Tag: Plahotniuc

  • Eine neue politische Krise in der Republik Moldau

    Eine neue politische Krise in der Republik Moldau

    Nach nicht einmal sechs Monaten im Amt ist die Regierung Maia Sandu zerbrochen. Ein Misstrauensvotum im Parlament hat sie zu Fall gebracht. Insgesamt 63 von 101 Parlamentarier stimmten gegen die Sandu Regierung. Abgeordnete der Demokratischen Partei Moldaus (PDM), des unbeliebten Oligarchen Vlad Plahotniuc schlossen sich Kollegen der pro-russischen Moldauischen Sozialistischen Partei (PSRM) unter der Führung des Präsidenten des Landes, Igor Dodon, an, um die Regierung zu stürzen. Die Beziehungen zwischen dem pro-europäischen Block ACUM und der Sozialistischen Partei verschlechterten sich weiter, nachdem Premierministerin Maia Sandu das Verfahren zur Ernennung des Generalstaatsanwalts geändert hatte, um Kandidaten für dieses Amt direkt ernennen zu können.

    Experten haben erwartet, dass die moskaufreundlichen Kräfte ein von Pro-Europäern dominiertes Kabinett nicht lange dulden würden. Dem moskautreuen Präsidenten, Igor Dodon war es jedoch gelungen, zwei seiner Leute an die Spitze von Schlüsselministerien zu bringen.

    In ihrer letzten Rede im Parlament sagte Maia Sandu, dass es ihrem Kabinett gelungen sei, die Gehälter sozial schwacher Gruppen zu erhöhen und eine grundlegende Reform der Justiz einzuleiten. Sie wies darauf hin, dass die Regierung in nur fünf Monaten an der Macht über 100 Millionen Euro an finanzieller Unterstützung erhalten habe und dass die Republik Moldau bis zum Jahresende weitere 30 Millionen Euro von der EU erhalten solle, was für ein Land, das als das Ärmste in Europa gilt, von entscheidender Bedeutung sei.

    Brüssel hat kurz nach dem Sturz der Regierung reagiert. Die Absetzung der Regierung in Chisinau stellt ein besorgniserregendes Zeichen für die Fortsetzung der Reform dar. Mit der Absetzung der Regierung ist die Forderung nach der Fortsetzung der Reformen, vor allem im Bereich der Justiz nicht weggefegt worden, sagte die Sprecherin der EU-Au‎ßenbeaftragte, Federica Mogherini. Sie betonte: Wir werden unsere Beziehungen zur Republik Moldau weiterhin auf dem Grundsatz der Konditionalität und der Achtung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit und der demokratischen Standards aufbauen“.

    In Rumänien hat Präsident Klaus Iohannis davor gewarnt, dass die Unterstützung Rumäniens für die Republik Moldau, einschlie‎ßlich der finanziellen Unterstützung, im gegenwärtigen Kontext streng von der Fortsetzung der Reformen abhängig sein wird, während Premierminister Ludovic Orban erklärt hat, dass die rumänische Regierung nicht bereit ist, mit einer moldawischen Regierung zusammenzuarbeiten, die keine ernsthaften Garantien für eine echte Demokratie bietet. Wenn eine neue Regierung nicht innerhalb von drei Monaten eingesetzt wird, kann Präsident Dodon das Parlament auflösen und vorgezogene Wahlen einberufen, was nach Ansicht von Analysten die Anzahl der Sozialisten im Parlament erhöhen könnte, sodass sie alle Instrumente der Macht an sich rei‎ßen können.

  • Stichwahl für das Amt des Bürgermeisters Chişinăus

    Stichwahl für das Amt des Bürgermeisters Chişinăus

    In Moldawien, das zu einer Kohabitation zwischen dem pro-russischen sozialistischen Präsidenten Igor Dodon und der pro-westlichen Regierung von Maia Sandu gezwungen ist, hat am Sonntag ein neuer Wahlgang stattgefunden, der sowohl von politischer als auch geopolitischer Bedeutung ist. Beobachter der Promo Lex Organisation berichteten über mehr als 300 Vorfälle am Wahltag, darunter Fälle von organisiertem Transport von Wählern zu Wahllokalen oder das Anbieten von Wahlgeschenken. Die Zentrale Wahlkommission war jedoch der Meinung, dass derartige Verstö‎ße das Endergebnis nicht entscheidend beeinflussen.

