Tag: London Book Fair

  • Romania at the London Book Fair 2024

    Romania at the London Book Fair 2024

    35 years after the Romanian Revolution, the Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR) celebrated freedom in all its creative forms, at a new edition of the London Book Fair. Under the motto “Voices of Freedom”, Romania’s participation in this year’s edition of the London Book Fair, one of the largest events devoted to professionals in the literary field, was dedicated to all generations of local writers who have created in an epoch of full freedom of speech. The Romanian Cultural Institute prepared a program of events that included book launches, conferences and spoken word performances, which took place at the ICR stand at the fair, the ICR London headquarters, the Barbican library and Conway Hall.


    Eli Bădică, the coordinator and initiator of the collection of contemporary Romanian literature by Nemira Editorial Group, spoke to us about Romania’s participation in the London Book Fair from her perspective as a publisher: “A fair like this is also accessible to the public, but it is not a book sale fair. It is not a fair similar to those held in Romania, within which many events and launches take place, it is an event dedicated especially to literary agents, publishers, cultural managers and translators, to literary and commercial networking. It is an important fair for me and my colleagues, who are active in this industry, it is the second largest fair after Frankfurt in terms of importance worldwide. That’s why they are somehow strategically scheduled, in spring and autumn, because they are the fairs where translation rights are usually bought. Returning to Romania’s presence at this edition of the fair, part of the events took place at the headquarters of the Romanian Cultural Institute in London, and another two events took place in libraries, some splendid spaces. Romanian writers, literary critics and cultural managers were present and participated in some very interesting discussions. Also, the few recently published translations from Romanian into English were also presented. And during these events, a discussion was brought up that only 3% of the Anglo-Saxon book market is represented by translations.I’m saying this to understand how difficult this mission of publishers is, to try to find publishing houses for Romanian writers in this space, where English dominates the book market. I had some meetings in London with translators, editors and agents really interested in what Romanian writers write. What very few people know is that usually the editorial plans that are made in this space are considering very few writers from the East, sometimes only one in an editorial year. So, you have to try to convince the publisher, translator or the agent that that writer from Eastern Europe deserves to be a Romanian writer.”



    Participation in this edition of the London Book Fair opened with an event dedicated to the voices of female writers from Romania and Great Britain. One of the writers who participated in that debate was Elena Vlădăreanu, the initiator and coordinator of the “Sofia Nădejde” Prize, awarded to contemporary Romanian writers.


    Elena Vlădăreanu: “One of the writers participating in this discussion was Alina Purcaru. Alina Purcaru is also the coordinator, together with Paula Erizanu, of the three-volume anthology ‘A century of Romanian poetry written by women’ published by the Cartier publishing house. It is a very important anthology because Alina and Paula have collected a century of Romanian poetry, selecting and managing to bring in the spotlight writers that many people have not even heard of. Two very interesting writers and philosophers from Great Britain, with very rich work and PhDs in philosophy, Suzannah Lipscomb and Hannah Dawson, also participated in the same discussion. Suzannah Lipscomb is a specialist in history and has recently initiated a prize for non-fiction literature, which complements the prize already being granted in the UK for fiction. This prize which she initiated is called the Women’s Prize for Non-Fiction. At the debate organized by ICR London, Suzannah Lipscomb said she came up with the idea of the award after noticing that references in the academia were mostly to texts and research written by men. In this way, she thought of highlighting these non-fiction texts written by women and that is why she initiated the award, which this year will be granted for the first time. In turn, Hannah Dawson, a specialist in the philosophy of language, has recently published an anthology at Penguin entitled The Penguin Book of Feminist Writing. To compile this anthology, Dawson went through at least 100 years of literature written by women. She was interested, first of all, in finding those unknown texts that address feminist themes. And she was surprised to find very old texts, texts even more than 100 years old, which addressed in a very contemporary way feminist themes, such as equality, the right to education, the social status of women, the relationships that women have within the family as well as within society.”


