Tag: listeners

  • This week…in your letters

    This week…in your letters

    Hello my friends In Bucharest. Can you believe that spring is almost upon us? We are really moving the start of this year do you not think? It got your transmission up over here at 18:00 hours on 5.935 Khz that always does seem to come in well of an evening. So very sad to hear over the Radio here In the UK and later during the course of your newsreel report regarding the running down of Romanian car wash workers in south London that was not nice to be informed of. But on a high side of things good to hear that Romania and Hungary are making communication as I am aware of the turbulent past that both of you in the past have been through. The history show did provide a great deal of history yet again on a different topic with regards to some of the torture prisoners encountered with horrific beatings carried out by wardens In such an inhumane way during the old regime. Loving your music on your music especially one particular piece of music called the most beautiful (Frumuos) girl in the world. Hoping weather has improved and I think it has and you can now be looking forward to spring that is just around the corner. Sending you all my very best In the English section and wishing you well. Keep up the good and hard work!

    James Obrien, United Kingdom

    News mentioned upcoming elections in Germany, France. EU Parliament passes resolution on requiring VISAs for US citizens. I hope this does not get anywhere. Most US citizens are not aware of the VISA issues for the EU countries. The Romanian Government is increasing defense spending to 2%. The Future Starts Today had a great segment on NASA’s discovering the new set of planets. 3 have potential to support life. New telescopes could be built. I find space exploration fascinating. Always have since a kid. My parents took us to see Skylab blast off. I can often see rockets soaring through the sky after lifting off from Kennedy Space Center from my house in Fort Pierce. A nice song I Believe was called “Time” was played, female singer pop song. Roots followed by Sports and the Romanian rugby team playing Russia on Saturday. The traditional music was beautiful. A musician who participated in many national and international contests and left for the US and went back to Romania after playing in major US cities. Living in Romania with James Donahue where Romania is his second home, he bought a wooden spoon and fork as souvenirs. Through the Looking Glass had an interesting discussion on a Romanian film maker who passed away at 79 years”.

    Richard Nowak, United States

    Mr. Donahue seemed to be extremely pleased with living in your country. I suppose that Romania can be very nice provided that you are well off. I have some Romanian friends who seem to be travelling to Turkey, Greece and Italy all the time enjoying their retirement. Others apparently are less lucky. This year I missed your World Radio Day show. However, I was very much involved in the project organized by the Swedish DX Federation. We had produced a one-hour show that went out three times on shortwave from stations in Germany and Norway and a half-hour version on Radio Northern Star, a web radio based in Norway. I produced and presented three reports including one devoted to the invention of radio. We are now planning special broadcasts at Easter and once again I intend to produce some of the segments”.

    Christer Brunstrom, Sweden

    Spring greetings from Denmark — even that it is not too warm at the moment, but the spring flowers show their colors to tell, that warmer days are coming. I must say political temperatures has been going high in Romania. I so hope, that better days are on their way to “the man in the street”. I do not understand your protests against the plan for 2-tempi EU-development, but it is not an easy case. Best and warmest wishes”.

    Hans-Verner Lollike, Denmark

    It has been an interesting month, what with World Radio Day and the recent protests against the Romanians governments unpopular criminal code policy. As many other RRI listeners had commented, these demonstrations had received a lot of coverage on UK TV news over many days, and it was great to see people standing up against something that they didnt like, and interesting to hear what many individual protesters had to say during TV interviews. It couldnt have been much fun standing out there for so long at this time of year, especially with recent temperatures, so well done to them, its always a good idea to keep the politicians in their place, as they love to walk over us if we let them. One thing that no one else seemed to have commented on which I thought was well worth a mention, was RRIs coverage of the demonstrations, which was very impartial, and no one could ever accuse your station of being a government mouthpiece. It was great to see the editorial freedom that you had, and to hear balanced comments on what was going on there, so well done to all at RRI staff for standing up for the truth rather than the politicians. Best regards to all at RRI till next month, it will be nice when Spring finally arrives again as Ive had quite enough of the winter cold, and Im just glad that we never get temperatures as low as some of the ones that you have experienced during the winter”.

    Alan Gale, United Kingdom

    I like to listen to your one hour broadcast on Sundays. The mix of news, features and music is very enjoyable and informative. I always enjoy the jazz music and the listeners’ letters. It is great to know that there are still many people all over the world listening to shortwave using radios old and new. The staff and presenters at RRI do a wonderful job and your efforts are enjoyed by many people. Thank you all very much”.

    Ian Evans, United Kingdom

  • This week…in your letters

    This week…in your letters

    Hello my friends In Bucharest. Can you believe that spring is almost upon us? We are really moving the start of this year do you not think? It got your transmission up over here at 18:00 hours on 5.935 Khz that always does seem to come in well of an evening. So very sad to hear over the Radio here In the UK and later during the course of your newsreel report regarding the running down of Romanian car wash workers in south London that was not nice to be informed of. But on a high side of things good to hear that Romania and Hungary are making communication as I am aware of the turbulent past that both of you in the past have been through. The history show did provide a great deal of history yet again on a different topic with regards to some of the torture prisoners encountered with horrific beatings carried out by wardens In such an inhumane way during the old regime. Loving your music on your music especially one particular piece of music called the most beautiful (Frumuos) girl in the world. Hoping weather has improved and I think it has and you can now be looking forward to spring that is just around the corner. Sending you all my very best In the English section and wishing you well. Keep up the good and hard work!

    James Obrien, United Kingdom

    News mentioned upcoming elections in Germany, France. EU Parliament passes resolution on requiring VISAs for US citizens. I hope this does not get anywhere. Most US citizens are not aware of the VISA issues for the EU countries. The Romanian Government is increasing defense spending to 2%. The Future Starts Today had a great segment on NASA’s discovering the new set of planets. 3 have potential to support life. New telescopes could be built. I find space exploration fascinating. Always have since a kid. My parents took us to see Skylab blast off. I can often see rockets soaring through the sky after lifting off from Kennedy Space Center from my house in Fort Pierce. A nice song I Believe was called “Time” was played, female singer pop song. Roots followed by Sports and the Romanian rugby team playing Russia on Saturday. The traditional music was beautiful. A musician who participated in many national and international contests and left for the US and went back to Romania after playing in major US cities. Living in Romania with James Donahue where Romania is his second home, he bought a wooden spoon and fork as souvenirs. Through the Looking Glass had an interesting discussion on a Romanian film maker who passed away at 79 years”.

