Tag: Moldovita

  • The Golden Apples Cultural-Touristic Route

    The Golden Apples Cultural-Touristic Route

    The Cultural-touristic “Golden Apples” Route includes destinations such as Bukovina, the Danube Delta, Mărginimea Sibiului, Târgu Jiu and Oradea. All these travel destinations have got the Golden Apple Award from the World Federation of Travel Journalists and Writers (FIJET). Bukovina was the first to get the aforementioned award back in 1975 for the famous outdoor paintings of its churches. The award can be admired in the museum of the Moldoviţa Monastery.

    This travel route with award-winning destinations was also approved by the Ministry of Tourism in 2021, according to Laura Dragu Popescu from the Professional Travel Employers Association, Gorjul, the founder of the aforementioned route.

    Laura Dragu Popescu:” The purpose of having these routes approved was that of promoting and developing a travel product with a cultural component and showcasing a travel programme available to travel lovers in Romania. And it also showcases the travel destinations FIJET awarded in our country. There are 7 destinations awarded in the Golden Apples Route. Let’s start with Targu Jiu, which got its Apple Award in 2014. We continue with Oradea and Sibiu. Then we go to Moldoviţa, in Moldavia, which has on display the first Golden Award Romania received back in 1975. Next we go to the Danube Delta and we present to the public a series of destinations, which are worth seeing.”


    Out of the destinations proposed by this route, Laura Dragu Popescu with the Professional Travel Employers Association Gorjul, invites us to discover those from Romania’s western regions.

    Laura Dragu Popescu:” Târgu Jiu is probably one of the most beautiful cities in Romania. Its uniqueness is visible everywhere and the Brancusi Axis, created by the famous Romanian sculptor Constantin Brancusi attracts thousands of visitors monthly. After Târgu Jiu many tourists choose to travel to Timisoara and Oradea in order to visit the western part of Romania. Timișoara got the Golden Apple award last year, in 2023, while the city was European Capital of Culture. It is very close to Targu Jiu and a very visited spot by those who want to make the most of the city’s cultural, medical and sports potential, being at the same time, an attraction for young people, because Timișoara is a major university center.”

    In Timișoara one can visit the Museum of the 1989 Revolution, which has been enlarged and diversified after additional research was conducted into the anti-communist uprising in Romania more than 30 years ago.

    Furthermore, in Timisoara one can find a genuine melting pot, where various ethnic minorities have been living in peace for a very long period of time. So the cultural agenda is also very rich, you know. The city is also famous for its Christmas Fair, which begins in December and ends later in January as the Serbs, Germans and Romanians here celebrate Christmas on different dates.

    So, the Christmas Fair in Timișoara is the longest of its kind in Romania.

    Let’s now carry on our journey together with Laura Dragu Popescu, with the the Professional Travel Employers Association, Gorjul. Close to Timișoara, on the Golden Apples Route of course, there lies the city of Oradea, part of the historical region known as Crișana.

    Laura Dragu Popescu:” This is an interesting city from the touristic point of view. There are 89 Art Nouveau objectives, out of which 26 have been declared historical monuments. The city is 900 years old and from the viewpoint of a travel agency it’s a cultural and spa destination as Oradea is very close to the Felix Spa and another spa known as May 1st. In Oradea, tourists can admire the Church with a Moon, which has a little museum on its premises. They can visit the Citadel here, the Museum of the Criş Land, the Palace, the City Hall and also the Sion synagogue. One can spend here a four, five-day holiday without the fear of monotony. There is also an Aqua Park close to the center of this city and those interested in religious monuments can take a look at the St. Cross Monastery, which is very interesting. This axis Târgu Jiu-Timișoara-Oradea, is more than attractive for tourists, you know. It’s the western part of Romania, which is accessible from Bucharest by plane, bus or by train, which cover this distance on a daily basis. We thought this ‘Golden Apples Route’ as means of promotion out of a bigger collection our professional association is promoting, a collection with novel travel programmes. We consider it a part of beautiful Romania.”

    This Golden Apples route, a travel project promoted by the Professional Travel Employers Association, Gorjul is available for tourists the entire year, as Laura Dragu Popescu says.

    Laura Dragu Popescu:Prices for such a holiday package can start from 530 euro per person including transport and seven days bed and breakfast plus a guide or 670 Euros for accommodation and three meals per day. The group has to be of at least 15 people. We must also mention that the sums mentioned don’t cover tickets at various tourist objectives or other personal expenses such as souvenirs, photos etc.

