Tag: Pfizer

  • 28.217 persoane imunizate, în România, în ultimele 24 de ore

    28.217 persoane imunizate, în România, în ultimele 24 de ore

    28.217 doze de vaccin au fost administrate în ultimlee 24 de ore, în România: 18.480 – Pfizer, 7 – Moderna şi 9.730 – AstraZeneca, informează Comitetul naţional pentru vaccinarea anti-COVID (CNCAV), potrivit datelor puse la dispoziţie de INSP prin aplicaţia Registrul Electronic Naţional al Vaccinărilor.

    18.237 de persoane au fost vaccinate cu prima doză, iar 9.980 de persoane au primit și cea de-a doua doză..

    De la debutul campaniei de vaccinare, pe 27 decembrie 2020, s-au administrat 1.466.649 de doze unui număr de 855.097 persoane, dintre care 243.544 cu o doză, iar 61.553 – şi cu doza a doua.

    În ultimele 24 de ore, s-au înregistrat 193 de reacţii adverse: 6 de tip local şi 187 de tip general.

    4.769 de reacţii adverse la vaccinurile Pfizer, Moderna şi AstraZenca au fost înregistrate de la începutul imunizării.

    14 reacţii adverse sunt în curs de investigare, potrivit CNCAV.

  • 29.344 de persoane imunizate în ultimele 24 de ore

    29.344 de persoane imunizate în ultimele 24 de ore

    Potrivit datelor puse la dispoziția CNCAV de către INSP, prin aplicația Registrul Electronic Național al Vaccinărilor (RENV), în ultimele 24 de ore au fost imunizate 29.344 de persoane

    17.412 de persoane au fost vaccinate cu prima doză, dintre care 7.730 cu vaccinul Pfizer, 75 cu vaccinul Moderna şi 9.607 cu vaccinul AstraZeneca,

    11.932 de persoane au primit doza a doua de vaccin, acesta fiind de la compania Pfizer.

    S-au administrat 1.279.206 doze de vaccin Pfizer (începând cu 27 decembrie 2020). 77.802 doze de vaccin Moderna (începând cu 4 februarie 2021) şi 81.424 doze de vaccin AstraZeneca (începând cu 15 februarie 2021). Totalul dozelor administrare fiind 1.438.432

    Total reacţii adverse în ultimele 24 de ore, 211, dintre care 53 la vaccinul Pfizer, 11 la vaccinul Moderna şi 147 la vaccinul AstraZeneca..

    14 reacţii adeverse sunt în curs de investigare

  • February 22, 2021 UPDATE

    February 22, 2021 UPDATE

    VACCINE – A new tranche
    of 200,000 dozes of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine arrived in Romania on Monday.
    According to the National Committee for the Coordination of Vaccination
    Activities, the total doses administered so far, to more than 820 thousand
    people, exceeds 1.4 million. The Minister of Education, Sorin Cîmpeanu, has
    stated that approximately 60,000 people employed in the education system want
    to be vaccinated against COVID-19 next week. According to the minister, in a
    first phase, the teaching staff from primary, secondary, high school and
    university education benefit from priority vaccination in mobile centers. He
    has stated that more than 200,000 employees in the education system have
    expressed their readiness for vaccination. 42,000 have already been vaccinated.
    In another development, about 1,600 new cases of coronavirus were reported on
    Monday. In total, since the beginning of the pandemic in Romania, about a year
    ago, over 780,000 cases of infection have been registered in this country.

    WORLD – Some 112 million infections with COVID-19 have been confirmed in the
    world, in addition to 2.5 million related fatalities. European states have
    intensified their efforts to combat the spread of the strains of coronavirus.
    Italy has extended travel restrictions between regions until March 27 due to an
    increase in the infection rate. In turn, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson
    announced a timetable for lifting the hard lockdown in this country in an
    effort to restart the British economy. The British official expects things to
    return to their normal track at the end of June.

    PROTESTS – The miners will
    receive their due salaries and benefits in three installments, the Romanian
    Labor Minister Raluca Turcan gave assurances at the end of Monday’s talks with
    leaders of the coal miners’ trade unions, who have been protesting in Jiu
    Valley for several days. On February 25 and 26 the Government will disburse
    additional funds to pay the miners’ overdue salary rights, as well as part of
    their benefits, such as meal vouchers and transport subsidies, Minister Turcan
    said. The Romanian official said this solution allows the Hunedoara Energy
    Power Plant to reorganize its activity within three months. The 70 miners
    protesting in underground shafts in Lupeni on Monday decided to resurface and
    end their protest. The decision was taken following talks in Bucharest between
    trade union representatives and the Ministers of Labor and Energy.

    MIGRANTS – The Romanian
    Border Police discovered 18 migrants originating from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq
    and Somalia, while crossing the Danube onboard a boat from Romania to Serbia.
    Ten migrants were underage. The boat was navigated by two Syrian nationals who
    returned to Serbia and who received some €1,500 per each migrant to take them
    across the border. The Romanian Border Police is investigating the case trying
    to ascertain the extent of the crime before taking action in this matter.

