Tag: Metan

  • Un nou regulament de reducere a emisiilor de metan în sectorul energetic european

    Metanul este al doilea mare contributor la schimbările climatice, după dioxidul de carbon, și totodată un poluant puternic. Este responsabil pentru aproximativ o treime din încălzirea climatică actuală.

    Regulamentul Uniunii Europene privind metanul pentru sectorul energetic a fost propus de Comisie în 2021 şi este prima legislație comunitară care reduce emisiile dăunătoare de metan în acest sector. Acest regulament este esențial pentru realizarea obiectivelor Pactului Verde European și pentru reducerea emisiilor noastre de gaze cu efect de seră cu cel puțin 55% până în anul 2030.

    Pentru ca acest regulament să intre în vigoare, este nevoie de adoptarea oficială, atât de către Parlamentul European, cât și de către Consiliu. Cele două instituţii şi-au dat deocamdată acordul provizoriu pentru acest document, un pas înainte, salutat de Comisie.

    Acest acord provizoriu vine cu doar câteva săptămâni înainte de conferinţa climatică a ONU COP28, în care UE își va continua angajamentul cu partenerii internaționali în ceea ce privește reducerea emisiilor de metan.

    Noua lege europeană va obliga toate companiile și operatorii care folosesc gaze, petrol şi cărbune să-şi verifice în permanenţă emisiile de metan şi să ia măsuri pentru a le reduce. Companiile vor trebui să măsoare în mod regulat nivelul emisiilor de metan şi să le raporteze autorităților competente. Vor fi obligate să-şi verifice în permanenţă echipamentele pentru a detecta și repara scurgerile.

    Pentru creșterea transparenței, va fi creată o bază de date prin care publicul va cunoaște toate emisiile de metan anunţate de importatorii și operatorii din Uniunea Europeană.

    Uniunea importă o mare parte din necesarul său de petrol, gaze şi cărbune. Noua lege privind metanul are prevederi şi pentru aceste importuri. Astfel, Comisia va stabili profiluri de performanță a metanului pe țări și companii exportatoare, astfel încât importatorii europeni de energie să îşi poată alege furnizorii în cunoştinţă de cauză. Va apărea și un instrument de monitorizare a emițătorilor de metan la nivel global, cu un mecanism de alertă rapidă în cazul unor scurgeri prea mari.

    Începând din ianuarie 2027, importurile energetice ale Uniunii Europene se vor putea face numai dacă exportatorii vor aplica aceleași obligații de monitorizare, raportare și verificare precum producătorii din Europa.

  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    On Saturday in Lisbon, Romania secured a dramatic 28-27 win against
    Portugal in the second leg of the Rugby Europe Championship. The Romanians
    managed to win in the last minutes of a game when they had been dominated all
    the time. Alexandru Savin scored the first try for the Romanian side in the 49th
    minute; Nicolas Onutu added a second in the 74th minute and Ovidiu
    Cojocaru scored a third on 79 minutes. Daniel Plai converted the last two tries
    while Florin Vlaicu converted three penalty shots on minutes 4, 21 and 34. The
    Romanian side is to play Spain in Bucharest next week.

    The 2021 and 2022 editions of Rugby Europe Championship are counting
    towards qualification for the World Cup due in France in 2023. Under the
    regulations, the first two sides in the ranking are directly qualified for the
    final tournament whereas the team on the third position will play a tie

    Let’s move on to handball now, as Romanian women’s side CSM Bucharest
    will be up against Russian side CSKA Moscow in the quarterfinals of the
    Champions League. CSM lost to SCM Ramnicu Valcea in Bucharest on Saturday 21-27
    but won on aggregate after a 33-24 victory in the first game. The Russians
    secured an aggregate win against Krim Mercator Ljubljana of Slovenia.

