Tag: probe

  • April 14, 2023 UPDATE

    April 14, 2023 UPDATE

    Visit — The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis will pay official visits to Brazil, Chile and Argentina from April 18 to 26, the Presidential Administration announced on Friday. According to the aforementioned source, these visits are meant to re-launch the high-level dialogue with the Latin American states and to revitalize bilateral relations at political, diplomatic, and sectoral levels, being intended to open new opportunities for collaboration in areas of high interest, including in relation to the common response to a series of global challenges. The Presidential Administration shows that the Romanian president will highlight in all official discussions the unprecedented security challenges that Romania must manage at the national level and, together with its partners, at the European and Euro-Atlantic levels, given the complexity of the current global context.

    Space – The European Space Agency’s Juice probe blasted off, on Friday, on a mission to Jupiter to discover whether Jupiters moons are capable of hosting extraterrestrial life, France Press reports. The spacecraft was launched on an Ariane 5 rocket from Europes spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. “Juice is the most complex probe ever sent to Jupiter,” emphasized ESAs Director General, Josef Aschbacher. It has ten scientific instruments on board (optical camera, imaging spectrometer, radar, altimeter, magnetometer and many more). The probe is also equipped with huge solar panels, measuring 85 square meters – the size of a basketball court – to maintain power in an environment where the Suns light is 25 times weaker than on Earth.

    Expenses — All Romanian ministries have presented plans to reduce expenses to balance the budget, but many do not want to give up the allocated funds. According to Radio Romania’s correspondent, they justified every penny they received from the budget, while others came with small reductions, so that, all in all, the sum of the proposed spending reductions is far from the target of 20 billion lei (approx. 4 billion Euros), which should be saved until the end of the year. The Labor Ministry proposes a 20% reduction of fuel expenses and a reduction of non-essential internal and external trips. The Tourism Ministry is also considering the tourism marketing chapter. However, there are also ministries that will not substantially reduce expenses, such as the Ministry of European Investments and Projects, where the employees are paid mostly from European money, while the Ministry of Culture proposed savings of only 2 million lei. All proposals will be analyzed next week in the government meeting. Also next week, the Finance Ministry is expected to come up with its own analysis regarding the reduction of expenses and the increase in budget receipts.

    Ukraine – Romania will continue to support Ukraine as long as it is necessary to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity, said the Romanian Defense Minister Angel Tîlvăr, on Thursday, in Bucharest, after the meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart, Oleksii Reznikov. The Ukrainian defense minister was on his first official visit to Romania, where he participated in the first conference on security in the Black Sea organized within the International Crimea Platform. During the meeting, the Romanian minister condemned in the toughest terms the war of aggression illegally and unjustifiably launched by Russia against Ukraine, which killed many civilians and destroyed critical infrastructure in many regions of Ukraine. The agenda of the meeting included talks on aspects related to the intensification of bilateral cooperation, also in the context of the EU and NATO, the Romanian side reiterating the importance of continuing the political and military dialogue and its implementation by prioritizing the implementation of the Comprehensive Assistance Package within the Alliance. (LS)

  • Bacalaureat 2015

    Bacalaureat 2015

    Aproape 169 de mii de tineri români s-au înscris la sesiunea iunie-iulie 2015 a examenului de Bacalaureat. Sunt cu peste 7.000 mai mulţi decât în aceeaşi sesiune a anului trecut. Dintre înscrişi, circa 144 de mii de candidaţi (77%) provin din promoţia curentă, iar aproape 25 de mii (23%) – din seriile anterioare. Examenele au început pe 8 iunie cu evaluarea orală, pe parcursul a trei zile, a competenţelor lingvistice de comunicare în limba română. Aceasta a fost urmată de evaluarea competenţelor digitale, precum şi a celor într-o limbă de circulaţie internaţională.

    Probele scrise au debutat pe 29 iunie cu testarea cunoştinţelor la limba şi literatura română. Primele rezultate vor fi afişate pe 6 iulie, iar cele finale, după contestaţii, pe 10 iulie. În premieră, de anul acesta, fără a se schimba în vreun fel modul de organizare a examenelor, lucrările scrise la Bacalaureat vor fi corectate în alte judeţe decât în cele în care sunt susţinute. Ministrul educaţiei, Sorin Câmpeanu, explica, într-o conferinţă de presă, că această posibilitate figurează în Metodologia de organizare şi desfăşurare a examenului încă din 2011.

