Tag: Kandahar

  • Nachrichten 22.10.2020

    Nachrichten 22.10.2020

    Rumänien hat am Donnerstag neue Corona-Rekordzahlen gemeldet: 4.902 Neu-Infektionen von über 34.000 durchgeführten Tests sowie 98 Todesfälle. Rund 10.360 Menschen sind im Krankenhaus untergebracht, 778 davon auf der Intensivstation. Seit Beginn der Pandemie in Rumänien hat die Gesamtzahl der Fälle 196.004 erreicht, die Zahl der Todesfälle liegt bei 6.163. Die Regierung änderte am Donnerstag das Quarantäne-Gesetz per Eilverordnung, um eine Überfüllung der Krankenhäuser zu verhindern. Patienten mit leichten Formen der Krankheit und Corona-Infizierte ohne Symptome sollen zu Hause behandelt werden, es sei denn, sie leiden an Vorerkrankungen, erklärte Gesundheitsminister Nelu Tătaru. Der Entwurf ist von Hausärzten bereits kritisiert worden. Sie sagen, dass eine Untersuchung der Patienten zu Hause nicht in Frage kommt, da die Ärzte gefährdet wären.

    Am Donnerstag ist die Frist für die Einreichung der Kandidaturen für die Parlamentswahlen in Rumänien abgelaufen. Der Urnengang soll am 6. Dezember stattfinden. Die umfragestärksten Parteien hatten ihre Listen mit den Bukarester Kandidaten bereits beim Stadtwahlbüro eingereicht. Der Donnerstag war auch der letzte Tag, an dem sich im Ausland lebende rumänische Staatsbürger zur Briefwahl anmelden konnten. Der Leiter der Ständigen Wahlbehörde, Constantin Mituleţu-Buică, sagt, dass die Briefwahl im Zusammenhang mit der Coronavirus-Pandemie eine sichere und bequeme Alternative biete, die keine Reisen, Kosten und Risiken nach sich zieht. Präsident Klaus Iohannis bezeichnete die Parlamentswahlen als entscheidend, da sie die einzige demokratische Option darstellten, die es einem repräsentativen Parlament ermöglichen würde, die gegenwärtige Krise im Gesundheitswesen zu bewältigen.

    Hunderte rumänische Unternehmen sollen von einer Finanzhilfe der Europäischen Investitionsbank (EIB) profitieren. Die Fördermittel in Höhe von 190 Millionen Euro stünden der von der Pandemie am stärksten betroffenen Sektoren zur Verfügung, die aus wirtschaftlicher, sozialer und gesundheitlicher Sicht litten. Laut einer Mitteilung des Finanzinstituts ist das Förderprogramm ab sofort verfügbar, Unternehmen können sich über Tochterunternehmen im ganzen Land bewerben. Die Unterstützung der EIB für Rumänien ist Teil eines weltweiten Hilfspakets in Höhe von 20 Milliarden Euro zur Verringerung der wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der Pandemie.

    Zwei rumänische Soldaten sind am Mittwochabend in Afghanistan bei einem Patrouilleneinsatz verwundet worden. Nach Angaben des Verteidigungsministeriums seien sie stabil und würden im Krankenhaus auf dem Luftwaffenstützpunkt Kandahar medizinisch betreut. Die beiden gehören zum 191. Truppenschutzbataillon Goldene Löwen und wurden im August für einen 6-monatigen Einsatz nach Afghanistan entsandt. Rumänische Truppen sind seit 2003 in Afghanistan stationiert, dem Jahr vor der Aufnahme Rumäniens in die NATO. Fast 30 rumänische Soldaten wurden in diesem Land getötet.

    Der rumänische Verteidigungsminister Nicolae Ciucă hat am Donnerstag an den Arbeiten des Nordatlantikrates teilgenommen. Der erste Sitzungstag der NATO-Verteidigungsminister fand im Rahmen eines Videokonferenzschaltung statt. Der rumänische Minister betonte dabei die Bedeutung einer effizienten und dauerhaften Anpassung an aktuelle und zukünftige Sicherheitsherausforderungen. Dabei beharrte er auf der Notwendigkeit einer kohärenten Reaktion der Alliierten auf die Sicherheitskoordinaten in der Schwarzmeerregion. Das Ministertreffen wird am Freitag fortgesetzt.

    Der rumänische Diplomat Cosmin Boiangiu ist kürzlich zum Leiter der Europäischen Arbeitsbehörde gewählt worden, einer neuen ständigen Struktur der Europäischen Union. Laut der Website des Europäischen Rates besteht eines der Ziele der Behörde darin, die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit zu verbessern, die Freizügigkeit der Arbeitnehmer und die Freiheit der Erbringung von Dienstleistungen innerhalb der EU zu gewährleisten. Zu den Hauptaufgaben dieses Gremiums gehört die Unterstützung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten bei der Bekämpfung nicht angemeldeter Erwerbstätigkeit und die Unterstützung der Behörden der Mitgliedstaaten bei der Beilegung grenzüberschreitender Streitigkeiten.

  • Nach Autobomben-Angriff: Rumänischer Unteroffizier stirbt in Kabul

    Nach Autobomben-Angriff: Rumänischer Unteroffizier stirbt in Kabul

    Präsident Klaus Iohannis wird den am Donnerstag in Kabul gestorbenen Rumänen mit dem Nationalorden Stern von Rumänien auszeichnen. Der Todesfall ereignete sich infolge der Explosion einer Autobombe. Der Unteroffizier Ciprian-Ştefan Polschi war 38 Jahre alt, verheiratet und hatte zwei Kinder. Er war seit 2004 Angestellter des Verteidigungsministeriums und nahm an seiner dritten Mission in Afghanistan teil. In allen Garnisonen Rumäniens haben Zeremonien zu seinen Ehren stattgefunden.

    Anfang der Woche hatte ein Angriff der Taliban-Rebellen die rumänische Botschaft in Kabul anvisiert. Dabei starb ein rumänischer Angestellter der Botschaft, hatte Außenministerin Ramona Mănescu erklärt. Das Opfer war 1976 geboren und war Sicherheitsmitarbeiter der diplomatischen Mission.

    Durch einen seltsamen Zufall wurde am Freitag durch eine Zeremonie im süd-östlichen Galatz die Rückkehr einer rumänischen NATO-Mission aus Afghanistan gefeiert. Die 480 Soldaten waren nach dem Einsatz zur Unterstützung der NATO im Februar heil in die Heimat zurückgekehrt. Missionsziel war die Absicherung des Flughafens von Kandahar (im Süden) sowie der Schutz der Streitkräfte der anti-terroristischen Koalition in Afghanistan.

