Tag: PyeongChang

  • Sport Club RRI – Cronică olimpică

    Sport Club RRI – Cronică olimpică

    La PyeongChang, în Coreea de Sud, continuă
    Jocurile Olimpice de iarnă. Marţi, Raluca Strămăturaru a reuşit cea mai bună
    performanţă a României la Jocurile Olimpice de iarnă din ultimii 24 de ani. Ea
    s-a clasat pe locul 7 în proba feminină de sanie.

    Românca a fost a opta după prima manşă. S-a
    clasat apoi a 12-a în manşa secundă, a noua în manşa a treia şi a şasea în
    ultima manşă. A fost cronometrată cu timpul cumulat de 3 minute, 6 secunde şi
    288 de miimi. A câştigat sportiva germană Natalie Geisenberger, urmată de
    Dajana Eitberger, tot din Germania. Medalia de bronz i-a revenit sportivei
    canadiene Alex Gough. Au urmat, în clasament, încă o sportivă din Germania, una
    din Canada şi una din Statele Unite. Astfel, România este a patra ţară la sanie
    individual feminin. Să mai notăm că, la Jocurile de la PyeongChang, Raluca
    Strămăturaru va concura şi în proba de ştafetă pe echipe, în 15 februarie.

    Raluca Strămăturaru s-a născut în ziua de
    22 noiembrie 1985, la Sinaia. A participat la Jocurile Olimpice din 2010, de la
    Vancouver, unde s-a clasat pe locul 21. La Olimpiada de la Soci, din 2014, a
    terminat pe locul 30.

    O clasare atât de bună precum locul 7
    obţinut de Raluca Strămăturaru la PyeongChang nu am mai înregistrat din 1994,
    de la Jocurile găzduite de Norvegia, la Lillehammer. Atunci, Ioan Apostol şi
    Liviu Cepoi au ocupat locul 6 la sanie-2. În 1998, la Nagano, cel mai bun
    rezultat a fost obţinut de Eva Tofalvi, care s-a situat pe locul 11 la biatlon.
    În 2002, la Salt Lake City, Eugen Radu şi Marian Tican au terminat pe locul 15
    la sanie-2.

    La Torino, în 2006, cel mai bun rezultat al delegaţiei României a
    fost locul 14, obţinut de Gheorghe Chiper, la patinaj artistic, şi la biatlon,
    de ştafeta feminină de 4×6 km. Tot ştafeta de 4×6 km a biatlonistelor a adus şi
    cel mai bun rezultat de la Vancouver, în 2010, respectiv locul 10. În fine, la
    Soci, în 2014, cel mai bun loc a fost 17, la bob-2 feminin, obţinut de Maria
    Adela Constantin şi Andreea Grecu, şi la bob-2 masculin, prin Florin Cezar
    Crăciun şi Nicolae Istrate.

  • February 10, 2018 UPDATE

    February 10, 2018 UPDATE

    INFLATION – The National Bank of Romania has revised upward, to 3.5%, the inflation rate forecast for the end of the year, the governor of the National Bank of Romania, Mugur Isărescu, has announced. According to an earlier forecast, the inflation rate was estimated at 3.1%. Isarescu explained the main engine of economic growth is consumption, a situation which has had negative effects on the trade deficit which increased by 30% in 2017. Mugur Isărescu has also mentioned some structural problems with a significant impact on the economy, among which tensions on the labour market, the growing difference between the level of imports and exports, the fiscal and income policy which is currently being pursued and whose effects are likely to disappear only as of next year.

    MEDICINES – The process of introducing the European Medicines Verification System (EMVS) has officially been launched in Romania. The system will become operational in all EU member states next year. Consequently, as of February 9, 2019, only the medicines which respect the new security regulations in the field will circulate across the EU. The relevant authorities, representatives of the line industry and pharmacists say the initiative is essential in ensuring the patients safety and health, given that there is a growing risk of fake products entering the commercial chain. According to the new regulations, pharmacists will no longer be allowed to open medicine boxes and to sell only a few tablets, if patients make such a request.

    TOURISM – The most exquisite Romanian tourist project, the ice hotel at Bâlea Lake has been officially inaugurated, in the presence of the Canadian ambassador to Bucharest, Kevin Hamilton. The theme of the ice hotel this year is music. The 14 rooms and igloos are decorated with ice statues featuring such famous artists as Madonna, Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley. Tourists had the opportunity to get accommodation in the ice hotel as early as December 2017. A double room costs 100 Euros. Those who want to only visit the hotel should pay a ticket worth 3 Euros for adults and 2 Euros for children. Tourists can reach Bâlea Lake, at an altitude of over 2,000 m, by cable car, which covers a distance of 3,700m, over Balea Valley. The ice hotel is the only of its kind in Romania.

