Tag: Magda Carneci

  • Cultura română acasă şi în lume 03.03.2022

    Cultura română acasă şi în lume 03.03.2022

    Traducătorul Sean Cotter. Anul trecut a apărut în traducerea sa, la Northwestern University Press, unul dintre cele mai importante romane ale literaturii române: “Craii de Curtea-Veche”, de Mateiu Caragiale. Romanul “FEM”, de Magda Cârneci, tot în traducerea lui Sean Cotter, se află pe lista scurtă a PEN America Literary Awards, secţiunea Traducere”:

  • Jurnal românesc – 11.10.2019

    Jurnal românesc – 11.10.2019

    Moţiunea de
    cenzură la adresa Guvernului condus de Vorica Dăncilă a fost adoptată de
    Parlament cu 238 de voturi pentru. Prim-ministrul demis a declarat
    că echipa sa pleacă de la Palatul Victoria cu datoria împlinită şi i-a
    solicitat preşedintelui Klaus Iohannis să desemneze rapid un înlocuitor. De
    partea cealaltă, liderii opoziţiei au păreri împărţile în legătură cu ce
    trebuie făcut în continuare. Şeful PNL, Ludovic Orban, a spus că partidul său
    este pregătit să-şi asume guvernarea, în vreme ce liderul USR, Dan Barna,
    apreciază că cea mai bună soluţie o reprezintă organizarea de alegeri
    anticipate. Preşedintele PRO România, Victor Ponta, a precizat că nu exclude
    formarea unei noi majorităţi cu social-democraţii, liderul ALDE, Călin
    Popescu-Tăriceanu, că va susţine un cabinet cu mai puţine ministere şi un
    program de guvernare cu accente liberale, iar cel al UDMR, Kelemen
    Hunor, că priorităţile sunt pregătirea bugetului pentru 2020 şi rectificarea
    celui actual. PMP susţine că
    soluţia cea mai corectă este un guvern politic cu un program precis şi
    transparent. Moţiunea de cenzură adoptată joi a fost al 4-lea astfel de demers
    din ultimii 30 de ani care s-a soldat cu îndepărtarea Guvernului.

    Ministrul în
    exerciţiu pentru Românii de Pretutindeni, Natalia Intotero, şi-a încheiat
    vizita de lucru în Spania. După întâlnirile cu românii din Insulele Canare,
    Almería şi Castellón de la Plana, delegaţia românească s-a oprit la Barcelona
    şi Zaragoza, unde locuiesc peste 100.000 de conaţionali. Intotero le-a vorbit
    românilor despre cum se pot proteja de traficul de persoane și abuzurile în
    muncă şi i-a îndemnat să transmită puncte de vedere referitoare la aşteptările
    pe care le au de la relaţia cu autorităţile române. Vizita în peninsula iberică
    s-a încheiat la Madrid, zonă în care, potrivit MRP, trăiesc aproximativ 220.000
    de români care alcătuiesc cea mai numeroasă comunitate românească din Spania.
    Dintre aceştia, 46.000 sunt înregistrați în capitala spaniolă. Ministrul le-a
    oferit detalii privind votul în străinătate la alegerile prezidenţiale, despre
    finanțările nerambursabile acordate de minister şi despre programul de tabere
    ARC. 583.000 de români locuiau în Spania la 1 ianuarie 2019, potrivit
    Institutului Național de Statistică de la Madrid, însă neoficial numărul
    acestora este estimat la aproape 1 milion.

    Accademia di
    Romania in Roma și Asociaţia Culturală Româno-Italiană Propatria
    organizează, pe 12 octombrie, concertul APPASSIONATA MA NON SOLO,
    susținut de pianistul Ciprian Bogdan Străteanu. Evenimentul va avea loc în Sala
    de Concerte a instituţiei româneşti şi include în program piese de Ludwig van
    Beethoven, Serghei Rachmaninov și George Enescu. Ciprian Bogdan Străteanu se află
    în capitala Italiei de la vârsta de 7 ani. În 2014, a câștigat Trofeul
    Propatria şi Premiul Special la Festivalul Internațional Propatria – Tinere
    Talente Românești. În 2017, a absolvit Conservatorul de Muzică Santa
    Cecilia din Roma, iar în prezent este în al doilea an de studii de
    masterat la secția Pian din cadrul aceleiaşi instituţii de învăţământ.
    Concertul face parte din proiectul Europa in Musica – Stagiunea
    muzicală a clusterului EUNIC Roma – inițiat de Accademia di Romania și
    Conservatorul de Muzică Santa Cecilia. Intrarea este liberă în
    limita locurilor disponibile.