    This programme, the “Golden Apples Route”, is being carried out through various travel agencies and groups smaller than 15 people can call the agency and can join other groups with a departure set by that agency.  

    In other words, the Golden Apples Route has been designed as a group travel programme. Visitors can travel by themselves, but the expenses will be higher this way though. According to the great Romanian historian, Nicolae Iorga: “Every place on earth has its own story but you’ll have to pay attention and listen carefully to it and you may understand it if you love it a little” So we invite you to discover the story of Romania’s Golden Apples.”

    The cultural route programme and of the cultural-touristic routes were created in 1987 by the Council of Europe, with the purpose of highlighting a common European heritage.

    So, travel authorities in Romania have created a voluntary system of acknowledging the Cultural Travel routes developed by travel agencies or local public authorities.

    You can find more information on the Golden Apples route or the destinations awarded by the World Federation of Travel Journalists and Writers on the webpage of the Romanian Ministry of Economy Entrepreneurship and Tourism.


  • Călător prin România 27.12.2021

    Călător prin România 27.12.2021

    La sfârșitul unui an greu pentru turismul românesc, ne oprim în câteva regiuni reprezentative pentru România și vorbim cu oameni care se dedică locurilor pe care le reprezintă. Astfel, în Bucovina, în Moldovița, la Muzeul Oului, vorbim cu Lucia Condrea, care poartă mai departe în timp tradițiile huțulilor. Chiar în mijlocul Bucureștiului, suntem primiți de Nicoleta Marin, coordonatoare de proiecte la Asociația Parcul Natural Văcărești. Iar, de aici, mergem la Hunedoara, unde ne așteaptă Radu Barb, șeful Direcției de administrare monumente și promovare turistică. Ne încheiem călătoria la Iași, alături de Anca Zota, coordonatoarea Centrului național de informare și promovare turistică. Rămâneți alături de noi pentru a afla cum a fost anul 2021, dar și care sunt proiectele în turism pentru 2022 și anii viitori.

  • Bucovina interbelică

    Bucovina interbelică

    Bucovina sau Țara pădurilor de fag este
    provincia din nordul României cu o istorie sinuoasă. În Evul Mediu, ea a făcut
    parte din Rusia kieveană, din Cnezatul Haliciului și din principatul Moldovei.
    Bucovina a fost nucleul din care s-a născut statul medieval Moldova, denumită și
    Țara de Sus, iar orașul Suceava prima sa capitală. Reședința celui mai longeviv
    principe moldovean, Ștefan cel Mare, din a doua jumătate a secolului al 15-lea,
    a fost la Suceava. În 1774, Bucovina a fost anexată de Austria, iar în 1918 s-a
    unit cu Regatul României. În iunie 1940, în urma a două ultimatumuri, Uniunea
    Sovietică a anexat Basarabia și Bucovina de Nord, eliberate în 1941. În 1944,
    Uniunea Sovietică a reanexat cele două teritorii, Bucovina de Nord fiind
    încorporată Ucrainei.

    Bucovina a fost și este o provincie
    multiculturală și multietnică. Au locuit și locuiesc în Bucovina români,
    ruteni, germani, polonezi, evrei, maghiari, romi și alții. Conform recensământului
    din 1910 realizat de autoritățile habsburgice, populația Bucovinei era 800.198
    locuitori dintre care 39% ruteni, 34% români, 13% evrei, 8% germani, 4,5%
    polonezi, 1,3% maghiari. În perioada interbelică, atunci când Bucovina era
    parte componentă a României Mari, respectarea drepturilor etnice din Bucovina a
    urmat standardele democratice cele mai înalte, iar nivelul de trai se afla la
    un nivel acceptabil. Diagnosticul este confirmat atât de statisticile
    economice, cât și de mărturii. Una dintre aceste mărturii, înregistrată în 1998
    de Centrul de Istorie Orală din Radiodifuziunea Română, aparține învățătorului Mihai
    Macsim, cadru didactic în satul Vatra Moldoviței.

