Tag: Klaus Iohanis

  • Mesaje cu prilejul Zilei Drapelului Naţional

    Mesaje cu prilejul Zilei Drapelului Naţional

    Preşedintele României, domnul Klaus Iohannis, a transmis vineri, un mesaj cu prilejul Zilei Drapelului Naţional. Mesajul a fost prezentat de către domnul Ion Oprişor, Consilier Prezidenţial — Departamentul Securităţii Naţionale.

    “Sărbătorim astăzi Ziua Drapelului Naţional, simbol al identităţii şi unităţii noastre naţionale, la care se raportează fiecare cetăţean român. Alături de Imnul statului, Drapelul României are o însemnătate deosebită pentru independenţa şi suveranitatea ţării noastre.

    Această aniversare reprezintă un prilej de a onora memoria înaintaşilor noştri şi de a aduce un omagiu celor care s-au sacrificat pentru naţiunea română, pentru ca noi să ne bucurăm în prezent de drepturile şi libertăţile democraţiei.

    Arborarea Drapelului Naţional a marcat marile momente din evoluţia României moderne. Sub faldurile tricolorului român s-au transmis mai departe tradiţiile şi obiceiurile poporului nostru, precum şi realizările şi idealurile României contemporane. Astăzi, privim cu mândrie Drapelul Naţional înălţat la sediile Uniunii Europene şi Alianţei Nord-Atlantice.

    România este un actor relevant şi predictibil, un contribuitor important la securitatea din regiune, un parter strategic solid al Statelor Unite ale Americii, care beneficiază de garanţiile şi oportunităţile apartenenţei la comunitatea euro-atlantică, şi care îşi respectă angajamentele asumate în cadrul Uniunii Europene şi NATO.

    Dragi români, vă îndemn să fim mereu mândri de Drapelul Naţional şi de istoria pe care o poartă.

    La mulţi ani României şi tricolorului nostru!”

    La rândul său, premierul Ludovic Orban a transmis: Astăzi este Ziua Drapelului Național, simbol drag al unității și identității naționale, zi pe care o dedicăm în esență tuturor celor care de-a lungul timpului au făcut cinste României și Tricolorului.

    Sunt toți acei bravi români care în trecut s-au jertfit sau au luptat pentru apărarea pământului strămoșesc, sunt toți cei care în vremurile noastre contribuie la buna reputație a României, făcând-și datoria cu profesionalism și curaj în diferite teatre de operațiuni și în misiuni internaționale și toți cei ale căror performanțe în diferite domenii au făcut ca Tricolorul să fie înălțat pe cel mai înalt catarg.

    Și, cel mai recent, Drapelul Național i-a însoțit pe medicii români și personalul medical care, anul acesta, pe fondul crizei sanitare generată de noul coronavirus, și-au ajutat colegii din Italia, Statele Unite și Republica Moldova, iar seriozitatea și competența cu care s-au implicat în salvarea de vieți au făcut cinste românilor și României. Le mulțumim tuturor, cu respect și admirație!

    Tricolorul reprezintă istoria noastră și întregul popor, cu oameni care ne-au dat de atâtea ori prilejul să ne mândrim că suntem români.

    La mulți ani, România!

    La mulți ani, Drapelului Național!”

  • 14.04.2020


    en Roumanie
    – 6.879 personnes, c’est le bilan le plus
    récent des infections au nouveau coronavirus en Roumanie. Parmi les personnes
    infectées, 1.051 ont guéries, 346 personnes sont décédées et plus de 220 malades sont
    actuellement en soins intensifs. Suceava (nord-est) continue a être le
    département avec le plus de cas d’infection, suivi par la capitale, Bucarest,
    et les départements de Hunedoara (centre-ouest) et de Timiş (ouest). Nouvelle mesure pour
    endiguer la propagation du virus en Roumanie : près de 500 salariés des maisons
    de retraite, des établissements pour les personnes handicapées et des centres
    pour les enfants institutionnalisés sont, à compter d’aujourd’hui, en isolement
    préventif sur leur lieu de travail ou bien à leur domicile. Par ailleurs, de
    nouveaux transports militaires avec des équipements de protection pour le
    personnel médical sont attendus en Roumanie chaque jour de la semaine en cours.
    Hier, un premier transport en provenance de Corée du Sud est arrivé.

