Tag: Race for the Cure

  • Cancer – country profile

    Cancer – country profile


    Fundatia Renasterea  organized, on June 8, the biggest charity race, dubbed ”Race for the Cure Romania”, to support the fight against breast cancer and promote health. The race chosen by the organizers in Bucharest covered 4 kilometers. The success of the event was due to those more than 5,000 Romanians from the country and abroad who turned their participation in the 10th edition of the ”Race for the Cure” into free medical tests for vulnerable women and for wigs made of natural hair for patients diagnosed with cancer.


    The event also enjoyed the support of numerous VIPs, representatives of the Diplomatic Corps in Bucharest, schools, high schools and companies that understood the importance of involvement in such a cause, as detailed by the president of Fundatia Renasterea, Mihaela Geoana: ʺIt is, on the one hand, a good opportunity to learn, to find out what a healthy life means and what early detection and prevention means. On the other hand, however, we celebrate the winners of the fight against breast cancer and there are many of them, generally more than 100 and they have their special moment within this event. It is also a fundraising campaign, because the registration fee, which are 50 lei for adults and 30 lei for children, is used to provide free tests and mammograms through our mobile unit that goes to small towns in rural areas of the country and for providing wigs for women undergoing chemotherapy and other types of oncological treatment.ʺ


    This year’s edition offered Romanians from the country and abroad, in addition to the physical presence at the race in Bucharest, the opportunity to donate for the prevention and detection of breast and cervical cancer, through the platform www.raceforthecure.eu/ro, open until the end of December. At the race, there were surprises for all age groups. The program also included a parade in dance steps, in the applause of the crowd, of cancer survivors, dressed in pink T-shirts. At the end of the event, pink balloons were released to the sky in memory of those who lost the battle with the disease.


    Beyond this action promoting health through sport, fun and emotion, there is a cruel reality, as Romania ranks first, in terms of mortality, in oncological pathology, registering 48% more deaths than the European average and over 20,000 deaths which could be prevented every year. A conference was dedicated, by the Federation Cancer Patients Associations, to all survivors, on the occasion of marking this day, the first Sunday of June, but especially to those who fight the disease and also the system. The participants, from authorities, medical specialists, representatives of the pharmaceutical industry and some medical laboratories, to patients and relatives, emphasized that everyone should have the right to access medical investigations, innovative treatments and adequate medical care. Prevention is also needed.


    The president of Fundatia Renasterea, Mihaela Geoană: ʺWe have, how can I say, a collaboration, in the sense that representatives of the Health Ministry, the INSP and various hospitals, participate in every event that we organize. I think that prevention should be better organized and better financed by state institutions, and that NGOs should do their part to help and offer more direct access to the target audience. Communication must be much better organized, so that it is easily understood by the public we are addressing.ʺ


    On his part, the president of the Federation of Cancer Patients Associations, Cezar Irimia, says that the delay in implementing the law of the National Plan to Prevent and Combat Cancer makes victims every day, the lack of access to the latest investigations and treatments putting Romania first in the EU in terms of mortality due to oncological pathology. During the conference, the participating associations decided to take a firm stance as regards the access to genetic and molecular investigations, but also to new treatments, in order to reduce the number of deaths in Romania, as well as the 5-6-year gap compared to EU countries.


    “I didn’t do enough, I tried to be your spokeswoman in the Romanian Parliament, but, unfortunately, financial resources are limited, Senator Nicoleta Pauliuc, initiator of some legislative proposals in the field of oncology, said: ”We are talking about personalized medicine, which I believe should be a national project. How do I, a Romanian, sue the Romanian state for the right to life, because there are three or four alternatives to different types of cancer, and the state tells me that ’I don’t have procedures, I can’t give you that drug’. If we have this possibility to do genetic tests, why does a Romanian woman have to go to Austria, do the tests there and then return and sue the Romanian state? Why do we need 385 days or 285 days to enter treatment? Why don’t we have the patient track? It doesn’t cost the ministry anything to do this patient track, to know, from the moment they received the diagnosis, what they have to do. (…)”


    In Romania, in spite of an upward economic trend, the healthcare system continues to be underfunded. While, at present, the average allocation for health in Europe is about 10%, in Romania the percentage is 6.5%, which was the EU average about 20 years ago. As regards strictly oncological patients, Romania allocates for their care less than half of what is allocated in the European Union. Cancer is the second cause of death in Romania, after cardiovascular diseases, 1 in 6 deaths being caused by cancer. (EE)