    Richard Nowak, United States

    Mr. Donahue seemed to be extremely pleased with living in your country. I suppose that Romania can be very nice provided that you are well off. I have some Romanian friends who seem to be travelling to Turkey, Greece and Italy all the time enjoying their retirement. Others apparently are less lucky. This year I missed your World Radio Day show. However, I was very much involved in the project organized by the Swedish DX Federation. We had produced a one-hour show that went out three times on shortwave from stations in Germany and Norway and a half-hour version on Radio Northern Star, a web radio based in Norway. I produced and presented three reports including one devoted to the invention of radio. We are now planning special broadcasts at Easter and once again I intend to produce some of the segments”.

    Christer Brunstrom, Sweden

    Spring greetings from Denmark — even that it is not too warm at the moment, but the spring flowers show their colors to tell, that warmer days are coming. I must say political temperatures has been going high in Romania. I so hope, that better days are on their way to “the man in the street”. I do not understand your protests against the plan for 2-tempi EU-development, but it is not an easy case. Best and warmest wishes”.

    Hans-Verner Lollike, Denmark

    It has been an interesting month, what with World Radio Day and the recent protests against the Romanians governments unpopular criminal code policy. As many other RRI listeners had commented, these demonstrations had received a lot of coverage on UK TV news over many days, and it was great to see people standing up against something that they didnt like, and interesting to hear what many individual protesters had to say during TV interviews. It couldnt have been much fun standing out there for so long at this time of year, especially with recent temperatures, so well done to them, its always a good idea to keep the politicians in their place, as they love to walk over us if we let them. One thing that no one else seemed to have commented on which I thought was well worth a mention, was RRIs coverage of the demonstrations, which was very impartial, and no one could ever accuse your station of being a government mouthpiece. It was great to see the editorial freedom that you had, and to hear balanced comments on what was going on there, so well done to all at RRI staff for standing up for the truth rather than the politicians. Best regards to all at RRI till next month, it will be nice when Spring finally arrives again as Ive had quite enough of the winter cold, and Im just glad that we never get temperatures as low as some of the ones that you have experienced during the winter”.

    Alan Gale, United Kingdom

    I like to listen to your one hour broadcast on Sundays. The mix of news, features and music is very enjoyable and informative. I always enjoy the jazz music and the listeners’ letters. It is great to know that there are still many people all over the world listening to shortwave using radios old and new. The staff and presenters at RRI do a wonderful job and your efforts are enjoyed by many people. Thank you all very much”.

    Ian Evans, United Kingdom

  • This Week… in Your Letters

    This Week… in Your Letters

    “I was very pleased to pick up your broadcast from my location in Chicago, IL, USA. It is not often that I receive a strong signal from your station but it seems that on this particular night, your broadcast reached quite far. Thank you for continuing to work in the shortwave medium. I look forward to hearing you more and will try and listen in. Sending you peace and thankfulness from Chicago.

    Henry Harris, Chicago, USA

    “I enjoyed the show on November 22, RRI has great programming and is an authoritative source of news and culture on Europe. I look forward to hearing Christmas music on RRI. Thanks for your support of shortwave!

    Richard Nowak, USA

    “Its hard to believe that another year has passed. We are all busy trying to wrap up things at our office. According to the latest weather forecast we will have unseasonably warm weather this winter. Christmas is my favourite time of year. Every street is decorated and business picks up. My family is not Christian but we enjoy spending Christmas together. White Christmas is romantic, but as far as I remember weve never had snow on Christmas in this town. Thank you for your help and support. Please continue to keep us informed in the future.

    Hidemitsu Miyake, Japan

    “Many thanks for the programme. Enjoyed the music and travel info about Romania. Thanks for the schedule and QSL for my previous reception report. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2017!

    Rauno Eerola, Finland

    “There was an extremely interesting program on the Technical History of Radio in Romania, including how recordings were made, “Battery Bricks and the role of radio during the events of 1968. I hope you will continue to broadcast on shortwave, as this is the only way I can hear you. I really enjoyed the Technical History of Radio Romania. This was a most enjoyable program. I have told my friends about it. As always, I also enjoy your informative broadcasts very much. They are a great resource for news not only on Romania, but also about neighbouring countries such as Moldova. I am very appreciative of your broadcasts. I wish to thank you also for all the beautiful QSLs which you have sent in the past. I enjoy showing them to my friends. Please accept my best wishes, I hope to hear from you soon.

    John Fisher, USA

    “I usually enjoy your news and Romanian music.

    Yoshihiro Toyama, Japan

    “Greetings from Canada! I write to you as the transition from early fall to late fall is underway. The trees will be bare from leaves in a matter of a few weeks. As we prepare for the first few snowflakes, temperatures are already about to fall below zero at night on a regular basis. Shortwave reception of RRI is also sporadic at times as well. Reception of European stations has been kind of hit and miss the last month. Ice hockey season has begun in Canada. It is by far the most popular sport in Canada. Many thanks for the attention to my letter and your continued presence on shortwave.

    Robert Gauvin, Canada

    “As always I enjoyed the programs from Radio Romania. I do believe the Salt Mine Therapy information was a repeat, as I remember it from a previous show. Still I learned something new. I thought the music was great and as always the programs professional and crisp in their delivery. You guys and ladies really have it together. Can you believe its been over two straight years now I have been reporting monthly to your station? Time does fly. Thank you very much for reading my report. I hope your engineers found it useful. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Good luck and 73s.