    Etat d’urgence
    – Le président Klaus Iohannis a prolongé aujourd’hui
    l’état d’urgence instauré en raison du nouveau coronavirus. La prolongation est
    de 30 jours, soit jusqu’au 16 mai. Selon le chef de l’Etat, il n’y a pas de
    signe de ralentissement de la pandémie et « le danger n’est pas derrière
    nous ». Les écoles restent fermées et les prix des médicaments, des aliments,
    de l’eau, du gaz et de l’électricité peuvent être plafonnés. Dans le même temps,
    le gouvernement devrait prendre des mesures pour assurer la sécurité
    alimentaire des citoyens. Par ailleurs, le décret stipule de manière claire la
    possibilité de nommer du personnel des institutions de défense et de sécurité
    nationale pour assurer la gestion des établissements publics de santé. Selon la Constitution roumaine, l’état d’urgence peut être prolongé
    indéfiniment, mais uniquement sur validation du Parlement, qui doit donner son
    vote positif dans les cinq jours suivant la publication du texte au Journal
    officiel. La Constitution prévoit aussi de possibles élargissements ou
    restrictions de l’aire d’application de l’état d’urgence au moment de sa
    prolongation. L’opposition a déjà annoncé que son vote sera conditionné par la
    présentation par l’exécutif de mesures claires de stimulation de l’économie et
    de soutien de la population affectée par la pandémie. Le Parti social-démocrate
    estime qu’un plan économique consenti par toutes les forces politiques est nécessaire
    en ce moment et accuse le gouvernement de ne pas communiquer suffisamment. PRO
    România demande une reprise de l’activité de production et dans le domaine des
    services au 1er mai, à l’exception des communes les plus affectées
    par l’épidémie. L’Alliance des libéraux et des démocrates considère que les
    autorités centrales mènent une politique anti roumaine, alors que seulement une
    partie du pays est affectée par le coronavirus. En cas de rejet de la
    prolongation de l’état d’urgence par le Parlement, le président devra révoquer
    le document immédiatement et les mesures instituées n’entreront pas en

    Etude – Plus de trois quarts des Roumains pensent que la crise actuelle du
    COVID-19 sera longue et difficile et plus de 50% d’entre eux ont peur d’être
    infectés avec le virus Sars-Cov-2. C’est l’Institut roumain pour les sondages d’opinion
    (IRSOP) qui le relate dans sa dernière étude, rendue publique hier. Selon la
    plupart des personnes qui ont participé à l’enquête, le nombre de défaillances
    d’entreprises augmentera, ce qui engendrera des pertes d’emploi. 52% des
    habitants de la Roumanie s’attendent à une récession, ce qui rajoute des
    craintes économiques à celles liées directement au coronavirus. La perception
    générale est que les finances du pays sont pour le moins fragiles. Plus de 60%
    des personnes s’attend à une augmentation du taux d’inflation et du cours
    leu-euro. Malgré tout, l’étude en question signale également des tendances plus
    optimistes. Les Roumains espèrent que l’épreuve que le système de santé traverse
    et les mesures des autorités auront des effets positifs à long terme. La moitié
    de la population apprécie la gestion de la crise par le gouvernement, sans toutefois
    oublier de critiquer les autorités pour leurs défaillances. Dans le même temps,
    les Roumains continuer à voir l’Union européenne comme une source de sécurité. L’enquête
    a été réalisée par téléphone entre le 6 et le 11 avril, sur un échantillon représentatif
    de 768 personnes. La marge d’erreur est d’environ 3,6%.

    dans le monde
    – Le coronavirus a contaminé plus de 1,9
    millions de personnes dans le monde et l’on fait état de près de 120.000 morts.
    445.000 personnes ont guéri de la maladie. La Chine a approuvé des tests
    préliminaires sur les humaines de deux vaccins expérimentaux contre le
    Sars-Cov-2, alors que le pays essaye d’arrêter « l’importation » de nouveaux
    cas, notamment depuis la Russie. Hier, le président Vladimir Putin a déclaré
    que la situation a empiré en Russie, qui pourrait faire appel à l’armée pour
    gérer la crise, si nécessaire. Alors que certains pays prolongent les mesures
    de confinement, d’autres commencent à les relâcher. En Espagne par exemple, l’activité
    a repris dans l’industrie et le BTP, de manière progressive et sous condition du
    respect des mesures de distanciation sociale, d’hygiène et d’utilisation des
    espaces communs. La France a annoncé une prolongation du confinement jusqu’au
    11 mai, alors qu’en Italie, les autorités ont annoncé, à partir de demain, la
    réouverture de certains commerces : en plus des magasins alimentaires et des
    pharmacies, les librairies, les magasins de papeterie et d’habillement pour
    enfants rouvriront leurs portes. L’activité reprendra aussi dans quelques
    secteurs de l’industrie, mais pas dans toutes les régions.

