Olympics in Baku,
    Azerbaijan. After the pandemics, in
    2022, he won bronze in the European Cups in Athens and Malaga plus a silver
    medal in the similar contest in Paks, Hungary. The best result last year was
    the bronze medal he obtained in the Under-23 championships in Sarajevo. In the Francophony
    Games hosted by Kinshasa this year Matei came second in the 60 kilogram


  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    The World Judo Championships are underway in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Romanian news agency AGERPRES quoted the president of the Romanian Judo Federation, Cozmin Gusa, as saying that the delegations stated aim was the winning of a medal, given that the Romanian delegation to the ongoing world championships was made of judokas of the young generation. A nine-strong Romanian delegation is in Tashkent, with six male events competitors and three other judokas competing in the womens events. Naturalized Cuban judoka, Ashely Gonzalez, former world champion and silver medalist in the London Olympics, in the 100-kilgram category, is 33 years old, whereas the other members of the Romanian delegation are around 20. Romania has not won a medal in the World Championship since 2015. We recall that back then Andreea Chitu, in the 52-kilogram category and Corina Căprioriu, in the 57-kilogram category, walked away with the silver medal.

    In the Champions League in womens handball, on Sunday, CSM Bucharest play a Group A away game against Danish team Odense. CSM are 3rd-placed in Group A with 5 points, while Odense are 4th-placed with 2 points. In Group B, Rapid Bucharest play a home game against another Danish squad, Team Esbjerg. Romanian title holders Rapid are 2nd-placed in the group, with 5 points, on a par with the group leader, Metz Handball, while Esbjerg are 4th-placed, with 4 points.

    In news from football, matches counting towards the Romanian Superleagues 13th round are scheduled at the weekend. On Friday, FC Voluntari play CS Mioveni, while FC Argeș go against Universitatea Craiova. On Saturday, Universitatea Cluj receive the visit of FC Hermannstadt, the revelation of the domestic championships first rounds. In Bucharest, Rapid are pitted against FC Botoșani. On Sunday, Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe play a home game against Farul Constanța, while in Ploiesti, the local side Petrolul face FCSB. On Monday, FC U Craiova play Chindia Targoviste, while UTA take on CFR Cluj. After 12 rounds, Farul is at the top of the table, with 27 points. Rapid is the runner-up team, with 24 points, while 3rd-placed are Hermannstadt, with 22. Defending champions CFR Cluj are 4th-placed, with 19 points. (EN)

  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    The World Judo Championships are underway in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Romanian news agency AGERPRES quoted the president of the Romanian Judo Federation, Cozmin Gusa, as saying that the delegations stated aim was the winning of a medal, given that the Romanian delegation to the ongoing world championships was made of judokas of the young generation. A nine-strong Romanian delegation is in Tashkent, with six male events competitors and three other judokas competing in the womens events. Naturalized Cuban judoka, Ashely Gonzalez, former world champion and silver medalist in the London Olympics, in the 100-kilgram category, is 33 years old, whereas the other members of the Romanian delegation are around 20. Romania has not won a medal in the World Championship since 2015. We recall that back then Andreea Chitu, in the 52-kilogram category and Corina Căprioriu, in the 57-kilogram category, walked away with the silver medal.

    In the Champions League in womens handball, on Sunday, CSM Bucharest play a Group A away game against Danish team Odense. CSM are 3rd-placed in Group A with 5 points, while Odense are 4th-placed with 2 points. In Group B, Rapid Bucharest play a home game against another Danish squad, Team Esbjerg. Romanian title holders Rapid are 2nd-placed in the group, with 5 points, on a par with the group leader, Metz Handball, while Esbjerg are 4th-placed, with 4 points.

