Tag: Orly

  • March 19, 2017, UPDATE

    March 19, 2017, UPDATE

    PARTY ELECTIONS – The special congress in which the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Romania, the junior partner in the ruling coalition, will elect a president, will take place on April 21, one of the partys current co-presidents, the Senate Speaker Calin Popescu-Tariceanu announced on Sunday. The other co-president is the incumbent Environment Minister, Daniel Constantin. Calin Popescu Tariceanu also said that Sundays meeting of the party leaders was organised in keeping with party regulations, and added that he would run for party president. News agencies have reported that the two co-presidents were at odds with respect to the date of the planned congress. Tariceanu wanted quick preparations for an election in late April, whereas Constantin argued that party elections should begin in local branches, and the newly elected county leaders should decide who the next party president will be.

    LA FRANCOPHONIE – The Romanian Foreign Ministry will organise two public diplomacy events in Bucharest on Monday, on the occasion of the International Francophonie Day. A bust of Leopold Sedar Senghor, co-founder of La Francophonie, and a leading political and cultural personality of Senegal, will be unveiled in the Francophonie Square, completing this unique site in Europe. The Francophonie Night will be hosted later on Monday by the I. L. Caragiale National Theatre. The programme includes a concert by Cantata – The Romanian Youth Orchestra and the Francophonie Awards ceremony, organised by the group of Francophone embassies, delegations and institutions in Romania. As a member of the International Organisation of La Francophonie, Romania celebrates the International Francophonie Day on March 20th.

    ORLY AIRPORT ATTACK – Flights were resumed at Orly Airport, near Paris, one day after a shooting triggered the temporary closing down of two terminals, AFP reports. An armed man was shot dead on Saturday while attempting to steal a soldiers gun on that airport. According to the authorities, Ziyed Ben Belgacem, a 39-year old Frenchman held an air pistol at the soldiers head, saying he wanted to die for Allah. Earlier the same day the man had been involved in a shooting and car theft.

    PERU FLOODS – More than 70 people died in the worst floods and landslides in 20 years in Peru, the authorities have announced. The heavy rainfalls that lasted for several days have caused flooding and mudslides in large parts of the country, news agencies reported. A state of emergency has been declared in over 800 towns. According to authorities, this years rainy season brought precipitations 10 times more intense than usual. Over 500,000 people were evacuated as floods washed away homes, and many are stranded and depend on bottled water deliveries, after drinking water sources were contaminated or supply was cut off.

    CHUCK BERRY DIES – The American rock legend Chuck Berry died on Saturday at the age of 90. During a 7-decade long career the guitarist, singer and songwriter refined rhythm and blues music and enriched it with elements that made rock&roll an independent music style. Chuck Berrys first hit, the 1955 Maybellene, was followed by other famous songs like Roll Over Beethoven, Sweet Little Sixteen and Johnny B Goode. In 1984 he won a Grammy for lifetime achievement, and in 1986 he was one of the first musicians inducted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Chuck Berry was planning a studio album release in 2017, after a 38-year break.

    RUGBY EUROPE – Romania defeated Georgia 8 – 7, in Bucharest, in the last leg of Rugby Europe Championship, and won the ”Antim Ivireanu” Cup, granted to the winning team in direct matches. Previously in Rugby Europe, also known as Six Nations B, Romania had won its away games against Belgium and Russia and the match against Spain on home turf, but it surprisingly lost to Germany away from home. The performance in Rugby Europe Championship is a qualification criterion for the 2019 World Cup in Japan.

    GYMNASTICS WORLD CUP – The Romanian Catalina Ponor has won the beam and floor finals of the Gymnastics World Cup in Baku, Azerbaijan. In the finals, the 2004 Olympic champion outperformed the Australian Emily Little and the Azeri Marina Nekrasova. Catalina Ponor was the only member of the Romanian team to have qualified into the finals of the competition. 120 athletes from 21 countries took part in the gymnastics World Cup in Baku, which marks the start of preparations for the European competitions to be hosted by the north-western Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca in April.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Nachrichten 19.03.2017