    Sorin Câmpeanu: “Elevul nu poate fi interesat, nu este interesat de locul în care se corectează lucrările. Profesorul nu este şi nu poate fi interesat decât de numărul de lucrări pe care trebuie să le corecteze, nu de unde provin aceste lucrări, ale cui sunt. Sistemul este, deja, obişnuit, pentru că dintotdeauna contestaţiile la lucrările scrise la Bacalaureat s-au judecat în alte judeţe. Este doar un plus de activitate pentru comisii pe care ni-l asumăm. Am încredere că rezultatele vor fi bune şi este păcat ca nişte rezultate să facă obiectul unor suspiciuni de cele mai multe ori nedrepte.

    Sunt voci care consideră că, prin corectarea lucrărilor în alte judeţe, va fi eliminată posibilitatea favorizării unora dintre elevi. Există, însă, şi contestatari care cred că măsura este o pierdere de timp şi de bani. Mai mult decât atât! Corpul profesoral, bănuit de numeroase nereguli în anii trecuţi, inclusiv de luare de mită, ar fi incriminat şi mai mult. Între timp, de la începutul săptămânii trecute, la minister se lucrează la o nouă Lege a Educaţiei, care va pune accent pe reînfiinţarea şcolilor tehnice, a şcolilor profesionale şi a şcolilor postliceale cu profil tehnic.

    Potrivit secretarului de stat din Ministerul Educaţiei, Vasile Şalaru, pentru elaborarea noii legi, cei de la minister intenţionează să se consulte cu sindicaliştii, cu inspectorii şcolari şi cu populaţia prin intermediul unui referendum, care să aibă loc odată cu alegerile locale de anul viitor.

  • February 17, 2015 UPDATE

    February 17, 2015 UPDATE

    DIPLOMACY – The Romanian president, Klaus Iohannis, received the Ukrainian foreign minister Pavlo Klimkin in Bucharest on Tuesday. Talks focused on the strengthening of bilateral relations and the latest developments in Ukraine, after a ceasefire agreement was signed last week in Minsk. The Romanian head of state expressed his hope that the truce will be respected and will lead to stability in the region. The president has also reiterated Romania’s support for ensuring the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of the former Soviet republic and for its carrying on its European accession efforts. In a separate meeting with the Romanian foreign minister, Bogdan Aurescu, the Ukrainian official proposed a joint meeting of the governments of the two neighbouring countries.

    CORRUPTION PROBE – The head of the Prahova County Council, Mircea Cosma, and two MEPs, his son Vlad Cosma and Sebastian Ghiţă, are subject to investigations by the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, in a case involving the misappropriation of European funds. Mircea and Vlad Cosma are probed into, among other things, for supporting an organised crime group, while Sebastian Ghita, owner of a television station and having close relations with PM Victor Ponta, for misuse of authority and influence peddling. Also involved in the same case is the Prime Minister’s brother-in-law, Iulian Herţanu, suspected of having established an organised crime group. The losses are put at nearly 2 million euros.

    JUDICIARY – The High Court of Cassation and Justice in Romania Tuesday replaced the detention pending trial decision with a house arrest ruling in the case of Deputy Elena Udrea, a former minister for development and tourism. She is accused, among others, of abuse of office, influence peddling, money laundering and submitting false wealth statements. Meanwhile, the National Anti-Corruption Directorate sent a new request to the Chamber of Deputies, for approval of the former minister’s arrest pending trial for bribery offences. Elena Udrea allegedly received over 1 million euros to help several companies that had contracts with the Romanian government.

    GREEK BAILOUT – There is no Plan B in the Greek debt talks, the European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs Pierre Moscovici said in Brussels on Tuesday. The statement was made on the sidelines of a meeting of the EU finance ministers, one day after a new failure in negotiations between Athens and the eurozone, AFP reports. On the other hand, also on Tuesday, the Greek PM, Alexis Tsipras, announced that the Parliament in Athens will vote on Friday on a substantial social package. The measures, designed to help employees, the unemployed and small enterprises, will help restart the economy, Tsipras said. Without a new agreement with the international lenders, Greece, which cannot borrow funds from foreign markets because of the high interest rates, risks defaulting and exiting the eurozone, experts warn. Greece’s debt amounts to around 315 billion euro, nearly 175% of the GDP.

    UKRAINE – The EU Tuesday called for the pull back of heavy guns in eastern Ukraine, as stipulated in the ceasefire agreement signed last week. Meanwhile, the governmental forces and the pro-Russian secessionists accuse each other of breaking the truce, which took effect on Saturday night. According to international news agencies, fighting continues around the strategic Ukrainian town of Debaltseve, a railway hub connecting the regions of Luhansk and Donetsk, both controlled by the separatists. On the other hand, the rebels denied the access of observers from the OSCE, particularly in Debaltseve. Since the conflict broke out 10 months ago, over 5,600 people, mostly civilians, have died in eastern Ukraine.