Tag: PM

  • Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    COVID – Tru România, numirlu a infecțiilor cu coronavirus ma largu easti tru scadeari, 1.550 di cazuri noi di COVID-19 hiinda raportate tru aesti ditu soni 24 di săhăţ. Tutunăoară, fură raportate 154 di decesi, ditutre cari 29 fură nregistrate ninte di perioada di referință. Cama di 11.000 di persoane infectate cu SARS-CoV-2 suntu spitalizate. Tru UTI suntu 1.539 di paciență, un numir ma ñic atora sumundicra di dzuua di ma niti, iar 150 ditu aești au certificat cari atestă vaccinarea, asi cumu spunu autoritățli. Rata medie di infectare easti tora sumu 3,5 cazuri la nillea di bănători, iara ma mult di giumătate ditu giudețele României numata suntu tru sţenariul aroșu. Șeflu a campaniei di vaccinare COVID, Valeriu Gheorghiță, feati timbihi că ari riscul ca scenariul bănatu di Germania, cari tricu iruşi di la dalga 4 la a 5-a a pandemiillei, să s’facă și tru România, iu rata di vaccinare easti scădzută. . Un piriclliuol nica ș-ma mari poati s’hibă alăncearea a unei mutații a coronavirusului cari s’afireaşti di apandisea imună a organismului, spusi Gheorghiță. Numirlu a persoanelor complet vaccinate easti aproapea di 7,2 milioane.

    Guvern – Prezidentulu Klaus Iohannis simnă luni decretlu mutrinda număsearea tru funcția di prim-ministru a senatorlui liberal Nicolae Ciucă. El spusi, dpu consultărli cu partidile și grupările parlamentare, că număsearea al Ciucă easti ndrupătă di ună majoritate vărtoasă tru Parlament, cari includi PSD, PNL, UDMR și grupul a minorităților naționale, alti dicâtu aţelu maghiar. Klaus Iohannis lli-apruke tu idyea oară reprezentanțăllii PNL, PSD și UDMR tru cadrul a consultărilor. El zbură și cu liderllii a partidului naționalist di opoziție, AUR, kiro tru cari USR, fost partener junior a liberalilor tru guvernu, curmă călisearea-a prezidentului, stipsinda-lu pi aestu că easti nunlu a unăllei coaliții monstruoase. Uidisitu cu Constituția, candidatul la funcția di prim-ministru ari la dispoziție dzati dzăli di la nominalizare tră s’cafţă a Parlamentului un vot di pistipseari ti programulu di guvernare și tră tută lista di miniștri. Purtătorlu di zboru a PSD, Radu Oprea, spusi că, tru yinitorlu Executiv, social-dimocrații va s’aibă ună funcție ministerială tră secretarlu general a Guvernului, cum și portofoliile Finanțe, Apărare Națională, Economie, Transporturi, Agricultură, Sănătate, Muncă, Cultură și Tineretul. UDMR li ţăni ma largu ateali trei ministeri ţi li ari tu cumănduseari di ma ninti Dezvoltare Locală, Mediu și Sport. Iara libearalii armasiră cu Ministerele Justiției, Internelor, Afacerilor Externe, Investițiilor și Proiectelor Europene, Energiei, Educației, Cercetării și Turismului. Uidisitu cu presei, liderllii liberali ditu România și di București ălu cutugursiră sertu pi prezidentulu PNL, premierlu demisionaru Florin Cîțu, tră că trapsi mănă di la multi portofolii clleai tră social-democraț. Generalu tu rezervă, Ciucă fu număsitu meslu triecut di prezidentulu Iohannis s’adară guvernarea, ama trapsi mănă di la mandat după ţi agiumsi limbidu că guvernul minoritar format ditu PNL-UDMR nu va s’aminta votul di nvestitură. Ma ninti, guvernul USR pripus di liderul a partidului, Dacian Cioloş, nu fu aprukeatu di senatori şi diputaţi. Cara va s-hibă investit, Ciucă va s’agiungă primul militar di carieră cari va s’conducă un guvern ali Românie post-comuniste. Prima a lui nominalizare vini tu scurtu kiro după ţi un sondaj di opinie spusi că Armata și Bisearica suntu pi primile locuri tru un clasament a instituțiilor cari s’hărsescu di nai ma marea pistipseari a românilor. Uidisitu cu sondajului, realizat di Laboratorul di Analiză a Polimlui Informațional și Comunicari Strategică, 87% ditu români spun că au pistipsearea tru Armată, 70% – tru Biserică, iar 67% – tru Serviciul Român di Informații și tru Academia Română. Cama di 40% ditu apăndisitori lugursescu corupția și incompetența clasăllei politică ca suntu protili fuvirseri la adresa Româniillei.

    Vizită — Prezidentulu ali Republică Moldova (fosta republică sovietică cu ună majoritate di limbă română), pro-occidintală Maia Sandu, faţi marț ună vizită oficială tru România viţină, la invitația a omologlui a llei, Klaus Iohannis. Easti prima vizită tru România di la alidzerli parlamentare anticipate ditu 11 alunaru, amintati di partidul prezidințial Acțiune și Solidaritate (PAS). Vizita are loc tru contextul a yiurtusearillei, tru 2021, a 30 di ani di la ligăturloru diplomatice bilatearale, după ţi tru 1991, Chișinăul ș-proclamă indipendința andicra di Moscova. Vizita, precizeadză Administrația Prezidințială di București, easti ună multu bună furñie ta s-u spună hăirlătica a ligăturăllei specială, privilegiată, apufusita tru cadrul Parteneriatului Strategic tră integrarea europeană a Republicii Moldova, bazată pi ună limbă, cultură și istorie comuni. Consultările politice a aţiloru doi prezidenţă va li anvărtuşeadză excelenta și substanțială coopearare bilatearală la nivel politic, economic și sectorial și va s’da silă ti avansarea proiectelor comune di interes strategic tru domeniile energiei, transporturilor, sănătății, educației și IT. Accentul va s’bagă pi aţeali proiecte cari mutrescu conectarea Republicii Moldova la spațiul Uniunii Europene, pritu România, și aduţearea di hăirlătică alithea și concrete tutulor cetățenilor a llei — nica spuni izvurlu adusu aminti.