    Wie die Umfragen über die Wahlabsichten zeigten, erhielten die Sozialisten von Dodon im ersten Wahlgang der Kommunalwahlen die meisten Stimmen. Die pro-russische populistische Linke gewann die nördliche Gemeinden Bălţi, die zweitgrö‎ßte Stadt Moldawiens, sowie Orhei in der Landesmitte. In Bălţi, wo der Anteil der russischsprachigen und pro-russischen Bevölkerung sehr hoch ist, kehrt Renato Usatîi als Bürgermeister zurück, der aus Angst vor der Justiz zwischenzeitlich nach Russland geflohen war. Während in Orhei, wo bis vor kurzem der umstrittene moldauisch-russisch-israelische Geschäftsmann und Politiker Ilan Şor Bürgermeister war, der 2014 in erster Instanz in der Akte über den Raub des Bankensystems verurteilt wurde, sein Vertreter, Pavel Verejanu, bereits in der ersten Runde mit mehr als 70 % der Stimmen die Wahlen gewann. Mit 130 von gewonnenen Gemeinden insgesamt 898, erzielte die Demokratische Partei, des umstrittenen Oligarchen Vladimir Plahotniuc, ein überraschend gutes Ergebnis.

    In der Hauptstadt Chişinău, wo ein Drittel der Bevölkerung der Republik lebt und die Hälfte des Bruttoinlandsprodukts produziert, wird der neue Bürgermeister der Stichwahl, am 3. November, gewählt. Der Sozialist Ion Ceban, der dem Präsidenten Dodon nahe steht, wird in der Stichwahl den derzeitigen Innenminister, den pro-westlichen Andrei Năstase, als Herausforderer haben. Ceban erhielt 40 % der Stimmen, während Năstase etwa 30 % erhielt — Prozentsätze, die fast identisch mit denen der letzten Wahlen im vergangenen Jahr waren, deren Ergebnis später annulliert wurde. Der ehemalige liberale Bürgermeister Chişinăus in den Jahren 2007 — 2017, Dorin Chirtoacă, der 10 % der Stimmen erhielt, forderte seine Wähler auf, in der zweiten Runde gegen Ceban zu stimmen. Analysten sind der Meinung, dass der Sozialist seine Basis ausgeschöpft hat. Die Stadt, die nie einen pro-russischen Bürgermeister gewählt hat, ist mehrheitlich proeuropäisch. Die Hälfte der Bevölkerung sprach sich in einer Umfrage sogar für die Wiedervereinigung mit Rumänien aus. Deshalb, schätzen die Kommentatoren, ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit gro‎ß, dass Andrei Năstase in der Stichwahl die Unterstützung der gesamten Rechten erhalten und die Wahlen für das Amt des Bürgermeisters der Chisinaus problemlos gewinnen wird.

  • August 5, 2019 UPDATE

    August 5, 2019 UPDATE

    INVESTIGATION In Caracal, southern Romania, searches continued on Monday at the home of Gheorghe Dincă, the man who claimed, after being apprehended more than a week ago, that he had killed 2 teenagers, 15-year old Alexanda Măceşanu and 18-year old Luiza Melencu. The investigators, who followed a new lead indicated by Gheorghe Dinca, found fragments of burnt bones and ashes in a bag, in a forest near Caracal. Dinca claims the remains belong to Luiza. Over the past few days, new biological samples were collected from the mans home and courtyard. The investigation now focuses on finding new clues to confirm that Luiza Melencu, missing since April, has been in Dincas house. The Directorate Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism, in charge of the case, announced that the ash taken from Dincas residence showed traces of Alexandra Măceşanus DNA, the girl who went missing on July 24th and who called the emergency services the next day. The response of the authorities was too late, which led to a number of resignations and dismissals.

    EU Romania ranks 2nd in the EU, on a par with Portugal, in terms of a positive public image of the EU, indicates a new Eurobarometer poll made public on Monday. The number of Romanians having a positive view of the European bloc has grown to 60%, above the EU average of 44%. The new poll shows a strong increase in citizens positive perception of the EU in all areas, from economy to the state of democracy. These are the best Eurobarometer results since June 2014. Also, 52% of the Romanians have confidence in the EU, as against a 44% average in Europe. Some of the main findings of the Eurobarometer also include record-strong support for the single currency and a focus on climate change, as the 2nd biggest concern at EU level, after immigration.