    Mădălina Căuneac, Liliana Corobca, Cosmin Perța, Florentin Popa, Maria Stadnicka, Matei Vișniec, Marius Chivu, Bogdan Crețu, Alex Ciorogarand, Susan Curtis, Iulian Morar, Gabi Reigh and Milena Deleva are on the list of participants attending the events organized by the Romanian Cultural Institute in London as part of the London Book Fair. (LS)

  • Jurnal românesc – 19.04.2023

    Jurnal românesc – 19.04.2023

    Departamentul pentru Românii de Pretutindeni organizează, în parteneriat instituțional, o serie de evenimente dedicate Zilei Românilor de Pretutindeni, ce se vor desfășura la București, în perioada 25 — 28 mai. Cu această ocazie, Departamentul invită românii din afara granițelor țării să participe la activitățile culturale programate în această perioadă. Menținerea legăturii cu comunitățile de români din străinătate, întărirea identității lor etnice, culturale, lingvistice și religioase și recunoașterea importanței pe care statul român o acordă acestora reprezintă principalul obiectiv al acestui demers. Modalitatea de înscriere și participare este explicată pe site-ul Departamentului. Completarea formularului de înscriere se va realiza până la data de 21 aprilie.

    România va fi prezentă, în perioada 21 – 23 aprilie, la Festival du Livre de Paris, cel mai important eveniment internaţional dedicat cărţii din capitala Franţei, informează ICR. Printre invitații Institutului se numără Gabriela Adameşteanu, Adriana Babeţi, Doina Lemny şi Stejărel Olaru. Participarea este organizată, ca în fiecare an, de Institutul Cultural Român (ICR) prin Centrul Naţional al Cărţii (CENNAC) şi ICR Paris, în parteneriat cu Ministerul Culturii, Ambasada României la Paris şi Ambasada Republicii Moldova la Paris. Motto-ul prezenţei româneşti la această ediţie a Festival du Livre de Paris este Roumanie – un pays qui se raconte/România – o ţară care se povesteşteˮ. Programul include peste 20 de evenimente, construite în jurul celor mai recente volume româneşti traduse în limba franceză: de la romane şi cărţi de poezie, până la volume de nonficţiune şi cărţi de bandă desenată. Programul de la standul României se va deschide pe 21 aprilie cu un eveniment dedicat cărţilor de bandă desenată. În aceeaşi zi, va avea loc o dezbatere pe tema noilor apariţii editoriale din sfera prozei româneşti, pornind de la catalogul pregătit pentru Festival du Livre de Paris, ediţia 2023. Continuator al Salon du Livre, un proiect iniţiat în 1981, Festival du Livre de Paris este cea mai amplă manifestare de profil dedicată spaţiului editorial francofon.

    România revine în forţă la London Book Fair, cu un program-concept ce promovează profesioniştii, autorii şi cărţile româneşti, anunță ICR. În perioada 18-20 aprilie, Institutul Cultural Român, prin Centrul Naţional al Cărţii, organizează participarea României la Târgul de Carte de la Londra/London Book Fair, cu un stand propriu, un program de evenimente divers şi un slogan care sintetizează spiritul acestei reveniri: ROMANIA at LBF – Write Where We Belong!”. O însemnată selecţie de carte românească recentă, pusă la dispoziţia Institutului Cultural Român de cele mai cunoscute edituri româneşti, va fi expusă în stand, volume de interes pentru editorii şi agenţii străini interesaţi de oferta de carte românească. De asemenea, o selecţie de 15 titluri româneşti din sfera prozei, cu prezentări şi extrase traduse de Irina Dubsky în limba engleză, va fi expusă la stand alături de câteva zeci de cărţi poştale ilustrate de artişti români, cu teme legate de identitatea naţională, oferite de Poşta Română. Standul organizat de ICR la London Book Fair va găzdui, pe toată durata târgului de carte, instalaţia audio The BLACK BOX of Romanian Poetry, care conţine versurile a 20 de poeţi români contemporani, recitate de actorul Alexandru Potocean.