    Die meisten der zurückgekehrten Soldaten waren Teil eines mechanisierten Infanterie-Bataillons, sie waren allerdings auch von Artillerie-, Panzer- und Marineinfanterie-Einheiten begleitet. Die Marineinfanterie war somit zum ersten Mal in der jüngsten Geschichte der rumänischen Seestreitkräfte an einer derartigen Mission beteiligt.

    Wir sind unseren Soldaten in Afghanistan und anderen Kriegsschauplätzen dankbar, die bei der Erfüllung ihrer Pflicht neben unseren Alliierten und Partnern ihr Leben riskieren. Durch die Teilnahme der rumänischen Militärs in diesen Konfliktgebieten beteiligt sich unser Land aktiv an der Erhaltung des Friedens und der internationalen Sicherheit. Das ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil unserer Mitgliedschaft in der euroatlantischen Gemeinschaft – erklärte Rumäniens Präsident Klaus Iohannis.

    Fast ein halbes Jahrhundert war Rumänien im sowjetischen Lager gefangen. Seine westliche Berufung konnte das Land erst Anfang der 2000er Jahre leben, am Ende der postkommunistischen Übergangsphase. Rumänien trat 2007 der Europäischen Union bei, drei Jahre nach dem NATO-Betritt im März 2004, dem Datum der größten Osterweiterung des nordatlantischen Bündnisses.

    Die rumänischen Streitkräfte waren jedoch bereits vor der NATO-Mitgliedschaft in Afghanistan präsent, seit 2003 sind knapp 30 rumänische Soldaten bei Einsätzen dort gestorben. Weitere rumänische Streitkräfte verloren bei internationalen Missionen ihr Leben. Derzeit beteiligten sich fast ein Tausend Soldaten an Auslandseisätzen, hatte Verteidigungsminister Gabriel Leş unlängst erklärt. In den vergangenen Jahren waren mit über 2500 Streitkräften weitaus mehr Rumänen bei Auslandsmissionen dabei. Die meisten von ihnen, rund 700, sind nach wie vor in Afghanistan stationiert, einige Dutzend sind Teil der UN-Mission im Kosovo, eine Luftabwehr-Division mit 120 Teilnehmern befindet sich im alliierten Polen und 21 Militärs erfüllen die Rolle eines General- und Verbindungsstabs bei den NATO-Strukturen.

  • Cinci militari români au fost  răniţi în Afganistan UPDATE

    Cinci militari români au fost răniţi în Afganistan UPDATE

    Militarii răniți astăzi în Afganistan, sunt în stare stabilă și se află internați la spitalul militar de tip ROL 3 al Bazei Aeriene Kandahar, informează Ministerul Apărării Naţionale (MApN).


    Cinci militari din Batalionul 300 Protecția Forței Sfântul Andrei, care se află în misiune în Afganistan, au fost răniți astăzi, în jurul orei 12.30, ora României, în timp ce executau o misiune de patrulare mixtă împreună cu militari americani, în zona de responsabilitate.

    Pe timpul executării misiunii, mașina de luptă de tip MRAP în care se aflau militarii a fost atacată cu un dispozitiv exploziv improvizat.

    Militarilor li s-a acordat primul ajutor și au fost evacuați pe cale aeriană la Spitalul Militar ROL III din Baza Aeriană Kandahar.

    Preşedintele României, Klaus Iohannis, a transmis un mesaj în urma atacului care a avut loc în Afganistan:

    Sunt alături de militarii noştri răniţi astăzi, în Afganistan…. În aceste momente dificile, le doresc militarilor noştri însănătoşire grabnică şi asigur familiile celor răniţi că aceştia primesc cele mai bune îngrijiri medicale. Le datorăm întreaga noastră recunoştinţă militarilor români care servesc ţara cu profesionalism şi dedicare în zone de conflict şi îşi pun viaţa în pericol pentru menţinerea păcii şi asigurarea securităţii internaţionale.

    Premierul Viorica Dăncilă a transmis sănătate celor cinci militari români răniţi vineri în Afganistan,

    ‘Sănătate şi putere militarilor noştri răniţi în misiune în Afganistan! M-am asigurat, împreună cu ministrul Apărării, că primesc cele mai bune îngrijiri medicale şi sper că se vor întoarce cât mai curând acasă! Mulţumesc militarilor români pentru profesionalism şi dedicare!’.

    Conducerea M.Ap.N. este informată în permanență despre situație și urmărește cu atenție evoluția stării de sănătate a militarilor.

  • Doi militari români, răniţi în Afganistan

    Doi militari români, răniţi în Afganistan

    Doi militari din Batalionul 300 Protecţia Forţei Sfântul Andrei, aflat în misiune în Afganistan, au fost răniţi luni, în timp ce executau o misiune de patrulare interioară în Baza Aeriană Kandahar. Maşina de luptă de tip MRAP, în care se aflau aceştia, s-a răsturnat, informează Ministerul Apărării Naţionale.

    O comisie constituită la nivelul unităţii cercetează cauzele evenimentului. Caporalului clasa a III-a Laurenţiu Bogatu şi fruntaşului Ionuţ Burlacu – li s-a acordat primul ajutor şi au fost evacuaţi la Spitalul Militar ROL III din Baza Aeriană Kandahar.

    Starea lor de sănătate este stabilă. Caporalul Bogatu a fost externat şi s-a întors în campul românesc, unde rămâne sub supravegherea echipei medicale a detaşamentului, precizează MApN.

    Conducerea MApN este informată în permanenţă despre situaţie şi urmăreşte cu atenţie evoluţia stării de sănătate a militarilor.

  • April 14, 2019 UPDATE

    April 14, 2019 UPDATE

    COUNCIL Romania’s Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Petre
    Daea, on Monday will be chairing the proceedings of the EU Agriculture and
    Fisheries Council in Luxembourg. This is the third suchlike council headed by
    Romania since the country took over the EU rotating presidency. High on the
    agenda there are the post-2020 CAP reform package, regulations regarding
    strategic plans within the CAP – opinion exchanges on green farming, as well as
    research and agriculture.