    Filmul 5
    minute, scris și regizat de Dan Chișu, cu Mihai Călin și Diana Cavallioti
    în distribuție, va avea premiera mondială în competiția celei de-a 35-a ediții
    a Festivalului Internațional de la Varșovia, care se desfășoară în perioada 11
    – 20 octombrie. Pelicula este inspirată din fapte reale petrecute într-un
    cinematograf din Bucureşti, când unii spectatori prezenţi în sală la proiecţia
    unui film despre un cuplu format din două femei au protestat faţă de comunitatea
    LGBT, iar în scandalul care a urmat un tânăr a fost rănit şi transportat la
    spital. Lungmetrajul românesc va concura atât pentru Warsaw Grand Prix, în
    valoare 23.000 de euro, cât şi pentru premiul pentru cea mai bună regie și premiul
    special al juriului.

    Poeta, eseista,
    criticul și teoreticianul de artă Magda Cârneci va primi, pe 12 octombrie la
    Córdoba, trofelul pentru poezie al primei ediţii a premiilor Orașul
    Córdoba pentru Pace și Arte. Acestea au fost create în 2018 cu ajutorul
    mai multor instituții de stat și private din Andaluzia și, potrivit
    organizatorilor, recompensează personalităţi din domenii diverse, care luptă
    pentru armonia dintre popoare și oameni. Alături de româncă vor mai primi
    distincţii scriitoarea columbiană Laura Esquivel, eseista și biografa Antonina
    Rodrigo, senatorul José Montilla, artistul plastic Mariscal, fotografa Cristina
    García Rodero, muzicianul rock Miguel Ríos și actorii din filmul

  • May 12, 2018 UPDATE

    May 12, 2018 UPDATE

    PROTEST – People have taken to the streets in Bucharest and other cities across Romania to take part in a protest titled “We want Europe, we dont want dictatorship”. They are accusing the ruling coalition, made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats of failing to keep the promises they made during the election campaign, of alienating Romania from the European democratic standards and throwing it into a regime ruled by politicians interests. According to the organizers of the protest, some of the anti-democratic measures taken by the governing coalition include the modifications brought to the criminal codes and the changes to the justice laws, operated without public consultations. Romanians in the Diaspora have announced they are supporting the protesters.

    1848 REVOLUTION – On Saturday, Romanias President Klaus Iohannis attended in Blaj, central Romania, events devoted to the commemoration of 170 years since the National Assembly of the 1848 Revolution. He stated that Romania must maintain its European path and remain strong and anchored in the European values and the rule of law. The Romanian Revolution of 1848 was part of the European Revolution and an expression of the Romanian nations affirmation process and national consciousness.

    DIPLOMACY – The Romanian Foreign Ministry has issued a communiqué in which it justifies the decision to reject the EU proposal by means of which the members states were asked to refuse to relocate their embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The Foreign Ministry explains that it took into consideration the very complicated regional context and conducted a thorough analysis of the text proposed by the European External Action Service. President Klaus Iohannis has announced he will invite the Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu to explain the stand taken by the Romanian representatives at the European External Action Service regarding the relocation of embassies from Tel Aviv. He has also stated that the Romanian Embassy cannot be moved without his approval. On April 20th, the Romanian Presidential Administration had stated that the head of state Klaus Iohannis believed that the relocation of the Romanian Embassy to Jerusalem would be, at this stage, a violation of relevant international law. A day before, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Liviu Dragnea had announced that the Government had adopted a memorandum stipulating the start of the procedures to move the Romanian Embassy to Jerusalem.

    VISIT – The Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, currently on a visit to Rome, has met with Romanian students of pontifical universities. On the occasion, Ms Dancila has promised the Romanian Government will help equip the library of the Pio Romeno Pontifical College. She stressed the importance of the College for the Romanian students at the Vatican and for strengthening the ties between Romania and the Holy See. On Friday, Viorica Dancila was received by Pope Francis, whom she thanked for his interest in the relations with Romania and voiced hope that the Pope would pay a visit to Romania. The Romanian Prime Ministers visit to the Vatican is taking place at a time of very good bilateral ties, and in the year when Romania is celebrating 100 years since the Great Union, which will be marked by the Holy See through several cultural and academic events.

