Tag: Popovici

  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    Romanian athletes are attending several championships presently underway in Europe. Italian capital Rome is these days hosting the European Aquatics Championship and Romanian swimmer David Popovici is the odds-on favourite in the 100 and 200 meter free-style races, where he is world champion. Popovici will also be competing in the 400 meter free-style race and in the 4×100 meter relay race.

    Until August 21st, Munich in Germany is hosting the multi-sport European Championships, which is to include competitions in several disciplines such as athletics, beach volleyball, kayak-canoe, cycling, rowing, artistic gymnastics, bouldering, table tennis and triathlon. Romanian athletes stand good chances to win medals in rowing and kayak-canoe competitions. Defending European champions, the Romanian double scull team made up of Ancuta Bodnar and Simona Radis stands good chances to win a medal in the aforementioned the competition and so does the Romanian eight, winner of the latest European Championship hosted by Italy.

    We also recall that the Romanian rowers of the mens four and eight walked away with silver medals from the Italian competition and so did our womens double. In the lightweight womens single scull race, where Gianina Beleagă is the European vice-champion, Romania is being represented by Ionela Cozmiuc, as Beleagă has become part of the Romanian four and eight in the same competition.

    Cătălin Chirilă stands good chances to win a medal for Romania in the 500 and 1000 meter canoe single races as one week ago he reaped a world title in the 1000 meter race and a silver medal in the 500 meter race in Halifax, Canada. His prize closed also includes a gold medal he won together with Victor Mihalachi in 1000 meter race of the European Games in Minsk and a bronze one with the same team mate in the latest edition of the European championships hosted by Poznan in Poland.

    A delegation of 20 athletes is representing Romania at the European Gymnastics Championships. We recall that Romania won silver at the European championships in Mersin Turkey in 2020. Larisa Iordache won gold in the beam and floor events and silver in the vault event. In the same competition Romanias junior team obtained gold in all the events as well as in the team competition.

    Ana Maria Bărbosu won five medals in various events of the aforementioned competition while Maria Ceplinschi won silver in the individual all-round event and the floor event and Andreea Preda walked away with bronze from the beam event. In the mens competition only one medal for Romania in Turkey. Gabriel Burtanete won gold in the vault event of the junior competition.


  • July 6, 2022 UPDATE

    July 6, 2022 UPDATE

    DROUGHT 70% of Romania’s territory has
    been affected by drought, Environment Minister Tanczos Barna has announced. He
    made an appeal to the population to properly use drinkable water and refrain
    from using it to water gardens. Barna has also said the country’s 40 strategic
    reservoires are filled 68%, which means they have the necessary amount of
    water. And although the Danube has a lower level at its entry into Romania it
    doesn’t affect the nuclear power plant in Cernavoda, southern Romania.

    Romanian Simona Halep has
    qualified for the semifinals of the Grand Slam tournament in Wimbledon. On
    Wednesday she secured a two-set win 6-2, 6-4 against the US challenger Amanda Anisimova
    and will be next playing Elena Rybakina of Kazakhstan. A former world number
    one, Halep won the 2019 edition of the Wimbledon tournament and a year earlier
    the one in Roland Garros.

    COMMEMORATION The 73rd anniversary of the biggest wave of
    Stalinist deportations was commemorated on Wednesday in the Republic of Moldova
    (ex-Soviet, mostly Romanian-speaking). On the night of July 5-6, 1949, the
    Soviet communist regime deported tens of thousands of peasant families,
    including women, children, and the elderly. Their fortunes were seized by the
    Bolshevik regime. The so-called Operation South was the culmination of mass
    terror in Bessarabia and affected about 40,000 people. Last month marked the 81st anniversary of the
    first wave of Soviet deportations from Bessarabia and northern Bukovina, when
    25,000 people were taken to Siberia and Kazakhstan. Less than a year after the
    annexation, following an ultimatum, the repressive bodies displaced, from the
    night of June 12 to 13 and until June 22, 1941, tens of thousands of
    Bessarabians, most of them ethnic Romanians. The wealthiest people, as well as
    those who were perceived as a threat to the USSR, were taken to the most remote
    regions of the former Soviet Union. According to historians, the deportations
    were aimed at destroying the local elites, so that, later, the occupants would
    have those left at home accept the collectivization and expropriation of goods.

