Tag: Nadia Murad

  • November 24, 2023 UPDATE

    November 24, 2023 UPDATE

    Immunity. MPs of the ruling Social-Democratic and Liberal parties announced they would vote to lift the immunity of former Liberal Prime Minister Florin Cîțu, so that anti-corruption prosecutors can launch criminal proceedings against him in an investigation into the purchase of anti-COVID vaccines during the pandemic. Former Health Ministers Vlad Voiculescu and Ioana Mihăilă, members of the Save Romania Union, are also accused of abuse of office, and president Klaus Iohannis needs to green-light the lifting of their immunity. Prosecutors say the three purchased more shots than necessary, causing a prejudice of 1 bln EUR. The three officials could have easily refused the millions of doses allotted to Romania by the EU, without our country having to pay penalties. The vaccines were purchased at a very difficult time during the pandemic, dominated by uncertainty regarding the evolution of the virus, the availability of mass-production of vaccines and the need for re-vaccination, Vlad Voiculescu explained. The former Health Minister blamed Florin Cîțu for taking the final decision, and in turn the former Liberal Prime Minister said every decision made during his mandate was in good faith and in compliance with the law.

    Gaza. The Romanian Foreign Ministry has announced that following the complex efforts of the Inter-institutional Crisis Cell, through the Romanian Embassy in Cairo and the Romanian Representative Office in Ramallah, 12 Romanian citizens and their family members, evacuated from the Gaza Strip, have been transported to Romania on board a flight operated by the national company Tarom. The Bucharest government approved, on Thursday, the normative act on the basis of which financial aid is granted to Romanian citizens evacuated from the Gaza Strip. The 249 people, Romanian citizens and their families, will receive, starting next month, financial aid for food, accommodation and other needs. For food, each person, alone or from a family, will receive the sum of 600 lei, the equivalent of 120 euros. Families with up to five members will receive another 2,000 lei (around 400 euros) for accommodation, and those with more than five members will receive 3,000 lei (600 euros) for accommodation. This financial aid will be granted for four months.

    Vehicles. The Romanian state offers the biggest subsidies in the European Union for the purchase of electric and hybrid cars, the state secretary in the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests, Bogdan Balanişcu, said on Friday. These are vouchers that can reach over 10,000 euros, for a Romanian citizen who wants to buy an electric car. It is a way to remove 250 thousand cars from the street and to stop the pollution that these old cars create, the official explained. According to the latest data sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, approximately 8,000 vehicles with zero CO2 emissions were registered in Romania in the first semester of 2023.

    Timisoara. The 2018 Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Nadia Murad, is the newest member of the academic community of Timișoara after being awarded the Doctor Honoris Causa title by the West University of the city of Timișoara, which is a European Capital of Culture in 2023. Nadia Murad is the first woman who had the strength and courage to condemn the atrocities committed by the Islamic State of Iraq. In 2014 she was sold by Daesh as a slave and lost her entire family. In her acceptance speech, Murad referred to the suffering of people abducted by ISIS and her efforts to improve the life of the Yazidi, a community she is a part of. Aged 30, Nadia Murad is the fifth Nobel Prize recipient to visit the city of Timișoara this year.

    Visit. The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, ended his ten-day tour of African states in Senegal on Thursday. He has stated that the visits marked the beginning of a new approach for Romania towards the African continent and explained that through this tour he put Romania back on the African radar. In the last stage of his travels, Iohannis was received in Dakar by his Senegalese counterpart, Macky Sall. The Romanian president said that the Bucharest administration is going to intensify collaboration with Senegal in areas such as emergency management, education, research and innovation, cyber security, digital infrastructure, agriculture and food safety. Criticized by the opposition in the country for his tour of Africa, Iohannis stated that neglecting the relationship with African states represented “a strategic error in Romanias foreign policy”, a mistake he decided to rectify. He mentioned that Romania has a new strategy for Africa, which specifically targets traditional partners, including Senegal.