    FAC – The Romanian
    Foreign Minister, Bogdan Aurescu, on Monday attended a Foreign Affairs Council
    (FAC) meeting in Brussels. Talks focused on relations with Moscow. According to
    the Romanian Foreign Ministry, Minister Aurescu pointed out that EU-Russia
    relations are at a turning point, as Russia has become increasingly assertive
    in its relations with EU institutions and member states. Minister Aurescu
    called for introducing new restrictions on Russia amidst the deteriorating
    human rights context in this country, including the developments in the case of
    opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Bogdan Aurescu said the EU needs a more
    strategic approach to relations with Russia, including in a regional key. Ahead
    of the meeting, Aurescu and European
    counterparts took part in an informal meeting with representatives of the team
    of Russian opponent Alexei Navalny. On Saturday, Navalny, listed as the
    Kremlin’s main political opponent, received two sentences in a single day: two
    and a half years in prison, in a fraud case, which he says was politically
    fabricated, and a €9,500 fine, on charges of defaming a supporter of President
    Vladimir Putin, a nonagenarian veteran of the Soviet army in World War II. On
    the sidelines of the FAC meeting, Minister Aurescu highlighted the need for a
    firmer political cooperation with ex-Soviet states in the Eastern Partnership,
    including the Republic of Moldova. In a videoconference with EU Ministers and
    US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, Bogdan Aurescu underlined the need for
    close EU-US cooperation in regional dossiers, such as the Eastern Vicinity, the
    Black Sea region and the Western Balkans.

    MOLDOVA – The Republic of
    Moldova will receive €15 million from the EU to help combat the effects of the
    coronavirus pandemic. According to Radio Chişinău, the pro-European
    president, Maia Sandu, said the money will be allocated to the hardest-hit
    sectors, such as healthcare, agriculture and SMEs. President Sandu promised she
    would call on the relevant institutions to monitor the money trail, in order to
    make sure the funds reach the destination. On Friday, Romania sent a new
    humanitarian aid package to neighboring Moldova consisting in medical and
    protection equipment to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic. According to a press
    release issued by the Moldovan Presidency, the donated equipment, whose value
    stands at some €2.3 million, consists in 1.5 million surgical masks, 100,000
    FFP3 masks, 100,000 isolation gowns and 100,000 single-use gloves.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis
    player Simona Halep went down to third place in the world ranking of
    professional tennis players (WTA), published today. The second position is now
    held by the Japanese Naomi Osaka, who won the title at the Australian Open on
    Saturday. We recall that Halep stopped in the quarterfinals of the first grand
    slam tournament of the year. The Australian Ashleigh Barty remains the WTA
    leader. Romania has 4 more representatives in the top 100: Patricia Ţig, Sorana
    Cîrstea, Irina Begu and Ana Bogdan. (M.I & V.P.)

  • February 22, 2021

    February 22, 2021

    VACCINE. A new tranche of 200,000 dozes of Pfizer Covid-19
    vaccine has arrived in Romania today. According to the National Committee for
    the Coordination of Vaccination Activities, the total doses administered so
    far, to more than 800 thousand people, exceeds 1.3 million. The Minister of
    Education, Sorin Cîmpeanu, has stated that approximately 60,000 people employed
    in the education system want to be vaccinated against COVID-19 next week.
    According to the minister, in a first phase, the teaching staff from primary,
    secondary, high school and university education benefit from priority vaccination
    in mobile centers. He has stated that more than 200,000 employees in the education
    system have expressed their readiness for vaccination. 42,000 have already been
    vaccinated. In another development, about 1,600 new cases of coronavirus have
    been reported today. In total, since the beginning of the pandemic in Romania,
    about a year ago, over 780,000 cases of infection have been registered in this

    BUDGET. The Romanian Liberal Prime Minister Florin Cîţu
    has announced that the draft state and social insurance budgets are to reach
    Parliament today, after being amended by
    the Legislative Council. He has expressed hope that parliament will adopt the
    document as soon as possible and said that, as far as he knows, the
    representatives of the PNL – USR PLUS UDMR coalition will not table amendments.
    Regarding the amendments requested by the Social Democratic opposition, the
    head of the Government considers that they could take Romania out of the
    European Union. According to Florin Cîţu, the budgetary impact would stand at
    6% and would lead the deficit to 13 percent of the Gross Domestic Product,
    which is not possible. The projected deficit is 7.1% of the GDP. In another
    move, the first vice-president of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Sorin
    Grindeanu, has stated that the Social Democrats will submit a simple motion
    against the Minister of Economy, Claudiu Năsui, after the debate and approval
    of the budget. He is accused of blocking a € 500 million funding program.

    EU. The Romanian Foreign Minister, Bogdan Aurescu, is
    attending in Brussels a meeting with his counterparts from the member states of
    the European Union, on the relations with Moscow. According to the Romanian
    Foreign Ministry, he will stress that the EU-Russia relations are at a turning
    point, as well as the need for European unity, in order to maintain the Union’s
    credibility as a foreign policy actor. Following the expulsion of three
    European diplomats from Russia this month, just as EU foreign policy chief
    Josep Borell was on a visit there, Minister Aurescu will call for new
    restrictive measures against Moscow and will emphasize the need for stronger
    political engagement with ex-Soviet states from the Eastern Partnership, including
    the Republic of Moldova (mostly Romanian-speaking). Before the meeting, Aurescu
    will participate, together with European counterparts, in an informal meeting
    with representatives of the team of Russian opponent Alexei Navalny. On
    Saturday, Navalny, listed as the Kremlin’s main political opponent, received
    two sentences in a single day: two and a half years in prison, in a fraud case,
    which he says was politically fabricated, and a 9,500 euro fine, on charges of
    defaming a supporter of President Vladimir Putin, a nonagenarian veteran of the
    Soviet army in World War II.