    SPORTS Romanian swimmer David Popovici on Wednesday won his second gold
    medal, in the finals of the 200 meter freestyle race of the European Junior
    Swimming Championships underway in Otopeni, southern Romania. In the
    competition’s first day on Tuesday, the Romanian team won the first gold in the
    4×100 meter relay event after an exciting race against Great Britain. The
    competition in Otopeni, close to the capital city Bucharest has brought
    together 500 athletes from 42 countries and Romania is being represented by 26
    swimmers. We recall that David Popovici, 17, is the new double world champion
    in the 100 and 200 meter freestyle races.


  • David Popovici, Romania’s new hero

    David Popovici, Romania’s new hero

    Red carpet, officials and fans, lots of flowers, smiles, hugs and speeches – that was the atmosphere on Sunday night, when the Romanian delegation returned from the World Aquatics Championships in Budapest. The man who stole the show was the 17-year-old David Popovici, who made history in Budapest. At his first debut in suchlike events he was the first in the past 49 years to have become world champion in the 100 and 200-meter freestyle races. In Budapest, Popovici has also set two new world records for junior competitions. His team mate, Robert Glinta, has occupied the fifth position in the 50-meter backstroke race coming eighth in the 100-meter backstroke event. The double world champion has thanked all the fans for supporting him and confessed that he wants his performance to inspire many people to take up sports.

    David Popovici: “I would like to thank all those who believed in me, who have been supporting me and would also like to thank all the Romanians who were thrilled to watch my race on telly, to all those who came in person to watch me. It was superb in Budapest and I know that many would like to be in my place knowing they have the support of so many people. I am sincerely honored to represent this beautiful country and feel you are by my side.”

    David Popovici received 200,000 Euros worth of prize from the Romanian government, while president Klaus Iohannis decided to award the double world champion with the highest national order, Romanian Star in rank of knight and coach Adrian Radulescu with the national order of Merit in rank of knight.

    David is the model and hes going to motivate the entire country. We have the duty to build swimming pools, encourage this sport so that we may have many champions,” Sports Minister Eduard Novak has said. “The Romanian sport is in need of many things and the World Championships in Budapest should stimulate the government to invest in infrastructure” – says Camelia Potec, president of the Federation of Swimming and Modern Pentathlon.

    The opinion is shared by many who have repeatedly pointed to the shortage of funds in several sporting disciplines which led to weaker and weaker results in international competitions, where athletes from Romania used to be a force to be reckoned with. Even the world champion David Popovici himself said quote: ʺHopefully, the wave I have created will help the Romanian sport to make headway, because it clearly can do with a little bit of resuscitation.” This is a busy period for David who will next participate in the European Junior Championships in Romania, due over July 5 and 10, the European Championships in Italy and the World Junior Championships in Peru.


  • June 23, 2022 UPDATE

    June 23, 2022 UPDATE

    PRICES The ruling coalition has
    reached an agreement regarding an offset mechanism for retail fuel prices.
    After Thursday’s government meeting, PM Nicolae Ciuca announced that for the next
    3 months, starting on the 1st of July, retail fuel prices will be 0.5 leu per
    litre lower. Half of the offset package, which amounts to EUR 400 million, will
    be covered from the state budget, and the balance by companies operating in
    this sector. The mechanism will be regulated under a bill to be passed by the
    government next week.

    CORRUPTION The Romanian agriculture minister Adrian Chesnoiu announced
    stepping down and withdrawing from the Social Democratic Party over a
    corruption investigation. He asked the Chamber of Deputies to lift his
    parliamentary immunity and claimed he had not committed any offence or act of
    corruption. The National Anti-Corruption Directorate had previously requested
    the Chamber of Deputies to lift Chesnoiu’s immunity, in order for him to be
    prosecuted for abuse of office. Judicial sources told AGERPRES news agency on
    Thursday that the investigation concerns the rigging of exams for filling
    public positions.

    BULGARIA In Bulgaria, the Liberal PM Kiril Petkov’s
    cabinet was dismissed through a no-confidence vote, which pushes the country
    into a new political crisis, after 3 rounds of elections held last year, AFP
    and Reuters report. The coalition, formed in December after controversial
    Boiko Borisov’s 10 years in power, broke up in early June over disagreements
    concerning public spending and the country’s stand on North Macedonia’s EU
    accession negotiations. President Rumen Radev will invite parliamentary parties
    to negotiations for forming a new government. If they fail, Bulgaria’s
    Parliament will be dismantled and new elections will be held.

    state of emergency introduced in the Republic of Moldova on 24th
    February, following Russia’s invasion in Ukraine, was extended on Thursday by
    another 45 days. The request was tabled to Parliament by PM Natalia Gavriliţa, with
    a majority of 59 MPs voting in favour. The Opposition was against the measure,
    accusing the government of incompetence, Radio Chişinău reports. According to
    Moldova’s PM, the state of emergency had to be extended given the persistent
    risks related to Moldova’s energy supplies, border security and the Ukrainian
    refugee crisis.