    Nachrichten 19.03.2017

    Die internen Verhandlungen der Führungsriege der mitregierenden ALDE sind von einem Eklat überschattet worden. Der Co-Vorsitzende Daniel Constantin verließ den Sitzungssaal gemeinsam mit einer Gruppe von Mitgliedern. Das Treffen sei nicht satzungsgemäß, lautete die Begründung. Die Parteiführung war am Sonntagnachmittag zu Verhandlungen zusammengetroffen. Dabei sollte ein Termin für den Parteitag zur Wahl eines einzigen Vorsitzenden der Partei festgelegt werden. Die aktuellen Koalitionspartner des Sozialdemokraten werden derzeit von zwei Co-Vorsitzenden angeführt, dem Senatschef Calin Popescu Tariceanu und dem Umweltminister Daniel Constantin. Laut Angaben Presseagenturen können sich die beiden Co-Vorsitzenden nicht über die Festlegung eines Termins für den Parteitag einigen. Tariceanu möchte einen möglichst frühen Parteitag Ende April organisieren, während Constantin zunächst interne Wahlen in den Kreisfilialen bevorzugt. Die gewählten Filialenvorsitzenden sollten anschließend den zukünftigen Vorsitzenden der Partei bestimmen.

    Nach dem Angriff auf Soldaten am Pariser Flughafen Orly vermuten die Ermittler ein terroristisches Motiv. Der später erschossene Angreifer habe bei der Attacke gerufen, er wolle durch Allah“ sterben, sagte der Pariser Anti-Terror-Staatsanwalt François Molins am Samstagabend. Auch würden das Angriffsziel – eine Soldatenpatrouille – und frühere Hinweise auf eine Radikalisierung des Mannes für eine terroristisch motivierte Tat sprechen. Der Flugverkehr im Pariser Flughafen Orly wurde indes an beiden Terminals schrittweise wieder aufgenommen. Nach dem West-Terminal wurde am Samstagnachmittag auch der Süd-Terminal wieder geöffnet, wie die französische Luftfahrtaufsicht DGAC mitteilte. Nach der Attacke im Süd-Terminal, bei welcher der Angreifer erschossen wurde, war der komplette Flugverkehr in Orly vorübergehend ausgesetzt worden. Ein polizeibekannter Franzose hatte am Samstagmorgen versucht, einer patrouillierenden Soldatin das Sturmgewehr zu entreißen. Er wurde von anderen Soldaten erschossen. Am frühen Morgen hatte der Mann bei einer Polizeikontrolle nördlich von Paris mit einer Schrotpistole auf Beamte geschossen und einen von ihnen leicht verletzt, meldete AFP.

  • March 19, 2017

    March 19, 2017

    PARTY ELECTIONS – The leaders of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Romania (ALDE), a junior partner of the Social Democrats in the ruling coalition, convene today to set a date for the congress in which the party will elect its president. ALDE is currently headed by the Senate Speaker, Calin Popescu Tariceanu, and the Environment Minister, Daniel Constantin. According to news agencies, the two disagree over the date of the congress. Tariceanu wants quick preparations for an election in late April, whereas Constantin argues that party elections should begin in local branches, and the newly elected county leaders should decide who the next party president will be.

    ORLY AIRPORT ATTACK – Flights have been resumed at Orly Airport, near Paris, one day after a shooting triggered the temporary closing down of two terminals, AFP reports. An armed man was shot dead on Saturday while attempting to steal a soldiers gun on that airport. According to the authorities, Ziyed Ben Belgacem, a 39-year old Frenchman held an air pistol at the soldiers head, saying he wanted to die for Allah. Earlier the same day the man had been involved in a shooting and car theft.

    PERU FLOODS – More than 70 people died in the worst floods and landslides in 20 years in Peru, the authorities have announced. The heavy rainfalls that lasted for several days have caused flooding and mudslides in large parts of the country, news agencies reported. A state of emergency has been declared in over 800 towns. According to authorities, this years rainy season brought precipitations 10 times more intense than usual. Over 500,000 people were evacuated as floods washed away homes, and many are stranded and depend on bottled water deliveries, after drinking water sources were contaminated or supply was cut off.

    CHUCK BERRY DIES – The American rock legend Chuck Berry died on Saturday at the age of 90. During a 7-decade long career the guitarist, singer and songwriter refined rhythm and blues music and enriched it with elements that made rock&roll an independent music style. Chuck Berrys first hit, the 1955 Maybellene, was followed by other famous songs like Roll Over Beethoven, Sweet Little Sixteen and Johnny B Goode. In 1984 he won a Grammy for lifetime achievement, and in 1986 he was one of the first musicians inducted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Chick Berry was planning a studio album release in 2017, after a 38-year break.