    Autoru: Udălu a hăbărloru

    Armânipsearea: Taşcu Lala

  • November 21, 2021 UPDATE

    November 21, 2021 UPDATE

    GOVERNMENT The Social
    Democrats and the Liberals, which have the largest
    number of seats in Parliament and are seeking to form a new cabinet jointly
    with the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania (UDMR), announced
    they would present president Klaus Iohannis on Monday with a joint nomination
    for the PM post. The structure of the new government was agreed on in Sunday’s
    negotiations, the Social Democratic leader Marcel Ciolacu announced, and added
    that Romania will have an operational government on Thursday. According to the
    chief of the Liberal negotiation team, the interim defence minister Nicolae Ciucă,
    the ministries of transport and finances will be headed, in principle, by the
    other party than the one nominating the PM. In turn, the leader of the UDMR, Kelemen
    Hunor, says 2 new ministries will be created, one for tourism and
    entrepreneurship and one for family and youth. Political sources say the
    new PM designate will be Nicolae Ciucă (Liberal). A retired general, Ciucă was
    designated by president Iohannis to form a new government, but he stepped down
    following indications that his minority government would not be endorsed in
    Parliament. A previous minority cabinet headed by the president of USR, Dacian
    Cioloş, also failed to get a confidence vote in Parliament. If endorsed, Ciucă will
    be the first senior military officer to head a post-communist Romanian government.
    He will replace the Liberal leader Florin Cîţu, dismissed last month following a no-confidence vote
    initiated by the Social Democrats.

    COVID-19 The number of new coronavirus infections in Romania dropped
    below 2,000 on Sunday, for the first time in 9 weeks. 1,936 new COVID-19 cases were reported out of
    nearly 23,000 tests, along with 121 related fatalities, 16 of them from an
    earlier date. As many as 1,573 patients are in intensive care, but the number
    of patients is on the decrease. The National Committee on Emergency Situations agreed that in places with infection rates below 3 per
    thousand schools may resume on-site teaching regardless of the vaccination rate
    among teaching staff. Several activities subject
    to restrictions in recent weeks may now be resumed, but a final decision is to
    be made by the government. Such activities include sports events, concerts,
    performances and outdoor festivals, conferences and training sessions. Only
    holders of the digital Covid certificate will be permitted to take part.

    MOLDOVA The president of the Republic of Moldova Maia Sandu
    will be on an official visit to Romania on Tuesday, at the invitation of her
    Romanian counterpart Klaus Iohannis. This is Sandu’s first visit to Romania
    since July’s early election won by her party Action and Solidarity (PAS), and
    it takes place in the context of the celebration of 30 years of diplomatic
    relations, after in 1991, the ex-Soviet republic proclaimed its independence
    from Moscow. According to the Romanian presidency, this is an opportunity to
    reconfirm the special, privileged Strategic Partnership between the 2 countries,
    based on common linguistic, cultural and historical elements. The talks between
    Iohannis and Sandu will encourage the development of joint projects in the
    fields of energy, transport, healthcare, education and information society, with
    a focus on projects designed to help connect the Republic of Moldova with the
    EU to the benefit of all its citizens.

    SPORTS Romania’s national rugby team defeated Tonga 32-20,
    in a test match in Bucharest. According to the media, the game was quite useful
    to both teams, which are trying to qualify for the 2023 World Championships in
    France. Won the other 2 matches played this month, 29-14 against Uruguay, in a
    test match in Verona, Italy, on November 7, and 56-15 against the Netherlands
    in Bucharest, in Rugby Europe Championship 2021, on November 13. Romania is
    currently placed 15th in the World Rugby standings. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • November 16, 2021 UPDATE

    November 16, 2021 UPDATE

    COVID-19 The coronavirus epidemic stays on a downward trend in Romania. On Tuesday the
    authorities reported 4,128 new Covid infections out of over 55,000 tests, which
    accounts for a 7.41% positive rate. Another 397 related fatalities were also
    reported, including 54 that had not been recorded in the system earlier. Some
    14,000 Covid patients are currently receiving hospital treatment, including
    almost 1,700 in intensive care. The incidence rate is on the decrease in
    Bucharest, dropping to 5.34 cases per 1,000 inhabitants on Tuesday. In related
    news, non-invasive testing is due to begin in schools for children and
    teachers. At the moment, almost three quarters of Romanian schools and kindergartens
    are holding in-person classes, the rule being that only schools with a
    vaccination rate among their staff of at least 60% can reopen for in-person
    teaching, the rest holding classes on line. As for vaccination, the pace has
    dropped steadily in recent days, compared to a peak of over 110,000 doses
    administered on 27 September. Nearly 7 million Romanians are fully vaccinated
    at present.

    SCHOOLS Legal and financial education have become
    compulsory skills in primary and middle schools in Romania. President Klaus
    Iohannis Tuesday signed a law amending the Education Act, to include these
    areas in the national curriculum. The document also includes financial and
    legal education in the teaching programmes of local lifelong learning community
    centres. In a first stage, these subjects can be introduced as optional school
    subjects only, because national curricula must be approved by the Education

    ECONOMY Romania,
    Hungary and Lithuania have the biggest annual growth rate in the European Union
    in the third quarter of this year compared with the same period last year,
    according to preliminary data published by the European statistical office
    Eurostat. GDP grew in the EU by 3.9%, with Romania at 8%, Hungary at 6.1% and
    Lithuania at 6%. However, according to the latest figures published by the
    National Institute for Statistics, Romania’s economic growth rate slowed down
    to 0.3% in the third quarter compared with the previous quarter. In the first
    nine months of the year, GDP grew by 7.1% compared with the same period last
    year. Economic experts say the growth rate will slow down even more this autumn
    and winter, while the inflation rate may go up to 8% in the context of the
    current political crisis.

