Tag: love

  • The girl with the dogs

    The girl with the dogs

    She was known as the Girl with the dogs in the university years. In 2010, she pursued a programme of study with the National School of Political and Administrative Studies in Bucharest. Her name is Laura Fincu and when she ran into Sache, it was in dismal circumstances. Thrown off the window from the room of a student’s hostel, Sache, a puppy, back then, was severely wounded.

    The puppy had to be put in plaster for a good number of months. All that time, the puppy was very well taken care of by Laura and some of her colleagues. Fifteen years on, Laura Fincu recalls:
    ʺI took him to the hostel and Sache became the emblem of the hostel. Then everybody looked after the puppy and, of course, he even had more friends. Then we tried to change the reality we had to face and leave that hostel in a different way than we had found it. And we did it!

    In the beginning, that’s how we started, we didn’t have that much knowledge in the field, I read Communications and Public Relations, my life took a different course back then and didn’t know exactly what to do with the little stray animals and I began by looking after them, by keeping them alive, feeding them and then sterilizing them.

    And, in the long run, when I left the hostel, I found adoption for 15 puppies and when I left, I made sure the hostel was completely free of stray puppies. “

    Yet there was more to it than that! For Laura Fincu, Sache changed the course of her own life for good. After graduation, Laura and a colleague opted for opening a veterinary’s office; being in their twentysomething they believed they would be able to solve the problem of Romania’s stray dogs. What followed…that exceeded their expectations.

    In 2016, an association came into being and was developed…We’re speaking about Sache Vet, an association that, to this day, bears Sache’s name.

    ʺMore often than not he always meant more than just a puppy. We are very rational beings; we are a medical team connected to reality, yet Sache generated a lot of magic around him and I think that literally the most beautiful moment is the one when it dawned upon me that he brought together, around him, a huge team of people who dedicated their entire lives and skills to the service of the good. Yet there’s more to it than that! He saved several tens of thousands of animals.

    All things considered, he is a memory or a symbol, prompting us to wake up in the morning full of motivation. From one single veterinarian in the beginning, here we are, there’s six of us, we have a medical staff of 16 people, 100,000 little animals sterilized in 8 years, thousands of animals undergoing treatment each year and now we’re speaking about the construction of a social hospital. “

    80% of Romania’s families with pets cannot afford the provision, for their animals, of adequate veterinarian care. For that, the costs are high, even for average-income people. As for the stray animals, a lot fewer of them are the lucky ones because they were taken by rescuers, with most of the daily dramas remaining unknown.

    Yet the Sache Vet Association offers treatment for any animal, free-of-charge, or from a vulnerable family. Sache Vet goes at all lengths to expand its capacity to help the four-legged animals in need, building Romania’s first social veterinary hospital.

    Located in the commune of Tartasesti, Dambovita County, the Sache Veterinary hospital for major emergencies, will offer free-of-charge assistance for stray animals, but also for those that come from underprivileged families. For the rest of our clients, it will offer services for social fees, in a bid to support the programme, free-of-charge: more than 90 % of the profit will be invested back in the cause, while the rest of the profit will go to improvements.

    ʺThere also is a category of people who are capable of much violence against animals, and it’s for those animals we exist, for the mist vulnerable ones, for those that need us so they can live one more day. After three years of fighting, yes, it is almost ready, works for 90% of the hospital have been completed, we’re in the stage of working the interiors, where the job is extremely minute, yet our satisfaction is growing as we see it has taken shape and it does exist, and, literally, it is a dream come true.

    We’re that close to getting it started, and start doing what we’re been doing already, yet in an enhanced manner, 90% of our work relies on surgery, we perform free-of-charge sterilizations for eight years now, we heavily rely on prevention, and it is crucial for us to reduce the number of stray little animals. Apart from surgery, the hospital will have a laboratory, X ray, and suchlike, as well as a training center for veterinarians and for students, since it is of utmost importance for us to share what we know. “

    The demand is very high, so the concept of social veterinary medicine is more than necessary. With details on that, here is Laura Fincu once again:

    ʺWe’re also a social enterprise, we’re also an NGO, it was very important for us to bring this concept into veterinary medicine. That is absolutely necessary, the demand is huge. A growing number of veterinarians should try to function like that, as it is incredibly satisfying and we assure them many more people than they can ever imagine will join them in their efforts. “

    All things considered, such stories are not only about animals, but also, and perhaps over and above anything else, they are about people, about pity, compassion, empathy, about responsibility, humanness…Imagine what it’s like to be all alone, not being able to speak, with no one to tell what ails you! Imagine what it’s like to love but you cannot provide any help, whenever you witness suffering! It is Sache Vet’s urge.