    MOLDOVA The General Prosecution of the Republic of Moldova Monday opened a criminal case in which Vlad Plahotniuc is probed into for usurping power in June 2019. A group of prosecutors will look into the events of June 7th to 9th, when former Democratic leader Vlad Plahotniuc and judges with the Constitutional Court approved rulings, decisions and resolutions contrary to the Constitution of Moldova, in order to enable the Democrats to stay in power abusively. Sworn in by Parliament on June 8th, the new Government in Chisinau, headed by the pro-European Maia Sandu, only managed to take office in mid-June, after a deadlock cause by the previous, leftist government controlled by tycoon Vladimir Plahotniuc, who refused to relinquish power.

    FESTIVAL Sfântu Gheorghe, in the Danube Delta, south-eastern Romania, is hosting as of Monday the 16th Anonimul International Independent Film Festival. The official opening included the screening of the latest film by director Jim Jarmusch, The Dead Don’t Die, launched at this years official Cannes competition. Six foreign and Romanian feature films take part in the official competition. The special guest of this years edition is Ukrainian director, Sergei Loznitsa, winner of the Cannes 2018 “Un Certain Regard award. He will receive the “ANONIMUL Award for his contribution to world cinema. A retrospective of his works will be followed by Q&A sessions. The festival also includes, until August 11, screenings of films awarded in other festivals, talks with filmmakers and film critics, Q&A sessions with production teams. A section entitled Fluidități will screen 4 documentaries on art, discussing topics like the fine arts, music, cultural traditions and crafts.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • July 9, 2019

    July 9, 2019

    GRECO Romania has made little progress to put in place measures to
    prevent corruption among parliamentarians, judges and prosecutors and to
    address the concerns raised by its controversial judicial reform says the
    Council of Europe’s anti-corruption institution GRECO in two reports that it
    has published today. GRECO is deeply concerned
    by the fact that the authorities have disregarded the recommendation to abandon
    the setting-up of the section for the investigation of the offences in the
    judiciary. On the other hand GRECO hails the announcement made by Prime
    Minister Dancila regarding the intention to give up the controversial justice
    reforms. GRECO decides to continue to evaluate Romania’s complying with the
    recommendations included in the two reports and has called on the authorities
    to report back on the progress achieved by June 30th 2020.

    Leaders of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), the main component of the ruling
    coalition in Bucharest have today begun talks about government reshuffle. These
    talks might take several weeks, during which the activity of ministries is to
    be assessed – the party’s new leader, Viorica Dancila, has announced. After the
    assessment, the Social Democrats will decide which ministers should be
    replaced. According to the Prime Minister, the PSD candidate to the
    presidential election this autumn will be established based on a poll in the
    first half of August. We recall that Prime Minister Dancila went to the helm of
    the party after the coalition’s strongman Liviu Dragnea had been arrested on
    corruption charges. We recall that the PSD also lost the European Parliament
    election to the opposition National Liberal Party while its partner ALDE failed
    to clear the 5% threshold.

    TENNIS Romanian
    tennis player Simona Halep, currently ranking 7th in the world standings, will
    be up against Chinese Zhang Shuai in the quarterfinals of the Wimbledon
    tournament, the third Grand Slam competition of the year. On Monday, Halep
    outperformed the tournamnet’s revelation, 15-year-old US challenger Cori Gauff.
    Halep’s best Wimbeldon performance was in 2014, when she made it to the
    semifinals. Also today, Romanians Irina Begu and Monica Niculescu are playing
    against Su-Wei Hsieh of Taiwan and Barbora Strycova of the Czech Republic. In
    the men’s double, Horia Tecau of Romania and his Dutch partner Jean-Julien
    Rojer will be taking on Juan Sebastian Cabal and Robert Farah of Columbia in
    the quarter finals. We recall that Tecau and Rojer won the tournament in 2015.

    FOOTBALL Romania’s football champions, CFR Cluj will today be playing FC
    Astana of Kazakhstan in an away game counting towards the first preliminary round
    of the Champions League. On Thursday in the first preliminary round of the
    Europa League, FCSB, formerly known as Steaua Bucharest, will be up against
    Milsami Orhei of the neighboring Republic of Moldova in a home match, while CSU
    Craiova will be playing in an away fixture FK Sabail of Azerbaijan. The return
    games are due next week. Romanian Cup holder, Viitorul Constanta, will be
    playing directly in the Europa League’s second preliminary round against
    Belgian side FC Anvers, coached by former Romanian international Ladislau