    JOINT DRILLS – One hundred Romanian troops will take part, as of Monday in joint military exercises alongside some 200 military from the United States, Moldova, Bulgaria and Ukraine. The exercises will be unfolding for five days, at a military base in Babadag, in Tulcea County, south-eastern Romania.

    MALTA – The Romanian Foreign Ministry has confirmed, based on data provided by the representatives of the consular office in Catania (Sicily, Italy) that a Romanian citizen died and another one was injured during a storm which hit Malta on Saturday. Romanias Consulate in Catania is monitoring the situation, is in permanent contact with the local authorities as well as with the Romanian national who has sustained injuries, providing the necessary consular assistance. The two Romanian nationals were travelling by a van which was hit by a falling tree. Gale force wind and torrential rain hit Malta, submerging roads, after months of low-level precipitations.

    WINTER OLYMIC GAMES– The first of the 28 Romanian athletes taking part in the Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang, South Korea, which come to a close on February 25, on Saturday ran in the first competitions. They took part in the cross-country skiing, luge and biathlon events. PyeongChang in the Taebaek Mountains got the right to organise the Winter Olympic Games after having submitted its candidacy three times, in 2010, 2014 and 2018. It is the first edition of the Winter Olympic Games and the second edition of the Olympic Games hosted by South Korea. PyeongChang is also the third Asian city to host the Winter Olympic Games, after Sapporo in 1972 and Nagano in 1998, both in Japan. Over a period of more than two weeks, PyeongChang will host 102 sports events. This edition of the Olympic Games is attended by over 2,900 athletes from 95 countries.

  • Nachrichten 10.02.2018

    Nachrichten 10.02.2018

    Die Nationalbank von Rumänien hat die Inflationsprognose für Ende dieses Jahres auf 3,5% nach oben korrigiert. Das sagte der Gouverneur der BNR, Mugur Isărescu, am Freitag. Die bisherige Prognose deutete auf eine Inflation von 3,2% im Jahr 2018 hin. Für das Jahresende 2019 schätzt die Zentralbank eine Inflationsrate von 3,1%. Isărescu erklärte, dass das Wirtschaftswachstum vor allem durch den Konsum angetrieben werde, eine Situation, die sich negativ auf das Handelsdefizit auswirke: Dieses sei 2017 um 30% gestiegen. Von den strukturellen Problemen, die die Wirtschaft prägen, verwies Mugur Isărescu auf die Spannungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, die steigende Kluft zwischen Importen und Exporten zugunsten der Importe sowie die Steuer- und Einnahmenpolitik, deren Auswirkungen erst im nächsten Jahr abnehmen würden.

    In Rumänien ist die Einführung des Europäischen Systems zur Kontrolle von Arzneimitteln eingeleitet worden. Dazu wurde ein offizielles Verfahren zur Einführung des Systems gestartet, das in einem Jahr in allen EU-Ländern laufen soll. Daher werden ab dem 9. Februar 2019 nur Arzneimittel in den Umlauf gebracht, die den neuen Sicherheitsvorschriften entsprechen. Behörden, Industrievertreter und Apotheker betrachten die Initiative als wesentlich für die Sicherheit und Gesundheit der Patienten. Derzeit sei die Gefahr, dass gefälschte Produkte in den Handel gerieten, immer grö‎ßer, so die Begründung. Nach den neuen Regeln ist es auch auf Anfrage der Patienten nicht mehr möglich, die Packungen zur Entnahme von einigen Tabletten zu öffnen.

    Der rumänische Justizminister Tudorel Toader will innerhalb von höchstens zwei Wochen in der Regierung für das neue Gesetz über den Beamtenstatus der rumänischen Strafvollzugs-Angestellten werben. Anschlie‎ßend würde der Entwurf dem Parlament zur Debatte vorgelegt, sagte der Vorsitzende des Gewerkschafts-Verbandes der Landesverwaltung der Strafvollzugsanstalten, Sorin Dumitraşcu. Er hatte zuvor mit dem Minister Toader über Gründe der Unzufriedenheit bei den Angestellten diskutiert, darunter: unpassende Arbeitsbedingungen, Personalmangel und die Nichtbezahlung der Überstunden. Indes hat der Justizminister in einem sozialen Netzwerk die bereits zugunsten des Strafvollzugs getroffenen Ma‎ßnahmen bekannt gegeben. Dazu gehören ab dem 1. Oktober unter anderem die Anhebung der Gehälter um 10%, die Aufstockung der Planstellen um 1000 Posten und die Anwerbung von gut 1700 neuen Angestellten. Au‎ßerdem wurden im Budget für das laufende Jahr Investitionen für die Schaffung von 5000 neuen Haftplätzen bis 2023 vorgesehen.