    John Cooper, USA

  • This Week… in Your Letters

    This Week… in Your Letters

    “I was very pleased to pick up your broadcast from my location in Chicago, IL, USA. It is not often that I receive a strong signal from your station but it seems that on this particular night, your broadcast reached quite far. Thank you for continuing to work in the shortwave medium. I look forward to hearing you more and will try and listen in. Sending you peace and thankfulness from Chicago.

    Henry Harris, Chicago, USA

    “I enjoyed the show on November 22, RRI has great programming and is an authoritative source of news and culture on Europe. I look forward to hearing Christmas music on RRI. Thanks for your support of shortwave!

    Richard Nowak, USA

    “Its hard to believe that another year has passed. We are all busy trying to wrap up things at our office. According to the latest weather forecast we will have unseasonably warm weather this winter. Christmas is my favourite time of year. Every street is decorated and business picks up. My family is not Christian but we enjoy spending Christmas together. White Christmas is romantic, but as far as I remember weve never had snow on Christmas in this town. Thank you for your help and support. Please continue to keep us informed in the future.

    Hidemitsu Miyake, Japan

    “Many thanks for the programme. Enjoyed the music and travel info about Romania. Thanks for the schedule and QSL for my previous reception report. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2017!

    Rauno Eerola, Finland

    “There was an extremely interesting program on the Technical History of Radio in Romania, including how recordings were made, “Battery Bricks and the role of radio during the events of 1968. I hope you will continue to broadcast on shortwave, as this is the only way I can hear you. I really enjoyed the Technical History of Radio Romania. This was a most enjoyable program. I have told my friends about it. As always, I also enjoy your informative broadcasts very much. They are a great resource for news not only on Romania, but also about neighbouring countries such as Moldova. I am very appreciative of your broadcasts. I wish to thank you also for all the beautiful QSLs which you have sent in the past. I enjoy showing them to my friends. Please accept my best wishes, I hope to hear from you soon.

    John Fisher, USA

    “I usually enjoy your news and Romanian music.

    Yoshihiro Toyama, Japan

    “Greetings from Canada! I write to you as the transition from early fall to late fall is underway. The trees will be bare from leaves in a matter of a few weeks. As we prepare for the first few snowflakes, temperatures are already about to fall below zero at night on a regular basis. Shortwave reception of RRI is also sporadic at times as well. Reception of European stations has been kind of hit and miss the last month. Ice hockey season has begun in Canada. It is by far the most popular sport in Canada. Many thanks for the attention to my letter and your continued presence on shortwave.

    Robert Gauvin, Canada

    “As always I enjoyed the programs from Radio Romania. I do believe the Salt Mine Therapy information was a repeat, as I remember it from a previous show. Still I learned something new. I thought the music was great and as always the programs professional and crisp in their delivery. You guys and ladies really have it together. Can you believe its been over two straight years now I have been reporting monthly to your station? Time does fly. Thank you very much for reading my report. I hope your engineers found it useful. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Good luck and 73s.

    John Cooper, USA

  • This Week… in Your Letters

    This Week… in Your Letters

    Jose Socorro Soeiro Maranhao, Brazil “Dear friends of the English Service of RRI, my name is Jose Socorro Soeiro Maranhao. Im Brazilian, 46 years old, Im short wave radio listening since 1988, and Im an old admirer of your station, since the times of your extinct Portuguese language section. It is a great joy for me to be able to still capture your wonderful station here in Brazil via shortwave band! The short waves are the wonder of radio! I would like to receive more information about your station, and your beautiful country, such as stickers, broadcast schedule, post cards, and any material about Transylvania region. Other souvenirs from your station would also be appreciated, I will be very grateful. I hope this report will be useful for your technical department. It has not been possible to specify with accuracy the program details, because of the hard propagation at that moment. Best regards.

    Grant Skinner, UK “Radio Romania Intl is one of the most popular radio broadcasts in the world. Even with the invention of the worldwide web, listening to RRI on shortwave stands apart because it provides some of the best “unfiltered news and content to be found. The joy of shortwave listening is that I dont need expensive equipment, a connection to the internet, an elaborate antenna or even AC mains power. All I need to listen to RRI is a few batteries.

    Richard Cook, UK “Hope you had a nice weekend and a nice summer. Its been a mixture of sunshine and showers here during the summer, with highs of 21 C. Hope you have a great week and a great September.

    Sahadot Hossain, Bangladesh “RRI broadcasts are excellent and transmission very nice to listeners all over the world. I am a regular shortwave listener of RRI. Your programmes give me pleasure and knowledge. RRI is my most favourite listening station, your programmes are very attractive and informative. We can get a lot of information from your programmes and enjoy it very much.

    Muneer K P, UAE “Greetings from Sharjah, UAE. Very glad to send this mail regarding my Reception Report on RRIs ‘Travellers Guide and ‘Guests programmes heard on 9540 kHz. Quite nice programmes I always listen to. In this edition of Travellers Guide I heard many interesting things on Bram Stokers famous novel ‘Dracula historical scenes. Thanks and regards.

    Sinichirou Morii, Japan “This is my 48th reception report to your broadcasting station since 2012. Yes, 4 years have passed since I returned to listening to SW and MW broadcasts. Thank you for your program that does not come in tired during these 4 years! I would like you to continue your English broadcast for many years to come. By the way, this years summer was the worst summer for me, because my father died on August 2nd. Therefore, I could not listen to the radio almost at all this month. But still, to listen to the radio, my heart will be healed!

    Jeb Horton, South Carolina, USA “Dear RRI staff, I would like to thank you for the wonderful QSL package. I really enjoyed it. I enjoy the program very much, I like the music. Thanks again for the verification.

    John Fisher, Massachusetts, USA “Dear RRI, I again wish to let you know that I enjoy your programs very much. I always learn something new about your country. Through your shortwave radio broadcasts I can travel to Romania. Thank you very much. Please accept my best wishes. I hope to hear from you soon.

    Raymond Tufo, New York, USA “Greetings everyone, I hope you are having a nice summer and are looking forward to the autumn season. I always look forward to autumn reports, especially around Halloween time.