    RUGBY EUROPE – Romania is playing against Georgia in Bucharest today, in the last game in the current season of Rugby Europe Championship. The match is seen as a virtual final of the competition, given that the Georgians lead the standings with 18 points, followed by Romania with 15. Rugby Europe Championship has replaced, as of this year, the former European Nations Cup, the second-tier continental rugby competition after the famous Six Nations. So far in the competition, Romania won against Belgium and Russia away from home and against Spain on home turf, but surprisingly lost its away match against Germany. The performance in Rugby Europe Championship is also taken into account for qualification to the 2019 World Cup in Japan.

    GYMNASTICS WORLD CUP – The Romanian gymnast Catalina Ponor is competing today in the beam and floor finals of the World Cup in Baku, Azerbaidjan. She is the only member of the Romanian team to have reached the finals of this competition. 120 athletes from 21 countries are taking part in the Gymnastics World Cup in Baku, which marks the start of preparations for the European competitions to be held in the north-western Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca in April.

  • March 18, 2017 UPDATE

    March 18, 2017 UPDATE

    TERRORISM – A man was shot dead on Saturday morning by security forces after grabbing the weapon of a soldier on Orly International Airport in Paris in what seems to be a terrorist attack. No one got hurt in the incident. Air traffic was brought to a halt and thousands of people were evacuated from the two terminals, which were both shut down. The authorities have launched a large-scale security operation involving bomb disposal experts. Counterterrorist prosecutors are conducting an investigation. Sources with the French Interior Ministry say the man was a radicalized Muslim who had been on the watchlist of law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Prior to the incident on Orly Airport, the man had opened fire on a roadblock checkpoint in northern Paris, injuring a policeman, then headed to Orly. Since January 2015, Paris saw one of the highest number of terrorist attacks, which killed numerous victims.

    MILTARY EXERCISE – 1,200 Romanian and US military are taking part in the Spring Storm 17 joint military exercise, consisting of complex defence tactics carried out on the Romanian Black Sea coast and urban areas, with naval, ground and air support. Today the military are scheduled to carry out a drill for the debarkation of Romanian and American marines from the USS Carter Hall landing ship. During the drill the forces will be attacked by battleships on sea while the Romanian Air Force will provide air support with two MIG 21 Lancer fighter jets. In another development, diplomatic and military sources in the Russian media say the Russian Federation is closely monitoring the French warship La Fayette, which will be anchored in the port of Constanta over March 24-27 as part of a joint military exercise carried out with the Romanian navy.

    MOLDOVA – Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Moldovan counterpart, Igor Dodon, met in Moscow to discuss the terms of the agreement of their previous meeting, held less than three months ago. Igor Dodon said difficulties in terms of bilateral relations have been overcome due to this agreement and suggested the organization of consultations for the conclusion of a Strategic Partnership. The agenda of Igor Dodons visit to Moscow is mostly focused on the economy, and included the Moldovan officials participation in a Russian-Moldovan business forum. On this occasion, Igor Dodon called on Russian business people to invest in the Republic of Moldova. Any investor with an investment capital exceeding one hundred thousand dollars may apply for Moldovan citizenship and thus benefit from Moldovas Association Agreement with the European Union. At the same time, the Moldovan President said on April 3, Moldova will sign a cooperation agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union.

    TRUMP – US President Donald Trump on Friday talked to German Chancellor Angela Merkel about migration, which he sees as a privilege, not a right, underlining that citizen safety should come first. The two officials also discussed the NATO budget, with the White House leader insisting on the need for member states to make contributions to the NATO budget. Donald Trump said there are states currently owing large sums of money, and they have to pay their debts. In turn, Chancellor Merkel argued in favour of resuming negotiations between the European Union and the United States on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Angela Merkel also expressed their willingness to improve relations with Russia, provided a positive solution is found to the crisis in Ukraine.

    GYMNASTICS – Gymnast Catalina Ponor on Friday qualified to the vault and floor final events at the World Gymnastics Championships in Baku, Azerbaijan. It is the only Romanian athlete qualified to the finals, scheduled to take place on Sunday. 120 gymnasts from 21 states are taking part in the World Championships, an important event ahead of the European Championships to be hosted in April by Cluj Napoca, central Romania. (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • March 18, 2017

    March 18, 2017

    TERRORISM — A man was shot dead on Saturday morning by security forces after grabbing the weapon of a soldier on Orly International Airport in Paris in what seems to be a terrorist attack. No one got hurt in the incident. Air traffic was brought to a halt and thousands of people were evacuated from the two terminals, which were both shut down. The authorities have launched a large-scale security operation involving bomb disposal experts. Counterterrorist prosecutors are conducting an investigation. Sources with the French Interior Ministry say the man was on the watchlist of law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Prior to the incident on Orly Airport, the man had opened fire on a roadblock checkpoint in northern Paris, injuring a policeman, then headed to Orly. Since January 2015, Paris saw one of the highest number of terrorist attacks, which killed numerous victims.