    Satul respectiv este în zona subcarpatică a Obcinelor. Este
    o regiune foarte frumoasă, cu ţărani bine, gospodari de frunte, care în
    perioada respectivă dintre cele două războaie, în special la Moldoviţa şi Vatra
    Moldoviţei, erau de mai multe naţionalităţi. Dar relaţia dintre oamenii de
    diferite naţionalităţi şi religii era cât se poate de bună. Nu existau
    conflicte nici etnice nici religioase şi poate chiar nici politice. Oamenii,
    majoritatea, erau muncitori în pădure. Şi alţii erau gospodari acasă, va să
    zică erau bine înstăriţi.

    Oamenii locului, actori ai istoriei
    mici, s-au îndeletnicit cu ocupațiile tradiționale. Locuitori ai zonei montane,
    ei erau legați de pădure. Mihai Macsim a descris comunitatea în care a lucrat
    ca învățător. Ocupaţia de
    bază a oamenilor din Moldoviţa erau aceea de lucrători în pădure. Ei se chemau
    ţapinari. Adică munceau la fasonat lemne şi care apoi, mai departe, erau duse
    în fabrică. Cât priveşte relaţiile dintre intelectuali în special, la Moldoviţa
    erau foarte mulţi intelectuali, medici, doctori stomatologi, şefi de gară,
    ingineri, învăţători, profesori, preoţi şi alte categorii de intelectuali. Era
    un centru muncitoresc foarte dezvoltat. Era una din fabricile din fondul
    bisericesc la Moldoviţa care era în zona respectivă cotată ca cea mai bună
    fabrică. De foarte multe ori intelectualii se întâlneau ori la Primărie ori la
    sediul fabricii şi discutau diferite relaţii însă nu erau relaţii din acestea

    de prosperitate economică este foarte important în existența oamenilor. De
    aceea, nivelul de trai este un indicator despre cum funcționează o societate la
    un moment dat, din punct de vedere politic, social și cultural. Mihai Macsim a
    povestit cum trăia un învățător. Situaţia
    materială a unui învăţător din perioada dintre cele două războaie era relativ
    bună. De exemplu, învăţătorul suplinitor, care era pentru prima dată în
    învăţământ, avea un salariu de vreo mie şase sute de lei pe lună, dar gazda şi
    cele necesare pentru o lună de zile era de cam 800 de lei. Carevasăzică,
    jumătate din salariu îi rămânea pentru buzunar. Deci n-aş putea spune că a fost
    o perioadă în care învăţătorii au dus-o rău. Totuşi, raportat la alte categorii
    de funcţionari, ei au fost puţin cam neglijaţi în ceea ce priveşte salarizarea.
    Dar cum majoritatea învăţătorilor erau foarte modeşti, le ajungea. De exemplu,
    eu am fost Breaza și acolo aveam un salariu de 1600, cu 800 plăteam gazda,
    restul îmi rămâneau. Şi, majoritatea învăţătorilor, acei bani care rămâneau îi
    foloseau pentru cărţi. Să ştiţi că învăţătorii dintre cele două războaie aveau
    biblioteci foarte frumoase şi erau oameni care studiau foarte mult.

    ai notabilităților unei comune rurale, învățătorii erau oameni respectați. De
    altfel, pentru a compensa unele neajunsuri economice, comunitățile își protejau
    învățătorii. Mihai Macsim. Într-adevăr,
    în perioada aceea, învăţătorul şi directorul aveau o cotă parte de la fondul
    bisericesc privind lemnele. Apoi, dacă locuiai în şcoală fără chirie și şcoala
    avea nişte pământ, atunci pământul era arendat şi banii luaţi de pe arendă erau
    împărţiţi între toţi învăţătorii din comuna respectivă. Deci exista sprijin
    propriu-zis şi din partea autorităţilor, Şi învăţătorii de astăzi eu aş vrea să
    trăiască precum aceia din 1937, 1938, 1939 până în 1940. Aşa cum spune că au
    trăit, au trăit foarte bine. N-au fost neglijaţi decât într-o oarecare măsură
    că aşa erau timpurile.

    de a construi o imagine idilică, mărturiile care arată o societate democratică
    așezată sunt folositoare pentru a vedea cum, prin contrast, se degradează o
    societate în regimurile dictatoriale. Iar Bucovina a cunoscut din plin ambele
    dictaturi ale secolului 20, fascismul și comunismul. Istoria la nivel micro și
    cea la nivel macro nu se contrazic, ele sunt două părți complementare ale
    existenței umane.