    Tot ICR organizează prima participare cu stand a României la jazzahead! Bremenˮ, Germania, unul dintre cele mai importante târguri internaționale destinate profesioniștilor și artiștilor din lumea jazzului, în perioada 27-30 aprilie. jazzahead! Bremenˮ reprezintă cel mai mare eveniment internațional organizat în Europa și dedicat profesioniștilor din lumea jazz-ului, având o istorie de peste 20 de ani în realizarea și menținerea legăturilor de colaborare, atât la nivel de instituții, cât și la nivel de organizații partenere și actori individuali sau reprezentanți ai celor mai mari festivaluri internaționale de jazz din lume. Formatul târgului presupune desemnarea anuală, prin rotație, a unei țări cu statut de invitat de onoare. Prin asumarea rolului de organizator al standului României, ICR poate aduce, pentru prima oară într-un cadru formal, profesioniști din România, responsabili de organizarea festivalurilor internaționale de jazz, artiști de jazz și nu numai, actori importanți din domeniul producției muzicale, al jurnalismului cultural și al celui specializat muzical, dar și alți parteneri implicați în industrie.

  • Doina Ruști, la London Book Fair

    Doina Ruști, la London Book Fair

    Proaspăt ieșit de sub tipar,
    romanul Mâța Vinerii, în versiune engleză, cu
    titlul The Book of
    Perilous Dishes/Cartea bucatelor rele (Neem Tree Press, London),
    va fi prezentat în cadrul mai multor evenimente pe toată perioada Târgului de
    Carte de la Londra. O întâlnire cu cititorii va avea loc la ICR Londra, în data
    de 6 aprilie, ora 19.00. Alături de ea vor lua parte la discuții, Roxana
    Dumitrache, scriitoare, Archna Sharma, editoarea cărții, și Daniela Riain, traducătoare.

    toată perioada târgului, Doina Ruști se va afla la standul 6E70, pentru
    autografe, interviuri și alte evenimente.

    Romanul The Book of Perilous Dishes este tradus de
    prof. James Ch Brown și beneficiază de sprijinul ICR, făcând
    parte din proiectul TPS.


    Este anul
    1798. În București trăiește un sclav-bucătar, pe care și-l dorește toată lumea. Mâncarea lui
    satisface chiar și gusturile complicate ale principelui, însă nimeni nu știe că are un rețetar vrăjitoresc numit Cartea bucatelor rele.
    Mâncarea lui poate să aducă o sinceritate păguboasă, uitarea,
    darul predicțiilor sau chiar isteria râsului, de-a lungul romanului apărând 21 de
    rețete magice. Pe fundal,
    se derulează istoria anului 1798, când,
    după intrarea lui Napoleon in Egipt, diplomații francezi din imperiu au fost
    arestați și închiși la Stambul, iar unii dintre ei vânduți la
    galere. În acest București, măcinat de arestări, turci, crime și iubiri pătimașe,
    mai există și o superstiție legată de marea vrăjitoare Mâța Vinerii, care va aduce
    nenorocirile peste oraș.

    Mâța Vinerii, apărut
    la Polirom, în 2017, a mai fost tradus în spaniolă, maghiară, chineză, germană.
    A primit premiul Uniunii Scriitorilor Maghiari, Budapesta, pentru cea mai bună

    Calembecul și-a risipit parfumul, iar uleiul de viță s-a
    tulburat, invadat de fantomele altei vieți, de pe când era doar sămânță uscată,
    sub mormane de calcar. Cuțitul, același pe care și eu îl strânsesem în mâni
    fără să-i simt puterea ascunsă, același cuțit care-l trimisese pe Dubois la
    Marsillia, aprins de vinișoarele nevăzute care-l legau încă de Celiabinsk,
    începuse să-și facă treaba. Sator somnola dus de fluxul cuțitului și poate de
    gândurile lui Zăval, în timp ce Petricari
    ridica osanele zeului Rusor, care poate să întoarcă totul din drum. (Mâța Vinerii)

    Trailer BOOK: https://youtu.be/9nFzqMdnqFQ

    Lectură în engleză de Rosie Goldsmith: https://youtu.be/KTYFtuvmFuE

    DOINA RUŞTI a scris trilogia fanariotă, compusă din Homeric (2019),
    Mâța Vinerii (2017) și Manuscrisul fanariot
    (2015), dar și alte romane cu miză socială
    puternică, apreciate de critica literară: Fantoma din moară (2008), Lizoanca
    (2009), Zogru (2006) s.a. Cel mai recent roman al său este Paturi
    oculte (2020), urmat de un volum de povestiri: Ciudățenii amoroase din Bucureștiul fanariot (2022).

