Tag: Leonid Carp

  • Sport Club RRI: Kaiac-canoe

    Sport Club RRI: Kaiac-canoe

    România are, din nou, un titlu european la kaiac-canoe. Acesta a fost
    câştigat duminică, la campionatele continentale de la Belgrad, de Leonid Carp
    şi Victor Mihalachi, în proba de canoe dublu pe distanţa de 500 de metri.
    trecut, la Plovdiv, în Bulgaria, Carp şi Mihalachi ocupaseră locul secund în
    aceeaşi probă. La competiţia de anul acesta, progresul lor a fost evident. În
    afară de victoria de la 500 de metri, care este o probă neolimpică, perechea
    română a câştigat argintul la 1000 de metri, probă olimpică. Au câştigat
    germanii Yul Oeltze şi Peter Kretschmer, campionii mondiali ai probei, după o
    cursă extrem de rapidă. Românilor le-a lipsit mai puţin de o jumătate de
    secundă pentru a câştiga disputa.

    Victor Mihalachi
    este, la această oră, cel mai experimentat sportiv din lotul de kaiac-canoe al
    României. El vine de dincolo de Prut. S-a născut pe 24 februarie 1989 şi a
    obţinut primele performanţe internaţionale, ca junior, pentru Republica
    Moldova. În 2007, la Brno, a devenit campion mondial de juniori alături de
    Hariton Ivanov, la 500 de metri. În 2009 a primit cetăţenia română. De atunci,
    a câştigat patru titluri de campion mondial şi patru de campion european,
    alături de multe alte medalii la întrecerile de vârf, la canoe dublu, pe
    distanţele de 500 şi 1000 de metri.

    Leonid Carp s-a
    născut la Tulcea, în ziua de 31 octombrie 1996. A obţinut primele sale mai
    performanţe în 2014, la Campionatele Europene de tineret (pentru sportivi sub
    23 de ani) desfăşurate în Franţa, la Mantes-la-Jolie, şi anume trei medalii de
    aur: la canoe simplu, la canoe dublu şi cu canoia de patru, de fiecare dată pe
    distanţa de 1000 de metri. La seniori, până la argintul de anul trecut, de la
    Plovdiv, performanţele sale majore au fost la canoe 4: aur la Mondialele de la
    Milano, din 2015, şi argint la Europenele de la Račice, din acelaşi an.

    În 2016, în
    scandalul de dopaj cu meldonium care a afectat lotul de kaiac-canoe al
    României, Carp a făcut parte din grupul depistat pozitiv. Nu a fost însă
    sancţionat, în principal din cauza concentraţiei reduse a substanţei care i-a
    fost găsită în organism.

  • Sport Club RRI: Kaiac-canoe

    Sport Club RRI: Kaiac-canoe

    România are, din nou, un titlu european la kaiac-canoe. Acesta a fost
    câştigat duminică, la campionatele continentale de la Belgrad, de Leonid Carp
    şi Victor Mihalachi, în proba de canoe dublu pe distanţa de 500 de metri.
    trecut, la Plovdiv, în Bulgaria, Carp şi Mihalachi ocupaseră locul secund în
    aceeaşi probă. La competiţia de anul acesta, progresul lor a fost evident. În
    afară de victoria de la 500 de metri, care este o probă neolimpică, perechea
    română a câştigat argintul la 1000 de metri, probă olimpică. Au câştigat
    germanii Yul Oeltze şi Peter Kretschmer, campionii mondiali ai probei, după o
    cursă extrem de rapidă. Românilor le-a lipsit mai puţin de o jumătate de
    secundă pentru a câştiga disputa.

    Victor Mihalachi
    este, la această oră, cel mai experimentat sportiv din lotul de kaiac-canoe al
    României. El vine de dincolo de Prut. S-a născut pe 24 februarie 1989 şi a
    obţinut primele performanţe internaţionale, ca junior, pentru Republica
    Moldova. În 2007, la Brno, a devenit campion mondial de juniori alături de
    Hariton Ivanov, la 500 de metri. În 2009 a primit cetăţenia română. De atunci,
    a câştigat patru titluri de campion mondial şi patru de campion european,
    alături de multe alte medalii la întrecerile de vârf, la canoe dublu, pe
    distanţele de 500 şi 1000 de metri.

