Tag: Ostrava

  • Sportivul săptămânii – Atleta Claudia Bobocea

    Sportivul săptămânii – Atleta Claudia Bobocea

    Sezonul reuniunilor atletice internaționale este în toi. Sportivii
    încearcă să îndeplinească baremurile pentru participarea la competițiile majore
    din vară, motiv pentru care participă uneori și la câte trei reuniuni
    internaționale pe săptămână. Zilele trecute, atleții români s-au remarcat la
    diferite concursuri, unii dintre ei calificându-se pentru întrecerile
    importante care urmează. Andrei Rareş Toader, de pildă, a câştigat proba de
    aruncare a greutăţii din cadrul reuniunii internaţionale de la Praga. El a realizat cea mai mai bună performanţă
    a sa din acest sezon, cu o aruncare de 21
    de metri și 2 centimetri. Astfel, a
    îndeplinit baremul pentru Campionatele Europene din august, de la München şi a
    fost la doar 8 centimetri de cel pentru
    Mondialele din iulie, din localitatea americană Eugene, statul Oregon.

    O altă sportivă care și-a asigurat locul la Europenele din Germania
    este Alina Rotaru-Kottmann. Ea a câştigat proba de săritură în lungime,
    duminică, la reuniunea de la Inneringen-Hettingen, din landul german
    Baden-Württemberg, cu performanţa de 6 metri și 79 de centimetri. Joi, ea
    câștigase aceeași probă la concursul din Grecia, de la Filothei, cu rezultatul
    de 6 metri și 63 de centimetri. Performera săptămânii a fost însă alergătoarea
    Claudia Bobocea. Marţi, la reuniunea internaţională de la Ostrava, din Cehia, a
    ocupat locul 4 la 1500 de metri, dar cu un timp care i-a asigurat calificarea
    atât la Mondialele din iulie, din Statele Unite, cât şi la Europenele din
    august, găzduite de Germania. Vineri, la Manchester, într-un concurs din
    circuitul World Athletics Continental Tour, ea s-a situat pe primul loc la 800
    de metri. Apoi, duminică, în Maroc, la reuniunea internaţională de la Rabat,
    din circuitul Diamond League, românca s-a clasat a cincea la 1500 de metri. În
    urma acestor rezultate, Radio România Internațional a desemnat-o pe Claudia
    Bobocea Sportivul Săptămânii.

    Claudia Bobocea este din București și s-a născut la 11 iunie 1992.
    Practică atletismul din 2007. In 2014 s-a clasat pe locul 4 cu echipa feminină
    a României în proba de 4×1500 m din cadrul Campionatului Mondial de Ștafete
    (IAAF World Relays) desfășurat în Bahamas, la Nassau. A luat parte la Jocurile
    Olimpice de la Rio, din 2016, la 800 de metri, unde s-a clasat pe locul 51.
    Anul trecut, la Jocurile de la Tokyo, a concurat la 1500 de metri, unde a
    terminat pe locul 33.

  • Nachrichten 10.12.2019

    Nachrichten 10.12.2019

    Die rumänische Regierung stellt im Parlament die Vertrauensfrage für eine Reihe von Gesetzen im Rechtswesen und der Wirtschaftspolitik. Betroffen sind die Verschiebung einer Vorschrift zur vorzeitigen Pensionierung der Richter, eine Maßnahme zur Erhöhung der Anzahl der Richter in den Spruchkörpern unterer Instanzen von zwei auf drei sowie die Dienstaltervoraussetzung für den Zugang zur Richterschule.

    In den drei Jahrzehnten seit dem Fall des Kommunismus hat die rumänische Justiz enorme Fortschritte gemacht, nicht nur in Bezug auf die Gesetzgebung und die Institutionen, sondern auch auf der gesellschaftlichen Ebene – das sagte der rumänische Präsident Klaus Iohannis auf einer Sitzung des Magistratenrates in Bukarest. Iohannis erklärte auch, dass 2019 im kollektiven Gedächtnis als das Jahr bleiben werde, in dem die Bürger durch das Referendum vom 26. Mai die Unabhängigkeit der Justiz geschützt haben. Das Ergebnis des Referendums zeigt, dass die Rumänen jedes Mal reagieren, wenn die demokratischen Werte missachtet werden, so Iohannis.