    TENNIS A pair made up of Romanian tennis players
    Sorana Cirstea and Andreea Mitu on Sunday won the doubles finals of the WTA
    tournament in Lugano, Switzerland. In the finals, the Romanians clinched a 1-6,
    6-2, 10-8 win against Veronika Kudermetova of Russia and Galina Voskoboeva of Kazakhstan.
    This has been the first finals this year for the two Romanian players. Cirstea
    has four WTA titles won in doubles matches and five finals played, while Mitu
    has three titles and a finals.

    MARATHON Several thousands athletes participated on Sunday in the 9th
    edition of the Cluj Napoca International Marathon, in north-western Romania.
    The competition brought together athletes from 37 countries, such as the USA,
    India, Japan or Kenya. The competition had a section for children, which
    included the 400 and 800 meter races. According to organizers, several DJs
    played music during the event encouraging the athletes all along the race

    Romania’s main opposition party, the National Liberal Party (PNL) estimates the
    turnout in the EU parliamentary elections on May 26th and the
    referendum on justice around 50%. Liberal leader Ludovic Orban believes the
    Foreign Ministry will open only few polling stations for the Romanians abroad voicing
    his concern about this situation. According to Orban, most of the Romanians who
    left the country did it because of the lack of prospects and the way in which
    the Social-Democrats ruled the country, and that means the Romanians abroad
    would vote for the opposition. The fact they aren’t allowed to cast their vote
    would affect the outcome of the elections. In another development, Calin
    Popescu Tariceanu, leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Romania,
    (ALDE) currently ruling the country together with the Social Democrats, has said
    that president Klaus Iohannis is using this referendum for a better start in
    the presidential race. Iohannis has recently announced the issues to be voted
    on during the referendum – a ban on amnesty and pardon for corruption offenses
    as well as a ban on emergency ordinances for crimes, penalties and judicial
    organization, correlated with the right of authorities to directly notify the
    Constitutional Court over these ordinances.

    SOLDIERS The four Romanian servicemen wounded in a bomb attack in
    Afghanistan on Saturday are now out of danger. An improvised explosive device
    went off close to the military vehicles of the Romanian Battalion 300 Saint
    Andrew on a patrol mission on that day. The explosion was followed by an attack
    with light infantry weapons by insurgents, which was repelled with support from
    the US ground and air troops. The four wounded soldiers were stabilized and
    transferred to the Kandahar Air base. In 2019, the Romanian army will dispatch
    780 servicemen to Afghanistan, the Romanian defense ministry announced last
    year. Romanian Battalion 300 participates in a NATO- coordinated mission, which
    has brought together 16 thousand servicemen from 40 countries. The most
    numerous contingents have been deployed by the USA, 85 hundred soldiers,
    Germany 13 hundred and Italy with 9 hundred.

    (translated by bill)

  • April 14, 2019

    April 14, 2019

    SOLDIERS The four Romanian servicemen wounded in a bomb attack in
    Afghanistan on Saturday are now out of danger. An improvised explosive device went
    off close to the military vehicles of the Romanian Battalion 300 Saint Andrew
    on a patrol mission on that day. The explosion was followed by an attack with
    light infantry weapons by insurgents, which was repelled with support from
    the US ground and air troops. The four wounded soldiers were stabilized and
    transferred to the Kandahar Air base. In 2019, the Romanian army will dispatch
    780 servicemen to Afghanistan, the Romanian defense ministry announced last
    year. Romanian Battalion 300 participates in a NATO- coordinated mission, which
    has brought together 16 thousand servicemen from 40 countries. The most
    numerous contingents have been deployed by the USA, 85 hundred soldiers,
    Germany 13 hundred and Italy with 9

    Romania’s main opposition party, the National Liberal Party (PNL) estimates the
    turnout in the EU parliamentary elections on May 26th and the
    referendum on justice around 50%. Liberal leader Ludovic Orban believes
    the Foreign Ministry will open only few polling stations for the Romanians
    abroad and voiced his concern about this situation. According to Orban, most of
    the Romanians who left the country did it because of the lack of prospects and
    the way in which the Social-Democrats ruled the country, and that means the
    Romanians abroad would vote for the opposition. The fact they aren’t allowed to
    cast their vote would affect the outcome of the elections. In another
    development, Calin Popescu Tariceanu, leader of the Alliance of Liberals and
    Democrats in Romania, (ALDE) currently ruling the country together with the
    Social Democrats has said that president Klaus Iohannis is using this referendum for
    a better start in the presidential race. Iohannis has recently announced the issues
    to be voted on during the referendum – a ban on amnesty and pardon for
    corruption offenses as well as a ban on emergency ordinances for crimes,
    penalties and judicial organization, correlated with the right of authorities
    to directly notify the Constitutional Court over these ordinances.

    GROWTH The spring meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the
    World Bank ended in Washington in an optimistic tone as the United States hinted
    that its trade disputes with China might come to an end, and that could
    translate into a genuine kick-start for the world economy. Trade disputes and
    restrictive financial conditions are among the biggest threats to a world economy
    that is currently slowing down. A strengthened global growth is expected for the
    next year, while according to experts, 2019 has seen the slowest growth in the
    past three years. Central Banks and fiscal authorities have limited options to
    foster recovery next year though, an IMF communiqué also reads. Besides
    expectations for global economic growth next year, the challenges the world
    economy will be facing are: trade tensions, geopolitical risks and political
    instability. Finance officials, including Romanian line minister Eugen
    Teodorovici, have agreed to take action in order to protect economic growth.

    TENNIS A pair made up Romanian tennis players
    Sorana Carstea and Andreea Mitu is today taking on Veronica Kudermetova of
    Russia and Galina Voskoboeva of Kazakhstan in the doubles finals of the WTA
    tournament in Lugano, Switzerland. For the two Romanians this is the first
    finals in 2019. Cirstea has four WTA titles won in doubles matches and five
    finals played, while Mitu has three titles and a finals.

    (translated by bill)

  • 02.05.2018


    Justice – La Commission parlementaire spécialisée de Roumanie entame aujourd’hui les débats autour des propositions de modifications apportées au Code pénal, au Code de procédure pénale, ainsi qu’au Code de procédure civile. Le but est de mettre les trois codes en concordance avec les décisions de la Cour constitutionnelle, de la Cour européenne pour les droits de l’Homme et avec les directives européennes en la matière. Les débats se déroulent en présence des membres du Conseil supérieur de la Magistrature, du Ministère de la Justice, de la Haute Cour de Justice et de Cassation, du Parquet général, de l’Association des magistrats, de l’Union nationale des Juges, du Forum des Juges, des associations des procureurs, de l’Union nationale des Barreaux et du milieu académique. L’hiver dernier, le Parlement a adopté une série de modifications des lois de la Justice portant sur le statut des magistrats, l’organisation judiciaire et le fonctionnement du Conseil supérieur de la magistrature dont certaines ont provoqué d’amples mouvements de protestations.