    PROTESTS. Union protests continue in Romania this week.
    Some of the miners stranded underground for several days in Lupeni (southwest)
    announce that they will go on hunger strike if they do not receive their
    salaries and other outstanding benefits. In this regard, a new round of
    meetings is taking place today at the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of
    Labor. The approximately 70 miners who are protesting underground in the Lupeni
    mine, some of them on the fifth day, have received water and food from the Red
    Cross and other organizations, and their health is being monitored by mine
    rescuers. The protesters are dissatisfied with the delay in wages for the
    current month and the fact that they have not received for almost 10 months
    some rights provided in the collective labor agreement, such as heating
    allowance, transport money and meal vouchers. Also, dissatisfied with salaries
    and the allocation of funds, the unions in the Penitentiary Police have
    announced a rally in front of the
    headquarters of the Ministry of Justice today, followed by other protest
    actions in the following days.

    investigation is underway at the Marius Nasta Institute in Bucharest,
    following the incident on Sunday evening, when the air conditioning
    installation of the mobile unit for treating patients with COVID-19 started
    smoking heavily. The intervention teams acted quickly and closed the unit, and
    the patients were moved to the hospital building. No one was injured. The
    Minister of Health, Vlad Voiculescu, claims that it was a minor incident. The
    event followed another one, in January, also in Bucharest, when a fire broke
    out at the Matei Balş National Institute of Infectious Diseases.
    Several halls burned and the whole building was affected by smoke. A similar
    tragedy took place in November, at the emergency hospital in Piatra Neamţ
    (northeast). Both fires resulted in numerous casualties.

    ARMY. The main equipment of the first High Mobility
    Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), which will be part of the Romanian Army, will
    be transported to the headquarters of the 81st Missile Battalion Maior
    Gheorghe Şonţu in Focsani (southeast). This is the first unit of the
    Romanian Land Forces that will have this system. The first elements arrived, at
    the end of last week, in the Black Sea Port of Constanta. They will be
    transported on land under the coordination of US and Romanian specialized
    structures. Romania bought two years ago, from the American company Lockheed
    Martin, three artillery systems based on HIMARS surface-to-ground rockets, at
    the price of about 1.5 billion dollars.

    TENNIS. Romanian tennis player Simona Halep went down to
    third place in the world ranking of professional tennis players (WTA),
    published today. The second position is now held by the Japanese Naomi Osaka,
    who won the title at the Australian Open on Saturday. We recall that Halep stopped in the quarterfinals of the
    first grand slam tournament of the year. The Australian Ashleigh Barty remains
    the WTA leader. Romania has 4 more representatives in the top 100: Patricia
    Ţig, Sorana Cîrstea, Irina Begu and Ana Bogdan. (M.I)

  • 27.944 de persoane au fost imunizate în România, în ultimele 24 de ore

    27.944 de persoane au fost imunizate în România, în ultimele 24 de ore

    27.944 de doze de vaccin au fost administrate, în România, în ultimele 24 de ore: 19.522 – Pfizer, 115 – Moderna şi 8.307 – AstraZeneca, informează Comitetul naţional pentru vaccinarea anti-COVID (CNCAV), potrivit datelor puse la dispoziţie de INSP prin aplicaţia Registrul Electronic Naţional al Vaccinărilor.

    14.590 de persoane au fost vaccinate cu prima doză, iar 13.354 de persoane au primit cea de-a doua doză,, potrivit CNCAV.

    De la debutul campaniei de vaccinare, pe 27 decembrie 2020, au fost administrate 1.379.223 doze unui număr de 803.098 persoane, dintre care 226.972 cu o doză, iar 576.126 – şi cu doza a doua.

    În ultimele 24 de ore, au fost înregistrate 200 de reacţii adverse: 18 de tip local şi 182 de tip general.

    4.184 de reacţii adverse la vaccinurile Pfizer, Moderna şi AstraZeneca s-au înregistrat de la începutul imunizării: 649 sunt reacţii de tip local, iar 3.535 reacţii generale.

  • February 19, 2021

    February 19, 2021

    VACCINE Romania has reached 40 thousand
    anti-Covid vaccine doses administered daily. According to the National
    Vaccination Coordination Committee, the total number of doses used roughly stands
    at 1.3 million with 754 thousand people immunized since the onset of the
    campaign on 27th December. Most of the doses used were produced by
    Pfizer and a large number by Moderna, which has been administered in Romania since
    4th February. In another development over 3 thousand new Covid
    infections have been registered in Romania in the past 24 hours. 71 people have
    died while 936 are in intensive care.

    BRANCUSI Today Romania celebrates 145 years since the birth of
    its greatest sculptor Constantin Brancusi. This day, dedicated to the greatest
    sculptor at the beginning of the 20th century, is being celebrated
    in museums, theatres and through outdoor events all over the country. In the
    southern city of Targu Jiu, the sculptor’s native town, a series of events
    dedicated to his personality includes various sculpture and drawing
    exhibitions, book launches, conferences and documentaries about the artist’s
    life and works. Special exhibitions and an anniversary concert have been
    scheduled in Bucharest. Brancusi’s day is marked by Radio Romania’s Publishing
    House through a three-CD album, the third so far, inspired from his life and
    work entitled ‘Spring – Constantin Brancusi’.