    MEDAL The Romanian David Popovici, 17, is the second swimmer in history
    to have become world champion in the 200m and 100m freestyle events of the same
    edition of a championship. The athlete has broken three world junior records in
    the World Aquatics Championships underway in Budapest. Romania has another
    representative in the competition, Robert Glinta, who will compete on Friday in
    the 50 meter backstroke race. Glinta ended the 100m race on the eighth
    position. Another two Romanian athletes, Angelica Muscalu and Constantin
    Popovici, will be competing in the dive event of the competition. (AMP)

  • Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    MEDALIA. Românlu David Popovici, 17 ani, easti doilu anutătoru ditu istorie cari agiumsi campion mondialu la probili di 200 și 1000 di meatri libiru ditu idyea ediție a unui campionat. Sportivlu surpă trei recorduri mondiale la juniori la Campionatele Mondiale di Nataţie, cari s’dizvărtescu Budapesta. România ari nica un reprezentantu tru competiție, Robert Glinţa, cari va s’antreacă viniri la proba di 50 di meatri pi păltări. Glinţa bitisi proba di 100 di meatri tamam pi poziţia a opta. Alță doi reprezentanță ali Românie, Angelica Muscalu și Constantin Popovici va s’concureadză tru proba di ahănduseri a competițillei adusă aminti ma ndzeană.

    VIZITĂ. Marcel Ciolacu, prezidentulu a Camerăllei a Deputaților ditu România faţi adză ună vizită Bruxelles tră muabeţ ofiţiale cu Roberta Metsola, prezidentulu a Parlamentului European și cu comisarlu tră lucru și ndrepturi suţiale, Nicholas Schmit. Oficialu român easti tutunăoară așteptat s’aibă muabeţ cu prezidintulu Camerei Diputaților cu Parlamentul belgian, cum și cu ministrul a lucărlui și Economiei ditu Belgia. Ciolacu va s’ţănă unu zboru tru arada ali andamasi ţi va u aibă cu lidirlli a Partidului Socialist European.

    ANDAMUSERI. Chiro di dauă dzăli, Bruxelles va s’ţănă summitul a lidirilor UE și ai Balcanilor ditu Ascăpitată, ună sesiune a Consiliului European și summitul euro. Pi agenda Consiliului European suntu dibaturli mutrinda ligăturli a blocului cu partenerii aprukeaţ ditu Europa, catandisea ditu Ucraina și căftărli di adirari ali Republică Moldova și Georgia. România easti reprezentată tru summitul lidirilor UE și tru Consiliul European di cătră prezidintulu a llei Klaus Iohannis, cari salută recomandarea a Comisiillei Europene tra s’da a Republicăllei Moldova și Ucraina statutul di candidate la UE. Comisia pricunuscu nădiili europene ale Georgiei, ama aestă văsilie nu tiñisi tuti condițiile tra s’aibă statutlu di v4silie candidată. Summitul euro cari va s’ţănă mâni va s’aibă tu arada di lucru catandisea economică a blocului și evoluțiile mutrinda uniunea bancară și piețele di capital.

    APOFASI. Coaliția di guvernământ ditu România a Agiumsi la un acord mutrinda un mecanism di compensari a păhadzloru la pompă tră combustibil. Aestu lucru lipseaşti dimăndat tu şcurtu kiro după sesiunea guvernamentală di adza și va s’intra tru practico di la 1 alunaru tră trei meşi. Mecanismul pripus di guvern va s’compenseadzăa cu ună sumă fixă ​​păhadzlli la pompă tru loc di un procent, iara compensația va s’hibă finanțată di la bugetul di stat și di la companiile ditu domeniu. Mecanismul va s’bagă bazele a unui act normativ pe cari guvernul va lu vulusească stămâna yinitoari.

    Autoru: Udălu a hăbărloru

    Armânipsearia: Taşcu Lala

  • June 23, 2022

    June 23, 2022

    MEDAL Romanian David Popovici, 17, is
    the second swimmer in history to have become world champion in the 200 and 1000
    meter freestyle events of the same edition of a championship. The athlete has
    broken three world junior records in the World Aquatics Championships underway
    in Budapest. Romania has another representative in the competition, Robert
    Glinta, who will compete on Friday in the 50 meter backstroke race. Glinta
    ended the 100 meter even on the eighth position. Another two Romanian
    representatives, Angelica Muscalu and Constantin Popovici will be competing in
    the dive event of the aforementioned competition.