    In men’s competitions, the selection of Kosovo obtained an unexpected
    30-25 win against the Romanian national handball side in Group 8 of the second
    round of the European Championship preliminaries. Sweden ranks first in the
    group with 6 points out of three games followed by Romania and Kosovo with 3
    points out of 4 games. Montenegro comes 4th with 2 points out of 3
    games. The first two sides in each group as well as the four best sides on the
    third position are qualified for the final tournament.

    Last weekend saw the football games counting towards the 27th
    leg of Romania’s first league championship. On Friday in Medias, Universitatea
    Craiova clinched a 2-0 win against local side Gaz Metan. On Saturday, FC
    Voluntari secured a 1-0 away win against Academica Clinceni whereas the match
    pitching Hermannstadt against Viitorul Constanta ended in a goaless draw. FCSB
    obtained a 1-0 win against UTA Arad.

    On Sunday, Astra Giurgiu won 1-0 against Chindia Targoviste in Buzau
    while CFR Cluj obtained a 4-0 home win against Poli Iasi. Monday will see two
    games: FC Botosani versus Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe and Dinamo Bucharest versus FC
    Arges. FCSB and CFR are topping the table each with 60 points followed by
    Craiova seven points less.


  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    On Saturday in Lisbon, Romania secured a dramatic 28-27 win against
    Portugal in the second leg of the Rugby Europe Championship. The Romanians
    managed to win in the last minutes of a game when they had been dominated all
    the time. Alexandru Savin scored the first try for the Romanian side in the 49th
    minute; Nicolas Onutu added a second in the 74th minute and Ovidiu
    Cojocaru scored a third on 79 minutes. Daniel Plai converted the last two tries
    while Florin Vlaicu converted three penalty shots on minutes 4, 21 and 34. The
    Romanian side is to play Spain in Bucharest next week.

    The 2021 and 2022 editions of Rugby Europe Championship are counting
    towards qualification for the World Cup due in France in 2023. Under the
    regulations, the first two sides in the ranking are directly qualified for the
    final tournament whereas the team on the third position will play a tie

    Let’s move on to handball now, as Romanian women’s side CSM Bucharest
    will be up against Russian side CSKA Moscow in the quarterfinals of the
    Champions League. CSM lost to SCM Ramnicu Valcea in Bucharest on Saturday 21-27
    but won on aggregate after a 33-24 victory in the first game. The Russians
    secured an aggregate win against Krim Mercator Ljubljana of Slovenia.

    In men’s competitions, the selection of Kosovo obtained an unexpected
    30-25 win against the Romanian national handball side in Group 8 of the second
    round of the European Championship preliminaries. Sweden ranks first in the
    group with 6 points out of three games followed by Romania and Kosovo with 3
    points out of 4 games. Montenegro comes 4th with 2 points out of 3
    games. The first two sides in each group as well as the four best sides on the
    third position are qualified for the final tournament.

    Last weekend saw the football games counting towards the 27th
    leg of Romania’s first league championship. On Friday in Medias, Universitatea
    Craiova clinched a 2-0 win against local side Gaz Metan. On Saturday, FC
    Voluntari secured a 1-0 away win against Academica Clinceni whereas the match
    pitching Hermannstadt against Viitorul Constanta ended in a goaless draw. FCSB
    obtained a 1-0 win against UTA Arad.

    On Sunday, Astra Giurgiu won 1-0 against Chindia Targoviste in Buzau
    while CFR Cluj obtained a 4-0 home win against Poli Iasi. Monday will see two
    games: FC Botosani versus Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe and Dinamo Bucharest versus FC
    Arges. FCSB and CFR are topping the table each with 60 points followed by
    Craiova seven points less.