    Traduse în peste 15 limbi, inclusiv în chineză,
    scrierile sale s-au bucurat de exegeze și de recenzii laudative în numeroase
    publicații internaționale. Printre cele mai recente traduceri se numără
    ediția a doua a romanului L’omino rosso (2021, Roma), The Book of Perilous
    Dishes (2022, Londra), Zogru (2022, Marsilia).

    Printre altele, a primit Premiul pentru Proză al
    Uniunii Scriitorilor din România/2008 și Premiul Ion Creangă, al
    Academiei Române/2009.

    Doina Ruști coordonează colecția Biblioteca de Proză Contemporană,
    la Editura Litera, este scenaristăși
    ține cursuri de scriere creativă la Universitatea din București.

    A Romanian Bestseller:


    The Book of Perilous Dishes in China:





  • Internationale Buchmessen: rumänische Schriftsteller im Rampenlicht

    Internationale Buchmessen: rumänische Schriftsteller im Rampenlicht

    Die Gewinner des Literaturpreises der Europäischen Union, Ioana Pârvulescu und Claudiu Florian, sowie Gabriela Adameşteanu, Matei Vişniec und der Theaterkritiker Georges Banu zählten zu den Gästen des Rumänischen Kulturinstituts auf den besagten Buchmessen. Die Veranstaltungen erfreuten sich einer guten Resonanz beim Publikum.

    Rumänien hat sich an der 48. Londoner Buchmesse, die vom 12.–14. März stattfand, bereits zum 12. Mal beteiligt. Unter dem Motto Rumänische Literatur, eine europäische Odyssee“ stellte das Rumänische Kulturinstitut zwei Schriftsteller in den Vordergrund, die den Literaturpreis der Europäischen Union erhalten haben: Ioana Pârvulescu und Claudiu Florian. Die Schriftstellerin Ioana Pârvulescu über die Veranstaltung:

    Rumänien ist in der Tat Teil der Odyssee der europäischen Literatur, ist Teil der DNA der europäischen Literatur, das habe ich mehrmals betont. Am Gespräch, das auf der Londoner Buchmesse stattfand, hat sich auch ein rumänischer Schriftsteller beteiligt, den ich sehr schätze, Claudiu Florian. Er wurde mit dem europäischen Literaturpreis 2016 ausgezeichnet. Das Gespräch wurde von der ehemaligen BBC-Journalistin und Direktorin des Literaturhauses Europa, Rosie Goldsmith, moderiert. Rosie Goldsmith hat immer ein ganz gro‎ßes Interesse für die rumänische Literatur gezeigt. Die Veranstaltung fand beim Rumänischen Kulturinstitut in London statt, wir hofften auf ein zahlreiches Erscheinen und das ist trotz des regnerischen Wetters auch passiert. Das Gespräch war sehr lebendig, wir haben so viele Fragen vom Publikum erhalten, die Diskussion hatte eine ganz gute Resonanz. Das Interesse für die rumänische Literatur in Europa ist deutlich gewachsen, die Europäer möchten mehr über die rumänische Literatur wissen.“

    Am Gespräch nahm auch der britische Autor Paul Bailey teil, der ebenfalls eine hohe Affinität zur rumänischen Literatur hat. Thema des Gesprächs war die Literatur, die über die geographischen Grenzen hinausgeht. Im Anschluss fand eine Lesung aus den Romanen von Ioana Pârvulescu und Claudiu Florian statt: Das Leben beginnt am Freitag“ bzw. Zweieinhalb Störche. Eine Kindheit in Siebenbürgen“.