    Procès – La Haute Cour de Justice et de Cassation de Bucarest pourrait se prononcer ce mercredi dans le dossier dont fait l’objet l’ancien juge de la Cour Constitutionnelle, Toni Grebla. Celui-ci est accusé de trafic d’influence, des activités commerciales totalement incompatibles avec ses fonctions, d’une association de malfaiteurs et de fausses déclarations. La décision des magistrats ne sera pas définitive. Lors de l’audience du 27 mars, les procureurs anti-corruption ont demandé la condamnation de Toni Grebla à la prison ferme parallèlement à l’interdiction d’occupation de fonction publique pour une certaine période de temps. Ancien sénateur PSD et juge à la Cour Constitutionnelle, M. Grebla est accusé par la DNA d’avoir reçu entre 2010 et 2015 plusieurs objets de valeurs- une auto de luxe, des sommes d’argent et des objets publicitaires pour la campagne électorale- en échange de son intervention afin de favoriser des contrats à l’intention d’un certain homme d’affaires. C’est pour la première fois qu’un juge de la Cour Constitutionnelle de Roumanie fait l’objet d’un dossier de corruption.

    Protection consulaire – Le ministre délégué chargé des Affaires Européennes, Victor Negrescu, a salué l’entrée en vigueur, à partir du 1 mai, de la directive relative à la protection consulaire des citoyens européens qui résident ou voyagent hors de l’UE. Au terme du document, tout citoyen européen qui se trouve en situation de détresse dans un pays tiers peut bénéficier d’une aide fournie par l’ambassade ou le consulat d’autres États membres de l’UE. La protection généralement offerte par les ambassades ou les consulats des États membres de l’UE inclut: l’assistance en cas de décès, l’assistance en cas d’accident ou de maladie grave, l’assistance en cas d’arrestation ou de détention, l’assistance aux victimes de violences ou encore l’aide et le rapatriement de citoyens de l’Union européenne en difficulté. Pour des informations à l’égard de l’assistance disponible et des accords inter consulaires en vigueur, les demandeurs de protection consulaire doivent contacter la délégation de l’UE dans le pays en question.

    Syndicats – La ministre roumaine de la Santé, Sorina Pintea, a, ce mercredi, une nouvelle rencontre avec les représentants des syndicats du secteur, pour trouver des solutions à leurs revendications. La semaine dernière, des milliers de salariés de la Santé ont participé à un meeting de protestation à Bucarest. Plusieurs catégories de personnel du système de santé accusent la baisse de leurs revenus après l’application de nouvelles réglementations au chapitre salarial. Ils demandent la suppression du plafonnement des bonus, qui ne peut plus dépasser 30% du salaire désormais. Les syndicats ont annoncé une grève d’avertissement le 7 mai, qui pourrait être suivie par une grève générale le 11 mai prochain.

    Afghanistan – L’état de santé du militaire roumain blessé en Afghanistan et transporté par la suite dans un hôpital d’Allemagne est stable, a fait savoir le Ministère roumain de la Défense. Selon la même source, les 7 autres soldats roumains blessés dans l’attaque de lundi à la voiture piégée sont déjà sortis de l’hôpital de Kandahar où ils avaient reçu des soins médicaux. Les militaires font partie du 30ème bataillon de Force Protection Les vautours des Carpates de Campulung Muscel. Au moment de l’attentat, ils étaient en mission près de Kandahar. L’ambassadeur américain à Bucarest, Hans Klemm, a transmis son appréciation et celle des Etats Unis pour leur service dans le cadre de la mission de l’OTAN en Afghanistan.

    Tennis de table – A la tête du groupe C, l’équipe féminine de tennis de table de la Roumanie s’est qualifiée dans les quarts de finale des Championnats du monde par équipes de Halmstad, en Suède. Mardi soir, lors du dernier match au sein de leur groupe, Bernadette Szocs, Elizabeta Samara et Daniela Monteiro Dodean ont battu la Corée du Nord sur le score de 3 à 1, après une victoire 3 à 0 contre Taiwan. La Roumanie a remporté quatre victoires et a subi une seule défaite face aux Pays Bas. Chez les messiers, dans le Groupe A des Championnats du monde de tennis de table par équipes, la Roumanie a vaincu mardi soir l’Egypte par 3 à 0 et s’apprête à rencontrer ce soir Honk Kong. Dans le groupe A masculin, dirigé par l’Allemagne, la Roumanie est 3e, à égalité avec Hong Kong. Les trois premières classées de chaque groupe seront qualifiées pour l’étape suivante.

    Météo – En Roumanie, à l’exception des régions du nord et du nord-ouest touchées par des pluies éparses, les températures continuent à dépasser la normale saisonnière. Les maxima vont de 18 à 31 degrés. 22 degrés à midi, dans la capitale.

  • Militaires roumains blessés en Afghanistan

    Militaires roumains blessés en Afghanistan

    Le lundi 30 mai, huit militaires roumains du 30ème bataillon de Protection de la force « Les aigles des Carpates » de Câmpulung-Muscel (sud de la Roumanie) ont été blessés dans une attaque à la voiture piégée, alors qu’ils exécutaient une mission dans leur zone de responsabilité. Après avoir reçu des soins médicaux dans la base militaire de Kandahar, sept des soldats roumains ont regagné leur bataillon, tandis que le 8e a été transféré en Allemagne, pour des investigations supplémentaires et des soins spécialisés. Il avait des blessures à la main droite, mais son état était stable. Au moment où un kamikaze avait fait exploser sa voiture, le convoi dont faisaient partie les soldats roumains se trouvait dans un village près de l’aéroport de Kandahar. 11 enfants ont également péri dans cette attaque suicide.

    Selon la police locale, au moment de l’explosion, les militaires roumains se trouvaient à l’extérieur du blindé dans lequel ils patrouillaient. Le président, le gouvernement et le Parlement de la Roumanie ont transmis des message d’encouragement et de soutien aux soldats roumains victimes de l’attaque suicide perpétrée en Afghanistan et à leurs familles. A son tour, l’ambassadeur américain à Bucarest, Hans Klemm, a transmis aux huit militaires roumains son appréciation et celle des Etats- Unis pour leur service dans le cadre de la mission de l’OTAN en Afghanistan. Ces Roumains courageux ont participé à de nombreuses missions, pour apporter la liberté et la démocratie dans des régions gravement touchées par la guerre”, a-t-il souligné dans son message.