    Nucléaire – Les autorités d’Ukraine essayent d’éteindre les feux de forêt qui touchent
    la région de la centrale nucléaire de Tchernobyl, au nord du pays. Des centaines
    de pompiers ont été détachés dans la zone affectée pour maîtriser les flammes.
    La fumée dégagée par la végétation brulée est extrêmement toxique, car la forêt
    conserve encore des traces des cendres de l’explosion du réacteur 4 de la
    centrale. Les experts mettent en garde contre le risque de propagation de cette
    fumée sur une large partie d’Europe, notamment sur la Roumanie, la République
    de Moldova, la Pologne, la Biélorussie, la Slovaquie et la Hongrie. Le feu de
    forêt a été signalé le 4 avril et, depuis, des vents violents ont entretenus
    les flammes. Un homme de 27 a été arrêté, car il aurait mis feu à des ordures,
    mais, à cause des rafales de vent, n’aurait pas réussi à éteindre les flammes.
    Rappelons que le nuage radioactif issu de l’accident nucléaire de 1986 a
    contaminé près des trois quarts de l’Europe.

    Météo – Baisse significative des températures sur la plupart du territoire. Deux
    alertes code jaune au temps mauvais sont en vigueur jusqu’à mercredi dans la
    matinée. Le vent soufflera avec 55-70 km à l’heure. Des précipitations mixtes
    sont attendues sur le relief, avec des chutes de neige en haute montagne, où la
    vitesse du vent ira jusqu’à 90 km à l’heure provoquant des tempêtes de neige. Les
    maximales vont de 5 à 24 degrés, avec 16 degrés et des éclaircies à midi à Bucarest.

  • June 12, 2018

    June 12, 2018

    CONFERENCE – Romanian President Klaus Iohannis has today said at a conference dubbed “We are inventing the future! Our bet on science!” that there is still a gap between Romania and Western Europe in economic and social terms and has pointed out that Romania’s modernisation in the future depends a great deal on its investment in innovation. Iohannis has said that special attention needs to be paid to the development of major projects in strategic fields and that research is the key of any strategy for sustainable economic growth. “Increased European funds absorption and private investment is a must so that Romania can develop its research infrastructure,” the head of states has said.

    INFLATION — The annual inflation rate in Romania went up to 5.4% in May, its highest level in the past five years. The increase takes place against the background of higher prices for food, by almost 4%, non-food products, by almost 8% and services, by almost 3%. The National Bank of Romania has recently revised upwards, at 3.6%, the inflation rate forecast for the end of the year, and at 3% the inflation rate for the end of 2019.

    VENICE COMMISSION — Romanian President Klaus Iohannis is today having a meeting with the Venice Commission delegation who is in Romania on a visit focusing on the changes to the justice laws. The delegation’s agenda includes meetings with Parliament members, and officials from the High Court of Cassation and Justice, the Constitutional Court, the Prosecutor General’s Office, the National Anti-corruption Directorate, the Higher Council of Magistracy, judge and prosecutor associations and civil society organisations. Both President Iohannis, and the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe have requested the opinion of this body, which comprises independent experts in constitutional law, with respect to the Romanian laws on the organisation of courts, the operation of the Higher Council of Magistracy and the status of judges and prosecutors. The requests came after the right-wing opposition, the media and civil society claimed that these laws are used by the ruling coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in order to stop the fight against corruption and get control over magistrates.

    RULING — Judges with the High Court of Cassation and Justice might give a verdict later today in the case involving the former head of the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism, Alina Bica, businessman Dorin Cocos and his son. Bica is accused of aggravated abuse of office while employed as a secretary of state and representing the Justice Ministry in the Central Commission for Compensation Settlement within the National Authority for Property Restitution. The former chief of the anti-mafia prosecutor’s office is in Costa Rica, together with Dorin Cocos’ ex-wife, Elena Udrea, herself a former minister and tried for corruption, after having been regarded for a long time the most influential member of the ex-President Traian Basescu’s circle. The 2 applied for political asylum in Costa Rica.

    SUMMIT – US President Donald Trump said he was very proud of the outcome of his historic meeting with the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. The latter has in turn promised that the world will see a major change. Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un pledged to work toward the complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula,and to seek to declare an official end to the 1950s Korean War and establish a permanent peace agreement. The American leader has given assurances that this process will start very soon and that the relationship with North Korea will be very different. According to Reuters, although the summit in Singapore marks only the beginning of a diplomatic process, it could fundamentally change the security landscape of Northeast Asia, just as former U.S. President Richard Nixon visit to Beijing in 1972 led to the transformation of China.

