Tag: Mariana Bitang

  • October 28, 2020 UPDATE

    October 28, 2020 UPDATE

    COVID-19 RO According to the Strategic Communication Group, in the past 24 hours Romania saw an all-time high of Covid-19 infections, 5343, out of the 36,815 tests processed nationwide. The number of fatalities was a record 107, raising the death toll to 6,681. Since the onset of the pandemic, Romania has confirmed 222,559 infections, and 159,855 people have been declared cured. 861 patients are being treated in IC units, 41 more than in the previous day. The highest rates of infection have been reported in Cluj, western Romania, in the capital city, Bucharest, and in Alba county, also in the west. 6,851 Romanian nationals have been confirmed infected abroad, most of them in countries like Germany, Italy and Spain. The death toll of the Romanians abroad stays at 126. President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday evening that Romania managed the pandemic quite well so far and there is no need for quarantine or lockdown yet.

    PANDEMIC Against the background of the rampant spread of the coronavirus pandemic in Europe, the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, called for a closer coordination between the EU member states, from the establishment of common rules of isolation and quarantine to the distribution of future vaccines. In a press release, Charles Michel called for good coordination in the approval of rapid tests, which would ensure their recognition at European level. He also wants production to be covered on a European scale, so that they are available everywhere at the same time. The President of the European Council also called for interoperability between applications to track the contacts of those infected.

    BUDGET The opposition Social Democratic Party, with the largest group in the Romanian Parliament, has again called on the Liberal Government to make public the state budget for next year before the December 6 legislative elections. The Social Democrats accuse the Executive of wanting to introduce new taxes and increase the value added tax in 2021, a scenario that is believed to be already taken into account by economic analysts and some banks. The line Liberal Minister, Florin Cîţu, has stated that, when the parliamentary elections are held in the last three months of the year, the Ministry of Public Finance submits to the Government the draft budgets for the following year after the investment of the new cabinet. He has also specified that the National Liberal Party will present a vision of the budget together with the governing program.

    AMBASSADORS The Romanian Parliaments Foreign Policy Committee and the Committee for Romanian Communities Abroad granted, on Wednesday, following hearings, favorable opinions for six more people proposed for the position of ambassador abroad. They will represent Romania in Morocco, Northern Macedonia, Iran, Bosnia – Herzegovina, Uzbekistan and Albania. Hearings will continue in the next period, because there are another 9 people proposed for positions of Romanian ambassador abroad. On October 7 and 19, the joint specialized committees of the Parliament heard another 16 candidates proposed for ambassador, all of whom received a favorable opinion.

    VISIT Romanian Prime Minister Ludovic Orban ended his formal visit to Paris on Tuesday night with a meeting with the Romanian community in France. In another development, during a meeting with representatives of MEDEF, Frances largest employers association, the Romanian official urged the business people in France to invest in Romania, in key fields such as healthcare, transport and energy infrastructure, research and telecommunication. Orban and his French counterpart Jean Castex had earlier signed an upgraded roadmap for the bilateral strategic partnership for the following four years. The Romanian official also met Richard Ferrand, the head of the National Assembly and Gerard Larcher, president of the French Senate.

    ECONOMY Last year, with a share of 20%, industry represented the most significant economic activity in the European Union in terms of production generated, according to the European Statistical Office (Eurostat). The countries with the highest percentage were Ireland (35%), the Czech Republic (29.2%), Slovenia (27%), Poland (24.7%), Slovakia (24.5%), Germany (24.3% ) and Romania (24.1%). Other important economic activities in the EU last year were wholesale and retail trade, transport, food and accommodation services. Although industry has continued to be the most significant economic activity in the EU in terms of output , there has been a significant decline over the last two decades (from 22.6% in 1999 to 19.7% in 2019). Also, in the last two decades, there has been a significant decrease in agriculture, forestry and fishing, construction, art and recreational activities.

    COMPETITION Almost 70 young pianists from Romania and four other countries will participate, between October 29 and November 1, in the Constanţa International Competition – Festival for Young Pianists. According to the local administration in the largest Romanian port city (southeast), the competitors come from France, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, the Republic of Moldova and several cities in Romania. The jury of the contest is made up of artistic and pedagogical personalities from Romania and abroad. “Constanta International Competition” will take place in a single stage, by age groups: 7-9 years, 10-12, 13-15, 16-18 and 19-28 years. The competition and the Awards Gala can be viewed on the projects Facebook page.

    FOOTBALL Romanias football champions CFR Cluj on Thursday will be playing on their own turf Swiss side Young Boys in their second match counting for Europa League group A. In their first game the Romanians secured a 2-0 win against Bulgarian side CSKA Sofia in a group which also includes AS Rome who defeated Young Boys 2-1 in an away game.