  • Michel Minouflet (France) – Les monastères de Bucovine

    Michel Minouflet (France) – Les monastères de Bucovine

    Huit sont inscrits au Patrimoine de l’UNESCO : Voroneţ, Suceviţa, Moldoviţa, Arbore, Humor, Patrauti, Probota et le monastère de la ville de Suceava. Tous ces monastères datent du 15e ou du 16e siècle et ont été bâtis par des princes régnants qui ont marqué l’histoire de la principauté de Moldavie. Ils impressionnent par leurs fresques extérieures qui ont survécu au passage des siècles. Ces fresques les rendent uniques. Bien qu’elles soient d’inspiration byzantine, les peintures figurant sur les murs extérieurs de ces lieux de culte sont authentiques et représentent des scènes bibliques complètes. Dans une époque où très peu de gens pouvaient lire et écrire, ces fresques étaient censées expliquer aux fidèles, d’une manière très suggestive, la vision biblique.

    Les couleurs utilisées sont très harmonieuses, mais ce qui est très intéressant c’est que la composition de certains pigments reste inconnue à ce jour. C’est le cas du « bleu de Voronet », la couleur qui domine sur les murs du monastère de Voronet, qui date de 1488 et qui fut bâti sur l’ordre du prince moldave Stefan cel Mare (Etienne le Grand). Voronet est d’ailleurs le monastère le plus connu de Bucovine, grâce non seulement à sa couleur bleue, mais aussi pour la scène du Jugement dernier, qui est extrêmement intéressante et expressive.

    Bâti à la fin du 16e siècle, le monastère de Sucevita est attesté pour la première fois en 1583. Le rouge et le vert cru sont les couleurs qui dominent ses fresques extérieures. Vu que des centaines de scènes bibliques y sont représentés, à commencer par la Genèse jusqu’à l’Apocalypse, les murs de ce monastère sont une sorte de Bible illustrée. Certaines fresques se trouvant sur les murs de Sucevita, sont considérés comme de véritable chefs-d’œuvre de la peinture médiévale. D’un point de vue chronologique Sucevita est le dernier monastère médiéval de Bucovine, mais c’est aussi le plus grand.

    Et on ne saurait oublier non plus Moldovita, qui date de 1532. Vu qu’il est doté de murs et de tours de défense, il est en fait un monastère fortifié. Ses principales fresques présentent le siège de Constantinople, la couleur dominante étant le rouge – brun. Je m’arrête là avec la présentation des monastères de Bucovine, mais pas avant de réitérer le fait qu’ils sont un symbole de la Roumanie et un must pour tout visiteur, Roumain ou étranger.

  • Rural Tourism in Bukovina

    Rural Tourism in Bukovina

    The region is also a travel destination very popular with those interested in active tourism. In todays edition we invite you to rediscover this region as a summer destination and for this reason our first stop is going to be in Marginea to visit an ethnographic museum on the premises of a 100-year-old house. However, its not the age of the building, which is impressing, but the traditional costumes, textiles, necklaces and ceramics on display in this museum.

    Visitors here have the chance to admire various artifacts and even see these artisans at work. Corneliu Magopat is a potter who started learning this craft from his parents when he was 7.

    Corneliu Magopat: “We stand out among pottery centers because the colours we use here are special. These colours are natural free of oxides or other artificial ingredients and this makes us unique in Romania and Europe. This is the first tourist attraction here, then there is the environment as we are located in a region of breath-taking beauty. Tourists can visit our exhibitions and even buy some of the artifacts that we produce. They can have a look at our workshops and we can assist those who are curious to try their hand at pottery. Tourists feel great here.

    New and diversified travel packages have been added every year to the already rich offer promoting rural tourism in Bukovina. In essence, agritourism and wellness tourism in the countryside is all about a comeback to nature, organic food and a healthy lifestyle.

    Besides, it brings one closer to the Romanian village and its values. And if traditional artisans in Bukovina are famous worldwide for the artifacts they make by means of centuries-old techniques passed down from generation to generation, the regions churches and monasteries take pride of place for their history and interesting aspect. Catalina Velniciuc higher advisor with the Centre for Travel Information and Promotion in Suceava has more on these monuments.