    THEATRE – In Sibiu (central Romania), the 25th International Theatre Festival continues. This is the largest performing arts event in Romania and one of the most important in Europe. On Tuesday, the 5th day of the festival, over 60 events are scheduled, including 14 street shows, 5 dance shows and 8 theatre performances. Thousands of artists from over 70 countries are performing every day both in theatre halls and in unconventional venues.

    HANDBALL – Romania’s national women’s handball team will today find out its group stage opponents at the 2018 edition of the European Championship, in the wake of the drawing of lots held in Paris. Romania was included in the second pot, having made it to the final tournament as winner of the preliminary group, outclassing the teams of Russia, Austria and Portugal. At the latest edition of the European championships in 2016, the Romanian national team came in 5th. On Wednesday, on home court, Romania’s men’s national handball team take on the national team of Macedonia in Cluj-Napoca. The fixture counts as the decisive leg of the qualifying playoffs tie ahead of the World Championships, to be held in Denmark and Germany in 2019. In the first game in Skopje, Romania sustained a 24-32 defeat.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • October 27, 2017 UPDATE

    October 27, 2017 UPDATE

    PRESIDENCY – Romanian President, Klaus Iohannis, on Friday received Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue, also in charge of Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union. During the talks, the two officials approached issues related to the future of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), as well as about Romanias process of accession to the Euro zone. Klaus Iohannis expressed his countrys support for further consolidating the EMU and underlined that the future of the Euro zone is of special importance to Romania, considering its strategic objective to switch to the Euro as soon as possible. In turn, the European official briefed the Romanian President on the Commissions intention to come up in December with a package of proposals on the consolidation of the Economic and Monetary Union. It will also include the proposal to create a new financial assistance instrument for the member states willing to switch to the Euro.

    CATALONIA – Spains Senate on Friday approved the request of PM Mariano Rajoy to impose direct rule over secessionist Catalonia, a decision made just a couple of minutes after the Parliament in Barcelona unilaterally declared the regions independence from Spain. Rajoy will hold a cabinet meeting shortly to decide what measures to take. They could include the firing of the Catalan leaders, and the Spanish government taking control of the region’s finances, police and public media. All regional-political, economic and security structures will be directly subordinated to Madrid. Mariano Rajoy has launched an appeal for calm and warned that the Spanish state will soon restore constitutional order in Catalonia. Earlier, the Parliament in Barcelona adopted a resolution calling for “the beginning of a process of the creation of an independent Catalan state in the form of a republic. Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont and other members of the regional government attended the vote.

    COMMEMORATION – On October 30th Bucharest commemorates two years since the devastating fire that ripped through the Colectiv night club in the capital city where 64 people were killed and 100 wounded. The event is marked in Bucharest by the Colectiv Association through a procession called “the March of Guitars and two days of concerts. On October 30th, Radio Romania will broadcast a programme inspired from the tragedy, which is symbolically entitled ‘64. On this occasion, people are expected to voice their discontent for the belated court trial that has been postponed for the month of November, a decision that caused dissatisfaction among the victims families. We recall that the clubs owners and representatives of the company that had provided the pyrotechnic devices for the concert hosted by the club have been sent to court for manslaughter and violation of fire safety regulations. The former district mayor has also been sent to court for abuse of office along with employees from the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations for having failed to sanction the club for the absence of a fire safety certificate. We recall the tragedy sparked off large-scale anti-corruption rallies, which forced the Social-Democratic cabinet led by Victor Ponta to step down.

    DAVIS CUP – Israel has a 2-0 lead on Romania, after the first single tennis matches of the Davis Cup tie, with the winning team remaining in Europe/Africa Zone Group I. On Friday, in Ramat Hasharon, Dragos Dima (463 ATP) was defeated by Edan Leshem (285 ATP) 6-3, 5-7, 6-2, 3-6, 6-3, and Dudi Sela (70 ATP) defeated Nicolae Frunză (600 ATP) 6-3, 6-4, 6-4. In the doubles, the first match between Israels Dudi Sela/Jonathan Erlich and Romanias Vasile Antonescu /Bogdan Borza will be played on Saturday. On Sunday, in the singles, Sela faces Dima, and Leshem-Frunză. Romania lost both rounds played earlier this year 2-3 to Belarus and 1-4 to Austria, whereas Israel lost 5-0 to Portugal and 5-0 to Ukraine. Israel is trying to avoid relegation from Group I for the first time in the past 16 years, and Romania for the first time since 1993.

