Tag: Queen Anne

  • August 13, 2016 UPDATE

    August 13, 2016 UPDATE

    ROYALTY FUNERAL– Romania and the Republic of Moldova on Saturday observed a day of national mourning in memory of Queen Anne, the consort of Romanias last sovereign, Michael I. The ceremonies started on Saturday morning in front of the Royal Palace in Bucharest, with a burial service in the Catholic rite, as Queen Anne was a Catholic believer. The remains were laid to rest, in Curtea de Arges, Southern Romania, which hosts the final resting places of the Romanian Royalties. A burial service was celebrated in the Orthodox rite, the faith of the Romanian Royal House and of most Romanians. Among those attending the funeral were Romanian high officials as well as members of the Imperial Families of Russia, Austria and Germany, of the Royal Houses of the Netherlands and Belgium, of Luxembourg, Baden, Württemberg and Bourbon-Parma. Aged 94, and himself severely ill, King Michael could not attend the funeral of his wife, whom he visited every day in the Swiss hospital where she died of cancer, on August 1. Born in Paris, in 1923, Princess Anne of Bourbon-Parma met King Michael in London, in 1947. The same year, on December 30, at a time when the country was practically under Soviet military occupation and was led by a puppet communist government, King Michael was forced to abdicate and into exile. The Royal Family returned to the country only after the Anti-communist Revolution of 1989 and regained Romanian citizenship, withdrawn by the communists, as well as some of the properties.

    OLYMPIC UPDATE – Romania’s women’s eight rowing crew on Saturday won a bronze medal at the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Ranking first was the US, followed by Great Britain. This is the fourth medal grabbed by Romania at Rio 2016. On Friday, the Romanian tennis pair, Florin Mergea and Horia Tecau, won a silver medal and weightlifter Gabriel Sincraian got bronze in the 85-kilo category. Earlier, Romanias womens epee team had grabbed a gold medal, after defeating the current champion, China, in the finals, 44 – 38. “Through their talent, their stamina and after thousands of hours of training, Simona Gherman, Ana Maria Popescu, Simona Pop and Loredana Dinu have managed to bring Romania a gold medal, making an entire country proud of their performance, Romanias President, Klaus Iohannis, wrote on his Facebook page. In turn, PM Dacian Ciolos congratulated the Romanian athletes who won medals for Romania in the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio. “Such an extraordinary performance is impressive, unites us and brings us a lot of joy, says Dacian Ciolos.

    BEIJING BOOK FAIR– Romania, alongside other central and east European countries is guest of honour at the International Book Fair in Beijing, which runs between August 24 and 28. Over 1,200 albums and books, brought out by 20 Romanian publishers will be put on show, as well as translations of various Romanian authors into foreign languages, published with the support of the Romanian Cultural Institute. The program of the fair also includes book launches, among which the volume “Step by Step by Romanias President Klaus Iohannis and “The Grammar of the Contemporary Romanian Language, by Dong Xixiao. The presentation of Romanian books will be accompanied by recitals given by the traditional folk vocalist Grigore Lese and violinist Andrei Mihail. A show after Matei Visniecs play “Old Clown Wanted is also performed at the fair, in the attendance of the well-known Romanian playwright settled in France.

    SKY NEWS REPORT – The three men featured in the report broadcast by the British Channel Sky News on alleged gun running in Romania have been taken into temporary custody. Initially, they were taken into custody for setting up an organised criminal group, violating the regime of arms and ammunition and circulating false information. Justice minister, Raluca Pruna, said the Romanian state should react to the issue. Earlier, PM Dacian Ciolos had termed the report as unacceptable and said a country cant be denigrated without proof. According to the Romanian prosecutors, the report was re-broadcast by mass-media institutions in Romania and other countries, and the facts presented in the report generated bad sentiment towards the Romanian state, as well as insecurity among Romanians. The inquiry shows that in reality, the so-called journalistic investigation was not based on real facts and circumstances, but staged by the journalists, who presented false data and information as true. The three alleged smugglers were requested, on July 31st, when the report was filmed, to speak the Romanian language, although their native language is Hungarian.

    (Translated by Diana Vijeu)

  • August 13, 2016

    August 13, 2016

    ROYALTY FUNERAL– Romania and the Republic of Moldova are observing a day of national mourning in memory of Queen Anne, the consort of Romanias last sovereign, Michael I. The ceremonies started on Saturday morning in front of the Royal Palace in Bucharest, with a burial service in the Catholic rite, as Queen Anne was a Catholic believer. The remains were laid to rest at Curtea de Arges, in Southern Romania, which hosts the final resting places of Romanian Royalties. A burial service was celebrated in Curtea de Arges,in the Orthodox rite, the faith of the Romanian Royal House and of most Romanians. Among those attending the funeral were Romanian high officials as well as members of the Imperial Families of Russia, Austria and Germany, of the Royal Houses of the Netherlands and Belgium, of Luxembourg, Baden, Württemberg and Bourbon-Parma. Aged 94, and himself severely ill, King Michael couldn’t attend the funeral of his wife, whom he visited every day in the Swiss hospital where she died of cancer, on August 1. Born in Paris, in 1923, Princess Anne of Bourbon-Parma met King Michael in London, in 1947. The same year, on December 30, at a time when the country was practically under Soviet military occupation and was led by a puppet communist government, King Michael was forced to abdicate and leave the country, to live in exile. The Royal Family returned to the country only after the Anti-communist Revolution of 1989 and regained Romanian citizenship, withdrawn by the communists, as well as some of the properties.

