Tag: Octavian Morariu

  • Ziua olimpică a României: România, locul 23 la medalii

    Ziua olimpică a României: România, locul 23 la medalii

    China se menţine în fruntea clasamentului pe medalii la Jocurile Olimpice de la Tokyo, la finalul zilei de sâmbătă, după 9 zile de întreceri, în timp ce România a coborât de pe locul 21 pe 23.

    Octavian Morariu, membru al Comitetului Internaţional Olimpic, le-a transmis sportivilor care au reprezentat sau reprezintă România la Jocurile Olimpice, într-un mesaj postat pe un site de socializare, că indiferent dacă au urcat pe podium sau nu pentru milioanele de români de acasă ei sunt campioni.

    Antrenorul Andrei Rădulescu, omul din spatele performanţelor înotătorului David Popovici, a declarat într-un interviu că elevul său şi-a îndeplinit obiectivele fixate şi că nu va grăbi lucrurile în dezvoltarea lui sportivăLa Tokyo, David Popovici s-a clasat pe locul 4 în finala de la 200 metri liber, la două sutimi de medalia de bronz, pe locul 7 în finala de la 100 metri liber, în timp ce la 50 metri liber nu a reuşit să se califice în semifinale. Rădulescu s-a bucurat că prestaţia lui Popovici a atras atenţia în ţară şi oamenii vor acorda mai multă atenţie înotului. Până la JO 2024 de la Paris, Andrei Rădulescu a apreciat că progresul elevului său trebuie gestionat cu răbdare şi cu siguranţă va avea şanse de a se califica în mai multe finale decât la Tokyo şi să obţină rezultate şi mai bune.

  • December 4, 2020 UPDATE

    December 4, 2020 UPDATE

    Elections – The campaign for Sundays parliamentary elections ended on Friday. All campaign events were subject to strict rules as part of the measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. A number of localities are in lockdown, but Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said voters can travel freely to the polling stations within these localities. 136 senator and 329 deputy seats are up for election, including 4 deputies and 2 senators representing the Romanian community abroad. The foreign ministry has set up 748 polling stations abroad with an interactive map of all of them and a hotline for Romanian voters living abroad being also available. Voting is held over the course of two days abroad, on Saturday and Sunday. On Friday evening, president Klaus Iohannis urged the citizens to go to the polls in great numbers and make their voice heard, underlining that the stakes of the December 6 parliamentary elections were overwhelming. “Vote with responsibility, with your thoughts focused on the present and on what Romania is going to look like tomorrow’ said President Iohannis.

    Covid-19 Romania – 8,062 new coronavirus cases have been reported in Romania in the past 24 hours following the testing of over 35 thousand people, according to the Strategic Communication Group. Since the onset of the pandemic, 500,273 cases of contamination have been reported across Romania, and more than 390 thousand people have recovered. 176 people have died in the past 24 hours from COVID-19, taking the death toll to 12,052. Romania’s anti-Covid-19 national vaccination strategy was made public on Friday in Bucharest after being approved on Thursday by the countrys Supreme Defense Council. The president of the National Committee for coordinating anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination activities Valeriu Gheorghita said that vaccination was voluntary not compulsory and people’s trust is essential for the success of the campaign. He added that more than 850 vaccination centers would be set up across Romania which will ensure the vaccination of an estimated number of almost 5 thousand people per center, per month.

    Rugby — The former Romanian international player Octavian Morariu has been reelected president of Rugby Europe. He said the priorities of the organization remained safeguarding and promoting the values of rugby, promoting the rugby game for all countries, for all players irrespective of genre and age and in all formats (XV, X, VII, beach rugby, snow rugby and non-contact). Morariu has been at the helm of Rugby Europe since 2013, being at his 3rd term in office.

