Tag: Mioveni

  • Producție record de autovehicule

    Producție record de autovehicule

    Anul trecut, România a înregistrat o creştere record a producţiei de vehicule, depăşind cu peste 4% numărul total de maşini din 2019. Adrian Sandu, secretarul general al Asociaţiei Constructorilor de Automobile din România, este de părere că această creştere a fost posibilă datorită eforturilor celor două uzine, Dacia şi Ford. Producătorul român de automobile Dacia a fost înființat la jumătatea anilor ’60, în urma unui acord de cooperare cu constructorul francez Renault, care, în 1999, a preluat 51% din acțiuni. La rândul său, Ford România este un producător cu sediul la Craiova, subsidiar al companiei americane. Adrian Sandu consideră că acest record a venit și în urma soluțiilor găsite la criza componentelor electronice.

    Atât echipele de la Dacia, cât şi echipele de la Ford au făcut tot posibilul să asigure un flux optim de aprovizionare cu componente, astfel încât, pe fondul unei cereri consistente, avem această creştere a producţiei, înregistrând, astfel, în 2023, un nou record de producţie de vehicule în România, circa 513.000 unităţi. Noi sperăm ca acest an 2024 să reprezinte un nou an de creştere pentru producţia de vehicule în România, să atingem un nou record, dar depinde de factorul aprovizionare, depinde şi de menţinerea unei cereri constante sau chiar în creştere pentru produsele fabricate în România pe pieţele unde acestea se desfac, în Vestul Europei şi nu numaiˮ.

    Pe de altă parte, înmatriculările de autoturisme noi, în România, au crescut cu 11,6% în 2023 faţă de anul anterior, marjă în care autoturismele electrificateˮ au înregistrat un salt de peste 25%, până la o cotă de piaţă de circa 24%, arată datele Direcţiei Regim Permise de Conducere şi Înmatriculare a Autovehiculelor, prelucrate de Asociaţia Producătorilor şi Importatorilor de Automobile. Potrivit statisticii, pe piaţa naţională, în topul primelor zece mărci de autoturisme şi autovehicule comerciale, în 2023, pe primul loc se află Dacia, cu mai mult de 46 000 de unităţi, urmată de Renault, cu peste 15.000. În 2023, în clasamentul primelor cinci cele mai vândute autoturisme 100% electrice pe primul loc se află Dacia Spring – cu aproape 6900 de unităţi.

    De menționat faptul că, în Europa, anul trecut, vânzările de autoturisme Dacia au înregistrat un avans de circa 17%, iar cota de piaţă a producătorului de automobile a urcat la 4,3%, de la 4,2% în 2022, arată datele publicate joi de Asociaţia Constructorilor Europeni de Automobile. Aceste cifre sunt valabile pentru statele din Uniunea Europeană, Marea Britanie şi ţările din Asociaţia Europeană a Liberului Schimb (EFTA), respectiv Islanda, Liechtenstein, Norvegia şi Elveţia

  • RRI Sports Club

    RRI Sports Club

    All Romanian football sides but one are currently
    on holiday. The country’s national eleven is presently training for the
    upcoming matches in the preliminaries of EURO 2024. The domestic season is over
    now with Farul Constanta as champions. We recall the club is owned by the man
    who has been considered the best Romanian footballer ever Gheorghe Hagi, who is
    also the team’s headcoach.

    It has been an extraordinary year for Farul,
    which topped the national championship from the beginning to end. Farul’s main
    challenger proved to be the Bucharest legend FCSB, formerly known as Steaua, but
    the last head-to-head game went to Farul 3-2, which eventually reaped the trophy.

    Farul will be next playing in the Champions
    League’s preliminaries, while the runner up FCSB, CFR Cluj, the side on the
    third place, and Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe, winner of Romania’s Cup are going into
    qualifiers for the Conference League.

    Tie matches were played for the position
    currently occupied by CFR. FCU Craiova first took on FC Voluntari, which they
    defeat in the penalty shootout and were eventually up against CFR Cluj in a
    decisive game for Conference League. CFR eventually secured a 1-0 win the in
    the injury time.