    OLYMPIC UPDATERomania’s women’s eight rowing crew on Saturday grabbed a bronze medal at the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. They were outperformed by the US (gold) and Great Britain (silver). Also, the Romanian tennis pair, Florin Mergea and Horia Tecau, won a silver medal and weightlifter Gabriel Sincraian got bronze in the 85 kilo category on the seventh day of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. In the finals, Mergea and Tecau lost to the Spanish pair Rafael Nadal-Marc Lopez 2-6, 6-3, 6-4. Sincraian was outclassed by the Chinese Tiao Tan and Iranian Kianoush Rostani, but his medal is considered an extraordinary performance, given that he was not among the favourites of the event. Earlier, Romanias womens epee team had grabbed a gold medal, after defeating the current champion, China, in the finals, 44 – 38. “Through their talent, their stamina and after thousands of hours of training, Simona Gherman, Ana Maria Popescu, Simona Pop and Loredana Dinu have managed to bring Romania a gold medal, making an entire country proud of their performance, Romanias President, Klaus Iohannis, wrote on his Facebook page on Friday. In turn, PM Dacian Ciolos congratulated the Romanian athletes who won medals for Romania in the Olympics in Rio. “Such an extraordinary performance is impressive, unites us and brings us a lot of joy, says Dacian Ciolis. With a gold medal, one silver and one bronze, Romania is currently ranking 23rd in the classification of the 206 countries taking part in the Olympic Games in Rio.

    BEIJING BOOK FAIR– Romania, alongside other central and east European countries is guest of honour at the International Book Fair in Beijing, which runs between August 24 and 28. Over 1,200 albums and books, brought out by 20 Romanian publishers will be put on show, as well as translations of various Romanian authors into foreign languages, published with the support of the Romanian Cultural Institute. The program of the fair also includes book launches, among which the volume “Step by Step by Romanias President Klaus Iohannis and “The Grammar of the Contemporary Romanian Language, by Dong Xixiao. The presentation of Romanian books will be accompanied by recitals given by the traditional folk vocalist Grigore Lese and violinist Andrei Mihail. A show after Matei Visniecs play “Old Clown Wanted is also performed at the fair, in the attendance of the well-known Romanian playwright settled in France.

    SKY NEWS REPORT – The three men featured in the report broadcast by the British Channel Sky News on alleged gun running in Romania have been taken into temporary custody. Initially, they were taken into custody for setting up an organised criminal group, violating of the regime of arms and ammunition and circulating false information. Justice minister, Raluca Pruna, said the Romanian state should react to the issue. Earlier, PM Dacian Ciolos had termed the report as unacceptable and said a country cant be denigrated without proof. According to the Romanian prosecutors, the report was re-broadcast by mass-media institutions in Romania and other countries, and the facts presented in the report generated bad sentiment towards the Romanian state, as well as insecurity among Romanians. The inquiry shows that in reality, the so-called journalistic investigation was not based on real facts and circumstances, but staged by the journalists, who presented false data and information as true. The three alleged smugglers were requested, on July 31st, when the report was filmed, to speak the Romanian language, although their native language is Hungarian.

    (Translated and updated by Diana Vijeu)

  • Queen Anne, the last homage

    Queen Anne, the last homage

    Deep silence fell upon the imposing Throne Hall of the Royal Palace in Bucharest, with the motto of the Royal House, ”Nihil Sine Deo”, (Latin for ”Nothing Without God”) shining above the doorframe. Women make a reverence at the catafalque of Queen Anne, some of the men kneel down, children make the sign of the cross, and some of the elderly who lived, part of their lives during the monarchy, shed a tear of grief.

    Romanians come to the Royal Palace to bid a final farewell to the wife of Romania’s last sovereign, Michael I, Queen Anne, who died on August 1, in Switzerland. They pay floral tributes, light candles and leave messages of condolences in front of the Royal Palace and then enter the Throne Hall to pay their respects.

    A funeral wreath of white lilies has been placed on the coffin, veiled in the royal flag and guarded by military of the “Mihai Viteazul” Honour Guard Regiment. “The royal family is a symbol”, “Monarchy is normality”, “She was a great lady”, “Her passing leaves a gap in our hearts”-are only some of the words expressed by those who come to pay their last respects.