  • Let there be a million angels!

    Let there be a million angels!

    I met her at a fair. She is a day-dreaming person and invites passers-by to choose an angel, either painted or made of plaster, so that she can decipher its meaning. The story of these angels intrigued me, so I wanted to learn it. So Miki (Pereanu) Ciobotaru told me the story of a million angels: This project is about understanding something very simple and handy for everyone, but which we tend to forget just as simply and easily: namely that we can be good full time, every day, not just on a holiday schedule, and that love and acceptance are the first form of therapy. We dont need to read lots of books about love and acceptance to be able to give them to children with autism. In this project I create one million graphic and ceramic angels, as an artistic and visual manifesto against the discrimination of these children and their families.

    I asked Miki Ciobotaru about the impact of the project: It’s a really transformative process for me and for those I interact with, because, as I was saying, it’s about simple, natural things, it’s about love, it’s about acceptance and often we take them for granted and don’t realize how valuable they are in the lives of each of us. My angels are meant to always be chosen by those people who really need them and who need their message, their role. And at a symbolic level, each of these children comes with a certain message in our lives, whether it is a lesson or a blessing. And we just need to have a little patience to listen to it.

    How did the project start. Here is the project creator Miki Ciobotaru with details: The project of a million angels came in stages. The first stage was sometime in 2019, so before the pandemic, when I wanted to give my birthday away, because probably this is also my own lesson, which I am still learning, I am much happier to be able to give than to receive. At that time, I created a charity workshop, a workshop in which those who had the pleasure to participate, had to make a donation instead of bringing me a present for my birthday, a donation to be used for the creation of a playground for children with special needs. And this playground was created in the village of Piscu, some 30 kilometers away from Bucharest, being the first of its kind in the entire Bucharest area and Ilfov county. Later, as I had been working in the field of volunteering for a very long time, I also interacted with parents and children from special categories and realized how much they needed to be listened to, to be understood and to be accepted just as they are. Because there is nothing wrong with them, it is just the carelessness or lack of information of people who tend to reject anything that is different from them, at first. I chose this motif of the angel, because, in my vision, these children are also angels and remind us of how much we need to accept each other and find a place under the sun for everyone. So, after a break of lockdown, pandemics and uncertainties, I managed to create 5,284 angels and I hope to be able to continue in the future, until I reach one million angels for this cause.

    Once created, angels can be purchased. There is no price as such, but rather a donation suggestion, half of the money received being donated and the other half contributing to the continuation of the project.

    Next Miki Ciobotaru tells us more: As an impact, we want to manage to bring to light a normality of special children. To be able to gather a community of people that should create a space where they can develop, to have more day-care centers where these children can go. We want the parents to be understood and helped, because, unfortunately, in Romania, there is not much support or much interest at least for the categories of children with special needs. And I’m not talking about autism alone, but about the whole spectrum of children with special needs. Each and everyone of us or together, we should create an inclusive society in which these children should find their place under the sun and feel loved and accepted.

    Sheer inspiration is the ingredient for making the angels, but an in-depth study of the specifics of each of them is also needed, Miki Ciobotaru confessed: I work with angelic archetypes. There is a science that studies angels. It is called angelology and I am studying it with great interest and curiosity. The book of Enoch, which has actually 3 volumes, first presents more than 700 angels by name and role. In the process of creation, I let my hands work and I see later which angel materialized. Also, those who interact with the angels choose them instinctively, with their soul. And I try to make each angel reach exactly the person who needed it or who, in one way or another, resonated with the angel and called it into his or her life.

    Miki Ciobotarus project was created with and out of love, with the hope that we can be inclusive, we can be a little more patient with ourselves and those around us every day. (LS)