The president of Romania Klaus Iohannis Tuesday night spoke publicly in favour of the new SarsCov2 containment measures imposed by the government. After an assessment meeting held with the PM, cabinet members and healthcare experts, the head of state gave a press conference presenting arguments and explanations for the new restrictions.
These include compulsory face covering in all outdoor and indoor areas across the country, the switch to online classes, shops closing at 9pm at the latest, and a night curfew—with some exceptions.
Europe as a whole is facing a dramatic moment, Klaus Iohannis emphasised:
Klaus Iohannis: “The virus is obviously spreading at a fast rate, a lot more quickly than this spring. European countries which over the summer had low infection rates are now on the verge of a major healthcare crisis. Until we have an efficient vaccine, there is no other solution but to introduce strict containment measures. This is the only effective strategy and it is used by all the countries where the infection rate is surging. In its turn, Romania is in a very complicated situation, and the restrictions that came into force have one purpose only: to protect the people and reduce the huge pressure on the healthcare system. It is imperative that we avoid having hospitals overwhelmed, and that we give a chance to medical care to all patients, both COVID-19 patients or people suffering from other diseases.
Iohannis also touched on the controversial topic of the closing of indoor food markets, which he said is an adequate and temporary measure. He accused the Social Democrats in opposition of politicizing the issue, after they endorsed in Parliament, where they have a majority, a bill allowing these forms of trade to continue.
The Liberals in power described the Social Democrats bill as populist, but several MPs in opposition argued that food markets should have the same status as other indoor shopping facilities. In order to take effect, the bill must be signed into law by president Iohannis.
At the same press conference, Iohannis reiterated that Romania, as an EU member state, will benefit from a fair number of anti-COVID vaccine doses, when these become available, and that an immunisation strategy is already in place. He also explained that storage and distribution options for various types of vaccine have been analysed, and the institutions in charge with this have been identified.
In a first stage, the vaccine will be given to healthcare personnel and the citizens at the highest risk of developing severe forms of the disease. The fight against this pandemic is also a solidarity test, which we must pass, Klaus Iohannis concluded. (translated by: A.M. Popescu)