    Some of those who bid farewell to Queen Anne have shared their thoughts:

    “A pious thought and feelings of regret that Romania didn’t return to monarchy. It is one of the simplest things that a true Romanian can do.”

    “I had war veterans in my family, who fought in the Royal Army. Out of respect for them, if not out of greater respect for Their Majesties, we should be here”.

    I think this is a gesture that each person should make, each Romanian who has the possibility to come here should pay their respects to this Lady of Romania and think of what she has accomplished or what she tried to achieve in her lifetime”.

    Apart from numerous common citizens, prominent personalities of the Romanian political and public life have paid their last respects to the departed Queen, whose remains were brought to Bucharest on Wednesday evening, from Peles Castle in Sinaia, Southern Carpathians.

    After a two-day public vigil in Bucharest, the coffin with Queen Anne’s remains will be brought into the Palace Square, and the bells of all Orthodox churches and of the “Saint Joseph” Roman-Catholic Cathedral will be tolling. Afterwards, the coffin will be taken to Curtea de Arges Monastery, the final resting place of Romanian royalties, in Southern Romania.

    Among the personalities who have announced their presence at Queen Anne’s funeral there are members of the Imperial Families of Russia, Austria and Germany, and of the Royal Families of the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, of Baden, Württemberg and Bourbon-Parma. A painful absence will be that of King Michael, who is severely ill and who will be praying in Switzerland for the soul of the woman who stood by his side, far away from the country, in exile, for 68 years.

    A day of national mourning has been decreed for Saturday in Romania and the neighbouring Republic of Moldova.

  • August 11, 2016 UPDATE

    August 11, 2016 UPDATE

    QUEEN ANNE – Members of European royal families will attend the funeral of Queen Anne, the Press Office of King Michael I announced on Thursday. So far, members of the Russian, Austrian and German imperial families and of the royal families of Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg have confirmed their presence. The casket will be in the Throne Room of the Royal Palace in Bucharest until Friday. On Wednesday, at the former summer residence of Romanian royalty, Peles Castle, in Sinaia, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, Moldovan President Nicolae Timofti, and Romanian PM Dacian Ciolos were among the many officials paying their respects. The funeral is scheduled for Saturday in Curtea de Arges. King Michael will be unable to attend the funeral due to ill health. The queen died on August 1st aged 92 in Switzerland, after a battle with cancer.

    REPORT – The PM of Romania Dacian Ciolos Thursday rated the Sky News story on alleged weapon smuggling in Romania as unacceptable. He emphasised that a country should not be shed negative light on without evidence, and announced that Romanian authorities had taken a stand on the matter. The Prosecutors Office Investigating Terrorism and Organised Crime (DIICOT) has started an investigation. Several house searches were conducted in northern Romania, which identified the individuals featured in the story, and the weapons were seized. The DIICOT head prosecutor Daniel Horodniceanu has said that so far the report appears to have been staged. On Thursday the institution ordered the prosecution of 3 of the Romanians appearing in the report, including the one who introduced the British journalists to the alleged smugglers. One of the 3 has been detained, said his lawyer. They have been accused of aiding in giving false information, of setting up an organised crime group and of breaching weapon regulations. The British tv channel stands by its report, although the British broadcasting regulatory body has received several notifications regarding the Sky News story. The British journalists argue that, after two months of negotiations, they were pointed to an isolated area in Romania, where they met weapon smugglers who allegedly brought in weapons from Ukraine to be sold in western Europe and the Middle East.

    CRIMEA – A new escalation of tensions between Ukraine and Russia is in the focus on attention of the international community. The UN Security Council is to discuss the growing tension between Moscow and Kyiv over Crimea, after Russias accusations that Ukraine plotted attacks in the disputed Black Sea peninsula. NATO also expressed concerns with a new escalation of tensions between the two countries. The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, Thursday put all military units near Crimea and the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Luhansk on alert, for fear of a military conflict with Russia. The announcement came after on Wednesday his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, accused Kyiv of using “terror tactics so as to reignite conflict and destabilise Crimea. Russia annexed this Black Sea Peninsula in 2014. The conflict in east Ukraine, between government forces and pro-Russian insurgents, has so far killed 9,500 people.

  • Funeral Ceremonies for Queen Anne

    Funeral Ceremonies for Queen Anne

    Queen Anne of Romania returns to the country that she always loved, but that she only got to know in her old age. For five days, ceremonies will be held in all the key geographic landmarks of Romanian royalty. Queen Annes body will first be taken to Peles Castle, built in the 19th Century in Sinaia, in the Carpathians, by the founder of the Romanian dynasty, King Karl I, and then brought to Bucharest, in the Throne Room of the Royal Palace. The public will have access to the Palace on Thursday and Friday, and the burial is scheduled for Saturday, in Curtea de Arges, the first capital of the medieval principality of Wallachia.

    Doctors did not allow King Michael to attend the funeral. He will stay at his residence in Switzerland, accompanied by close friends and two Orthodox nuns. “This decision was made with deep sorrow, reads a news release issued by the Royal House. Aged 94 and very ill himself, King Michael visited his wife every day at the Swiss clinic where she was hospitalized before dying on August 1.