    TENNIS – First seeded and no.1 WTA, Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, on Friday failed to qualify for the semi-finals of the Champions Tournament in Singapore. In her last Red Group match, Halep sustained a 6-3, 6-4 defeat from Ukrainian Elina Svitolina. Also on Friday, in the other match of the Group, Frances Caroline Garcia defeated Caroline Wozniacki of Denmark 0-6, 6-3, 7-5 and reached the semi-finals, where she will face American Venus Williams. In the other semi-final, the Czech Karolina Pliskova will face Caroline Wozniacki.

  • April 11, 2016 UPDATE

    April 11, 2016 UPDATE

    NATIONAL SECURITY LAWS – Romanias President, Klaus Iohannis, will hold consultations, on Tuesday and Wednesday, with leaders of the parliamentary parties on the national security laws. The Romanian President has recently said the legislation in the field should be improved, and some provisions even replaced, because they are no longer suitable in the current security context, neither at national, nor at global level. Klaus Iohannis has said the citizens rights and freedoms should be taken into consideration when drafting the new legislation. In turn, justice minister Raluca Pruna has announced that on Tuesday the Government will start debating the national security laws.

    PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REFORM – Romanias technocratic prime minister, Dacian Ciolos, said the country cant be modernised and an efficient fight against corruption is impossible without a reform of the central and local public administration. He also said Romania needs an efficient administration, which should function in a transparent way. Ciolos made the statements during a debate, entitled “The Prime Ministers Hour. He has announced that, after the local elections due in June, the Cabinet will introduce a set of legislative changes aimed at reforming the public administration sector, clarifying, among other things, the role of civil servants at local and central levels and the civil service recruitment criteria. In turn, the deputy PM and Minister for Regional Development Vasile Dîncu has said the mayors who win the June local elections may attend training programmes to improve their performance.

    LOCAL ELECTIONS – Romanian political parties, alliances, citizen organisations set up by ethnic minorities and independent runners may submit their candidacies for local and county councils and mayor seats, until April 26. As many as 126 parties, alliances and unions have registered their names and election symbols for the June 5 local election with the Central Election Bureau. The campaign for the local elections begins on May 6 and ends on June 4.

    BRANCUSI – The Romanian Culture Minister, Vlad Alexandrescu, on Monday announced the official opening of a public subscription for the purchase of sculptor Constantin Brancusis work “Wisdom of the Earth. He mentioned he was the first to have donated money in this campaign. The owners have recently accepted the 11 million euro bid by the negotiating committee appointed by the Government of Romania. Of the total amount, the Government has announced it will contribute 5 million euro, and the balance is to be covered by public subscription. This is not common practice in Romania, and the decision has generated differences of opinions. Dating back to 1907, Wisdom of the Earth, just like works such as The Kiss and The Prayer, was created when Constantin Brancusi was at the height of his creative powers.

    ECONOMY – The annual inflation rate in Romania stood at minus 3% in March, further down from the negative 2.7% in February, according to data made public by the National Statistics Institute (INS). The National Bank of Romania in February updated the inflation forecast for the year to 1.4%, up 0.3% since the previous forecast. The National Forecast Commission, in its winter forecast, maintained the expected year-end figure at 1.8% and the forecast for 2017 at 2.5%.

    COAL-MINING SECTOR – Miners and power industry workers with the Oltenia Energy Complex in south-western Romania started a rally to protest the lay-off of hundreds of complex employees. They will travel over 300 km to Bucharest, to hand a list of demands to the Government members. Among other things, the unionists demand that a plan be urgently put in place to enhance the efficiency of production units and that salary schemes should be based on performance criteria. In mid-March, the management of the complex decided to reduce or suspend certain operations in all its subsidiaries, both in the power sector and in the coal-mining sector, which will entail massive redundancies. Last year the company reported losses of over 200 million euros, 30% more than in 2014.

    HIROSHIMA – The foreign ministers of the G7 countries on Monday called in Hiroshima, Japan, for a world without nuclear weapons. At the end of last week the US Secretary of State John Kerry visited the memorial to the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima. On August 6, 1945, the city was devastated by an American atomic bomb, which left 140,000 people dead. On the other hand, the G7 foreign ministers pleaded for strengthening the fight against the IS terror group. The meeting in Hiroshima of the G7 diplomacy chiefs comes in preparation for the meeting of the G7 heads of state, scheduled to take place at the end of May in Japan.

    (Translated by Ana-Maria Popescu and Diana Vijeu)