    Les militaires roumains de Câmpulung-Muscel sont déployés en Afghanistan entre février et août 2018. Leurs missions consistent notamment à protéger les forces de la base militaire aérienne de Kandahar, à former les Forces nationales afghanes et à leur prêter conseil et assistance. L’unité militaire de Câmpulung-Muscel a jusqu’ici participé à des missions au Kosovo, entre 2005 et 2007, ainsi qu’en Afghanistan, en 2008. L’Armée roumaine participe à la mission de l’OTAN d’Afghanistan avec 625 militaires. 300 autres sont disloqués dans des opérations sous commande ou sous mandat de l’OTAN, de l’UE, de l’ONU et de l’OSCE dans d’autres régions.

    Pendant les missions étrangères, 29 militaires roumains ont perdu la vie et plus de 185 autres ont été blessés. La situation de sécurité en Afghanistan demeure instable, les incidents les plus nombreux étant enregistrés dans les provinces de l’est et du sud du pays. Les forces de l’OTAN qui assurent la sécurité des bases militaires d’Afghanistan et des centres importants du pays continuent d’être la cible de possibles attaques des insurgés.

  • Statutul militarilor, în dezbatere

    Statutul militarilor, în dezbatere

    Ministrul român
    al Apărării, Mihai Fifor, a participat, joi, la ceremonia de repatriere a celor
    peste 400 de militari ai Batalionului 280 Infanterie Protecţia Forţei
    Brave Hearts. În perioada august 2017 -februarie 2018,
    ei au desfăşurat o misiune în regiunea Kandahar, din Afganistan, care a adus un
    plus de imagine Armatei Române şi României în plan extern: au asigurat securitatea bazei militare
    şi a personalului forţelor coaliţiei, au asistat şi consiliat forţele armate şi
    de securitate afgane, au acordat asistenţă umanitară populaţiei afgane, au
    menţinut dialogul cu autorităţile şi liderii locali şi au desfăşurat acţiuni
    împreună cu Forţele de Securitate Naţionale Afgane. În septembrie, în timpul
    unei misiuni de patrulare, un membru al Batalionului 280 Infanterie a murit,
    iar doi au fost răniţi după ce maşina blindată în care se aflau a fost atacată
    cu un dispozitiv explozibil improvizat.

    La întoarcerea acasă, comandantul
    Batalionului a fost avansat la gradul de colonel, iar cei doi militari răniţi
    au fost decoraţi de preşedintele României cu medalia naţională Serviciul
    Credincios clasa a III-a. A fost un bun prilej pentru ministrul Mihai Fifor
    să anunţe că statutul cadrelor militare va fi modificat în perioada imediat
    următoare. Printr-un proiect
    de lege în acest sens, depus deja în Parlament, se doreşte ca viaţa militarului
    român să devină cât mai bună, fiind momentul – potrivit lui Mihai Fifor – ca Armata să primească tot respectul
    atât din partea instituţiilor statului, cât şi a cetăţenilor. Nu facem
    altceva decât să încercăm să avem un militar motivat din toate punctele de
    vedere, pentru că numai în felul acesta putem spune că noi, oamenii politici,
    ne-am făcut datoria faţă de cei care merg, la un moment dat, să îndeplinească
    misiuni, aşa cum a fost cazul militarilor Batalionului 280 Infanterie
    afirmat ministrul Fifor.

    El a amintit că este al doilea an consecutiv când Guvernul
    de la Bucureşti alocă 2% din Produsul Intern Brut pentru Armata Română, ceea ce
    arată implicarea responsabilă a Guvernului în tot ceea ce presupune dotarea sau
    înzestrarea acesteia. 2018 va fi un an de referinţă pentru modernizarea marinei
    militare, prin lansarea procedurii pentru construcţia a patru corvete
    multifuncţionale care vor fi produse, toate, pe un şantier naval din România. Vor
    fi, totodată, modernizate cele două fregate româneşti cumpărate de la britanici
    şi vor fi pregătite condiţiile pentru achiziţionarea de instalaţii mobile de
    lansare de rachete antinavă. România este cel mai important furnizor de
    securitate la Marea Neagră, motiv pentru care are nevoie să îşi consolideze
    capacităţile militare. În opinia Bucureştiului, odată cu anexarea, în 2014, a Peninsulei
    Crimeea, România se învecinează, practic, la Marea Neagră cu Rusia, care poartă
    un război hibrid destul de intens. Or, Armata României este, încă de pe acum,
    pregătită să facă faţă provocărilor.

  • February 24, 2018 UPDATE

    February 24, 2018 UPDATE

    EU BUDGET – EU funding, particularly the cohesion and the agriculture funds, might be lowered by up to 15% in the next EU multi-annual budget, beginning 2020 when the UK will no longer be a member. The announcement was made by the president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker on Friday, at the end of an informal meeting of EU leaders. He added that 15 out of 27 member states were willing to raise their national contributions to the common budget. President Klaus Iohannis said at the meeting that Romania was open to the idea of contributing more than 1.1% of the GDP instead of 1%, so that the current levels of the cohesion and Common Agricultural Policy funding be maintained, which countries like Romania need in order to bridge the gaps in social and economic development compared to Western Europe. EU leaders have agreed that the Union must spend more on defence and security, for the Erasmus education programme and for curbing illegal migration. The President of the European Council Donald Tusk has announced that EU leaders are willing to step up negotiations on the next multi-annual financial framework, but that an agreement is unlikely to be reached this year.

    GRECO – The Romanian Justice Minister, Tudorel Toader, this week had a meeting in Bucharest with a delegation of the Group of States against Corruption – GRECO, which traveled to Romania for an emergency assessment of the new justice laws in respect of the fight against corruption. The talks focused on the amendments to the justice laws and the practical consequences that they may have on the judiciary. The GRECO team also had meetings with representatives of other governmental agencies, the legislative power and the judiciary, as well as of relevant NGOs. GRECO said, at the end of the talks in Bucharest, that those in charge of investigating, prosecuting and trying corruption offences should benefit from adequate independence and autonomy, including in terms of disciplinary mechanisms. The delegation recommended that Bucharest requested the opinion of the Venice Commission regarding the planned judicial reform.