    SPORT: Die ersten von ingesamt 28 rumänischen Winter-Athleten gehen am Wochenende bei den Olympischen Winterspielen im südkoreanischen PyeongChang an den Start. Die Rumänen konkurrieren im Skilanglauf, Rodeln und Biathlon. Die Stadt PyeongChang in der Nähe des Taebaek-Gebirges bekam den Zuschlag für die Ausrichtung der “Wei‎ßen Olympischen Spiele”, nachdem die Bewerbungen von 2010 und 2014 zweimal in Folge gescheitert waren. Es ist die erste Ausgabe der Olympischen Winterspiele und die zweite Ausgabe Olympischer Spiele im Allgemeinen in Südkorea. PyeongChang ist ferner die dritte asiatische Stadt, in der die Winterolympiade ausgetragen wird, nach Sapporo im Jahr 1972 und Nagano im Jahr 1998, beide in Japan. Über 2 Wochen werden in PyeongChang 102 Sportveranstaltungen in 15 Disziplinen und sieben Sportarten ausgetragen. Mehr als 2.900 Athleten aus 95 Ländern nehmen an dieser Ausgabe der Winterspiele teil.

    Rumäniens Tennis-Damen führen in der FedCup-Begegnung mit Kanada mit 2:0 nach dem ersten Wettkampftag. In der ersten Einzelbegegnung in Klausenburg bezwang Sorana Cîrstea (38. WTA) am Samstag die rund 100 Ränge schlechter platzierte Carol Zhao deutlich mit 6:2 und 6:2 nach nur 53 Minuten. Im zweiten Spiel des Tages hatte Irina Begu (37. WTA) wesentlich mehr Mühe gegen die Kanadierin rumänischer Abstammung Bianca Andreescu (173. WTA). Dennoch behielt die Rumänin am Ende die Kontrolle und gewann mit 6:3, 6:7 und 6:2. Am Sonntag treffen zunächst Begu und Zhao und anschlie‎ßend Cîrstea und Andreescu aufeinander. Sollte die Partie nach den vier Einzelbegegnungen unentschieden sein, treten im alles entscheidenden Doppel Ana Bogdan/Raluca Olaru gegen Katherina Sebov/Gabriela Dabrowski an.

  • February 10, 2018

    February 10, 2018

    INFLATION — The National Bank of Romania has revised upward, to 3.5%, the inflation rate forecast for the end of the year, the governor of the National Bank of Romania, Mugur Isărescu, has announced. According to an earlier forecast, the inflation rate was estimated at 3.1%. Isarescu explained the main engine of economic growth is consumption, a situation which has had negative effects on the trade deficit which increased by 30% in 2017. Mugur Isărescu has also mentioned some structural problems with a significant impact on the economy, among which tensions on the labour market, the growing difference between the level of imports and exports, the fiscal and income policy which is currently being pursued and whose effects are likely to disappear only as of next year.

    MEDICINES — The process of introducing the European Medicines Verification System (EMVS) has officially been launched in Romania. The system will become operational in all EU member states next. Consequently, as of February 9, 2019, only the medicines which respect the new security regulations in the field will circulate across the EU. The relevant authorities, representatives of the line industry and pharmacists say the initiative is essential in ensuring the patients’ safety and health, given that there is a growing risk of fake products entering the commercial chain. According to the new regulations, pharmacists will no longer be allowed to open medicine boxes and to sell only a few tablets, if patients make such a request.

    TOURISM — The most exquisite Romanian tourist project, the ice hotel at Bâlea Lac is being officially inaugurated today, in the presence of the Canadian ambassador to Bucharest, Kevin Hamilton. The theme of the ice hotel this year is music. The 14 rooms and igloos are decorated with ice statues featuring such famous artists as Madonna, Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley. Tourists had the opportunity to get accommodation in the ice hotel as early as December 2017. A double room costs 100 Euros. Those who want to only visit the hotel should pay a ticket worth 3 Euros for adults and 2 Euros for children. Tourists can reach Bâlea Lac, at an altitude of over 2,000 m, by cable car, which covers a distance of 3,700m, over Balea Valley. The ice hotel is the only of its kind in Romania.

    JOINT DRILLS — One hundred Romanian troops will take part, as of Monday in joint military exercises alongside some 200 military from the United States, Moldova, Bulgaria and Ukraine. The exercises will be unfolding for five days, at a military base in Babadag, in Tulcea County, south-eastern Romania.

