Tag: orange

  • August 18, 2024

    August 18, 2024

    WEATHER The weather remains extremely hot in almost the entire Romanian territory where meteorologists have issued a series of code yellow, orange and red alerts for extremely high temperatures and thermal discomfort. The most affected is the Timis County in western Romania, for which a code red alert has been issued. Temperatures there are expected to reach 39 degrees Celsius and the Temperature-Humidity index to go over the 80 unit threshold. An orange code alert has been issued for another ten counties in the country’s west and south, including the capital city Bucharest where the highs of the day are expected to reach 38 degrees Celsius. The noon reading in Bucharest was 31 degrees.


    PARIS An icon of the French cinematography, Alain Delon, died today at his home in Douchy surrounded by his three children and his family. The actor was a star of the golden era of the French cinematography, and shot to fame with the parts he played in ‘The Samurai’ and ‘Borsalino’. Once described as the most beautiful man in the movies, Alain Delon starred in some of the best French productions of the 60s, such as ‘The Leopard’ and ‘Rocco and his Brothers’. From the 1990s his film appearances grew rare and although he appeared in more than 90 films during the course of his career, he won only one Cesar Award in 1985 for ‘Our story’ by Bertrand Blier. ‘Le Parisien’ called Delon ‘a legend of the cinema’ while ‘Liberation’ described him as ‘a leading figure of cinema, the actor with crazy charisma’. Alain Delon’s last major public appearance was to receive an honorary Palme d’Or at the Cannes film festival in 2019, when he delivered an emotional speech in which he appeared to bid farewell to cinema and his fans.


    ATHENS The Romanian firefighters who had joined the efforts of putting out fires in Greece were given a new assignment on Saturday; they are monitoring two regions in Attica. According to a press release by the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU), 16 firefighters with four fire engines have been deployed to Agia Kiriaki, while another 15-strong rescue team is getting ready to intervene in Rafina. Both teams are accompanied by Greek liaison officers, and according to IGSU, they are in stand-by, ready to intervene under the coordination of their Greek counterparts. The regions where the two Romanian teams have been deployed are known for being at higher risk of wildfires at this time of the year. Greece has applied for help from the European Union and is in a state of high alert after wildfires went out of control and have affected over 10 thousand hectares.


    BOOKFAIR The Gaudeamus book fair staged by our radio station is going on in Sibiu, central Romania. On the fair’s last day, on Sunday, people were invited to visit its 15 pavilions located in the city’s historical center known as the Big Square, and check on the huge offer of books, games, music and other educational materials. The fair is being attended by the most renowned publishing houses in the country. Besides its varied and huge book offer displayed on over 40 stands, the fair also included a series of editorial events, book launches and autograph shows, which are also available online at gaudeamus.ro.


    EXAMS Next week will be seeing the written exams of the second round of the Baccalaureate in Romania. On Monday students are to take exams in the Romanian language and Literature and in the following days in mathematics and history according to their chosen profile. The first results are to be listed on August 26th and the final ones after all applications have been solved, on August 30th. Over 33,600 students are to take their exams in this second round. Most of them, two thirds, are this year’s graduates. Over 78% of the students passed the baccalaureate exams in its summer session. The Ministry of Education plans to allow students to see their exam papers shortly after the grading so that they may decide whether to challenge results.


  • August 21, 2022 UPDATE

    August 21, 2022 UPDATE

    WEATHER The weather will be rather cool in Romania’s
    south-western regions, with a cloudy sky and showers. In the rest of the
    regions it will be hotter than usual with a higher heat and discomfort index
    mainly in the country’s south-east. Heavy rainfalls are expected particularly
    in the southern Carpathians and their surroundings as well as thunderstorms and
    hail. The highs of the day are ranging between 23 and 33 degrees centigrade.
    Yellow and orange alerts for unstable weather have been issued until Monday
    night for several counties in the center, south, west and north-west of the

    COVID-19 Over 2,000 new Covid-19 infections have been
    reported in the past 24 hours in Romania out of 99 hundred tests conducted,
    sources with the Health Ministry have announced. 7 related fatalities have also
    been reported while 34 hundred people are presently being treated in hospitals.
    Face covering is no longer mandatory in schools and no special protection measures
    are to be taken, the prefect of Bucharest Toni Grebla has announced. Health
    Minister Alexandru Rafila had earlier recommended the use of masks in schools
    adding though that the only protection measure is the proper ventilation of the

