Tag: Petr Pavel

  • January 29, 2023 UPDATE

    January 29, 2023 UPDATE

    Parliament. Romanian senators and deputies will return to work on Wednesday, February 1, in the first parliamentary session of the year. Many bills in key areas are waiting to be debated and receive the final vote. Among them: the education laws and the so-called special pension laws. In parallel, the Liberals and the Social Democrats are making plans for the rotation agreed at the level of the governing coalition, that is, the rotation of prime ministers and the exchange of some ministries between the two parties. According to a protocol of the PSD-PNL-UDMR coalition, this rotation should take place at the end of May. Also, in the run-up to the 2024 election year, a bill to be voted on is the one according to which women will represent at least one third of the candidates in the local and parliamentary elections.

    Election. On Saturday evening, Romanias President Klaus Iohannis and Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă sent congratulations to the new president of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel, speaking of strengthening the relations between the two states. Several European leaders have welcomed the victory of the new Czech president, who has promised to be an independent head of state, uninfluenced by party politics, to continue and provide aid to the war-torn Ukraine and to support Kyivs accession to EU. In turn, the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky congratulated Petr Pavel on Twitter and said that he appreciated his support for Ukraine. In the second round of the elections, reserve general Petr Pavel, former head of the NATO Military Committee, received 58.32% of the votes, while his rival, the billionaire Andrej Babis, who held the post of prime minister between 2017 and 2021, got 41.67%, according to the final results. The voter turnout in this EU and NATO member country, with a population of 10.5 million, was 70%. Petr Pavel, aged 61, ran in the elections as an independent candidate and benefits from the support of the center-right government. He will replace Milos Zeman, a controversial politician who had maintained close ties with Moscow before making a U-turn during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    Ukraine. The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has stated, in the run-up to the EU-Ukraine summit next week that Ukraine has the unconditional support of the EU bloc and that this country must resist the Russian attacks in order to defend the European values. Meanwhile, Kyiv and its Western allies are engaged in “rapid” talks on potentially equipping Ukraine with long-range missiles and military aircraft, an aide to President Volodymyr Zelensky said. On the ground, in the east of Ukraine, the fighting continues. The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine stated that Ukrainian forces repelled new Russian attacks in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. According to Kyiv, Russia is preparing a new wave of offensives to mark the anniversary of its invasion of Ukraine on February 24.

    Border-crossing. On January 28, in Romania, more than 151,000 people, Romanian citizens and foreigners, crossed Romanias borders. Some 74 thousand people, of which 7,627 Ukrainian citizens, entered the country. Since early February 2022, (pre-conflict period), until January 28, at national level, more than 3.42 million Ukrainian citizens entered the country.

    Survey. 80% of Romanian consumers allow the use of personal data for advertising purposes, according to a recent survey. Data from the Survey on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in households and by individuals shows that 1 in 2 Europeans aged 16-74 refused to allow their personal data to be used for advertising purposes when using the internet for private reasons during the previous 3 months. Moreover, 46% reported that they allowed restricted access only to their geographic location or denied access to this information completely. The share of people refusing to allow their personal data to be used for advertising varied between EU member states. The highest rates were observed in the Netherlands (73%), Finland (70%), Denmark and Germany (both 63%), Spain (62%). Conversely, the lowest were recorded in Bulgaria (10%), Romania (20%), Greece (29%), Slovakia (30%) and Latvia (32%).

    Festival. Two Romanian films, Metronome by Alexandru Belc and M.R.I. by Cristian Mungiu, are taking part in the competition of the Gothenburg International Film Festival in Sweden, which is taking place these days. According to the Romanian Cultural Institute in Stockholm, the event annually presents approximately 400 productions from around the world, with around 160,000 spectators attending. Metronome, director Alexandru Belcs debut film, presents a love story between two young people in communist Romania in 1972, and specialist critics describe it as a socio-historical analysis of a generation forced to live in a society full of mutual suspicions and mistrust. In the movie M.R.I by the renowned Cristian Mungiu, the action takes place in a village in Transylvania (centre), where the peace of the locals is disturbed when a few new workers are employed at a small factory, and frustrations, conflicts and impulses erupt to the surface through the thin veneer of apparent understanding and calm. With a history of more than 40 years, the Gothenburg festival is the most important such event in the region and offers Nordic cinema a generous and sound promotion platform through a dedicated competition and programs. (MI)