    PROSECUTOR The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, an ex-soviet,
    Romanian-speaking country might today launch procedures to revoke its chief
    prosecutor Eduard Harujen, accused of having carried out the political orders
    of the former government. Appointed in 2006, the former chief prosecutor
    prosecuted political files upon requests coming from the country’s former
    ruling Democratic Party headed by the controversial tycoon Vladimir Plahotniuc.
    The country’s new Prime Minister Maia Sandu has announced she would like a
    European Prosecutor to take over Harujen’s job adding that she has conveyed an
    invitation in this respect to the former head of Romania’s Anti-corruption
    Directorate, Laura Codruta Kovesi. However, the country’s pro-Russia president
    Socialist Igor Dodon is not comfortable with the idea of having a European
    prosecutor in Chisinau. We recall that Kovesi is presently running against
    French Jean-Francoise Bohnert for the position of chief of the future European
    Prosecutor’s Office, which might become operational next year.

    PROPOSAL Romania’s Prime Minister Viorica Dancila has proposed the former
    MEP Social-Democrat Ioan Mircea Pascu for the position of interim commissioner
    for regional policies to replace Corina Cretu, who was elected MEP on May 26th.
    The move comes after the EU Council has rejected a proposal by the head of the EU
    Executive Jean Claude Juncker that other commissioners should take over positions
    left vacant after the elections for the next four months that remained from the
    mandate of the present commissioners. The main argument invoked by the European
    Commission was that referring to budget expenses. ‘We regret the Council’s
    decision not to accept the proposal, but the responsibility on this is now
    entirely with the Council’, a spokesperson for the Executive told our
    correspondent in Brussels. A veteran leftist politician who got involved in the
    country’s political life shortly after the anti-communist revolution of 1989,
    Pascu, 70, was Defence Minister in 2004 the year of Romania’s entry into NATO
    and an MEP when the country joined the European Union in 2007.

    (translated by bill)

  • June 23, 2019

    June 23, 2019

    Orange and yellow warnings for
    unstable weather have been issued for the entire Romanian territory, its
    south-western regions being the most affected. Heavy rainfalls, thunderstorms
    and hail are expected but this unstable weather is going to be over soon and
    Romanians are bracing for a new wave of extremely hot temperatures. Flood
    alerts have also been issued for rivers in 23 Romanian counties. The highs of
    the day are ranging between 25 and 34 degrees Celsius with a noon reading in
    Bucharest of 27 degrees.

    DELEGATION A European Parliament delegation will on Monday go to Chisinau,
    the Republic of Moldova, an ex-soviet Romanian-speaking country, for an opinion
    exchange with the country’s fresh government. Made up of four MEPs, the
    delegation, which is headed by David McAllister, Chair of the European
    Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee, is going to hold talks with the country’s
    Prime Minister Maia Sandu, President Igor Dodon, Foreign Minister Nicolae
    Popescu, Interior Minister Andrei Nastase and Parliament Speaker Zinaida
    Greceanii. In another development, the new head of diplomacy in the Republic of
    Moldova will be paying a visit to neighboring Romania on July 1st -
    the Foreign Ministry in Bucharest has announced. Nicolae Popescu already
    talked on the phone with his Romanian counterpart Teodor Melescanu on Friday;
    the latter gave assurances on Bucharest’s readiness for a tight cooperation in
    the spirit of the Strategic bilateral partnership for the Republic of Moldova’s
    European integration. Sworn in by Parliament on June 8th, Moldova’s
    new government took over its prerogatives a week ago upon the political
    deadlock caused by the former centre-to-left executive controlled by tycoon
    Vladimir Plahotniuc who refused to step down.

    NATO Saber Guardian 2019, the most important
    multi-national NATO exercise in Romania is due to end on June 24th.
    The exercise has as its main objective the deepening of cohesion, unity and
    solidarity of the allied and partner countries with a view to repelling any
    aggression by means of the rapid mobilization and deployment of troops anywhere
    in Europe. In order to raise the effectiveness of training in an international
    context, Saber Guardian 2019 is carried out in connection with a series of
    national and multi-national exercises so that the total number of participating
    troops amounts to 13,500, out of which 7,600 are Romanian. 14 allied and
    partner countries are being represented in these exercises.