    DIASPORA – The Ministry for Romanians Abroad will award this year 100 successful Romanians, under a project aimed at highlighting the top 10 Romanian personalities in 10 countries across the world inhabited by large Romanian communities. The Minister for Romanians Abroad Natalia Intotero made the announcement in Deva, western Romania, on Saturday. The first event will take place in Brussels on Wednesday and will promote the Romanian traditional costume, given that this year Romanians celebrate one hundred years since the creation of the Romanian unitary state.

    THEATRE – The “Matei Visniec” Theatre Festival is underway in Suceava, north-eastern Romania. Until May 20th, the festival will be playing host to some 60 performances, for all ages and tastes. 300 guests are expected to attend the festival, actors, directors and theater critics from across the country, from the Republic of Moldova and from France. The special guest of the festival, just like every year, is the Romanian writer and playwright Matei Visniec, who has settled in France. His plays have been staged all across the world, including Japan, the US, Brazil and Turkey. In Romania, his works were banned before the anti-Communist Revolution of 1989.

    ART SAFARI – Works worth some 10 million Euro, from important private collections, from the Pompidu Museum in Paris and from the collection of the former Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu can be seen until May 20th at Art Safari, the largest artistic event in Romania, organized in central Bucharest. The most valuable exhibit is a work by Constantin Brancusi, which is part of a private collection and was evaluated at a seven figure sum as the director of Art Safari Bucharest Ioana Ciocan has told us. The Art Safari Exhibition has reached its fifth edition.

    EUROPEAN LITERATURE NIGHT – The Romanian writer Magda Carneci will attend the European Literature Night organized by the Czech Center in New York, under the aegis of the European Union of National Institutes of Culture. This second edition will present authors and books from Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Hungary. Each author will be presented along with a book translated into English, and young American students will read from them. Magda Carneci will participate with the volume “A Deafening Silence”.

    RESOLUTE CASTLE 2018 – The Cincu shooting ground, in central Romania, is hosting the multinational exercise Resolute Castle 2018. Its a six-month exercise that involves the participation of military of the Romanian Land Forces and of the South Carolina National Guard. Romanian and American soldiers will carry out infrastructure and refurbishing works in Cincu. Resolute Castle 2018 focuses on building and consolidating training centers in Poland and Romania. This allows the US military units to rapidly mobilize its forces, to carry out rotating drills together with allies and multi-national partners and to demonstrate their deterrence capacity in a security environment.

    HANDBALL – Romanian womens handball champion CSM Bucharest has failed to qualify for the Champions Leagues final in Budapest. The Romanian squad was defeated 26-20 by the Hungarian Gyori Audi ETO KC, in the first semifinal of the Final Four. CSM won the Final Four in 2016. On Friday, SCM Craiova won the EHF Cup in womens handball, by defeating on home turf on Friday night the Norwegian squad Vipers Kristiansand 30 to 25. This is the first European trophy won by SCM Craiova, and also the first EHF Cup for the Romanian womens handball. The competition had been won by Romanian teams before, but under the previous name, IHF Cup ( Chimistul Ramnicu Valcea in 1984 and 1989 and Rapid Bucharest in 1993). (translated by Mihaela Ignatescu)

  • May 12, 2018 UPDATE

    May 12, 2018 UPDATE

    PROTEST – People have taken to the streets in Bucharest and other cities across Romania to take part in a protest titled “We want Europe, we dont want dictatorship”. They are accusing the ruling coalition, made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats of failing to keep the promises they made during the election campaign, of alienating Romania from the European democratic standards and throwing it into a regime ruled by politicians interests. According to the organizers of the protest, some of the anti-democratic measures taken by the governing coalition include the modifications brought to the criminal codes and the changes to the justice laws, operated without public consultations. Romanians in the Diaspora have announced they are supporting the protesters.

    1848 REVOLUTION – On Saturday, Romanias President Klaus Iohannis attended in Blaj, central Romania, events devoted to the commemoration of 170 years since the National Assembly of the 1848 Revolution. He stated that Romania must maintain its European path and remain strong and anchored in the European values and the rule of law. The Romanian Revolution of 1848 was part of the European Revolution and an expression of the Romanian nations affirmation process and national consciousness.