    MARS After a 7-month-long journey of 470
    million kilometers, NASA’s rover Perseverance touched down on the Red Planet. Perseverance
    boasts a state-of-the art laboratory and is going to shortly begin its hunt for
    microscopic evidence of ancient alien life. Perseverance is also going to test
    oxygen-producing equipment and prepare Martian soil samples to be sent back
    to Earth. Perseverance’s successful landing has been confirmed through radio
    messages received by NASA.

    BUDGET Romania’s Higher Defence Council
    (CSAT) is to convene in Bucharest today for talks with president Klaus Iohannis.
    High on the agenda are draft budgets for several major national security providers.
    In order to draw up the state budget the government needs a CSAT decision on
    the budgets of the aforementioned institutions. The government is also to
    convene today to approve draft laws on this year’s state budget and the budget
    of social securities. The government passed an emergency ordinance on Thursday
    under which it freezes pensions cancels holiday gift vouchers and covers only
    50% of the transportation fees paid by students instead of 100% at present.
    According to Prime Minister Citu, the budget deficit target remains 7.16 %.


  • Accesul public la documente în Uniunea Europeană

    Accesul public la documente în Uniunea Europeană

    Parlamentul European a adoptat o
    rezoluție cu 676 de voturi pentru, 14 împotrivă și o abținere în privința
    raportului privitor la accesul public la documente în Uniunea Europeană.
    Dreptul publicului de a avea acces la documentele instituțiilor este un drept
    fundamental consacrat în tratate și în Carta drepturilor fundamentale și este
    indisolubil legat de natura democratică a instituțiilor. Este esențial ca acest
    drept să fie exercitat la scară cât mai largă și într-o fază cât mai timpurie
    deoarece el asigură controlul democratic al activității instituțiilor blocului
    european drept denumit transparență. Iar acum, în perioada pandemiei,
    transparența este cu atât mai importantă pentru menținerea încrederii.

    Rareș Bogdan din partea Partidului Popular European a rezumat succesul

    Cel mai
    important punct, în afară de transparentizare și tocmai în spiritul în care
    cetățeanul european să știe ce se întâmplă cu banul contribuabilului din
    Europa, pe care l-am adăugat în ultimele zile datorită situației specifice din
    această perioadă, este acela că am reușit să introducem contractele de
    achiziție a vaccinurilor împotriva covid-19 pentru a fi desecretizate.

    momentul acesta, cetățenii europeni, inclusiv români, vor ști cu cât se
    achiziționează vaccinurile Pfizer, AstraZeneca și Moderna respectiv numărul de
    vaccinuri Sputnik. Este foarte importantă această chestiune și arată că
    instituțiile europene își înțeleg menirea de a nu ascunde nimic în fața
    dorinței cetățeanului de a afla. A mai fost un punct care nu a trecut, pe care
    recunosc că nici eu nu l-am susținut, legat de partea de a desecretiza și
    persoana care a întocmit raportul. Expunerea mea de motive a fost că în cazul
    în care vor desecretiza numele celor care fac diferite acte și contracte riscăm
    să vulnerabilizăm funcționari publici europeni. Deciziile sunt politice,
    deciziile sunt administrative, oamenii de multe ori sunt doar niște semnatari.
    Ei nu trebuie vulnerabilizați, puși sub lupă.

    Totodată am cerut ca toate
    instituțiile Uniunii Europene să aibă un pachet similar de reguli de
    transparentizare, o bază de date comună ușor de consultat privind stadiul
    dosarelor legislative în curs în Parlament. Transparența totală, părerea mea,
    este că va reduce numărul celor ca se îndoiesc de legitimitatea politicii
    bugetare a Uniunii Europene și va întări solidaritatea europeană. Prin
    transparentizare vom reuși să reducem euroscepticismul.

  • 43.319 de persoane au fost imunizate în ultimele 24 de ore

    43.319 de persoane au fost imunizate în ultimele 24 de ore

    Potrivit datelor puse la dispoziția CNCAV de către INSP, prin aplicația Registrul Electronic Național al Vaccinărilor (RENV), în ultimele 24 de ore au fost imunizate 43.319 de persoane

    19.180 de persoane au fost vaccinate cu prima doză, dintre care 4.476 cu vaccinul Pfizer, 5.372 cu vaccinul Moderna şi 9.332 cu vaccinul AstraZeneca,

    24.139 de persoane au primit doza a doua de vaccin, acesta fiind de la compania Pfizer.

    S-au administrat 1.140.053 doze de vaccin Pfizer (începând cu 27 decembrie 2020). 74.116 doze de vaccin Moderna (începând cu 4 februarie 2021) şi 26.239 doze de vaccin AstraZeneca (începând cu 15 februarie 2021). Totalul dozelor administrare fiind 1.240.408.

  • Effects of the vaccination campaign

    Effects of the vaccination campaign

    Considered by experts as the main defense against the novel coronavirus, vaccination gives hope in times of pandemic, given that the year 2020 brought about unprecedented changes in everyones life. In Romania, a large-scale vaccination campaign began in late December, aimed at limiting and even stopping the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. At present, the second phase of the vaccination campaign is under way in Romania, targeting the people over the age of 65 and employees in key areas.

    So far, more than 1,560,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have arrived in Romania, of which more than 1,150,000 have been administered, said the president of the National Committee for the Coordination of Immunization Activities against SARS-CoV-2, Valeriu Gheorghiţă. Most of the doses administered were from Pfizer -BioNTech, but Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines are also available. Next week, Moderna will deliver almost 80,000 more doses, and over 75,000 doses will arrive from AstraZeneca on Thursday. The two companies are going to send more doses according to the established schedule.