    Chisinau. The Chisinau Parliament approved, on Friday, in the second reading, the legislative amendments regarding the application of international restrictive measures, recommended by the European Commission in the framework of the countrys EU accession negotiations. According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nicu Popescu, the Republic of Moldova has aligned itself with 4 of the 6 sanctions packages that target citizens or legal entities from the Russian Federation. He also stated that Chisinau officials, together with the support of partners, will continue to make efforts to limit attempts to destabilize the country. The Diplomacy in Moscow has denounced joining the sanctions and accused the Moldovan authorities of wanting to completely destroy bilateral relations. (MI)

  • Nachrichten 24.11.2023

    Nachrichten 24.11.2023

    Der rumänische Präsident Klaus Iohannis hat am Donnerstag im Senegal seine zehntägige Reise durch afrikanische Staaten beendet. Auf der letzten Etappe seiner Reise wurde Klaus Iohannis in Dakar von seinem senegalesischen Amtskollegen Macky Sall empfangen. Der rumänische Präsident sagte, dass die Verwaltung in Bukarest die Zusammenarbeit mit Senegal in Bereichen wie Notfallmanagement, Bildung, Forschung und Innovation, Cybersicherheit, digitale Infrastruktur, Landwirtschaft und Ernährungssicherheit intensivieren werde. Klaus Iohannis, der von der parlamentarischen Opposition in Rumänien für seine Afrikareise kritisiert wurde, erklärte, die Vernachlässigung der Beziehungen zu afrikanischen Staaten sei “ein strategischer Fehler der rumänischen Au‎ßenpolitik” gewesen, den er zu korrigieren beschlossen habe. Und er wies darauf hin, dass Rumänien eine neue Strategie für Afrika habe, die genau auf die traditionellen Partner, darunter Senegal, abziele.

    Die Regierung in Bukarest hat am Donnerstag das Gesetz über die Gewährung von finanzieller Unterstützung für rumänische Staatsangehörige verabschiedet, die aus dem Gazastreifen zurückgeführt werden. Demnach werden Rückkehrer ab Dezember vom rumänischen Staat Geld für Lebensmittel, Unterkunft und andere alltägliche Bedürfnisse erhalten. Konkret wird jede rückkehrende Person Anspruch auf 600 Lei (120 Euro) für Lebensmittel haben. Eine Familie mit 1 bis 5 Mitgliedern erhält au‎ßerdem 2.000 Lei (500 Euro) für Unterkunft und andere Ausgaben, während eine Familie mit mehr als 5 Mitgliedern 3.000 Lei (600 Euro) erhält. Unterdessen teilte das Au‎ßenministerium in Bukarest mit, dass am Freitag 12 weitere rumänische Staatsangehörige und ihre Familien aus Gaza evakuiert worden seien. Sie wurden an Bord eines Flugzeugs der nationalen Fluggesellschaft TAROM nach Rumänien gebracht.

    Der Waffenstillstand zwischen Israel und der Hamas im Gazastreifen ist am Freitagmorgen ab 7 Uhr Ortszeit in Kraft getreten. Am Nachmittag wurden 13 Geiseln freigelassen, wie die Nachrichtenagentur AFP berichtete. Katar, ein wichtiger Vermittler neben Ägypten und den USA, hatte am Mittwoch eine Einigung über einen viertägigen Waffenstillstand, der verlängert werden könnte, sowie den Austausch von 50 israelischen Geiseln in Gaza gegen 150 palästinensische Gefangene in israelischen Gefängnissen erzielt.

    Nadia Murad, Friedensnobelpreisträgerin 2018, ist nun Mitglied der akademischen Gemeinschaft von Timişoara, nachdem sie den Ehrendoktortitel der Westlichen Universität Timişoara erhalten hat. Nachdem sie 2014 vom Daesh in die Sklaverei verkauft wurde und fast ihre gesamte Familie verloren hatte, war Nadia Murad die erste Frau, die den Mut hatte, die vom Daesh im Irak begangenen Gräueltaten zu enthüllen. Sie sprach in Timişoara nicht nur über das Leid der vom Islamischen Staat entführten Menschen, sondern auch darüber, wie sie versucht, das Leben der Gemeinschaft der Yazid, der sie angehört, zu verbessern. Die 30-jährige Nadia Murad ist die fünfte Nobelpreisträgerin, die auf Einladung der Universität von Timişoara im Rahmen des Programms der Europäischen Kulturhauptstadt nach Rumänien reist.

