Tag: Poseidon

  • 15.07.2023 (mise à jour)

    15.07.2023 (mise à jour)

    Manoeuvres – Le port roumain de Constanta, à la mer Noire, a
    accueilli samedi la cérémonie d’ouverture de l’exercice Poseidon 2023 qui
    réunit 750 militaires de neuf pays membres de l’OTAN, à savoir la Roumanie, la
    Bulgarie, la Belgique, la Grèce, la France, l’Italie, la Grande Bretagne, les
    Etats-Unis et la Turquie. Déroulé jusqu’au 21 juillet, l’exercice multinational
    comportera des entrainements de lutte contre les mines, tout comme une séquence
    de coopération entre les différentes institutions en cas d’accidents collectifs
    et calamités aux victimes multiples.

    Grève – Plus d’un quart de million de passagers dont des Roumains
    ont été impactés samedi, par une grève dans le transport aérien déclenchée en
    Italie. La plupart des voyageurs étaient des touristes, en vacances. Les
    syndicats du personnel au sol réclament le renouvelement de leurs contrats de
    travail expirés depuis six ans. Les conditions contractuelles de travail
    mécontentent aussi les pilotes des deux compagnies aériennes qui ont également
    protesté. Selon la correspondante Radio Roumanie à Rome, les autorités
    critiquent les syndicats pour cette grève déclenchée durant les grandes
    vacances. Par ailleurs, une grève est
    sur le point d’éclater en Grande Bretagne, sur l’aéroport de Gatwich, à
    Londres, deuxième aéroport le plus fréquenté du pays.

    Chisinau – La cheffe de cabinet de la présidente moldave,
    Maia Sandu, Ecaterina Casinge, sera à partir du mois prochain la nouvelle porte
    -parole du président du Conseil européen, Charles Michel, apprend-on sur
    politico.eu cité samedi par Radio Chisinau. Dans un communiqué de presse,
    l’institution européenne a annoncé que l’actuel porte-parole de M. Michel,
    Barend Leyts, rejoindra le cabinet du premier ministre belge, Alexander De
    Croo, en tant que directeur de communication. Ecaterina Casinge a été nommée
    cheffe de cabinet de Mme. Sandu le 11 juillet 2022. Antérieurement, elle a fait
    partie de l’équipe de l’euro-parlementaire roumain, Siegfried Muresan.

    – Les policiers de frontière de la Garde côte et les douaniers du Bureau des
    douanes aux frontières ont saisi une capture de 41.000 flacons de parfum
    contrefaits, dans un conteneur venu de Chine. La valeur marchande est estimée
    à quelque deux millions et demie d’euros, lit-on dans un communiqué de
    l’Inspection générale de la Police aux frontières. Le conteneur avait comme
    destination une société commerciale en Ukraine.

    Mathématiques – Avec cinq médailles d’or et une d’argent, la
    Roumanie s’est classée première en Europe et quatrième dans le monde à
    l’Olympiade internationale de Mathématiques déroulé à Chiba, au Japon. Selon un
    communiqué du Ministère de l’Education nationale, les six médailles décrochées
    ont valu à la Roumanie sa meilleure position des 24 dernières années. Tous les élèves
    médaillés sont de Bucarest.

    – Après une défaite subie vendredi soir, dans les demi-finales, contre la
    Hongrie, l’équipe roumaine de handball féminin recontrera dimanche le Portugal
    pour se disputer la médaille de bronze du Championnat européen de handball
    féminin des Moins de 19 ans qui se déroule à Pitesti et Mioveni. Avec deux
    titres continentaux pour cette catégorie d’âge, la Hongrie rencontrera en
    finale le Danemark. La Roumanie a dans son palmarès deux titres de championne
    européenne des Moins de 19 ans, en 1998 et 2000.