    MILTARY EXERCISE — 1,200 Romanian and US military are taking part in the Spring Storm 17 joint military exercise, consisting of complex defence tactics carried out on the Romanian Black Sea coast and urban areas, with naval, ground and air support. Today the military are scheduled to carry out a drill for the debarkation of Romanian and American marines from the USS Carter Hall landing ship. During the drill the forces will be attacked by battleships on sea while the Romanian Air Force will provide air support with two MIG 21 Lancer fighter jets. In another development, diplomatic and military sources in the Russian media say the Russian Federation is closely monitoring the French warship La Fayette, which will be anchored in the port of Constanta over March 24-27 as part of a joint military exercise carried out with the Romanian navy.

    MOLDOVA — Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Moldovan counterpart, Igor Dodon, met in Moscow to discuss the terms of the agreement of their previous meeting, held less than three months ago. Igor Dodon said difficulties in terms of bilateral relations have been overcome due to this agreement and suggested the organization of consultations for the conclusion of a Strategic Partnership. The agenda of Igor Dodon’s visit to Moscow is mostly focused on the economy, and included the Moldovan official’s participation in a Russian-Moldovan business forum. On this occasion, Igor Dodon called on Russian business people to invest in the Republic of Moldova. Any investor with an investment capital exceeding one hundred thousand dollars may apply for Moldovan citizenship and thus benefit from Moldova’s Association Agreement with the European Union. At the same time, the Moldovan President said on April 3, Moldova will sign a cooperation agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union.

    TRUMP — US President Donald Trump on Friday talked to German Chancellor Angela Merkel about migration, which he sees as a privilege, not a right, underlining that citizen safety should come first. The two officials also discussed the NATO budget, with the White House leader insisting on the need for member states to make contributions to the NATO budget. Donald Trump said there are states currently owing large sums of money, and they have to pay their debts. In turn, Chancellor Merkel argued in favour of resuming negotiations between the European Union and the United States on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Angela Merkel also expressed their willingness to improve relations with Russia, provided a positive solution is found to the crisis in Ukraine.

    GYMNASTICS — Gymnast Catalina Ponor on Friday qualified to the vault and floor final events at the World Gymnastics Championships in Baku, Azerbaijan. It is the only Romanian athlete qualified to the finals, scheduled to take place on Sunday. 120 gymnasts from 21 states are taking part in the World Championships, an important event ahead of the European Championships to be hosted in April by Cluj Napoca, central Romania. (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • Le courrier des auditeurs 11.09.2015

    Le courrier des auditeurs 11.09.2015

    L’été s’est envolé, l’automne est de la compagnie. Les écoles ouvriront leurs portes le lundi, 14 septembre. En attendant de reprendre le rythme fou des journées commencées à 6h30 du mat, je voudrais vous donner l’occasion de faire la connaissance des deux gagnants du jeu-concours Voyage avec la navette de mamie Ruta. Je vous rappelle que les sorts ont voulu que les deux soient sur la liste des auditeurs des émissions en français de RRI. Il s’agit de Mme Jamila Bekkaï et de M. Gilbert Dupont. Notre collègue Andrei Popov a eu le bonheur d’interviewer Mme Bekkaï au dernier jour de sa visite en Roumanie.

    Tout au long de leur voyage en Transylvanie, nos amis Jamila Bekkaï et Gilbert Dupont, venu en Roumanie en compagnie de son épouse, Annie, ont eu pour guide notre collègue Valentin Tigau de la section News de RRI, un passionné de la France et du français qu’il maîtrise d’ailleurs très bien, comme vous pouvez l’entendre dans l’interview qu’il a demandée à Gilbert Dupont.

    Merci aux organisateurs du jeu-concours et merci à nos amis Jamila Bekkaï et Gilbert Dupont de nous avoir fait part de leurs impressions dans cette édition du courrier. On espère bien les revoir un jour !