    Leonid Carp s-a
    născut la Tulcea, în ziua de 31 octombrie 1996. A obţinut primele sale mai
    performanţe în 2014, la Campionatele Europene de tineret (pentru sportivi sub
    23 de ani) desfăşurate în Franţa, la Mantes-la-Jolie, şi anume trei medalii de
    aur: la canoe simplu, la canoe dublu şi cu canoia de patru, de fiecare dată pe
    distanţa de 1000 de metri. La seniori, până la argintul de anul trecut, de la
    Plovdiv, performanţele sale majore au fost la canoe 4: aur la Mondialele de la
    Milano, din 2015, şi argint la Europenele de la Račice, din acelaşi an.

    În 2016, în
    scandalul de dopaj cu meldonium care a afectat lotul de kaiac-canoe al
    României, Carp a făcut parte din grupul depistat pozitiv. Nu a fost însă
    sancţionat, în principal din cauza concentraţiei reduse a substanţei care i-a
    fost găsită în organism.

  • June 10, 2018 UPDATE

    June 10, 2018 UPDATE

    PROTEST – A fresh anti-government protest was organized in Bucharest on Sunday evening. Under the slogan “The Country is on fire! Light for democracy, the civic organizations which initiated the rally want to express their disagreement with the policies pursued by the ruling coalition in such domains as justice, the environment and the economy. The protest is staged just a day after the Social Democrats and Liberals-Democrats on Saturday organized the biggest rally since taking over power, a year and a half ago. The over 100,000 participants protested against what they called abuses and the infringement of the principles of the rule of law. They denounced the existence of an illegitimate and underground structure, which they generically deem as “the parallel state and which allegedly influences the state institutions and decision-making in the justice field. On Friday, the High Court of Cassation and Justice postponed issuing a verdict, for a third time, in a lawsuit in which the leader of the Social Democratic Party, Liviu Dragnea, is accused of corruption offences. The anti-corruption prosecutors called on the court to issue a seven year and five month jail sentence for abuse of office on Dragneas name, in addition to two years and six months for forgery. In 2016, Dragnea got a final, suspended two year sentence, for attempted rigging.

    JUSTICE – A delegation of the Venice Commission pays a two-day visit to Romania as of Monday, for consultations on the modifications brought to the justice laws. The delegation is due to have talks with President Klaus Iohannis, with other officials at the Romanian Parliament, the Justice Ministry, the High Court of Cassation and Justice, the Constitutional Court, the Prosecutor Generals Office, the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, the Superior Council of Magistracy, associations of judges and prosecutors and civil society organisations. Both President Iohannis and the Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe (Monitoring Committee) have requested the opinion of this consultative body, made up of independent experts on constitutional law, on the laws on judicial organisation, the functioning of the Superior Council of Magistracy and the status of judges and prosecutors. The requests were made amidst accusations launched by the right-of-centre opposition, civic organisations and part of a press, according to whom by modifying these laws, the ruling coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Romania is allegedly trying to halt the fight against corruption and to subordinate magistrates.

    ADMINISTRATIVE CODE – The Romanian Senate will debate on Monday the draft Administrative Code, after it has been debated and adopted by the relevant parliamentary committee. The Senate is the first notified chamber in this case. The document regulates the organisation and functioning of authorities and institutions in the public administration: the government, ministries, prefects offices, county councils, city halls, defines the status of those working in these institutions and sets the guidelines for decentralisation and local autonomy.

    HALEP – Romanias President Klaus Iohannis has congratulated the Romanian tennis player Simona Halep on her victory at the Roland Garros tennis tournament. In a message posted on a social network, the head of state has underlined that Haleps first Grand Slam trophy in her career comes at the end of a final in which she fought for every ball, without giving up any moment. In turn, PM Viorica Dăncilă has praised, in a message, the way in which Halep fought on court, saying her performance was a further confirmation that she deserved the trophy. Both the Romanian and international press has hailed Simona Haleps win in Paris. The no.1 WTA tennis player defeated the American Sloane Stephens 3-6, 6-4, 6-1. Her success at Roland Garros comes 45 years since Romanian Ilie Năstase won the tournament hosted by the French capital city for the second time in a row and 40 years since her current manager, Virginia Ruzici, won the French Open.