  • June 11, 2023 UPDATE

    June 11, 2023 UPDATE

    STRIKE – Education trade union
    representatives on Sunday met with government officials for a new round of
    talks. The government made a new offer designed to end the strike in this
    sector, offering a 25% salary increase starting June 1, and an additional 50%
    increase in line with the salary grid starting January 1, 2024. €300 annual
    bonuses will be awarded to teaching and auxiliary staff and €100 to non-teaching
    staff until 2027. Teachers announced they will end the strike only when they
    receive written guarantees the measures will be implemented. According to Prime
    Minister Nicolae Ciucă, the government has submitted to public debate a draft
    decree in this respect, and teachers must announce their decision on Monday
    morning. Then, the government will convene again to adopt the emergency decree.
    Meanwhile, the government adopted the emergency decree on the changes announced
    by the Education Ministry regarding this year’s final exams. According to line
    minister Ligia Deca, the written exams of the final evaluation exam for 8th
    graders and the Baccalaureate exam will unfold as scheduled, without delay. The
    special skills tests of the Baccalaureate exam have been cancelled and will
    instead be equated to the average grades in the respective subjects for the
    whole high school cycle. Final tests for 6th graders have also been
    cancelled. Ligia Deca says the measures reflect the Education Ministry’s
    efforts to finalize procedures at the end of the school year in the wake of the
    teachers’ strike.

    ROTATION – Leaders of the PNL, PSD and
    UDMR in the ruling coalition are expected to make a decision regarding the
    rotation of Prime Ministers. Parliament could thus cast its vote on the new
    government structure next week. According to political sources, the Liberals
    and Social-Democrats had informal meetings this weekend to discuss the
    rotation. The Cabinet swap was supposed to take place on May 26, but was
    postponed in light of the teachers’ strike. Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă is
    expected to tender his resignation, while PSD leader Marcel Ciolacu will
    replace him. On Sunday, the latter said that PSD wants UDMR to remain a part of
    the ruling coalition. We recall the current rotation system was agreed in the
    protocol signed at the end of 2021, stipulating that PNL and PSD each head the
    Cabinet for one and a half year terms in office.

    RACE – A new edition of Race for the Cure Romania, a traditional
    fund-raising event, was held on Sunday in Bucharest. Organized by Renașterea
    (Rebirth) Foundation, the race entails 1 to 5km walks or races. This year’s
    edition allowed inhabitants of other cities in Romania or the Diaspora to
    support the initiative and donate for preventing and combating breast and
    cervical cancer via the European platform www.raceforthecure.eu. 3,100 women
    from Romania will benefit from funds raised in the event. According to Global
    Cancer Observatory, in 2020 over 12,000 new cases of breast cancer and 3,400
    new cases of cervical cancer were reported in Romania. Statistics also show
    that over 22,000 women die to cancer every year in Romania, while 1 in 4 women
    die to breast and cervical cancer, making Romania the country with the highest
    premature mortality rates for these diseases in Europe.

    TIFF – The Transylvania International Film Festival continues in
    Cluj-Napoca until June 18. On the first two days of the event, the public got
    to meet with Timothy Spall, the actor who plays Wormtail in the Harry Potter
    series and who received the lifetime award at TIFF. Timothy Spall also features
    in the 2023-released Northern Comfort,
    also premiered at TIFF. On Saturday, the Swedish artist Jay-Jay Johanson gave a
    concert, and his show was followed by the screening of And the King Said, What a Fantastic Machine, a documentary produced
    by Axel Danielson & Maximilien van Aertryck. Also last weekend, the
    festival opened its film sections and activities addressing children and
    teenagers. Next week, Australian actor Geoffrey Rush, American film director
    Oliver Stone, Mexican filmmaker Michel Franco and Serbian actor Darko Perić are
    expected to arrive in Cluj. Romanian film director Cristi Puiu and actress Anamaria
    Marinca also return to TIFF, along with hundreds of other Romanian film
    professionals. A total of 200 films from 45 countries, 380 screenings and over
    1,000 celebrity guests await visitors and spectators in Cluj in this year’s
    edition of TIFF. (VP)

  • Jurnal românesc – 31.05.2023

    Jurnal românesc – 31.05.2023

    87 de angajați ai Ministerului Afacerilor Interne din
    România au ajuns în Republica Moldova pentru a oferi suport autorităților
    naționale în organizarea Summitului Comunității Europene. Specialiștii români fac parte din Departamentul pentru
    Situații de Urgență, Inspectoratul General al Aviației, dar și IGSU. Două
    elicoptere SMURD vor efectua, la necesitate, misiuni aero-medicale. Sprijinul
    României vine în contextul implementării acordului de colaborare pe domeniul
    gestionării situațiilor de urgență moldo-române începând cu 2014. Circa 50 de
    delegații şi-au confirmat participarea la a doua reuniune a Comunităţii
    Politice Europene, ce se va desfăşura joi în Republica Moldova. Summitul
    reuneşte cele 27 de state membre ale UE, plus zece ţări din vecinătatea
    blocului comunitar. Vor participa de asemenea preşedinţii principalelor
    instituţii ale UE, respectiv Comisia, Consiliul European şi Parlamentul
    European. Liderii europeni vor discuta despre securitate, stabilitate şi cooperare
    pe continentul european.