    WINTER OLYMIC GAMES– The first of the 28 Romanian athletes taking part in the Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang, South Korea, which come to a close on February 25, are today running in the first competitions. The Romanian athletes will take part in the cross-country skiing, luge and biathlon events. PyeongChang in the Taebaek Mountains got the right to organise the Winter Olympic Games after having submitted its candidacy three times, in 2010, 2014 and 2018. It is the first edition of the Winter Olympic Games and the second edition of the Olympic Games hosted by South Korea. PyeongChang is also the third Asian city to host the Winter Olympic Games, after Sapporo in 1972 and Nagano in 1998, both in Japan. Over a period of more than two weeks, PyeongChang will host 102 sports events. This edition of the Olympic Games is attended by over 2,900 athletes from 95 countries.

  • Nachrichten 09.02.2018

    Nachrichten 09.02.2018

    Der rumänische Justizminister Tudorel Toader will innerhalb von höchstens zwei Wochen in der Regierung für das neue Gesetz über den Beamtenstatus der rumänischen Strafvollzugs-Angestellten werben. Anschlie‎ßend würde der Entwurf dem Parlament zur Debatte vorgelegt, sagte der Vorsitzende des Gewerkschafts-verbandes der Landesverwaltung der Strafvollzugsanstalten, Sorin Dumitraşcu. Er hatte zuvor mit dem Minister Toader über Gründe der Unzufriedenheit bei den Angestellten diskutiert, darunter: unpassende Arbeitsbedingungen, Personalmangel und die Nichtbezahlung der Überstunden. Indes hat der Justizminister in einem sozialen Netzwerk die bereits zugunsten des Strafvollzugs getroffenen Ma‎ßnahmen. Dazu gehören ab dem 1. Oktober unter anderem die Anhebung der Gehälter um 10%, die Aufstockung der Planstellen um 1000 Posten und die Anwerbung von gut 1700 neuen Angestellten. Au‎ßerdem wurden im Budget für das laufende Jahr Investitionen für die Schaffung von 5000 neuen Haftplätzen bis 2023 vorgesehen.

    Einige russische Unternehmen sind an rumänischen Erdgasvorkommen im Schwarzen Meer interessiert. Dies erklärte am Freitag der Botschafter Russlands in Bukarest, Valery Kuzmin, bei einer Veranstaltung anlä‎ßlich des 140. Jahrestags seit der Aufnahme von diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen Rumänien und Russland. Der Wirtschaftsaustausch zwischen den zwei Ländern ist letztes Jahr um 20% gestiegen und könnte im Jahr 2018 einen Wert von 4 Milliarden Dollar erreichen; die politischen und diplomatischen Beziehungen sind etwas bescheidener, so Valery Kuzmin. Die Beziehungen zwischen Rumänien und Russland könnten aber besser werden, da Rumänien Anfang 2019 die EU-Ratspräsidentschaft übernimmt und auch für eine Stelle als nicht-ständiges Mitglied des UN-Sicherheitsrates fur die Jahre 2020-2021 kandidiert, so der Botschafter Russlands in Bukarest.

    Die Nationalbank von Rumänien hat die Inflationsprognose für Ende dieses Jahres auf 3,5% nach oben korrigiert. Das sagte der Gouverneur der BNR, Mugur Isarescu, am Freitag. Die bisherige Prognose deutete auf eine Inflation von 3,2% im Jahr 2018 hin. Für das Jahresende 2019 schätzt die Zentralbank eine Inflationsrate von 3,1%. Isărescu erklärte, dass das Wirtschaftswachstum vor allem durch den Konsum angetrieben werde, eine Situation, die sich negativ auf das Handelsdefizit auswirke: Dieses sei 2017 um 30% gestiegen. Von den strukturellen Problemen, die die Wirtschaft prägen, verwies Mugur Isarescu auf die Spannungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, die wachsende Kluft zwischen Importen und Exporten zugunsten der Importe sowie die Steuer- und Einnahmenpolitik, deren Auswirkungen erst im nächsten Jahr abnehmen würden .

    Die britische Polizei hat am Donnerstag drei Männer unter dem Verdacht der Sklaverei festgenommen. Sie sollen in einem Landwirtschaftsbetrieb im südwest-britischen Cornwall rund 200 Migranten ausgebeutet haben. Die meisten davon seien Männer aus Rumänien, Litauen, Bulgarien und Polen. Laut Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters und BBC News würden die Arbeiter derzeit von Menschenrechts-Organisationen betreut, die ihnen Beratung, Unterkunft sowie juristische Hilfe und Unterstützung in Einwanderungsfragen bieten. Die britische Regierung schätzt, dass mindestens 13.000 Personen Opfer von Zwangsarbeit, sexueller Ausbeutung und Leibeigenschaft sein könnten. Die Polizei geht allerdings von einer viel höheren Dunkelziffer aus.