  • November 24, 2023

    November 24, 2023

    IMMUNITY – MPs of the ruling Social-Democratic and Liberal parties announced they would vote to lift the immunity of former Liberal Prime Minister Florin Cîțu, so that anti-corruption prosecutors can launch criminal proceedings against him in an investigation into the purchase of anti-COVID vaccines during the pandemic. Former USR Health Ministers Vlad Voiculescu and Ioana Mihăilă are also accused of abuse of office, and president Klaus Iohannis needs to green-light the lifting of their immunity. Prosecutors say the three purchased more anti-vaccine shots than necessary, causing a prejudice of 1 bln EUR. The three officials could have easily refused the millions of doses allotted to Romania by the EU, without our country having to pay penalties. The vaccines were purchased at a very difficult time during the pandemic, dominated by uncertainty regarding the evolution of the virus, the availability of mass-production of vaccines and the need for re-vaccination, Vlad Voiculescu explained. The former Health Minister blamed Florin Cîțu for taking the final decision, and in turn the former Liberal Prime Minister said every decision taken during his mandate was taken in good faith and in compliance with the law.

    CEASEFIRE – A ceasefire between Hamas and Israel took effect in the Gaza Strip on Friday morning, and later today Hamas is expected to release 13 hostages. Qatars contribution was key to securing this ceasefire, in addition to the efforts of Egypt and the USA. Under the agreement, the four-day ceasefire can be extended. 50 Israeli hostages can be released in exchange for 150 Palestinian hostages detained in Israeli prisons. Hostilities between Israel and Hamas broke out after the large-scale October 7 Hamas attack in southern Israel which, authorities say, killed 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and led to the abduction of another 240 people on the day of the attack. In retaliation, Israel promise to obliterate Hamas and has since bombed Gaza uninterruptedly. According to Hamas, the Israeli attacks have killed 15,000 people, including 6,000 children.

    AID – A group of 12 Romanian citizens and members of their families who were evacuated from Gaza into Egypt have been flown back home today onboard a special flight operated by the national airline TAROM, in a complex operation carried out by the Government Task Force, with support from the Romanian Embassy in Cairo and the Representative Office in Ramallah. The government further announced it will provide emergency aid consisting of accommodation and warm meals to the families evacuated from Gaza, irrespective of citizenship. 400 EUR will be provided to a single person or to a family of five every month, while families with more than five members will receive 600 EUR for accommodation expenses. An additional food allowance worth 120 EUR will be paid to every individual. The aid will be provided over a maximum period of four months starting November.

    NADIA MURAD – The 2018 Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Nadia Murad, is the newest member of the academic community of Timișoara after being awarded the Doctor Honoris Causa title from the West University of the city of Timișoara, which is the European Capital of Culture in 2023. Nadia Murad is the first woman who had the strength and courage to condemn the atrocities committed by the Islamic State of Iraq. In 2014 she was sold by Daesh as a slave and lost her entire family. In her acceptance speech, Murad referred to the suffering of people abducted by ISIS and her efforts to improve the life of the Yazidi, a community she is a part of. Aged 30, Nadia Murad is the fifth Nobel Prize recipient to visit the city of Timișoara this year. (VP)

  • Drepturile femeilor într-o lume a războaielor

    Drepturile femeilor într-o lume a războaielor

    Prestigiosul Premiu Nobel pentru Pace din acest an a
    fost câştigat de medicul congolez Denis Mukwege şi Nadia Murad, o tânără de
    origine yazidi din nordul Irakului. Fiecare dintre cei premiaţi are o poveste
    de viaţă care atrage atenţia asupra situaţiei femeilor în zonele de conflict.