    Bei einer Schießerei im Städtischen Krankenhaus von Ostrava im Nordosten der Tschechischen Republik sind Dienstag Morgen sechs Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Beim Eintreffen der Einsatzkräfte hatte sich der Angreifer durch einen selbst zugefügten Schuss in einem nahegelegenen Fahrzeug getötet. Ein Teil des Krankenhauses wurde zunächst abgesperrt. Premierminister Andrej Babis bestätigte, dass die Schüsse aus nächster Nähe in einem Wartezimmer des Krankenhauses stattfanden. Das Tatmotiv ist noch unbekannt.

    Die US-Demokraten haben am Dienstag zwei Anklagen gegen den republikanischen Präsidenten Donald Trump während des Amtsenthebungsverfahrens gehalten- Machtmissbrauch und Blockierung des Kongresses. Wenn diese Anschuldigungen nach einer Abstimmung, die nächste Woche stattfinden könnte, vom Plenum des Repräsentantenhauses, bei dem die Demokraten die Mehrheit bilden, bestätigt werden, wird Donald Trump der dritte Präsident in der US-Geschichte sein, der vom US-Kongress angeklagt wird. Um jedoch entlassen zu werden, ist die Abstimmung im Senat erforderlich, wo der politische Prozess stattfinden wird und wo die Republikaner eine Mehrheit haben. Nach Angaben der Demokraten hat Donald Trump in seinem persönlichen Interesse Druck auf die Ukraine ausgeübt, eine Untersuchung gegen Hunter Biden, den Sohn des ehemaligen demokratischen Vizepräsidenten Joe Biden, der wahrscheinlich der Kandidat von Trump bei den kommenden Präsidentschaftswahlen ist, wieder aufzunehmen. Donald Trump hat die Anschuldigungen der Demokraten als lächerlich verurteilt.

    In Frankreich haben groß angelegte Proteste gegen die geplanten Rentenreformen des französischen Präsidenten Emmanuel Macron stattgefunden. Der betroffendste ist der Verkehrssektor. Die Tätigkeit einiger Schulen hatte ebenfalls darunter zu leiden.Sieben der acht Raffinerien sind blockiert. Die Arbeitnehmer sind wütend über die Aussicht, später in den Ruhestand zu gehen oder mit reduzierten Altersbezügen rechnen zu müssen. Frankreich verfügt derzeit über 42 verschiedene Altersversorgungssysteme in seinem privaten und öffentlichen Sektor, wobei das Rentenalter und die Leistungen unterschiedlich sind. Die Exekutive behauptet, der neue Entwurf, der von dem Premierminister Édouard Philippe am Mittwoch vorgestellt wird, werde gleiche Rentenbedingungen für alle Arbeitnehmer schaffen.

    Das Handelsdefizit Rumäniens hat in den ersten 10 Monaten des Jahres 14 Milliarden Euro überschritten, um 2 Milliarden Euro mehr als im gleichen Zeitraum des Vorjahres. Nach einer Pressemitteilung des Nationalen Statistikinstituts beliefen sich die Exporte auf über 58 Milliarden Euro, während die Importe 72 Milliarden Euro überstiegen. Kraftfahrzeuge und Transportausrüstungen sind ein wichtiger Teil der gesamten Ein- und Ausfuhren.

    Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin und der ukrainische Präsident Volodymyr Zelensky haben vereinbart, bis Ende 2019 einen Waffenstillstand in der Ostukraine zu erreichen. Die beiden Präsidenten trafen sich am Montag auf einem Pariser Gipfel zu Verhandlungen, die vom französischen Präsidenten Emmanuel Macron und der deutschen Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel vermittelt wurden. In einer schriftlichen Erklärung vereinbarten die Länder die Freilassung und den Austausch aller konfliktbezogenen Gefangenen bis Ende des Jahres. Die beiden Seiten verpflichteten sich auch, die Streitkräfte in drei weiteren Regionen der Ukraine bis Ende März 2020 abzubauen, ohne anzugeben, welche Regionen betroffen sein würden, so die BBC.