    VISIT Marcel Ciolacu, president of the
    Chamber of Deputies in Romania is today paying a visit to Brussels for
    official talks with Roberta Metsola, president of the European Parliament and
    with the Commissioner for Work and Social Rights, Nicholas Schmit. The Romanian
    official is also expected to have talks with the president of the Chamber of
    Deputies with the Belgian Parliament as well as the Minister of Labour and
    Economy in Belgium. Ciolacu is also to deliver a speech during the meeting he
    will have with the leaders of the European Socialist Party.

    MEETINGS For two days Brussels will be
    seeing the summit of the leaders of the EU and the Western Balkans, a European
    Council session and the Euro summit. High on the European Council agenda are
    debates over the bloc’s relations with close partners in Europe, the situation
    in Ukraine, and the accession requests by the Republic of Moldova and Georgia.
    Romania is being represented in the EU leaders’ summit and the European Council
    by its president Klaus Iohannis, who hailed the recommendation of the European
    Commission to grant the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine the status of EU
    candidates. The Commission has acknowledged the European aspirations of
    Georgia, but this country hasn’t met all the conditions to get the statute of
    candidate country. The euro summit due tomorrow will have high on the agenda
    the economic situation of the bloc and the developments concerning the banking
    union and the capital markets.

    MEASURES The ruling coalition in
    Romania has reached an agreement regarding a mechanism to offset pump prices
    for fuel. This has to be announced shortly after the government session today
    and is to come into effect as of July 1st for three months. The mechanism
    proposed by the government will compensate with a fixed sum pump prices instead
    of a percentage and the compensation will be funded by the state budget and the
    companies in the field. The mechanism will lay the foundation for a normative
    act the government is to endorse next week.

    MOTION USR MPs in Romania have tabled a
    simple motion against the country’s Energy Minister whom they accuse of
    incompetence in running this ministry. According to USR, during the mandate of
    Minister Virgil Popescu, prices in fuel, energy and gas have been constantly on
    the rise. This simple motion against the energy minister will be debated upon
    on Monday in the Chamber of Deputies and the voting is expected the next day.


  • Gold for Romanian Swimming

    Gold for Romanian Swimming

    Romanian David Popovici is the new star of the
    world swimming after his victory in the 200-meter freestyle race of the World Aquatics
    Championships in Budapest on Monday night. The Romanian ended the race in one
    minute, 43 seconds and 21 hundredths, setting a new world record for junior

    Popovici, who is only 17, has thus started off
    on the right foot in world competitions with a new title won in Olympic-size
    swimming pools. We recall that Tamara Costache also reaped gold for Romania in
    the 50-meter freestyle race in 1986 while Diana Mocanu became gold medalist in
    the 200-meter backstroke race in 2001. Romania now boasts three gold medals in
    these competitions, one silver and six bronze.

    Popovici, who signed up with Dinamo Bucharest
    sports club was followed by Sunwoo Hwang of South Korea and by Tom Dean of
    Britain in the race. According to sports papers, Popovici lived up to his
    status of odds-on favourite of the competition in Hungary. Popovici’s win is
    all the more so impressive as he managed to outperform Tom Dean, Olympic
    champion in Tokyo, where the Romanian came only fourth. US publication Swimming
    World Magazine wrote quote ‘there was a feeling that here was a talent as rare
    and as impactful as Ian Thorpe of Michael Phelps.

    According to Romanian TV channel Digi 24,
    Popovici shot to fame in July last year in Italy after he had won the European junior
    title in the 100-meter freestyle race with such a good time that brought him
    plane tickets for Tokyo Olympics. He was also voted the youngest athlete in
    Europe in 2021 being awarded the 2021 Piotr Nurowski ‘Best Summer European
    Young Athlete Prize during a ceremony held in Samorin, Slovakia at the General
    Assembly of the European Olympic Committees.

    Gazeta Sporturilor recalls that the time
    Popovici ended the race in Budapest is the fourth best in the history of the
    200-meter freestyle race. Only world-record holder Paul Biedermann and the
    legendary Michael Phelps and Yannick Agnel managed better scores. Popovici’s
    win is the best in the past decade. People at home believed in me! The medal
    is for them the athlete said shortly after his victory. For David Popovici the
    contest in Budapest is only the first major competition this summer as he is to
    also attend the European Junior Swimming Championships in Romania next month, the
    European Championships in Rome in August and the world Junior Swimming
    Championships in Lima in late August and early September.