    EU Romania’s
    foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu attended a ministerial meeting of the Eastern
    Partnership held in Brussels, where EU foreign ministers agreed to expand the
    criteria for imposing new sanctions against Belarus. The new sanctions would
    target those involved in weaponising the plight of migrants. The European Union
    is accusing Belarus of intentionally creating a migrant crisis on the border
    with Poland and the Baltic countries in retaliation to the Union’s earlier
    sanctions against the regime in Belarus for its crackdown on the opposition.
    Minister Aurescu presented Romania’s stand on the strategic priorities of the
    Eastern Partnership post-2020 and called for a consolidation of the security
    dimension in the Eastern Neighbourhood, as well as for greater involvement from
    the EU in solving the frozen or protracted conflicts in this region.

    MILITARY The EU is considering a joint military force of up to 5,000 troops by
    2025, to intervene in a number of crises without needing to rely on the US,
    according to a draft strategic plan, Reuters says. The EU
    Rapid Deployment Capacity should include land, sea and air capabilities. Two decades after the EU leaders first agreed to
    set up a force of 50,000-60,000 troops, which never became operational, the
    strategy drafted by the EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell is the most concrete
    effort to create an independent military force that does not rely on US assets.
    Not all the 27 EU member states would have to contribute troops, but a
    consensus would be required for any deployment. Since 2007, the EU has had
    battlegroups of 1,500 troops available, but they have never been deployed, in
    spite of efforts to use them in Chad and Libya.

    Radio and TV Parliament
    approved the new leadership of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation,
    which Radio Romania International also forms part of. With the support of the
    Social Democratic Party, the new director general at Radio Romania isRăzvan-Ioan
    Dincă, a former National Opera director who has a court of first instance
    conviction for abuse of office and false statement but who was later acquitted.
    The leadership of the Romanian television was also appointed, with the
    journalist Dan Cristian Turturică becoming the new director general, with the
    support of the National Liberal Party. The members of the new boards are
    appointed for a 4-year term and have to take an oath in Parliament. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • October 24, 2021

    October 24, 2021

    COVID-19 New restrictions take effect on Monday in Romania, as the country is
    struggling with an unprecedented epidemiological crisis. For 30 days, the
    digital COVID certificate will be compulsory in most public places, except for
    food shops and drugstores, face covering will be compulsory in all indoor and
    outdoor public areas, and a ban on outdoor concerts and shows, as well as on
    private events, including weddings, conferences and workshops, will be in place.
    Also on Monday, public and private kindergartens,
    primary, secondary schools and high schools will take a 2-week break.
    After-schools will also be closed, although nurseries will stay open. Companies
    with more than 50 employees will organise shifts or remote work, sports
    competitions will be held without public in attendance, and a night curfew will also be introduced, between 10 pm and 5 am, for
    the unvaccinated. On Sunday the authorities reported 11,725 new
    SARS-CoV-2 cases and 389 COVID-related deaths.

    VACCINE Over
    45,000 people got vaccinated in Bucharest since Friday, almost half of them as
    part of a vaccination marathon held in the capital city over the weekend.
    Nation-wide, some 127,000 people got vaccinated in the last 24 hours, most of
    them (over 91,000) with the first dose. The vaccination campaign has been energised
    in recent days as the number of SARS-CoV-2
    infections surged and as people see their access to various activities restricted without the
    digital COVID certificate. Since the start of the vaccination programme in late
    December, nearly 5.9 million people have completed the vaccination plan. An
    efficiency survey on COVID-19 vaccination in Romania indicates that
    immunisation has reduced contamination risks 5 times,
    hospitalisation risks 10 times, intensive care admission risks nearly 14 times
    and COVID-related death risks over 20 times.

    GOVERNMENT The head of the
    National Liberal Party and interim PM Florin Cîţu said on Sunday that after the
    Liberals nominated Nicolae Ciucă as prime minister designate, it is time for
    the parties that voted the no-confidence motion to prove responsible and to
    back a cabinet made up of the Liberals and the Democratic Union of Ethnic
    Hungarians in Romania. This was a reference to the Social Democratic Party and
    Save Romania Union, the latter formerly partners with the Liberals in the
    ruling coalition. Meanwhile, the prime minister designate carried on
    negotiations over parliamentary support for his new cabinet. Nicolae Ciucă
    discussed on Saturday with representatives of ethnic minorities and with the
    head of the Social Democratic Party in opposition, Marcel Ciolacu. The Social
    Democrats made their temporary support for a minority government conditional on
    the inclusion of 10 urgent measures suggested by the Social Democrats to
    overcome the healthcare and energy crises. Save Romania Union left the ruling
    coalition over disagreements with PM Florin Cîţu and backed a no-confidence motion initiated by the Social
    Democrats against the Cîţu government. The first politician designated by
    president Klaus Iohannis to form a new government, Save Romania Union leader
    Dacian Cioloş, failed to get endorsed by Parliament.

    CENTENNIAL On Monday Romania marks the
    centennial of the birth of Michael I of Romania, the country’s last king. On
    this occasion, public radio stations will broadcast a show entitled Romania
    needs art, produced jointly with the Margareta of Romania Royal Foundation,
    benefitting the Young Talents Programme. The National Art Museum will also open
    to visitors the historic areas of the Royal Palace. The public will be able to
    visit the Royal Dining Hall, the Throne Hall and the Voivodes’ Staircase, as well as an exhibition on ‘Fragments of
    memory: royal potraits,’ comprising art works depicting King Michael at various
    stages of life. The 25th of October is also the Day of the Romanian
    Army, and the King Ferdinand I National Military Museum will open a
    temporary exhibition entitled Michael I: a century of history. King
    Michael I passed away on the 5th December 2017. Thousands of people, who saw him as a model of dignity,
    patriotism and duty towards his country, queued for days to pay tribute to the
    late king in Bucharest. He was buried in the Mausoleum of the Royal
    Family in Curtea de Argeş (south), where his
    predecessors, kings Carol I, Ferdinand and Carol II also rest.