    In news from football, matches counting towards the Romanian Superleagues 13th round are scheduled at the weekend. On Friday, FC Voluntari play CS Mioveni, while FC Argeș go against Universitatea Craiova. On Saturday, Universitatea Cluj receive the visit of FC Hermannstadt, the revelation of the domestic championships first rounds. In Bucharest, Rapid are pitted against FC Botoșani. On Sunday, Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe play a home game against Farul Constanța, while in Ploiesti, the local side Petrolul face FCSB. On Monday, FC U Craiova play Chindia Targoviste, while UTA take on CFR Cluj. After 12 rounds, Farul is at the top of the table, with 27 points. Rapid is the runner-up team, with 24 points, while 3rd-placed are Hermannstadt, with 22. Defending champions CFR Cluj are 4th-placed, with 19 points. (EN)

  • The Athlete of the Week

    The Athlete of the Week

    The Czech capital city
    Prague last week played host to the European Judo Championships. No less than
    13 Romanian judoka travelled to Prague, of which eight took part in men’s
    version of the contest and five in the women’s version of the championships.
    Vladut Simionescu and Corina Stefan tested positive for COVID-19, so as a
    last-ditch solution they were denied the participation in the competition.
    Under the circumstances, all hopes were pinned on former European champion and
    world vice-champion Andreea Chitu as a prospective medal winner. Andreea met
    everybody’s expectations in Prague. She won the silver medal, in fact the only
    medal won by the Romanian delegation that competed in Prague. Reason enough for
    Radio Romania International to designate Andrrea Chitu the Athlete of the week.

    In the championship’s round of 16, Andreea Chitu
    defeated Belgium’s Amber Ryheul. In the quarter final, Chitu outclassed Russian
    challenger Natalya Kuzyutina, while in the semifinals the Romanian overpowered
    Spain’s Ana Perez. However, in the final, Italy’s Odette Giufrida defeated
    Andreea Chitu. The bronze medals went to Charline van Snick of Belgium and Estrella
    Lopez Sheriff of Spain.

    Andreea Chiţu was born on May 7, 1988, in Bolintin-Vale,
    a locality in the vicinity of Bucharest. Andreea is signed up by the Army
    Steaua Sports club. Andrea won two silver medals, one in the 2012 edition of
    the world championship in Chelyabinsk, Russia, and the other one in Astana
    Kazakhstan, in 2015. In Paris in 2011, Andreea Chitu stepped onto the third
    step of the podium in a world championship. Andrea also won five medals in
    European Championships. She walked away with gold in Chelyabinsk, Russia, in
    2012 and in Baku, Azerbaijan, in 2015. Then in Budapest in 2013, Andreea Chitu
    won silver, while in Montpellier, France, in 2014, she won the bronze medal.
    Andreea also won bronze in Russia’s Kazan in 2016. Andreea Chitu twice got
    through to the Olympic Games, in London, in 2012 and in Rio, in 2016, where she
    came in 7th according to the final rankings.

    (Translation by Eugen Nasta)

  • The Athlete of the Week

    The Athlete of the Week

    The Czech capital city
    Prague last week played host to the European Judo Championships. No less than
    13 Romanian judoka travelled to Prague, of which eight took part in men’s
    version of the contest and five in the women’s version of the championships.
    Vladut Simionescu and Corina Stefan tested positive for COVID-19, so as a
    last-ditch solution they were denied the participation in the competition.
    Under the circumstances, all hopes were pinned on former European champion and
    world vice-champion Andreea Chitu as a prospective medal winner. Andreea met
    everybody’s expectations in Prague. She won the silver medal, in fact the only
    medal won by the Romanian delegation that competed in Prague. Reason enough for
    Radio Romania International to designate Andrrea Chitu the Athlete of the week.

    In the championship’s round of 16, Andreea Chitu
    defeated Belgium’s Amber Ryheul. In the quarter final, Chitu outclassed Russian
    challenger Natalya Kuzyutina, while in the semifinals the Romanian overpowered
    Spain’s Ana Perez. However, in the final, Italy’s Odette Giufrida defeated
    Andreea Chitu. The bronze medals went to Charline van Snick of Belgium and Estrella
    Lopez Sheriff of Spain.