    DIPLOMACY – The Romanian Foreign Ministry has issued a communiqué in which it justifies the decision to reject the EU proposal by means of which the members states were asked to refuse to relocate their embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The Foreign Ministry explains that it took into consideration the very complicated regional context and conducted a thorough analysis of the text proposed by the European External Action Service. President Klaus Iohannis has announced he will invite the Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu to explain the stand taken by the Romanian representatives at the European External Action Service regarding the relocation of embassies from Tel Aviv. He has also stated that the Romanian Embassy cannot be moved without his approval. On April 20th, the Romanian Presidential Administration had stated that the head of state Klaus Iohannis believed that the relocation of the Romanian Embassy to Jerusalem would be, at this stage, a violation of relevant international law. A day before, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Liviu Dragnea had announced that the Government had adopted a memorandum stipulating the start of the procedures to move the Romanian Embassy to Jerusalem.

    VISIT – The Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, currently on a visit to Rome, has met with Romanian students of pontifical universities. On the occasion, Ms Dancila has promised the Romanian Government will help equip the library of the Pio Romeno Pontifical College. She stressed the importance of the College for the Romanian students at the Vatican and for strengthening the ties between Romania and the Holy See. On Friday, Viorica Dancila was received by Pope Francis, whom she thanked for his interest in the relations with Romania and voiced hope that the Pope would pay a visit to Romania. The Romanian Prime Ministers visit to the Vatican is taking place at a time of very good bilateral ties, and in the year when Romania is celebrating 100 years since the Great Union, which will be marked by the Holy See through several cultural and academic events.

    DIASPORA – The Ministry for Romanians Abroad will award this year 100 successful Romanians, under a project aimed at highlighting the top 10 Romanian personalities in 10 countries across the world inhabited by large Romanian communities. The Minister for Romanians Abroad Natalia Intotero made the announcement in Deva, western Romania, on Saturday. The first event will take place in Brussels on Wednesday and will promote the Romanian traditional costume, given that this year Romanians celebrate one hundred years since the creation of the Romanian unitary state.

    THEATRE – The “Matei Visniec” Theatre Festival is underway in Suceava, north-eastern Romania. Until May 20th, the festival will be playing host to some 60 performances, for all ages and tastes. 300 guests are expected to attend the festival, actors, directors and theater critics from across the country, from the Republic of Moldova and from France. The special guest of the festival, just like every year, is the Romanian writer and playwright Matei Visniec, who has settled in France. His plays have been staged all across the world, including Japan, the US, Brazil and Turkey. In Romania, his works were banned before the anti-Communist Revolution of 1989.

    ART SAFARI – Works worth some 10 million Euro, from important private collections, from the Pompidu Museum in Paris and from the collection of the former Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu can be seen until May 20th at Art Safari, the largest artistic event in Romania, organized in central Bucharest. The most valuable exhibit is a work by Constantin Brancusi, which is part of a private collection and was evaluated at a seven figure sum as the director of Art Safari Bucharest Ioana Ciocan has told us. The Art Safari Exhibition has reached its fifth edition.

    EUROPEAN LITERATURE NIGHT – The Romanian writer Magda Carneci will attend the European Literature Night organized by the Czech Center in New York, under the aegis of the European Union of National Institutes of Culture. This second edition will present authors and books from Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Hungary. Each author will be presented along with a book translated into English, and young American students will read from them. Magda Carneci will participate with the volume “A Deafening Silence”.

    RESOLUTE CASTLE 2018 – The Cincu shooting ground, in central Romania, is hosting the multinational exercise Resolute Castle 2018. Its a six-month exercise that involves the participation of military of the Romanian Land Forces and of the South Carolina National Guard. Romanian and American soldiers will carry out infrastructure and refurbishing works in Cincu. Resolute Castle 2018 focuses on building and consolidating training centers in Poland and Romania. This allows the US military units to rapidly mobilize its forces, to carry out rotating drills together with allies and multi-national partners and to demonstrate their deterrence capacity in a security environment.

    HANDBALL – Romanian womens handball champion CSM Bucharest has failed to qualify for the Champions Leagues final in Budapest. The Romanian squad was defeated 26-20 by the Hungarian Gyori Audi ETO KC, in the first semifinal of the Final Four. CSM won the Final Four in 2016. On Friday, SCM Craiova won the EHF Cup in womens handball, by defeating on home turf on Friday night the Norwegian squad Vipers Kristiansand 30 to 25. This is the first European trophy won by SCM Craiova, and also the first EHF Cup for the Romanian womens handball. The competition had been won by Romanian teams before, but under the previous name, IHF Cup ( Chimistul Ramnicu Valcea in 1984 and 1989 and Rapid Bucharest in 1993). (translated by Mihaela Ignatescu)