    UN The values and principles of the United Nations
    Charter remain relevant 76 years later, and are the basis of international
    relations today, says the Romanian Foreign Ministry in a message on UN Day.
    According to the institution, the COVID-19 pandemic has once again proved that
    global issues require joint solutions, solidarity and international
    cooperation, and in this respect, supporting and strengthening multilateralism,
    founded on the UN system, are essential. In its 66 years of UN membership, Romania
    has stood out as an active supporter and advocate of the achievements of
    multilateral diplomacy. The Romanian diplomacy will continue to actively
    promote the UN goals, in its efforts to ensure progress towards a safer, freer
    and more thriving world, the message also reads. The United Nations Day is
    celebrated on the 24th October, when the UN Charter entered into
    force in 1945. Romania joined the organisation on 14th December 1955.

    HANDBALL Romanian women’s handball
    champions, CSM Bucharest, play at home today against Buducnost Podgorica of
    Montenegro, in a Champions League Goup A match. In the previous leg, CSM defeated away from home the German side Borussia
    Dortmund. The Romanian team ranks 6th in the group, but should they
    win this match they would move on to 4th place. The top 3 teams in
    the group are Rostov on Don (Russia), FTC-Rail Cargo of Hungary
    and Team Esbjerg (Denmark). (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • Romania’s Liberals have new leaders

    Romania’s Liberals have new leaders

    of Saturday, PM Florin Cîţu is the president of the National Liberal Party, the
    leader of the ruling coalition in Bucharest, after defeating his former party chief
    Ludovic Orban. The two spared no efforts during the battle for supremacy, and
    commentators agree that the competition degenerated, severely damaging the
    party image and, more importantly, virtually obstructing the work of the

    comes at a time when Romania is faced with yet another shortage of intensive
    care beds for severe COVID cases, and with a dramatic increase in energy prices. The
    Liberals’ new president, Florin Cîţu, sees his election as the starting point
    of a trend that will change the country.

    : I promise to be the president of all
    Liberals, regardless of your vote. We are a united party and will use all our
    resources against our political opponent, the Social Democratic Party. You should
    know that this was not just a campaign, it was a movement, started within the
    National Liberal Party, a movement that will change Romania for the better.

    for 60% of the participants in the Liberals’ congress Florin Cîţu is the
    solution, for their former partners in the ruling coalition, USR PLUS, he is
    the problem. USR PLUS left the right-of-centre coalition after the justice
    minister Stelian Ion was dismissed out of the blue, and said they would not
    return in the government unless Florin Cîţu gives up the PM post.

    USR PLUS, Cîţu’s Cabinet has no parliamentary majority to back it, and risks
    being dismissed if the no-confidence motion tabled by USR PLUS and the
    nationalist party AUR is validated by the Constitutional Court and passed in
    Parliament. This
    is precisely why the new Liberal leader announced negotiations with all
    political parties, to put together a parliamentary majority to support his

    Social Democrats in opposition seem to want Cîţu dismissed as well. They say
    the days of the current government are numbered and that, in case the USR PLUS
    – AUR motion fails, they have drafted their own no-confidence motion. The
    Social Democratic leader Marcel Ciolacu had this to say:

    : Definitely, as soon as the Constitutional Court greenlights the
    motion, the Social Democratic Party will vote in its favour. If the Court
    dismisses the motion, we will immediately table our own motion against the
    government and will invite the other parties to back it.

    minority government is not a novelty in Romania. A government made up of the
    Liberals and the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania, unofficially
    backed by the Social Democrats, and headed by Călin Popescu Tăriceanu, was in
    power between 2007 and the elections of 2008. The price was high, however: the
    government had to give up all major reform projects and to adopt populist
    measures, lacking financial support.

    same threatens to be the case at present as well, although Florin Cîţu promised
    adamantly to put an end to irresponsible public spending and to streamline public
    administration. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • Negotiations on a new government

    Negotiations on a new government

    Romanian President Klaus Iohannis invited representatives of the political parties that entered Parliament following the general elections of December 6, to consultations. These parties are the Social Democratic Party (PSD), the National Liberal Party (PNL), the USR-PLUS Alliance, the Alliance for Romanians’ Union (AUR) and the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania (UDMR). The representatives of national minorities, other than the Hungarian one, have also been invited to consultations. The purpose of the meeting is to designate a prime minister that should form the new cabinet.

    PSD says it is entitled to form the new government because it won most votes in the recent elections – almost 30%. Its proposal for head of a minority or national union government is professor and physician Alexandru Rafila, Romania’s representative at the Wold Health Organisation. Talking about this, PSD leader Marcel Ciolacu said: ”We come before Romanians with a decent proposal, a person known at home and abroad, Mr. Rafila. I believe it is the case for Romania’s President, PNL and USR to admit they have been defeated in the electionn.”

    Meanwhile, PNL, the USR-PLUS Alliance and UDMR took part in an informal meeting with President Iohannis. On Saturday they will initiate official negotiations to form a parliamentary majority and a Government to be endorsed before Christmas, after the new Parliament is sworn in. The Liberal leader, Ludovic Orban, has said: ”We will negotiate on several levels, the governing programme, the political team that will negotiate political matters and the Government makeup. There will also be negotiations at the level of Parliament, regarding the parliamentary commissions, the membership of political bureaus, and a joint strategy of imposing this majority.”