    FESTIVAL Over 50 cultural events have been scheduled for today, the last
    day of the 26th edition of the International Theatre Festival (FITS) hosted by
    Sibiu, a city in central Romania. This year’s edition unfolded under the motto
    The Art to Give and also included circus performances, music and book
    launches and other related events. The Walk of Fame in Sibiu on Saturday was
    added more stars granted to celebrities from the local and international
    showbiz, including Romanian actress Maia Morgenstern, Italian director and
    actor Pippo Delbono, and the director of the Theatre de Ville and the Autumn
    Festival in Paris, Emmanuel Demarcy-Mota. This year’s edition of FITS, which
    kicked off on June 14th, included roughly 540 events held in 75
    performance areas, and has been attended by 33 hundred artists and invitees
    from 73 countries.

    (translated by bill)

  • June 11, 2019

    June 11, 2019

    FOOTBALL Romania’s national football side on Monday night clinched
    a 4-0 win against the selection of Malta in group F of the 2020 European
    Football Championship preliminaries. On Friday Romania ended their away game
    against Norway in a 2-all draw but in March they lost to Sweden in Stockholm
    2-1. Our footballers have also secured a 4-1 home win against the Faeroe Islands.
    Spain tops the table with 12 points followed by Sweden and Romania, each with 7
    points. The preliminaries are to resume in September when Romania will be up
    against Spain in Bucharest. The first two sides in the group will book tickets
    for the final tournament whose lots are to be drawn in Bucharest on November 30th.
    The Romanian capital is to host four matches of the final tournament, three in
    the group stage and one in the round of 16. We recall that also this month,
    Romania’s Under 21 football selection will be playing in the European
    Championship in Italy and San Marino. Romania is part of group C together with
    England, France and Croatia.

    EXPLANATIONS Romania’s Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu has today been
    invited to the Chamber of Deputies upon a request from the opposition National
    Liberal Party and the Save Romania Union to speak in the ‘Government’s Hour’.
    Also on Tuesday the Senate is debating upon a simple motion tabled against the
    Foreign Minister on the situation during the May 26th election when many
    Romanians abroad had difficulty in casting their ballot. The opposition MPs are
    calling for Melescanu’s resignation. On Monday the Foreign Minister again asked
    the Romanians abroad to forgive him but said that the Ministry had fulfilled its
    legal obligations. Melescanu has announced that talks are to be held at the
    embassies where voters faced difficulty during the elections in order to find
    the culprits and see to it that the situation will not repeat.

    FILE The Prosecutor General of the Republic of
    Moldova, an ex-Soviet Romanian-speaking country, has opened a file on the
    possible funding of the Socialist Party of president Igor Dodon by the Russian
    Federation. In another development, Dodon has announced that he cancelled the
    decree signed by Pavel Filip on dismantling Parliament and staging snap election
    on September 6th. On June 9th the Constitutional Court in
    the Republic of Moldova suspended Dodon from the position of president and
    appointed Prime Minister Pavel Filip as the country’s interim president. The
    Democratic Party of controversial businessman Vlad Plahotniuc believes the
    legal government is that led by Filip. The first meeting of the new cabinet led
    by pro-European Maia Sandu, which enjoys the Socialists’ support, in spite of
    the Constitutional Court’s invalidation took place on Monday. Sandu has given
    assurances the government will succeed in unblocking foreign funding,
    especially from the EU. The meeting was held on the Parliament premises as the
    new cabinet was denied access to the government building, which is controlled
    by the executive team of Filip. The Democratic Party has invited all the
    Parliament parties to identify solutions for overcoming the political deadlock.
    Andrei Nastase, one of the leaders of the ACUM bloc, has answered favorably,
    saying these talks must take place.

    CONFERENCE Romania’s Foreign Ministry is today staging
    an international conference on the strategic partnership relations between the
    EU and China. The event, which is held under the auspices of Romania’s
    presidency of the EU, is aimed at promoting an inclusive dialogue platform for
    the relations between the EU and China. High on the agenda are talks about the
    future strategic EU-China partnership, the Europe-Asia connectivity and the
    cooperation between the EU and China in a multilateral format. The event has
    brought together representatives of the foreign ministries and the academic
    world from the EU members and China, as well as representatives of the European

    (translated by bill)

  • June 10, 2019 UPDATE

    June 10, 2019 UPDATE

    MINISTERS The new ministers of Justice, European Funds and of the Romanians
    All Over the World, were sworn in on Monday in the presence of Romania’s
    president Klaus Iohannis. At the end of last week, president Iohannis signed
    the decrees through which Ana Birchall was appointed Justice Minister, Roxana
    Manzatu became Minister of European Funds and Natalia Intotero took over the
    Ministry for the Romanians All Over the World. Iohannis turned down a proposal
    that Titus Corlatean took over the seat of Deputy Prime Minister for the
    Implementation of Strategic Partnerships, so far held by Ana Birchall and
    called on Prime Minister Viorica Dancila to nominate somebody else for that
    position. The president blames Corlatean for the disastrous situation in the
    2014 election, when he was Romania’s Foreign Minister and tens of thousands
    Romanians from abroad were unable to cast their ballot.