    SINGAPORE – The North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, has arrived in Singapore, ahead of a historic summit with the US President, Donald Trump. In turn, the White House leader comes from Quebec, where he attended the G7 summit. The Kim-Trump Summit scheduled for Tuesday morning will be a first meeting between the Kim dynasty heir and an acting US President. The discussions which are likely to produce uncertain, unclear results, will be aimed at reaching an agreement on North Koreas complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearisation, in exchange for an easing of economic and diplomatic sanctions.

    CANOEING – Romanians Leonid Carp and Victor Mihalachi on Sunday won gold in the 500m double canoe race, at the European Championships held in Belgrade, Serbia. On Saturday they grabbed a silver medal in the 1,000 m double canoe race. Romanian Mihaela Lulea also got silver in the 200m paracanoe race.

    THEATRE FESTIVAL – The Sibiu International Theatre Festival, one of the largest festivals of its kind in the world continues in Sibiu, central Romania. Sundays highlights included 50 events organised not only in halls but also in unconventional places: theatre and dance shows, contemporary circus, concerts, exhibitions, theatre workshops and street parades. We recall that over 3,300 artists from 73 countries are participating in the 25th edition of the Sibiu International Theatre Festival, which runs until next Sunday.

  • Sport Club RRI – Argint la Mondialele de lupte şi de kaiac-canoe

    Sport Club RRI – Argint la Mondialele de lupte şi de kaiac-canoe

    În ultima vreme, sportivii români au ieşit din topuri la
    multe discipline. Calitatea performanţei a scăzut drastic chiar la sporturi pe
    care România le-a dominat ani de zile. Au apărut situaţii de criză de
    neconceput cu câţiva ani înainte, iar poate cea mai gravă dintre acestea s-a
    înregistrat la kaiac-canoe. Anul trecut, aproape întreg lotul naţional a fost
    suspendat pentru dopaj, iar România a fost exclusă de la competiţiile majore
    pentru un an. Revenirea s-a produs în luna iulie, anul acesta, când flotila
    română a concurat la Europenele de la Plovdiv. Cel mai bun rezultat, atunci, a
    fost argintul obţinut la canoe dublu, pe distanta de 500 de metri, de Leonid Carp
    şi Victor Mihalachi. Cei doi sportivi au confirmat şi săptămâna trecută, la
    Mondialele din Cehia, de la Racice, cucerind tot medalii de argint şi tot pe
    distanţa de 500 de metri. Mihalachi şi Carp au fost devansaţi doar de ruşii
    Ivan Ştil şi Victor Melantev. Pe locul al treilea s-au clasat italienii Sergiu
    şi Nicolae Crăciun, originari
    din Republica Moldova.

    O preţioasă medalie de argint a venit, săptămâna trecută, şi
    de la Mondialele de lupte de la Paris. Aceasta a fost cucerită de Alina Vuc, la
    categoria 48 de kilograme şi a reprezentat prima medalie din istoria luptelor
    feminine româneşti la un Campionat Mondial de seniori. În vârstă de 23 de ani,
    Alina Vuc şi-a confirmat valoarea, după ce, anul trecut, la Europenele de la
    Riga, urcase tot pe treapta a doua a podiumului. Din păcate însă, la masculin
    nu s-a obţinut nimic. Din nou, fetele sunt cele care salvează onoarea României,
    aşa cum se întâmplă, de ani buni şi la alte discipline, precum canotajul,
    handbalul sau tenisul.