    EDUCATION – Over 70 foreign education institutions are attending this weekend the 28th World Education Fair in Bucharest. Last year over 6,000 young Romanians chose to further their education abroad. Most of them went to Britain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany and Spain.

    THE FLU – In Romania, 53 people have died from the flu this season, according to the latest report issued by the National Infectious Disease Monitoring Centre. The number of cases exceeds 800, with most of the flu patients reported in the capital city Bucharest, followed by the counties Constanta (south-east), Olt (south), Braşov (centre) and Iaşi (noth-east). The Healthcare Minister, Sorina Pintea, says we cannot speak about flu epidemic in Romania at the moment.

    LOAN – The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is giving out a loan of 60 million euro for the construction of a new gas pipeline crossing Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Austria (the BRUA pipeline), to support the regional European energy markets, the international financial institution announced in a news release. The funds will be given to Transgaz, the company building the Romanian segment of the gas pipeline. Totalling 1,318 km in length, the new European gas corridor will ensure better interconnection of the countries on its route, and will support the energy market enabling new connections with major infrastructure projects. The deputy PM Viorel Ştefan says the signing of the loan agreement between the EBRD and Transgaz on Friday in London is a confidence signal sent to investors with respect to business opportunities in Romania.

    MILITARY – The Kandahar military base in southern Afghanistan Saturday hosted a ceremony to transfer authority from the Romanian Battalion 280 Infantry, Fearless Hearts, to Battalion 30 Mountain Troops, the Carpathian Eagles. For one month, the members of the two task forces conducted joint missions to enable the Mountain Troops to take over each segment of the theatre of operations. Among other things, the Romanian military are conducting land patrol missions on an area of 1,200 sq km, assisted by drones operated by the American partners and working together with the Afghan forces. Kandahar is Afghanistans second-largest town after the capital city Kabul. The area managed by the Romanian troops is densely populated, and threats are significant, the Radio Romania envoy reports. Analysts expect this summers parliamentary election to strengthen the Taliban presence in the region. A suicide attack by the Islamic State group in Kabul has killed 3 and wounded 5 people on Saturday.

    EUROVISION – Romanias representative in the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest held in Portugal will be chosen by the public on Sunday, by televoting. Fifteen songs will be competing in the final in Bucharest. The motto of this years edition was ‘Eurovision unites Romania!’. The Eurovision is an international music competition organised by the European Broadcasting Union, the largest association of public television broadcasters in Europe, and has been aired for 60 consecutive years. Romanias best performances so far have been the 2 third places (in Kiev, 2005, with Luminiţa Anghel & Sistem and in Oslo, 2010 with Paula Seling and Ovi) and a 4th place won by Mihai Trăistariu in 2006, in Athens.

    COLD WAVE – Weather experts warn that Romania will be facing a cold wave for several days. Temperatures are expected to go down to lows of 20 degrees below 0, and stay at levels 10-15 degrees Celsius below multi-annual average figures. Strong winds will be adding to the low temperatures, while snowfalls will be reported mostly in the south, centre and south-west of the country. The cold front will be in place until around March 1st.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • February 24, 2014

    February 24, 2014

    PROTESTS – Around 100 people Friday picketed the Government headquarters, protesting against the leftist Social Democratic Party in power and against its Justice Minister, Tudorel Toader. It was the second night of protests since Toader announced he formally asked for the dismissal of the chief prosecutor of the National Anti-corruption Directorate, Laura Codruţa Kovesi. In a report covering the activity of the institution between February 2017 and February 2018, Minister Toader criticised Mrs. Kovesi for an excessively authoritarian management style, her involvement in cases investigated by the Directorate and the failure to investigate prosecutors suspected of abuse. The Justice Minister also claimed the DNA chief defied Parliament and challenged rulings made by the Constitutional Court. The request for dismissal has been forwarded to the Superior Council of Magistracy, which must be consulted on the matter, but the decision is in the hands of President Iohannis. On Friday President Klaus Iohannis reiterated his support for Laura Codruţa Kövesi. Backed by the parliamentary majority, made up of the Social Democrats and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Romania, Toaders report was strongly criticised by the right-wing opposition.

    GRECO – The Romanian Justice Minister, Tudorel Toader, this week had a meeting in Bucharest with a delegation of the Group of States against Corruption – GRECO, which traveled to Romania for an emergency assessment of the new justice laws in respect of the fight against corruption. The talks focused on the amendments to the justice laws and the practical consequences that they may have on the judiciary. The GRECO team also had meetings with representatives of other governmental agencies, the legislative power and the judiciary, as well as of relevant NGOs. GRECO said, at the end of the talks in Bucharest, that those in charge of investigating, prosecuting and trying corruption offences should benefit from adequate independence and autonomy, including in terms of disciplinary mechanisms. The delegation recommended that Bucharest requested the opinion of the Venice Commission regarding the planned judicial reform.

    EDUCATION – Over 70 foreign education institutions are attending this weekend the 28th World Education Fair in Bucharest. Last year over 6,000 young Romanians chose to further their education abroad. Most of them went to Britain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany and Spain.

    EU FUNDING – EU funding, particularly the cohesion and the agriculture funds, might be lowered by up to 15% in the next EU multi-annual budget, beginning 2020 when the UK will no longer be a member. The announcement was made by the president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker on Friday, at the end of an informal meeting of EU leaders. He added that 15 out of 27 member states were willing to raise their national contributions to the common budget. President Klaus Iohannis said at the meeting that Romania was open to the idea of contributing more than 1.1% of the GDP instead of 1%, so that the current levels of the cohesion and Common Agricultural Policy funding be maintained, which countries like Romania need in order to bridge the gaps in social and economic development compared to Western Europe. EU leaders have agreed that the Union must spend more on defence and security, for the Erasmus education programme and for curbing illegal migration. The President of the European Council Donald Tusk has announced that EU leaders are willing to step up negotiations on the next multi-annual financial framework, but that an agreement is unlikely to be reached this year.