  • December 13, 2021 UPDATE

    December 13, 2021 UPDATE

    COVID-19 Romania on Monday reported 494 new Covid-19 infections, a lower number
    than in the previous day. 17 thousand tests have been conducted, which means an
    infection rate of 2.91. 45 fatalities have been reported and the total number
    of patients treated in hospitals has dropped to roughly 4 thousand. Out of
    these, 700 are in ICUs. Most of the cases have been reported in capital city
    Bucharest, and in Cluj, western Romania. 7.6 million people have been fully
    vaccinated in Romania so far. People coming to Romania from outside the
    European Union or from other states in the red tier who are unvaccinated will
    have to stay in quarantine for 10 days even if they have a negative PCR test.

    OMICRON Britain has reported the
    first death of a patient who was suffering from the Omicron variant.
    Authorities in London have so far reported over 3 thousand infections with the
    new variant and forecast that the total number of infections is going to reach
    one million. The Omicron variant has caused worldwide concern and has already
    been identified in 63 countries. In another development, the WHO has estimated
    the real tally of the Covid-19 could be three times higher than that announced.
    The information provided by the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine shows 270
    million infections and 5.3 million deaths. The USA has been most affected with
    roughly 50 million cases and 800 thousand fatalities. The Delta variant is the
    most widespread variant in the USA, with 99% infections.

    TRANSDNISTER The Romanian foreign ministry said Romania does not
    recognise the legitimacy of Sunday’s elections in the breakaway pro-Russian
    region of Transdniester in the east of the majority Romanian-speaking Republic
    of Moldova. In a statement, it also reiterated its support for a comprehensive,
    peaceful and sustainable solution of the conflict in keeping with international
    law, respect for Moldova’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its
    internationally recognised borders and without affecting its European path. The
    Moldovan authorities also described the elections in Transdniester illegal.
    Transdniester de facto broke away from Moldova in 1992 following an armed
    conflict in which hundreds of people were killed and which only ended with the
    intervention of the Russian troops on the side of the separatists.

    SWIMMING Romania will bring five
    swimmers to the 25 m competition in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates, taking
    place over December 16th and 21st. Among them are Robert
    Glinţă and David Popovici. Also on the Romanian team are George-Alexandru
    Stoica-Constantin, Alexandra Dobrin, and Bianca Costea. We recall that the
    Romanian team’s performance in the 25 m competition in Kazan, Russia, in
    November, earned them three medals. The gold went to David Popovici for 200 m
    freestyle, and a silver and a bronze went to Robert Glinţă for the 100 m and 50
    m events. Popovici at that point got the first gold medal for Romania in the
    history of 25 m events, after 4 silver and 8 bronze medals.


  • Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    COVID-19 .România raportă luni 494 di noi infecții cu Covid-19, un numiru ma ñicu andicra didzuua di ma ninti. Eara adrati 17 di ñilli di testi, atea ţi nsimneadză ună rată di infectare di 2,91. Fură raportate 45 di decese, iara numirlu total di paciență yitripsiţ tru spitale scădzu la aproapea 4 ñilli. Ditu aeșţa, 700 sunt tru UTI. Majoritatea a cazurilor fură raportati tru capitala București și tru Cluj, vestul ali Românie. 7,6 miliuñi di oamiñi fură vaccinați complet tru România până tora. Persoanele cari yin tru România dit nafoara a Uniunillei Europene ică dit alti state dit nivelu aroșu și cari sunt nivaccinate va s’lipsească s’armână tru carantină kiro di 10 dzăli acă au testul PCR negativ.

    OMICRON. Marea Britanie raportă protlu deces a unlui pacient cari eara lăndzidu cu varianta Omicron. Autoritățli dit Londra raportară până tora cama di 3 ñilli di infecții cu naua variantă și prognozeadză că numirlu total di infecții va agiungă la ună miliuni. Varianta Omicron adusi găilpseari la nivel mondial și fu aflată pănă tora tru 63 di văsilii. Tru ună altă catandisi, OMS spusi isapea că numirlu alithea ti Covid-19 poati s’hibă di trei ori ma mari andicra di aţelu dimăndatu. Informațiile dimăndati di Școala di Medicină Johns Hopkins spuni că 270 di miliuñi di infecții și 5,3 miliuñi di decese. SUA fură naima zñiipsiti, cu aproapea 50 di miliuñi di cazuri și 800 di ñilli di decese. Varianta Delta easti nai ma araspandita varianta tu SUA, cu 99% infectii.

