Tag: Nicolae Onica

  • Sportivul săptămânii: Halterofilul Nicolae Onica

    Sportivul săptămânii: Halterofilul Nicolae Onica

    Sportivul român Nicolae Onica a
    cucerit medalia de bronz la total, în limitele cat. 96 kg, la Campionatele
    Mondiale de haltere organizate săptămâna trecută la Aşgabat, din Turkmenistan.
    Nicolae Onica a totalizat 391 kg şi a fost devansat în clasamentul final de
    iranianul Sohrab Moradi, cu 416 kg şi de Tao Tian (China), cu 407 kg. La stilul
    smuls, halterofilul român s-a clasat pe locul 4, cu 175 de kg, după ce a ratat ultima
    încercare la 182 de kg, iar la stilul aruncat s-a clasat tot pe locul 4, cu 216
    kg, ratând ultimele două încercări, la 222 şi 227 de kg. E unul dintre cele mai fericite momente din viaţa mea pentru că e
    primul concurs la Mondialele de seniori la care particip şi am obţinut prima
    medalie a declarat halterofilul român agenţiei Agerpres după revenirea în

    La Mondialele de haltere, au mai
    urcat pe podiumul de premiere şi două reprezentante ale României: Cristina Iovu, bronz la stilul aruncat, la
    cat. 55 de kg şi Loredana Toma, argint la aruncat, la cat. 64 de kg. Pentru
    faptul că a câştigat bronzul la total, Radio România Internaţional îl declară
    pe Nicolaae Onica Sportivul săptămânii.

    Onica are 25 de ani şi s-a născut în Rep. Moldova. În anul 2013 a primit
    cetăţenia română. Născut în Republica Moldova, el a primit în 2013 cetăţenia
    română, fiind legitimat la clubul Dinamo Bucureşti unde se pregăteşte cu
    antrenorul Anton Ficzi.. În primăvara acestui an, Nicolae Onica a mai câştigat
    trei medalii la Europenele organizate la Izvorani, în apropiere de Bucureşti. El a obţinut medalia de argint la stilul smuls
    al categoriei 94 de kg, medalie de aur la aruncat şi aur la total. De menţionat
    este faptul că, începând cu 1 noiembrie, federaţia mondială de profil a
    introdus noi categorii de greutate astfel încât halterofilul român Nicolae
    Onica este primul medaliat cu bronz al noii categorii de 96 de kg.

  • RRI Sports Club: Weightlifting

    RRI Sports Club: Weightlifting

    Romania’s delegation at the World Weightlifting Championship in Ashkhabat in Turkmenistan is made up of three women and one man. The Romanians have so far won one silver medal and one bronze. Since the ongoing edition of the World Weightlifting Championships also counts as a qualifying competition ahead of the Olympic Games scheduled in Tokyo in 2020, participation in the event is numerous, with 604 athletes from 88 countries proving their mettle in the championships.

    In the 49-kilogram category, Elena Ramona Andries came in 5th in the overall rankings, with 188 kilograms, while the gold went to Thailand’s Chayuttra Pramongkhol, with 209 kg. The silver medal went to China’s Zhihui Hou, with 208 kilograms, while the winner of the bronze medal was also a Chinese athlete, Huihua Jiang, with 206 kilograms.

    Cristina Iovu in the 55 kilogram category won the first medal for Romania. Iovu walked away with bronze in the clean and jerk style, with 123 kilograms, although the first 116-kilogram attempt failed. Winner of the gold medal was Thailand’s Sukanya Srisurat, with 127 kilograms, while Chinese weightlifter Wanqiong Zhang won silver, with 124 kilograms. Overall, Srisurat came in first with 232 kilograms, China’s Yajun Li was the runner-up athlete, with 225 kilograms, while Zhang walked away with bronze, also with 225 kilograms.

    Cristina Iovu came in 4th, with 220 kilograms. Cristina Iovu was born in Chisinau, and she had previously competed for the Republic of Moldova and Azerbaijan.

    In the 64-kilogram category, Loredana Toma won silver in the snatch event. Toma was unable to defend the world titles she won in 2017 in Anaheim, the United States, in the snatch, clean-and-jerk and overall, in the 63-kilogram category. Cristina Toma came in 2nd with 110 kilograms, after China’s Deng Wei, with 112 kilograms but ahead of Karyna Gorincheva of Kazakhstan, with 107 kilograms. In the clean and jerk event, Loredana Toma lifted 124 kilograms, yet she could not lift 128 and 129 kilograms, respectively. Loredana Toma came in 9th, and 5th according to the overall rankings.

    Nicolae Onica is the fourth member of the Romania delegation. On Wednesday, Onica competes in the 96 kilograms category. The Romanian Agerpres news agency quoted information on the Romanian Weightlifting Federation’s webpage, whereby the International Weightlifting Federation’s Congress is staged concurrently with the ongoing World Championships. High on the agenda of the aforementioned Congress are issues related to the new qualification system and the new weight categories, in place as of November the 1st.

  • April 1, 2018 UPDATE

    April 1, 2018 UPDATE

    NATO — 14 years after Romania joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, the alliance continues to be the most important guarantee of the country’s defense and security and a permanent connection to a 28 states’ community sharing the same values and a firm commitment to freedom and democracy, reads a release of the Foreign Ministry in Bucharest on the occasion of the NATO Day celebrated on April 1st. On the same occasion Romanian President Klaus Iohannis conveyed a message in which he said that Romania sees in NATO its strongest security guarantee. PM Viorica Dancila also said that the authorities want to further prove that Romania is a credible and stabile ally in the Black Sea region. Dancila pointed out that Bucharest sticks to its commitment to allot 2% of the GDP to army equipping. To mark NATO Day a military ceremony was held at the Romanian Defence Ministry headquarters. Romania joined NATO in March 29, 2004. NATO Day in Romania is celebrated every year in the first Sunday of April.