    John Cooper, USA “Ive grown to really like and respect your great country, and especially RRI. I will proudly display any items you in my radio shack upstairs in my home. I do tell all my friends and fellow DX-ers about your station and broadcasts. Thanks again! 73s

    Robert Siebert, Florida, USA “Im enjoying your programming and want to be counted as one of your regular listeners of your broadcast. I would appreciate a QSL, if possible.

    Richard Nowak, USA “Just a quick note to say I enjoyed the segment on beer making tonight. I work for a brewery so this is especially interesting.

    Michael Berger, Pennsylvania, USA “I listen to RRI a few times a month. Interesting listening. I particularly enjoyed the segment about the 100th anniversary of Romanias entry into World War One.

    Edward Cheek, North Carolina, USA “I very much enjoy listening to Radio Romania. Your station is very good. I would like very much to receive QSL cards if possible. I will listen daily.

  • This Week… in Your Letters

    This Week… in Your Letters

    Jose Socorro Soeiro Maranhao, Brazil “Dear friends of the English Service of RRI, my name is Jose Socorro Soeiro Maranhao. Im Brazilian, 46 years old, Im short wave radio listening since 1988, and Im an old admirer of your station, since the times of your extinct Portuguese language section. It is a great joy for me to be able to still capture your wonderful station here in Brazil via shortwave band! The short waves are the wonder of radio! I would like to receive more information about your station, and your beautiful country, such as stickers, broadcast schedule, post cards, and any material about Transylvania region. Other souvenirs from your station would also be appreciated, I will be very grateful. I hope this report will be useful for your technical department. It has not been possible to specify with accuracy the program details, because of the hard propagation at that moment. Best regards.

    Grant Skinner, UK “Radio Romania Intl is one of the most popular radio broadcasts in the world. Even with the invention of the worldwide web, listening to RRI on shortwave stands apart because it provides some of the best “unfiltered news and content to be found. The joy of shortwave listening is that I dont need expensive equipment, a connection to the internet, an elaborate antenna or even AC mains power. All I need to listen to RRI is a few batteries.

    Richard Cook, UK “Hope you had a nice weekend and a nice summer. Its been a mixture of sunshine and showers here during the summer, with highs of 21 C. Hope you have a great week and a great September.

    Sahadot Hossain, Bangladesh “RRI broadcasts are excellent and transmission very nice to listeners all over the world. I am a regular shortwave listener of RRI. Your programmes give me pleasure and knowledge. RRI is my most favourite listening station, your programmes are very attractive and informative. We can get a lot of information from your programmes and enjoy it very much.

    Muneer K P, UAE “Greetings from Sharjah, UAE. Very glad to send this mail regarding my Reception Report on RRIs ‘Travellers Guide and ‘Guests programmes heard on 9540 kHz. Quite nice programmes I always listen to. In this edition of Travellers Guide I heard many interesting things on Bram Stokers famous novel ‘Dracula historical scenes. Thanks and regards.

    Sinichirou Morii, Japan “This is my 48th reception report to your broadcasting station since 2012. Yes, 4 years have passed since I returned to listening to SW and MW broadcasts. Thank you for your program that does not come in tired during these 4 years! I would like you to continue your English broadcast for many years to come. By the way, this years summer was the worst summer for me, because my father died on August 2nd. Therefore, I could not listen to the radio almost at all this month. But still, to listen to the radio, my heart will be healed!

    Jeb Horton, South Carolina, USA “Dear RRI staff, I would like to thank you for the wonderful QSL package. I really enjoyed it. I enjoy the program very much, I like the music. Thanks again for the verification.

    John Fisher, Massachusetts, USA “Dear RRI, I again wish to let you know that I enjoy your programs very much. I always learn something new about your country. Through your shortwave radio broadcasts I can travel to Romania. Thank you very much. Please accept my best wishes. I hope to hear from you soon.

    Raymond Tufo, New York, USA “Greetings everyone, I hope you are having a nice summer and are looking forward to the autumn season. I always look forward to autumn reports, especially around Halloween time.

    John Cooper, USA “Ive grown to really like and respect your great country, and especially RRI. I will proudly display any items you in my radio shack upstairs in my home. I do tell all my friends and fellow DX-ers about your station and broadcasts. Thanks again! 73s

    Robert Siebert, Florida, USA “Im enjoying your programming and want to be counted as one of your regular listeners of your broadcast. I would appreciate a QSL, if possible.

    Richard Nowak, USA “Just a quick note to say I enjoyed the segment on beer making tonight. I work for a brewery so this is especially interesting.

    Michael Berger, Pennsylvania, USA “I listen to RRI a few times a month. Interesting listening. I particularly enjoyed the segment about the 100th anniversary of Romanias entry into World War One.

    Edward Cheek, North Carolina, USA “I very much enjoy listening to Radio Romania. Your station is very good. I would like very much to receive QSL cards if possible. I will listen daily.

  • This week… in your letters

    This week… in your letters

    “I am an SWL since 1989 but now I am back on the shortwaves and found your very nice signal. I really enjoy it.

    Juan Carlos Munoz, Guatemala

    “I am a regular follower of your website. I like your website very much. I especially like your news, from which I get information about Romania and the rest of the world. I like the sports news, particularly Romanian football information, and I also like your music very much.

    Sathi Parvin, Bangladesh

    “Little fading, but receiving loud and clear. The newsreel and music highlights are my favourite. Thanks for the SW broadcast to North America.

    Tye Neiswonger, Beallsville, Ohio, USA

    “Dear Radio Romania, I am from Uzbekistan, my name is Ergash Tursunov. I am 52, former English teacher and now the office manager of a joint venture. This morning I was listening to RRI at 17760 due to poor reception I couldnt clearly hear the three questions of the contest. Please could you send me the questions ASAP so I can try to find the answers and send them back to RRI?

    Ergash Tursunov, Uzbekistan

    “Dear RRI, I really enjoy listening to your shows in English daily. I find them very informative and a nice way to end the night with. I am particularly fond of your History part of the show. I have been a listener since summer 2015. I am due to go on holidays next month to Europe. I am bringing my portable radio just to listen to your station in English. Thank you once again.