    GYMNASTICS Romanians Octavian Bellu and Mariana Bitang have been declared by World Record Academy The most successful coaches in the world – Duo. The former coaches of the Romanian womens gymnastics team had already been recognized, 12 years ago, as the most successful trainers in the world. Under their leadership, the Romanian gymnasts won a total of 305 medals at the European, World and Olympic Championships, including five world titles and two team Olympic medals. The World Records Academy is the largest organization in the world that certifies world records and, at the same time, the owner of the largest database on this topic.

    (M. Ignatescu)

  • Dream duo to coach Romania’s gymnastics team

    Dream duo to coach Romania’s gymnastics team

    After the recent
    disappointing results of the Romanian gymnasts, the coaches with the greatest
    achievements in the history of Romanian sports, Mariana Bitang and Octavian
    Bellu, have agreed to return to the national women’s team. After having
    withdrawn several times from the helm of the team and being appointed state
    advisers for sports in 2006, they suspended their cooperation with the Romanian
    Gymnastics Federation in 2014 for family reasons.

    Their recent
    return occurred after the head of the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee,
    Alin Petrache, sent an open letter to the Romanian Gymnastics Federation,
    calling for concrete measures to improve Romania’s results in this sport. The
    letter also requested clarifications regarding the role of Mariana Bitang and
    Octavian Bellu in the 2016 Rio Olympics training and participation programme,
    and recommended, as a last resort, that a foreign coach be hired for the team.
    After talks with both the Gymnastics Federation and the Youth and Sports
    Ministry, Bellu and Bitang have decided to take over themselves. Their
    objective is to have the Romanian team qualified for the forthcoming Olympic

    For the first
    time in the last 49 years, the Romanian women’s gymnastics team was not a
    serious contender for a medal in the latest World Championships, and finished
    in a dismal 13th place. Since it failed to secure a place among the
    world’s top 8 teams in Glasgow, Romania missed the chance to qualify
    automatically for the Olympic Games. The only chance now to secure a place in
    Rio is to finish among the top four teams at the Olympic test event due in Rio
    in April. While this may not appear to be an easy task, according to the media,
    Romania still have a good chance, given the vast experience and expertise of
    the team’s new coaches.

    Mariana Bitang
    and Octavian Bellu steered the Romanian women’s gymnastics team through 6
    successive editions of the Olympic Games between 1992 and 2012, winning a total
    22 medals, of which 11 gold, 6 silver and 5 bronze.

  • Antrenori de top pentru gimnastica românească

    Antrenori de top pentru gimnastica românească

    După rezultatele slabe înregistrate în ultimul timp de gimnaştii români,cei mai titraţi antrenori din istoria sportului românesc, Mariana Bitang şi Octavian Bellu, au decis să revină la conducerea lotului naţional feminin al României. Ei s-au retras de mai multe ori de la cârma echipei, iar în 2006 au fost numiţi consilieri de stat pe probleme de sport. Ulterior, au revenit, însă, la conducerea lotului, pentru ca, în 2014, să suspende colaborarea cu Federaţia Română de Gimnastică, în contextul unor probleme familiale.

    Revenirea lor recentă are loc după ce preşedintele Comitetului Olimpic şi Sportiv Român, Alin Petrache, a solicitat, prin intermediul unei scrisori deschise adresate Federaţiei Române de Gimnastică, luarea de măsuri concrete pentru redresarea parcursului sportiv românesc. În această scrisoare se cerea şi precizarea poziţiei antrenorilor Mariana Bitang şi Octavian Bellu în programul de pregătire, calificare şi participare la Jocurile Olimpice de la Rio din 2016, forul olimpic naţional recomandând, în ultimă instanţă, cooptarea chiar şi a unui antrenor străin.În urma discuţiilor cu Federaţia Română de Gimnastică şi cu reprezentanţii Ministerului Tineretului şi Sportului, Belu şi Bitang revin la lot şi au ca obiectiv calificarea la Jocurile Oimpice din 2016 de la Rio.

    Pentru prima dată în ultimii 49 de ani, echipa feminină de gimnastică a României nu a luptat pentru nici o medalie la ultima ediţie a Campionatelor Mondiale, Larisa Iordache şi colegele ei au ratat complet calificările şi au încheiat concursul abia pe locul 13. România nu s-a clasat, aşadar, în primele opt ţări la mondialele de la Glasgow şi a ratat astfel calificarea directă la Jocurile de la Rio, însă mai are o şansă anul viitor. Pentru a reuşi să se califice, echipa feminină de gimnastică a României trebuie să se claseze pe unul din primele patru locuri la turneul preolimpic de la Rio, din luna aprilie, unde nu participă formaţiile deja calificate la Mondialele de la Glasgow.

