Tag: Plumb

  • Planul european de luptă împotriva cancerului

    Planul european de luptă împotriva cancerului

    În 2020, 2,7
    milioane de cetăţeni ai Uniunii Europene au fost diagnosticaţi cu cancer, iar
    1,3 millioane şi-au pierdut viaţa. Cercetările arată că în lipsa unor acţiuni
    decisive, numărul de cazuri ar urma să înregistreze o creştere cu 24% până în
    2035, cancerul devenind principala cauză a morţii în UE.

    Astfel, în
    cadrul Planului european de luptă împotriva cancerului au fost propuse o serie
    de măsuri ce încep să se facă simţite. În cursul lunii august, Comisia
    Europeană a stabilit noi niveluri maxime pentru cadmiu și plumb într-o gamă
    largă de produse alimentare. Aceste măsuri au scopul de a reduce și mai mult
    prezența contaminanților cancerigeni în alimente și de a face alimentele
    sănătoase mai accesibile. Măsurile au început să fie aplicate de la 30 august
    în ceea ce privește nivelul maxim de plumb, respectiv de la 31 august în ceea
    ce privește cadmiul.

    Daniel Ferrie,
    purtător de cuvânt al Comisiei Europene, ne-a explicat:

    Daţi-mi voie să încep
    prin a clarifica faptul că şi cadmiul şi plumbul sunt vinovate de contaminarea
    mediului. Astfel nu pot fi potrivite consumului. Cu toate acestea, aplicând
    metodele de prevenţie, nivele de cadmiu şi plumb ce apar în procesarea
    produselor, pe tot lanţul de producţie, sunt mult peste nivelul admis,
    în diferite alimente. Pentru aplicarea noilor reglementări ale Comisiei
    Europene, lanţurile alimentare vor trebui să se asigure că alimentele pe care
    le scot pe piaţă sunt produse în conformitate cu noile reglementări, iar
    produsele ce depăşesc aceste niveluri permise nu se mai găsesc pe piaţă sau
    sunt scoase de pe piaţă, astfel încât consumatorul să nu mai fie expus la
    astfel de produse, pe întregul teritoriu al Uniunii Europene.

    Normele UE
    sunt deja la un nivel ridicat pe plan mondial, în privinţa asigurării alimentelor
    mai sigure, mai sănătoase și mai durabile. Și cum ştim că alimentația nesănătoasă
    sporește riscul de cancer, decizia de a stabili noi niveluri de cadmiu şi plumb
    ce pot fi regăsite în produsele alimentare urmărește să pună consumatorii în
    prim-plan. Cadmiul este un metal greu
    toxic prezent în mediu, atât natural, cât și ca rezultat al activităților
    agricole și industriale. Principala sursă de expunere la cadmiu a nefumătorilor,
    de exemplu, o reprezintă alimentele. Întrucât și plumbul este un contaminant
    prezent în mod natural în mediu, hrana este principala sursă de expunere umană
    la plumb.

    maxime de cadmiu, un contaminant cancerigen din mediu, pe care ar putea să îl
    conțină alimente precum fructele, legumele, cerealele și semințele oleaginoase,
    vor fi reduse în cazul unora dintre aceste alimente. Unele produse de bază vor
    trebui, de asemenea, să îndeplinească această cerință de la data intrării în
    vigoare a noului regulament.

    Această măsură
    va spori siguranța alimentelor vândute și consumate în UE și va contribui la
    eliminarea de pe piață a produselor alimentare cu cele mai mari concentrații de
    cadmiu. În plus, se vor reduce nivelurile maxime de plumb din numeroase produse
    alimentare, inclusiv alimentele destinate sugarilor și copiilor de vârstă mică.
    De asemenea, vor fi stabilite noi niveluri maxime de plumb pentru mai multe
    produse alimentare, cum ar fi ciupercile sălbatice, mirodeniile și sarea.