    The effects of vaccination have started to emerge. The incidence of SARS-CoV-2 contamination among medical staff and social workers has decreased substantially in the last four weeks, by over 87.7%, as a result of the first vaccination stage, Valeriu Gheorghiţă underlined. He pointed out that the benefits of vaccination in reducing the SARS-CoV-2 infection are substantial, given that the measures to prevent the spread of the virus were also observed in parallel. The figures show that there has been a reduction in the average number of new cases per week, from about 500 cases to less than 50 cases per week. Valeriu Gheorghiţă also referred to the benefits of vaccination registered in medical and social centers as well as in residential ones.

    As regards the vaccination impact among hospitalized patients and the nursing staff in these centers, there has been a 65% reduction in the number of COVID-19 cases in the past four weeks. This effect creates a favorable situation in terms of reducing the risk of disease outbreaks in these residential and social centers, said the president of the National Committee for the Coordination of Immunization Activities against SARS-CoV-2. He also pointed out that, at national level, there are very few cases of people who got infected with the new coronavirus after having received the second vaccine dose, namely about 3,500-3,600 as against almost 700,000 already vaccinated people.

    The authorities are giving priority to providing vaccines to those counties with a high infection rate. They are also going to define the incidence threshold taken into account for the priority allocation of vaccines, then a mechanism will be launched through which new vaccination lines will be opened in those respective counties. (tr. L. Simion)

  • 45.977 de persoane – imunizate anti-COVID în ultimele 24 de ore

    45.977 de persoane – imunizate anti-COVID în ultimele 24 de ore

    Comitetul naţional pentru vaccinarea anti-COVID (CNCAV) informează că, în ultimele 24 de ore, au fost administrate 45.977 de doze de vaccin, dintre care 28.055 – Pfizer, 7.827 – Moderna şi 10.095 – AstraZeneca, potrivit datelor puse la dispoziţie de INSP prin aplicaţia Registrul Electronic Naţional al Vaccinărilor.

    18.805 de persoane au fost vaccinate cu prima doză, iar doza a II-a de ser au primit-o 27.172 de persoane.

    De la debutul campaniei de vaccinare pe 27 decembrie 2020, au fost administrate 1.197.089 doze unui număr de 715.748 persoane dintre care 234.407 persoane vaccinate cu o doză, iar 481341 şi cu doza a doua.

    În ultimele 24 de ore, au fost înregistrate 99 de reacţii adverse comune şi minore, dintre care 18 de tip local şi 81 de tip general. De la începutul imunizării, s-au înregistrat 3.070 de reacţii adverse la vaccinurile Pfizer, Moderna şi AstraZeneca. Dintre acestea, 587 sunt reacţii de tip local, iar 2.483 reacţii generale. Totodată, 7 reacţii adverse sunt în curs de investigare.

    Rata de incidenţă a cazurilor de COVID-19 în rândul lucrătorilor din sistemul medical şi social a scăzut substanţial în ultimele 4 săptămâni, cu peste 87,7%, ca urmare a vaccinării din etapa I, a declarat marţi preşedintele Comitetului naţional de coordonare a activităţilor privind vaccinarea împotriva SARS-CoV-2, Valeriu Gheorghiţă.

    El a declarat că, până la acest moment, circa 3.500 – 3.600 de persoane s-au infectat cu noul coronavirus după ce au primit prima doză de ser. Şeful CNCAV a precizat că sunt foarte puţine cazuri de persoane care s-au infectat cu SARS-CoV-2 după ce au primit a doua doză de vaccin.

    România a recepţionat până în prezent 1.560.509 doze de vaccin anti-COVID din care 1.151.112 au fost administrate, a declarat colonelul Valeriu Gheorghiţă.

    Preşedintele Comitetului naţional de coordonare a activităţilor privind vaccinarea împotriva SARS-CoV-2, Valeriu Gheorghiţă, a anunţat că marţi a fost emisă o instrucţiune care reglementează continuarea asigurării imunizării personalului din domeniul sanitar şi social.

  • 15.02.2021


    Vaccination – La campagne nationale d’immunisation contre la Covid se poursuit en force en Roumanie. Depuis son début le 27 décembre 2020, quelque 687 mille personnes ont été immunisées. Jusqu’ici plus d’un million cent mille vaccins ont été effectués, dont la plupart produits par Pfizer/BioNTech mais aussi par Moderna. A partir de ce lundi, les autorités ont commencé à utiliser aussi des sérums produits par Astra Zeneca. Conformément aux autorités, la Roumanie est en sixième position en Europe d’après le nombre total de doses de vaccin effectuées et compte parmi les premiers Etats de l’UE pour ce qui est du nombre de personnes vaccinées par rapport à la population. Par ailleurs, le bilan de la pandémie de coronavirus fait état de 726.000 cas d’infection confirmés et de 19.400 décès des suites de l’infection au SARS Cov 2. A partir d’aujourd’hui, les personnes qui viennent en Roumanie en provenance de pays situés en zone jaune, c’est-à-dire où le taux d’infection et supérieur à celui de Roumanie sont tenues à respecter de nouvelles règles.