    Potrivit presei, sarcina antrenorilor pare dificilă însă cei doi sunt creditaţi cu foarte multe şanse, având în vedere vasta lor experienţă în domeniu. Mariana Bitang şi Octavian Bellu au fost antrenori lotului naţional feminin al României la şase ediţii ale Jocurilor Olimpice şi au cucerit în total 22 de medalii (11 de aur, 6 de argint şi 5 de bronz) la Barcelona (1992 ), Atlanta (1996 ), Sydney (2000), Atena (2004), Beijing (2008) şi Londra (2012).

  • Jurnal românesc – 9.12.2015

    Jurnal românesc – 9.12.2015

    În urma discuţiilor avute atât cu Federaţia Română de Gimnastică,
    cât şi cu reprezentanţii Ministerului Tineretului şi Sportului, antrenorii
    Mariana Bitang şi Octavian Bellu au decis să revină la conducerea lotului
    naţional de gimnastică. Bitang şi Bellu suspendaseră
    colaborarea cu Federaţia Română de Gimnastică în luna aprilie a anului 2014, în
    contextul unor probleme familiale. Cei
    doi au fost antrenori lotului naţional feminin al României la şase ediţii ale
    Jocurilor Olimpice şi au cucerit în total 22 de medalii -11 de aur, 6 de argint şi
    5 de bronz.

    Salariul mediu net a fost în luna octombrie de 1.871 lei, în
    creştere faţă de septembrie cu 2,1%. De cele mai mari salarii se bucură
    specialiştii în IT, media fiind de 4.483 lei net. Cele mai mici se regăsesc la
    lucrătorii în hoteluri şi restaurante – 1.087 lei. Câştigul salarial mediu
    nominal brut a fost, în octombrie, de 2.594 lei, anunţă Institutul Naţional de

    Ministrul delegat pentru relaţiile cu românii de pretutindeni, Dan
    Stoenescu, a primit, pe 8 decembrie 2015, delegaţia reprezentanţilor
    comunităţii româneşti din Ungaria. Din delegaţie au făcut parte redactorul-şef
    al ziarului ‘Foaia românească’, Eva Iova Şimon, directorul Institutului de
    Cercetări al Românilor din Ungaria, Maria Berenyi şi primarul comunei
    Micherechi, Margareta Tat. Discuţiile au vizat aspecte referitoare la
    problemele întâmpinate de membrii comunităţii româneşti din Ungaria, precum şi
    la sprijinul pe care statul român îl poate acorda în direcţia păstrării şi afirmării identităţii
    etnice, culturale, lingvistice şi religioase. Ministrul delegat şi-a exprimat
    deschiderea pentru o colaborare strânsă cu membrii comunităţii româneşti din
    Ungaria şi i-a încurajat să continue eforturile de coagulare şi consolidare în
    jurul unor proiecte care să amplifice potenţialul comunităţii şi să promoveze
    dialogul intercultural.

    Doar 21% din cetăţenii Republicii Moldova ar vota pentru unirea cu
    România, dacă duminica viitoare ar avea loc un referendum – aşa arată datele
    Barometrului Opiniei Publice, realizat la comanda Institutului de Politici
    Publice de la Chişinău, cu sprijinul Fundaţiei Soros. Publicarea rezultatelor
    acestui sondaj intervine în contextul în care unirea cu România a fost invocată
    în ultima perioadă de organizaţiile unioniste, dar şi de unii politicieni, ca o
    soluţie la situaţia dificilă cu care se confruntă în prezent Republica Moldova.
    Un sondaj de opinie realizat, în vară, în România, arăta că aproape 68% dintre
    români susţin unirea cu Republica Moldova până în 2018, când se împlinesc 100
    de ani de la Marea Unire din 1918.

    Institutul Naţional pentru Studiul Totalitarismului organizează, în
    zilele de 10 şi 11 decembrie, conferinţa naţională cu tema Drepturile omului
    în regimurile comuniste: între propagandă şi adevăr istoric. Conferinţa se
    adresează cercetătorilor, cadrelor universitare, doctoranzilor şi masteranzilor
    care pot aduce contribuţii semnificative la analiza acestui fenomen istoric.

    Serviciul Român de Informaţii anunţă că cetăţenii care au suspiciuni cu privire la posibile atacuri
    teroriste pot semnala acest lucru la numărul de telefon Telverde 0800.800 100,
    identitatea apelantului fiind protejată. Potrivit sursei citate, SRI le
    recomandă cetăţenilor să sune atunci când observă situaţii sau persoane care pot
    genera riscuri teroriste.