    Unter dem Motto 2019 — L’année de la Roumanie en Europe / Das Jahr Rumäniens in Europa“ beteiligte sich das Rumänische Kulturinstitut vom 15. bis 18. März an der Buchmesse in Paris mit über 20 Buchvorstellungen, Gesprächen zum Thema Literaturübersetzungen und das Verhältnis zwischen den bildenden Künsten und Literatur. Das Rumänische Kulturinstitut stellte dem französischen Publikum einige Schriftsteller vor, deren Werke sich einer guten Resonanz in der französischen Fachpresse und einer gro‎ßen Beliebtheit bei den Lesern erfreuen: Gabriela Adameşteanu, George Banu, Ioana Pârvulescu, Matei Vişniec und Adriana Babeţi. Die Schriftstellerin Ioana Pârvulescu kommt erneut zu Wort mit Einzelheiten über eines der Rundtischgespräche, das auf dem Programm des Rumänischen Kulturinstituts beim Salon du Livre stand:

    Der Stand des Rumänischen Kulturinstituts lag auf der Buchmesse sehr nah am Stand der Europäischen Union, wo viele Infos über den EU-Literaturpreis und über Rumänien zu finden waren. Bei diesem Gespräch haben wir das Verhältnis zwischen Gegenwart und Vergangenheit in den Vordergrund gebracht. Die erste Frage der Journalistin Cristina Hermeziu war, wie wir nach Paris gelangt sind. In den Achtzigern und Neunzigern durfte man bekanntlich nicht ausreisen, die Grenzen waren für die Bürger des kommunistischen Rumäniens abgeriegelt; die ersten, die es doch über die Grenzen hinaus geschafft haben, waren unsere Bücher. Im Anschluss befassten wir uns mit rein literarischen Themen, dabei stand die Persönlichkeit der Schriftstellerin und Literaturkritikerin Monica Lovinescu im Mittelpunkt der Diskussion als heroische Figur der rumänischen Literatur.“

    Beim Stand des Rumänischen Kulturinstituts im Salon du Livre wurden auch die Werke rumänischer Autoren vorgestellt, die mit der Finanzierung des Nationalen Buchzentrums ins Französische übersetzt und im Vorjahr in französischen Verlagen erschienen sind.

  • Romania at the Paris and London book fairs

    Romania at the Paris and London book fairs

    literature as part of the wider family of European literature was the topic of
    a debate held on the first day of the London Book Fair held over March 12-14.
    Special guests were European Union Literature Prize recipients Ioana Parvulescu
    and Claudiu Florian. The attendance included translators, writers, journalists,
    academia, British officials and readers passionate about Romanian literature.
    Romanian-born American writer Andrei Codrescu was the protagonist of another
    event, the launch of his latest poetry volume, No Time Like Now. It was in
    fact a recital of poetry and music, with poetry readings intertwined with
    pieces performed by pianist Mina Beldimanescu.

    Romania’s participation in the
    London Book Fair has become a landmark, not just for Romanian culture
    consumers, but intellectuals interested in European culture in general.
    Evidence of that were the speeches of our British partners, literary critic
    Razvan Voncu said, himself a participant in the London Book Fair. Romania was
    well represented in the Paris Book Fair as well, held over March 15-18, bringing
    together 1,200 publishers, 35,000 authors from nearly 100 countries and
    totaling some 180,000 guests. The last edition slightly broke with the
    tradition of having one country as guest of honor to celebrate, instead, for
    the first time in the history of the fair, Europe as a whole. 35 Romanian
    publishers took part in the fair.

    The Romanian Cultural Institute played host
    to debates and book launches under the slogan 2019 – The Year of Romania in
    Europe. The excellent relations between Romania and France and Romania and
    Europe as a whole was the topic of a debate titled 30 years after Returning to
    Europe, devoted to the three decades free of communism. Another successful
    event hosted by Romania’s pavilion featured traveller and storyteller Estelle Cantala,
    who told the audience about her experience collecting folk tales in Maramures,
    Northwestern Romania. A round table was devoted to Panait Istrati, whose works
    in French are internationally acclaimed. An overt leftist advocate, Istrati
    travelled extensively to the Soviet Union accompanied by communist officials,
    which earned him the nickname Maxim Gorki of the Balkans. Istrati visited the
    USSR in the first years of Stalin’s dictatorship and became one of the first
    intellectuals to condemn the horrors of the Soviet regime. EU Commissioner for
    Economic and Financial Affairs, Pierre Moscovici, himself the son of a
    Romanian-born psychologist, visited the fair and held a press conference,
    reiterating the EU’s support for publishers and literature in general.