  • Sportivii săptămânii: Canoiştii Victor Mihalachi şi Leonid Carp

    Sportivii săptămânii: Canoiştii Victor Mihalachi şi Leonid Carp

    În Bulgaria, la Plovdiv, au avut loc, săptămâna trecută, Campionatele Europene de kaiac-canoe. A fost prima competiţie la care flotila românească a fost prezentă, după ce lotul de kaiac-canoe al României a fost suspendat din toate competiţiile, pentru un an, de federaţia internaţională de specialitate. Sancţiunea a venit în 2016, când mai mulţi sportivi din lot au fost găsiţi dopaţi cu meldonium. Cu o echipă aproape complet reînnoită, România a obţinut, la Plovdiv, performanţe peste nivelul aşteptărilor. Cel mai bun rezultat a fost medalia de argint obţinută la canoe dublu, pe distanţa de 500 de metri, de Leonid Carp şi Victor Mihalachi. Pentru această performanţă, Radio România Internaţional i-a desemnat pe cei doi canoişti Sportivii Săptămânii.

    Victor Mihalachi este, la această oră, cel mai experimentat sportiv din lotul de kaiac-canoe al României. El vine de dincolo de Prut. S-a născut, pe 24 februarie 1989, în comuna Floriţoaia Veche şi a obţinut primele performanţe internaţionale, ca junior, pentru Republica Moldova. În 2007, la Brno, a devenit campion mondial de juniori alături de Hariton Ivanov, la 500 de metri. În 2009 a primit cetăţenia română. De atunci, a câştigat patru titluri de campion mondial şi trei de campion european, alături de multe alte medalii la întrecerile de vârf, la canoe dublu, pe distanţele de 500 şi 1000 de metri.

    Leonid Carp s-a născut la Tulcea (est), în ziua de 31 octombrie 1996. A obţinut primele sale mai performanţe în 2014, la Campionatele Europene de tineret (pentru sportivi sub 23 de ani) desfăşurate în Franţa, la Mantes-la-Jolie, şi anume trei medalii de aur: la canoe simplu, la canoe dublu şi cu canoia de patru, de fiecare dată pe distanţa de 1000 de metri. La seniori, până la Plovdiv, performanţele sale majore au fost la canoe 4: aur la Mondialele de la Milano, din 2015, şi argint la Europenele de la Račice, din acelaşi an.

    În 2016, în scandalul de dopaj cu meldonium care a afectat lotul de kaiac-canoe al României, a făcut parte din grupul depistat pozitiv. Nu a fost însă sancţionat, în principal din cauza concentraţiei reduse a substanţei care i-a fost găsită în organism.

  • July 16, 2017 UPDATE

    July 16, 2017 UPDATE

    TAXES On Monday, the ruling coalition in Bucharest will be tackling fresh fiscal measures, such as the introduction of the solidarity tax or the turnover tax. Liviu Dragnea, president of the main ruling political force, the Social-Democratic Party (PSD) has recently announced that the Finance Ministry is running research over the effects of such measures envisaged in the ruling programme. In another development, the biggest opposition party, the National Liberal Party, has pointed out to the fact that the fresh fiscal measures or the artificially raised minimum salaries can affect private companies in Romania as well as the country’s economic development.

    DRILL A new stage of the largest military exercise in Romania’s modern history, SABER GUARDIAN 17 was hosted by the county of Constanta in southeastern Romania. The medical evacuation exercise called MASCAL unfolded under a real-life scenario for the 30th US medical brigade, which led the exercise and three NATO ROL 2 medical units deployed to Mihail Kogalniceanu. During the exercise the soldiers were selected and evacuated to the medical units mounted at the Mihail Kogalniceanu air base. The shooting range in Cincu, central Romania, on Saturday saw another series of exercises part of the SABER GUARDIAN 17, which brought together over 5,000 soldiers, 650 vehicles and other military gear as well as 30 warplanes. The event was also attended by the head of the Romanian state Klaus Iohannis.

    HODGES The commander of the US troops in Europe, lieutenant general Ben Hodges, has hailed the efforts Romania is making in an attempt to modernize its armed forces. Hodges, who participated in Saber Guardian 17, a multinational exercise held in Cincu, central Romania, has said that Romania is a trustworthy ally committed to modernizing its armed forces. He has recalled Bucharest’s pledge to invest 2% of the country’s GDP in defence this year, and referred to the training quality of the young soldiers and their commanders and their commitment to contributing to security in the Black Sea.