  • January 29, 2023

    January 29, 2023

    Election. On Saturday
    evening, Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis and Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă
    sent congratulations to the new president of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel, speaking
    of strengthening the relations between the two states. Several European leaders
    have welcomed the victory of the new Czech president, who has promised to be an
    independent head of state, uninfluenced by party politics, to continue and
    provide aid to the war-torn Ukraine and to support Kyiv’s accession to EU. In
    turn, the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky congratulated Petr Pavel on
    Twitter and said that he appreciated his support for Ukraine. In the second
    round of the elections, reserve general Petr Pavel, former head of the NATO
    Military Committee, received 58.32% of the votes, while his rival, the
    billionaire Andrej Babis, who held the post of prime minister between 2017 and
    2021, got 41.67%, according to the final results. The voter turnout in this EU
    and NATO member country, with a population of 10.5 million, was 70%. Petr
    Pavel, aged 61, ran in the elections as an independent candidate and benefits
    from the support of the center-right government. He will replace Milos Zeman, a
    controversial politician who had maintained close ties with Moscow before
    making a U-turn during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    Ukraine. The President of
    the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has stated, in the run-up to the EU-Ukraine summit next week that Ukraine
    has the unconditional support of the EU bloc and that this country must resist the
    Russian attacks in order to defend the European values. Meanwhile, Kyiv and its
    Western allies are engaged in rapid talks on potentially equipping Ukraine
    with long-range missiles and military aircraft, an aide to President Volodymyr
    Zelensky said. On the ground, in the east of Ukraine, the fighting continues. The
    General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine stated that Ukrainian forces
    repelled new Russian attacks in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. According to
    Kyiv, Russia is preparing a new wave of offensives to mark the anniversary of
    its invasion of Ukraine on February 24.

    Border-crossing. On January 28,
    in Romania, more than 151,000 people, Romanian citizens and foreigners, crossed
    Romania’s borders. Some 74 thousand people, of which 7,627 Ukrainian citizens,
    entered the country. Since early February 2022, (pre-conflict period), until
    January 28, at national level, more than 3.42 million Ukrainian citizens
    entered the country.

    Survey. 80% of Romanian
    consumers allow the use of personal data for advertising purposes, according to
    a recent survey. Data from the Survey on the use of information and
    communication technologies (ICT) in households and by individuals shows that 1
    in 2 Europeans aged 16-74 refused to allow their personal data to be used for
    advertising purposes when using the internet for private reasons during the
    previous 3 months. Moreover, 46% reported that they allowed restricted access
    only to their geographic location or denied access to this information
    completely. The share of people refusing to allow their personal data to be
    used for advertising varied between EU member states. The highest rates were
    observed in the Netherlands (73%), Finland (70%), Denmark and Germany (both
    63%), Spain (62%). Conversely, the lowest were recorded in Bulgaria (10%),
    Romania (20%), Greece (29%), Slovakia (30%) and Latvia (32%).

    Festival. Two Romanian
    films, ‘Metronome’ by Alexandru Belc and ‘M.R.I. ‘ by Cristian Mungiu, are taking
    part in the competition of the Gothenburg International Film Festival in
    Sweden, which is taking place these days. According to the Romanian Cultural
    Institute in Stockholm, the event annually presents approximately 400
    productions from around the world, with around 160,000 spectators attending. ‘Metronome’,
    director Alexandru Belc’s debut film, presents a love story between two young
    people in communist Romania in 1972, and specialist critics describe it as a
    socio-historical analysis of a generation forced to live in a society full of mutual
    suspicions and mistrust. In the movie ‘M.R.I’ by the renowned Cristian Mungiu,
    the action takes place in a village in Transylvania (centre), where the peace
    of the locals is disturbed when a few new workers are employed at a small
    factory, and frustrations, conflicts and impulses erupt to the surface through
    the thin veneer of apparent understanding and calm. With a history of more than
    40 years, the Gothenburg festival is the most important such event in the
    region and offers Nordic cinema a generous and sound promotion platform through
    a dedicated competition and programs. (MI)

  • 28.01.2023 (mise à jour)

    28.01.2023 (mise à jour)