    Jordan Heyburn, Northern Ireland

    “Dear RRI, Some recent days here have been characterised by temperatures soaring into the high 80sF and sometimes above 90, but by high humidity as well. Even if New York State is located in the north-east of the USA, sometimes summers here can be plenty hot and unbearably humid too. I imagine that your current broadcasts will include the British decision to quit the EU. The British people decided to do so despite the obvious reluctance of their PM, Mr. Cameron. I am surprised that Great Britain made this decision. The explanation appears to be that Great Britain does not want the EU to determine their immigration policies. But this recent decision in Britain will take a while to effect. It will take months to negotiate the trade deals, etc.

    Robert Krolikowski, Perry, NY, USA

    “Dear RRI, I am most pleased to send you this reception report on your broadcast. I again wish to thank you for your shortwave broadcasts. Listening to them was a great way to get to know your wonderful country. I appreciate the hard work you have done to produce and present the programs. Please accept my best wishes.

    John Fisher, N. Chelmsford, MA, USA

    “The primary reason for listening to RRI or browsing its website is to connect myself with the most friendly voice of a proud and resurgent nation that is seeking its rightful place in the comity of nations. I like RRI for what it is – its open policy of projecting not only the positive attributes but also highlighting its deficiencies which is rather rare in the world of broadcasting. RRI never fails to report of any shortfalls in its commitments to the EU or shirks from reporting of any public fund laundering even if it happens to be a person holding high office. This bold exercise reaffirms my faith in the transparency and integrity of the Romanian people which serves as a model for the world to follow. The depth and variety of the programmes offered by RRI are so multifarious that they suit audience of every taste and age group who are eager to know and learn more about the exciting country of Romania. My family and I appreciate RRI for the latest updated news and reviews that are presented in a balanced, unbiased manner, and for educating us on the current developments in the country’s music, art, cinema, culture, politics, sports, economy and science and technology. As I look back to Radio Romania’s almost 88 years of service I can easily visualize an even more glorious future scenario where RRI will be quite capable of rendering the best of broadcasting technology to its worldwide fraternity of listeners with its dynamically-oriented bouquet of programmes. RRI as the Voice of Romania has ensured that it is heard even in the remotest corners of the globe by continuing on its shortwave transmission when most of the world’s leading radio stations have curtailed it. Wouldn’t you call it an inspiration which few words can describe?

    Jayanta Chakrabarty, India

  • This week… in your letters

    This week… in your letters

    “I am an SWL since 1989 but now I am back on the shortwaves and found your very nice signal. I really enjoy it.

    Juan Carlos Munoz, Guatemala

    “I am a regular follower of your website. I like your website very much. I especially like your news, from which I get information about Romania and the rest of the world. I like the sports news, particularly Romanian football information, and I also like your music very much.

    Sathi Parvin, Bangladesh

    “Little fading, but receiving loud and clear. The newsreel and music highlights are my favourite. Thanks for the SW broadcast to North America.

    Tye Neiswonger, Beallsville, Ohio, USA

    “Dear Radio Romania, I am from Uzbekistan, my name is Ergash Tursunov. I am 52, former English teacher and now the office manager of a joint venture. This morning I was listening to RRI at 17760 due to poor reception I couldnt clearly hear the three questions of the contest. Please could you send me the questions ASAP so I can try to find the answers and send them back to RRI?

    Ergash Tursunov, Uzbekistan

    “Dear RRI, I really enjoy listening to your shows in English daily. I find them very informative and a nice way to end the night with. I am particularly fond of your History part of the show. I have been a listener since summer 2015. I am due to go on holidays next month to Europe. I am bringing my portable radio just to listen to your station in English. Thank you once again.

    Jordan Heyburn, Northern Ireland

    “Dear RRI, Some recent days here have been characterised by temperatures soaring into the high 80sF and sometimes above 90, but by high humidity as well. Even if New York State is located in the north-east of the USA, sometimes summers here can be plenty hot and unbearably humid too. I imagine that your current broadcasts will include the British decision to quit the EU. The British people decided to do so despite the obvious reluctance of their PM, Mr. Cameron. I am surprised that Great Britain made this decision. The explanation appears to be that Great Britain does not want the EU to determine their immigration policies. But this recent decision in Britain will take a while to effect. It will take months to negotiate the trade deals, etc.

    Robert Krolikowski, Perry, NY, USA

    “Dear RRI, I am most pleased to send you this reception report on your broadcast. I again wish to thank you for your shortwave broadcasts. Listening to them was a great way to get to know your wonderful country. I appreciate the hard work you have done to produce and present the programs. Please accept my best wishes.

    John Fisher, N. Chelmsford, MA, USA

    “The primary reason for listening to RRI or browsing its website is to connect myself with the most friendly voice of a proud and resurgent nation that is seeking its rightful place in the comity of nations. I like RRI for what it is – its open policy of projecting not only the positive attributes but also highlighting its deficiencies which is rather rare in the world of broadcasting. RRI never fails to report of any shortfalls in its commitments to the EU or shirks from reporting of any public fund laundering even if it happens to be a person holding high office. This bold exercise reaffirms my faith in the transparency and integrity of the Romanian people which serves as a model for the world to follow. The depth and variety of the programmes offered by RRI are so multifarious that they suit audience of every taste and age group who are eager to know and learn more about the exciting country of Romania. My family and I appreciate RRI for the latest updated news and reviews that are presented in a balanced, unbiased manner, and for educating us on the current developments in the country’s music, art, cinema, culture, politics, sports, economy and science and technology. As I look back to Radio Romania’s almost 88 years of service I can easily visualize an even more glorious future scenario where RRI will be quite capable of rendering the best of broadcasting technology to its worldwide fraternity of listeners with its dynamically-oriented bouquet of programmes. RRI as the Voice of Romania has ensured that it is heard even in the remotest corners of the globe by continuing on its shortwave transmission when most of the world’s leading radio stations have curtailed it. Wouldn’t you call it an inspiration which few words can describe?