    Politehnica Iaşi, Oţelul Galaţi and Dinamo
    Bucureşti have joined Romania’s first football league this season. Dinamo
    Bucharest played two tie matches against FC Arges. Dinamo won the first match
    6-1 and lost their second 2-4. The other game for a place in the first football
    division pitched UTA Arad against Gloria Buzau. UTA won on aggregate after a
    goaless draw in the first match and 5-1 win in the second. CS Mioveni, Chindia
    Târgovişte and FC Argeş have been demoted to the second football league.

    In their qualifying matches for EURO 2024, our
    footballers will first take on Kosovo in Pristina, on June 16, then fly to
    Lucerne in Switzerland for a game against the local representative three days
    later. After the victories in March against Andorra and Belarus our footballers
    are ranking second in Group One with the same number of points as Switzerland.


  • RRI Sports Club

    RRI Sports Club

    All Romanian football sides but one are currently
    on holiday. The country’s national eleven is presently training for the
    upcoming matches in the preliminaries of EURO 2024. The domestic season is over
    now with Farul Constanta as champions. We recall the club is owned by the man
    who has been considered the best Romanian footballer ever Gheorghe Hagi, who is
    also the team’s headcoach.

    It has been an extraordinary year for Farul,
    which topped the national championship from the beginning to end. Farul’s main
    challenger proved to be the Bucharest legend FCSB, formerly known as Steaua, but
    the last head-to-head game went to Farul 3-2, which eventually reaped the trophy.

    Farul will be next playing in the Champions
    League’s preliminaries, while the runner up FCSB, CFR Cluj, the side on the
    third place, and Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe, winner of Romania’s Cup are going into
    qualifiers for the Conference League.

    Tie matches were played for the position
    currently occupied by CFR. FCU Craiova first took on FC Voluntari, which they
    defeat in the penalty shootout and were eventually up against CFR Cluj in a
    decisive game for Conference League. CFR eventually secured a 1-0 win the in
    the injury time.

    Politehnica Iaşi, Oţelul Galaţi and Dinamo
    Bucureşti have joined Romania’s first football league this season. Dinamo
    Bucharest played two tie matches against FC Arges. Dinamo won the first match
    6-1 and lost their second 2-4. The other game for a place in the first football
    division pitched UTA Arad against Gloria Buzau. UTA won on aggregate after a
    goaless draw in the first match and 5-1 win in the second. CS Mioveni, Chindia
    Târgovişte and FC Argeş have been demoted to the second football league.

    In their qualifying matches for EURO 2024, our
    footballers will first take on Kosovo in Pristina, on June 16, then fly to
    Lucerne in Switzerland for a game against the local representative three days
    later. After the victories in March against Andorra and Belarus our footballers
    are ranking second in Group One with the same number of points as Switzerland.


  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    This weekend will be seeing the eighth leg of the Romanian Football Superleague. The race for the first position in the ranking involves Rapid Bucharest, which will be taking on Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe on Friday.

    The most important games for winning the championship and for qualification in the European Cups will take place on Saturday and Sunday. At the top of the table Farul Constanta goes to Craiova to play local side Universitatea, a team ranking fourth, which is hankering for a place in preliminaries of the European competition Conference League. A wrong step taken by Farul at this point is tantamount to failure as only three points are separating them from the runner-up FCSB they are going to meet in Ovidiu on 21st May. FCSB will be up against CFR Cluj, the champions of the past years in Bucharest on Sunday. CFR is presently ranking third and stands slim chances of winning the sixth consecutive title.

    On Friday FC Voluntari plays FC Botoşani while on Saturday, Petrolul Ploieşti, plays on their own turf Hermannstadt. Universitatea Cluj will be up against Chindia Târgovişte, and if they win they will diminish Chindias chances to remain in the Superleague. On Sunday, CS Mioveni, which has already demoted will be playing on their own turf UTA Arad with the same number of points as Chindia and also striving to avoid demotion. Another match in the hot area at the bottom of the table is pitching FC Arges against FCU Craiova, Arges is also making desperate efforts to remain in the first Romanian football league.


  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    This weekend will be seeing the eighth leg of the Romanian Football Superleague. The race for the first position in the ranking involves Rapid Bucharest, which will be taking on Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe on Friday.

    The most important games for winning the championship and for qualification in the European Cups will take place on Saturday and Sunday. At the top of the table Farul Constanta goes to Craiova to play local side Universitatea, a team ranking fourth, which is hankering for a place in preliminaries of the European competition Conference League. A wrong step taken by Farul at this point is tantamount to failure as only three points are separating them from the runner-up FCSB they are going to meet in Ovidiu on 21st May. FCSB will be up against CFR Cluj, the champions of the past years in Bucharest on Sunday. CFR is presently ranking third and stands slim chances of winning the sixth consecutive title.