    The USR-PLUS alliance says it wants a fair collaboration, that takes into account the results each party got in the elections, that is 25% PNL, 15% USR-PLUS, and 6% UDMR. Moreover, the Alliance gives assurances that it will debate as long as it is necessary to make sure that the reformist mandate received from its voters will significantly mirror in the programme and structure of the Government and Parliament. As for the UDMR, it believes the Liberals’ proposal for PM, in the person of Finance Minister Florin Citu, is a pleasant surprise and has reminded it wants a political prime minister and not a technocratic or military one. (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • October 5, 2020 UPDATE

    October 5, 2020 UPDATE

    COVID-19 1,591 new cases of COVID-19 and 45 new fatalities have been reported nationwide in the last 24 hours, the Group for Strategic Communication announced on Monday. The total number of infections stands at 137,491, while the death toll stands at 5,048. 108,526 patients have recovered. There are currently 592 people in intensive care. 6,702 Romanians living abroad have tested positive for SARS CoV-2, while 126 have died. Most of these cases have been reported in Germany, Italy and Spain. The negative evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in recent days does not require the reintroduction of the state of emergency, authorities say, insisting however on the importance of basic health safety measures, such as the wearing of face masks, observing physical distance and rigorous hand hygiene. The head of the Department for Emergency Situations, Raed Arafat, warned that harsher restrictions might be introduced in those areas where the infection rate has gone up significantly.

    LOCAL ELECTIONS The unaffiliated candidate Nicuşor Dan, backed by the Liberals and the USR-PLUS alliance, won the election for Bucharest Mayor General with 42.81% of the votes (282,631), according to the final results of the local elections in Bucharest, posted on the home page of the Permanent Electoral Authority. The Social Democratic candidate Gabriela Firea got 37.97% of the votes, followed by Traian Băsescu, from the Peoples Movement Party, with 10.99%, Florin Călinescu (Green Party) with 2.08% and Călin Popescu Tăriceanu (ALDE) with 1.49%. In the Bucharest General Council, the Social Democratic Party holds 21 seats, followed by USR – PLUS with 17, the Liberals with 12 and the Peoples Movement Party with 5 seats. The turnout at the Bucharest local election on September 27 was 36.76%.

    PRIME MINISTER On Monday Prime Minister Ludovic Orban tested negative for the COVID-19, but he will stay in quarantine until Thursday, working without physical contact with any other individuals, the Government announced. According to the source, the test was voluntary. The prime minister will be tested again on Thursday, 10 days after he was on a TV shooting set with a person who tested positive for the virus.

    DEFENCE Romanias Supreme Defence Council will hold an online meeting on Tuesday, chaired by president Klaus Iohannis, to look at defence and national security issues, such as a defence strategic analysis, the White Paper on Defence, the implementation plan for the national defence strategy 2020 – 2024, national security risks, threats and vulnerabilities forecast for next year, the Presidency announced. The last meeting of the Council was held in late May.

    ELECTION The investigation of local election fraud allegations and the elimination of taxes for three years in the hospitality industry rank high on Parliament’s agenda this week. Another topic under debate is the proposed postponement of the legislative election to March 14, 2021. The date originally set for the legislative election is December 6. Unaffiliated MP Adrian Dohotaru, who tabled this proposal, claims the legislative election should be postponed due to the alarming increase in the number of SARS-CoV-2 infections in Romania and the growing pressure on the health care system.

    NOBEL PRIZE The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2020 has been awarded jointly to researchers Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles M. Rice for the discovery of Hepatitis C virus. The recipients of the Nobel Prize for physics, chemistry, literature and peace will also be announced this week. The winner of the Nobel Prize for Economy will be made public on October 12. With the latter’s exception, the other Nobel Prizes were created by the Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel (1833-1896), the inventor of the dynamite. In 2020, each Nobel Prize will be accompanied by a $1.1 million check, which is more than in previous years. In 2019 the Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to American researchers William Kaelin and Gregg Semenza and to British researcher Peter Ratcliffe for their study on how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability. The Nobel Awards organizers have announced that, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the prize recipients will most likely receive their awards in their home countries, without having to attend an award ceremony in Stockholm. (translated by A.M. Popescu, V. Palcu)

  • A new PM designate

    A new PM designate

    Romania has a new prime minister designate: the incumbent finance minister Florin Citu. President Klaus Iohannis announced his nomination on Wednesday, after commending the National Liberal Party for its 3 months in power, guided by what he called a reform agenda, and after criticising the Social Democrats for systematically attempting to hinder the work of the government.

    The President mentioned that the first Liberal cabinet, headed by the president of the National Liberal Party Ludovic Orban, was dismissed under a no-confidence motion by a parliamentary majority created by the Social Democratic Party against a bill reintroducing the 2-round voting system in the local elections. This is why the head of state appointed Ludovic Orban once again as prime minister designate, but the Social Democrats slowed down the required parliamentary procedures until Parliament faced a deadlock that ended in Orbans resignation.

    The president explained that by appointing Florin Citu he sought to put an end to the deadlock and to solve the problems of the country. The PM designate promised to try to put together the parliamentary majority required for his endorsement, and to come up with a list of ministers and a governing programme as soon as possible.

    Both before and after becoming a government member, Florin Citu accused the Social Democratic Party of implementing disastrous policies for the national budget. His party chief, Ludovic Orban, vowed that Citus nomination is a guarantee that the countrys economic and financial rehabilitation will continue.

    Ludovic Orban: “Florin Citu is a guarantor that the disaster left behind by irresponsible Social Democratic governments will be reversed, and also that Romania will have a sustainable economic growth, based on the normal growth engines in a capitalist economy.

    The Social Democratic Party, which still has a majority in Parliament, was prompt in responding: they will not endorse a cabinet headed by Citu. The interim president of the party Marcel Ciolacu, said:

    Marcel Ciolacu: “I find Mr. Citus designation unimaginable. I was expecting Mr. Citu to tell us how he spent the 10 billion euros he borrowed in 3 months and a half, and not to be named prime minister designate. This is unspeakable. We will decide on our next steps and discuss the matter with the other political partners. There is no doubt that the path chosen by the President leads to a political crisis.

