Tag: Jull Biden

  • Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    Vizită — Prima Doamnă a SUA, Jill Bidin, va s’facă ună avizită tru România și Slovacia, tru kirolu 5-9 mai. Nicukira a prezidintului Joe Bidin va s’adună tru 6 mai cu militari americani di la baza aeriană Mihail Kogălniceanu (sud-estul României), după cari va s’nkisească calea ti București, iu va s’adună cu oficiali guvernamentali români, cu membri a ambasadăllei SUA, cu lucrători umanitari și profesori cari lucreadză cu cilimeanilli arifugaţ ucraineni. Uidisitu cu ună diclarații ditu biroulu Primăllei Doamnă aleaptă di Reuters, dumănică, marcată tru Statele Unite ca Dzuua a Dadăllei, Jill Bidin va s’adună cu mame și cilimani ucraineni cari vidzură zori şi fudziră ditu casi di itia a invaziillei ali Rusie tru Ucraina. Vizita ali Jill Bidin easti aţelu ditu soni semnu di agiutoru di partea aoficialilor americani di arangu analtu tră Ucraina și viţinii amllei cari îlli agiută pe arifugaţlli ucraineni. Numirulu a arifugaţlor ucraineni easti tru aist kiro di aproximativ 5,5 milioane, simfunu cu ţifrili ONU.

    Energie — Miniștrilli energiillei ditu UE s’adună di urgență adză, di itia că blocul caftă modalități ta s’da apandisi la caftarea a prezidintului rus Vladimir Putin ca țările europene s’păltească gazul tru moneda rusă. Săptămâna tricută, Rusia dănăsi livrările di gaz cătră Polonia și Bulgaria, după ţi ateali dauă state membre UE nu vrură s-plătească gazul tru ruble. Uidisitu cu agențiili di presă, miniștrii europeni va s’acaţă tu isapi băgarea preayalea ayalea a unei interdicții a importurilor di petrol ditu Rusia, iar până la bitisita a anlui UE va s’tragă mănă acutotalui di la petrolu rusesc. Nu s’loară apofasi finale tru aest sens și poate s’aibă nica opoziție ditu partea născăntoru state membre.

    Ucraina — Tru Ucraina, cama di 100 di civili, mlleri și cilimani, fură evacuați ditu combinatul sidirurgic Azovstal ditu Mariupol. Născănţă di elli suntu aștiptaț s’agiungă adză Zaporoje, un căsăbă controlat di forțele ucrainene, diclară prezidintulu ucrainean Volodimir Zelenski. ONU și Cruţea Aroşe cilăstăsiră tru operațiunea di evacuare, cari ahurhi sâmbătă dimneață. Cu tute aeastea, sute di civili sunt nică tru buncărele a fabricăllei. Pe ningă civili, suntu şi aţelli ditu soni askirladz ucraineni armași tru Mariupol, căsăbă tru mari parti aspartu tru aţelli doi meşi di atacuri rusești. Uidisitu cu CNN, după botisearea a operațiunillei di evacuare, forțili aruse ahurhiră diznău bombardamentele contra ali centrală. Bombardamentul dusi ma largu tru zona căsăbălui Harkov, doilu ca mărime ditu Ucraina, ama tru idyea regiune forțele ucrainene putură s’rianăkisească patru hori. Di altă parte, Serviciul di Informații ucrainean dimăndă că neutralizat ună parei di investigație și sabotaj rusă cari cari vrea tra s’fură ună rachetă Stinger tra s’surpă un avion di pasageri pisupra ali Rusie ică a Belarusului, tra s’aruc căbatea dipoa pi Ucraina. Informația fu confirmată di un consilier a prezidintului Zelensky, cari adăvgă că tru Statul Major al Armată Ucrainene fu aflatu un spion arus. Kievlu easti până tora izvurlu golu a aluştoru hăbări tu aestă noimă.

    Atacul cibernetic — Un atacă cibernetică zñiipsi, aseară, site-ul a nai ma important aeroport ditu România, București Otopeni. Ma amănatu, site-ul agiumsi diznău operațional. Serviciul di Telecomunicații Speciale a, ñilli di ahtări atacuri lansate pe site-urile a nascantoru instituții importante ditu România di pareia pro-rus Killnet. Pareia atacă, tut aşi, site-uri web ale instituțiilor di stat ditu Moldova viţnă și ditu statili ali UE și NATO. Ca apandisi la atacurile a hackerilor ruși, pareia Anonymous România dimanda că atacă şi ambudyiusi site-ul a sistemului unificat di achiziții publiţi ditu Rusia, cari nu lucră kiro di dauă dzăli.