    Die rumänische Handballnationalmannschaft der Frauen ist am Dienstag in Kumamoto in der Hauptgruppe II der Weltmeisterschaft in Japan von Schweden mit 34: 22 besiegt worden. Die Rumäninnen verloren nach einem schwachen Spiel, in dem die Fehler zahlreich waren, vor einer nordischenMannschaft, die nicht überragend war, aber die zahlreichen Möglichkeiten ausnutzte. Am Mittwoch trifft Rumänien auf Japan. Derzeit liegt Russland an erster Stelle in der Gruppe, gefolgt von Spanien, Schweden, Montenegro, Japan und Rumänien. Die ersten beiden qualifizieren sich für das Halbfinale.

  • The Soviet Bloc’s Stalin Cities in the post-war era

    The Soviet Bloc’s Stalin Cities in the post-war era

    The Soviet Union
    was the winning side against Nazi Germany in World War Two. Immediately after
    1945, the Soviet Union occupied half of Europe and imposed its own political
    economic and social model. An inherent part of such a model was the cult of the
    supreme commander, Iosif Vissarionovici Djugaşvili or Stalin.

    According to the
    communist propaganda, the love for Stalin had to be boundless: from commoners
    to grandiose projects or even cities, the name of Stalin was everywhere.
    Communist leaderships in Albania, Bulgaria, former Czechoslovakia, the then
    German Democratic Republic, Poland, Romania and Hungary named some of their
    major cities after Stalin, the great leader according to the Soviet
    propaganda. With such an honor were received other communist leaders as well.

    In 1953, in the
    former German Democratic Republic, the city of Chemnitz became Karl Marx Stadt.
    In former Yugoslavia, where there was no Stalin City, Montenegro’s capital
    Podgorica, became Titograd, from 1946 to 1992, after the name of communist
    leader Iosip Broz Tito. In Romania, the town of Onesti became Gheorghe
    Gheorghiu-Dej, while the town of Stei became Dr Petru Groza. We recall Gheorghe
    Gheorghiu-Dej and Petru Groza were two prominent Romanian communist leaders.

    Nicolae Pepene
    is the director of Brasov County History Museum. In 2017, the year when the
    centennial of the Bolshevik Revolution was marked, he initiated the Stalin
    Cities, a project for which he received financing from the European Union. We
    asked him why Brasov became Stalin City.

    Nicolae Pepene: There is a formal explanation we find in the publications of that
    time namely that the rail workers decided to honour their friendship with the
    great leader, his concern for the Romanian people, for the workers, by changing
    the name of the city. Why rail workers? Somehow it was the connection with the
    great national leader Gheorghiu-Dej, who used to be a rail worker. Everything
    was part of the propaganda machine of the time. The name was changed around
    August 23rd 1950, a symbolical date for the communist regime.
    Unfortunately, there were no unofficial records about the event. We can imagine
    it was a gesture of servitude towards the local authorities as the ties with
    the Soviet Union were quite strong. A monument of the Soviet soldier was built
    in the city’s central park in 1949 and there was also a house of the
    Romanian-Soviet friendship in Brasov, central Romania. Writers from the Soviet
    Union used to come to Romania, and there were exchanges of workers and teachers
    as well. The city of Brasov was the spearhead of the propaganda machine because
    it had a strong community of workers. Although affected by the allied
    bombardments, most of the factories in Brasov remained operational and upon
    their coming to power, the communists pumped massive investment into the region.
    Some local historians believe there was also a move to humiliate the
    Transylvanian Saxons living in the region, as the city used to have a
    significant Saxon minority back then.

    The propaganda
    agents were so hell-bent on making the city’s new name known to everyone that
    they ordered a large number of fir-trees on Tampa mountain cut down, so that
    the name could become visible from any angle. The map of Stalin cities was
    stretching from the Soviet Union to Central Europe and no country from behind
    the Iron Curtain could escape the trend. Here is Nicolae Pepene again at the

    Nicolae Pepene: Of course things started off in the Soviet Union, because they created
    the pattern. Volgograd became Stalingrad. The city of Donetsk became Stalino
    and after the Soviet occupation of Central and Eastern Europe, they exported
    this propaganda pattern. The Bulgarian city of Varna became a Stalin city
    in 1949, at a time when Varna was Bulgaria’s second largest city. Next came
    Poland, which renamed Katowice in 1953, shortly after the dictator’s death.
    However, the Poles came back to the city’s real name three years later. Another
    city which was named after Stalin’s name was Stalinvaros, a workers’ city built
    from scratch in Hungary, which is now called Dunajvaros and is presently
    Hungary’s most important metallurgic center. The Albanians didn’t choose a big
    city, but a small one previously called Kutzova, south of capital Tirana. The
    Democratic Republic of Germany also had a Stalin city, formerly known as Eisenhuttenstadt,
    which was also a steel city. Interestingly, Czechoslovakia didn’t have an
    entire city named after the Soviet dictator, but only major districts in
    various cities. A major district in Prague was named after Stalin and so was a
    district in Ostrava.