  • May 12, 2018

    May 12, 2018

    VISIT – The Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila continues her visit to the Vatican, where on Friday she was received by Pope Francis. The Prime Minister thanked his Sanctity for the attention he had always paid to the relations with Romania and voiced hope that the Pope would pay a visit to Romania. The two officials also talked about human rights and religious freedom. Viorica Dancila stressed the need for a deeper cooperation between Romania and the Vatican, especially against the background of Romanias taking over the presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2019. This will provide the opportunity to send a message to the whole of Europe, given Romanias ecumenical vocation, Viorica Dancila also said. The Romanian Prime Ministers visit to the Vatican is taking place at a time of very good bilateral ties, and in the year when Romania is celebrating 100 years since the Great Union, which will be marked by the Holy See through a string of high-class cultural and academic events.

    1848 REVOLUTION – Romanias President Klaus Iohannis is today travelling to Blaj in central Romania to attend events devoted to the commemoration of 170 years since the National Assembly of the 1848 Revolution. The head of state will lay a wreath at the Gloria monument on Liberty Field and will participate in the debate titled Blaj 1848-2018: National Consciousness and European Destiny, organized by the Inochentie Micu Clain National College. At the meeting, the president will talk with representatives of the local administration and associative environment, with business people, athletes, cultural personalities, students and teachers. Also, the Romanian president will take part in the inauguration of the Culture Palace in Blaj, one of the most important cultural edifices in Transylvania, built in 1936, but destroyed by fire in 1995. The palace has been rehabilitated and has been awarded the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage.

    THEATRE – The “Matei Visniec” Theatre Festival starts today in Suceava, north-eastern Romania. Until May 20th, the event will host some 60 performances, targeting all categories of audience. 300 guests are expected to attend the festival, actors, directors and theater critics from across the country, from the Republic of Moldova and from France. The special guest of the festival, just like every year, is the Romanian writer and playwright Matei Visniec, who has settled in France. His plays have been staged all across the world, including Japan, the US, Brazil and Turkey. In Romania, his works were banned before the anti-Communist Revolution of 1989.

    ART SAFARI – Works worth some 10 million Euro, from important private collections, from the Pompidu Museum in Paris and from the collection of the former Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu can be seen until May 20th at Art Safari, the largest artistic event in Romania, organized in central Bucharest. The most valuable exhibit is a work by Constantin Brancusi, which is part of a private collection and was evaluated at a seven figure sum as the director of Art Safari Bucharest Ioana Ciocan has told us. The Art Safari Exhibition has reached its fifth edition.

    EUROPEAN LITERATURE NIGHT – The Romanian writer Magda Carneci will attend the European Literature Night organized by the Czech Center in New York, under the aegis of the European Union of National Institutes of Culture. This second edition will present authors and books from Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Hungary. Each author will be presented along with a book translated into English, and young American students will read from them. Magda Carneci will participate with the volume “A Deafening Silence”.

    RESOLUTE CASTLE 2018 – The Cincu shooting ground, in central Romania, is hosting the multinational exercise Resolute Castle 2018. Its a six-month exercise that involves the participation of military of the Romanian Land Forces and of the South Carolina National Guard. Romanian and American soldiers will carry out infrastructure and refurbishing works in Cincu. Resolute Castle 2018 focuses on building and consolidating training centers in Poland and Romania. This allows the US military units to rapidly mobilize its forces, to carry out rotating drills together with allies and multi-national partners and to demonstrate their deterrence capacity in a security environment.

    HANDBALL – SCM Craiova has won the EHF Cup in womens handball, after they defeated on home turf on Friday night the Norwegian squad Vipers Kristiansand 30 to 25. In the first match, Vipers had won 26-22 and were standing good chance of winning, had they maintained the pace in the return game. Fortunately, the goal keeper Yuliya Dumanska managed to defend two shots just seconds before the end of the game. This is the first European trophy won by SCM Craiova, and also the first EHF Cup for the Romanian womens handball. The competition had been won by Romanian teams before under the previous name, IHF Cup, by Chimistul Ramnicu Valcea in 1984 and 1989 and Rapid Bucharest in 1993. In another development, Romanias champions CSM Bucharest are today playing against the Hungarians from Gyor ETO, in the semifinals of the Champions League hosted by Budapest. If they manage to win, on Sunday the Romanian squad will take on the winner of the match between HC Vardar of Macedonia and Rostov-Don of Russia. CSM Bucharest won the Final Four in 2016. (translated by Mihaela Ignatescu)