    Ciolacu does not rule out resorting to the Constitutional Court once again. Notified by the Social Democrats, the Court ruled that Orbans nomination as PM designate for a second time was designed to ensure the collapse, rather than the success of the new Government. The Court took into account the Presidents and the Liberals outspoken plans to push for early elections.

    The 3rd biggest parliamentary group, Save Romania Union, say they are open to joining in a new government, if a parliamentary majority is achieved, and that their top priority is reintroducing the 2-round voting system in local elections. Pro Romania party on the other hand says its MPs will not endorse the new government, because the Liberals lack the legitimacy, the qualifications, the programme and the parliamentary support to govern the country.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • February 26, 2020 UPDATE

    February 26, 2020 UPDATE

    CONSULTATIONS After consultations with the parliamentary parties in Bucharest, president Klaus Iohannis Wednesday designated the acting finance minister Florin Citu to form a new government. The decision comes after another Liberal, Ludovic Orban, resigned as PM designate, following the Social Democratic Partys boycotting the investiture vote and following a ruling of the Constitutional Court against Orbans nomination. Prior to the decision to nominate Citu, the Liberals said they would support the presidents decision to designate a new PM and would try to secure a parliamentary majority, while the Social Democrats said they would not endorse a minority Liberal government. Save Romania Union said they are open to joining in a government and came up with a PM nomination, and so did the Peoples Movement Party, whereas the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians voiced support for a coalition government. ALDE pleaded for an independent prime minister, whereas the president of the leftist Pro Romania Party, Victor Ponta, nominated himself for head of government and said he is able to put together a parliamentary majority.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • February 26, 2020 UPDATE

    February 26, 2020 UPDATE

    CONSULTATIONS After consultations with the parliamentary parties in Bucharest, president Klaus Iohannis Wednesday designated the acting finance minister Florin Citu to form a new government. The decision comes after another Liberal, Ludovic Orban, resigned as PM designate, following the Social Democratic Partys boycotting the investiture vote and following a ruling of the Constitutional Court against Orbans nomination. Prior to the decision to nominate Citu, the Liberals said they would support the presidents decision to designate a new PM and would try to secure a parliamentary majority, while the Social Democrats said they would not endorse a minority Liberal government. Save Romania Union said they are open to joining in a government and came up with a PM nomination, and so did the Peoples Movement Party, whereas the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians voiced support for a coalition government. ALDE pleaded for an independent prime minister, whereas the president of the leftist Pro Romania Party, Victor Ponta, nominated himself for head of government and said he is able to put together a parliamentary majority.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • December 29, 2019 UPDATE

    December 29, 2019 UPDATE

    VISIT PM Ludovic Orban will be on a working visit to EU and NATO institutions in Brussels between January 7th and 9th, the Government announced on Sunday. The Romanian PM will have meetings with the European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen, and with the NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg. The agenda also includes talks with the president of the European Council Charles Michel and with the president of the European Parliament David Sassoli.

    PENSIONS The Romanian public pension system is in imminent danger, given that the number of employed contributors has dropped significantly, and people need to be encouraged to save money in privately-managed pension funds, which ensure more safety, transparency and traceability, the Labour Minister Violeta Alexandru said in an interview to AGERPRES news agency. She also warned that there is a trend across Europe to increase the retirement age, but she did not suggest that the Government plans to take any measures in this respect in the current term in office. The Labour Minister also expressed concern with the budgetary impact of the planned 40% pension raise as of September 2020, as decided by the previous, Social Democratic cabinet dismissed in October, but said that as long as she is the labour minister the law will be complied with.

    CUSTOMS The customs offices on the Romanian – Moldovan border will be revamped and upgraded as part of a EU-funded project. Included in the project are the check points in Albiţa, Sculeni and Giurgiuleşti, which are seen as strategic points for the Unions security policy. The programme has a 36-month deadline for implementation, a total budget of 10 million euros, and is designed to enhance institutional and operational efficiency in customs offices by modernising the infrastructure and streamlining the transit of goods and persons. A number of 347 customs workers will also be trained to use special equipment to fight cross-border organised crime.

    FINANCIAL Most analysts in CFA Romania Association expect the national currency to depreciate in the next 12 months, to 4.8663 leu for the euro, with an average inflation rate of 3.52%, according to data in the Macroeconomic Confidence Indicator for November. CFA Romania is an organisation of chartered financial analysts certified by the CFA Institute (USA). At present CFA Romania has over 240 members. The Macroeconomic Confidence Indicator was launched by CFA Romania in May 2011 and is designed to measure the financial analysts expectations regarding Romanias economy for the coming 12 months.

    BORDER Nearly 900,000 people came into Romania during the Christmas period, and 655,000 left the country, the Romanian Border Police announced on Sunday. The highest numbers were reported on the Hungarian border, in the west of the country. On the other hand, Romanian border police have caught Middle Eastern citizens attempting to illegally cross the border into Hungary. They were coming from Iraq, Iran, Syria and Afghanistan, had applied for asylum in Romania, and were trying to get to Hungary and further west illegally.

    UKRAINE The Ukrainian governmental forces and the pro-Russian separatists in east Ukraine Sunday completed a prisoner exchange, thanks to which all people taken captive in the 5-year conflict were able to return home, Reuters reports. The operation took place in the breakaway Donbass region. According to Kiev, a total of 76 Ukrainian prisoners were freed. Since 2014, over 13,000 people have been killed in the conflict in east Ukraine, with occasional clashes still reported in spite of the ceasefire. The prisoner exchange agreement was reached in a summit in Paris this month by the Russian leader Vladimir Putin and Ukraines president Volodimir Zelenskiy. The French-German brokered deal also includes a number of measures such as consolidation of the cease-fire, massive prisoner swaps by the end of December and new troop pull-outs from the 3 zones by the end of March 2020.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Romania has a new PM designate

    Romania has a new PM designate

    After consultations with the political parties in Parliament, the President of Romania Klaus Iohannis designated the head of the National Liberal Party, Ludovic Orban, to put together a new Cabinet and a governing programme, and submit them for approval by Parliament. According to the head of state, the National Liberal Party is the largest opposition party and the initiator of the no-confidence motion which last week brought down Viorica Dancilas Social Democratic Government. The Social Democratic Party had been left with a minority government after their junior partners in the ruling coalition, ALDE, had switched to the opposition in August.