    TRANSNISTRIA. Ministerlu român di externe declară că România nu pricunoaşte legitimitatea a alidzerloru di dumănică tru regiunea separatistă pro-arusă Transnistria dit estul a Ripublicălleii Moldova, majoritară di limbă română. Tru ună declarație, aestu năpoi adusi aminti, tutunăoară, ti andrupămintulu, mutrinda ună crearei cuprindzătoare, iriñeatică și durabilă a conflictului tru simfunie cu ndreptul internațional, tiñisearea-a suveranitatillei și integritatillei teritorială a Ripublicăllei Moldova tru cadrul a sinurloru a llei pricunuscute internațional și fără să-lli zñiipsească calea europeană. Tutunăoară, autoritățli moldovenești spusiră ca hhindalui paranomu alidzerli dit Transnistria. Transnistria s-aampărţă di facto di Moldova tru 1992, dupu unu conflict armat tru cari fură vătămaţ suti di oameni și cari s-bitisi maş cu intervenția a askeriloru aruse di partea a separatiștilor.

    ANNUTARI. România va s’aducă ţinţi anutători la competiția di 25 m di la Abu Dhabi, Emiratili Arabe Unite, cari va s’ţănă tru dzălile di 16 și 21 di andreu. Anamisa di aeşţă s’arădăpsescu Robert Glință și David Popovici. Tu echipa-a Româniillei nca suntu George-Alexandru, Stoica-Constantin, Alexandra Dobrin și Bianca Costea. Aduţemu aminti că performanța a echipăllei ali Românie tru competiția di 25 m di Kazan, Rusia, ditu brumaru, lă adusi trei medalii. Malăma amintată di David Popovici la 200 m liber, iara ună asimi și un brundzu aamitati di Robert Glință la probile di 100 m și 50 m. Popovici aminta tru atea oară prima medalie di malămă tră România dit istoria a probilor di 25 m, după 4 medalii di asimi și 8 di brundzu.

    Autoru: Udălu a hăbărlor

    Armânipsearea: Taşcu Lala

  • Athlete of the Week

    Athlete of the Week

    This past weekend, the
    Romanian swimmer David Popovici won the gold in the 200m freestyle final of the
    European Short Course Swimming Championships in Kazan, Russia. Popovici came
    first with 1:42:12. At the age of only 17, he thus won his first continental
    senior title, while also setting a new national record. Second and third came 2
    Dutch swimmers, Luc Kroon and Stan Pijnenburg.

    Popovici’s gold was
    the 3rd medal for Romania in this short course championship, after
    the silver and bronze won by Robert Glinţă in the 100m and 50m backstroke finals.
    I’m glad I could attend this European competition. We’ve been quite united and
    had a lot of fun. And I’m also happy to have written history for Romanian
    swimming, said Popovici upon his return to Romania. He is the first Romanian,
    in fact, to have won a European short course championship.

    For his outstanding
    performance, Radio Romania International has designated David Popovici the
    Athlete of the Week.

    David Popovici was
    born on 15 September 2004, in Bucharest, and has specialised in freestyle races,
    having set the juniors’ world records for 100m and 200m freestyle. Also in the
    junior category, he is the European champion in the 50m, 100m and 200m
    freestyle events. In the same European Championship edition, held in Rome, he
    won the silver in the 4x100m freestyle relay with his Romanian teammates.

    His best performance
    was his qualification in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, where at 16 years of age, he
    came up 4th in the 200m freestyle final. I think in Tokyo I learned
    to better control my emotions, to focus on my lane and do what I do best,
    young Popovici also said upon his return from Kazan. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • Athlete of the Week

    Athlete of the Week

    This past weekend, the
    Romanian swimmer David Popovici won the gold in the 200m freestyle final of the
    European Short Course Swimming Championships in Kazan, Russia. Popovici came
    first with 1:42:12. At the age of only 17, he thus won his first continental
    senior title, while also setting a new national record. Second and third came 2
    Dutch swimmers, Luc Kroon and Stan Pijnenburg.

    Popovici’s gold was
    the 3rd medal for Romania in this short course championship, after
    the silver and bronze won by Robert Glinţă in the 100m and 50m backstroke finals.
    I’m glad I could attend this European competition. We’ve been quite united and
    had a lot of fun. And I’m also happy to have written history for Romanian
    swimming, said Popovici upon his return to Romania. He is the first Romanian,
    in fact, to have won a European short course championship.

    For his outstanding
    performance, Radio Romania International has designated David Popovici the
    Athlete of the Week.