    Aceste decizii
    sunt rezultatul unor ani de activitate continuă a Comisiei, a statelor membre
    și a Autorității Europene pentru Siguranța Alimentară, precum și al
    consultărilor cu întreprinderile din sectorul alimentar.

  • Comisia reduce prezența contaminanților cancerigeni în produsele alimentare

    Comisia reduce prezența contaminanților cancerigeni în produsele alimentare

    Noile măsuri adoptate de forul comunitar au scopul de a reduce și mai mult prezența contaminanților cancerigeni în alimente și de a face alimentele sănătoase mai accesibile.

    Stella Kyriakides, comisarul pentru sănătate și siguranță alimentară, a subliniat că alimentația nesănătoasă sporește riscul de cancer, iar această decizie urmărește să pună consumatorii în prim-plan, făcând ca alimentele să fie mai sigure și mai sănătoase, așa cum prevede Planul european de luptă împotriva cancerului. Facem, de asemenea, un pas înainte în întărirea, în cadrul lanțului alimentar al UE, a normelor UE, care sunt deja la un nivel ridicat și de calibru mondial, și furnizăm alimente mai sigure, mai sănătoase și mai durabile pentru cetățenii noștri, a mai spus comisarul pentru sănătate și siguranță alimentară.

    Nivelurile maxime de cadmiu, un contaminant cancerigen din mediu, care s-ar putea găsi în alimente precum fructele, legumele, cerealele și semințele oleaginoase, vor fi reduse în cazul unora dintre aceste alimente. Unele produse de bază vor trebui, de asemenea, să îndeplinească această cerință de la data intrării în vigoare a noului regulament.

    În plus, se vor reduce nivelurile maxime de plumb din numeroase produse alimentare, inclusiv alimentele destinate sugarilor și copiilor de vârstă mică.

    De asemenea, vor fi stabilite noi niveluri maxime de plumb pentru mai multe produse alimentare, cum ar fi ciupercile sălbatice, mirodeniile și sarea.

    Aceste decizii sunt rezultatul unor ani de activitate continuă a Comisiei, a statelor membre și a Autorității Europene pentru Siguranța Alimentară, precum și al consultărilor cu întreprinderile din sectorul alimentar.

    Cadmiul este un metal greu toxic prezent în mediu, atât în mod natural, cât și ca rezultat al activităților agricole și industriale. Principala sursă de expunere la cadmiu a nefumătorilor o reprezintă alimentele. Întrucât și plumbul este un contaminant prezent în mod natural în mediu, hrana este principala sursă de expunere umană la plumb.

  • Adina Valean, Rumäniens künftige  EU-Kommisarin

    Adina Valean, Rumäniens künftige EU-Kommisarin

    Die Show Der rumänische EU-Kommissar“ geht zu Ende, nachdem die designierte Präsidentin der Europäischen Kommission, Ursula von der Leyen, bekannt gab, dass sie die Ernennung von Adina Vălean, liberale Abgeordnete im Europäischen Parlament, für das Verkehrsportfolio, akzeptiert hat. Die Kandidatin wird am 14. November im Verkehrsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments angehört. Zuvor steht noch die Integritätsprüfung im Rechtsausschuss an. Der neue rumänische Premierminister, Ludovic Orban hatte Adina Vălean und ihren Parteikollegen, Siegfried Mureşan für die Position des EU-Kommissars vorgeschlagen. Ein Sprecher des Übergangsteams der Europäischen Kommission hat gegenüber den Brüssel Korrespondenten des Senders Radio Romania erklärt, beide Kandidaten waren während des Interviews mit Frau von der Leyen gleich gut. Kommentatoren schätzen, dass es das Geschlechterverhältnis und der Wunsch nach Parität innerhalb der zukünftigen Kommission, das Gleichgewicht zugunsten von Frau Vălean kippten.