    On Friday FC Voluntari plays FC Botoşani while on Saturday, Petrolul Ploieşti, plays on their own turf Hermannstadt. Universitatea Cluj will be up against Chindia Târgovişte, and if they win they will diminish Chindias chances to remain in the Superleague. On Sunday, CS Mioveni, which has already demoted will be playing on their own turf UTA Arad with the same number of points as Chindia and also striving to avoid demotion. Another match in the hot area at the bottom of the table is pitching FC Arges against FCU Craiova, Arges is also making desperate efforts to remain in the first Romanian football league.


  • Sports Club

    Sports Club

    The Romanian football championship
    resumes at the end of this week with the matches of its 22nd leg. The
    regular football season in Romania includes 30 legs and according to the
    Professional Football League is due to end on March 11th. It will be
    followed by the play-off and play-out stages. The play-off stage involves the
    participation of the first six sides in the ranking and includes 10 legs. The
    sides from the 7th to the 16th position will be playing
    in the play-out stage which has 9 legs.

    The side on the 1st
    position in the play-off stage is qualified for the Champions League’s
    preliminaries whereas the second one will be playing in the preliminaries of
    the Europa Conference League.

    Three sides will be vying for the
    second place in the Conference League. These are the first two elevens in the
    play-out stage and the winner will be playing the side on the third position in
    the play-off. The winner of Romania’s Football Cup will be also playing in the
    Conference League. The football sides to demote to the second domestic league
    will also be from the play-offs section of the football championships. The
    sides on the 9th and 10th positions will automatically demote
    whereas the teams ranking 7th and 8th will be playing tie
    matches against the second leaguers ranking third and fourth.

    Farul Constanța is presently
    topping the table with 45 points followed by the en-titre champions, CFR Cluj with
    a point less. FCSB, Rapid Bucharest and Universitatea Craiova come next, each with
    38 points. The sixth side in the competition’s play-off stage is Sepsi Sfântu
    Gheorghe with 32 points.

    The 22nd leg of the domestic
    football championship kicks off on Friday with two games: Universitatea Cluj versus
    FC Voluntari and Rapid against Sepsi. On Saturday, Petrolul Ploiești plays the
    local side of Mioveni, while Universitatea Craiova is up against FC Botoșani on
    the latter’s home turf. On Sunday, FC U Craiova is taking on UTA Arad in a home
    match, while in Sibiu, local side FC Hermannstadt plays FCSB. The leg ends on
    Monday when in Ploiesti, southern Romania, Chindia Târgoviște plays FC Argeș, while
    Ovidiu, on the Black Sea coast, will see the leg’s most important match
    pitching Farul Constanța against CFR Cluj.


  • Sports Club

    Sports Club

    The Romanian football championship
    resumes at the end of this week with the matches of its 22nd leg. The
    regular football season in Romania includes 30 legs and according to the
    Professional Football League is due to end on March 11th. It will be
    followed by the play-off and play-out stages. The play-off stage involves the
    participation of the first six sides in the ranking and includes 10 legs. The
    sides from the 7th to the 16th position will be playing
    in the play-out stage which has 9 legs.

    The side on the 1st
    position in the play-off stage is qualified for the Champions League’s
    preliminaries whereas the second one will be playing in the preliminaries of
    the Europa Conference League.

    Three sides will be vying for the
    second place in the Conference League. These are the first two elevens in the
    play-out stage and the winner will be playing the side on the third position in
    the play-off. The winner of Romania’s Football Cup will be also playing in the
    Conference League. The football sides to demote to the second domestic league
    will also be from the play-offs section of the football championships. The
    sides on the 9th and 10th positions will automatically demote
    whereas the teams ranking 7th and 8th will be playing tie
    matches against the second leaguers ranking third and fourth.

    Farul Constanța is presently
    topping the table with 45 points followed by the en-titre champions, CFR Cluj with
    a point less. FCSB, Rapid Bucharest and Universitatea Craiova come next, each with
    38 points. The sixth side in the competition’s play-off stage is Sepsi Sfântu
    Gheorghe with 32 points.