    David Popovici was
    born on 15 September 2004, in Bucharest, and has specialised in freestyle races,
    having set the juniors’ world records for 100m and 200m freestyle. Also in the
    junior category, he is the European champion in the 50m, 100m and 200m
    freestyle events. In the same European Championship edition, held in Rome, he
    won the silver in the 4x100m freestyle relay with his Romanian teammates.

    His best performance
    was his qualification in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, where at 16 years of age, he
    came up 4th in the 200m freestyle final. I think in Tokyo I learned
    to better control my emotions, to focus on my lane and do what I do best,
    young Popovici also said upon his return from Kazan. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    On Sunday in Rome, the European Junior Swimming Championships came to a close. The Romanian team came home with 3 gold medals and a silver one. All the 3 European champion titles went to16-year old David Popovici, who won the 50, 100 and 200 m freestyle races, setting new junior world records in the latter 2 events. The silver medal went to the mens freestyle relay team, which apart from Popovici also included Mihai Gergely, Ştefan Cozma and Patrick Dinu.

    The Romanian tennis player Elena Gabriela Ruse won her first WTA trophy this Sunday. She won the Hamburg tournament after defeating the German Andrea Petkovic, 7-6, 6-4 in the final. Ruse, number 198 in the world prior to this tournament, defeated among others seed no. 1 Daiana Iastremska of Ukraine. The Romanian won 299 WTA points, going up to 133 in the world ranking.

    In the second leg of the Champions League qualifying first round, Romanian football champions CFR Cluj are playing this Tuesday away from home against the Bosnian team Borac Banja Luka. CFR won 3 – 1 the first leg, played last week on home turf. Meanwhile, on Saturday, the Cluj side missed the chance to win Romanias Super Cup, as they lost to Universitatea Craiova after penalty kicks.

    On Thursday, 15 July, Romanias football League One kicks off with a game between FC Botoşani and FCSB. On Friday, Academica Clinceni take on Sfântu Gheorghe away from home, while CFR Cluj play at home against FC “U Craiova. On Saturday, CS Mioveni take on Gaz Metan Mediaş, and Universitatea Craiova face FC Argeş on home turf. On Sunday, UTA Arad play at home against Farul Constanţa, while Rapid Bucureşti are pitted against Chindia Târgovişte. The leg concludes on Monday, 19 July, with Dinamo Bucharest vs. FC Voluntari. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    On Sunday in Rome, the European Junior Swimming Championships came to a close. The Romanian team came home with 3 gold medals and a silver one. All the 3 European champion titles went to16-year old David Popovici, who won the 50, 100 and 200 m freestyle races, setting new junior world records in the latter 2 events. The silver medal went to the mens freestyle relay team, which apart from Popovici also included Mihai Gergely, Ştefan Cozma and Patrick Dinu.

    The Romanian tennis player Elena Gabriela Ruse won her first WTA trophy this Sunday. She won the Hamburg tournament after defeating the German Andrea Petkovic, 7-6, 6-4 in the final. Ruse, number 198 in the world prior to this tournament, defeated among others seed no. 1 Daiana Iastremska of Ukraine. The Romanian won 299 WTA points, going up to 133 in the world ranking.

    In the second leg of the Champions League qualifying first round, Romanian football champions CFR Cluj are playing this Tuesday away from home against the Bosnian team Borac Banja Luka. CFR won 3 – 1 the first leg, played last week on home turf. Meanwhile, on Saturday, the Cluj side missed the chance to win Romanias Super Cup, as they lost to Universitatea Craiova after penalty kicks.

    On Thursday, 15 July, Romanias football League One kicks off with a game between FC Botoşani and FCSB. On Friday, Academica Clinceni take on Sfântu Gheorghe away from home, while CFR Cluj play at home against FC “U Craiova. On Saturday, CS Mioveni take on Gaz Metan Mediaş, and Universitatea Craiova face FC Argeş on home turf. On Sunday, UTA Arad play at home against Farul Constanţa, while Rapid Bucureşti are pitted against Chindia Târgovişte. The leg concludes on Monday, 19 July, with Dinamo Bucharest vs. FC Voluntari. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • 26.07.2019