    Die 51-jährige Professorin für Mathematik, ist Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments seit 2007, war Vizepräsidentin des Europäischen Parlaments, leitete den Umweltausschuss und ist heute Vorsitzende des Industrieausschusses. Im Jahr 2009 leistete die Europaabgeordnete einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Senkung der Tarife für den Internet-Roaming-Verkehr. Im vergangenen April zählte eine Studie von Vote Watch Europa Adina Vălean zu den einflussreichsten Abgeordneten der vergangenen Legislaturperiode. Premierminister Orban erklärte, dass er sich vor der Nominierung mit dem Landespräsidenten, Klaus Iohannis beraten habe. Diese Klarstellung wurde zwingend erforderlich, nachdem die Sprecherin der Kommission, Mina Andreeva, in der vergangenen Woche sagte, dass ernsthafte Zweifel“ bestanden, dass der Vorschlag des Kommissars des ehemaligen sozialdemokratischen Kabinetts legitim“ sei, da der ehemalige Regierungschef Viorica Dăncilă den Präsidenten nicht konsultiert habe. Sie hatte den ehemaligen delegierten Minister für europäische Angelegenheiten, Victor Negrescu, vorgeschlagen.

    Zuvor waren zwei weitere sozialdemokratische Vorschläge gescheitert: die ehemaligen Ministerin Rovana Plumb, deren Kandidatur vom Rechtsausschuss aus Gründen der Integrität abgelehnt wurde, und Dan Nica, für den das Verfahren noch nicht einmal begonnen hatte, weil das Parlament der Regierung in Bukarest, am 10. Oktober, das Vertrauen per Votum entzogen hat. Die Medien sind sich sicher, dass Adina Vălean nach Leonard Orban, ehemaliger Kommissar Mehrsprachigkeit, Dacian Cioloş, Kommissar für Landwirtschaft und Corina Creţu, die das Portfolio der Regionalpolitik innehatte, nun die vierte Kommissarin Rumäniens werden wird. Die Bukarester Zeitungen vermerken auch den Widerspruch, das Verkehrsportfolio einem Land anzuvertrauen, das noch nicht über ein zusammenhängendes Autobahnnetz verfügt, das seit Jahrzehnten nicht in die Sanierung der Eisenbahninfrastruktur investiert und dessen Fluggesellschaft Tarom in den letzten zwei Jahren Verluste von 340 Millionen Euro erwirtschaftet hat.

  • September 29, 2019 UPDATE

    September 29, 2019 UPDATE

    EU – The Romanian PM said the Social Democrat Rovana Plumb, whom she proposed for the post of European Commissioner representing Romania, continued to enjoy her unconditional support. According to Mrs. Dancila, Rovana Plumb, whom the legal commission prevented from advancing to the next hearing stage, alongside the Hungarian candidate, on Thursday, would be able to meet the requirement of the European Commissioner post. She added that Mrs. Plumb would always put European interests and policies first, as they contribute to the consolidation of the European project. President Klaus Iohannis asked the PM to urgently withdraw the nomination of Rovana Plumb for the position of European Commissioner.

    Washington — The Romanian foreign minister Ramona-Nicole Mănescu has had a series of meetings, at the head office of the Permanent Mission of Romania to the United Nations, with the main American-Jewish organizations among which American Jewish Committee (AJC), Bnai Brith, and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. The representatives of the respective organizations expressed their appreciation for the partnership between Romania and Israel and especially for the role of leader in fighting anti-Semitism which Romania has assumed and is playing successfully. High on the agenda of talks were also political issues such as the situation in the Middle East, including the latest developments related to Iran, the designation of the entire Hezbollah organization as a terrorist organization, issues related to fighting anti-Semitism as well as measures to compensate the survivors of the Holocaust and to return property. (update by L. Simion)

  • Uncertainties over Romania’s European Commission candidate

    Uncertainties over Romania’s European Commission candidate

    Social-Democrat Rovana Plumb,
    minister in several PSD-controlled governments and a leading figure of the
    Social-Democratic Party (PSD) has been contested by the right-wing opposition
    as early as her nomination as future European Commissioner from Romania.