    The 22nd leg of the domestic
    football championship kicks off on Friday with two games: Universitatea Cluj versus
    FC Voluntari and Rapid against Sepsi. On Saturday, Petrolul Ploiești plays the
    local side of Mioveni, while Universitatea Craiova is up against FC Botoșani on
    the latter’s home turf. On Sunday, FC U Craiova is taking on UTA Arad in a home
    match, while in Sibiu, local side FC Hermannstadt plays FCSB. The leg ends on
    Monday when in Ploiesti, southern Romania, Chindia Târgoviște plays FC Argeș, while
    Ovidiu, on the Black Sea coast, will see the leg’s most important match
    pitching Farul Constanța against CFR Cluj.


  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    Romanian athlete Gabriel Burtănete came fourth in the vault finals of the World Gymnastics Championships held in Liverpool. The Romanian lost the podium by a margin of two tenths but in the all round finals he qualified for he ranked only 23rd. The only Romanian female athlete to qualify for the individual all round, Ana Maria Barbosu, ranked 20th.

    The Romanian womens handball side lost their first game in the European Championships 28-29 to the Netherlands in Skopje, on Saturday. France had secured a 24-14 win against North Macedonia in the same group C. Two games are due on Monday when North Macedonia takes on the Netherlands while Romania will be up against France. The first three sides in the group will qualify for the competitions next stage.

    Romanias rugby selection secured a 30-23 win in a test-match against Chile in Bucharest on Saturday. Atila Septar, Marius Simionescu and Kamil Sobota scored tries for the Romanian side. Two were converted by Tudor Boldor and one by Vladut Popa. Boldor and Popa also converted three penalty shots. The match on Saturday was the first for the Romanian side in their autumn training campaign, which also includes home games against Uruguay on Sunday, November 13th, and Samoa six days later.

    Last weekend saw the matches counting towards the 17th leg of Romanias Football Superleague. On Friday FC Voluntari secured a one-nil win against Botosani while Farul Constanta on their own turf outperformed FC Mioveni 2-1. On Saturday, Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe trounced FC Arges on the latters own turf, 5-0. Petrolul obtained a 2-1 home win against UTA Arad and Universitatea Craiova clinched a 1-0 home win against Universitatea Cluj. On Sunday in Medias, Chindia Târgovişte obtained 1-0 win against Hermannstadt, while on the National Arena in Bucharest, FCSB managed a 3-1 win against Rapid. Farul ranks first in the standings with 40 points followed by Rapid Bucharest.


  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    Romanian athlete Gabriel Burtănete came fourth in the vault finals of the World Gymnastics Championships held in Liverpool. The Romanian lost the podium by a margin of two tenths but in the all round finals he qualified for he ranked only 23rd. The only Romanian female athlete to qualify for the individual all round, Ana Maria Barbosu, ranked 20th.

    The Romanian womens handball side lost their first game in the European Championships 28-29 to the Netherlands in Skopje, on Saturday. France had secured a 24-14 win against North Macedonia in the same group C. Two games are due on Monday when North Macedonia takes on the Netherlands while Romania will be up against France. The first three sides in the group will qualify for the competitions next stage.

    Romanias rugby selection secured a 30-23 win in a test-match against Chile in Bucharest on Saturday. Atila Septar, Marius Simionescu and Kamil Sobota scored tries for the Romanian side. Two were converted by Tudor Boldor and one by Vladut Popa. Boldor and Popa also converted three penalty shots. The match on Saturday was the first for the Romanian side in their autumn training campaign, which also includes home games against Uruguay on Sunday, November 13th, and Samoa six days later.

    Last weekend saw the matches counting towards the 17th leg of Romanias Football Superleague. On Friday FC Voluntari secured a one-nil win against Botosani while Farul Constanta on their own turf outperformed FC Mioveni 2-1. On Saturday, Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe trounced FC Arges on the latters own turf, 5-0. Petrolul obtained a 2-1 home win against UTA Arad and Universitatea Craiova clinched a 1-0 home win against Universitatea Cluj. On Sunday in Medias, Chindia Târgovişte obtained 1-0 win against Hermannstadt, while on the National Arena in Bucharest, FCSB managed a 3-1 win against Rapid. Farul ranks first in the standings with 40 points followed by Rapid Bucharest.


