• ‘Securitate International’

    ‘Securitate International’

    After 1945, the year when the Soviet Union took over completely Central and Eastern Europe after defeating Nazi Germany, a new regime was imposed on the region, communism. It had never been applied before 1917, when it was set in motion by a radical Marxist group led by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, and it was based on repression and terror applied by political police. It had many names, depending on the country. In the USSR it was called Cheka, then NKVD, then KGB, AVH in Hungary, SB in Poland, StB in Czechoslovakia, STASI in East Germany, and Securitate in Romania. Irrespective of the name and the country, it has approximately the same structure, and had the same mission: to repress any attempt to undermine the authority of the regime by gathering intelligence and physical coercion. The model was created by the infamous Felix Dzerzhinsky, the first head of the bloodthirsty institution responsible for the fate of dozens of millions of victims in the USSR, then in satellite countries.

    The political police apparatus in CEE had about the same behavior for more than 40 years. Considering this fact, the question arises as to what its fate was after 1989, when the communist regime finally fell. We asked historian Marius Oprea if they took different paths after that, and he said that they had a similar fate, with one notable exception, the STASI, the political police from the Democratic Republic of Germany:

    “In all former communist countries we have similar behavior of the former intelligence apparatus, but in some cases former intelligence officers were unable to manifest themselves any longer. One very good example is the former DRG, where all former STASI officers were put on lists, depending on how they had operated. Depending on the individual case, some were prosecuted, but they definitely were barred from the system. When I went to the STASI archives for over a month, with Ticu Dumitrescu, invited by Joachim Gauck, the driver who was taking me to STASI headquarters was a former operative, who was now driving a taxi. He knew the way by heart. There, however, it was an issue of national security, because the West Germans had to know which East Germans they could trust.”

    Historians studying the contemporary history and the former Soviet space talk about a so-called Securitate International, as a reference to the Socialist International that Soviet bloc countries were promoting assiduously. This Cheka International, called so by French historian Emmanuel Droit, is the model that drove the destiny of members of the intelligence-repression structures in various countries to be similar after 1989. The general opinion that condemns the presence in public life of former operatives, many of whom became wealthy overnight, or became opinion leaders and politicians, discounts the fact that after 1989 all citizens gained their freedom, including themselves. Marius Oprea wrote a popular book about the careers of former Securitate officers in Romania. The book shows that in all communist countries, with the exception of East Germany, former political police operatives and their offspring became the new elites.

    “In former communist countries, unfortunately, to a greater or lesser degree, these structures held on to power. Just as the unity of the Romanian Securitate fell apart, so did the unity of action of services from sister countries of the Warsaw Pact. Before 1989, there was a collaboration, at least on a formal level, between the state security services of all former communist countries. They exchanged information, for instance, the Romanian Securitate had a very strong relationship with the Hungarian state security service, especially when it came to exchanging intelligence on dissidents and political opponents. Or when it came to exchanging technology, the Romanians had a close relationship with the East Germans and the Czechoslovakians. We have a point of pride, so to say. Romanians in 1949 perfected the system by which the simple telephone could be use as a bugging device.”

    Even though it may seem paradoxical for the run of the mill Romanian, Marius Oprea said that, in the case of the Romanian Securitate, the degree of recovery of former officers was lower than in other former Socialist countries.

    “I attended a colloquium, the only one on this topic, held in Weimar in 2003, which brought together experts on intelligence services from various countries, and I was one of the few historians. The colloquium was about the fate of various state security services in each country. Romania fared the worst in this chapter, regarding the degree of recovery of former structures of the communist political police. Why? Because in Romania we had the December 1989 revolution, and the coup against the revolution perpetrated by the pro-Moscow structure led by Iliescu, so the army and the Securitate had their hands tied. They couldnt pedal back after what they had done in Timisoara and Bucharest. Grudgingly, they had to side with Moscows people, as it happened with former Defense Minister Vasile Milea the morning of December 22, when he put the gun to his chest.”

    As the evolution of the eastern half of Sovietized Europe after 1945 was fairly unitary until 1989, what happened after 1989 could not be so different. It is yet another example of parallels in history are greater then we sometimes expect.

