Tag: Pauker

  • 75 years since the signing of the Paris Peace Treaties

    75 years since the signing of the Paris Peace Treaties

    After a couple of months, on
    February 10th 1947, to be precise, a series of peace treaties with
    the former allies of the Nazi Germany like Romania, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria
    and Finland was signed. Each of these defeated countries tried to improve their
    difficult situation as they possibly could at that time. However, all of them,
    apart from Bulgaria, have lost territories and had to make compensation
    payments after the war.

    At the peace
    conference, Romania was represented by a government controlled by the communist
    party imposed by the Soviet occupation. The Romanian lobbyists and the team who
    worked on the official stand tried to bring strong arguments in support of
    Romania’s case. Gheorghe Apostol had a leading position in the Romanian
    Communist Party and in a 1995 interview to Radio Romania said that the biggest
    fight to represent Romania’s interests at that time wasn’t put up by the
    communists in the government.

    Gheorghe Apostol: Romania’s delegation also included Pătrăşcanu,
    not only because he was a justice minister at that time but also because he was
    a well-known political leader. There were several rounds of talks but Romania’s
    main speaker wasn’t Pătrăşcanu. The man who talked directly with the Western
    powers during the peace talks was Tătărăscu, Foreign Minister at that time and
    a political leader well-known in Romania and abroad. After the talks on the
    Paris Peace Treaty in 1947, the delegation came back and was given a hero’s
    welcome, although the main gain was only the issue of Transylvania. However,
    Romania’s right over Transylvania was obtained with great difficulty.

    Barbul used to be the chief of Marshal Antonescu’s cabinet, and the country’s
    Prime Minister between 1940 and 1944. He was assigned the task of drawing up
    two files, one on Romania-Hungary differences and another on the situation of
    the Jewish minority in Romania.

    Barbul: I was asked to draw up those two reports by the commission, which
    was supposed to present them during the peace talks. The commission was chaired
    by Ana Pauker. Of course it was very difficult for me to write these two reports.
    The report about Hungary wasn’t an issue, I wrote it as I thought and nobody
    contradicted me. But with the Jewish minority the situation was different
    because as a collaborator to Ion Antonescu and Mihai Antonescu I found it
    difficult to write as I should back then. Because if I had written it as they
    wished, I would have had no character but had I written it as I wanted I could
    have found myself in a delicate situation. And suddenly I got lucky after I had
    received some documents from the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, an
    international Jewish organization, which had some references about Romania. So
    I was able to learn that the number of Jews who remained in Romania after the
    ceding of Bessarabia, North Transylvania and Southern Dobrudja, was close to
    400 thousand. So in my report the situation of the Jews, unlike in the other
    countries under German occupation, was one of the best. The report was
    submitted to Ana Pauker, who, to my surprise, approved it.

    Niculescu-Mizil a former leading figure of the communist party confessed that Romania
    not being granted the title of co-belligerent country at the peace treaty talks
    was unfair.

    Paul Niculescu-Mizil:
    The biggest issue they tackled was the issue of co-belligerence. We sustained
    that idea but they even changed the real date when we started fighting the
    Germans. The peace treaty doesn’t mention the date of August 23rd
    when we actually started waging war against Germany but September 12th.
    So, they changed the actual facts and that benefitted the Russians and the
    Americans alike. Why did it benefit the Russians? Because they wanted to appear
    as liberators of Bucharest, of Romania. In one of my articles I told the story
    of Russian general Konev who came to hand us the battle flag of a Russian tank
    regiment, which had allegedly liberated Bucharest. However, I gave Defence
    Minister Bodnaras a collection of documents, including the newspapers issued in
    the days of August 29th, 30th and 31st 1944,
    showing Soviet troops receiving a hero’s welcome in Bucharest with flowers and
    all. What better proof than that? The Russians’ entry in Bucharest was hailed
    by the communists whereas the Social-Democrats welcomed the Romanian army. So,
    the Russian troops entered Romania to parade not to fight.

    75 years ago, the peace treaties
    in Paris sealed the end of WWII. The countries defeated had different destinies
    though. For Italy and Finland, the future looked prosperous and democratic whereas
    Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria were in for the tyranny and poverty brought along
    by the communist regimes instated in those countries.