    Jayanta Chakrabarty, India

  • This Week… in Your Letters

    This Week… in Your Letters

    “Super clear and very easy to understand

    David Merrick, Breslau, Ontario, Canada

    “For the future I will try to be an assiduous listener of your broadcasting station. I am retired and I start to cultivate my hobby of listening to foreign radios. I hope to receive as soon as possible your QSL. Kindest regards

    Faliero Mogno, Nodale, Italy

    “I really enjoyed listening to Radio Romania International

    Mattias Wedin, Sweden

    “A very good, clear signal, good quality audio. Its a nice change to listen to another radio station, I have found over time that Radio Romania gives a good selection of news and other radio related programmes.

    Mike Lee, Wolverhampton, England

    “Listened for the first time. I liked the music.

    Shota Nakahara, Japan

    “Just wanted to say thank you for all your great programs about Romania. Been a loyal listener for many years.

    Peter Hansen, USA

    “I think you are one of the best shortwave radio stations and your programmes are always interesting. I especially enjoy the cultural information and music. (…) It would be interesting to have a feature on the viewpoint of Romanians living in other European countries for example UK and what they think about life there. As always another great programme and especially liked the music choice. I will investigate more about the composer you played, thats for sure. 73s from Andrew

    Andrew Pitt, Berlin, Germany

    “In the news programme, I thank you again for a very good coverage of news on several important topics like the refugee crisis, EU issues, NATO & security related issues of the region, and recently the terror attacks in Brussels. Thanks also for giving a non-biased news presentation which is so rare these days. The recent continued terror threat to Europe is very worrying. I wish safety to Romanian people. Here in India, we also have a constant and serious terror threat especially from the cross border (also border infiltration issues), so we well understand what the situation may be like. Sometime I hear filler music being played during the broadcast. Sometime it is quite lengthy. I wonder if you can inject some good Romanian music in this gap instead of ordinary fillers. Thanks for all the great programmes.

    Soumya Bhattacharjee, West Bengal, India

    “I have enjoyed RRIs broadcasts for several years. You keep me informed on many aspects related to the EU and Romania. This is very useful to me.

    Hideaki Ishida, Japan

    “Hope you put in more music in the hour transmissions as they are pretty good. Richard Cook, UK

    “Greetings and peace. Im very pleased to send you my reception report and I thank you for all the radio programs you offer. Im following them with great interest and I wish you more and more success.

    Dahmani Rachid, Algeria

    “I enjoyed the topics farming land of high natural value and Carpathian wolves.

    Kanu Kumar Paul, Australia

    “I found the football player story quite interesting. I am a football fan. In 1994, I took my then ten year old son to the World Cup quarterfinal match in New York where Bulgaria upset Germany. Just recently, I visited my son who is now working in Abu Dhabi and he took me to a World Cup qualifying match between Palestine and UAE. These are memories for a lifetime. Thank you for your broadcasts, it is always a pleasure to start my day with your programmes.

    Dean Bonanno, Connecticut, USA

  • This Week… in Your Letters

    This Week… in Your Letters

    “Super clear and very easy to understand

    David Merrick, Breslau, Ontario, Canada

    “For the future I will try to be an assiduous listener of your broadcasting station. I am retired and I start to cultivate my hobby of listening to foreign radios. I hope to receive as soon as possible your QSL. Kindest regards

    Faliero Mogno, Nodale, Italy

    “I really enjoyed listening to Radio Romania International

    Mattias Wedin, Sweden

    “A very good, clear signal, good quality audio. Its a nice change to listen to another radio station, I have found over time that Radio Romania gives a good selection of news and other radio related programmes.

    Mike Lee, Wolverhampton, England

    “Listened for the first time. I liked the music.

    Shota Nakahara, Japan

    “Just wanted to say thank you for all your great programs about Romania. Been a loyal listener for many years.

    Peter Hansen, USA

    “I think you are one of the best shortwave radio stations and your programmes are always interesting. I especially enjoy the cultural information and music. (…) It would be interesting to have a feature on the viewpoint of Romanians living in other European countries for example UK and what they think about life there. As always another great programme and especially liked the music choice. I will investigate more about the composer you played, thats for sure. 73s from Andrew

    Andrew Pitt, Berlin, Germany

    “In the news programme, I thank you again for a very good coverage of news on several important topics like the refugee crisis, EU issues, NATO & security related issues of the region, and recently the terror attacks in Brussels. Thanks also for giving a non-biased news presentation which is so rare these days. The recent continued terror threat to Europe is very worrying. I wish safety to Romanian people. Here in India, we also have a constant and serious terror threat especially from the cross border (also border infiltration issues), so we well understand what the situation may be like. Sometime I hear filler music being played during the broadcast. Sometime it is quite lengthy. I wonder if you can inject some good Romanian music in this gap instead of ordinary fillers. Thanks for all the great programmes.

    Soumya Bhattacharjee, West Bengal, India

    “I have enjoyed RRIs broadcasts for several years. You keep me informed on many aspects related to the EU and Romania. This is very useful to me.

    Hideaki Ishida, Japan

    “Hope you put in more music in the hour transmissions as they are pretty good. Richard Cook, UK

    “Greetings and peace. Im very pleased to send you my reception report and I thank you for all the radio programs you offer. Im following them with great interest and I wish you more and more success.

    Dahmani Rachid, Algeria

    “I enjoyed the topics farming land of high natural value and Carpathian wolves.

    Kanu Kumar Paul, Australia

    “I found the football player story quite interesting. I am a football fan. In 1994, I took my then ten year old son to the World Cup quarterfinal match in New York where Bulgaria upset Germany. Just recently, I visited my son who is now working in Abu Dhabi and he took me to a World Cup qualifying match between Palestine and UAE. These are memories for a lifetime. Thank you for your broadcasts, it is always a pleasure to start my day with your programmes.