    Murad s-a născut şi a crescut într-un sat liniştit de păstori al populaţiei yazidi,
    în nordul Irakului. În 2014, însă, acest sat a fost ocupat de teroriştii
    organizaţiei auto-intitulate Statul Islamic, bărbaţii au fost ucişi iar
    femeile, printre care şi Nadia Murad, atunci în vârstă de 21 de ani, a fost
    trimisă în sclavia sexuală instituită de sinistra grupare teroristă. A cunoscut
    infernul acestei situaţii, dar a reuşit să evadeze şi, odată ajunsă în
    siguranţă, în Europa, a militat cu dârzenie pentru cunoaşterea celor întâmplate
    în zonele ocupate de organizaţia Statul Islamic.

    A scris un volum cutremurător,
    Eu voi fi ultima,
    în care îşi prezintă cumplita experienţă. A devenit primul
    ambasador al Naţiunilor Unite pentru Demnitatea Supravieţuitorilor Traficului
    Uman şi a primit Nobelul pentru pace în anul în care se împlineşte un deceniu
    de la adoptarea, de către Consiliul de Securitate al ONU, a Rezoluţiei care
    stabileşte că folosirea violenţei sexuale ca armă de război este crimă de
    război şi o ameninţare împotriva păcii şi securităţii internaţionale.

    Mukwege este medic şi depune eforturi însemnate pentru a ajuta femeile victime
    ale violenţei sexuale în Republica Democratică Congo. În urmă cu aproape două
    decenii a înfiinţat Spitalul Panzi în Bukavu, o regiune în care violenţele şi
    conflictele armate par a nu se mai termina. Mukwege şi personalul său au tratat
    mii de victime ale abuzului sexual, care a ajuns crimă comună în războiul civil
    care a ucis mai mult de şase milioane de congolezi.

    Doctorul Denis Mukwege a
    condamnat mereu şi cu tărie violurile în masă şi a criticat guvernul congolez
    şi alte ţări că nu opresc folosirea violenţei sexuale împotriva femeilor ca
    strategie şi armă de război. Aproape ca o deviză, medicul congolez spune că
    dreptatea este o problemă a tuturor
    şi încearcă să unească pe toată lumea
    împotriva violenţei sexuale în conflictele armate. Bărbaţii şi femeile,
    ofiţerii şi soldaţii, civilii din zona de conflict sau de oriunde trebuie să
    dezvăluie şi să combată această crimă de război.

    Premiul Nobel pentru Pace din
    acest an atrage atenţia unei situaţii tragice care afectează femeile şi copiii,
    într-o lume cu multe războaie informale şi conflicte armate soldate cu un număr
    incredibil de victime şi cu distrugeri grele. Într-o societate în care
    informaţia circulă rapid, violurile în masă şi abuzurile sexuale din zonele
    ocupate de militari şi paramilitari de tot felul sunt trecute prea uşor cu
    vederea şi sunt repede uitate. Situaţiile de răpire în masă, de sclavie
    sexuală, de viol în masă, urmate sau nu de uciderea celor torturate astfel sunt
    cunoscute, dar tot de atâtea ori nu a urmat nicio acţiune concretă, nicio
    măsură împotriva acestor practici criminale.

    Mai mult, problema tinde să se
    agraveze pe măsură ce creşte alarmant fenomenul refugiului, creşte numărul
    celor care îşi părăsesc casele şi satele peste care a venit războiul. În
    încheiere să observăm că laureaţii Nobelului pentru Pace din acest an sunt şi
    laureaţi ai Premiului Saharov, decernat de Parlamentul European. Nadia Murad a
    primit Premiul Saharov pentru libertate de gândire în 2016, împreună cu Lamiya
    Aji Bashar, şi ea o tânără din comunitatea yazidi care a cunoscut iadul
    sclaviei sexuale, dar a reuşit să scape şi să aducă mărturia sa cutremurătoare.
    Denis Mukwege a primit Premiul Saharov în 2014, desigur, pentru munca sa
    medicală de o viaţă, dedicată victimelor abuzurile sexuale, şi pentru lupta sa
    ca tăcerea să nu se aşterne asupra acestor atrocităţi.