    VACCINE The Healthcare Ministry in Bucharest is to commence a warning campaign against the consequences of not vaccinating children. The number of measles cases confirmed in Romania has exceeded 8 thousands; most of them reported in the country’s west and southwest. We recall that 31 people have so far been killed by the disease in this country. On Monday Radio Romania is also to commence an information campaign over the risks of leaving children unvaccinated, the side effects, the reasons for which some parents don’t want to immunize their children and the need for fresh legislation on vaccination.

    MEDAL Romanian rowers Leonid Carp and Victor Mihalachi on Sunday reaped silver in the 500 meter double canoe race of the European Championships held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. This is the first medal for the Romanian delegation. The Romanians were outperformed by Russia, while a crew from Ukraine ended on the third position.

    EFFORTS The Ministry for The Romanians All Over the World is making efforts to bring back the Romanians living abroad, field minister Andreea Pastarnac has said. According to her, Start-up Diaspora, a special programme mainly targeting the second or third generations of Romanian immigrants was launched 10 days ago alongside a scholarship project by the Romanian Education Ministry aimed at allowing students from abroad to chose from several education packages offered by Romanian universities. Minister Pastarnac spoke in Sulina, southeastern Romania, at a meeting during the ARC 2017 Camp programme destined for the Romanian ethnics living abroad.

    VISIT Romania’s Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Melescanu on Monday will join his EU counterparts for the proceedings of the EU Foreign Affairs Council. According to a communiqué issued by the Foreign Ministry in Bucharest the participants will be mainly discussing measures on migration focusing on the central-Mediterranean route. The Global Strategy in the EU Foreign and Security Policy, the latest developments in Libya and the north-Korean file are high on the meeting’s agenda, the communiqué also says.

  • July 16, 2017

    July 16, 2017

    TAXES On Monday, the ruling coalition in Bucharest will be tackling fresh fiscal measures, such as the introduction of the solidarity tax or the turnover tax. Liviu Dragnea, president of the main ruling political force, the Social-Democratic Party (PSD) has recently announced that the Finance Ministry is running research over the effects of such measures envisaged in the ruling programme. In another development, the biggest opposition party, the National Liberal Party, has pointed out to the fact that the fresh fiscal measures or the artificially raised minimum salaries can affect private companies in Romania as well as the country’s economic development.

    HODGES The commander of the US troops in Europe, lieutenant general Ben Hodges, has hailed the efforts Romania is making in an attempt to modernize its armed forces. Hodges, who participated in Saber Guardian 17, a multinational exercise held in Cincu, central Romania, has said that Romania is a trustworthy ally committed to modernizing its armed forces. He has recalled Bucharest’s pledge to invest 2% of the country’s GDP in defence this year, and referred to the training quality of the young soldiers and their commanders and their commitment to contributing to security in the Black Sea.

    VACCINE The Healthcare Ministry in Bucharest is to commence a warning campaign against the consequences of not vaccinating children. The number of measles cases confirmed in Romania has exceeded 8 thousands; most of them reported in the country’s west and southwest. We recall that 31 people have so far been killed by the disease in this country. On Monday Radio Romania is also to commence an information campaign over the risks of leaving children unvaccinated, the side effects, the reasons for which some parents don’t want to immunize their children and the need for fresh legislation on vaccination.

    MEDAL Romanian rowers Leonid Carp and Victor Mihalachi on Sunday reaped silver in the 500 meter double canoe race of the European Championships held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. This is the first medal for the Romanian delegation. The Romanians were outperformed by Russia, while a crew from Ukraine ended on the third position.

    EFFORTS The Ministry for The Romanians All Over the World is making efforts to bring back the Romanians living abroad, field minister Andreea Pastarnac has said. According to her, Start-up Diaspora, a special programme mainly targeting the second or third generations of Romanian immigrants was launched 10 days ago alongside a scholarship project by the Romanian Education Ministry aimed at allowing students from abroad to chose from several education packages offered by Romanian universities. Minister Pastarnac spoke in Sulina, southeastern Romania, at a meeting during the ARC 2017 Camp programme destined for the Romanian ethnics living abroad.