  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    Last week saw the matches of the Romanian Football Cup’s round of 16. On
    Tuesday, second leaguer Petrolul Ploiești clinched a 3-0 home win against Poli
    Iași. On Wednesday, Chindia Târgoviște defeated Farul Constanta 3-0 on the
    latter’s home turf. Another second leaguer, Universitatea Cluj secured a 2-1
    win against UTA Arad, while Dinamo Bucharest obtained a 1-0 victory against archrivals
    FCSB. On Thursday, Viitorul Pandurii Târgu Jiu, also from Romania’s second
    football league, defeated at home Gaz Metan Mediaș 1-0 while Astra Giurgiu obtained
    a 2-1 away victory against Politehnica Timișoara. Universitatea Craiova outperformed
    FC Botoșani 1-0 in an away game. Second leaguer Dunarea Calarasi has qualified
    for the quarters after the withdrawal of Turris – Oltul Turnu Magurele.

    This weekend will see a series of football games counting towards the 23rd
    leg of Romania’s first football league. Only one game on Friday when FC Arges
    is pitted against Viitorul Constanta. On Saturday, Chindia is up against UTA in
    Buftea, southern Romania, while Dinamo Bucharest, at home, will be playing
    Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe. On Sunday, Astra Giurgiu will be playing in Iasi,
    northern Romania, local side Poli. Universitatea Craiova will be up against
    Academica Clinceni while the city of Medias will be hosting the game opposing
    Hermannstadt and FCSB.

    Monday will see the leg’s last two games: FC Botosani versus Gaz Metan
    and CFR Cluj against FC Voluntari. FCSB ranks first in the standings with 48
    points followed by CFR with 47.

    Romania’s water polo side
    is in the Netherlands attending a qualifying tournament for Tokyo Olympics. Our
    team is part of the C group together with Croatia, Olympic champions in 2012
    and vice-champions in 2016, Germany, Russia the Netherlands and France. Romania
    will take on Croatia on Sunday in their first game. The quarterfinals have been
    scheduled for February 19th the semis a day later and the finals on
    21st February. The first three sides are qualified for the Olympic

    The Romanian women’s handball side CSM Bucharest will be playing French
    side Metz in the Champions League’ group A on Saturday. A day later in group B,
    SCM Râmnicu Vâlcea plays on their own ground another French side Brest
    Bretagne. These are the last games the Romanian sides will be playing in the
    group stage. Last week, the European Handball Federation amended the
    regulations allowing all the sides in the groups to qualify for the round of
    16. In the European League Dunărea Brăila will be up against Fleury Loiret of
    France. After four games Dunarea is ranking 3rd in their group.


  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    Last week saw the matches of the Romanian Football Cup’s round of 16. On
    Tuesday, second leaguer Petrolul Ploiești clinched a 3-0 home win against Poli
    Iași. On Wednesday, Chindia Târgoviște defeated Farul Constanta 3-0 on the
    latter’s home turf. Another second leaguer, Universitatea Cluj secured a 2-1
    win against UTA Arad, while Dinamo Bucharest obtained a 1-0 victory against archrivals
    FCSB. On Thursday, Viitorul Pandurii Târgu Jiu, also from Romania’s second
    football league, defeated at home Gaz Metan Mediaș 1-0 while Astra Giurgiu obtained
    a 2-1 away victory against Politehnica Timișoara. Universitatea Craiova outperformed
    FC Botoșani 1-0 in an away game. Second leaguer Dunarea Calarasi has qualified
    for the quarters after the withdrawal of Turris – Oltul Turnu Magurele.

    This weekend will see a series of football games counting towards the 23rd
    leg of Romania’s first football league. Only one game on Friday when FC Arges
    is pitted against Viitorul Constanta. On Saturday, Chindia is up against UTA in
    Buftea, southern Romania, while Dinamo Bucharest, at home, will be playing
    Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe. On Sunday, Astra Giurgiu will be playing in Iasi,
    northern Romania, local side Poli. Universitatea Craiova will be up against
    Academica Clinceni while the city of Medias will be hosting the game opposing
    Hermannstadt and FCSB.

    Monday will see the leg’s last two games: FC Botosani versus Gaz Metan
    and CFR Cluj against FC Voluntari. FCSB ranks first in the standings with 48
    points followed by CFR with 47.