    MEDALS Romanian athlete Catalin Chirila won bronze
    in the 500 meter race at the Canoe Sprint European Championships in Munich. A
    world vice-champion in Halifax, Canada, Chirila also reaped gold in the 1000 meter
    single canoe race in Munich. Another two athletes from Romania, Constantin
    Popovici and Catalin Preda walked away with gold and silver from the high diving
    event of the European Aquatics Championships held in Rome. Popovici made
    history as the first European champion in this event with 455.70 points. Preda,
    who took the lead after the first three rounds, eventually ended second with
    436.20 points. Italian Alessandro De Rose came third in the aforementioned
    event. Constantin’s namesake David claimed two European titles and a world
    record in the pool and has been designated the best athlete in the men’s events
    at the present edition of the Aquatics in Rome.

    SALES Hybrid and
    electric car sales almost doubled in Romania in the first 7 months of the year
    as compared to the same period of 2021. According to the Association of Car
    Producers and Importers (APIA) out of the 15 thousand green vehicles sold in
    the period between January and July this year, 47% were in the full hybrid
    category, nearly 40% were electric vehicles while the rest plug-in hybrid
    electric vehicles.

    VOLLEYBALL Romania’s national men’s volleyball side
    have qualified for the European Championships due next year after a 3-0 win
    against Albania in their last away game in the preliminary group G. Romania
    ranks first in the group with 5 wins and 15 points followed by Switzerland with
    12 points, Bosnia-Herzegovina 4 points and Albania with two. The seven winning
    sides of the preliminaries as well as the best five runner-ups are qualified
    for the final tournament. Romania won a European title in 1963, two silver
    medals in 1955 and 1958 and two bronze in 1971 and 1977. At the 2019 edition of
    the European Championship our side ranked 21st.

    DIPLOMACY According to the spokeswoman for the
    Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, Russia will have a proper response
    to Bucharest’s decision to declare persona non grata an employee of its embassy
    in Romania. Zakharova says that Romania has declared the Russian employee
    persona non grata ‘without any reason and under exaggerated pretexts’. The
    Romanian Foreign Ministry says that a decision to expel the Russian employee
    has been made because the person was involved in activities incompatible with
    the Vienna Convention of 1961 concerning diplomatic relations, a generic
    definition for espionage allegations.


  • Vodafone și Orange România oferă comunicare gratuită cu Ucraina și cartele refugiaților

    Vodafone și Orange România oferă comunicare gratuită cu Ucraina și cartele refugiaților

    Orange şi Vodafone oferă internet şi apeluri gratuite spre şi în Ucraina, în semn de solidaritate cu cei afectaţi de criza din această ţară.

    Suntem solidari cu toți cei afectați de criza din Ucraina. Dorim să-i ajutăm să comunice ușor cu cei apropiați și să aibă acces rapid la informație.

    Pentru comunicarea cu persoane din Ucraina: apeluri și SMS-uri internaționale gratuite către Ucraina.Pentru persoanele aflate in roaming in Ucraina: apeluri, SMS-uri și internet gratuit în roaming.Pentru persoanele care vin din Ucraina pe teritoriul României: cartele PrePay gratuite distribuite în anumite puncte de frontieră de reprezentanții Orange.

    Aceștia vor fi prezenți zilnic în intervalul orar 10-16 și pot fi recunoscuți dupa sigla Orange vizibilă pe haine.

    lista punctelor de frontieră.

    Beneficiile incluse pe cartela primită gratuit la punctul de trecere:apeluri internaționale gratuite către Ucrainanelimitat minute și SMS în rețeaua Orange Romania2000 de minute naționale și internaționale către fix sau SMS naționale, din care 300 minute sau SMS sunt și internaționale pe mobil UE6 GB internet național + 60 GB bonus internet național

    Gratuitatea serviciilor Apeluri internaționale și Roaming se aplică retroactiv începând cu data de 24 februarie până pe 31 martie.

    Lista punctelor de trecere, unde sunt distribuite cartele prepay gratuite

    Granița cuDenumire vamăJudeț
    UA Halmeu – Diakove SM
    UA Sighetu Marmatiei – Solotvino MM
    UA Siret – Porubne SV
    UA Isaccea – Poromna Pereprava TL
    MD Stânca – Costești BT
    MD Sculeni – Sculeni IS
    MD Albița- Leușeni VS
    MD Oancea- Cahul GL
    MD Galați – Giurgiulești GL

    Un anunţ asemănător a fost postat şi de Vodafone.

