Tag: place

  • Athlete of the week

    Athlete of the week

    Two major women’s tennis tournaments were held
    last week, according to the professional circuit calendar. Both events were
    held on hard court. Romanian tennis players competed in both tournaments and their
    run was excellent. In the WTA 250 tennis tournament in Prague, an event with 260
    thousand USD in prize money, Jaqueline Cristian reached as far as the semifinals
    of the women’s singles, where she sustained a hard-fought defeat by Japan’s Nao
    Hibino. As part of a WTA 500 tournament in Washington, an event with 780 thousand
    USD up for grabs, Monica Niculescu, pairing up with Alexa Guarachi of Chile, reached
    as far as the women’s doubles finals. Niculescu and Guarachi were defeated by
    the German-Russian pair made of Laura Siegemund and Vera Zvonareva.

    We were spoiled
    for choice, since both Jaqueline and Monica equally deserved to be the Athlete of
    the week. However, the tournament in Washington was a little bit more difficult
    than the one in Prague, not to mention the fact that Monica Niculescu was closer
    to winning the tournament, so Radio Romania International designated Niculescu
    the Athlete of the Week.

    Monica was born in Slatina on September 25,
    1987.S he has been living in Bucharest since she was four. Monica took up tennis
    at the age of five and has been a pro since 2002. Her career-best according to
    the women’s singles rankings occurred in February 2012 when she was 28th-placed.
    Niculescu won three WTA singles tournaments, in 2013, in Brazil’s Florianopolis, in Guangzhou, China, in 2014 and in Luxembourg in 2016.

    Monica Niculescu’s career in women’s doubles was
    much richer. She won 10 WTA tournaments. We recall that in 2009, pairing up with
    Russia’s Alisa Kleybanova, Niculescu won the tournament in Budapest. Monica was
    best-placed according to the WTA women’s doubles rankings in April 2011, when she
    climbed up to the 11th position.

    Early in 2018, Monica Niculescu advanced to the
    quarterfinals of the Hobart tournament jointly with British tennis player Alicia
    Barnett. Then in the Australian Open she paired up with Swiss Viktorija
    Golubic with whom she reached as far as the round of 16. The final of the
    Washington tournament was the second Monica played in 2023, after the final in
    Bad Homburg, when she sustained a defeat alongside Japan’s Eri Hozumi. Monica Niculescu is 28th-placed according to the
    as-it-stands WTA women’s doubles rankings.

  • 23.09.2018 (mise à jour)

    23.09.2018 (mise à jour)

    – Le Rapport global du progrès social maintient la Roumanie à la 44e
    place parmi les 146 pays analysés, fait savoir un communiqué de l’Initiative
    pour la compétitivité (INACO). Comparées aux résultats de 2017, les
    performances sociales de la Roumanie se sont légèrement améliorées cette année, pour ce qui est de l’accès à l’eau potable et aux systèmes d’assainissement, du
    logement, de la qualité de l’environnement, de la tolérance, de l’inclusion
    sociale et des droits individuels. Ces performances se sont néanmoins dégradées
    en matière de soins de santé, de sécurité individuelle, de bases de la
    prospérité, d’accès à l’éducation tertiaire, au savoir, aux technologies
    de l’information et de la communication. En ce qui concerne le Produit intérieur
    brut par habitant, la Roumanie est 45e sur le total de 146 pays
    analysés. Selon l’INACO, une avancée réelle du progrès social en Roumanie
    dépend essentiellement de la qualité des investissements dans les secteurs de
    la santé, de l’éducation et des technologies de l’avenir, en tant que priorités

    Tennis de table – Le Roumain Ovidiu Ionescu s’est qualifié en finale du Simple Hommes, des Championnats d’Europe de tennis de table, à Alicante (Espagne).
    Il luttera pour la médaille d’or contre l’Allemand Timo Boll. En demi-finale,
    le Roumain a eu raison du Suédois Kristian Karlsson, au score de 4 à 1.

    Météo – Ce lundi apportera beaucoup de vent en Roumanie, avec des rafales entre
    55 et 65 km/h. Dans l’ouest, le nord et le centre du pays, les températures
    seront inférieures aux normales de saison et il pleuvra. Le sud et le sud-est bénéficieront de températures bien
    plus élevées. Les maximales de lundi se situeront entre 11 et 31°.