    Prague – Le chef de l’Etat roumain, Klaus
    Iohanis, a transmis samedi ses félicitations au général à la retraite de l’Otan
    Petr Pavel après sa victoire aux présidentielles en République Tchèque qu’il a remportées avec 57,07% des voix. Iohannis
    s’est prononcé en faveur d’un renforcement des relations bilatérales. Petr Pavel a devancé l’ex-Premier ministre et milliardaire Andrej Babis qui a obtenu 42,92% des
    voix, selon les résultats du décompte publiés en direct sur le site du Bureau
    tchèque des statistiques. M. Pavel, 61 ans, un ancien parachutiste d’élite, a
    déclaré durant la campagne électorale qu’il voulait être un président
    digne d’un pays membre de l’UE et de l’Otan, comptant 10,5 millions
    d’habitants. Il remplacera à la tête de l’Etat, Milon Zeman, un politicien
    controversé, en étroite relation avec Moscou avant le début de l’offensive en
    Ukraine, quant il a changé de position. Petr Pavel s’est prononcé pour
    continuer à soutenir Kiev.

    Schengen – La France et les Pays Bas attendent impatiemment
    l’adhésion de la Roumanie à l’espace Schengen. C’est ce que les ministres
    français et néerlandais des Affaires étrangères ont stipulé dans une
    déclaration sur la sécurité qu’ils ont signée vendredi, à Bucarest, lors d’une
    entrevue avec leur homologue roumain, Bogdan Aurescu. Les chefs des trois
    diplomaties se sont rendus vendredi sur la base de Cincu afin
    de rencontrer les troupes françaises et néerlandaises déployées sur le
    territoire dans le cadre du groupement de combat que l’OTAN a mis en place en
    réplique à l’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie.Suite
    à des discussions trilatérales au sujet de cette guerre, la responsable de
    Paris, Catherine Colonna a précisé que l’Ukraine doit être aidée à se défendre
    pour conquérir son indépendance et sa souveraineté. A Bucarest, les ministres
    européens ont rencontré le chef de l’Etat roumain, Klaus Iohannis et son
    premier ministre, Nicolae Ciuca.

    – 80% des Roumains permettent l’utilisation des données personnelles à des fins
    publicitaires, selon une enquète menée à l’occasion de la Journée européenne de
    la protection des données. Selon l’étude la plus
    récente visant l’utilisation dans les foyers des nouvelles technologies de
    l’Information et des communications, 1 Européen sur 2 âgé de 16 à 74 ans a
    refusé l’utilisation de ses données personnelles à des fins publicitaires
    pendant ces trois derniers mois. 46% des personnes questionnées ont affirmé
    avoir permis l’accès rien qu’à la localisation ou ont refusé l’accès à toute
    information personnelle. Le poids des Européens refusant l’utilisation de leurs
    données personnelles varient d’un pays à l’autre. La plupart d’entre eux se
    trouvent aux Pays Bas (73%), en Finlande (70%), au Danemark et en Allemagne
    (63%) ou encore en Espagne (62%). Au pôle opposé, on retrouve la Bulgarie, 10%,
    la Roumanie, 20%, la Grèce, 29%, la Slovaquie, 30% et la Lettonie, 32%.

    Tir– La Roumaine Laura Ilie a remporté la médaille
    de bronze à l’épreuve de dix mètres carabine à air comprimé, à la Coupe du
    Monde de tir qui se déroule à Jakarta, en Indonésie. L’or a été obtenu par la
    Hongroise, Eszter Meszaros qui a devancé la Polonaise, Aneta Stankiewicz. Une
    autre Roumaine, Roxana Sidi, a terminé les qualifications en 28e

    Météo – Les chutes de neige se calmeront dans les 24
    heures à venir et les températures approcheront les normales saisonnières. La
    nébulosité persistera dans le sud et le sud-est et partiellement dans le centre
    de la Roumanie où quelques flocons de neige tomberont encore. Dans le reste des
    régions, le ciel sera plutôt couvert. Le vent soufflera notamment sur l’est du
    territoire et sur les sommets des Carpates. Les températures maximales iront de
    -3 à 6 degrés. La météo défavorable a entraîné vendredi et samedi des coupures
    d’électricité dans plusieurs localités de Roumanie et a perturbé le trafic. Des
    centaines de voitures sont restées bloquées dans la neige abondante qui a
    conduit à la fermeture de certaines routes nationales et départementales. Les
    chutes de neige ont créé des perturbations au trafic ferroviaire et aérien
    aussi. Plus de 3000 sapeurs-pompiers sont intervenus ces 24 dernières heures
    dans 25 localités. Des dizaines de militaires appuyés par 5 véhicules de
    déblayage ont participé à des actions de déneigement des voitures dans le
    département de Buzau. Un état d’alerte a été mis en place dans le département
    de Vrancea afin de permettre aux autorités de mobiliser les ressources des
    localités limitrophes, si nécessaire.