  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    Romanian tennis player Irina Begu on Sunday won the
    WTA 125 tournament in Bucharest, a competition with 115 thousand dollars in
    prize money. The Romanian obtained a two-set win 6-3, 6-3 against the Hungarian
    challenger Reka-Luca Jani. The second-seeded Romanian, who is 41st
    in the WTA ranking, obtained the victory in two hours. The Hungarian challenger
    put up a balanced show in both sets but the Romanian eventually won her second
    WTA tournament after the one in Palermo in July.

    Romania played Slovakia in an away Davis Cup
    competition this weekend. The hosts eventually obtained a 3-1 win in the World
    Group. The only Romanian win belonged to 19 year old player Nicholas David
    Ionel, 283rd in the ATP ranking. On Friday he secured a 6-7, 7-5, 6-4
    win against Norbert Gombos. The other games were won by Slovakia, which has
    thus qualified for the competition’s next stage.

    In the Champions League, Romanian women’s handball side
    CSM Bucharest secured a 33-26 away win against Brest-Bretagne of France. The
    most effective Romanian player was Elizabeth Omoregie with 6 goals scored.
    After two legs, German side Bietigheim ranks first in the group, followed by Vipers
    Kristiansand of Norway and CSM Bucharest each with four points. Our handballers
    will next be playing the German side in Bucharest on Sunday.

    In group B, in Bucharest, Romania’s champions Rapid
    ended in a 32-all draw their match against French champions Metz. Elisa
    Buceschi and Lorena Ostase proved to be the best Romanian scorers, each with five
    goals. Hungarian side Gyor tops the table with four points, followed by Metz
    and Rapid each with three. Rapid will be playing Kastamonu in Turkey on Sunday.

    Last weekend saw the matches of the 11th
    leg of Romania’s Football Superleague. On Friday, FC Voluntari secured a 1-0
    home win against FCU Craiova, while in Ploiesti, southern Romania, Farul
    Constanta obtained a 3-1 win against local side Petrolul. On Saturday,
    Hermanstadt defeated UTA, in Arad, western Romania, while in Sfantu Gheorghe,
    local side Sepsi trounced FC Botosani 7-0. Rapid, on their own turf, clinched a
    2-1 win against FC Mioveni. On Sunday in Medias, Universitatea Cluj outperformed
    Chindia Târgoviște 1-0, while in Craiova, southern Romania, local side Universitatea
    defeated FCSB 2-1. Farul and Rapid are topping the table each with 24 points,
    followed by Hermannstadt with 22.


  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    Romanian tennis player Irina Begu on Sunday won the
    WTA 125 tournament in Bucharest, a competition with 115 thousand dollars in
    prize money. The Romanian obtained a two-set win 6-3, 6-3 against the Hungarian
    challenger Reka-Luca Jani. The second-seeded Romanian, who is 41st
    in the WTA ranking, obtained the victory in two hours. The Hungarian challenger
    put up a balanced show in both sets but the Romanian eventually won her second
    WTA tournament after the one in Palermo in July.

    Romania played Slovakia in an away Davis Cup
    competition this weekend. The hosts eventually obtained a 3-1 win in the World
    Group. The only Romanian win belonged to 19 year old player Nicholas David
    Ionel, 283rd in the ATP ranking. On Friday he secured a 6-7, 7-5, 6-4
    win against Norbert Gombos. The other games were won by Slovakia, which has
    thus qualified for the competition’s next stage.

    In the Champions League, Romanian women’s handball side
    CSM Bucharest secured a 33-26 away win against Brest-Bretagne of France. The
    most effective Romanian player was Elizabeth Omoregie with 6 goals scored.
    After two legs, German side Bietigheim ranks first in the group, followed by Vipers
    Kristiansand of Norway and CSM Bucharest each with four points. Our handballers
    will next be playing the German side in Bucharest on Sunday.

    In group B, in Bucharest, Romania’s champions Rapid
    ended in a 32-all draw their match against French champions Metz. Elisa
    Buceschi and Lorena Ostase proved to be the best Romanian scorers, each with five
    goals. Hungarian side Gyor tops the table with four points, followed by Metz
    and Rapid each with three. Rapid will be playing Kastamonu in Turkey on Sunday.