    According to Klaus Iohannis, the new Liberal Government will be in charge, among other things, with the appropriate organisation of next months presidential election, with closing the 2019 state budget and preparing the 2020 budget.

    Klaus Iohannis: “The National Liberal Party was the only party that said, in the consultations, that although it is a difficult job, they are ready to take over power in this transition period, because we are talking about a transition time. The Government that will be sworn in at some point in the forthcoming weeks will have a short term, until the parliamentary elections.

    The PM designate Ludovic Orban, who has 10 days to present Parliament with his governing team and programme, promised that the new ministers will be honest and competent, and will have solutions for Romanias major problems. He added the priorities will include rebuilding macroeconomic balances, a large-scale restructuring of the governmental scheme, a focus on investments in the transport infrastructure, healthcare and education, true independence of the judiciary and strengthening Romanias position within the EU.

    For the time being, the only hurdle for a new governmental team is to secure the 233 votes required for its endorsement by Parliament.

    Ludovic Orban: “I trust all the partners who joined us in our effort to put an end to the Social Democratic government, and I am confident that in all the talks we will have from now on we will find the necessary insight, openness and interest in serving the citizens, because every day without a new government means that the Social Democratic Party and the Dancila Cabinet are still in power, in spite of having been dismissed through a motion of censure, of having no legitimacy and of virtually no Romanian willing to see them in power.

    So far, the Liberals can only count on their own Senators and Deputies, and on the ones representing the ethnic minorities. Most of the other parties that helped dismiss the Dancila Cabinet have their own terms and conditions or are waiting to see what the new Cabinet proposes. As for the Social Democratic Party, they said they would not endorse a Liberal government as long as it lacks an action plan. The outgoing PM Viorica Dancila, encouraged on Tuesday by the new IMF forecasts regarding Romanias economic growth during her term in office, announced:

    Viorica Dancila: “As president of the Social Democratic Party, and following talks with the leaders of the partys county organisations, I have decided that we will not take part in the vote on the new government.

    In other words, if they managed to bring down the Dancila Government, the Liberals and the parties that supported them must now prove they are able to replace it.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • October 4, 2019 UPDATE

    October 4, 2019 UPDATE

    Government — The PM Viorica Dancila on Friday forwarded new proposals for interim ministers to President Klaus Iohannis to fill the vacant ministerial posts. She made 7 proposals among which those for the interior, education and justice ministries. We recall that the head of state is obliged through a decision of the Constitutional Court to appoint interim ministers after the withdrawal of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats from the governing coalition. After having received the proposals, president Iohannis said in a communiqué that the Constitution does not allow him to appoint a second, successive interim minister to the education ministry after Daniel Breaz, the new proposal for the post, already held the position for 45 days.

    Brexit — As many as 200 thousand Romanians who are living and working in the UK have applied for the new residence permit in the UK, the British ambassador to Bucharest Andrew Noble told Radio Romania. The British official explained that in case of a no-deal Brexit the Romanian citizens, who go to GB as tourists but decide to stay there, have to apply for a residence permit valid for 3 years. He also gave assurances that the situation of the Romanians in Great Britain would not be affected. The British ambassador went on to say that, after Brexit, the UK would like an even-closer-than-before relation with Romania and would boost involvement in humanitarian projects and cooperation projects in such fields as domestic affairs and the fight against organized crime.

    Măgurele Laser — In Măgurele, near Bucharest, a contract was signed on Friday for the construction of the Variable Energy Gamma System. The system completes the one already installed, which, in March, reached a power of 10 Petawatts (PW) on each side. The new system will be finished most probably in 2023, said the project general manager, academician Nicolae Zamfir. This equipment, alongside the high power laser system, allows the ELI NP Extreme Light Infrastructure-Nuclear Physics Center in Măgurele to become the most advanced scientific research center in the world. (update by L. Simion)

  • May 24, 2019

    May 24, 2019

    ELECTIONS Eligible voters in Ireland and the Czech Republic are expected in polling stations today to elect their representatives in the European Parliament. The European elections started on Thursday in the UK and Netherlands, with Latvia, Slovakia and Malta holding the ballot on Saturday and the rest of the EU member states, including Romania, on Sunday. In Romania 13 political parties and 3 independent candidates are running for 33 seats. On the same day, a referendum on the judiciary is scheduled in Romania.

    COUNCIL The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, will take part on Tuesday, May 28th, in an informal meeting of the European Council held in Brussels, Bucharest announced on Friday. The participants will look at the results of the elections for the European Parliament, held between May 23rd and 26th. The EU leaders will also have a preliminary discussion regarding the candidates for the top posts in the EU institutions.

    POPE The National Bank of Romania will release on Thursday, May 30th, gold and brass collector coins devoted to Pope Francis visit to Romania, while another brass coin devoted to the same event will be in circulation beginning the same date. The gold coin obverse features images of churches and the localities to be visited by the Pope, along with “Romania, “year of minting 2019 and the monetary value of “500 lei. The reverse, which is common to all the coins, features the portrait and emblem of Pope Francis and inscriptions reading “His Sanctity Pope Francis visit to Romania, “May 31st – June 2nd, and the motto of the visit, “Lets walk together!. The Pope comes to Romania on an invitation from President Klaus Iohannis and of the Romanian Catholic Church. He will visit the capital city Bucharest, the largest city in the east of the country, Iasi, the spiritual capital of Romanian Greek-Catholics, Blaj, where he will beatify 7 bishops killed in communist prisons, and the Marian shrine in Şumuleu Ciuc. In 1999, Romania was the first country with a mostly Orthodox population to have been visited by a Pope, John Paul II.