    GOVERNMENT The first meeting of the government of the Republic of Moldova,
    an ex-Soviet Romanian-speaking country, led by pro-European Maia Sandu, took
    place on Monday in spite of the Constitutional Court having invalidated the new
    cabinet’s investiture. Two high-ranking officials, including the police chief
    were sacked during the aforementioned meeting. In another development Maia
    Sandu has given assurances the government will succeed in unblocking foreign
    funding, particularly from the EU. The government meeting was hosted by
    Parliament because the members of the fresh cabinet have been denied access to
    the government building, which is presently controlled by the incumbent Prime
    Minister Pavel Filip, who is continuing his activity defying the latest
    Parliament decisions, including the investiture of the new cabinet. The
    Democratic Party has invited all Parliamentary parties to a political dialogue,
    mainly the Socialist Party and the ACUM bloc with a view to identifying
    solutions for overcoming the present political crisis. A close ally of the
    controversial politician and businessman Vladimir Plahotniuc and designated by
    the Court to take over the prerogatives of the country’s president from the
    pro-Russian leader Igor Dodon, Pavel Filip announced the dismantling of
    Parliament and called for snap election in September.

    TALKS Romania’s minister delegate for
    European affairs, George Ciamba, on Monday held talks with Gent Cakaj, the
    incumbent minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of Albania during the
    latter’s visit to Romania. The two ministers reviewed the stage of Albania’s
    preparations for opening accession negotiations with the EU, the bilateral
    relations between the two countries and the latest developments in the Western
    Balkans. George Ciamba reiterated Romania’s staunch support for Albania’s EU
    accession announcing Romania’s readiness to assist Tirana in the accession process.

    DRILL Around
    8,000 military from six countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria,
    Romania, Hungary and the US) are taking part until the 24th of June
    in the Saber Guardian 2019 multinational exercise. The exercise is led by US
    Army Europe and the Romanian Land Forces and is hosted by Bulgaria, Romania and
    Hungary. Its main aim is to highlight the cohesion, unity and solidarity
    between partner and allied states in the face of any possible form of
    aggression, in particular through rapid mobilisation and deployment of troops
    anywhere in Europe. Shooting exercises are held at the shooting ranges in
    Cincu, Borduşani, Babadag, Smârdan and Râşnov.

    (translated by bill)

  • Severe political crisis in the Republic of Moldova

    Severe political crisis in the Republic of Moldova

    The pro-Russian Socialist President of the Republic of Moldova Igor Dodon has requested international mediation for the political crisis in Chisinau, one of unprecedented magnitude in the nearly 3 decades since the country declared its independence. Essentially, the 2 sides in the dispute are the Constitutional Court and the incumbent Government formed by the Democratic Party, both of them controlled by the controversial and unpopular tycoon Vladimir Plahotniuc, on the one hand, and President Igor Dodon and the new parliamentary majority, on the other hand.

    This past weekend, the political conflict reached its peak. The Constitutional Court ruled to suspend Igor Dodon, replacing him with the Democratic PM Pavel Filip, and to dismantle the current Parliament. In response, the new parliamentary majority made up of the Socialists and the MPs of the Pro-European right-wing bloc ACUM, voted in a new government, headed by former presidential candidate Maia Sandu.

    The 2 teams exchange accusations of usurping power. Sandu says the Democratic Party blocks the functioning of public institutions, and after the chief of police refused to recognise the authority of the new Interior Minister she urged civil servants to peacefully hand over power. Meanwhile, Plahotniuc took his supporters to the streets and asked them to be prepared to defend public institutions.

    On behalf of neighbouring Romania, President Klaus Iohannis has called on all political forces in Chisinau to respect democracy and the rule of law. Stability is vital if Moldova is to follow through its European accession efforts, translating in a large-scale reform process, including in terms of the rule of law and good governance, reads a news release issued by the Romanian Presidency. The Government of Romania has also announced that it watches closely the political developments in Moldova, and urges all political players in that country to comply with the rules of democracy.