    Motion – La première motion simple de la nouvelle législature fait l’objet de débats aujourd’hui à Bucarest. Elle vise le ministre de la Santé, Vlad Voiculescu, membre de l’USR PLUS, membre de la coalition gouvernementale. « L’Incompétence et le manque de responsabilité tuent. Vlad Voiculescu un danger pour la santé et la vie des Roumains », est le titre de la motion déposée à la Chambre des députés par le principal parti d’opposition, le PSD, à moins de deux mois après l’installation du gouvernement dirigé par le libéral Florin Cîtu. Les sociaux-démocrates imputent à Vlad Voiculescu, notamment l’incendie meurtrier qui a ravagé l’hôpital Matei Bals de Bucarest deux mois seulement après un incendie similaire à Piatra Neamt. Le coprésident de l’USR-Plus, Dan Barna a précisé que l’alliance soutenait fermement tous les ministres du cabinet et le leader libéral Ludovic Orban a déclaré que les députés libéraux voteraient mercredi contre la motion

    Budget – Le gouvernement roumain souhaite que le budget d’Etat soit voté par le Parlement avant le 20 février. Il fait l’objet d’un débat public depuis la semaine dernière. Il est accompagné d’une série de lois et d’un décret d’urgence prévoyant la suspension des chèques vacances et le plafonnement des pensions de retraite au niveau atteint lors de la dernière majoration l’année dernière. Aux dires du gouvernement, le projet du budget est le premier pas vers une approche pluriannuelle des réformes et des finances publiques avec une réduction du déficit progressive de 7,16% du PIB cette année, jusqu’à 3,4% en 2024. Parallèlement, le projet propose des fonds destinés aux investissements de 5,5% du PIB, le taux le plus élevé jusqu’ici. Selon le premier ministre Florin Cîtu, le projet devrait bénéficier aussi de l’appui de la Commission européenne, la source de la majorité des fonds destinées aux réformes et aux investissements.

    Tourisme – De nombreux Etats d’Europe adoptent le modèle des chèques vacances afin d’appuyer l’industrie de l’hospitalité en vue de récupérer les manques à gagner provoquées par la pandémie de SARS COV 2 alors qu’en Roumanie, ils sont éliminés sans aucun argument, affirment dans un communiqué les patronats roumains du secteur. La semaine dernière, le premier ministre libéral Florin Cîtu, a annoncé que les chèques vacances qui auraient dû être accordées cette année, seront émis en 2022 suscitant l’ire des patrons d’hôtels, selon lesquels cette mesure ne fera qu’aggraver la crise du secteur du tourisme en Roumanie. Les représentants des organisations patronales du tourisme rencontrent aujourd’hui le ministre roumain de l’Economie, Claudiu Nasui, alors qu’une protestation nationale est prévue pour demain devant tous les hôtels et les restaurants du pays.

    Protestations – De nouvelles protestations sont annoncées aujourd’hui en Roumanie. Les représentants de la Fédération syndicale SANITAS organisent des protestations devant le siège du ministère de la Santé. Ils sont mécontents du plafonnement des salaires, mais aussi des fonds qui seront alloués cette année à la Santé, des fonds jugés insuffisants par les syndicalistes. Les syndicalistes organiseront des protestations aussi devant le Parlement afin d’encourager les sénateurs et députés à élaborer des amendements à la loi du budget. Cartel Alfa, une autre confédération syndicale poursuivra les protestations aussi jusqu’à la fin du mois.

    Tennis – La joueuse roumaine de tennis, Simona Halep, numéro 2 mondiale rencontre ce mardi à Melbourne l’américaine Serena Williams (11e WTA), dans les quarts de finale de l’Open d’Australie, premier tournoi du Grand Chelem de l’année. L’américaine a remporté 9 des matchs contre Simona Halep qui n’a gagné que 2 parties, dont l’une était la finale de Wimbledon en 2019. Aujourd’hui dans les huitièmes de finale du concours masculin de double, le paire roumano-brésilien Horia Tecau/Marcelo Melo a perdu devant le double Ivan Dodig (Croaţia)/Filip Polasek (Slovacia) 4-6, 3-6.

    Températures glaciales sur la plupart des régions. Ciel variable sur l’ouest
    et le sud-ouest. Quelques chutes de neige sont attendues en montagne, sur le
    nord, le nord-est, le centre, ainsi que sur le sud. La vitesse du vent est plus
    élevée sur le relief. Des alertes jaune sont actuellement en vigueur jusqu’à
    mardi matin dans 19 départements du centre et de l’est, à cause du vent et
    alors que l’alerte aux températures particulièrement basses sera levée mercredi
    matin. Il fait froid aussi à Bucarest où les minimas iront jusqu’à -11degrés
    alors que dans la journée les températures iront de 0 à 4 degrés. Aujourd’hui
    les maximas iront jusqu’à 6 degrés. 3 degrés en ce moment à Bucarest.

  • 38.454 de persoane au fost imunizate în ultimele 24 de ore

    38.454 de persoane au fost imunizate în ultimele 24 de ore

    Potrivit datelor puse la dispoziția CNCAV de către Institutul Național de Sănătate Publică, prin aplicația Registrul Electronic Național al Vaccinărilor (RENV), care ține evidența vaccinărilor, situația din ziua de 11 februarie a.c., ora 17.00, este următoarea:

    1. Număr de doze administrate de vaccin împotriva COVID-19 Pfizer BioNTech (în ultimele 24 de ore): 35.133, din care: – 464 persoane vaccinate cu 1 doză; – 34.669 persoane vaccinate cu doza a II-a.