    Born in Paris in 1923, Princess Anne of Bourbon-Parma met King Michael in London in 1947. Later the same year, on December 30, when Romania was under Soviet military occupation and led by a communist puppet government, the Sovereign was forced into exile. From the USA, Britain or Switzerland, he endorsed the activity of the Romanian National Committee, presented as a government in exile, although Western democracies never recognised it as such.

    In Bucharest, the communist regime constantly fuelled an aggressive anti-monarchy propaganda, whose toxic effects are yet to fully recede. King Michael was only permitted to return to Romania after the anti-communist Revolution of 1989, when he also regained his Romanian citizenship, withdrawn by communists, and part of his property. As a special ambassador, he lobbied for Romanias NATO accession in 2004 and EU accession in 2007.

    At home, the Royal Family undertook constantly, after repatriation, various charity and art patronage projects, thanks to which Romanians were finally able to know their deposed sovereigns. In an interview to Radio Romania in 2008, Queen Anne said that while in exile she had heard a lot from her husband about his homeland, but that a one-month journey across the country, from Dobrogea, in the south-east to Banat in the south-west and Transylvania, in the centre, had exceeded her expectations. She said she had found impressive cities, villages and landscapes, and met outstanding people.

  • August 1 – 7

    August 1 – 7

    Queen Anne of Romania dies at 92

    On August the 1st Anne, wife to King Michael I of Romania, died in a hospital in Switzerland, at the age of 92. Had the Romanian society not experienced the tragedy of Sovietisation in 1948, her wedding with the Romanian sovereign would have taken place in Bucharest and would have been joyfully celebrated by the entire Romanian nation. Because of the Kings forced abdication and subsequent exile however, the wedding was held in Greece. Of their nearly 70-year long life together, King Michael and Queen Anne spent more than 40 away from Romania, where they only returned—not without difficulty—after the 1989 anti-communist Revolution. Historian Adrian Niculescu gave us more details:

    Adrian Niculescu: “The role of Queen Anne was that of the wife of a king in exile, of sharing his destiny, and first and foremost of giving him a family. While playing an institutional role, she was primarily a person of vital importance in supporting King Michael I.

    On Tuesday, August 9, Queen Annes body will be repatriated from Switzerland. The Queen will be buried in Curtea de Arges, the final resting place of Romanian royalty, on August 13, which is a day of national mourning. Romanians regret the death of Queen Anne, the longest-living Queen in the history of Romania. She was one of the most important symbols of wisdom, dignity, and a moral role model, said President Klaus Iohannis. In turn, PM Dacian Ciolos said the Queen remains a symbol of graciousness, discretion and dignity. Condolence messages also came from Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Orthodox Church, political leaders and other public figures.

    New social measures target public sector staff

    The salaries of more than 650,000 Romanian public sector employees were raised on August 1 by 10%, under a Government emergency ordinance aimed at eliminating inequities in the system. Healthcare, teaching, public administration and defence personnel will be getting higher pay, depending on seniority and speciality, and other bonuses will add to their basic wages. Also on August 1, new regulations took effect, concerning the level of child-rearing benefits. The minimum threshold for these benefits is nearly 250 euros, and the ceiling has been eliminated. Taking advantage of these benefits will be those parents who have made taxable revenues for at least 12 months during the past two years. The benefits account for 85% of the average net revenues of those 12 months.

    Romanian carriers threaten to protest

    Romanian carriers threaten to stage nation-wide protests in mid-September, unless the issue of tariffs for the compulsory car insurance policy is solved. This week they have requested that the Government should freeze policy prices at last years levels. Here is Constantin Isac, vice-president of the National Union of Road Carriers:

    Constantin Isac: “Promises have been made, months have passed, and what do we see? The average price increase compared to June last year was 80%, with peaks reaching as much as 300 or even 500%. As everybody knows, for lorries, 12-15 months ago the compulsory car insurance policy was roughly 1,000 euros. The offers we are receiving from insurers these days amount to 5,000 euros. And this difference should be covered by an increase in our fees. However, for the time being the market cannot support this fee rise, so basically Romanian carriers are pushed out of the market.

    A new round of negotiations with the Government is scheduled in two weeks time.

    Ambulance, fire, SMURD call centres to be merged

    The head of the Romanian Emergency Department, dr. Raed Arafat, announced on Thursday that authorities were working to set up a common dispatch centre for ambulance, fire and emergency resuscitation and extrication services, as well as to create a registry of the NGOs able to provide assistance in case of incidents with multiple victims. Raed Arafat also mentioned that the owners of buildings that do not have fire safety permits have to get them by the end of the year at the latest. Until they obtain the required documents, the investment beneficiaries are fully and exclusively liable for all risks. As of January 1, 2017, sanctions for the buildings used without a fire safety permit will range from 4,500 to 11,000 euros. These measures were taken after last autumns fire at the Colectiv nightclub, which killed tens of people.