    pentru Românii de Pretutindeni (DRP) anunță, într-un comunicat, că la cea de-a
    VI-a ediţie a Festivalului Zilei Românilor de Pretutindeni ‘Aici-Acolo’,
    organizat în parteneriat cu Uniunea Artiştilor Plastici din România (UAP), au participat peste 400 de români veniţi din
    34 de ţări, alături de reprezentanţi ai instituţiilor publice din România, ai
    clerului, societăţii civile, mediului academic şi mass-media. Evenimentul, aflat
    sub Înaltul Patronaj al Preşedintelui României, a avut loc la București în
    perioada 25 – 28 mai. În programul Festivalului s-a aflat un concert de muzică
    barocă în Sufrageria Regală din cadrul Muzeului Naţional de Artă al României.
    Programul a oferit participanţilor o vizită la Muzeul Naţional al Satului
    ‘Dimitrie Gusti’, expoziţii cuprinse în Romanian Design Week, vernisaje de artă
    plastică şi fotografie, o prezentare de modă a studenţilor din cadrul
    Universităţii Naţionale de Arte Bucureşti, precum şi o seară de muzică şi
    conversaţii literare cu autori români din străinătate, desfăşurate la ARCUB.
    Duminică, Ziua Românilor de Pretutindeni a fost sărbătorită la Catedrala
    Patriarhală unde Mitropolitul Iosif al Europei Occidentale şi Meridionale
    împreună cu Episcopul Ieronim al Daciei Felix au oficiat Sfânta Liturghie.

    din diaspora se pot înscrie la cursa ‘Race for the Cure’, care va avea loc pe
    11 iunie, prin intermediul platformei europene raceforthecure.eu. Potrivit
    organizatorilor, taxa de înscriere trebuie să fie direcţionată către Fundaţia
    Renaşterea. Evenimentul este dedicat strângerii de fonduri pentru sănătatea
    femeii, care presupune o cursă de alergare sau plimbare de 5 kilometri sau 1
    kilometru, cu punct de start/sosire la Stadionul Naţional ‘Arcul de Triumf’ din
    Capitală. Potrivit datelor
    Globocan (Global Cancer Observatory) din 2020, în România au fost înregistrate
    peste 12.000 de cazuri noi de cancer de sân şi circa 3.400 de cazuri noi de
    cancer de col uterin. Datele oficiale mai arată că, în România, anual, peste
    22.000 de femei îşi pierd viaţa din cauza cancerului, din care 1 din 4 femei de
    cancer de sân şi cancer de col uterin. Cu aceste date, România are cea mai
    ridicată rată de mortalitate prematură prin cancer de sân şi cancer de col
    uterin din Europa.

    Ambasada României la Belgrad și Institutul Cultural Român
    organizează între 5 – 8 iunie Săptămâna Filmului Românesc la Centrul Cultural
    Belgrad din Serbia. Evenimentul va începe cu proiecția filmului Oameni de
    treabă, regia Paul Negoescu, avându-l ca invitat pe actorul Grigore Marin,
    protagonistul filmului R.M.N. Proiecția va fi urmată de o sesiune de
    Întrebări și Răspunsuri cu publicul. Alte filme proiectate în capitala Serbiei
    vor fi: R.M.N, regia Cristian Mungiu, Touch me Not, regia Adina
    Pintilie, Pentru mine tu ești Ceaușescu, regia Sebastian Mihăilescu, Potemkiniștii,
    regia Radu Jude, precum și Tipografic Majuscul, regia Radu Jude.
    Săptămâna Filmului Românesc a fost organizată de ICR și Ambasada României la
    Skopje și în Macedonia de Nord. Evenimentul s-a desfășurat în perioada 22-30
    mai la Cinemateca din Skopje. Filmele au
    fost proiectate în limba română, cu traducere în macedoneană și engleză.

    În cadrul proiectului Școala de Sâmbătă în Asociația
    Salva se organizează evenimentul Magia Copilăriei, la care sunt așteptați toți
    copiii români din zonă și cei interesați. Elevii cursului de Limbă, cultură şi
    civilizaţie românescă din Aranjuez, împreună cu Muguraşii Salvei vor sărbători
    Ziua Copilului sâmbătă, 3 iunie, în sala festivă a şcolii San Isidro din
    Aranjuez. Spectacolul va include scenete, cântece şi
    dansuri populare. Acest proiect este realizat cu sprijinul Departamentului
    pentru Românii de Pretutindeni.