    The reason invoked was her lack of
    integrity and competence. Mrs. Plumb could not prove her competence in the
    field of Transport, she was supposed to take over, because she failed the
    integrity test during the interview with the Legal Affairs Committee of the
    European Parliament.

    The Committee has briefed the
    Executive over an existing conflict of interest as far as the Romanian
    appointee is concerned. The same happened to the Fidesz candidate of Hungary.
    The unprecedented move is a fair one as the Committee’s spokesperson has
    pointed out, because under the European treaties, the appointee to the position
    of Commissioner must be beyond reproach, independent and committed to the
    European general interest.

    According to Rovana Plumb,
    different stipulations created discrepancies between the assets and wealth
    declaration submitted to Brussels and the one in Romania. The explanation
    provided by the Committee is superfluous. The presidency and opposition in
    Bucharest have reacted immediately. The rejection of Rovana Plumb’s candidacy
    by the Legal Affairs Committee represents another major failure of the PSD
    ruling, which exports incompetence through repeated political moves that are
    deeply affecting Romania’s image, the country’s president Klaus Iohannis has

    Iohannis has called on Prime
    Minister Viorica Dancila to urgently withdraw Mrs. Plumb’s candidacy and
    appoint a new person only after they have been endorsed by the Romanian
    president and by Parliament. The opposition National Liberal Party (PNL) has
    adopted the same stand, while the USR believes that Romania’s reputation is at
    stake and called on the Romanian president to get involved and endorse a new

    Anticipating that the present
    Executive is not going to survive the imminent no-confidence vote, PMP believes
    that Romania’s proposal for the future European Commissioner must come from the
    future cabinet. The Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania (UDMR) believes
    that Rovana Plumb must take a step back, while Romania should produce a
    candidate with integrity, who is going to understand what is actually going on
    in the European Union and get political support for the position of European

    Currently under intense criticism,
    the ruling PSD says that not all the steps for Rovana Plumb’s confirmation have
    been taken and that the party also has backup alternatives if need be. What the
    Social Democrats will not find that easily is an answer to the pundits’
    question: how come that the Social-Democratic government who has so vehemently
    opposed the candidacy of Romania’s chief prosecutor, Laura Codruta Kovesi as
    head of the new European Public Prosecutor’s Office, over alleged legal issues,
    proposed for the position of European Commissioner and even called for national
    support in this case, a candidate facing integrity issues?

  • October 11, 2017 UPDATE

    October 11, 2017 UPDATE

    Anti-corruption — The Romanian deputy prime minister Sevil Shhaideh, minister of Regional Development, was again heard by the anti-corruption prosecutors on Wednesday, in a corruption file in which she is prosecuted alongside the minister delegate for European Funds, Rovana Plumb. The names of the two ministers are among those most frequently mentioned by the media, relative to a prospective government reshuffle, announced on Tuesday by PM Mihai Tudose. The Premier held talks on this issue with both President Klaus Iohannis and the Social-Democrat leader, Liviu Dragnea. The leadership of the Social Democratic Party will gather on Thursday to decide on what ministers will be replaced.

    Motion — The Chamber of Deputies in the Romanian Parliament on Wednesday rejected a simple motion on the situation of the Romanian healthcare system, filed by MPs in the right-wing Opposition made up of the National Liberal Party, the Save Romania Union and the People’s Movement Party. The document was debated on Tuesday in a plenary session of Parliament, with the signatories calling for the resignation of the line minister, Florian Bodog, and for finding solutions to the problems in the healthcare system. Liviu Dragnea. The leadership of the Social Democratic Party will gather on Thursday to decide on what ministers will be replaced.

    Protests – Trade unionists with the “Ambulance” National Trade Union Federation on Wednesday picketed the headquarters of the Labor, Health and Finance Ministries in Bucharest. They are calling, among other things, for ending the drop in monthly incomes of healthcare personnel, namely of the ambulance service employees, starting on January 1, 2018 following the application of new regulations regarding benefits. They also ask for the authorities to give up transferring the payment of social security contributions from employers to employees, a controversial measure pushed by the government, and for the allocation of funds for speeding up the purchase, next year, of new ambulances. In another development, also on Wednesday, transporters threatened with protests as they are discontented with the supplementary excise duties for fuels. Moreover, Romanian carriers claim that, unless they receive support from the government, they will be unable to keep up the pace with competing companies in Western Europe.