    Autoru: Udălu a hăbărloru

    Armânipsearea: Taşcu Lala

  • May 2, 2022

    May 2, 2022

    Visit — The First Lady of the US, Jill Biden, will pay a visit to Romania and Slovakia, between May 5-9. The wife of President Joe Biden will meet on May 6 with American soldiers from the Mihail Kogalniceanu air base (southeastern Romania), after which she will head to Bucharest, where she will meet with Romanian government officials, with members of the US embassy, with humanitarian workers and teachers working with Ukrainian refugee children. According to a statement from the First Ladys office quoted by Reuters, on Sunday, marked in the United States as Mothers Day, Jill Biden will meet with Ukrainian mothers and children who have been forced to leave their homes because of Russias invasion of Ukraine. Jill Bidens visit is the latest signal of support from high-ranking US officials for Ukraine and its neighbors that are helping the Ukrainian refugees. The number of Ukrainian refugees stands currently at about 5.5 million, according to UN figures.

    Energy — The EU energy ministers are meeting urgently today as the bloc is looking into ways to respond to a request from Russian President Vladimir Putin that European countries pay for gas in the Russian currency. Last week Russia stopped gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria after the two EU member states refused to pay for gas in rubles. According to news agencies, the European ministers will consider the gradual introduction of a ban on oil imports from Russia, and by the end of the year, the EU is to give up Russian oil permanently. No final decisions have been made in this regard and there may still be opposition from some member states.

    Tennis — The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep meets, today, the American Cori Gauff in the Round of 16 of the WTA 1,000 tournament in Madrid, which has total prizes of 6,575,560 Euros. The Romanian tennis player has won both games played so far against Gauff. Simona Halep was a champion in Madrid in 2016 and 2017, and a finalist in another two editions.

    Ukraine — In Ukraine, more than 100 civilians, women and children, have been evacuated from the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol. Some of them are expected to arrive in Zaporozhe today, a city controlled by the Ukrainian forces, the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky said. The UN and the Red Cross were involved in the evacuation operation, which began on Saturday morning. However, hundreds of civilians are still in the plants bunkers. Besides the civilians there are the last remaining Ukrainian soldiers in Mariupol, a city largely destroyed in the two months of Russian attacks. According to the CNN, after the evacuation operation ended, the Russian forces resumed bombings on the plant. The bombing continued in the area of ​​the Kharkov city, the second largest one in Ukraine, but in the same region the Ukrainian forces managed to recapture four villages. On the other hand, the Ukrainian Intelligence Service announced that it had neutralized a Russian investigation and sabotage team that allegedly tried to steal a Stinger rocket to shoot down a passenger plane over Russia or Belarus, in order to later blame the attack on Ukraine. The information was confirmed by an adviser to President Zelensky, who also added that a Russian spy had been discovered in the General Staff of the Ukrainian Army. Kyiv is the only source of this information in this respect so far.

    Cyber attack — A cyber attack affected, last night, the website of the most important airport in Romania, Bucharest Otopeni. The site subsequently became operational again. The Special Telecommunications Service has blocked, in recent days, thousands of such attacks launched on the websites of some important institutions in Romania by the pro-Russian group Killnet. The group has also attacked websites of state institutions in neighboring Moldova and in EU and NATO countries. In response to the Russian hackers’ attacks, the Anonymous Romania group announced that it had attacked and blocked the site of the unified public procurement system in Russia, which had been out of order for two days.

    Immigrants – The number of Ukrainian citizens who entered Romania on Sunday decreased by 27.6% compared to the previous day, according to a communiqué of the Border Police General Inspectorate. On Sunday, at national level, 107,432 people entered Romania through the border crossings, of whom 7,648 were Ukrainian citizens. Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, about 836 thousand Ukrainians have entered Romania, most of them transiting to other countries.

    Statistics – In Romania, the unemployment rate stood at 5.7% in March, slightly higher than in the previous month, show data published on Monday by the National Institute of Statistics. The estimated number of unemployed for March was 475,000, up by 7,000 persons from February, but down from 11,000 persons as compared to March 2021. By gender, the unemployment rate for women was 0.1% higher than the rate for men (the respective values ​​being 5.8% for women and 5.7% for men). The unemployment rate level among young people remains high, standing at 22%, according to INS. On the other hand, the 3-month ROBOR index, based on which the cost of consumer loans in lei with variable interest rate is calculated, rose on Monday to 5.01% per year, from 4.95% on Friday, as shown by data published by the National Bank of Romania. A higher level than that was recorded on April 3, 2013, when it stood at 5.03% per year. (LS)