    Romania’s water polo side
    is in the Netherlands attending a qualifying tournament for Tokyo Olympics. Our
    team is part of the C group together with Croatia, Olympic champions in 2012
    and vice-champions in 2016, Germany, Russia the Netherlands and France. Romania
    will take on Croatia on Sunday in their first game. The quarterfinals have been
    scheduled for February 19th the semis a day later and the finals on
    21st February. The first three sides are qualified for the Olympic

    The Romanian women’s handball side CSM Bucharest will be playing French
    side Metz in the Champions League’ group A on Saturday. A day later in group B,
    SCM Râmnicu Vâlcea plays on their own ground another French side Brest
    Bretagne. These are the last games the Romanian sides will be playing in the
    group stage. Last week, the European Handball Federation amended the
    regulations allowing all the sides in the groups to qualify for the round of
    16. In the European League Dunărea Brăila will be up against Fleury Loiret of
    France. After four games Dunarea is ranking 3rd in their group.


  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    Romanian tennis players Irina Begu and Simona Halep will be playing
    against each other in the second round of the Roland Garros tennis tournament.
    In the first round on Sunday, Begu secured a 6-4, 4-6, 6-3 win against Jil
    Teichman of Switzerland. Also on Sunday, Halep outperformed the Spanish
    challenger Sara Sorribes Tormo 6-4, 6-0. The two have so far met in
    competitions seven times and Halep has won every match.

    In the Champions League women’s competition, SCM Ramnicu Valcea has registered
    the third consecutive defeat. The team coached by Florentin Pera on Saturday was
    outperformed by CSKA Moscow 30-20 and are currently ranking last in Group B. In
    Group A, CSM Bucharest was supposed to play on Sunday against another Russian
    side, Rostov-Don but the match was postponed due to some cases of Covid-19
    infections in the Russian side.

    Romania’s delegation won 7 medals, five gold and two silver on Sunday at
    the European Rowing Junior Championship, held in Belgrade. Romania had 10 teams
    in the finals and occupied the first place in the nations standings. The gold
    medalists were the women’s and men’s pairs, the women’s and men’s fours and the
    women’s eight.

    Last weekend saw the games counting towards the fifth leg of Romania’s
    first football league. On Friday, Sepsi secured a 2-1 away win against FC
    Voluntari and so did Univestitatea Craiova against FC Arges. On Saturday,
    Academica Clinceni obtained a 2-0 home win against Gaz Metan Medias and
    Viitorul Constanta thrashed Astra Giurgiu 4-1. CFR versus Chindia Targoviste ended
    in a goaless draw in Cluj on Sunday. Dan Petrescu, the hosts’ coach spared some
    of his players for the game against Finish side Kuopio in Europa League on

    Universitatea Craiova ranks first in the standings with 15 points
    followed by CFR with 11.


  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    Romanian tennis players Irina Begu and Simona Halep will be playing
    against each other in the second round of the Roland Garros tennis tournament.
    In the first round on Sunday, Begu secured a 6-4, 4-6, 6-3 win against Jil
    Teichman of Switzerland. Also on Sunday, Halep outperformed the Spanish
    challenger Sara Sorribes Tormo 6-4, 6-0. The two have so far met in
    competitions seven times and Halep has won every match.

    In the Champions League women’s competition, SCM Ramnicu Valcea has registered
    the third consecutive defeat. The team coached by Florentin Pera on Saturday was
    outperformed by CSKA Moscow 30-20 and are currently ranking last in Group B. In
    Group A, CSM Bucharest was supposed to play on Sunday against another Russian
    side, Rostov-Don but the match was postponed due to some cases of Covid-19
    infections in the Russian side.

    Romania’s delegation won 7 medals, five gold and two silver on Sunday at
    the European Rowing Junior Championship, held in Belgrade. Romania had 10 teams
    in the finals and occupied the first place in the nations standings. The gold
    medalists were the women’s and men’s pairs, the women’s and men’s fours and the
    women’s eight.