    SPORT: Mit einer bunten Show und einer hochemotionalen Geste der Versöhnung durch das gemeinsame koreanische Team haben die Olympischen Winterspiele in Pyeongchang begonnen. Um 21.42 Uhr Ortszeit gab Südkoreas Staatspräsident Moon Jae In mit der traditionellen Formel “Ich erkläre die 23. Olympischen Winterspiele von Pyeongchang für eröffnet” das Startsignal für das dritte Weltfest des Wintersports in Asien nach 1972 in Sapporo und 1998 in Nagano. An den Spielen bis zum 25. Februar nehmen über 2900 Sportler aus 92 Ländern teil. Rumänien ist mit 28 Athleten in Pyeongchang vertreten. In 102 Wettbewerben werden Medaillen vergeben. Mit etwa zehn Milliarden Euro sind die Spiele in Südkorea wesentlich günstiger als die Spiele vor vier Jahren in Sotschi, die mit 50 Milliarden Euro als die bislang teuersten in der Olympia-Geschichte gelten.

  • February 9, 2018

    February 9, 2018

    PROTEST Justice Minister Tudorel Toader is to brief the government on the statute of the employees in Romania’s penitentiary system in two weeks time. The document will be submitted for Parliament aproval shortly afterwards, Sorin Dumitrascu, head of the Trade Union Federation with the National Administration of the Penitentiaries has announced. Dumitrascu has held talks with Minister Toader about the issues the penitentiary employees are currently facing such as improper working conditions and the shortage of personnel. Protesters have also called for compliance with the rules of overtime pay. Minister Toader has presented on a social network the measures already taken to streamline the system. 10% pay rises are envisaged for October 1st and 1,000 new jobs have been created. The minister has also referred to the 17 hundred people who have already been hired in the penitentiary sector as well as to the funds that have been earmarked from the state budget for building over 5,000 detention cells between 2019 — 2023.

    ARREST British police yesterday arrested three men suspected of having held around 200 immigrants into slavery. Most of them are men from Romania, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Poland and were working at a flower farm in Cornwall, south-western England. According to the BBC, and Reuters, counselling, interpretation services, legal and immigration advice, medical and financial assistance and safe house accommodation would be made available. The British government estimates that at least 13 thousand people are victims of forced labour and sexual exploitation but according to police sources, the real number may run higher.

    OLYMPICS 29 hundred althetes, including 28 from Romania, are attending the 23rd edition of the Winter Olympics underway in the South Korean city of PyeongChang between February 9th and the 25th. At the foot of the Taebaek Mountains, the city of PyeongChang has won the right to stage the Winter Olympic Games after having applied for it three times, in 2010, 2014 and 2018. This is the first edition of the Winter Olympics and the second Olympic Games staged by South Korea. PyeongChang has become the third Asian city to stage the Winter Olympics after the Japanese cities of Sapporo in 1972 and Nagano in 1998. Over the following two weeks, the city of PyeongChang will be seeing 102 sporting events in 15 disciplines of seven major winter sports.

    TENNIS Romanian tennis player Sorana Carstea will be playing Carol Zhao in a singles game in Cluj Napoca, north-western Romania on Saturday, the first game of a series pitching Romania against Canada in the Fed Cup World Group ll. The cast drawn today have pitched Irina Begu against Bianca Andreescu, a Canadian of Romanian extraction, in the competition’s second game. Begu will be up against Zhao on Sunday, while Carstea will be playing Andreescu on the same day. Ana Bogdan and Raluca Olaru will be taking on Katherina Sebov and Gabriela Dabrowski in the doubles contest. Ana Bogdan is replacing the world’s number two player, Simona Halep, in the Romanian lineup. Halep is recovering from an ankle injury she got during Australian Open last month.