    Budapest — The Romanian foreign minister Teodor Melescanu on Wednesday participated in Budapest alongside his counterparts from Bulgaria, Slovenia and Estonia, as guests, in the meeting of the foreign ministers of the Vishegrad Group and the Western Balkans states. In his speech, minister Melescanu underlined the strategic importance of the Western Balkans and reiterated Romania’s support for the continuation of the EU enlargement process. He also gave assurances that Romania would give priority to the region when it is scheduled to hold the presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2019.

    Strasbourg — The Ukrainian President Petro Porosenko on Wednesday said in Strasbourg before the plenum of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe that the authorities in Kiev would introduce all the conclusions of the Venice Commission into the controversial Ukrainian education law. Poroshenko also promised that Ukraine would respect the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. Romania’s delegation, alongside 5 other national delegations have managed to obtain the emergency inclusion on the meeting’s agenda of the situation created by the new Ukrainian education law. At the end of September President Poroshenko promulgated the education law, which strengthens the status of the Ukrainian language in schools and high schools to the detriment of national minorities’ languages. will be unable to keep up the pace with competing companies in Western Europe.

    Vaccination law — The legal committee of the Romanian Senate on Wednesday approved the draft Vaccination Law. The committee also passed an amendment according to which the people who can prove that they are immune to a certain type of virus shall not be vaccinated. According to the government’s timetable the draft law will come into force on January 1, 2018. The draft vaccination law was proposed against the backdrop of the measles epidemics that Romania has been faced with. According to the National Center for Monitoring and Control of Communicable Diseases, the number of confirmed measles cases exceeded 9,400. 34 people have so far died of measles.

    PwC — In Romania, salaries in the private sector have increased this year by an average of 5.1%, shows a study made by the PricewaterhouseCoopers company. According to categories of employees, the smallest growth was reported at the level of top management, while the biggest increase was reported in the unqualified personnel category. For 2017, companies had planned an average salary growth of 4.8%, the growth being slightly higher than initially estimated. The PricewaterhouseCoopers survey was made on a number of almost 100 companies operating in such sectors as finances, banking, pharmaceutical industry, industry and hospitality.

  • 25 September, 2017

    25 September, 2017

    CORRUPTION – The Social Democratic party, the top ruling coalition partner in Romania, rules today on the fate of two of its cabinet members. Rovana Plumb, managing European funds, and Deputy Prime Minister Sevil Shhaideh, Minister of Development, are accused of corruption in the so-called Belina case. Head of the Anti-Corruption Directorate Laura Kovesi asked Parliament to greenlight a criminal investigation into Rovana Plumb’s case. The case hails back to the time when she was head of environmental protection, and she is suspected of conspiracy to commit abuse of office. Sevil Shhaideh’s case involves land deals that date back to the time when she was an undersecretary in the Ministry of Regional Development. The opposition called for the two ministers to resign, for the sake of Romania’s image abroad and the credibility of the government. The chairman of the Social Democratic Party said for television that the prosecutors’ move was fiction, an attack on the government, and that the real target were the party and the chairman himself.

    BERLIN – Angela Merkel’s Conservatives, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian arm, the Christian-Social Union (CSU), have won the parliamentary election on Sunday in Germany, with 33% of the ballot. The Christian-Democrats are followed by their coalition partners, the Social Democrats, which won 20% of the vote, and the nationalist right wing Alternative for Germany, which for the first time went over the threshold that places them in the Bundestag, 12.6% of the vote.

    ENESCU – On Sunday, the George Enescu International Festival came to a close in Bucharest with a concerto held by violinist Liviu Prunaru and the Royal Amsterdam Orchestra. This year’s edition brought to the public dozens of recitals and concerts in Bucharest and several cities across the country. The event was covered in detail by Radio Romania’s domestic channels.

