Tag: multi-role fighter jets

  • Equipping the Romanian Armed Forces

    Equipping the Romanian Armed Forces

    As an essential part of NATO’s eastern flank, sharing a border several hundred kilometers long with Ukraine, a state currently affected by the pro-Russian rebellion, a country located close to the Middle East’s gunpowder keg, Romania is facing multiple security challenges. According to experts, thanks to the latest equipping programmes, real progress was made last year in restoring the army’s operational capabilities.

    Armed froces in Romania have received new armored personnel carriers, multi-role fighter jets and modernized helicopter gunships. An increased defence budget has also allowed the purchase of portable anti-tank missiles, 3-D mobile radar systems as well as multifunctional transport platforms. 764 Romanian soldiers have joined NATO missions, participating in 400 national and multi-national exercises. With more than 600 soldiers deployed to Afghanistan, 50 trainers and staff officers who will be training the local armed forces, Romania remains committed to fight against terrorism.

    Defence Minister Mihnea Motoc cautioned in early March that 2016 would be more difficult than last year due to increasing international unpredictability, which calls for rapid response reaction. The country’s Supreme Defense Council, which convened on Tuesday, agreed that increased budgetary allocations – a process that commenced three years ago and has gradually increased – would lead to lower to no limits currently imposed on national military capabilities.

    Through a political agreement involving all the political parties in Romania, the defence budget is due to reach a minimum of 2% of the GDP in 2017. In the following months, the Romanian armed forces will receive 12 multi-role F-16 fighters from Portugal to equip an air fleet stationed in Fetesti, southern Romania, thus meeting NATO standards for airpower. Components of the US anti-missile defense shield in Deveselu, aimed at the development of NATO architecture in the region, are to become operational this year as well.

    Domestic procurement programmes are complementary with NATO’s decision to strengthen its eastern flank, with a view to defending its central and east-European members from the Russian threat. For this region, the United States could allot under the European Reassurance Initiative, a budget four times bigger, of up to 3.4 billion dollars. Furthermore, an additional 5000 strong US contingent will be temporarily deployed to Romania, Bulgaria, Poland and the Baltic countries. According to Romanian diplomacy, Washington’s decisions are proof of the US commitment in Europe.