    Suntem alături de clienţii noştri afectaţi de situaţia din Ucraina. Dacă eşti abonat Vodafone, în perioada 25.02-05.03.2022 ai apeluri şi SMS-uri internaţionale gratuite către Ucraina, ca să ţii legătura cu cei dragi. De asemenea, clienţii noştri aflaţi în roaming pe teritoriul Ucrainei beneficiază de internet şi apeluri gratuite către orice destinaţie, până pe 5 martie inclusiv, au scris reprezentanţii Vodafone pe reţeaua de socializare.

  • Travaux du Forum économique franco-roumain (2)

    Travaux du Forum économique franco-roumain (2)

    La Chambre française de commerce, d’industrie et d’agriculture en Roumanie, la section roumaine des Conseillers du commerce extérieur de la France, en partenariat avec la Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de la Roumanie et la Chambre de commerce, d’industrie, de navigation et d’agriculture de Constanţa, avec le soutien de l’Ambassade de France en Roumanie, ont organisé le Forum économique franco-roumain. Cette fois-ci, le format avait été modifié ; il a eu lieu sur deux jours, à Constanţa, principal port roumain à la mer Noire. L’occasion de mettre en exergue la contribution des investissements français à l’économie roumaine, les opportunités d’affaires ainsi que l’expertise franco-roumaine dans des secteurs clés. Y ont participé de grands investisseurs, des entrepreneurs roumains et français, et aussi des experts, des représentants des pouvoirs publics, en présentiel, mais aussi en ligne.

  • June 19, 2021 UPDATE

    June 19, 2021 UPDATE

    RAINFALLS New code orange and code yellow alerts for heavy rainfalls, storms and flash floods have been issued in Romania for most of the Romanian territory, except for the north-west. Hydrologists have also warned against possible flooding along 11 rivers until Monday night. Thousands of households were flooded or left without electricity following recent heavy rainfalls in Romania. According to the Inspectorate General for Emergency Situations, 49 towns and villages and the capital city were affected, with firefighters moving in to pump out the water in several households, over 100 yards and scores of streets in Bucharest alone. The wind caused several trees to fall over parked vehicles, and road traffic was also disrupted.

    COVID-19 The number of new Covid-19 cases
    in Romania
    continues to drop, with 63 new infection cases reported on Saturday, and 164 patients
    in intensive care. Hospitals are gradually resuming their regular activity and,
    according to some managers, they are better prepared for a possible surge in
    cases. Meanwhile, experts warn against the risk of a 4th wave of the
    coronavirus pandemic in Romania. The health minister Ioana Mihăilă said the Indian
    strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus may come to prevail in Romania as well, which is
    why it is all the more important that as many people be immunised. According to Romania’s representative in the World Health
    Organisation Alexandru Rafila, with the current vaccination trend, only 7
    million people at most will have been immunized by autumn, which is below the
    authorities’ target. Some 25,500 people received the vaccine in the past 24
    hours. So far over 8.7 million Covid-19 vaccine doses have been administered in
    Romania, with nearly 4.35 million people having received both doses of vaccine.

    DEFICIT The EUs Economic and Financial Council extended to 2024 the deadline for Romania to put an end to the excessive deficit situation. The Council said that an extension to the original deadline for Romania to correct its public deficit would be important in order not to compromise the economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic. The recommendation also says that, in order to meet the new deadline, Romania would need to achieve a general government deficit target of 6.2% of GDP next year, 4.4% of GDP in 2023, and 2.9% of GDP in 2024. Romania is expected to present the European Council with a report on its strategy regarding these targets by 15 October, the Romanian Finance Ministry announced.

    ACCIDENT At least 3 workers, one of them from Romania, died when a school under construction partly collapsed in Antwerp, Belgium, AFP reports. Nine others were injured in the incident on Friday afternoon. The school was still under construction, so no students were present.

    OECD The Romanian foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu reconfirmed Romanias commitment to join the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development as soon as possible. Aurescu had a meeting on Saturday with the organisations new secretary general, Mathias Cormann, on the sidelines of the Diplomatic Forum in Antalya (Turkey). On the same occasion, the Romanian diplomat discussed the Black Sea security situation with his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba.