    Andreea Chiţu was born on May 7, 1988, in Bolintin-Vale,
    a locality in the vicinity of Bucharest. Andreea is signed up by the Army
    Steaua Sports club. Andrea won two silver medals, one in the 2012 edition of
    the world championship in Chelyabinsk, Russia, and the other one in Astana
    Kazakhstan, in 2015. In Paris in 2011, Andreea Chitu stepped onto the third
    step of the podium in a world championship. Andrea also won five medals in
    European Championships. She walked away with gold in Chelyabinsk, Russia, in
    2012 and in Baku, Azerbaijan, in 2015. Then in Budapest in 2013, Andreea Chitu
    won silver, while in Montpellier, France, in 2014, she won the bronze medal.
    Andreea also won bronze in Russia’s Kazan in 2016. Andreea Chitu twice got
    through to the Olympic Games, in London, in 2012 and in Rio, in 2016, where she
    came in 7th according to the final rankings.

    (Translation by Eugen Nasta)

  • Nachrichten 26.08.2014

    Nachrichten 26.08.2014

    CHISINAU: Die offizielle Einweihung der Erdgas-Pipeline Iasi-Ungheni findet am Mittwoch auf der moldauschen Seite in Anwesenheit der Ministerpräsidenten Rumäniens und der Moldau, Victor Ponta und Iurie Leanca, statt. Durch die Eröffnung der neuen Pipeline, die Erdgaslieferungen aus Rumänien in die Moldaurepublik ermöglicht, soll die Abhängigkeit der ehemaligen Sowjetrepublik von russischem Erdgas vermindert werden. Der Besuch des rumänischen Ministerpräsidenten erfolgt an dem Tag, an dem die benachbarte Moldau ihren Nationalfeiertag zum 23. Mal begeht. Am 27. August 1991 hatte das moldauische Parlament nach dem Scheitern des neo-bolschewistischen Putschs in Moskau die Unabhängigkeitserklärung unterzeichnet. Hunderttausende Demonstranten waren zu dem Zeitpunkt vor dem Parlamentsgebäude in Chisinau versammelt.

    BUKAREST: Seit Jahresbeginn sind in Rumäniens Hauptstadt über 450 ausländische Staatsbürger ohne Aufenthaltsgenehmigung identifiziert worden, meldete das Generalinspektorat für Einwanderungsfragen. Die meisten davon stammen aus dem Nahen Osten und Nordafrika, etwa aus Ländern wie der Türkei, Syrien, Tunesien und dem Irak, aber auch aus der benachbarten Moldau. Mehr als die Hälfte der illegalen Einwanderer wurden abgeschoben, weiteren Ausländern half die Polizei bei der Verlängerung ihres Aufenthaltsrechtes auf rumänischem Boden.

    SPORT: Die Rumänin Andreea Chiţu ist Judo-Vizeweltmeisterin der Gewichtsklasse 52 Kilogramm. Die Judoweltmeisterschaften fanden im russischen Tscheliabinsk statt, wo Chiţu vor zwei Jahren ebenfalls in der Kategorie 52 Kilogramm die Europameisterschaft gewonnen hatte. 2011 war sie in Paris WM-Dritte geworden. Bei der diesjährigen WM unterlag die 26-Jährige der Titelverteidigerin Maglinda Kelmendi aus dem Kosovo, die unter der Flagge des internationalen Judo-Verbandes auftrat. Mit dem Gewinn der WM-Silbermedaille egalisierte Chiţu den bislang grö‎ßten Erfolg eines rumänischen Judoka: 1981 war Constantin Nicolae in Maastricht Vizeweltmeister geworden. Bei der Judo-WM in Tscheliabinsk sind fast 640 Sportler aus 110 Ländern an den Start gegangen.