  • April 11, 2018

    April 11, 2018

    GRECO – The Group of States against Corruption (GRECO), the Council of Europe anti-corruption body, voices deep concern about certain aspects of the laws on the status of magistrates, the organisation of the judicial system and the functioning of the Superior Council of Magistracy, respectively, that have recently been adopted by the Romanian Parliament. In a report issued on Wednesday, GRECO also expressed concern about the draft laws amending the criminal codes, that have been discussed by the Romanian Parliament. GRECO has drafted this report based on a decision adopted by the Council of Europes plenary session of December 2017, on the urgent evaluation of reforms in the Romanian judicial system, given that they might entail severe violations of anti-corruption standards. Regarded as an attempt by the ruling coalition made up of the Social-Democratic Party- the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Romania to subordinate magistrates and to put an end to the fight against corruption, the initiatives to amend the legislation in the field have been vehemently criticised by the right wing opposition, the media and civil society and prompted hundreds of thousands to take to the streets. In response, power representatives say the modifications of the legislation are in line with the rulings issued by Romanias Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights.

    FRENCH DIPLOMACY – French foreign minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, is currently on a two day visit to Romania, the French Embassy in Bucharest writes on its website and mentions that Le Drian will have several top-level meetings in Bucharest. According to the embassy, Jean-Yves Le Drian will give a press conference on Thursday, jointly with his Romanian counterpart, Teodor Meleşcanu. The visit to Bucharest by the French foreign minister is part of a regional tour carried out between April 11th and 14th, which also take him to Serbia, Albania and Slovenia.

    2018 EUROPEAN SEMESTER – The paradox of social inequality and poverty is still present in Romania, in the context in which the countrys economic growth rate exceeds the EU average, Angela Cristea, the Head of the European Commission Representation in Romania has today told a press conference. She has also added that unemployment has reached the lowest level over the past 20 years. The budget deficit is close to the alert level of 3%, whereas the structural deficit continues to plummet, Angela Cristea has also said. The European Commission Representation in Romania is today organising a conference titled “2018 European Semester: Country Report- Romania. The plenary session devoted to this event will make public the main conclusions of the country report for Romania, as well as the Romanian authorities stand on the latest economic developments at national level.

    ROMANIAN-ISRAELI RELATIONS – Romanian PM, Viorica Dăncilă, has today received Tzipi Hotovely, deputy foreign minister of the State of Israel, who is currently on an official visit to Romania. During the meeting, the two officials underlined the special dynamics of the bilateral relations, both at political and at sectoral cooperation level. They also mentioned the significance of the year 2018, when the State of Israel celebrates its 70th anniversary, the two countries mark 70 years of uninterrupted Romanian-Israeli relations, and Romania celebrates the Great Union Centennial. In this context, the Romanian PM Viorica Dăncilă underlined that boosting relations with Israel is a priority of the Romanian Government. On Tuesday, Romanian foreign minister Teodor Meleşcanu, had a meeting with the Israeli official. Special heed was paid to ways to fight anti-Semitism and promote education in that respect.

    LONDON BOOK FAIR – Romania is participating for the 11th year in a row in the International London Book Fair, one of the largest events of its kind in the world, now in its 47th edition. The event is running between April the 10th and 12th. Over 600 new titles, in Romanian and English, books of fiction, volumes of science and art brought out by over 20 publishing houses are put on show. The Romanian events, held under the motto Writing and Making History: Remembering the Great War Generation, evoke, first of all the participation of the Romanians in WW I and the Great Union, by means of literary and artistic echoes of those crucial historical moments, the Romanian Cultural Institute in London says. (Translated by D. Vijeu)