    Last weekend saw the matches of the 11th
    leg of Romania’s Football Superleague. On Friday, FC Voluntari secured a 1-0
    home win against FCU Craiova, while in Ploiesti, southern Romania, Farul
    Constanta obtained a 3-1 win against local side Petrolul. On Saturday,
    Hermanstadt defeated UTA, in Arad, western Romania, while in Sfantu Gheorghe,
    local side Sepsi trounced FC Botosani 7-0. Rapid, on their own turf, clinched a
    2-1 win against FC Mioveni. On Sunday in Medias, Universitatea Cluj outperformed
    Chindia Târgoviște 1-0, while in Craiova, southern Romania, local side Universitatea
    defeated FCSB 2-1. Farul and Rapid are topping the table each with 24 points,
    followed by Hermannstadt with 22.


  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    At the European water polo championship held in Split, Croatia, the Romanian side played against Serbia for the ninth place in the ranking. Sadly Romania lost to Serbia 17-1 and occupied the tenth position out of the 15 participating sides.

    Last night in Group B of the Conference League, British side West Ham United secured a 3-1 win against FCSB. In the other groups match Anderlecht Brussels outperformed Danish side Silkeborg 1-0.

    In the group A of the preliminaries for the European Womens Volleyball Championship, on Sunday, Romanias national side will be taking on Israel in an away game. In the other game of the group, the Faeroe Island will be up against Croatia. Romania comes first in the ranking with 12 points followed by Croatia with 11, Israel with 7 and the Faeroes with no points.

    This weekend will be seeing the matches of the Champions League in womens handball. Romanian side CSM is part of group A together with Ljubljana, Ferencvaros, Odense, Kristiansand, Most, Bietigheim and Brest Bretagne. In their first home game on Sunday, CSM takes on Slovenian side Ljubljana. The second Romanian side in the competition, Rapid Bucharest has joined Group B, which also includes Esbjerg, Gyor, Metz, Buducnost, Storhamar, Lokomotiv Zagreb and Kastamonou. Rapids first away game will be against Croatian side Lokomotiv Zagreb.

    The rugby competition Europe Super Cup kicks off on Saturday. Romanian Wolves will be playing in the competition against Georgian sides Batumi and Black Lion and the Israelis from Tel Aviv Heat. The Romanian fifteen will be playing their first game against Tel Aviv Heat.

    In the 10th leg of Romanias First Football League, FC Botosani will be up against UTA Arad on Friday. Chindia Targoviste plays Sepsi Sf. Gheorghe on Saturday, when FC Hermannstadt is up against Petrolul Ploiești. FCU Craiova takes on Rapid Bucharest. Sunday will see the matches pitching Farul Constanța against FC Argeș and CFR Cluj against CSU Craiova. The leg ends on Monday when CS Mioveni plays Universitatea Cluj and FCSB meets FC Voluntari. Rapid ranks first in the first leagues standings followed by Farul with 18 points and Petrolul with 17.


  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    At the European water polo championship held in Split, Croatia, the Romanian side played against Serbia for the ninth place in the ranking. Sadly Romania lost to Serbia 17-1 and occupied the tenth position out of the 15 participating sides.

    Last night in Group B of the Conference League, British side West Ham United secured a 3-1 win against FCSB. In the other groups match Anderlecht Brussels outperformed Danish side Silkeborg 1-0.

    In the group A of the preliminaries for the European Womens Volleyball Championship, on Sunday, Romanias national side will be taking on Israel in an away game. In the other game of the group, the Faeroe Island will be up against Croatia. Romania comes first in the ranking with 12 points followed by Croatia with 11, Israel with 7 and the Faeroes with no points.

    This weekend will be seeing the matches of the Champions League in womens handball. Romanian side CSM is part of group A together with Ljubljana, Ferencvaros, Odense, Kristiansand, Most, Bietigheim and Brest Bretagne. In their first home game on Sunday, CSM takes on Slovenian side Ljubljana. The second Romanian side in the competition, Rapid Bucharest has joined Group B, which also includes Esbjerg, Gyor, Metz, Buducnost, Storhamar, Lokomotiv Zagreb and Kastamonou. Rapids first away game will be against Croatian side Lokomotiv Zagreb.

    The rugby competition Europe Super Cup kicks off on Saturday. Romanian Wolves will be playing in the competition against Georgian sides Batumi and Black Lion and the Israelis from Tel Aviv Heat. The Romanian fifteen will be playing their first game against Tel Aviv Heat.

