Tag: Larisa

  • The Year 2021 in Review

    The Year 2021 in Review

    Under the Sign of the Pandemic

    In 2021 Romania
    was for the second year affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Facing wave after
    wave of an epidemic caused by the dreadful virus, the Romanians had no choice
    but to comply with the restriction measures imposed by the authorities, which
    displeased with a vaccine rollout that didn’t go as planned, made decisions
    that mainly affected the rights and liberties of those who refused the vaccine.
    The low infection rate in summer was followed by another outbreak in autumn
    with an increased number of infections and related fatalities. The fourth wave
    took a heavy toll on the lives of the Romanians and according to statistics,
    the most difficult period since the onset of the pandemic in Romania was
    registered in mid-October when ICUs were overwhelmed and Bucharest had to ask
    for international assistance. 2021 was also the year of hospital fires, which
    killed scores of the infected patients. The first incident took place in Piatra
    Neamt, north-eastern Romania in 2020, and was followed by others in Bucharest
    and Constanta the following year. The dark situation prompted the Romanian
    president, Klaus Iohannis, to make the famous statement that ‘the state failed
    in its fundamental mission of protecting its citizens’. Luckily the situation
    improved towards the end of 2021 putting Romania in the green tier, a unique
    case in Europe.

    Political crises

    In this year of
    medical crisis, Romania had no less than four Health Ministers – two from the USR,
    one from UDMR and a PSD representative who started his mandate in late
    November. The political unrest kicked off in April upon the then Prime Minister
    Florin Citu’s decision to sack the USR Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu. On
    September 1st, Justice Minister Stelian Ion was also dismissed and
    the political crisis that followed lasted for three months. An enraged USR left
    the ruling coalition and in October endorsed a censure motion initiated by the
    Social-Democratic opposition. Two attempts to forge a minority cabinet failed
    and the Romanian politicians resorted to a third alternative no one forecast.
    Following intense negotiations, two political enemies PNL and PSD decided to
    shake hands and work together with the UDMR part of an Executive headed by the
    retired army general, Liberal Nicolae Ciuca. Florin Citu headed the Senate and
    the National Liberal Party, the presidency of which he won in September against
    the former PNL leader Ludovic Orban, who eventually left the party and decided
    to forge a new political formation. The USR also held its own elections won by
    the former European commissioner Dacian Ciolos.

    A Standard of Living going down

    energy prices were felt all over Europe with Romania bearing the brunt. The
    situation worsened after the liberalization of energy market on January 1st.
    After a chaos of almost half a year, the Romanians and the market apparently
    calmed down. Sadly, in summer energy prices went through the roof again and the
    government had to issue an emergency ordinance to cap energy prices for
    households and cover part of the costs through the state budget. The latest price
    hikes reignited inflation, which in October went up to 7.9% although employees
    hadn’t seen a pay rise in years. The Romanian economy is expected to register a
    7% growth in 2021 after a contraction of 3.7% caused by the pandemic in 2020. Salvation
    could come from the National Plan of Recovery and Resilience approved by
    Brussels in autumn, under which Romania would get up to 29 million euros in
    investment until 2026.

    culture at home and abroad

    During the 25th
    edition of the George Enescu International Festival, in September classical
    music lovers from Romania were delighted by the performances of 3.500 artists
    from their country and from abroad. During the prestigious event, 32 orchestras
    from 14 countries performed on stages in Bucharest and other big cities across
    the country.

    2021 was also an
    important year for the Romanian cinematography! Director Radu Jude’s film ‘Bad
    Luck Banging or Loony Porn’ reaped the Golden Bear award at the International
    Film Festival in Berlin while Alexander Nanau’s documentary Colectiv got
    Oscar nominations for the best international feature film and best documentary

    2021- Not a good year for Romanian

    The National
    Arena in Bucharest hosted four matches, three of group C and one in the round
    of sixteen of the European Football Championship, a competition for which the
    Romanian national squad had failed to qualify. And to add insult to injury, athletes
    from Romania managed to walk away only with four medals from the 32nd
    edition of the Olympic Games in Tokyo, coming only 46th in a nation

    The world’s best
    epee fencer Ana Maria Popescu announced her withdrawal from competitions after a
    prestigious activity of two decades. Famous tennis player Horia Tecau also
    withdrew from competitions in 2021 and so did world-reputed gymnasts Marian
    Dragulescu and Larisa Iordache.

    Those who left us …

    Let’s not forget
    those who left us in 2021! Actors Ion Dichiseanu and Ion Caramitru – the
    director of the National Theatre in Bucharest and chair of Romania’s Theatre
    Union, writer Ileana Vulpescu; multiple kayak-canoe champion Ivan Patzaichin,
    historian Dan Berindei; director and leading figure of Radio Romania, Dan
    Puican; folk singer Doru Stănculescu and Victor Socaciu as well as the
    appreciated traditional music singer Benone Sinulescu.


  • Republica Elenă – Ninsori și restricții de circulație

    Republica Elenă – Ninsori și restricții de circulație

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe informează cetățenii români care se află, tranzitează sau doresc să călătorească în Republica Elenă că Serviciul de Meteorologie local a prognozat ninsori în Macedonia, Ioannina, Trikala, Larisa, Salonic și nordul Atenei, pentru intervalul 4 – 5 ianuarie 2019. În largul Mării Ionice și Mării Egee sunt așteptate ploi, furtuni și vânt cu intensitatea de 9 Beaufort (viteză de aproximativ 75-88 km/h și valuri înalte de cca. 10 m, care se răstoarnă). Urmare a căderilor de zăpadă din cursul zilei de 3 ianuarie 2019, a fost restricționată circulația pentru vehiculele cu capacitate mai mare de 3,5 tone pe următoarele tronsoane de drumuri:

    Vechea Autostradă Atena- Thiva de la km 6;Autostrada Pireu – Atena – Salonic de la km 320 până la km 400;Autostrada Pireu – Atena – Salonic de la km 122 până la km 242;Autostrada Pireu – Atena – Salonic de la km 67,5 până la km 121;Autostrada Pireu – Atena – Salonic de la km 261 până la km 322;Vechea Autostradă Elefsina – Thiva de la km 30 până la km 45;Autostrada Thermopylae – Itea (Amfissa) de la km 1 la km 58;Vechea Autostradă Lamia – Larissa de la km 3 până la km 54;Autostrada Kalamata – Sparta de la km 22 până la km 40 închisă oricărui tip de circulație.

    Având în vedere prognoza de intensificare a vântului, cetățenii români care au planificate deplasări cu feribotul sunt îndrumați să contacteze în prealabil firmele de transport naval.

    Detalii despre evoluția vremii se pot obține accesând portalurile http://www.meteoalarm.eu/ro_RO/0/0/GR-Grecia.html și http://www.hnms.gr/emy/en/index_html.

    Cetățenii români pot solicita asistență consulară la numerele de telefon ale Ambasadei României la Atena: +302106728879, +302106728875 și cel al Consulatului General la Salonic: +302310340088, apelurile fiind redirecționate către Centrul de Contact și Suport al Cetățenilor Români din Străinătate (CCSCR) și preluate de către operatorii Call Center în regim de permanență.

    De asemenea, cetățenii români care se confruntă cu o situație cu caracter de urgență, au la dispoziție și telefonul de permanență al Ambasadei României în Republica Elenă: +306978996222 și cel al Consulatului General al României la Salonic: +306906479076.

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe recomandă consultarea paginilor de Internet http://atena.mae.ro, http://salonic.mae.ro, www.mae.ro