  • General Avramescu’s Disappearance

    General Avramescu’s Disappearance

    On March 2nd 1945, G-ral Gheorghe Avramescu, in command
    of the Romanian 4th Army Corps on the frontline in Czechoslovakia,
    was arrested by the Soviet authorities. Since that day, the disappearance of
    one of the most important commanders of the Romanian army has been the object of
    guesswork and supposition.

    Col. Sergiu Balanovici, PhD, historian and museographer with the
    Botosani County Museum, told Radio Romania News and Current Affairs about G-ral
    Avramescu’s military career:

    Sergiu Balanovici: In 1913, he took
    part in the Romanian campaign in Bulgaria. That same year, he started studying
    at the Superior War College, but had to put that on hold in 1914, when WWI
    broke out. Gheorghe Avramescu was part of the class that graduated in 1919.
    During the war for the unification of Romania, he commanded first a company,
    then a battalion in the south of Dobrogea, where he was wounded. In the summer
    of 1917, Captain Avramescu fought at Marasesti. He was awarded the Order of the
    Star of Romania for special merit, and in September 1917 he was exceptionally
    granted the rank of major. In 1936 he was made a brigadier general, and in 1940
    he was made division general. Every single commander, without exception,
    appreciated his activity, and considered him an unsurpassed leader, from every
    point of view.

    On June 22nd 1941, Romania
    joined Germany as an ally against the Soviet Union, and General Gheorghe
    Avramescu continued to act impeccably on that front. Here with details is
    Sergiu Balanovici.

    Sergiu Balanovici: He is the central
    figure in the liberation of Bukovina. There was heavy fighting, including
    around Hotin, but the mountain rangers had very good leadership. This unit was
    well in advance of the troops in the rest of the Romanian frontline. The 3rd
    Army Corps started the offensive towards Bug without any operating rest, and
    reached the river by mid-August, when it took over the bridgehead captured by
    German mechanized infantry, and the battle north of the Sea of Azov ended with
    a decisive Romanian-German victory.

    After August 23rd, 1944, the Soviets took over
    unofficially command of Romanian troops. The Romanian army was an ally of the
    dominant power, but the country was under virtual occupation. Here is Sergiu
    Balanovici back at the microphone.

    Sergiu Balanovici: An old practice
    was starting to become evident, one applied by the Germans on the Eastern Front
    too, that of the more powerful ally imposing its supremacy. It soon got to the
    point where Romanian interests were not just ignored, they were violated. On
    September 7th 1944, Marshal Malinovski, commander of the Ukrainian
    front, took over all Romanian operating units. In spite of good results on the
    battlefield, tensions started emerging at command level, because of the way in
    which the Soviets understood cooperation. An often-used strategy, which
    Avramescu opposed, was that of presenting Romanian victories as successes
    scored by Red Army troops. Avramescu correctly noted that this was about
    politics, and that our contribution was being swept under the rug on purpose,
    so that we could not reap the benefits of alliance.

    On December 14th 1944, Avramescu, in no uncertain terms,
    protested directly to Malinovski the fact that the Romanian 4th Army
    Corps had not been quoted in any official press release. In fact, its very existence
    was not even mentioned. General Avramescu’s repeated protests, meant to defend
    the honor and dignity of the Romanian army, soon turned him into a persona non
    grata within the boundaries of the so-called cooperation with the Soviet
    command, which seems to have led to his arrest. The Romanian army came to be
    accused by the Soviets of operative inability, and even treason.

    18 years after the arrest and disappearance of General Gheorghe
    Avramescu, in 1963, the Soviet authorities answered his wife’s inquiries
    through the Red Cross. The letter said that the general had died on 3 March
    1945 on Hungarian territory, in a German air raid. The letter was in line with
    the official Soviet account issued on March 22nd 945, according to
    which General Avramescu was killed in the back seat of the car where he sat
    flanked by two of the three NKVD officers who had arrested him. On Hungarian
    territory, the car had been allegedly strafed by German fighters, and the three
    Soviet officers got away with their lives, the general being the only victim of
    German bullets.

    In spite of the fact that real reason for the arrest is still veiled
    in mystery, General Avramescu’s disappearance is still closely linked to the
    political shifts occurring when Romania was taken over by the Soviet puppet
    government led by Petru Groza, on 6 March 1945.