    In the 10th leg of Romanias First Football League, FC Botosani will be up against UTA Arad on Friday. Chindia Targoviste plays Sepsi Sf. Gheorghe on Saturday, when FC Hermannstadt is up against Petrolul Ploiești. FCU Craiova takes on Rapid Bucharest. Sunday will see the matches pitching Farul Constanța against FC Argeș and CFR Cluj against CSU Craiova. The leg ends on Monday when CS Mioveni plays Universitatea Cluj and FCSB meets FC Voluntari. Rapid ranks first in the first leagues standings followed by Farul with 18 points and Petrolul with 17.


  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    Romanias water polo sides have qualified for the European Championships due in summer in Split, Croatia. Romanias women representative have ended on the second position of preliminary group A, whose games were hosted by Bucharest. Our players have won against Iceland, Slovakia and Ireland but conceded defeat to Germany. In mens competition our athletes won the qualifying group C held in Malta, after securing wins against the host country, Lithuania and Ireland.

    Womens handball side CSM Bucharest have ended in a 29-all draw their latest game against Danish side Esbjerg. Cristina Neagu has scored most goals for the Romanian, side 10. Ranking fifth in group A, CSM will be meeting CSKA Moscow in the play-offs for a place in the quarter finals. Romanian Florentin Pera is currently coaching the Russian side.

    Romania has two women sides in the quarter finals of the European League. Minaur Baia Mare, currently ranking second in Group B will be playing Norwegian side Sola, winner of group A. SCM Râmnicu Vâlcea second in Group D will be playing Group C winner, Danish side Herning Ikast.

    In mens competitions Minaur Baia Mare have qualified for the quarter finals of EHF European Cup, in spite of having lost 28-27 to Greek side PAOK Thessaloniki on Saturday. The Romanians have eventually won on aggregate as they secured a 32-21 home win.

    Last weekend saw the matches of the 27th leg of Romanias domestic football championship. On Friday, FCU Craiova and UTA Arad ended in a one-all draw their game, while Dinamo Bucharest secured a 4-0 win against Gaz Metan Medias. On Saturday, FC Voluntari obtained a 3-1 win against Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe, while the game pitching CS Mioveni against FCSB ended one-all. Chindia Targoviste and FC Botosani also drew their Sundays game one-all. In Cluj, western Romania, local side CFR managed a 2-1 win against Rapid Bucharest. CFR presently tops the table with 67 points followed by FCSB with 59.


  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    Romanias water polo sides have qualified for the European Championships due in summer in Split, Croatia. Romanias women representative have ended on the second position of preliminary group A, whose games were hosted by Bucharest. Our players have won against Iceland, Slovakia and Ireland but conceded defeat to Germany. In mens competition our athletes won the qualifying group C held in Malta, after securing wins against the host country, Lithuania and Ireland.

    Womens handball side CSM Bucharest have ended in a 29-all draw their latest game against Danish side Esbjerg. Cristina Neagu has scored most goals for the Romanian, side 10. Ranking fifth in group A, CSM will be meeting CSKA Moscow in the play-offs for a place in the quarter finals. Romanian Florentin Pera is currently coaching the Russian side.

    Romania has two women sides in the quarter finals of the European League. Minaur Baia Mare, currently ranking second in Group B will be playing Norwegian side Sola, winner of group A. SCM Râmnicu Vâlcea second in Group D will be playing Group C winner, Danish side Herning Ikast.

    In mens competitions Minaur Baia Mare have qualified for the quarter finals of EHF European Cup, in spite of having lost 28-27 to Greek side PAOK Thessaloniki on Saturday. The Romanians have eventually won on aggregate as they secured a 32-21 home win.

    Last weekend saw the matches of the 27th leg of Romanias domestic football championship. On Friday, FCU Craiova and UTA Arad ended in a one-all draw their game, while Dinamo Bucharest secured a 4-0 win against Gaz Metan Medias. On Saturday, FC Voluntari obtained a 3-1 win against Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe, while the game pitching CS Mioveni against FCSB ended one-all. Chindia Targoviste and FC Botosani also drew their Sundays game one-all. In Cluj, western Romania, local side CFR managed a 2-1 win against Rapid Bucharest. CFR presently tops the table with 67 points followed by FCSB with 59.