    Catalina Velniciuc: “This is the first question tourists who are visiting this information center usually ask; ‘where are the painted monasteries, which have been mostly included in the UNESCO heritage list? These are the monasteries of Arbore, Patrauti, Probota, St. John the New in Suceava, Voronet, the Humor Monastery, Sucevita and Moldovita. So, we have eight UNESCO monasteries and all of them are extremely beautiful. All were built around the second half of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th century. They are different from one another through their indoor and outdoor paintings presenting various Biblical scenes.

    Although less visited than the famous Voronet, Putna or Moldovita, Probota is a must-see in Bukovina. One of the nuns here gives us a presentation of this 500-year old church.

    Nun: “Probota is the first painted church. It was erected around 1530 and was painted by a team of monks between 1530 and 1532. From an architectural point of view it observes the pattern of big medieval necropolis combining three styles, the gothic one, which is predominant, the renaissance and local style. In the 19th century, the church suffered a series of changes under the Greek administration. Exterior walls were being repainted, the windows of the narthex and the porch were refurbished and the interior walls were also repainted. Since 1864, after monasteries had been secularized, until the 1989 anti-communist revolution, it functioned as the church of the Probota village. It became a nun monastery after 1989 and in 1993 was included on the UNESCO heritage list for its architecture. Upon the restoration works, held under the UNESCO auspices, and mainly funded by the Romanian and Japanese governments, the churchs interior walls were washed to reveal the original paintings of 1532, which actually constituted a unique, exceptional iconographic programme, which prompted experts to declare it the best-preserved and most accurate church from a theological point of view. The church thoroughly complies with the liturgical standards and the artistic style of a Byzantine church and that brought it a UNESCO award for the value of its interior paintings in 2001. And if the outdoor paintings are no longer what they used to be because of the refurbishment works, its interior paintings remain unique.

    Those interested in spending an active and special holiday need to set out for the Dorna Land. Monica David, communication expert with the Tara Dornelor Association for Ecotourism has recently announced the region is about to become Romanias fifth ecotourism destination and the first of its kind in Bukovina. The aforementioned tourist association has issued ten travel packages including various outdoor activities such as mountain hiking, bicycle rides, easy rafting, skiing and horse riding.

    Monica David: “Tourists coming mainly from Poland, the Czech Republic, France and Germany have mostly opted for guided tours provided by the Visiting Centre of the Calimani National Park. The centre has managed to bring to the attention of our tourists the regions culture and nature. The centre hosts various exhibitions aimed at presenting the Calimani outcrop, Romanias youngest and highest volcanic mountain. There are also bird watching trips and film screenings as well as sessions featuring the parks wildlife and flora.

    As one can see, the region offers a series of varied and complex travel packages at affordable prices. For more information we invite you to access ‘taradornelor.ro.

  • Rumänisches Kloster Dragomirna mit dem europäischen Preis für Kulturerbe ausgezeichnet

    Rumänisches Kloster Dragomirna mit dem europäischen Preis für Kulturerbe ausgezeichnet

    Die Klöster Humor, Suceviţa, Moldoviţa, Voroneţ stehen auf der UNESCO-Welterbeliste und ziehen regelmä‎ßig Touristen aus aller Ecken der Welt nach Nordosten Rumäniens, in die Region Bukowina an. Nicht nur die beeindruckende Zahl der Klöster, sondern auch die ausgezeichnete Qualität der Innen-und Au‎ßenfresken, die aus dem Mittelalter stammen und heute noch sehr gut bewahrt werden stellen ein wahres Kulturerbe Rumäniens dar. Die Klöster werden in einzigartigen Farben bemalt, die sie in der ganzen Welt berühmt machen. Das Blau von Voroneţ” oder das Rot von Humor” werden von Fachleuten als einzigartig in der Welt bezeichnet.

    Das Kloster Dragomirna, das rund 15 Kilometer von der Stadt Suceava liegt, zählt zu den 2014 Gewinnern der Preise für Kulturerbe, die von der Europäischen Kommission und dem europäischen Verbund nichtstaatlicher Denkschutzorganisationen Europa Nostra”, geleitet vom berühmten Tenor Placido Domingo, verliehen werden. Das rumänische Kloster wurde für seine Fresken aus dem 17. Jahrhundert mit einem der begehrten Preise ausgezeichnet. Die 400 Jahre alten Fresken wurden jüngst von einem begeisterten Fachteam, gebildet aus Experten und Studenten aus verschiedenen Ländern restauriert. Die Jury wurde von dem hohen Professionalismus der Restauratoren beeindruckt, die die Arbeit sehr schnell durchführten.