    BREXIT – A new round of negotiations for the Brexit starts today in Brussels. AFP snnounced that the EU expect concrete proposals from the UK, after three rounds of negotiations with no notable results. One of the main objects of contention regards the rights of citizens directly affected by the UK leaving the union. Prime Minister Theresa May, while on a visit to Italy on Friday, pleaded in favor of a so-called soft Brexit, with a two year transition period, in an attempt to relaunch negotiations. She promised she would live up her country’s financial commitments towards the European Union, without advancing precise figures.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis star Monica Niculescu, 65th seeded, plays today in the WTA tournament in Wuhan, China, with 2.3 million dollars in prize money. Another Romanian, Simona Halep, currently second in the world, plays in the second round against Russian Daria Kasatkina, who, in turn, defeated American Alison Riske. On Sunday, the third Romanian in the tournament, Sorana Carstea, 46th seeded, qualified to the second round.

    Our RRI transmitter in Galbeni, Bacau County, will be under technical
    review on Thursday, September 27th, between 09:00 and
    17:00 Romanian time, which is 06.00-14.00 GMT.

    that interval you can follow our broadcasts on the short wave
    frequencies used by our transmitter in Tiganesti, on-line on
    www.rri.ro, using the applications
    available on our website, Google Play and App Store, on TuneIn, as
    well as on fixed and mobile phones. Good listening.

  • Regierung bereitet Steueramnestie für Rentner und Mütter vor

    Die rumänische Regierung hat am Dienstag die Gesetzentwürfe über die Steueramnestie für Rentner und Mütter gebilligt. Unrechtmä‎ßige Bezüge, die aufgrund behördlicher Versäumnisse ausgezahlt wurden, sollen demnach von der Steuerlast befreit werden. Die Bestimmungen der beiden Gesetzentwürfe würden 30.000 Rentnern und 12.500 Müttern zugute kommen. Die Steueramnestie gelte für alle bis zum Inkraftreten des Gesetzes im staatlichen Rentensystem angemeldeten Rentner, erklärte Arbeitsministerin Rovana Plumb.

    Die unrechtmä‎ßigen Bezüge aller Rentner sind von der Steuerlast befreit, mit Ausnahme der Rentner, die das Beziehen der entsprechenden Geldsummen selbst verschuldet haben, etwa durch Falschangaben in der Steuererklärung oder das Einreichen gefälschter Dokumente. Die Rentenkasse hat die Aufgabe, all diese Akten zu überprüfen.”

    Personen, die durch Falschangaben und gefälschte Dokumente den Staat um die unrechtmä‎ßigen Bezüge geschädigt haben, sind verpflichtet, die entsprechenden Geldsummen innerhalb von drei Jahren rückzuerstatten. Davon betroffen sind etwa 9500 Rentner. Auch Mütter, die den errechneten Steuerbetrag selbst verschuldet haben, werden nicht von der Pflicht der Rückerstattung befreit. Wem die Steueramnestie zugute kommt, erklärt Arbeitsministerin Plumb:

    Es geht um eine Steueramnestie für Mütter, die Steuerbeträge aus der Zeit ihrer Elternzeit zu entrichten haben. Und zwar jene Frauen, die zusätzlich zum Elterngeld Einkommen aus einer erwerblichen Tätigkeit bezogen und diese Einkommen beim Finanzamt gemeldet haben.”

    Laut der Ministerin sollen sich 30.000 Rentner in dieser Situation befinden, die ausstehende Steuern in Höhe von insgesamt knapp 15 Millionen Euro bezahlen müssten. Ferner seien 12.500 Mütter mit einer Steuerschuld von gut 3 Millionen Euro davon betroffen. Die Steuerbefreiung werde den Sozialversicherungshaushalt für 2014 nicht aus dem Gleichgewicht bringen, unterstrich Plumb abschlie‎ßend.