    Healthcare Ministry checks blood transfusion centres

    The Romanian Healthcare Ministry has identified 142 unauthorised blood transfusion centres in the country, most of them operating in public hospitals. According to a news release issued by the Ministry, the causes will be analysed in the forthcoming period, and conformity programmes will be put together. Unless the problems are solved by November 1, the respective centres will no longer receive blood from the National Haematology Institute. A woman died and another one was in a critical condition recently because of faulty transfusion procedures in such units.

    31st Olympics start in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    More than 100 athletes represent Romania, between August 5 and 21, in the 31st edition of the Summer Olympic Games, held in Rio de Janeiro, the first South-American city to host such an event. A total of 10,000 athletes from more than 200 countries will compete for Olympic medals. For the first time in history, Kosovo and South Sudan are taking part in the competition. Another novelty is that a refugee team is competing under the Olympic colours. The Games are not free from problems and controversies in Brazil as well as internationally. On the one hand, the South-American host state is struggling with substantial political, financial and economic problems. On the other hand, the Games start after the largest doping scandal in history. And Zika, the virus spread mostly by the bite of infected mosquitoes, is another problem looming over the current edition of the Olympic Games.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • August 6, 2016 UPDATE

    August 6, 2016 UPDATE

    NAVY DAY – The Romanian Navy Day, traditionally celebrated on August 15, is preceded these days by events organised by the Romanian Navy Forces in the Constanta and Mangalia military ports at the Black Sea. On Saturday the public visited military vessels, to find out details on the techniques, equipment and weaponry used by the marines. Interactive workshops, games and competitions were also organised. The Navy bands added music to the festive atmosphere.

    CAR MARKET – Over 175,000 new and used cars were registered in Romania in the first six months of the year, up 19% compared to the first half of 2015, according to the National Statistics Institute. The only segment to see a decline was the bus and van segment, which went down by nearly 8%. On the other hand, 17.5% more cargo vehicles were registered. The peak year for new vehicle registrations in Romania was 2007, with over 300,000 vehicles registered.

    NATO – Two officers, one from Romania and one from the Czech Republic, will be temporarily working at the NATO Liaison Office in Ukraine, as part of a programme designed to help bring Ukrainian military services up to NATO standards. The announcement was made by Viktor Muzhenko, Ukrainian Chief of Staff, quoted by Interfax news agency. The Ukrainian official added that the two officers were familiar with post-Soviet defence systems and experienced in reform measures implemented in their own countries. Ukraine wants to bring its military services to NATO standards by 2020.

    HEALTHCARE – As of October 1, doctors will be paid for extra night shifts, the Healthcare Ministry announced on Saturday. According to the Ministry, the nearly 22 million euro required for increasing physicians extra-time bonuses in 2016 will come from a more efficient management of the resources in the system, and mechanisms will be identified which will not affect the budget deficit forecast. The decision to increase payments for extra time in the healthcare system is one of the most important steps taken in recent years for the benefit of healthcare personnel, the Ministry added.

    AWARD – A team of Romanian students won the IT Excellence Award in Lucerne, Switzerland. In the 27th edition of the competition JA Europe Company of the Year they presented a model of smart glasses designed to help people with severe visual impairment. Produced using a 3D printer, the glasses are equipped with sensors that analyse all the information on the surrounding objects, process it and send it to the user by means of variable intensity and frequency signals. Taking part in the event held between July 25 and 28 were more than 200 young entrepreneurs from 35 European countries.

    QUEEN ANNE – Preparations continue in Romania for Queen Annes funeral. The wife of King Michael I of Romania died on Monday in a hospital in Switzerland, at the age of 92. Her body will be repatriated on Tuesday, August, 9, and the funeral will take place on Saturday, August 13, at Curtea de Argeş Monastery, the final resting place of Romanian royalty. August 13 will be a day of national mourning in Romania, but also in the neighbouring Republic of Moldova, under a decree signed on Friday by Moldovan President Nicolae Timofti.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • August 6, 2016

    August 6, 2016

    NAVY DAY – The Romanian Navy Day, traditionally celebrated on August 15, is preceded these days by events organised by the Romanian Navy Forces in the Constanta and Mangalia military ports at the Black Sea. Today the public may visit military vessels, to find out details on the techniques, equipment and weaponry used by the marines. Interactive workshops, games and competitions are also organised. The Navy bands add music to the festive atmosphere.

    NATO – Two officers, one from Romania and one from the Czech Republic, will be temporarily working at the NATO Liaison Office in Ukraine, as part of a programme designed to help bring Ukrainian military services up to NATO standards. The announcement was made by Viktor Muzhenko, Ukrainian Chief of Staff, quoted by Interfax news agency. The Ukrainian official added that the two officers were familiar with post-Soviet defence systems and experienced in reform measures implemented in their own countries. Ukraine wants to bring its military services to NATO standards by 2020.