    Météo – Ces 24 prochaines heures, une vague de forte
    chaleur déferlera sur le sud, l’ouest et le sud-est de la Roumanie. L’indice
    humidex dépassera le seuil critique de 80 unités. Le ciel sera plutôt bleu, à
    l’exception des Carpates méridionales où les météorologues prévoient des pluies
    et des orages. Les températures iront dimanche de 28 à 38 degrés.

  • February 27, 2019 UPDATE

    February 27, 2019 UPDATE

    REACTIONS Romanian politicians had various reactions on Wednesday after the
    Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) in the European
    Parliament had granted 26 votes to the former chief of Romania’s main
    anti-corruption agency (DNA), Laura Codruta Kovesi who is running for the seat
    of chief prosecutor of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. Kovesi was
    followed by French Jean-Francois Bohnert with 22 votes and Andreas Ritter of
    Germany with one. Kovesi has also mustered the largest number of votes 22, in
    the Committee on Budgetary Control. The future chief prosecutor of the European
    Prosecutor’s Office will be appointed after negotiations between the community
    legislature and the Council of the member states, which has previously granted
    more points to the French candidate. The opposition in Bucharest hailed Kovesi’s
    success and criticized the ruling PSD-ALDE coalition for ‘having betrayed
    Romania’ by masterminding a smear campaign against the Romanian candidate. PSD
    and ALDE have underlined the vote in the LIBE committee was a perfect proof of
    ‘how the political factor can influence this choice’ adding the Romanian
    Social-Democratic MEPs have voted against Kovesi in response to the abuses she
    committed while heading the DNA in Bucharest. The European Prosecutor’s Office is
    to be an independent and decentralized prosecution office of the European Union
    with competences for investigating, prosecuting and bringing to justice crimes
    against the EU budget, such as fraud, corruption or cross-border VAT fraud.
    This body is due to begin activity by the end of next year.

    TROOPS Nearly 500 servicemen from the US ground troops deployed to Europe and
    their equipment are to arrive at the Mihail Kogalniceanu airbase in
    south-eastern Romania at the end of this month. According to a communiqué
    issued by the Romanian Defence Ministry, the US troops are to remain in Romania
    nine months after which they are to be replaced by other units so that a
    continuous rotation of troops in Europe is achieved as part of the US
    commitment to providing security in NATO’s eastern flank. The US servicemen
    will join their Romanian counterparts for various multinational drills. In
    another development over 1100 troops are to attend the first multinational
    exercise staged by the Romanian Navy in 2019 entitled ‘Poseidon 19’. The event
    will bring together warships from Romania, Bulgaria, Germany, Spain and Turkey.
    A Puma Naval helicopter, two MIG 21 and two F-16 fighter jets belonging to the
    Romanian Air Forces are to participate in the exercise.

    JUSTICE In 2018 big pressure was
    exerted on the Romanian justice system and moves to change the justice laws and
    the criminal codes continued, said Wednesday Romania’s prosecutor general
    Augustin Lazar at the Public Ministry assessment meeting. He added that last
    year politicians did their best and managed to dismiss the chief prosecutor of
    the National Anticorruption Directorate. The prosecutor general underlined in
    his speech that the proposals of the General Prosecutors’ Office
    representatives were ignored when legislative amendments were passed. According
    to Lazar, some of the amendments run counter to Romania’s international
    obligations and the European bodies confirmed the appropriateness of the Public
    Ministry’s stand on the matter. Prosecutors had to deal with 1.7 million files
    in 2018 of which they solved more than 500 thousand. Attending the assessment
    meeting, the Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said that Romanians wanted to
    have a country without corruption. The interference of the political factor in
    the judiciary has become more visible, he added. Today’s meeting is taking
    place in the context in which hundreds of magistrates from across Romania are
    protesting against the new modifications brought to the justice laws through an
    emergency decree.