    Protest — The President elect of the Republic of Moldova, pro-western Maia Sandu has urged the citizens to take to the streets for a new protest that will be organized in two days’ time. On Thursday she joined the several thousand people who protested in front of the Parliament building in Chisinau against the draft laws voted by the MPs, especially the one related to the subordination of the Intelligence and Security Service to the Parliament. The opposition considers the move an attempt to limit the powers of Mrs. Maia Sandu, who will be sworn in President later in December, thus replacing the pro-Russian former president Igor Dodon. Romania condemns the non-transparent move of the Moldovan Parliament which runs counter to democratic practices, the PSMR and the Platform for Moldova which also includes the Sor Party, blatantly ignoring the massive vote of the Moldovan citizens at the November 15 election, shows a Romanian Foreign Ministry communiqué. The document reiterates Romania’s support for the efforts of the Moldovan President elect to reinstate the legality of the governing process.

    Ordinance — The Romanian government passed an emergency decree on Friday, providing for the compensation of losses incurred by the hospitality industry. The sum totals 20% of the difference between the companies’ turnover in 2020 and in 2019. The measure regarding furlough has been extended and the working program called Kurzarbeit has been rendered flexible until June 30, 2021. Also on Friday, the government approved a decision regarding the re-opening of enclosed agri-food markets whose closure, almost one month ago, generated controversy. Measures were also taken in the run up to the parliamentary elections.

    Brussels — The Council of the EU and the European Parliament on Friday reached an agreement over the EU budget for 2021. Nevertheless, for the budget to become applicable, Poland and Hungary need to withdraw their veto on the EU multiannual budget for the period 2021-2027, which they blocked alongside the post-pandemic recovery fund as they rejected conditioning the granting of European funds on the observance of the rule of law. The German ambassador to the EU Michael Clauss explained that if the veto was not withdrawn, a provisional financing system would have to be implemented in 2021 which was last used in 1989. As to the ‘Next Generation’ plan, which involves a recovery fund of more than 750 billion Euros, more European officials have suggested launching the plan without involving Poland and Hungary. (translation by L. Simion)

  • Sport Club RRI: Rugby în VII

    Sport Club RRI: Rugby în VII

    La Bucureşti s-a încheiat, duminicǎ, etapa a patra a circuitului de rugby în VII SEVENS GRAND PRIX SERIES. Etapa a fost câştigatǎ de Franţa care, totodatǎ, a devenit noua campioanǎ a Europei.

    Pentru a treia oară în cele patru turnee ale circuitului, Naţionala României a ocupat poziţia a 12-a. La Bucureşti, tricolorii au reuşit o singură victorie în cele cinci partide disputate, respectiv 21-14 cu Portugalia, în grupa C, unde însǎ au pierdut cu 0 la 43 în faţa Rusiei, şi 0 la 34 cu Spania. Au fost învinşi apoi cu 14 la 5 de Georgia, în lupta pentru locurile 9-12 , apoi cu 20 la 12 de Italia, în confruntarea pentru evitarea ultimului loc.

    In final, România a ocupat poziţia a 12-a cu un total de numai şase puncte acumulate în patru etape şi se va despărţi, pentru cel puţin un an, de turneul SEVENS GRAND PRIX SERIES, urmând a evolua în European Sevens Championship, Divizia A, eşalonul secund al rugby-ului în VII la nivel continental.

    Fostul mare rugbist Octavian Morariu, preşedintele Rugby Europe, fosta Federaţie Internaţionalǎ de Rugby FIRA, a salutat, pe site-ul organizaţiei, succesul noii competiţii europene a rugby-ului în VII. Membru al Comitetului Olimpic Internaţional, Morariu a subliniat cǎ aceastǎ întrecere este calea prin care rugby-ul în VII poate ajunge la Jocurile Olimpice. El a dat totodatǎ posibilitatea unor ţǎri precum Belgia, Rusia sau Germania sǎ concureze la cel mai înalt nivel european, contribuind astfel la dezvoltarea şi promovarea rugby-ului pe continent.

    Sǎ mai notǎm cǎ Grand Prix Series este eşalonul principal într-o competiţie cu trei divizii, care implicǎ peste 40 de ţări europene, atât la masculin, cât şi la feminin.