    QUEEN ANNE FUNERAL – Preparations continue in Romania for Queen Annes funeral. The wife of King Michael I of Romania died on Monday in a hospital in Switzerland, at the age of 92. Her body will be repatriated on Tuesday, August 9, and the funeral will take place on Saturday, August 13, at Curtea de Argeş Monastery, the final resting place of Romanian royalty. August 13 will be a day of national mourning in Romania, but also in the neighbouring Republic of Moldova, under a decree signed on Friday by Moldovan President Nicolae Timofti.

    AWARD – A team of Romanian students won the IT Excellence Award in Lucerne, Switzerland. In the 27th edition of the competition JA Europe Company of the Year they presented a model of smart glasses designed to help people with severe visual impairment. Produced using a 3D printer, the glasses are equipped with sensors that analyse all the information on the surrounding objects, process it and sent it to the user by means of variable intensity and frequency signals. Taking part in the event held between July 25 and 28 were more than 200 young entrepreneurs from 35 European countries.

    UNTOLD – In Cluj Napoca, central Romania, Untold, the largest electro-dance music festival in Romania continues. Last night, on the main stage, one of the ten stages of the festival, the Dutch DJs Hardwell and Dannic, the German Tujamo and the German band Scooter performed in front of tens of thousands of people, many of them foreign. On Thursday, the first day of the festival, over 100,000 people attended concerts by INNA, Faithless, Tiesto and Dimitri Vegas, viewed as the worlds No. 1 DJ. Until August 7, an estimated 350,000 people will have had a chance to see more than 150 international artists.

    OLYMPICS – The 31st edition of the modern Olympic Games was opened last night in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in a spectacular ceremony held on Maracana Stadium. Brazils rich cultural heritage and unique atmosphere were celebrated in a dazzling music, lights and dance show. Ten thousand athletes from over 200 countries paraded to the delight of enthusiastic viewers. Romania is represented in Rio by 96 athletes and 7 substitutes, with a target of at least 6 medals. The first Romanians will compete in the fencing, table tennis, cycling, judo, rowing, gymnastics, and tennis. The Summer Olympics conclude on August 21.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • August 4, 2016 UPDATE

    August 4, 2016 UPDATE

    MILITARY DRILLS –Exercise “Saber Guardian-2016 is proof of the consolidated relations between the NATO member states and the partner countries, Romanias President, Klaus Iohannis, said on Thursday, upon attending a multi-national military exercise in Cincu, central Romania. The exercise is organised jointly by the Romanian Army and the United States Army Europe (USAREUR). President Iohannis said this is the first major exercise hosted by Romania after the NATO Summit in Warsaw and is held ahead of a very busy program scheduled for next year. The exercise, which is to conclude on August 7, brings together more than 2,700 troops from five NATO member states – Bulgaria, Canada, Poland, Romania and the US – and five Partnership for Peace nations – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. The exercise is part of U.S. European Command’s Joint Exercise Program designed to enhance joint combined interoperability between the aforementioned NATO members and Partnership for Peace nations.

    IT PLATFORM – Romanian PM Dacian Ciolos announced on Thursday that the Government of Romania will offer ten grants worth 2,000 Euros each, for six months, to IT experts who are expected to bring IT innovation into the public administration, which is lagging far behind in this domain. The cabinet has also launched the GovITHub platform, which is developed jointly with the private business sector, in an effort to improve the quality of public services by means of technology. The program is part of a campaign intended to reduce red tape in central and local administration and to bring state institutions closer to citizens.

    VOTING LEGISLATION – In the absence of amendments to the current electoral law, a significantly lower number of polling stations will be opened for the Romanian Diaspora, during this autumns parliamentary elections in Romania than in the previous ballots, since 2008. The statement was made in Bucharest on Thursday by the Romanian minister for the Diaspora, Maria Ligor, who has held talks, over the past few days, with representatives of the parliamentary parties on the legislative elections due in autumn. The co-president of the National Liberal Party, Vasile Blaga, announced that an emergency ordinance, intended to facilitate the presence in polling stations of as many Romanians living abroad as possible, will be publicly debated as of August 15, and will be adopted by the Government shortly before the start of the parliamentary session. We recall that in the presidential election of 2014, because of an improper organisation of the ballot, many Romanians living abroad queued for hours in order to cast their vote, with no success.

    ROYALTY FUNERAL – Romanians on Thursday continued to leave messages and sign the book of condolences at the Royal Palace in Bucharest, one of the three books opened in memory of Queen Anne, the wife of King Michael I. Candles were lit and floral tributes were paid in front of the Palace. Queen Anne died on Monday in a hospital in Switzerland, at the age of 92. Her body will be repatriated on August 9 and the funeral is scheduled for Saturday, August 13, when a day of national mourning is decreed. On that day, the national flag will fly at half-mast and radio and television stations will adjust their broadcast accordingly. Queen Anne will be buried at the Curtea de Arges Monastery, the final resting place of Romanian Royalties.