    Dean Bonanno, Connecticut, USA

  • This Week… in Your Letters

    This Week… in Your Letters

    Thank you for reading out my letter in the mailbag program. I did enjoy two features covered during April in particular, the one about the Orthodox Easter in Sunday Studio on the 12th. I had always wondered why the Orthodox Easter was held later than the Catholic one, Id never realised it was all connected to the Moon. The other feature I was really interested in was the one about buses in Romania. This is something that I have an interest in over here, and enjoy photographing them, particularly the older, ‘heritage types. Its always nice to learn about something you didnt know anything about before.

    (Alan Gale of Whitworth, Lancashire)

    As always, I found the programs very interesting and enjoyable. I particularly liked learning about the Iulia Hasdeu castle. Unfortunately I missed the opportunity to enter the Black Sea competition, but as I am currently planning a holiday for later this year, I think I may pay a visit to Bucharest to learn about Romanias history and culture.

    (Conor Farrell of Ardee, Ireland)

    “I shall be visiting Bucharest between May 11th and 22nd, would it be possible to visit the radio station whilst in Bucharest?

    (Michael Whing of Great Britain)

    “Expat in Romania spotlighted Mariana Castro and Argentinean tango. This was very interesting.

    (Richard Nowak of Fort Pierce, Florida, the US)

    “As always I enjoyed your broadcast. It is extremely varied, including all kinds of topics. I suppose I shall have to take part in your contest, as Timisoara is a city I would like to visit one day. You have talked extensively about this city in the past, as I recognised many of the details given.

    (Christer Brunstrom, Halmstad, Sweden)

    I very much like to listen to the program. I enjoy hearing the news and music from your part of the world.

    (Mr Michael Brandt of Golconda, Illinois, the US)

    “As always, your feature programs were very informative and entertaining. I listened with great interest to Business Club. It is great that Romania now produces its own strawberries. In Florida, this fruit is our second highest one produced, next to oranges.

    (Tim Marecki of Crystal River, Florida, the US)

    “I write to you while listening to your English language broadcast. As usual, your signal and sound quality are amazing in my corner of the North American continent. I imagine spring must be well under way and it must be looking like summer in Bucharest. In Ottawa, the temperatures soared to plus 18 degrees C. Everyone was outside this weekend without their winter coats. Restaurants had their patio tables and chairs on the streets, as if we were trying to convince ourselves that summer, not spring was almost upon us. Spring also means ice hockey championships on tv for two months in Canada. Is ice hockey at last a bit popular in Romania, or is it a sport very few people play in Romania? I imagine every town in your country has a soccer pitch, but how popular is ice skating or skating rinks in Romania?

    (Robert Gauvin of Ottawa, Canada)

    I like clear sky without clouds and a spring breeze. How about you in Romania? I am happy to learn that your station is now active in the 13m band.

    (Hiroyuki Ogasawara of Otawara, Tochigi, Japan)

  • This Week… in Your Letters

    This Week… in Your Letters

    Thank you for reading out my letter in the mailbag program. I did enjoy two features covered during April in particular, the one about the Orthodox Easter in Sunday Studio on the 12th. I had always wondered why the Orthodox Easter was held later than the Catholic one, Id never realised it was all connected to the Moon. The other feature I was really interested in was the one about buses in Romania. This is something that I have an interest in over here, and enjoy photographing them, particularly the older, ‘heritage types. Its always nice to learn about something you didnt know anything about before.

    (Alan Gale of Whitworth, Lancashire)

    As always, I found the programs very interesting and enjoyable. I particularly liked learning about the Iulia Hasdeu castle. Unfortunately I missed the opportunity to enter the Black Sea competition, but as I am currently planning a holiday for later this year, I think I may pay a visit to Bucharest to learn about Romanias history and culture.

    (Conor Farrell of Ardee, Ireland)

    “I shall be visiting Bucharest between May 11th and 22nd, would it be possible to visit the radio station whilst in Bucharest?

    (Michael Whing of Great Britain)

    “Expat in Romania spotlighted Mariana Castro and Argentinean tango. This was very interesting.

    (Richard Nowak of Fort Pierce, Florida, the US)

    “As always I enjoyed your broadcast. It is extremely varied, including all kinds of topics. I suppose I shall have to take part in your contest, as Timisoara is a city I would like to visit one day. You have talked extensively about this city in the past, as I recognised many of the details given.

    (Christer Brunstrom, Halmstad, Sweden)

    I very much like to listen to the program. I enjoy hearing the news and music from your part of the world.

    (Mr Michael Brandt of Golconda, Illinois, the US)

    “As always, your feature programs were very informative and entertaining. I listened with great interest to Business Club. It is great that Romania now produces its own strawberries. In Florida, this fruit is our second highest one produced, next to oranges.

    (Tim Marecki of Crystal River, Florida, the US)

    “I write to you while listening to your English language broadcast. As usual, your signal and sound quality are amazing in my corner of the North American continent. I imagine spring must be well under way and it must be looking like summer in Bucharest. In Ottawa, the temperatures soared to plus 18 degrees C. Everyone was outside this weekend without their winter coats. Restaurants had their patio tables and chairs on the streets, as if we were trying to convince ourselves that summer, not spring was almost upon us. Spring also means ice hockey championships on tv for two months in Canada. Is ice hockey at last a bit popular in Romania, or is it a sport very few people play in Romania? I imagine every town in your country has a soccer pitch, but how popular is ice skating or skating rinks in Romania?

    (Robert Gauvin of Ottawa, Canada)

    I like clear sky without clouds and a spring breeze. How about you in Romania? I am happy to learn that your station is now active in the 13m band.

    (Hiroyuki Ogasawara of Otawara, Tochigi, Japan)

  • This Week… in Your Letters

    This Week… in Your Letters

    Rajdeep Das, Kolkata, India: “RRI programs are always my favourites, and whenever I can manage time (especially during weekend mornings) I tune in. The sheer variety of your programs, with lots of information on News, Culture and Life in Romania enriches me. Please carry on the good work.”

    John C. Cooper, USA: “Keep up the great work you do transmitting SW to the US. And other places. I listen daily and really enjoy the programs. I am especially interested in Romanian culture, history and current events with an emphasis on Romania’s feelings towards the recent Russian aggression and NATO participation.”