  • 10.09.2013


    Emploi – La ministre roumaine du Travail, Mariana Câmpeanu, et son homologue belge, Monica De Coninck, ont signé mardi à Bruxelles un accord de coopération bilatérale en matière d’emploi et de protection sociale. Le document est censé prévenir et enrayer le travail au noir ainsi que les éventuelles discriminations que peuvent subir les ressortissants roumains souhaitant travailler en Belgique. Les ministres de l’emploi des deux pays ont souligné que la Roumanie et la Belgique trouveraient des solutions afin de s’assurer que l’ouverture du marché belge de l’emploi se produira sans problèmes. Le 1er janvier 2014 marque la fin des sept ans de restrictions à l’emploi pour les citoyens roumains et bulgares permises par le Traité d’adhésion des deux pays à l’UE.

    Santé – Le ministre roumain de la Santé, Eugen Nicolaescu, a invité au dialogue les représentants des syndicats du secteur, organisations qui avaient menacé d’entamer un ample mouvement de protestation et de soutenir les démissions collectives des personnels. Les syndicats avaient auparavant remis au ministère une liste de revendications, dont la plus importante est un cota de 6% du PIB alloué à la santé — une mesure censée couvrir les hausses de rémunération exigées par les salariés. Si leurs exigences ne sont pas respectées, les personnels de la santé menacent de descendre dans la rue, à compter du 18 septembre, et de déclencher une grève générale, en novembre, affirment leurs représentants.

    Rosia Montana – La société canadienne Gabriel Resources analysera toutes les options possibles, y compris un éventuel procès contre l’Etat roumain si le parlement rejette le projet de loi sur l’exploitation aurifère de Rosia Montana. Gabriel Resources a pris note des déclarations du premier ministre Victor Ponta et des autres ministres du gouvernement roumain selon lesquels le projet de loi favorable à l’exploitation de Rosia Montana, récemment approuvé par le gouvernement, sera rejeté avant d’être débattu par les deux Chambres du Législatif de Bucarest. A Bucarest, plusieurs centaines de personnes ont protesté ce lundi contre le projet d’exploitation minière à l’aide de cyanures, une technologie considérée par certaines ONGs comme une véritable bombe écologique. Par ailleurs, les syndicats des mineurs favorables à l’exploitation affirment que les autorités de Bucarest n’encouragent pas la création de nouveau emplois, sur la toile de fond de l’absence de tout investissement notable dans la région.

    Chiens – La Chambre des députés du Parlement roumain a adopté mardi une loi autorisant leuthanasie des chiens errants sils ne sont pas réclamés dans un intervalle de 14 jours après leur capture. Pendant le débat de ce projet, plusieurs centaines de personnes manifestaient contre cette mesure en dehors du Parlement. Le problème des chiens errants en Roumanie a ressurgi en force dans l’actualité locale il y a une semaine, après la mort dun enfant mordu par des chiens près dun parc de la capitale roumaine. La présence denviron 65.000 chiens errants, selon la municipalité bucarestoise, est un sujet de polémique récurrent en Roumanie.

    Salon – Au Salon de l’automobile de Francfort, Dacia Groupe Renault a lancé aujourd’hui une version restylée du SUV Duster, qui propose une nouvelle planche de bord, des sièges plus confortables et des rangements supplémentaires. Lancé en 2010, le Duster est rapidement devenu un best-seller non seulement de la marque roumaine mais aussi de l’Alliance Renault-Nissan. Les géants de l’industrie automobile réunis à Francfort jusqu’au 22 septembre présenteront en première pas moins 70 nouveaux modèles et concept-cars. De l’avis des spécialistes, les vedettes de cette édition du Salon sont les véhicules à propulsion électrique et hybride.

    CIO – Le président du Comité olympique et sportif roumain, Octavian Morariu, a été élu parmi les membres du Comité olympique international, lors de la 125e réunion de cet organisme, accueillie par la capitale argentine, Buenos Aires. Par ce biais la Roumanie envoie à nouveau un représentant au sein de cet organisme, après une pause d’une quinzaine d’années.