    Last weekend saw the games counting towards the fifth leg of Romania’s
    first football league. On Friday, Sepsi secured a 2-1 away win against FC
    Voluntari and so did Univestitatea Craiova against FC Arges. On Saturday,
    Academica Clinceni obtained a 2-0 home win against Gaz Metan Medias and
    Viitorul Constanta thrashed Astra Giurgiu 4-1. CFR versus Chindia Targoviste ended
    in a goaless draw in Cluj on Sunday. Dan Petrescu, the hosts’ coach spared some
    of his players for the game against Finish side Kuopio in Europa League on

    Universitatea Craiova ranks first in the standings with 15 points
    followed by CFR with 11.


  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    The women handball sides, which are
    representing Romania in the Champions League, started off on the right foot. On
    Friday in group C, Romania’s champions SCM Ramnicu Valcea secured a 34-27 home
    win against German side Bietigheim. In the same group on Saturday, French side
    Brest Bretagne obtained a 35-32 away win against Buducnost Podgorica.

    The Romanians will be playing Brest
    on Saturday. On Sunday in group B, CSM Bucharest defeated Danish side Esbjerg
    24-22 in an away game while the group’s favourite, Russian side Rostov-Don,
    outperformed Polish side Perla Lublin 31-21 in a home match. The Russians will
    come to Bucharest on Friday to take on the local side CSM.

    Unfortunately Romanian athletes
    walked away with no medal from the World Athletics Championships held in Qatar.
    Alin Firfirica obtained the best result for the Romanian delegation, a fourth
    place in the discus throw event, while Alina Rotaru came sixth in the long jump

    The Romanian women’s gymnastics
    team ranked 22nd at the World Artistic Gymnastic Championship held in
    Stuttgart, and have thus failed to qualify for the Olympic Games in Tokyo next
    year. This would be the second edition of the Olympics the Romanians aren’t attending
    after the one in Rio in 2016. Maria Holbura is the only Romanian who has won
    her plane tickets to Japan following the results she obtained in the individual
    all-round event.

    Last weekend saw the games of the
    12th leg of the first Romanian football league. Friday saw two
    games, FC Botosani versus Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe and Universitatea Craiova
    versus Poli Iasi. Both games ended in a one-all draw.

    On Saturday, Gaz Metan Medias
    secured a 2-1 home win against Academica Clinceni, while the derby in Bucharest
    opposing the two archrivals FCSB and Dinamo Bucharest ended in a draw, one-all.
    On their own turf, in southern Romania, FC Viitorul secured a 3-1 win against
    CFR Cluj.

    (translated by bill)

  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    The women handball sides, which are
    representing Romania in the Champions League, started off on the right foot. On
    Friday in group C, Romania’s champions SCM Ramnicu Valcea secured a 34-27 home
    win against German side Bietigheim. In the same group on Saturday, French side
    Brest Bretagne obtained a 35-32 away win against Buducnost Podgorica.

    The Romanians will be playing Brest
    on Saturday. On Sunday in group B, CSM Bucharest defeated Danish side Esbjerg
    24-22 in an away game while the group’s favourite, Russian side Rostov-Don,
    outperformed Polish side Perla Lublin 31-21 in a home match. The Russians will
    come to Bucharest on Friday to take on the local side CSM.

    Unfortunately Romanian athletes
    walked away with no medal from the World Athletics Championships held in Qatar.
    Alin Firfirica obtained the best result for the Romanian delegation, a fourth
    place in the discus throw event, while Alina Rotaru came sixth in the long jump

    The Romanian women’s gymnastics
    team ranked 22nd at the World Artistic Gymnastic Championship held in
    Stuttgart, and have thus failed to qualify for the Olympic Games in Tokyo next
    year. This would be the second edition of the Olympics the Romanians aren’t attending
    after the one in Rio in 2016. Maria Holbura is the only Romanian who has won
    her plane tickets to Japan following the results she obtained in the individual
    all-round event.