    EMPLOYMENT In 2016 Romania had the least uncertain job market with 0.2% insecure jobs, data released by EUROSTAT, the Statistical Office of the European Union, show. Romania is followed by Britain, the Czech Republic and Germany. The countries with the highest job insecurity are Croatia, Spain, Poland and Slovenia. 2.3% of the EU employees had insecure jobs in 2016 being in temporary work with contracts not exceeding three months. Most of these jobs were reported in agriculture, forestry and the fishing sector.

    translated by bill

  • 08.02.2018


    Assistance – La Roumanie a alloué, en 2016, 240 millions deuros au titre dassistance extérieure au développement. 86% de ces fonds sont allés vers la République de Moldova, ce qui en fait le principal bénéficiaire. Selon le Rapport national sur l’assistance officielle au développement accordée par la Roumanie en 2016, au total 80 Etats ont bénéficié de cette aide financière. Parmi eux, figurent la Serbie, lUkraine, la Géorgie, la Syrie, la Turquie, lIrak, ainsi que des pays d Afrique et dAsie centrale. Les fonds destinés à cette aide extérieure sélèvent à 0,14% du PIB de la Roumanie.

    Justice – La Haute Cour de Cassation et de Justice de Roumanie débat ce jeudi de la demande formulée par la Direction nationale anti-corruption de reprendre les poursuites pénales dans un dossier qui concerne entre autres le vice-premier ministre social-démocrate Paul Stănescu. Ce dernier a déclaré, au mois de janvier, quil démissionnerait de ses fonctions au cas où il serait mis en examen dans cette affaire. Le dossier respectif avait été ouvert suite à une saisine de la Cour des comptes et porte sur un détournement de fonds public au Conseil départemental dOlt, dont Paul Stănescu avait été le président de 2008 à 2016. Toujours jeudi, les magistrats de la Haute Cour de Cassation et de Justice de Bucarest pourraient rendre leur verdict dans le dossier où Darius Vâlcov, ancien maire du chef-lieu de Slatina et ministre social-démocrate des Finances, est accusé de trafic dinfluence et de blanchiment dargent.

    Précisions – Le ministre roumain des Affaires étrangères, Teodor Meleşcanu, a précisé que lors de la visite lundi, à Bucarest, de son homologue hongrois, Peter Szijjarto, les deux parties navaient signé aucun accord relatif à lexportation de gaz de Roumanie vers la Hongrie voisine ou à de nouveaux autres projets bilatéraux dans le domaine de lEnergie. Le chef de la diplomatie roumaine a précisé dans un communiqué que les discussions avaient porté sur le stade des projets bilatéraux en déroulement, sans aucun élément de nouveauté, tel linterconnexion gazière. Cette réaction survient après que lagence de presse hongroise MTI a noté que la Roumanie se serait engagée à mettre au point les conditions techniques en vue de lexportation de gaz vers la Hongrie, dici 2020 et quelle pourrait livrer au pays voisin jusquà 4,4 milliards de m3 par an. Cest pour la première fois au cours de ces dernières décennies que la Hongrie ait lopportunité dacheter dimportantes quantités de gaz à un pays autre que la Russie, aurait conclu le chef de la diplomatie hongroise, selon lagence de presse MTI.

    Débat – La commissaire européenne à la Justice, Vera Jourova, a réitéré lappel adressé par la Commission européenne au Parlement de Bucarest à ouvrir un débat et à dégager un consensus sur les modifications apportées aux lois de la Justice. La Commission partage les inquiétudes des milliers de Roumains qui sont descendus dans la rue pour protester contre cette réforme, a déclaré Vera Jourova, devant le Parlement européen, réuni mercredi en session plénière, à Strasbourg. Le Parlement roumain a voté, fin décembre, trois propositions de loi faisant craindre une réduction de l’indépendance des magistrats et une restriction des prérogatives du Parquet anticorruption. Le ministre roumain de la Justice, Tudorel Toader, a participé au débat de Strasbourg, mais il ne lui a pas été permis de prendre la parole. Il sest ultérieurement déclaré mécontent de ces discussions, quil a qualifié de politiciennes.

    Finances – Le gouverneur de la Banque centrale de Roumanie, Mugur Isărescu, affirme que le marché roumain des devises se porte bien et que le taux de change sétablit en fonction de la demande et de loffre. La Banque centrale ne peut pas intervenir sur le taux de change, car cela affecterait les mécanismes de léconomie, a encore précisé Mugur Isărescu. Notons que le Conseil dadministration de la Banque centrale de Roumanie a annoncé mercredi le relèvement de 0,25 points de son principal taux directeur, à 2,25%.