    Brussels, in turn, calls for calm. The European Union stands ready to work with a democratically legitimate government, on the basis of a mutual commitment to reforms and to the core principles enshrined in the Association Agreement, reads a joint statement issued by the EU diplomacy chief Federica Mogherini and the Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy, Johannes Hahn. Moscow says it is vital for the forces in charge with Moldovas foreign policy to comply with the actual will of the people.

    All these come after 3-and-a-half months of failed attempts at forming a parliamentary majority. In the February 24 legislative elections, the Democratic Party and ACUM bloc each got around one-third of the seats in Parliament. This, analysts noted, reflects the dramatic fragmentation of the Moldovan society between the pro-Russians and pro-Europeans, between the supporters of the fight against corruption and those who favour an oligarchic regime.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Nachrichten 15.01.2016

    Nachrichten 15.01.2016

    CHIŞINĂU: Der Präsident der Moldau, Nicolae Timofti, hat am Freitag den neuen Kandidat der Parlamentsmehrheit, Pavel Filip, als Ministerpräsidenten designiert. Das meldete Radio Chişinău am späten Nachmittag. Der amtierende Minister für Informationstechnologie Filip soll am Montag die Verhandlungen mit den Parlamentsparteien aufnehmen. Nachdem die Demokraten den umstrittenen Geschäftsmann Vlad Plahotniuc für das Amt des Premiers vorgeschlagen hatten, wollten mehrere der Partner aus dem Parlament der Moldau ihre Unterstützung zurückziehen. Damit begründete auch Präsident Timofti die Ernennung eines neuen Kandidaten. 55 der 101 Abgeordneten im Parlament hatten dem Staatschef am Freitag den neuen Vorschlag eingereicht, auf den sie sich offenbar geeinigt hatten. Zuvor hatte der am Donnerstag von Präsident Timofti designierte Kandidat, Ion Păduraru, seinen Rücktritt angekündigt. Sollte das Parlament bis am 29. Januar keine neue Regierung im Amt bestätigen, müssen in der Moldau Neuwahlen stattfinden.

    BUKAREST: Am 15. Januar ist in Rumänien der Tag der Nationalen Kultur begangen worden. Zu diesem Anlaß wurden in der Hauptstadt Bukarest, in mehreren rumänischen Großstädten und auch im Ausland zahlreiche Kulturevents, Ausstellungen und Musikkonzerte veranstaltet. An der Rumänischen Akademie fand eine feierliche Sitzung statt. Im Bukarester Athäneum konzertierten der Rhapsode Grigore Lese und seine Gäste. Feierveranstaltungen zum Tag der rumänischen Kultur fanden auch in Chişinău, der Hauptstadt der mehrheitlich rumänischsprachigen Republik Moldau statt, sowie auch in der ukrainischen Region um Czernovwitz, wo mehr als 200.000 Rumänen leben.

    BUKAREST: Die rumänische Wirtschaft ist in den ersten 9 Monaten 2015 um 3,7% gegenüber dem Vergleichszeitraum des Vorjahres gewachsen. Dies meldete am Freitag das Nationale Institut für Statistik. Verglichen mit dem 2. Jahresquartal 2015 war das Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) im 3. Jahresquartal 2015 um 1,4% höher und im Vergleich zum 3. Jahresquartal 2014 ist das BIP im 3. Jahresquartal 2015 um 3,6% gestiegen. Die Nationale Prognosekommission erhöhte die Projektion betreffend die Entwicklung des BIP für 2015 auf 3,6% und behielt die Einschätzung über das Wirtschaftswachstum im Jahr 2016 auf 4,1%, gemäß der Herbstvariante der mittelfristigen Prognose, die in November veröffentlicht wurde.

    BUKAREST: Die Cyber-Angriffe gegen Rumänien im Jahr 2015 kamen aus Russland und China, meldete der rumänische Nachrichtendienst SRI am Freitag. Ziele der Cyber-Angriffe waren die Strukturen der nationalen Sicherheit im Außen-, Innen– und Verteidigungministerium. Die dazugehörenden Informationen verwaltet das Nationale Zentrum Cyberint, eine Abteilung des Nachrichtendienstes SRI, welche die Internet- und Kommunikationssysteme, sowie die Infrastruktur mit strategischer Bedeutung schützen sollte.