    Der Präsident der Kulturbehörde Suceava, Aurel Buzincu mit Einzelheiten: Das Kloster Dragomirna war in den letzten Jahren zusammen mit den Klöstern Moldoviţa und Suceviţa Nutznie‎ßer eines EU-Finanzierungsprojektes. Viele Arbeiten, insbesondere wichtige Modernisierungsarbeiten wurden mit diesen Finanzmitteln durchgeführt. Die Malerei im Kirchenschiff wurde zudem gereinigt und restauriert, eine äu‎ßerst interessante Malerei die jetzt meiner Meinung nach sehr gut aussieht.

    Von den 160 nominierten Projekten aus 30 Ländern wurden 27 Gewinner in den vier Bereichen Erhaltung, Forschung, engagierter Einsatz sowie Bildung, Ausbildung und Bewusstseinsbildung ausgezeichnet. Die feierliche Verleihung findet am 5. Mai im Burgtheater in Wien unter der Schirmherrschaft des österreichischen Präsidenten Heinz Fischer statt. EU-Kommissarin für Bildung, Kultur, Mehrsprachigkeit und Jugend, Androulla Vassiliou und der berühmte Tenor und Europa-Nostra-Präsident Placido Domingo werden die Auszeichnungen gemeinsam überreichen. Sechs Gewinner werden mit einem mit 10.000 Euro dotierten Hauptpreis ausgezeichnet, au‎ßerdem wird ein Publikumspreis auf der Grundlage einer von Europa Nostra” organisierten Online-Abstimmung verliehen.

    “Das Kulturerbe Europas ist eine der wichtigsten Sachen die wir haben“, betont die Europäische Kommission. Durch das Programm Kultur“ wurden im Zeitraum 2007-2013 rund 40 Millionen Euro zur Kofinanzierung von Projekten zum Kulturerbe investiert. Das neue Programm für die Kultur-und Kreativbranche, Kreatives Europa”, das über ein Budget von knapp 1,5 Milliarden Euro für die kommenden sieben Jahre verfügt, bietet den grenzüberschreitenden Kooperationsprojekten bedeutende Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten.

  • Tourisme en Bucovine

    Tourisme en Bucovine

    Nous la découvrirons telle qu’elle se présente cet automne aux touristes: idéale pour les familles, pour ceux qui aiment les vacances actives et pour ceux qui préfèrent se recueillir.

    La région historique de Bucovine est très connue pour les trajets qui relient ces monastères anciens, figurant au patrimoine de l’UNESCO. Au-delà de ce côté « mystique », la Bucovine se distingue par ses beaux paysages, par l’architecture traditionnelle des maisons et par les traditions vivantes que ses villages ont conservées.

    La région se prête à merveille au tourisme culturel ou actif, à l’équitation, à la chasse, aux sports extrêmes ou à la cure — nous confirme Cătălin Nechifor, le président du Conseil départemental de Suceva :« En fonction des préférences de nos touristes, nous pouvons concevoir un trajet personnalisé pour un séjour de plusieurs jours. Pourtant, un élément doit figurer obligatoirement sur la carte de tout visiteur de passage en Bucovine : les monastères à fresques extérieures — avant tout, ceux qui figurent au Patrimoine de l’UNESCO : Voroneţ, Suceviţa, Moldoviţa — mais aussi d’autres monuments religieux reconnus au niveau mondial. Je proposerais ensuite aux touristes une randonnée dans les villages, pour mieux connaître notre culture et prendre contact avec les traditions. Je continuerais par les zones de montagne et leur nature généreuse. Nous avons de beaux massifs : Rarău, Giumalău et Călimani, faisant partie de la chaîne des Carpates Orientales. Et puis il y a les musées, situés, pour la plupart, dans la zone de plaine de la Bucovine. Par exemple, à Fălticeni on peut voir le Musée du sculpteur et peintre Ion Irimescu, comportant la seule collection d’auteur de Roumanie.