    2. Număr de doze administrate de vaccin Moderna (începând cu 4 februarie 2021) 3.321.

    3. Număr total de doze administrate de vaccin împotriva COVID-19 Pfizer BioNTech (începând cu data de 27 decembrie 2020): 961.652.

    4. Număr total de doze administrate de vaccin împotriva COVID-19 Moderna (începând cu 4 februarie 2021) 47.769.

    5. Număr total de reacții adverse înregistrate la nivelul centrelor de vaccinare (în ultimele 24 de ore): 118 reacții din care 101 la vaccinul Pfizer şi 17 la vaccinul Moderna.

    * Menționăm că 5 reacții adverse sunt în curs de investigare.

    Precizăm că programul centrelor de vaccinare se încheie la ora 20.00, motiv pentru care numărul vaccinărilor realizate în intervalul orar 17.00 – 20.00 va fi reflectat în raportarea din ziua următoare.

  • 40.812 de persoane au fost imunizate în ultimele 24 de ore

    40.812 de persoane au fost imunizate în ultimele 24 de ore

    Potrivit datelor puse la dispoziția CNCAV de către INSP, prin aplicația Registrul Electronic Național al Vaccinărilor (RENV), în ultimele 24 de ore au fost imunizate 40.812 de persoane, dintre care 36.763 de doze de vaccin
    Pfizer şi 4.049 doze de vaccin Moderna.

    Dintre acestea, 457 de
    persoane au primit prima doză de vaccin Pfizer, iar 36.306 – rapelul, în timp
    ce 4.049 de persoane au fost imunizate cu prima doză de vaccin Moderna.

    Până în prezent, conform
    CNCAV, au fost administrate 926.519 de doze de vaccin Pfizer (începând cu data
    de 27 decembrie 2020) şi 44.448 de doze de vaccin Moderna (vaccinul Moderna se
    administrează din data de 4 februarie 2021), fiind un total de 970.967 de doze de vaccin anti-COVID.

    În ultimele 24 de ore, au
    fost înregistrate 47 de reacţii adverse de tip general. De la începutul
    imunizării, s-au înregistrat 2.534 de reacţii adverse la vaccinul Pfizer şi 33
    la Moderna

  • 09.02.2021 (mise à jour)

    09.02.2021 (mise à jour)

    Vaccination anti-covid – Ce mercredi les Roumains auront à nouveau la possibilité de prendre des rendez-vous pour se faire vacciner via la plate-forme de programmation mise en place par les autorités. Il s’agit pourtant des personnes qui font partie de la deuxième étape de la campagne nationale d’immunisation, qui a été ouverte pour un certain laps de temps exclusivement aux catégories vulnérables. Le médecin Valeriu Gheorghita, président du Comité national de coordination des activités sur la vaccination contre le coronavirus a annoncé que jusqu’ici la Roumanie avait reçu au total 1,2 millions de doses de vaccins produits par Pfizer, Moderna et Astra Zeneca. Plus de 667 mille personnes ont déjà été vaccinées, dont la plupart avec des sérums produits par Pfizer. Une nouvelle tranche de plus de 128 mille doses de ce vaccin est arrivée ce mardi à Bucarest et seront distribuées à travers le pays. Conformément au calendrier de livraison, la prochaine tranche de vaccins devrait arriver en Roumanie ce 15 février. Depuis une semaine, les Roumains peuvent se faire vacciner aussi avec des sérums produits par Moderna. Ce qui plus est, la première tranche du vaccin Astra Zeneca vient d’être distribuée à travers le pays. Pourtant, il s’agit d’un produit destiné uniquement aux personnes âgées de 18 à 55 ans. Par ailleurs, près de 2.800 nouveaux cas d’infection au virus SARS COV – 2 ont été rapportés ces dernières 24 heures en Roumanie portant le bilan officiel de la pandémie à 750 mille cas de contamination et plus de 19.000 décès. Un millier de malades sont également hospitalisés en soins intensifs.

    Budget – Le projet de budget pour 2021 a été finalisé et devrait être rendu
    public mercredi. Puisque l’exécutif de centre-droite a élaboré un budget autour
    d’un déficit de 7% du PIB, il envisage de stopper les dépenses excessives et
    non essentielles faites avec l’argent public. Du coup, plus de tickets vacances
    à l’intention des salariés, une diminution de 30% de l’argent destiné au
    financement des partis, la suppression des subvention dans le cas des
    compagnies travaillant à perte et l’élimination de certains bonus accordés aux
    fonctionnaires publics. En revanche, les allocations familiales restent
    inchangées, tandis que les pensions de retraite seront majorées à partir du 1
    janvier 2022. Le Gouvernement pourrait adopter le projet de la loi du budget
    dans le courant de la semaine prochaine et le Parlement pourrait le voter d’ici
    le 20 février.

    Incendie – Encore deux victimes de l’incendie qui a ravagé le 29 janvier l’Institut de maladies infectieuses Matei Bals de Bucarest, sont décédées, portant le bilan à 17 morts. Vendredi, le Parquet près du Tribunal de Bucarest a finalisé l’enquête sur place. La procédure visant à établir l’identité des victimes décédées a aussi été finalisée. Jusqu’ici 33 personnes ont été auditionnées – personnel médical, personnel administratif, agents de police ayant participé à l’intervention initiale, proches des victimes. Pour rappel, une tragédie similaire a eu lieu en novembre dernier à l’hôpital des urgences de Piatra Neamt (nord-est), un incendie dans lequel 10 personnes sont décédées sur place.