  • Nachrichten 14.07.2017

    Nachrichten 14.07.2017

    Das Bukarester Außenministerium hat in einer Mitteilung die groß angelegte internationale Militärübung begrüßt, die derzeit auch in Rumänien stattfindet. Die Saber Guardian 17 ist die größte Übung dieser Art in der modernen Geschichte des Landes. 10 Kampf- und Logistikschiffe, 12 Boote und 18 Landfahrzeuge der Marine mit insgesamt 25.000 rumänischen und ausländischen Militärs sind daran beteiligt. Die Saber Guardian 17 habe eine große militärische Bedeutung, da sie zur Konsolidierung der Verteidigungspositionen an der NATO-Ostflanke und zur Entwicklung der Interoperabilität zwischen den teilnehmenden Staaten beitrage. Ferner sei die Übung eine Bestätigung der starken transatlantischen Beziehungen und der bilateralen strategischen Partnerschaft zwischen Rumänien und den USA, die am 11. Juli ihren 20. Jahrestag hatte, steht noch im Communique des Bukarester Außenministeriums.

    Der Vorsitzende des NATO-Militärausschusses, der General Petr Pavel, hat Rumänien als konsequenten und vertrauenswürdigen Alliierten bezeichnet. Bei einer Pressekonferenz am Freitag in Bukarest würdigte er den Beitrag Rumäniens bei der Aufteilung der Verantwortlichkeiten im Rahmen des Militärbündnisses. Der Beitrag bestünde laut Pavel in der Zuweisung von 2% des BIP für die Verteidigung sowie der Teilnahme an Militärmissionen und Operationen. Ferner verwies der General auf die Präsenz der rumänischen Militärs in den Missionen in Afghanistan und im Kosovo sowie in den ständigen Schiffsaufgeboten der NATO. Außerdem beherberge Rumänien ein bedeutendes Militärobjekt der USA, den Raketenschutzschild in Deveselu. Der Vorsitzende des NATO-Militärausschusses erwähnte abschließend die Teilnahme der rumänischen Militärs an zahlreichen Übungen, wie dem zurzeit laufenden Saber Guardian“.

    Am Freitag ist auch in der französischen Botschaft in Bukarest der Nationalfeiertag Frankreichs mit einem Empfang und mehreren Veranstaltungen begangen worden. Motto der Feierlichkeiten war in diesem Jahr der Sport in Frankreich“; Ehrengäste waren dabei wichtige rumänische und französische Sportler. An dem Empfang beteiligte sich auch der rumänische Ministerpräsident Mihai Tudose. Dabei richtete er eine Einladung an seinen franz Amtskollegen Edouarde Philippe, einen Besuch nach Bukarest zu unternehmen. Rumänien spielt eine besonders wichtige Rolle in Mittel- und Osteuropa, als Land, das die europäischen Werte fördert. Dies erklärte die Botschafterin Frankreichs in Bukarest, Michele Ramis in einem Interview für RFI. Frankreich habe sich vorgenommen, die bereits sehr guten bilateralen wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen auf dem Hintergrund des positiven Wirtschaftswachstums in Rumänien noch zu verstärken. Ferner werde Frankreich bei den Vorbereitungen zur Übernahme der EU-Ratspräsidentschaft in der ersten Jahreshälfte 2019 unterstützen, so Michele Ramis.

    SPORT: Rumäniens Tennisprofi Monica Niculescu hat in Wimbledon das Finale im Doppel der Damen erreicht. Gemeinsam mit der Taiwanesin Hao-Ching Chan bezwang sie das Duo Makoto Ninomiya (Japan)/ Renata Voracova (Tschechien) mit 7:6, 4:6 und 9:7. Im Endspiel treffen Niculescu und Chan auf die Russinen Makarowa/Wesnina.