Tag: Maros

  • May 30, 2021 UPDATE

    May 30, 2021 UPDATE

    We need the competence of all Romanians to build a prosperous country so that
    all those who emigrated may come back home with joy, the country’s president
    Klaus Iohannis said on Sunday in a message conveyed on the occasion of the Day
    of the Romanians from all over the World, the country celebrates on the last
    Sunday of May. The head of the Romanian state thanked all the Romanians abroad for
    the responsibility and solidarity they showed with those who stayed at home. He
    recalled the difficult moments we had been through during the pandemic, which
    proved tough for both the Romanians abroad and their relatives at home. According
    to the president, since Romania benefits from European funds, which are to ease
    massive investment in all areas, the country is going to enter an ample process
    of development and reforms. The Day of the Romanians from All Over the World
    represents a moment in which we are considering the importance of keeping
    identity and national values every Romanian keeps in their heart, Foreign
    Minister Bogdan Aurescu has underlined in his message. According to him,
    strengthening the dialogue and the ties with members of the Romanian communities
    is the Foreign Ministry’s key priority together with the promotion of the
    historical and cultural heritage.

    GYMNASTICS According to the Romanian Gymnastics
    Federation, our athletes have walked away with gold from the group finals of
    the 16th edition of the World Aerobic Gymnastics Championship held in Baku, Azerbaijan. The victor team
    includes Gabriel Bocser, Teodora Cucu, Daniel Tavoc, David Gavrilovici and
    Mihai Alin Popa. At the present edition of the aforementioned competition,
    athletes from Romania have also reaped silver in the teams contest and bronze
    in the trio event. The teams ranking is based on the best results won in trio,
    mixed, aerobic dance and the men’s and women’s individual events.

    TENNIS Romanian tennis player Ana
    Bogdan on Sunday qualified for the second round of the tournament in Roland
    Garros, the year’s second Grand Slam after a two-set win 6-1, 6-3 against
    Italian Elisabetta Cocciaretto. In the competition’s second round Bogdan will
    be up against Naomi Osaka of Japan who on Sunday eliminated Romanian Patricia
    Tig, 6-4, 7-6. The other Romanians on the main draw in Paris are Sorana
    Cirstea, Mihaela Buzarnescu, Irina Begu and Irina Bara. Injuries have prevented
    Simona Halep, the world’s third tennis player and Roland Garros champion in
    2018 from attending this year’s edition of the prestigious French competition.

    PNL The national council of the
    National Liberal Party (PNL), Romania’s main ruling political force on Sunday
    decided to stage the party’s congress on 25th September and voted on
    the committee to stage the event. The participants also established the election
    procedures inside the party. Before the proceedings kick-off, the country’s
    incumbent Prime Minister Florin Citu announced his intention to run for the
    party’s presidency, underlying the party’s need for a new impetus. The party’s
    vice-president, Florin Citu pledged that PNL would stay in power for at least 8
    years and that together they would be changing Romania into a liberal country
    where all citizens were going to live happily. According to the incumbent PNL
    president Ludovic Orban, we are going to witness a beautiful presidential race,
    proving to the Romanians the Liberals are actually relying on strong human
    resources and are able to rule the country properly.

    COVID-19 The number of Covid-19 infections continues
    to go down in Romania. The entire Romanian territory including capital city
    Bucharest are in the so-called green zone with an infection rate below 1 per
    thousand. 158 new infections were reported on Sunday as well as 29 fatalities.
    443 people are in intensive care. Vaccine rollout has been stepped up in
    Romania with more than 76 thousand vaccinations in the past 24 hours. Marathon
    vaccination campaigns and drive-through centers were staged across Romania
    during the weekend, while mobile units went to crowded places in an attempt to
    make the vaccine available to as many people as possible. Since the vaccine
    rollout kicked off in December last year, more than 3 million people have been
    fully vaccinated in Romania. According to the authorities, over one million
    Pfizer doses are to arrive in Romania, this being the biggest quantity of
    vaccine Romania has received so far. This type of vaccine can be administered
    to children with ages between 12 and 15, after the European Medicines Agency
    has recommended it for this age bracket.

