Tag: parliament

  • Romania has a brand new Forestry Code

    Romania has a brand new Forestry Code

    Romanian President Klaus Iohannis
    on Friday promulgated the new Forestry Code, after Parliament had rejected his
    request for the law to be reexamined. On May 20th the Chamber of
    Deputies, as decision-making body, rejected the President’s request and passed
    the law in its initial version.

    The President’s request had been
    previously met with opposition from the Senate as well. In March, Klaus
    Iohannis said in his request for reexamination that the provisions of
    this law would arbitrarily limit the activity of companies, which would create
    advantages for some and disadvantages for others, have a negative impact on
    competition and give rise to situations when the Romanian state, as an EU
    member, could be accused of violating its own commitments.

    According to president Iohannis, the introduction of the maximum
    threshold of 30% upon the purchase or processing wood from Romania’s forests
    and the pre-emption right for furniture producers when buying wood will violate
    the principles of economic and contractual freedom underlying the market
    economy. The Romanian President can send the law
    back to Parliament for reexamination only once but he can challenge it at the
    Constitutional Court, something he says he does not plan to do.

    Unhappy with the fact that they were not allowed
    to propose any amendments to the bill after its adoption by Parliament, the
    Liberals, in opposition, suggested a project that they wanted included in the
    law on national security, stipulating that the illegal deforestation of more
    than 1 hectare should be considered a threat to national security. President
    Iohannis has recently announced that the issue of illegal deforestation will be
    discussed at the meeting of the Supreme Defense Council on Tuesday.

    In Bucharest and several other cities, thousands
    of people have been protesting lately against the deforestation and illegal
    logging of the last years. Protesters are calling on the authorities to pass
    laws likely to ensure a transparent exploitation of the natural resources that
    need to be preserved and considered national heritage. They are also calling on
    decision-makers to carry out more thorough checks at the wood processors, put
    an end to illegal deforestation, ban the unprocessed wood exports indefinitely
    and strengthen control institutions and the means of monitoring the transports
    of logs and timber.

    The Government proposed last month that timber
    and firewood exports should be suspended until August 31st. As of
    this date until the yearend wood trade should be strictly monitored. All these
    measures have formed part of two emergency ordinances aimed at regulating the
    wood market more strictly.

  • Parliament and the Rule of Law

    Parliament and the Rule of Law

    The speaker of the Romanian Senate, Calin
    Popescu Tariceanu, together with the speaker of the Chamber of Deputies,
    Valeriu Zgonea, on Wednesday had talks in Bucharest with the US charge
    d’affaires, the ambassadors of Great Britain and the Netherlands and with the
    German deputy head of mission. The meeting took place after the diplomatic
    missions of the aforementioned countries took a stand as to the modification of
    the Romanian Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes.

    The talks focused on the
    strategic partnerships Romania, as an EU and NATO member, has concluded with
    these countries, on the Romanian business environment and on the legislative
    changes regarding the judiciary. The speaker of the Senate, Calin Popescu
    Tariceanu, talked to the foreign diplomats about the importance of consolidating
    the institutions that can defend citizens’ rights and freedoms:

    Calin Popescu Tariceanu: The
    rule of law does not mean consolidating the state’s institutions of repression,
    it actually means stronger institutions able to defend the citizens’ rights and
    freedoms from abuse of any kind.

    In turn, the ambassador of
    Great Britain to Bucharest, Paul Brummell, reminded the importance of
    Parliament’s independence in the legislative process and also the role of
    relevant institutions, such as the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, in the
    fight against corruption.

    The British ambassador also
    referred to the importance of talks on the rule of law in the Romanian society.
    Paul Brummell said that it is not the foreign diplomats’ call to suggest a new
    law. That is the role of MPs, of political parties, of organizations and of the
    people. They simply want to make sure that the talks about the rule of law and
    Parliament acknowledge the importance of the anti-corruption fight for the
    development of Romania and the prosperity of the Romanian people.

    The talks between the Romanian
    officials and the western diplomats took place after Parliament was asked
    several times to approve the requests of the prosecutors regarding the
    prosecution of certain MPs. The Social Democratic Party MPs, who hold the
    majority, rejected, in some cases, the prosecutors’ requests regarding them or
    their colleagues. The most resounding case is that of the former transport
    minister, Dan Sova, who was accused of being accomplice to abuse of office.

    At the end of March, most
    senators attending the meeting voted in favor of the National Anti-Corruption
    Directorate’s request for taking Fan Sova into temporary custody, but the
    request was rejected due to the lack of quorum. Subsequently the Constitutional
    Court ruled that the Senate’s decision in that case was unconstitutional.

  • Debates on a new election code

    Debates on a new election code

    A special parliamentary committee has started consultations with representatives of all parliamentary parties on the amendment of the election laws. So far, the committee has analysed the basic principles underlying the election of the president, of senators and deputies, and of the local authorities. The ruling Social Democratic Party says it will propose, among others, the reduction in the number of MPs to around 300 for the Chamber of Deputies and 100 for the Senate.

    The National Liberal Party in opposition will propose a mixed system for the election of MPs. The minister delegate for the relationship with Parliament, Eugen Nicolicea, said in an interview that he would propose the committee to carry out a census of the Romanian voters abroad, to improve the distribution of polling stations. “As soon as the law comes into force”, said Nicolicea, “the Romanian citizens living abroad will have six months to report their presence to the Romanian embassies in the respective countries. This will ensure that a sufficient number of polling stations will be created.”

    The amendment of Romania’s three election laws is a priority for the new Parliament session which begins in February, said the president of the committee in charge with drafting the new election code, Valeriu Zgonea. The committee has already requested Parliament’s permanent bureaus to present it with all proposals referring to the election legislation and submit amendments to the existing bills by March 15th. Mr Zgonea says Romania needs an efficient and secure voting system.

    Valeriu Zgonea: “All political parties agree that the new system should work without any logistical problems and provide all Romanian voters, wherever they are, with the opportunity to exercise their fundamental right to vote. We all agree that we must reduce the number of deputies and senators. We will look for the best solutions to achieve this before the legislative elections of 2016”.

    The need for a fundamental change of the voting process abroad became clear during the recent presidential elections in November, when many citizens were unable to cast their votes due to deficiencies in the system and the bad management of the election process.