    JO – 28 sportifs roumains participent à la 23e édition des JO dhiver, qui débuteront officiellement vendredi à PyeongChang, en Corée du Sud. Les épreuves dans lesquelles ils évolueront sont : bobsleigh, ski alpin, ski de fond et saut à ski, patinage de vitesse, biathlon, luge et skeleton. Pendant la cérémonie douverture, les sportifs nord et sud-coréens vont défiler ensemble, sous le même drapeau, celui de la péninsule réunie. La décision du Nord de participer à ces JO, qui se déroulent à tout juste 80 km de la frontière entre les deux pays, concrétise et symbolise les Jeux de la Paix souhaités par le voisin du Sud, alors que depuis des mois les tensions se multiplient entre ces deux pays toujours officiellement en guerre. Plus de 2.900 sportifs, venant de 92 pays, nations ou délégations, participent aux JO dhiver de PyeongChang.

    Météo – Le ciel est couvert sur louest, le centre, le nord et le nord-ouest du pays, où lon signale de faibles pluies. Des chutes de neige et des giboulées sont également attendues dans le nord et le centre et en haute montagne. Les températures maximales de la journée iront de 1° à 12°. Il faisait 7° à midi dans la capitale, Bucarest.

  • Avancronică olimpică

    Avancronică olimpică

    Au mai rămas două zile până la debutul
    Jocurilor Olimpice de iarnă de la PyeongChang. Aprinderea flăcării olimpice nu
    se va face însă într-o atmosferă destinsă. Rusia, una dintre cele mai puternice
    naţiuni din sporturile de iarnă, va lipsi de la întreceri, ca echipă. La
    sfârşitul anului trecut, Comitetul Internaţional Olimpic a suspendat Rusia, în
    urma scandalului de dopaj instituţionalizat din această ţară. În 2016, un
    raport independent, întocmit de avocatul canadian Richard McLaren, a arătat că
    peste o mie de sportivi ruşi de la peste 30 de discipline sportive au fost
    implicaţi într‑un sistem de dopaj centralizat, vreme de cinci ani, având ca
    obiectiv Jocurile Olimpice de iarnă de la Soci, din 2014. Este pentru prima
    oară în istoria olimpismului când o ţară este exclusă de la o ediţie a

    Totuşi, 168 de sportivi din Rusia,
    consideraţi curaţi de Comitetul Internaţional Olimpic, au fost autorizaţi să
    participe la Jocuri, dar în mod individual, sub drapelul olimpic. Alţi 15 ruşi,
    dintre care 13 sportivi şi 2 antrenori, suspendaţi pe viaţă de Comitetul
    Internaţional Olimpic pentru presupusa lor implicare în sistemul de dopaj
    instituţionalizat, au fost declaraţi nevinovaţi de Tribunalul de Arbitraj
    pentru Sport. Ei nu au fost totuşi invitaţi la Jocurile de la PyeongChang,
    motiv pentru care au sesizat din nou justiţia sportivă, iar TAS a deschis o
    nouă procedură de urgenţă în acest caz.

    Chiar şi fără mulţi sportivi ruşi, Jocurile
    Olimpice de iarnă din Coreea de Sud rămân cele cele mai mari din istorie. În
    total, 2.925 de sportivi din 92 de ţări diferite vor lupta pentru medalii la
    102 probe.

    Echipa Olimpică a României va fi
    reprezentată la bob, schi alpin, fond şi sărituri, patinaj viteză, biatlon,
    sanie şi skeleton. Din lot fac parte 28 de sportivi, dintre care o rezervă.
    Aceştia sunt însoţiţi de 27 de tehnicieni şi oficiali.

    România aşteaptă de 50 de ani cucerirea
    unei medalii la Jocurile Olimpice de iarnă. In 1968, la Grenoble, boberii Ion
    Panţuru şi Nicolae Neagoe reuşeau să obţină bronzul. A fost singurul moment in
    care sportivii noştri au reuşit să urce pe un podium olimpic de iarnă. De
    atunci, cel mai aproape de medalii a ajuns, în 1992, la Albertville, dublul de
    sanie compus din Ion Apostol şi Liviu Cepoi, clasat pe locul 4.

  • Avancronică olimpică

    Avancronică olimpică

    Au mai rămas două zile până la debutul
    Jocurilor Olimpice de iarnă de la PyeongChang. Aprinderea flăcării olimpice nu
    se va face însă într-o atmosferă destinsă. Rusia, una dintre cele mai puternice
    naţiuni din sporturile de iarnă, va lipsi de la întreceri, ca echipă. La
    sfârşitul anului trecut, Comitetul Internaţional Olimpic a suspendat Rusia, în
    urma scandalului de dopaj instituţionalizat din această ţară. În 2016, un
    raport independent, întocmit de avocatul canadian Richard McLaren, a arătat că
    peste o mie de sportivi ruşi de la peste 30 de discipline sportive au fost
    implicaţi într‑un sistem de dopaj centralizat, vreme de cinci ani, având ca
    obiectiv Jocurile Olimpice de iarnă de la Soci, din 2014. Este pentru prima
    oară în istoria olimpismului când o ţară este exclusă de la o ediţie a