    VISIT The EU
    Vice-president for Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight Maros Sefcovic
    will be paying a visit to Romania on Monday, the European Commission
    Representation in Bucharest has announced. The EU high official is going to have
    talks with Romania’s Prime Minister Florin Citu, with Leonard Orban, the
    presidential adviser for European Affairs as well as with the presidents of the
    two Parliament Chambers, Anca Dragu and Ludovic Orban respectively. Sefcovic is
    expected to deliver a speech at the Atlantic-Black Sea Security Forum 2021
    hosted by the Aspen Romania Institute and will be attending the inauguration
    ceremony of the Euro-Atlantic Center for Resilience.


  • Sovata – der Kurort der sechs Salzseen

    Sovata – der Kurort der sechs Salzseen

    Sovata (ung. Szováta, dt. Sowata) ist sowohl für den Erholungs- als auch für den aktiven Tourismus zu empfehlen. Die Touristen können wandern oder Ski fahren. Hier gibt es zwei Skipisten: eine für Anfänger und die zweite mit mittlerem Schwierigkeitsgrad. Ein Abo für einen Tag kostet für Erwachsene 70 Lei (16 Euro) und für Kinder 35 Lei (8 Euro). Für den Skilift auf der Anfängerpiste muss man 2 Lei (0,50 Euro zahlen). Attila Demeter vom touristischen Informationszentrum Mieresch stellt uns die Vorteile der Ferien in Sovata vor:

    Sovata liegt im Landeskreis Mureş, 60 km weit von der Kreishauptstadt Târgu Mureş. Der Badeluftkurort ist seit 1884 bekannt und wurde 1956 zur Stadt. Hier befindet sich der einzige heliothermale Salzsee in Europa: der Bärensee. Sovata wird für die Behandlung der dermatologischen und gynäkologischen, der lokomotorischen, der Herzkrankheiten sowie für die Behandlung von Rheuma empfohlen. Die zwei Schipisten haben eine Länge von 1.100 m. Der Höhenunterschied beträgt 350 m.“

    Sovata kann in jeder Jahreszeit besucht werden. Die Touristen bevorzugen im Winter die Skipisten, während im Sommer die Attraktion de heliothermale See ist. An der Oberfläche des Salzwassers gibt es eine Schicht von frischem Wasser, das von den Niederschlägen stammt. Diese Schicht bleibt an der Oberfläche und wirkt wärmedämmend. Die Temperatur des Seewassers hängt von der Sonneneinstrahlung ab. Im Sommer kann sie 40 Grad Celsius erreichen. Der salzige Schlamm hat kurative Eigenschaften.

    Péter Ferenc, Bürgermeister der Stadt Sovata, spricht nun über die Stadtumgebung.

    Nicht weit entfernt von Sovata liegt das Salzbergwerk Praid, das für die Behandlung der Atemwegserkrankungen empfohlen wird. Die Entfernung von Sovata zu Cheile Bicazului (Bicaz-Klamm) und zu den Klöstern in der Moldau ist nicht sehr gro‎ß. In der Nähe des Badeluftkurortes befinden sich berühmte Städte wie die mittelalterliche Burg Sighişoara (Schässburg) und die Kreishauptstadt Târgu Mureş. Wir haben es geschafft, die gro‎ßen Infrastrukturinvestitionen zu finalisieren. Die Stra‎ßen und Gehsteige wurden neu gepflastert. Wir haben ebenfalls Blumen gepflanzt und das wurde sowohl von Rumänen als auch von ausländischen Gästen positiv wahrgenommen. Sie meinten, sie haben sich wohl gefühlt, so wie man sich in einem Kurort fühlen muss.“

    Man sagt, dass Sovata der schönste Badeluftkurort Siebenbürgens sei. Unterkunftsplätze gibt es ausreichend in Hotels oder Pensionen. Die Restaurants bieten traditionelle siebenbürgische Speisen. Sovata ist also auf jeden Fall einen Besuch wert.