    MILITARY – The Kandahar military base in southern Afghanistan has today hosted a ceremony to transfer authority from the Romanian Battalion 280 Infantry, Fearless Hearts, to Battalion 30 Mountain Troops, the Carpathian Eagles. For one month, the members of the two task forces conducted joint missions to enable the Mountain Troops to take over each segment of the theatre of operations. Among other things, the Romanian military are conducting land patrol missions on an area of 1,200 sq km, assisted by drones operated by the American partners and working together with the Afghan forces. Kandahar is Afghanistans second-largest town after the capital city Kabul. The area managed by the Romanian troops is densely populated, and threats are significant, the Radio Romania envoy reports. Analysts expect this summers parliamentary election to strengthen the Taliban presence in the region. A suicide attack by the Islamic State group in Kabul has killed 3 and wounded 5 people today.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • February 24, 2014

    February 24, 2014

    PROTESTS – Around 100 people Friday picketed the Government headquarters, protesting against the leftist Social Democratic Party in power and against its Justice Minister, Tudorel Toader. It was the second night of protests since Toader announced he formally asked for the dismissal of the chief prosecutor of the National Anti-corruption Directorate, Laura Codruţa Kovesi. In a report covering the activity of the institution between February 2017 and February 2018, Minister Toader criticised Mrs. Kovesi for an excessively authoritarian management style, her involvement in cases investigated by the Directorate and the failure to investigate prosecutors suspected of abuse. The Justice Minister also claimed the DNA chief defied Parliament and challenged rulings made by the Constitutional Court. The request for dismissal has been forwarded to the Superior Council of Magistracy, which must be consulted on the matter, but the decision is in the hands of President Iohannis. On Friday President Klaus Iohannis reiterated his support for Laura Codruţa Kövesi. Backed by the parliamentary majority, made up of the Social Democrats and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Romania, Toaders report was strongly criticised by the right-wing opposition.

    GRECO – The Romanian Justice Minister, Tudorel Toader, this week had a meeting in Bucharest with a delegation of the Group of States against Corruption – GRECO, which traveled to Romania for an emergency assessment of the new justice laws in respect of the fight against corruption. The talks focused on the amendments to the justice laws and the practical consequences that they may have on the judiciary. The GRECO team also had meetings with representatives of other governmental agencies, the legislative power and the judiciary, as well as of relevant NGOs. GRECO said, at the end of the talks in Bucharest, that those in charge of investigating, prosecuting and trying corruption offences should benefit from adequate independence and autonomy, including in terms of disciplinary mechanisms. The delegation recommended that Bucharest requested the opinion of the Venice Commission regarding the planned judicial reform.

    EDUCATION – Over 70 foreign education institutions are attending this weekend the 28th World Education Fair in Bucharest. Last year over 6,000 young Romanians chose to further their education abroad. Most of them went to Britain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany and Spain.

    EU FUNDING – EU funding, particularly the cohesion and the agriculture funds, might be lowered by up to 15% in the next EU multi-annual budget, beginning 2020 when the UK will no longer be a member. The announcement was made by the president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker on Friday, at the end of an informal meeting of EU leaders. He added that 15 out of 27 member states were willing to raise their national contributions to the common budget. President Klaus Iohannis said at the meeting that Romania was open to the idea of contributing more than 1.1% of the GDP instead of 1%, so that the current levels of the cohesion and Common Agricultural Policy funding be maintained, which countries like Romania need in order to bridge the gaps in social and economic development compared to Western Europe. EU leaders have agreed that the Union must spend more on defence and security, for the Erasmus education programme and for curbing illegal migration. The President of the European Council Donald Tusk has announced that EU leaders are willing to step up negotiations on the next multi-annual financial framework, but that an agreement is unlikely to be reached this year.

    MILITARY – The Kandahar military base in southern Afghanistan has today hosted a ceremony to transfer authority from the Romanian Battalion 280 Infantry, Fearless Hearts, to Battalion 30 Mountain Troops, the Carpathian Eagles. For one month, the members of the two task forces conducted joint missions to enable the Mountain Troops to take over each segment of the theatre of operations. Among other things, the Romanian military are conducting land patrol missions on an area of 1,200 sq km, assisted by drones operated by the American partners and working together with the Afghan forces. Kandahar is Afghanistans second-largest town after the capital city Kabul. The area managed by the Romanian troops is densely populated, and threats are significant, the Radio Romania envoy reports. Analysts expect this summers parliamentary election to strengthen the Taliban presence in the region. A suicide attack by the Islamic State group in Kabul has killed 3 and wounded 5 people today.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Mihai Fifor, Ministrul Apărării Naţionale, vizită în Kandahar

    Mihai Fifor, Ministrul Apărării Naţionale, vizită în Kandahar

    Mihai Fifor, Ministrul Apărării Naţionale, a vizitat, între 27-29 decembrie, Baza Militară Aeriană Kandahar, Afganistan. El a fost însoţit de şeful Statului Major al Apărării, generalul Nicolae Ciucă.

    Cu acest prilej, oficialul român a mulţumit ofiţerilor şi subofiţerilor român dislocaţi în Kandahar pentru participarea la misiunile din teatrele de operaţii.

    Am dorit să mă aflu zilele acestea în Kandahar, alături de militarii noştri aflaţi în misiune în teatrul de operaţii din Afganistan… Mai mult ca niciodată, în aceste zile încărcate de emoţii, gândurile ne duc la cei dragi nouă, la cei de acasă. Am povestit mult despre nevoile lor şi despre planurile Armatei pentru anul 2018, care sunt foarte ambiţioase din punctul nostru de vedere. Sper să fi reuşit să le fi alinat dorul de copii, de familie şi să îi fi motivat pentru misiunile ce vor veni în noul an. Vă sunt recunoscător pentru tot ceea ce faceţi. Cuvintele sunt mult prea sărace pentru a vă mulţumi, dumneavoastră şi tuturor celor cei dragi, care vă sunt mereu aproape în dificila misiune pe care o desfaşuraţi, a scris Mihai Fifor pe pagina sa de facebook.

    Cu această ocazie, a avut loc şi un briefing de informare privind misiunile, activităţile desfăşurate de către forţele române mobilizate în bazele militare din Afganistan.

  • Jurnal românesc – 05.12.2017

    Jurnal românesc – 05.12.2017

    Subofiţerul de comandă al Centrului de Operaţii Aliat din cadrul Cartierului General al NATO pentru Europa, sergentul major Davor Petek, s-a întâlnit la Kandahar cu militarii români în cadrul unei discuţii informale despre stadiul actual al misiunilor derulate, dar şi despre ce anume ar trebui îmbunătăţit pe viitor. Oficialul NATO a evidenţiat importanţa misiunii batalionului românesc de aici, dar şi angajamentul pe termen lung al României în zonă. În prezent, în baza militară de la Kandahar acţionează militarii Batalionului 280 Infanterie Protecţia Forţei “Brave Hearts” care asigură securitatea unui perimetru de peste 300Km pătraţi, dar şi protecţia echipelor de consiliere şi suport ale coaliţiei, care lucrează direct cu forţele locale afgane.

