Tag: Loredana

  • RRI Sports Club

    RRI Sports Club

    Continental sporting events are to begin every year this month and the European Gymnastics Championships have already started in Antalya, Turkey. On Tuesday, Romanias men team ranked 11th in the nations ranking and qualified for the World Championships due in Anvers Belgium this autumn.

    Our gymnasts needed a place among the first 13 teams to qualify for the world event, which is also to decide the sides to participate in the 2024 Olympics. Gabriel Burtănete has qualified for the finals of the all round event on the 17th position. Hell also attend the vault finals, where he qualified with the fourth result in the competition. The other Romanian who obtained the qualification for finals is Andrei Muntean, who obtained the sixth result in the bars event.

    The European Weightlifting Championships are to begin in Yerevan, Armenia on Saturday. Of the Romanian delegation, the multiple world and continental champion, Loredana Toma stands most chances to win a medal in Yerevan. She will be competing in the 71 kilogram category, where she won the gold medal in the total and jerk events of the World Championships in Bogota, last year. Moreover, in the snatch event, the Romanian lifted 119 kilograms, which proved to be the categorys world record at that time.

    On Friday, 14th April after their arrival in Armenia, Loredana Toma is expected to be awarded by the European forum for being Europes best weightlifter in 2022.

    Zagreb in Croatia, next week will be hosting the European Wrestling Championships. At the latest edition in Budapest, Hungary, Romania obtained four medals, including gold in the 55 kilogram category by Andreea Ana. In the mens contest, Nicu Ojog became silver medalist in the Greek-Roman style of the 87 kilogram category. Two other women from Romania, Alina Vuc and Kriszta Incze stepped onto the podiums third steps of the aforementioned competition.


  • RRI Sports Club

    RRI Sports Club

    Continental sporting events are to begin every year this month and the European Gymnastics Championships have already started in Antalya, Turkey. On Tuesday, Romanias men team ranked 11th in the nations ranking and qualified for the World Championships due in Anvers Belgium this autumn.

    Our gymnasts needed a place among the first 13 teams to qualify for the world event, which is also to decide the sides to participate in the 2024 Olympics. Gabriel Burtănete has qualified for the finals of the all round event on the 17th position. Hell also attend the vault finals, where he qualified with the fourth result in the competition. The other Romanian who obtained the qualification for finals is Andrei Muntean, who obtained the sixth result in the bars event.

    The European Weightlifting Championships are to begin in Yerevan, Armenia on Saturday. Of the Romanian delegation, the multiple world and continental champion, Loredana Toma stands most chances to win a medal in Yerevan. She will be competing in the 71 kilogram category, where she won the gold medal in the total and jerk events of the World Championships in Bogota, last year. Moreover, in the snatch event, the Romanian lifted 119 kilograms, which proved to be the categorys world record at that time.

    On Friday, 14th April after their arrival in Armenia, Loredana Toma is expected to be awarded by the European forum for being Europes best weightlifter in 2022.

    Zagreb in Croatia, next week will be hosting the European Wrestling Championships. At the latest edition in Budapest, Hungary, Romania obtained four medals, including gold in the 55 kilogram category by Andreea Ana. In the mens contest, Nicu Ojog became silver medalist in the Greek-Roman style of the 87 kilogram category. Two other women from Romania, Alina Vuc and Kriszta Incze stepped onto the podiums third steps of the aforementioned competition.


  • Loredana, “Artistul anului 2013” la Premiile Muzicale Radio România

    Loredana, “Artistul anului 2013” la Premiile Muzicale Radio România

    Duminică, 23 martie, a fost seara muzicii româneşti la Sala Radio, unde a avut loc cea de-a XII-a ediţie a Galei Premiilor Muzicale Radio România, eveniment cu adevărat memorabil ce a durat mai bine de trei ore. 18 trofee superbe, creaţii originale din cristal cu incrustaţii de argint, purtând semnătura artistului plastic Ioan Tămâian, au fost înmânate artiştilor premiaţi, pentru performanţele lor din anul 2013.

    Covorul roşu, lumini, paparazzi, camere tv şi multe, multe aplauze, astfel au fost întâmpinate vedetele nominalizate la premii încă de la intrarea spre foaierul Sălii Radio. Vedetele, dar şi invitaţii de prestigiu, care au ţinut să fie alături de postul public şi cu acest prilej festiv.

    Au fost acordate 17 trofee pe genuri şi categorii pentru cele mai bune performanţe înregistrate anul trecut în muzica pop, folk, pop-dance şi pop-rock, 39 de artişti de top ai show bizz-ului românesc şi 28 de hituri ale anului 2013 figurând pe lista nominalizaţilor.

    Pe scena Sălii Radio, spectaculos decorată, au urcat rând pe rând, să-şi primească premiul şi să cânte live, vedete ale showbiz-ului românesc de toate vârstele şi din toate genurile, de la pop-dance, la folk, pop şi pop-rock: Andra, Elena Gheorghe, Glance, DJ Sava şi Raluka, Holograf, Smiley, Loredana, Cornel Ilie, Nicole Cherry, Vasile Şeicaru, Vanessa Marzavan – câştigătoarea premiului Radio România Junior.

    Premiul special pentru întreaga carieră la cea de-a XII-a ediţie a fost înmânat compozitorului Jolt Kerestely, care a fost aplaudat la scenă deschisă. Marcel Pavel, invitat special al compozitorului, a adus spectatorilor un cadou binemeritat, interpretarea piesei Copacul.

    Seara s-a încheiat cu recitalul susţinut de Loredana – Artistul anului 2013, acompaniată de orchestra sa, Agurida.


    Câştigătorii trofeelor celei de-a XII-a ediţii sunt:

    1. Cel mai bun debut: Nicole Cherry

    2. Radio România Junior: Vanessa Marzavan

    3. Cel mai bun cântec pop: Ecou – Elena Gheorghe feat. Glance

    4. Cel mai bun cântec pop-dance: Aroma — DJ Sava feat. Raluka

    5. Cel mai bun cântec folk: Sentimente — Vasile Şeicaru

    6. Cel mai bun cântec pop-rock: Roua dimineţiiHolograf

    7. Cel mai bun mesaj: Acasă — Smiley

    8. Cel mai bun album pop: Inevitabil va fi bine — Andra / MediaPro Music

    9. Cel mai bun album folk şi cel mai bun concept discografic: MozaicNicu Alifantis

    10. Cel mai bun compozitor: Laurenţiu Duţă

    11. Cel mai bun artist pop-rock: Holograf

    12. Omul cu chitara: Nicu Alifantis

    13. Cea mai bună interpretă pop: Andra

    14. Cel mai bun interpret pop: Smiley

    15. Cel mai bun duet: Nu ştiu cine eşti Loredana & Cornel Ilie

    16. Cântecul anului: Perfect fără tine – Vama

    17. Artistul anului 2013: Loredana.

    Premiul special pentru întreaga carieră – compozitorul Jolt Kerestely.

    Spectacolul de gală, prezentat de Alexandra Ungureanu şi Cornel Ilie, a fost transmis în direct de Radio România Actualităţi şi de Radio România Internaţional. Puteți vedea fotografii de la Gala Premiilor Muzicale Radio România, ediția a XII-a, și pe profilurile RRI de Facebook, Flickr, Pinterest și Google+.