    Bonjour ou bonsoir cher M. Serge Tombeur, un fidèle auditeur de notre station comme il se présente tout seul. Je suis désolée d’apprendre que de très gros problèmes vous ont obligé d’abandonner l’écoute de la radio pour à peu près 5 ans. Pourtant, je suis contente d’apprendre que le mal soit parti ou du moins qu’il vous permette de reprendre vos activités préférées parmi lesquelles l’écoute de la radio. C’est très intéressant ce que vous nous avez raconté sur le médecin roumain Maria Stoenoiu qui vous a encouragé et soutenu en vous redonnant le goût de la vie et la force de vous battre. Le soutien mental est tout aussi important, sinon parfois plus important que le traitement proprement dit. En plus, je voudrais bien vous citer quand vous affirmez que « ce docteur d’origine roumaine de l’Hôpital de Bruxelles vous a vraiment sauvé d’une paralysie dont personne ne trouvait de remèdes ». Et vous continuez : « la gentillesse de ce docteur et la connaissance de son métier sont tout simplement époustouflant ». Bravo chère madame, félicitations ! Nous sommes fiers de vous !

    Bonjour à vous, cher René Pigeard de Greez sur Roc. Comment allez-vous ? Comment se porte Luisette ? J’espère que ce petit bonjour de la part de nous tous vous trouve en parfaite santé. Vos lettres nous font toujours plaisir, on est fort content d’avoir de vos nouvelles et de lire les rapports d’écoute. Je suis très émue quand je pense que vous avez fêté 60 années de mariage. Moi et mon mari, on vient de célébrer 15 ! Gros bisous à vous deux et bonne continuation sur les ondes et dans la vie!

    Comment ça va, cher Bernard Watelet de Clermont Ferrand ?Comme d’habitude, vos rapports d’écoute nous font grand plaisir, surtout qu’ils nous offrent un important feed back. Nous sommes ravis de constater que nos dossiers continuent à susciter votre intérêt. Et je pense notamment aux rubriques musicales, au volet Actualité, au dossier économique Club Affaires, à l’Encyclopédie sur RRI ou encore aux Carnets d’adresses de Ligia. La rubrique de Ioana Lutic, la Roumanie en toute lettres continue à figurer parmi vos préférences. Cher ami, merci bien pour la très jolie carte postale. L’image est magnifique avec les deux vieillards qui partagent le silence et leur dîner et la citation de Chateaubriand est toujours d’actualité. A savoir « le vrai bonheur coûte peu ».

    J’ai laissé pour la bonne bouche une des lettres les plus jolies que j’ai eu l’occasion de lire ces dernières années. Une lettre signée Jean Marc Orly qui nous a rendu visite l’an dernier après avoir décroché le grand prix à notre jeu concours Sur les traces de Constantin Brancusi et de Milita Petrascu. Inspiré par ses souvenirs de Roumanie, M. Orly s’est mis à nous écrire une lettre magnifique dans un TGV en route vers Paris où il comptait visiter justement l’atelier de Brancusi près du centre Pompidou. Cher ami, vos mots nous ont fait chaud au cœur ! Nous sommes flattés et émus de nous sentir tellement importants pour nos auditeurs. C’est tellement encourageant et agréable de constater que notre travail compte énormément, que nos voix animent les jours des francophones du monde entier, cela nous rend fier de pouvoir lutter de tous nos forces pour défendre la place que le français occupe dans ce monde. Toute l’équipe se joint à moi pour vous remercier, cher Jean- Marc de vos mots tellement chaleureux. Pour ma part, merci bien des appréciations à l’adresse du courrier. Je suis fort contente que la réponse sur l’apprentissage de la religion dans les écoles de Roumanie t’a plu. C’est un sujet très controversé, c’est d’ailleurs la raison qui m’a poussée à m’y attaquer sur le blog. Merci de continuer à me rendre des visites virtuelles. La porte de mon blog est toujours grand ouverte. A son tour Andrei est heureux de vous savoir à l’écoute de ses émissions en direct. Et oui, c’était bien lui qui s’est attaqué au cas de la Hongrie lors d’une émission en direct depuis Budapest. A la fin, je voudrais vous citer quand vous écrivez « avec RRI, les auditeurs apprennent beaucoup, se cultivent et peuvent se cultiver encore plus. Je dois reconnaître que souvent, après vos émissions, je vais faire un petit tour sur wikipedia ». Et là, vous vous demandez : pourquoi pas wikipedia.ro ? Hé bien, elle existe bien cette version en roumain, depuis plusieurs années déjà. Merci une fois de plus Jean- Marc Olry pour cette magnifique lettre qui nous a touchés, merci pour les petits cadeaux, pour votre présence sur les ondes et au plaisir de vous lire !

    Chers amis, c’est tout pour aujourd’hui. Ioana vous fait un bisou radiophonique et vous donne rendez-vous d’ici deux semaines à une nouvelle édition du courrier.