    EUROBAROMETER – Romanians are optimistic about the future of the European Union. According to the latest Eurobarometer issued by the European Commission, 70% of the Romanian respondents have a positive opinion on the future of the EU, whereas only 26% are pessimistic. Asked which the main issues facing the European Union are, half of the Romanians say terrorism and over 40% of them-immigration. As regards problems of utmost importance in Romania, that need to be addressed, 37% of the Romanians point to the healthcare system and 25% to unemployment. The major problems that Romanians are faced with at personal level include the cost of living-29%, health issues-24% and small pensions – 22%.

    FESTIVAL – Over 350,000 people are expected to attend the largest music festival in Romania, Untold, which unfolds in the central Romanian city of Cluj Napoca, between August 4 and 7. Over 150 international artists and five of the worlds best DJs will perform in this second edition of the festival.

    (Translated by Diana Vijeu)

  • August 4, 2016

    August 4, 2016

    ELECTIONS – An emergency order on voting in the diaspora will be discussed by the Government as of August 15, the co-president of the National Liberal Party, Vasile Blaga, announced after a meeting with the minister delegate for the relations with the Romanian diaspora, Maria Ligor. The emergency order is intended to facilitate the presence in polling stations of as many Romanians living abroad as possible. It will allow for online registration to the Voter Registry for all those who intend to cast their ballots abroad. Another amendment to the current legislative framework has to do with the additional voter lists, to the effect that Romanian citizens will be able to vote in any polling stations abroad, instead of just at the Romanian diplomatic missions, as the current legislation stipulates.

    MILITARY EXERCISE – The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis and Chief of the General Staff, general Nicolae Ciucă, are taking part today in Saber Guardian – 16, a multi-national military exercise held in Cincu, Brasov County. The exercise, which is to conclude on August 7, brings together more than 2,700 troops from five NATO member states – Bulgaria, Canada, Poland, Romania and the US, and five Partnership for Peace countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Rep. of Moldova and Ukraine.

    QUEEN ANNE FUNERAL – A brief religious service in memory of Queen Anne of Romania was held on Wednesday in the presence of Crown Princess Margareta, Prince Radu, Princess Sofia and Princess Maria, at Beausobre Chapel in Morges, Switzerland. Also on Wednesday, the Government of Romania announced a day of national mourning on August 13, when Queen Anne, the wife of King Michael I, will be buried. On that day, the national flag will fly at half-mast and radio and television stations will adjust their broadcast accordingly. Queen Anne died on Monday in a hospital in Switzerland, at the age of 92. Her body will be repatriated on August 9. The casket will be taken to the Peles Castle in Sinaia and then brought to the former Royal Palace in Bucharest, which currently hosts the National Art Museum of Romania. The funeral is scheduled for August 13, at the new Orthodox Cathedral in Curtea de Argeş.

    ADMINISTRATION – The Government of Romania has today launched the GovITHub platform, in a move to bring Romanias IT innovation capacity into the public administration. The launch of GovITHub is intended to bring together experts able to give a helping hand in administration, said the Prime Minister Dacian Cioloș. He explained the platform is based on successful IT experiences.

    HEALTCARE – One-third of the blood transfusion centres in Romanias hospitals do not have proper operation permits. A Healthcare Ministry investigation has revealed that there are 142 such cases, mostly in Bucharest and other major cities, of which 108 public and 34 private hospitals. Officials with the Bucharest Blood Transfusion Centre say the main causes are bureaucracy and under-funding. The Healthcare Ministry announced that each hospital would receive a conformity plan and would have a maximum 3 months to comply, otherwise it would no longer receive blood and therefore would no longer be able to perform surgeries and other interventions requiring blood transfusion.

    UNTOLD – More than 350,000 people are expected to attend the largest music festival in Romania, Untold, which begins today in Cluj Napoca. Over 150 artists and five of the worlds best DJs will perform in this second edition of the festival. Gigs by Tiesto, Faithless and the no.1 DJ in the world, Dimitri Las Vegas & Like Mike, are scheduled for tonight.

    FOOTBALL – Romanias football vice-champions Steaua Bucharest Wednesday qualified into the Champions League play-offs, after defeating Sparta Prague from the Czech Republic on home turf. The first leg had ended in a draw. On the other hand, national champions Astra Giurgiu failed to qualify, after losing, 0-3, to FC Copenhagen away from home and drawing at home. Astra will nonetheless take part in the play-offs of Europa League, and in the same competition Pandurii Târgu-Jiu and Viitorul Constanta are to play the second leg of the third preliminary round. Pandurii will face Maccabi in Tel Aviv, after losing the first leg 1-3 at home, while Viitorul will play at home against Gent from Belgium, after having lost 0-5 in the first leg. Another Romanian team, CSMS Iasi, was kicked out by the Croatian team Hajduk Split in the second preliminary round of Europa League.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Reactions after Queen Anne’s Death

    Reactions after Queen Anne’s Death

    August 1st 2016 will go down in history as a sad day for the Romanian people and the Royal House of Romania. Anne, the wife of the former sovereign of Romania Michael I, died in a hospital in Switzerland. Daughter of Prince Rene of Bourbon-Parma and Princess Margaret of Denmark, Anne was born on September 18th 1923 in Paris. Anne could count both the last king of France, Charles X, and the first king of the French, Louis Philippe I, among her ancestors. On the maternal side, she was the great-granddaughter of King Christian IX of Denmark.