    Totuşi, 168 de sportivi din Rusia,
    consideraţi curaţi de Comitetul Internaţional Olimpic, au fost autorizaţi să
    participe la Jocuri, dar în mod individual, sub drapelul olimpic. Alţi 15 ruşi,
    dintre care 13 sportivi şi 2 antrenori, suspendaţi pe viaţă de Comitetul
    Internaţional Olimpic pentru presupusa lor implicare în sistemul de dopaj
    instituţionalizat, au fost declaraţi nevinovaţi de Tribunalul de Arbitraj
    pentru Sport. Ei nu au fost totuşi invitaţi la Jocurile de la PyeongChang,
    motiv pentru care au sesizat din nou justiţia sportivă, iar TAS a deschis o
    nouă procedură de urgenţă în acest caz.

    Chiar şi fără mulţi sportivi ruşi, Jocurile
    Olimpice de iarnă din Coreea de Sud rămân cele cele mai mari din istorie. În
    total, 2.925 de sportivi din 92 de ţări diferite vor lupta pentru medalii la
    102 probe.

    Echipa Olimpică a României va fi
    reprezentată la bob, schi alpin, fond şi sărituri, patinaj viteză, biatlon,
    sanie şi skeleton. Din lot fac parte 28 de sportivi, dintre care o rezervă.
    Aceştia sunt însoţiţi de 27 de tehnicieni şi oficiali.

    România aşteaptă de 50 de ani cucerirea
    unei medalii la Jocurile Olimpice de iarnă. In 1968, la Grenoble, boberii Ion
    Panţuru şi Nicolae Neagoe reuşeau să obţină bronzul. A fost singurul moment in
    care sportivii noştri au reuşit să urce pe un podium olimpic de iarnă. De
    atunci, cel mai aproape de medalii a ajuns, în 1992, la Albertville, dublul de
    sanie compus din Ion Apostol şi Liviu Cepoi, clasat pe locul 4.

  • Sport Club RRI – Avancronică olimpică

    Sport Club RRI – Avancronică olimpică

    Au mai rămas 10 zile până la deschiderea Jocurilor Olimpice de iarnă, care se vor desfăşura, anul acesta, în Coreea de Sud, la PyeongChang. Vor fi cele mai mari Jocuri Olimpice de iarnă din istorie, graţie unui număr record de participanţi şi atribuirii a peste 100 de medalii de aur. În total, 2.925 de sportivi din 92 de ţări vor lua parte la competiţii. PyeongChang 2018 va depăşi, astfel, ca număr de participanţi Jocurile din 2014, de la Soci, la care au fost prezenţi 2.858 de sportivi din 88 de ţări.

    Statele Unite se vor prezenta în Coreea de Sud cu cea mai puternică delegaţie care a luat parte vreodată la o Olimpiadă de iarnă, având în componenţă 242 de sportivi, urmată de cea a Canadei, cu 226 de competitori. Ediţia din acest an a Jocurilor va fi marcată de absenţa Rusiei, în urma scandalului de dopaj cu care s-a confruntat această ţară. La PyeongChang vor concura, însă, 169 de sportivi ruşi, dar sub drapel neutru.

    Pentru aceste Jocuri, Comitetul Internaţional Olimpic a făcut o excepţie în privinţa Coreei de Nord, căreia i-a atribuit 22 de locuri. Iniţial, doar patinatorii Ryom Tae‑ok şi Kim Ju-sik reuşiseră să se califice în mod oficial, în proba de perechi. Între cei 22 de sportivi nord-coreeni care vor concura la cinci discipline diferite se află şi 12 jucătoare de hochei pe gheaţă, care vor forma o echipă comună cu Coreea de Sud. Delegaţiile Nordului şi Sudului Coreei vor defila, totodată, împreună la ceremonia de deschidere a Jocurilor, programată pe 9 februarie.

    România va fi reprezentată la Jocurile Olimpice de iarnă din Coreea de 26 de sportivi. Acestora li se adaugă, în echipa olimpică, 24 de antrenori. Dintre sportivi se remarcă biatlonista Eva Tofalvi, ajunsă la a şasea participare olimpică. Ea a fost totodată port‑drapelul delegaţiei române în 2002, la Salt Lake City, în 2010, la Vancouver şi în 2014, la Soci. La ceremonia de deschidere de la PyeongChang, drapelul României va fi purtat de biatlonistul Marius Petru Ungureanu.