    MEDAL The Government of Japan awarded Constantin Chiriac, director of the Sibiu International Theatre Festival, the Order of the Rising Sun with neck ribbon, the highest awarded by this country to foreign citizens. The medal was handed to Constantin Chiriac in Bucharest by the Ambassador of Japan, Hitoshi Noda, in a press conference that preceded the start of the 26th edition of the Festival, scheduled between June 14th and 23rd. The founder of a cultural event famous around the world, director of the Radu Stanca Theatre in Sibiu and a professor at the Lucian Blaga University, Constantin Chiriac was rewarded by Japan for his contribution to promoting the Japanese culture in Romania and cultural exchanges between the 2 countries.

    BLACKMAIL In Bucharest, the deputy rector of the ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Mihail Marcoci, announced on Friday that he resigned from office, after being placed under court supervision by the National Anti-Corruption Directorate. The rector and deputy rector of the Police Academy, Adrian Iacob and Mihail Marcoci, are probed into by the Anti-Corruption Directorate, while under court supervision, for suspicions of having prompted an officer, in April 2019, to send a death threat to journalist Emilia Şercan, in order to force her to halt a journalist investigation concerning the Police Academy rector. According to the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, between March and April this year Emilia Şercan published a series of articles covering the award of Ph.D. titles by the ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy.

    UK The British PM Theresa May announced on Friday that she will step down on June 7th, in response to calls from the Tories to allow a new leader to try and overcome the Brexit standoff, Reuters reports. The procedures for appointing a new prime minister will most likely begin on June 10th. Depending on the number of candidates, the process might take until autumn, but the Conservative Party is hoping to step up the procedure and to be in a position to announce a new leader by the end of July.

    TENNIS The Romanian Sorana Cîrstea (93 WTA) is playing today against Yulia Putintseva of Kazakhstan, no 39 in the world and seed no 1, in the semi-finals of the WTA tournament in Nurnberg (Germany). Cîrstea is one of the 4 Romanians taking part in the Roland Garros, the second Grand Slam of the year, which starts on Sunday. She begins with a very difficult match, against the Czech Petra Kvitova (6 WTA). Simona Halep, who won the tournament last year and is currently ranked 3 in the world, plays against the Australian Ajla Tomljanovic (47 WTA), Mihaela Buzărnescu (30 WTA) against Russian Ekaterina Alexandrova (60 WTA), and Irina Begu (118 WTA) against Lin Zhu of China (108 WTA). In the mens competition, the only Romanian in the singles tournament is Marius Copil (81 ATP), playing against Benoit Paire of France (51 ATP).

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • May 10, 2018 UPDATE

    May 10, 2018 UPDATE

    VISIT – The Romanian PM Viorica Dăncilă is on a visit to the Vatican until Sunday. On Friday the PM will be received by Pope Francis, followed by a meeting with his Holiness Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin. The chief of the Romanian government will also hold meetings with the Grand master of the Sovereign Order of Malta and with the president of the Community of SantEgidio. According to a news release issued by the Government of Romania, the PMs visit to Vatican comes against the backdrop of very good bilateral relations, in a year when Romania celebrates the Centennial of the Great Union, which will be marked at the Holy See through a number of academic and cultural events. The agenda of the visit also includes a meeting with the Romanian students attending the programmes of the “Pio Romeno Pontifical Romanian College.

    JUDICIARY – The High Court of Cassation and Justice Thursday ruled to drop charges against the former PM and president of the Social Democratic Party Victor Ponta in the Turceni-Rovinari case, in which he was tried for forgery, aiding tax evasion and money laundering. The former transport minister Dan Şova, who was charged in the same case with aiding abuse of office, forgery, tax evasion and money laundering, was also acquitted. Thursdays ruling is not final, and it can be challenged by the National Anti-Corruption Directorate. In the last hearing of the trial, the Anti-Corruption Directorate requested that the former PM Victor Ponta and former Senator Dan Şova, both of them accused of corruption-related offences, should serve time in prison. The prosecutors said that in 2007 – 2008, Victor Pontas law practice received from another law firm, ”Şova şi Asociaţii”, around 39,000 euro, allegedly for work performed jointly, which in fact had never been performed. According to prosecutors, this was a form of repaying Victor Ponta for contracts awarded by the state-owned energy companies Turceni and Rovinari to “Şova şi Asociaţii.

    SUMMIT – The historic summit between the US President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un will take place on June 12 in Singapore, Trump confirmed on Twitter. “We will both try to make it a very special moment for World Peace, the US President wrote. The 2 are expected to discuss the North-Korean nuclear and ballistic missile programmes, which have further deepened the decade-long tensions between Washington and Pyongyang. Trumps announcement comes just hours after 3 American citizens detained in North Korea were released. The three arrived at a military base near Washington.

    TENNIS – The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, number 1 in the world, was defeated by the Czech Karolina Pliskova (6 WTA), in the quarter-finals of the WTA tournament in Madrid, which has 6.7 million euros in total prize money. The 2 players had faced each other 7 times before, with the Romanian winning 6 times and Pliskovas only win coming in the 2016 Fed Cup. Simona Halep won the last 2 editions of the Madrid tournament.

    HANDBALL – The Romanian womens handball team SCM Craiova is playing at home on Friday against the Norwegian side Vipers Kristiansand, in the second leg of the EHF Cup finals. In the first leg, last Saturday, the Norwegians won 26-22. Meanwhile, Romanian champions, CSM Bucharest, will face on Saturday the Hungarian team Gyor ETO, in the so-called Final Four, the Champions League semi-finals. If they get into the final, CSM will play on Sunday against the winner of the match pitting HC Vardar, of Macedonia, against Rostov-Don, of Russia. CSM Bucharest won the Final Four in 2016.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)