    Religious celebrations — Roman Catholic and Protestant believers from Romania and the world over celebrated Easter on Sunday, April 1st. Pope Francis held the Easter service at the Vatican’s St. Peters Basilica and urged Catholics not to remain paralysed in the face of injustices around them. This year Orthodox and Greek Catholic believers celebrate Easter one week later, so on April 1st they marked Palm Sunday, the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. This religious celebration was marked in Bucharest and other cities across Romania though religious services and processions. Also on Sunday Holy Week began. The most solemn week of the Christian year, Holy Week is the week leading up to Easter and is the week during which Christians particularly remember the last days of Jesus’s life.

    eCall — The eCall system is operational across the EU as of Sunday, April 1st. eCall is activated automatically as soon as in-vehicle sensors and/or processors detect a serious crash. Once set off, the system dials the European emergency number 112, establishes a telephone link to the appropriate emergency call centre and sends details of the accident to the rescue services, including the time of incident, the accurate position of the crashed vehicle and the direction of travel. 112 eCall is not a black box. It does not record constantly the position of the vehicle, it records only a few data to determine the position and direction of the vehicle just before the crash and these data are only transmitted to emergency call centres if there is a serious crash. Also, eCall cannot be used to monitor motorists moves.

    Immunoglobulin — The first immunoglobulin vials requested through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism have reached Romania and will be distributed to patients, the Health Ministry officials announced. Actually 16 thousand vials from Austria will be sent to Romania by the end of May. The Health Ministry’s medicine distributor bought the immunoglobulin vials from foreign producers. Discontinuities in immunoglobulin supply were caused by the withdrawal from the Romanian market of the producers that ensured more than 80% of the needed amount.

    Weightlifting— Romanian athlete Nicolae Onica won two gold medals in the mens 94 kg category (clean and jerk, total) at the European Weightlifting Championships that ended on Sunday in Izvorani, Romania. Onica also won the silver medal in the snatch event. Romania hosted two other editions, in 1972 in Constanta and in 2009 in Bucharest. (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • Nachrichten 01.04.2018

    Nachrichten 01.04.2018

    Budapest: Beim Zusammensto‎ß zweier Passagierbusse am Budapester Flughafen seien laut Medienberichten zehn Menschen verletzt worden, acht von ihnen seien Rumänen. Die beiden Fahrzeuge hätten Reisende einer aus Bukarest eingetroffenen Maschine der Fluggesellschaft Wizz Air zum Terminal bringen sollen.

    Bukarest: Die Nordatlantische Allianz sei für Rumänien sein stärkster Sicherheitsgarant, hat am Sonntag Präsident Klaus Iohannis aus Anlass des NATO-Tages in Rumänien erklärt. Die rumänischen Behörden möchten nach wie vor beweisen, dass Bukarest ein vertrauenswürdiger und stabiler Partner der NATO im Schwarzmeerraum ist, hat ihrerseits die Premierin Viorica Dăncilă erklärt. Dăncilă erinnerte im Anschlu‎ß, dass Rumänien seine Verteidigungsausgaben auf 2% des BIP erhöht hat. Am Sonntag fand beim Verteidigungsministerium ein zeremonielles Hissen der Flaggen Rumäniens und der NATO statt. Militärische Zeremonien wurden auch in anderen Gro‎ßstädten organisiert. Am 29. März 2004 ist Rumänien offiziell der NATO beigetreten. Der NATO-Tag in Rumänien wird jedes Jahr am ersten April-Sonntag gefeiert.

    Bukarest: Die ersten Immunglobulin-Ampullen sind in Rumänien eingetroffen. 3.850 Dosen wurden aus Österreich gebracht und sollen demnächst an immunkranken Patienten verteilt werden. In der Immunglobulin-Krise hatte Rumänien am Anfang März den EU-Zivilschutz-Mechanismus aktiviert. Österreich wird insgesamt bis Ende nächsten Monats etappenweise 16.000 Immunglobulin-Dosen nach Rumänien schicken. Neuerdings hatte das Gesundheitsministerium durch seinen Medikamentenverteiler 1.000 Dosen von ausländischen Herstellern gekauft, diese wurden an Notfall-Patienten verteilt, teilte Ressortministerin Sorina Pintea mit. Vor drei Wochen hatten sich die Produzenten, die über 80 % des Bedarfs an solchen Produkten abdeckten, vom Markt zurückgezogen. In der Immunoglobulin-Krise hat Rumänien offiziell die EU-Staaten um Hilfe gebeten.

    Bukarest: Die römisch-katholische und die evangelische Kirche feiern die Auferstehung Jesu Christi. In Rumänien, dessen Bevölkerung sich mehrheitlich zur orthodoxen Kirche bekennt, wird Ostern eine Woche später, am 8. April gefeiert. In seiner Osterbotschaft hat Papst Franziskus am Sonntag für die Bereitschaft zu Frieden und Versöhnung in den Konfliktregionen der Welt geworben. An erster Stelle nannte der Papst in seiner Botschaft vor tausenden Menschen auf dem Petersplatz in Rom den Krieg in Syrien.

    Sport: Bei der Gewichtheben-EM hat der Rumäne Nicolae Onică am Samstag zwei Gold-Medaillen, in den Kategorien Sto‎ßen 94 Kilogram gewonnen. Die Europäische Meisterschaft findet im südrumänischen Izvorani statt. In der Kategorie Rei‎ßen gewann Onică die Silbermedaille.