    Asociaţia Dental Office Managers susţine reîntoarcerea şi reintegrarea medicilor pe piaţa muncii din România şi oferă, în 2018, 3 burse integrale în valoare totală de 20.000 de euro medicilor stomatologi care vor să se întoarcă în ţară. Asociatia, singura instituţie din România care specializează şi reuneşte manageri dedicaţi pentru clinicile dentare, continuă campania Rămâi medic în România, lansată anul trecut, asigurând suport în tot procesul de integrare a medicilor pe piaţa muncii din ţară, prin intermediul mai multor cursuri de specializare, burse de studiu şi sprijin în găsirea unui loc de muncă. Scopul campaniei este acela de a face cunoscut faptul că există opţiuni profesionale şi în România, că interesul pentru servicii medicale premium creşte permanent, iar un număr considerabil de clinici private se dezvoltă pentru a le oferi medicilor un mediu de lucru similar clinicilor din străinătate. Nu mai puţin de 16.000 de medici dentişti şi generalişti au părăsit România în ultimii 15 ani, potrivit Preşedintelui Colegiului Medicilor din România, Gheorghe Borcean. Cele mai frecvente destinaţii alese de medici sunt cele din vestul Europei, ţări precum Austria, Germania, Franţa, Marea Britanie şi ţările scandinave.

  • Afganistan: chipuri ale războiului

    Afganistan: chipuri ale războiului

    Dincolo de dramatismul conflictului care macină Afganistanul, dincolo de tragediile care fac breaking news şi de diferenţele uriaşe, dar nu de nedepăşit, dintre mentalitatea orientală şi cea occidentală, războiul de aici înseamnă, în primul rând, oameni.

    Chipurile militarilor din cadrul Coaliţiei, ale copiilor din satele afgane ori ale oamenilor care se mişcă pe drumurile dintre oraşe cu o siguranţă pe care nu o aveau cu câţiva ani în urmă, sunt o oglindă plină de semnificaţii a acestei lumi.

    Pentru orice fotograf, o incursiune în acest spaţiu e o sursă inepuizabilă de inspiraţie, iar în misiunile desfăşurate în ultimii ani alături de Armata Română corespondentul Radio România, Ilie Pintea, a avut ocazia să fotografieze chipuri care, fără cuvinte, spun povestea acestui război.

    Nu mai puţin de 50 de fotografii realizate în Afganistan vor putea fi văzute chiar în baza militară de la Kandahar, în cadrul unei expoziţii-eveniment, realizată de Radio România în parteneriat cu Ministerul Apărării Naţionale. Evenimentul este dedicat memoriei sublocotenentului post mortem Mădălin Stoica, militar al Batalionului 280 Infanterie Focşani, căzut la datorie în teatrul de operaţii la 15 septembrie anul acesta, iar vernisajul va avea loc chiar de Ziua Naţională a României, în prezenţa unor înalţi oficiali ai Coaliţiei.

    Fotografiile realizate de jurnalistul Radio România de-a lungul mai multor ani pun în valoare sacrificiul militarilor care îşi fac datoria în Afganistan, inocenţa copilăriei şi frământarea pentru prezentul nesigur oglindită pe chipurile localnicilor de aici. Contextul acestui vernisaj este cât se poate de potrivit, deoarece anul acesta România marchează 20 de ani de la semnarea parteneriatului strategic cu SUA şi 15 ani de prezenţă a Armatei Române în teatrul de operaţii Afganistan. În plus, dedicând această expoziţie memoriei sublocotenentului post mortem Mădălin Stoica (Ilie Pintea a fost jurnalistul care l-a fotografiat şi intervievat pentru ultima dată) subliniem, o dată în plus, faptul că parteneriatul acesta nu este doar unul la nivel de state, ci unul despre oameni.

    Chipurile războiului

    Orice militar care ajunge în misiunile de patrulare din teatrul de operaţii vă poate spune că cei mai curioşi şi dornici de a comunica sunt copiii afgani care, parcă în ciuda faptului că s-au născut şi trăiesc în mijlocul unui conflict de proporţii, sunt mereu cu zâmbetul pe buze. Copiii aceştia, care zâmbesc din toată inima spre aparatul de fotografiat, pot fi luptătorii de mâine, ori pot fi cei care pun capăt unui conflict ce pare să nu se mai sfârşească. În ciuda sărăciei şi a războiului, ei se bucură de copilărie: şi-au făcut un teren de fotbal la câteva zeci de metri de turnul din care o mitralieră supraveghează perimetrul bazei militare Kandahar sau aleargă pe uliţele pline de praf, în jurul plutonului românesc sosit la maliqul satului.

    În misiune ori în timpul dintre două patrule, militarii întâlniţi în Afganistan i-au dat prilejul jurnalistului să observe cum te schimbă războiul, iar imaginile cu ei dau măsura dedicării totale de care e nevoie pentru a duce la bun sfârşit ceea ce au de făcut, dar vorbesc și despre camaraderia profundă ce se naşte între oameni într-un astfel de loc.

    Cât despre portretele localnicilor – mulţi cu priviri neîncrezătoare, mulţi cu un zâmbet optimist, şi imaginile din satele în care praful şi deznădejdea sunt la ele acasă, acestea ilustrează cel mai bine prezentul Afganistanului, dominat de incertitudine şi nesiguranţă.

    Despre autor

    Ilie Pintea este corespondentul Radio România Actualităţi din aprilie 2000 şi a însoţit de cinci ori batalioanele româneşti în Afganistan. Este coautorul proiectului Reporter Special, care a dat startul exprimării multimedia la Radio România, cu zece ani în urmă, iar cu documentarele video realizate în Afganistan a participat la mai multe festivaluri de film, inclusiv internaţionale. A fost premiat pentru fotografiile realizate de-a lungul timpului în Afganistan la mai multe concursuri naţionale şi a expus alături de Radu Dobriţoiu şi Mario Balint la Bucureşti, în cadrul unei expoziţii-eveniment a corespondenţilor de război ai Radio România.

    Cele mai recente reportaje multimedia realizate în Afganistan (august-septembrie 2017)


    Reportajul cu Mădălin Stoica, militarul căzut la datorie căruia îi e dedicată expoziţia din Afganistan