    (translated by bill)

  • March 8, 2017

    March 8, 2017

    INTL WOMENS DAY – The International Womens Day is celebrated today in many countries. In Romania, where according to the latest data made public by the National Statistics Institute more than 10 million women live, women are celebrated in a series of debates, exhibitions, concerts, book launches and other events. The European Parliament is hosting a meeting of the Committee on Womens Rights and Gender Equality, with the theme Womens Economic Empowerment: Lets Act Together! the International Womens Day was first marked in the early 20th Century, after an organisation sponsored a meeting on womens rights in New York.

    EUROPEAN COUNCIL – A “multi-speed Europe as a solution to give fresh impetus to the European project after Brexit will be the focus of talks at the European Council meeting due on Thursday and Friday in Brussels, where Romania will be represented by President Klaus Iohannis. The two-speed Europe idea, backed by Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, is also strongly supported by France and Germany, which were joined on Monday in Versailles by Italy and Spain. Romania will oppose this plan, as the President pointed out once again on Tuesday in Bucharest. In turn, the Romanian PM Sorin Grindeanu will present Romanias stand in Brussels today, at the meeting of the Party of European Socialists. Other countries are also concerned with the prospect of becoming second-level member states. These include the members of the Visegrad Group (Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia), who have already opposed Brussels policy on migration.

    RESIGNATION – The former prime minister of Romania, Deputy Victor Ponta, has today announced he is submitting his undated resignation from the Social Democratic Party, and leaving it to the party president Liviu Dragnea to make a decision in this respect. Ponta added that he and Dragnea no longer worked together. Dragnea replied that he would never agree with the ex-PM leaving the party. The announcement comes after many speculations in the media regarding the cold relations between the two leading Social Democrats. In 2015, Ponta became the first PM in office to be subject to criminal investigations for corruption offences, and in the same year he stepped down as head of the party and of the government, amid massive street protests. Dragnea took over the presidency of the Social Democratic Party. In 2016, Dragnea himself received a suspended 2-year prison sentence, for attempted election fraud, and is currently on trial in a separate corruption case.

    MILITARY – The Atlantic Resolve and Poseidon 2017 multinational military exercises continue today at the “Mihail Kogalniceanu airbase in south-eastern Romania and in the Black Sea. For the first time, 8 American helicopters are taking part in the drills. They were deployed from several European countries, as part of the US commitment to strengthen the eastern flank of NATO. This is the first such unit deployed to Eastern Europe, as part of Operation Atlantic Resolve, which brings together over 2,200 troops, 86 helicopters and over 700 pieces of military equipment sent from several American ports to Germany, Latvia and Romania. Also today, a sea survey vessel, Alexandru Cătuneanu is conducting research training at sea.

    ITB BERLIN – 40 tour-operators from Romania are taking part until Sunday in the Berlin Travel Trade Show, the largest such fair in the world. According to a news release issued by the Romanian Tourism Ministry, destinations from around the country will be presented. Romanias stand will also host egg painting demonstrations, and folk costume and traditional jewellery design workshops. During a Romanian-themed evening, traditional Romanian music, dance and cuisine will be introduced to visitors. The Tourism Minister, Mircea-Titus Dobre, is taking part today, on the first day of the trade show, in the Silk Road Ministers Meeting, an event organised by the World Tourism Organisation. Tomorrow, the Romanian official will have meetings with his counterparts from Poland, Serbia, and Ukraine, and then he will give an address at the Danube Salon, a conference devoted to joint tourism projects by riparian countries. Romania has been taking part in this trade show since 1970.

    TENNIS – The Romanians Sorana Cirstea (66 WTA) and Monica Niculescu (45 WTA) are playing against each other today in the opening round of the Premier Mandatory tournament of Indian Wells, in the USA, with 6.9 million US dollars in prize money. Three other players from Romania, Simona Halep (4 WTA), Irina Begu (32 WTA) and Patricia Tig (99 WTA) are also playing in the tournament. Halep and Begu are playing in the second round. Last year Simona Halep was eliminated from the quarter-finals of this tournament by world no. 1 Serena Williams.