    Robert Krolikowski, USA: “Despite the deficiencies in reception, I was able to make out portions of the contents of your broadcast. There was that interesting feature about the role that the Danube River had played in developing the Romanian economy. It was mentioned, too, that this particular river also has had an impact upon those neighbouring nations located near Romania. Another feature had to do with a certain prominent and wealthy family who had influenced life in Romania. It is an example of wealthy people who sometimes have a way of becoming popular and thereby using their status to influence the public in a beneficial way. I look forward to tune in to your spring-summer broadcasts to North America.”

    John Fisher, USA: “I am sending a reception report to you towards membership in the RRI Listeners Club. I also wish to thank you for the beautiful QSL cards which you recently sent me. They are really nice! I always enjoy your broadcasts, as they are a great source of news on both Romania, and what takes place from a European perspective. I hope you will continue to broadcast on short wave. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please accept my best wishes.”

    Hans Verner Lollike, Denmark: “Dear friends at RRI! Thank you for the beautiful QSL card I received today. Your Black Sea contest is of course full of wonderful memories. Just to mention one: one day the weather was really bad. Strong wind, black clouds on the black sea. I did take my raincoat and warm clothes and walk along the beach all the way to Mangalia. In sunshine the beach would be full of tourists, but it was almost empty. It was an impressive panorama.”

    Atsuhisa Kageyama, Japan: “This report is the first about the new schedule. Your reception condition was quite good here in Osaka, so I wanted to inform you as soon as possible. I will be very happy if this report is useful for your station. During this reception, I was able to hear many Romanian stories. There were history shows, a feature on energy projects and news. I also heard some popular songs in Romania, which sound very nice to me. I usually listen to your English language programme every Saturday and Sunday morning.”

    Dmitry Zhavoronkov, Russia: “I listen to your radio constantly. I usually listen to short wave and via the internet. Your program, I think it is very interesting and informative. I especially like your information programs, from which I learn about the events taking place in Romania.”

    Lars Bergstrom, Sweden: “Hello, radio friends! At this very moment I’m sitting by my shortwave receiver tuning in to your broadcast. I have been listening to Radio Romania from time to time since 1970. I tend to listen more often nowadays, as Radio Romania has nice programmes and is one of the few European stations left on the shortwave band. Please keep up your service! It’s a real joy to be able to tune in to your broadcasts. The Sunday programme mix is very enjoyable, so I mostly listen to that programme.”

    Dominik Biech, Poland: “Dear friends at RRI, first of all, I would like to thank you very much for answering my last question. It’s been a while since I have written my last letter. I had very little time for radio listening in the recent months, but I have been tuning in to your broadcasts at least once a week. I especially enjoyed the music programmes, mainly those dedicated to jazz.”

  • This Week… in Your Letters

    This Week… in Your Letters

    Rajdeep Das, Kolkata, India: “RRI programs are always my favourites, and whenever I can manage time (especially during weekend mornings) I tune in. The sheer variety of your programs, with lots of information on News, Culture and Life in Romania enriches me. Please carry on the good work.”

    John C. Cooper, USA: “Keep up the great work you do transmitting SW to the US. And other places. I listen daily and really enjoy the programs. I am especially interested in Romanian culture, history and current events with an emphasis on Romania’s feelings towards the recent Russian aggression and NATO participation.”

    Robert Krolikowski, USA: “Despite the deficiencies in reception, I was able to make out portions of the contents of your broadcast. There was that interesting feature about the role that the Danube River had played in developing the Romanian economy. It was mentioned, too, that this particular river also has had an impact upon those neighbouring nations located near Romania. Another feature had to do with a certain prominent and wealthy family who had influenced life in Romania. It is an example of wealthy people who sometimes have a way of becoming popular and thereby using their status to influence the public in a beneficial way. I look forward to tune in to your spring-summer broadcasts to North America.”

    John Fisher, USA: “I am sending a reception report to you towards membership in the RRI Listeners Club. I also wish to thank you for the beautiful QSL cards which you recently sent me. They are really nice! I always enjoy your broadcasts, as they are a great source of news on both Romania, and what takes place from a European perspective. I hope you will continue to broadcast on short wave. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please accept my best wishes.”

    Hans Verner Lollike, Denmark: “Dear friends at RRI! Thank you for the beautiful QSL card I received today. Your Black Sea contest is of course full of wonderful memories. Just to mention one: one day the weather was really bad. Strong wind, black clouds on the black sea. I did take my raincoat and warm clothes and walk along the beach all the way to Mangalia. In sunshine the beach would be full of tourists, but it was almost empty. It was an impressive panorama.”

    Atsuhisa Kageyama, Japan: “This report is the first about the new schedule. Your reception condition was quite good here in Osaka, so I wanted to inform you as soon as possible. I will be very happy if this report is useful for your station. During this reception, I was able to hear many Romanian stories. There were history shows, a feature on energy projects and news. I also heard some popular songs in Romania, which sound very nice to me. I usually listen to your English language programme every Saturday and Sunday morning.”

    Dmitry Zhavoronkov, Russia: “I listen to your radio constantly. I usually listen to short wave and via the internet. Your program, I think it is very interesting and informative. I especially like your information programs, from which I learn about the events taking place in Romania.”

    Lars Bergstrom, Sweden: “Hello, radio friends! At this very moment I’m sitting by my shortwave receiver tuning in to your broadcast. I have been listening to Radio Romania from time to time since 1970. I tend to listen more often nowadays, as Radio Romania has nice programmes and is one of the few European stations left on the shortwave band. Please keep up your service! It’s a real joy to be able to tune in to your broadcasts. The Sunday programme mix is very enjoyable, so I mostly listen to that programme.”

    Dominik Biech, Poland: “Dear friends at RRI, first of all, I would like to thank you very much for answering my last question. It’s been a while since I have written my last letter. I had very little time for radio listening in the recent months, but I have been tuning in to your broadcasts at least once a week. I especially enjoyed the music programmes, mainly those dedicated to jazz.”