    She spent her childhood in France and in 1939, when the war broke out, she followed her family to Spain and then America. There she studied art and, in order to earn a living, also worked as a shop assistant. In 1943 she enlisted as a volunteer in the French army. She traveled alongside her regiment to Algeria, Morocco, Italy, Luxembourg and Germany, and was awarded the French War Cross.

    Anne met her future husband. Michael I, in London in November 1947, at the wedding of Princess Elizabeth of Great Britain and Prince Philip of Greece. Had Romanian society not been faced with the scourge brought by Soviets in 1948, the wedding would have taken place in Bucharest, to be joyfully celebrated by the entire nation. Unfortunately, the King was forced to abdicate so the wedding took place in Greece. The two sovereigns were married 70 years, of which 40 spent far from the country, in Britain and Switzerland. In Romania, the royal family returned only after the anti-communist revolution of 1989.

    Historian Adrian Niculescu with more: “Queen Anne played the role of wife of an exiled king, and what she mainly did was build a family. Her role was institutional, but her main contribution was to morally support King Michael.

    “Queen Anne was one of the most important symbols of wisdom, dignity and moral conduct, said Romanias president Klaus Iohannis in a message of condolences. In turn, the Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos has stated that the Queen was “a symbol of nobility, discretion and dignity. The Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church Daniel and many political leaders and public figures have too conveyed messages of condolences.

    The honorary president of the National Liberal Party Mircea Ionescu Quintus, now aged almost 100, was profoundly marked by the passing of Queen Anne, whom he knew in person: “I talked to her and I understood that, although she was not a crowned queen in this country, she was a queen, not just because she was born royalty, but because she really had the demeanor of a queen and this is the memory of her that I mostly cherish. I am very sad that shes gone and I am sad for the King, whos now left alone.

    The leader of the Social – Democrat senators, Mihai Fifor, has also voiced his regret for the death of Queen Anne: “The fourth queen of Romania, Her Majesty Queen Anne has died leaving behind nothing but light. We are sad and there is nothing we can do but express our sympathy for His Majesty King Michael I and the entire Royal House. Our hearts go out to them.

    At the former Sovereigns request, his wifes funeral will be held in southern Romania, at the Curtea de Arges Monastery, which hosts the Romanian Royal sepulchres.

    (Translated by Mihaela Ignatescu)

  • August 1, 2016 UPDATE

    August 1, 2016 UPDATE

    QUEEN ANNE – Princess Anne of Bourbon-Parma, known as Queen Anne of Romania, 92, spouse to Romanias former King Michael I, died on Monday in Switzerland. She had long been suffering from cancer. The daughter of Prince René of Bourbon-Parma and Princess Margaret of Denmark, she met King Michael in 1947, but the pro-Communist government of the country did not approve the marriage and forced King Michael I to give up the throne on December 30, 1947. The two married the next year. After the fall of the Ceausescu regime, King Michael and Queen Anne were able to return to the country in 1992. Her Majesty Queen Anne will live forever in our hearts and memory as one of the most enduring symbols of wisdom, dignity, and a moral model, said the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis. Throughout her honourable life, Anne of Romania was the epitome of the most distinguished values of decency, loyalty and love for her country. Queen Anne stood by His majesty the King during the long exile, and fought together with Him for the progress of Romania. her diplomatic missions and tours in favour of Romanias EU and NATO accession are a proof in this respect, the head of state also said in an official release.

    PLAGIARISM – The former Prime Minister of Romania, Victor Ponta, was stripped of his doctors degree in law. The order came after a final decision of the National Council for the Confirmation of Academic Degrees, which dismissed the appeal and found that the ex-PM resorted to plagiarism and recommended that the Education Minister should withdraw his Ph.D. The Council also ruled that plagiarism had been used by the former interior minister Gabriel Oprea as well. The orders may be challenged in a court of law.

    ELECTIONS – The Romanian citizens living abroad who travel to and from Romania will receive, in airports and checkpoints, a flyer issued by the Foreign Ministry concerning the forthcoming parliamentary elections and how to vote from abroad, as well as a form for registration in the Voter Registry. Information on this autumns legislative election will also be available at the offices of Romanias diplomatic missions and consular offices. To be able to vote in polling stations abroad or by mail, the Romanian citizens who live abroad must enter their data in the Voter Registry before the start of the election campaign.