    Der Beitritt des Landes zum Schengenraum bleibt eine Priorität für die rumänische Diplomatie, hat die neue Au‎ßenministerin Ramona Manescu gegenüber einem TV-Sender betont. Sowohl das europäische Parlament als auch die Europäische Kommission hätten ihrerseits mehrmals bekräftigt, dass Bukarest aus technischer und logistischer Sicht bereit sei, dem grenzkontrolfreien Raum beizutreten. Das Land funktioniere de facto als Schengen-Staat, obwohl es nicht wie ein de jure Mitglied betrachtet wird, fügte Manescu hinzu. Rumänien besteht auf die Einhaltung des Abkommens, da wir ein vollwertiges Mitglied sind, das seinen Verpflichtungen nachgekommen ist. Niemand kann den Beitrag Rumäniens zur Sicherheitszone bestreiten, denn wir sprechen nicht mehr über die Ostflanke der NATO, sondern auch über die Ostflanke der EU, erklärte Manescu. Im Anschlu‎ß betonte die Ministerin, dass die Strategische Partnerschaft mit den USA nach wie vor vor gro‎ßen Bedeutung für die rumänischen Behörden sei und dass Bukarest gegenüber Russland die gleiche Position wie die NATO und die Europäische Union hat.

    Das rumänische Au‎ßenministerium hat am Freitag auf die Anschuldigungen Serbien geantwortet, das dem Nachbarland vorwirft eine Ladung russischer militärischer Fahrzeuge auf der Donau blockiert zu haben. Bukarest erklärte, es habe lediglich die von der EU gegen Russland verhängten Sanktionen respektiert. Darüber hinaus erlauben die rumänischen Gesetze den Transit von militärischen Transporten nur wenn der transportierende ein Rumäne ist. Dies Vorschrift steht im Einklang mit den Beschlüssen des Rates der EU, betonte die rumänische Seite.

    Ab Sonntag können sich die Auslandsrumänen auf der Plattform www.votstrainatate.ro registrieren, einer von der Wahlbehörde eingerichteten Website, die darauf abzielt, die Rumänen im Ausland bei der bevorstehenden Präsidentschaftswahl im November besser über das Wahlverfahren zu informieren. Auch das Ministerium für Auslandsrumänen hat eine Informationskampagne gestartet, in der angekündigt wird, dass über fünfeinhalb Millionen Rumänen das Land verlassen haben. Zusammen mit den Rumänen, die in den alteingesessenen Gemeinschaften leben, liegt die Zahl der im Ausland lebenden Rumänen bei fast 10 Millionen Menschen. In einem Interview mit Radio Rumänien sagte die Ressortministerin Natalia Intotero, dass die Rolle des von ihr geleiteten Ministeriums darin besteht, alle zuständigen Institutionen bei der Durchführung der künftigen Wahlen mit allen ihr zur Verfügung stehenden Mitteln zu unterstützen, auch mit Hilfe der rumänischen Verbände im Ausland sowie durch eine verbesserte Zusammenarbeit mit den diplomatischen Vertretungen und Vertretern der rumänischen Konsulate.

    Die Zahl der Übergänge an dem rumänisch-bulgarischen Grenzübergangsstelle Vama Veche hat einen Allzeit Rekord erreicht. Mehr als 730 Tausend Menschen haben die Grenze zu Bulgarien in den ersten sechs Monaten des Jahres passiert. Gegenüber derselben Zeitspanne des Vorjahres waren es um 40 % mehr.

    Fünf Personen wurden von der Direktion zur Bekämpfung des Organisierten Verbrechens und Terrorismus (DIICOT) festgenommen. Es handelt sich um eine Operation gegen eine Gruppierung der organisierten Verbrechens, die sich mit dem Schmuggeln von Migranten nach Mexiko, in die USA und in andere Länder befasst. Die aus rumänischen und mexikanischen Bürgern bestehende Vereinigung ist seit 2012 aktiv und hat sich auch mit Kreditkartenbetrug beschäftigt. Das Geld aus diesen kriminellen Aktivitäten wurde für den Kauf von Grundstücken, Gebäuden, Luxusautos oder als Kapital für zweifelhafte Unternehmen mit Sitz in Mexiko und Rumänien verwendet.

    Der rumänische Schwimmer David Popovici hat am Donnerstag beim 50-Meter-Freistilrennen bei den Europäischen Jugendspielen in Baku, Aserbaidschan, die Silbermedaille gewonnen. Popovici hatte zuvor die Goldmedaille im 100-Meter-Rennen im Freistil erhalten und damit einen neuen Wettbewerbsrekord aufgestellt. Die rumänischen Athletinnen und Athleten haben bisher Medaillen bei Judo, Ringen, Schwimmen und Gymnastik erhalten. Bis zum 27. Juli nehmen 103 rumänische Sportler an den Europäischen Jugendspielen in Baku teil.