    Bruxelles – L’UE et la Russie sont entrées en confrontation ouverte mardi avec l’annonce de la préparation de sanctions européennes pour défendre les droits fondamentaux en Russie et le durcissement du Kremlin contre l’opposition, accusée de trahison. Le chef de la diplomatie européenne, l’Espagnol Josep Borrell, a recommandé l’adoption de nouvelles sanctions apres l’affront qu’il a subi pendant sa visite a Moscou et annoncé son intention de faire des propositions sur cette ligne aux Etats membres, annonce l’AFP. Le responsable européen devrait présenter ses propositions aux ministres des AE de l’UE à l’occasion de la réunion du 22 février. Vendredi, la Russie a expulsé trois diplomates d’Allemagne, de Suède et de Pologne pour avoir participé aux manifestations d’appui de l’opposant russe, Aleksei Navalnîi. Le chef de la diplomatie européenne se trouvait à Moscou dans le cadre d’une visite officielle affirme avoir appris sur les réseaux sociaux des mesures d’expulsion des diplomates européens, alors qu’il s’entretenait avec le ministre russe des AE, Sergueï Lavrov. Rappelons-le, dès son retour d’Allemagne, où il avait été soigné des suites de son empoisonnement, l’opposant Alexey Navalnîi, a été arrêté et condamné à une peine de prison ferme de deux ans et huit mois.

    Coronavirus dans le monde – L’OMS met en garde contre un excès de pessimisme envers le vaccin d’AstraZeneca dont l’efficacité est de plus en plus questionnée, alors qu’à l’heure actuelle il faut limiter les hospitalisations et sauver des vies. En attente d’une homologation par l’OMS, le vaccin d’AstraZeneca a reçu le feu vert des autorités sanitaires de plusieurs pays, mais son efficacité est mise en doute chez les plus de 65 ans. . L’Afrique du Sud a parlé d’une efficacité limitée du vaccin dans le cas de la mutation autochtone du virus, encore plus contagieuse et responsable de la deuxième vague pandémique. En Europe, l’Espagne a décidé de prolonger jusqu’au 2 mars les restrictions d’accès des voyageurs en provenance du Royaume Uni, du Brésil et de l’Afrique du Sud, afin de limiter la propagation des nouvelles souches de coronavirus. Mardi également, le gouvernement suédois a annoncé son plan de réduire le nombre de voyageurs dans les transports à longue distance en train et en car, dans le cadre de ses mesures visant à limiter la pandémie. Par ailleurs, la levée des restrictions de voyage dans le cas des personnes vaccinées fait toujours l’objet de controverses et les 27 œuvrent ensemble sur la mise en place d’un certificat commun de vaccination. Israël et la Grèce ont conclu lundi un accord touristique permettant à leurs citoyens respectifs ayant été vaccinés contre le coronavirus de voyager sans restriction dans ces deux pays.

    Alerté météo – Le Ministère roumain des Affaires Etrangères avertit les citoyens roumains qui transitent l’Espagne ou envisagent de s’y rendre sur une alerte orange et jaune aux tempêtes de neige et au vent très fort en vigueur dans certaines régions du pays. Les autorités de Bucarest annoncent aussi que le Service italien de protection civile avait également émis des alertes jaune et orange aux intempéries, valables ces mardi et mercredi. La diplomatie roumaine conseille aux potentiels voyageurs roumains à destination d’Espagne et d’Italie de se renseigner sur les sites des autorités italiennes et espagnoles de la Météorologie et de respecter leurs recommandations.

    Météo – Températures assez normales pour cette période de l’année notamment sur le nord et le nord-est et particulièrement élevées sur le reste du territoire. Des pluies sont attendues sur l’ouest, le nord-ouest et le centre alors que sur le reste du pays le ciel sera variable et les pluies seront assez isolées. Des chutes de neige sont prévues sur le relief, notamment en haute montagne. Les températures maximales iront de 2 à 18 degrés et les minimas iront de -4 à 8 degrés.

  • 38.807 de persoane imunizate în ultimele 24 de ore

    38.807 de persoane imunizate în ultimele 24 de ore

    Comitetul naţional pentru vaccinarea anti-COVID informează că, în ultimele 24 de ore, au fost administrate 33.862 de doze de vaccin Pfizer şi 4.945 doze de vaccin Moderna.

    În ultimele 24 de ore, 5.880 persoane au fost vaccinate cu 1 doză şi 32.927 persoane vaccinate cu 2 doze.

    Numărul total de reacții adverse înregistrate la nivelul centrelor de vaccinare (în ultimele 24 de ore): 47 reacții comune și minore.

    Până în prezent, conform CNCAV, numărul total de doze administrate de vaccin împotriva COVID-19 (începând cu data de 27 decembrie 2020) este de 930.155, la un număr de 666.942 persoane din care: 403.729 persoane au fost vaccinate cu 1 doză şi 263.213 persoane au fost vaccinate cu 2 doze.

    De asemenea, numărul total de reacții adverse înregistrate la nivelul centrelor de vaccinare (începând din 27 decembrie 2020) este de 2.526 reacții comune și minore, din care: 530 reacții de tip local cu durere la locul injectării şi 1.996 reacții generale (febră, cefalee, mialgii, artralgii, astenie, alergii de tip urticarie).

    CNCAV, menționează că 8 reacții adverse sunt în curs de investigare.

    Sursa: CNCAV