    Die beiden Gesetzentwürfe sollen dem Parlament zur Debatte und für eine erste Stellungnahme vorgelegt werden. Die Legislative könne auch weitere Kategorien von Personen in den Gesetzestext einfügen, sollte sie ähnliche Fälle feststellen, sagte Ministerpräsident Victor Ponta. Es sei die Pflicht der Regierung, Versäumnisse der Behörden zum Nachteil der Bevölkerung zu beheben. Sein Kabinett müsse der Bevölkerung die Botschaft vermitteln, dass sie nicht in Panik geraten, sich zu keinen extremen Gesten entschlie‎ßen und nicht auf den Gedanken kommen sollte, dass das Leben wegen der mangelhaften Arbeit von Behörden zu Ende ist. In letzter Zeit wurde in Rumänien von mehreren Fällen von Rentnern berichtet, die sich das Leben nahmen, aus Angst, dass sie die unrechtmä‎ßig bezogenen Gelder rückerstatten müssen.

  • Nachrichten 23.07.2014

    Nachrichten 23.07.2014

    BUKAREST: Präsident Traian Băsescu hat den Gesetzentwurf zur Senkung der Sozialbeiträge von Unternehmen zur erneuten Prüfung an das Parlament zurückgeschickt. Laut dem Entwurf sollten die Beiträge in Zukunft um 5% reduziert werden. Der Staatschef erklärte in einer Pressemitteilung, er halte die Ma‎ßnahme für angemessen und unterstütze sie ohne Vorbehalt. Allerdings würde er die Finanzquellen bemängeln, die für die Deckung des entstandenden Fehlbetrags im Haushalt notwendig seien. Bereits am Samstag hatte Basescu angekündigt, das Gesetz über die Senkung der Sozialbeiträge nicht verabschieden zu wollen, solange er von der wirtschaftlichen Nachhaltigkeit der Ma‎ßnahme nicht überzeugt werden könne. Dabei forderte er die Regierung zu einer Evaluation auf, die den Beweis dafür liefern soll, dass die Ma‎ßnahme nicht durch die Einführung neuer Gebühren kompensiert wird.

    BRÜSSEL: Rumäniens Au‎ßenminister Titus Corlăţean hat am Mittwoch am Ministertreffen zwischen der EU und dem Verband südostasiatischer Staaten in Brüssel teilgenommen. Die Absicherung der strategischen Verbindungsstrecken zwischen Europa und Asien in der Luft, auf See oder am Boden, seien von höchster Bedeutung, und das nicht nur für die beiden Kontinente, sondern für die gesamte internationale Gemeinschaft, so Corlăţean. Bei dem Treffen kamen die bi-regionale Kooperation, künftige Entwicklungsrichtungen und die Perspektiven eines Freihandelsabkommens zwischen den beiden Regionen zur Sprache. Die EU-Au‎ßenminister und ihre asiatischen Amtskollegen besprachen au‎ßerdem aktuelle Themen auf der internationalen Agenda wie die jüngste Entwicklung in der Ukraine, im Nahen Osten und Nordafrika. Die Ministertreffen zwischen EU und dem Verband südostasiatischer Staaten finden jedes zweite Jahr, abwechselnd in Europa und Asien statt.

    MADRID: Die rumänische Arbeitsministerin Rovana Plumb und der delegierte Minister für die Rumänen weltweit Bogdan Stanoevici haben sich am Mittwoch in Madrid an dem Internationalen Forum für Arbeitsmarktpolitik und öffentlich geförderte Beschäftigung beteiligt. Zum Auftakt der Konferenz kam Arbeitsministerin Plumb mit ihrer spanischen Amtskollegin Fatima Báńez zu Gesprächen zusammen. Die rumänischen Minister führten zudem in Madrid Gespräche mit Vertretern der rumänischen Gemeinde in Spanien. Diese gilt mit über 700.000 Mitgliedern als eine der grö‎ßten rumänischen Auslandsgemeinschaften.