    Stalin cities
    returned to their first names according to the political situation in their
    countries. Katowice and Varna got back their original names in 1956 and Brasov
    in 1960. They were followed by Eisenhuttenstadt and Dunaujvaros in 1961 and so
    did Volgograd and Donetsk. Kutzova, in Albania, was the last to scrap its
    Soviet name back in 1991.

  • September 20, 2019

    September 20, 2019

    ELECTION Candidates in the presidential election in November have
    Sunday as deadline to enlist with the Central Electoral Office. Incumbent
    president Klaus Iohannis backed by the opposition National Liberal Party and
    Dan Barna, supported by the USR-PLUS Alliance also in opposition, have enlisted
    today. The country’s incumbent Prime Minister and leader of the ruling PSD,
    Viorica Dancila and the opposition PMP leader Theodor Paleologu submitted their
    applications on Thursday. The first round of the presidential election is due
    on November 10th and the second round two weeks later.

    PROTEST Environmental and human rights organizations have kicked
    off a week of protests in Romania denouncing the lack of effective measures to
    fight climate change. Romania’s capital city Bucharest will today see a protest
    march, due to end in front of the Environment Ministry meant to draw attention
    to pressing climate issues Romania is currently facing and the necessary solutions
    for major pollutants in this country. The move is part of a larger
    international anti-pollution campaign, which will culminate with a massive
    rally in New York on Friday, three days ahead of the UN Climate Summit. A
    report recently published by French scientists shows that global warming is
    faster than it was initially thought.

    FESTIVAL The last three days of the George Enescu International Festival are
    rich in musical events. The ‘Banatul’ Philharmonic Orchestra, based in
    Timisoara, western Romania will today give a concert at the Radio Concert Hall
    in Bucharest, while at the Romanian Atheneum, also in Bucharest, French
    ensemble ‘Les Talens Lyriques’ led by Cristophe Rousset will be performing ‘Julius
    Caesar in Egypt’ by George Frideric Handel. Canadian soprano Karina Gauving
    will play the Cleopatra role in the show. Arnold Schoenberg’s opera ‘Moses and
    Aaron’ will be performed by the George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra. The
    George Enescu Festival, which has Radio Romania as co-producer, has brought
    together over 2500 of the world’s best artists who performed in 84 concerts and
    recitals. Bucharest and other Romanian cities as well as cities in five
    countries, such as Germany, France, Italy, Canada and the Republic of Moldova
    have played venue for events part of this festival.

    Over 80 servicemen and military gear belonging to Romania’s Air and Ground
    Forces are participating in NATO days hosted by Ostrava, in the Czech Republic.
    Romania has the statute of special partner in this event. NATO Days in Ostrava
    is a public event staged annually, which consists of air shows and exhibitions staged
    by the police and armed forces of NATO participant and partner countries.
    Speaking yesterday in the opening of an exhibition entitled ‘We are Together:
    Romania and the USA in NATO’ at the US embassy in Bucharest, Romanian Prime
    Minister Viorica Dancila said that Romania remains firmly committed to its
    pledge to allocate 2% of its GDP for defense. Dancila went on to say that
    Bucharest would continue to actively and responsibly contribute to promoting NATO values to its neighbours.

    FOOTBALL Romania’s football champions CFR Cluj secured a 2-1 win
    against Lazio Rome in a home match on Thursday counting towards Europa League
    group E. The other group match pitching
    French side Rennes against Celtic Glasgow ended in a draw, one-all. Lazio will
    be playing Rennes and Celtic will be up against CFR Cluj on October 3rd.

    PROSECUTOR Romania’s
    former anti-corruption prosecutor Laura Codruta Kovesi on Thursday was voted by
    most of the EU ambassadors to become the EU’s first public prosecutor, the EU
    Observer has announced. According to US News, Kovesi, who will become the EU’s
    first anti-fraud prosecutor, got support from the member states in spite of opposition
    from the government in Bucharest.

    (translated by bill)