    Last weekend saw the games of the
    12th leg of the first Romanian football league. Friday saw two
    games, FC Botosani versus Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe and Universitatea Craiova
    versus Poli Iasi. Both games ended in a one-all draw.

    On Saturday, Gaz Metan Medias
    secured a 2-1 home win against Academica Clinceni, while the derby in Bucharest
    opposing the two archrivals FCSB and Dinamo Bucharest ended in a draw, one-all.
    On their own turf, in southern Romania, FC Viitorul secured a 3-1 win against
    CFR Cluj.

    (translated by bill)

  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    Romanian handball side Dinamo
    Bucharest ended in a 28-all draw the away game they played against Swiss
    challenger Kadetten Schaffhausen in the Champions League’s group D. The game
    was balanced and the score was 15-14 to Dinamo before the break.

    The Swiss made a comeback and got
    the upper-hand in the second half of the game, which it maintained right until
    the end, when Tunisian Amine Bannour leveled the points for the Romanian
    champions. Dinamo’s most efficient player was Croatian Ante Kuduz with six
    goals scored. Dinamo will be up against IKK Kristianstad on September 18th
    in Bucharest.

    On Thursday in Montpellier,
    Romania’s volleyball side came a cropper against France 3-0 in the European
    Championship’s group A. France, the European champions in 2015 needed only 64
    minutes to thrash the Romanian side. With 12 points scored, Robert Adrian
    Aciobanitei was the best player of the Romanian side who made its comeback to
    the competition after 24 years. In the other games of the group Bulgaria
    defeated Greece 3-0, while Italy secured also a 3-0 win against Portugal.

    Football now. This weekend will be
    seeing the matches counting towards the 9th leg of Romania’s first
    football league. Two games are scheduled for Friday when Academica Clinceni
    takes on Astra Giurgiu, and CFR Cluj is up against FC Voluntari.

    On Saturday in Ploiesti, Chindia
    Targoviste plays Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe, while in Bucharest local side Dinamo
    plays FC Botosani. On Sunday Poli Iasi takes on FC Hermannstadt, while
    Universitatea Craiova is up against FCSB. On Monday Viitorul Constanta is up
    against Gaz Metan Medias. FC Botosani tops the table with 18 points followed by
    CFR Cluj with 17.

    (translated by bill)

  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    Romanian handball side Dinamo
    Bucharest ended in a 28-all draw the away game they played against Swiss
    challenger Kadetten Schaffhausen in the Champions League’s group D. The game
    was balanced and the score was 15-14 to Dinamo before the break.

    The Swiss made a comeback and got
    the upper-hand in the second half of the game, which it maintained right until
    the end, when Tunisian Amine Bannour leveled the points for the Romanian
    champions. Dinamo’s most efficient player was Croatian Ante Kuduz with six
    goals scored. Dinamo will be up against IKK Kristianstad on September 18th
    in Bucharest.

    On Thursday in Montpellier,
    Romania’s volleyball side came a cropper against France 3-0 in the European
    Championship’s group A. France, the European champions in 2015 needed only 64
    minutes to thrash the Romanian side. With 12 points scored, Robert Adrian
    Aciobanitei was the best player of the Romanian side who made its comeback to
    the competition after 24 years. In the other games of the group Bulgaria
    defeated Greece 3-0, while Italy secured also a 3-0 win against Portugal.

    Football now. This weekend will be
    seeing the matches counting towards the 9th leg of Romania’s first
    football league. Two games are scheduled for Friday when Academica Clinceni
    takes on Astra Giurgiu, and CFR Cluj is up against FC Voluntari.

    On Saturday in Ploiesti, Chindia
    Targoviste plays Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe, while in Bucharest local side Dinamo
    plays FC Botosani. On Sunday Poli Iasi takes on FC Hermannstadt, while
    Universitatea Craiova is up against FCSB. On Monday Viitorul Constanta is up
    against Gaz Metan Medias. FC Botosani tops the table with 18 points followed by
    CFR Cluj with 17.

    (translated by bill)