    IRAN Hardliner Seyyed Ebrahim Rais al-Sadati won Fridays presidential election in Iran from the first round, with over 62% of the votes, according to preliminary results made public on Saturday. A former magistrate, the Conservative al-Sadati is close to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Reuters comments. The new president will have to resume the negotiations started in Vienna for the restart of the 2015 deal regulating the countrys nuclear activities.

    TENNIS Horia Tecău (Romania) / Kevin Krawietz (Germany) qualified into the doubles final of the tennis tournament in Halle (Germany), ATP 500, after defeating the Belgians Sander Gille / Joran Vliegen, 7-6, 7-5. Tecău and Krawietz are playing their 3rd final this season, after having lost the ones in Rotterdam and Barcelona. Also in tennis, the Romanians Monica Niculescu and Elena Gabriela Ruse Friday qualified into the doubles final of the ITF tournament in Nottingham (UK). They will play against the Australians Priscilla Hon and Storm Sanders. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • Nachrichten 26.01.2014

    Nachrichten 26.01.2014

    Bukarest: Der rumänische Wetterdienst hat die höchste Warnstufe (Rot) wegen massiver Schneefälle und Schneeverwehungen ausgerufen. Die Warnstufe gilt ab 15.00 bis 21.00 Uhr für einige Landkreise im Osten und Süd-Osten des Landes. Für weitere Landkreise im Süden und Süd-Osten des Landes gelten die Warnstufen Orange und Gelb wegen Schneeverwehungen. In diesen Regionen weht der Wind 70-80 km/h und die Sichtbarkeit liegt unter 50 Meter. Die drei Autobahnen im Süden des Landes wurden gesperrt. Auf zahlreichen Landesstrassen wird der Verkehr eingeschränkt. Der südostrumänische Landkreis Tulcea wird isoliert, nachdem alle Landesstra‎ßen in der Gegend gesperrt wurden. Im Süden des Landes wurden 100 Züge gestrichen, andere verzeichnen stundenlangen Verspätungen. In dutzenden Ortschaften ist der Strom ausgefallen. Die Häfen am Schwarzmeer wurden gesperrt. In den betroffenen Regionen fällt der Schulunterricht am Montag und Dienstag aus.

    Bukarest: Der niederländische Aussenminister Frans Timmermans trifft am Montag in Bukarest zu einem offiziellen Besuch ein. Dabei kommt Timmermans mit seinem rumänischen Gegenüber Titus Corlăţean, mit Vertretern der Zivilgesellschaft und niederländischen Geschäftsleuten zu Gesprächen zusammen. Das Bukarester Aussenimisterium gab an, im Mittelpunkt der Gespräche dürften die Intensivierung und Vervielfältigung der wirtschaftlichen Kooperation stehen. Die Niederlande gelten als der wichtigste Investor in Rumänien. Zudem sollen bei den Bukarestern Gesprächen Themen vom gemeinsamen Interesse auf der europäischen Agenda zur Sprache kommen, wie die Energiesicherheit und die EU-Erweiterungspolitik, wobei der Akzent auf Republik Moldau gesetzt wird.

    Bukarest: Die gemeinsame Delegation des Internationalen Währungsfonds, der Weltbank und der Europäischen Kommission hält sich bis am 5. Februar in Bukarest zur Evaluierung des Abkommens vorbeugender Art mit Rumänien auf. Das stand-by Abkommen mit den internationalen Finanzinstitutionen beläuft sich auf 4 Milliarden Euro, aber Rumänien hat nicht die Absicht, diese Fonds abzurufen. Zweck des besagten Abkommens ist, Rumänien vor eventuellen Schocks auf den Finanzmärkten zu schützen und bei der Reduzierung der Finanzierungskosten zu unterstützen. Die internationalen Kreditgeber Rumäniens kommen in Bukarest mit Vertretern der rumänischen Behörden, der politischen Parteien, der Gewerkschaften, des Verbands der rumänischen Geschäftsleute, der Banken und der Zivilgesellschaft zu Gesprächen zusammen. Im Mittelpunkt der Diskussionen dürften die Prioritäten der Reformen im Wirtschaftsbereich und der europäische Gesetzrahmen mit Auswirkung auf Rumänien stehen.