    Cătălin Nechifor, actuellement président du Conseil départemental de Suceava, a travaillé dans l’hôtellerie et il a eu l’occasion de connaître beaucoup de touristes — roumains et étrangers: « J’ai travaillé dans un hôtel et j’étais en contact direct avec les touristes. Evidemment, il y a 15 ans, c’était moins bien. De toute façon, la Bucovine vous récompense largement pour l’argent que vous dépensez pour la visiter. Il n’y a presque pas de touriste qui parte insatisfait de son séjour. Ceux qui travaillent dans le tourisme savent que la meilleure publicité, c’est le touriste qui la fait, donc on fait tout pour qu’il soit content. »

    Prochaine destination: Marginea, pour une visite au musée ethnographique ouvert dans une maison vieille de plus d’un siècle. Ce qui impressionne pourtant une fois à l’intérieur c’est la beauté des costumes traditionnels, des tissages, des bijoux et des objets en céramique. Une visite au musée vous donnera aussi la possibilité de faire la connaissance des maîtres artisans qui pourront vous offrir une petite démonstration. Parmi eux, le potier Corneliu Magopat. L’art de la poterie, il l’a appris à l’âge de sept ans de ses parents. « Je voudrais commencer par vous dire que c’est notamment l’utilisation des couleurs végétales qui rend unique notre centre de poterie. Nous, on ne se sert jamais de colorants pour obtenir la couleur et c’est pour cela qu’on fait figure à part aussi bien en Roumanie qu’en Europe. C’est d’ailleurs le principal aspect qui séduit nos touristes dont 40% viennent de l’étranger. Une fois sur place, ils peuvent visiter aussi bien la salle d’exposition que les ateliers ou la chambre des fours et acheter les produits préférés. Les gens qui franchissent notre seuil le font le plus souvent poussés par la curiosité. Certains d’entre eux souhaitent s’essayer à l’art de la poterie et donc, on leur explique, on les aide à fabriquer tout seuls des objets qu’ils peuvent garder par la suite. Ils s’y plaisent beaucoup et à la fin, ils nous promettent de revenir et de continuer leur travail ».

    Nous reprenons la route en direction de Vama, un petit village blotti entre les collines. C’est bien ici, dans une jolie maisonnette respirant un air d’antan, que se trouve la plus nombreuse collection d’œufs peints de Roumanie et une des plus importantes d’Europe. Le musée comporte des milliers d’œufs décorés exposés dans 22 vitrines. Passons le micro à Letitia Orsivschi. « C’est en représentant le pays et ma contrée natale à différents salons internationaux que j’ai réussi à ouvrir ce musée qui réunit plus de 3000 oeufs de 79 pays. Il s’agit de toute sorte de pays ayant une riche tradition dans la décoration des oeufs auxquels s’ajoutent bien sûr, les oeufs peints de Bucovine. Le musée vous invite à découvrir une évolution des techniques de décoration à travers les âges. En Bucovine, par exemple, les oeufs étaient décorés de motifs simples, en touches grossières représentant notamment des symboles de la terre à retrouver aussi sur les tapis ou les costumes traditionnels. Les couleurs utilisées sont toutes végétales, à base de plantes telles l’oignon ou la betterave ou encore à base de charbon ».

    La collection de Vama réunit des œufs de Bali, Chine, République Tchèque, Allemagne, du Vietnam, et même d’Australie. Et n’oubliez pas: chaque oeuf a son histoire.

    Il est temps de quitter l’univers rural pour gagner celui citadin et découvrir ensemble la plus riche collection d’auteur de Roumanie. Plus de 300 sculptures et un millier de croquis exposés au Musée d’art Ion Irimescu de Falticeni. Le directeur du musée, Gheorghe Dascalescu, nous fait une brève présentation du maître Ion Irimescu: « Irimescu figure parmi les grands sculpteurs roumains du XXème siècle, aux côtés de Paciurea et de Brancusi. Il a créé à Falticeni un véritable espace spirituel reconnu comme tel par une centaine de personnalités artistiques roumaines: écrivains, artistes plasticiens ou comédiens. Sa création est un mélange parfait entre classique et moderne et tire ses sources du classicisme grec. En plus, on ne saurait oublier le fait qu’Irimescu fut toujours branché aux grands courants artistiques de Paris, il a été ouvert aux nouveautés, tout en rejetant le mimétisme. Il est arrivé à une synthèse parfaite entre des éléments classiques et modernes qu’il a passés par le filtre de son talent et de son âme ».

    Chers amis, je pense que vous avez à présent suffisamment d’arguments en faveur de la Bucovine qui, espérons-le, figure déjà sur la liste de destinations de vos futures vacances.

    (Trad. : Ioana Stăncescu, Dominique)